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The Chronicle Of The Everlasting Friendship (updated 3/24/2008!)

Guest kriza_09

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Guest ShInHwAcHaNgJoTM

I'm So glad Shinhwa Is still together and Love each other so much! I Love them too! The begining Made me feel like crying a lot because the bond that shinhwa holds is so special and I just hope they go on forever! and ever and ever!

Happy 9th Shinhwa!




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Guest talksound

This is so touching. Tears are on the verge of flowing, I can feel it.

Reading & rereading this over and over again never seems to get me tired.

So many of the translations made me feel for them, made me remember watching it, made me smile for them.

I can truly and honestly say that I do love Shinhwa, and they ARE going to come out with a 100th album, possibly their own companies, Shinhwa Junior will be established, and they will still be on the stage when they are 40 or 50 years old.

AHHH! The tears! & the laughter! We love you Shinhwa.

Happy 9 years & MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY more to come.

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Guest fresshtatiksz

shinhwa is like my first love. i was so obsessed with them, esp with minwoo and eric. haha anyways, great joB !!!!

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Guest luvjunjin/andy

oh... may the shinhwa fan rest in peace...

its so sweet to read thru these esp. when u r a die-hard fan who went thru almost all the incidents wif shinhwa....

even though nt physically by their sides bt the tot of having the pain, joy and everyting the same as them....

i feel the friendship of them n tat's wat drew me to them even more... :wub:

i only get to knw shinhwa since their t.o.p days since then it felt like i have participated in most of their lives...

days when andy was nt ard *sad*, days when junjin, eric, dongwan injured themselves... days when they receive the daesang awards or anyother awards *happy* days when they r promotin their albums *happy* :rolleyes:

we shinhwa fans frm ard the world will continue to support SHINHWA till a ripe old age..........

SHINHWA CHANGJO!!!!!!!!! i keep my promise n i belive SHINHWA oppas will keep theirs too.... ;)


luvjunjin/andy (irin)

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Guest echoRy

What a fantastic thing to be put 2gether, it's awesome.

i keep reading the qoutes over n over again. they're all so funny, touching, and moving.

makes me :tears:

here's 2 another 9...19...29 years!


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Guest for3v3rlost

Thank you for sharing!!!

while reading this i laugh and cry. yes i cry now leave me alone.

i'm glad that they exist on earth! ad i am proud to be their fan!

shinwa are meant to be together! it was fate!

i love them now and i love them forever!

SHINWA AJA AJA!!!!! <3333

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Ah...I'm so late. It's been 7 pages and I've just read it. Actually, I squatting on a bench beside the washrooms in the middle of nowhere typing away because I'm on a trip and the washrooms have wireless :sweatingbullets:


Thank you, kriza! Thank for dedicating such a wonderful piece to the chinese fan who was a fan till the very last. May she rest in peace. And thank you for taking all the time and effort to put something like this together. You did say you were planning on something for their 9th birthday, but I never could have imagined something so awesome (well...maybe just a little since the boys are so awesome lols). And I even got credited lolz So glad I was able to be part of something so special to all ShinHwa fans and kpop fans in general.

Due to my obsessiveness big interest ^^ the quotes really brought back a lot of memories...could imagine every video, interview, each event that each of them came from. Reading the comments to your post, there's no doubt why each ShinHwa fan is a fan. Just a sliver off the old crystal is enough to bring tears to people's eyes ^^

You've told everything that I've ever wanted to tell... For sure, all kpop fans knows or will know of the name, SHinHwa, these days...people taking their fame for granted... What they didn't know was of the perseverance, stubborness- if you will- it took for them to be here today. HYesung's sentiments to why the first album failed were a bit heartbreaking. It must have been crazy to do all that work (there really were a lot of SHinhwa activities in the early days O_O) and not receive any love. The most wonderful thing though is that now they can think back and joke about their failures with fondness. They're always able to joke about their failures in the past...I guess that's why ShinHwa has been able to be ShinHwa for so long.

Looking at their solo activities now, it looks like they'll be fine on their own with all the success they've been receiving. But these quotes about them being lonely and getting support from members aren't just quotes. I think Spinkick's low boxoffice numbers were a bit of a shock to Wannie to the point where he was actually depressed. But he admitted later that though he wasn't able to talk about it with the members, they wordlessly showed their support in various ways. I think it is the same with Andy's brief absence with the group. Andy also said he wasn't able to talk about his difficulties with the members ( there are some things you just have to keep private I guess), and they respected him and never asked. Despite this, they knew what Andy needed the most was for someone to tell him that it's okay and that he's needed. I remember Hyesung saying at his solo showcase that though he isn't truly able to appreciate the members' value on a day to day basis...it's when he's on stage all alone that he knows how precious they are.

I think 'separate, yet together' has a bit of a double entendre- in a good way :) Even when they are doing activities as ShinHWa, they are separate, yet together. Each members takes the effort to improve themselves. Like Wannie would do an extra hour of practice because he can't do the dance steps correctly. This way, no in the groups feels that they are doing more than the other person or that the other person is not working hard as themselves to get the results. Minwoo did say that this was one of the reasons he likes ShinHwa so much. Everyone works hard by themselves, but the hard work becomes bearable because there are the members to share it with :)

I'll stop now...lolz

Look what kriza did, making me regurgitate fangirl knowledge :D

Thank you so much for this.

Will definitely bookmark this and come back once in awhile

Need to get going now...need to get away from these restrooms and drive home :sweatingbullets:

Still the 24th over here!


ShinhwaChangJo <3 (Perhaps we need to change it to Legend already ^^)

'2gether4ever' because 'Isn't it Beautiful' ?

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Guest jisoox012

lol thank you so much for posting all of this up

^________^ cracked up on so many parts

i remember hearing about the almost breakup story on one of the gameshows..but i didn't understand all of it so gracias again =]]

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Guest newyork


what an amazingg story you compiled there!!

it must have taken so much work, so thanks soo much

shinhwa is truly a remarkable group. their story- amazing.

their personalities show so well through what they say

especially dongwan, never stopping to make a joke

i loved "Dongwan: to me, Shinhwa is not a choice, but fate. "

so if their fated, i guess us fans are fated in being shinhwa changjo huh?

so shinhwa changjo forever. and SHINHWA forever.

i will support them for the rest of my life and in the future when shinhwa junior is formed, i'll support them

and have my future daughters support them. it'll be a never ending cycle of shinhwa love<3


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Guest ADORE.you

awwwwwwwwwwwws !! that is such a touching story about how shinhwa came to be shinhwa.. that was pretty sad when the other members were crying cause they thought Minwoo and Eric had to go =( .. ahh wells .. in my belief, shinhwa always will be and still is the LEGENDARY GROUP of korean stars =)


<33* shinhwa

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