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[twdrama 2007] My Lucky Star

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Guest ripgal

Gosh, I haven't seen such a good first episode for a long time.. I wasn't expecting much from the series because it's a Taiwan-Korean collaboration series and normally I don't watch these type of dramas cos I'm not really into the idea of dubbing. But the first ep was really good, Jimmy Lin and Yoo Ha Na have great chemistry..and I didn't expect them to click so well. It's like Yoo Ha Na's speaking the character, as if her voice hasn't been dubbed.

It did remind me of some scenes of My Girl and Yoo Ha Na's character Ah Xing resembles YR a lot, but as I watched I was more captivated with the story itself. Jimmy Lin, besides being HOTTTTT :wub: was totally convincing as the playboy. Gosh, can he look any younger? Already 32 years old, but yet still looks like a teenager!! :blush:

But the star here is definitely Yoo Ha Na! That's why I love to watch korean dramas..XD.. They can make you laugh and cry at the same time.

Yoo Ha Na was superb with her portrayal..definitely an actress with so much potential. She totally nailed the scene in the hospital.. I nearly cried at that part.

Anywayz, it's only the 1st ep and I'm already ranting away.. Sorry for the long essay, but thank you for reading! ^_^

Definitely gonna follow this drama! It's long since Prince Turn Into A Frog have I been into a TW drama xD

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Yoo Ha Na(Liu He Na is the Chinese pronunciation) is indeed Korean. She's been in Taiwan for almost a year now and spent 6 months studying Chinese. It's adorable when she speaks it! She gets along great with the cast and crew...everyone loves her and is really helpful.

Episode 1 was fantastic! Jimmy, no surprised there, kicks butt and Ha Na reminds everyone why Korean dramas are so loved...barely 21 this year and is so natural. I can't wait to find out what happens next!!

Average ratings for episode 1: 2.24 (2nd place) pretty decent start...fingers crossed that it'll go up!

That's pretty interesting.....not bad for the first episode!

Know where I can download this series to watch? I would rather watch this than Re Qing Zhong Xia...

just watch it on youtube....

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Guest ripgal

There are 2 threads for this series, I think it's better to combine both threads together OR compile all the posts and bring it to either one of the threads? Can anyone PM a MOD about this? :unsure:

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Guest heartdrops

Ahhh, I just watched the first episode.

Jimmy is so shuai! Now I can't wait for the next episode. I hate that kind of feeling of waiting lol.

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Guest kyotoji

Jimmy Lin kind of reminds me of Tony Ahn

cool meh... i liked your description.

So long have not watched Jimmy Lin's "modern" drama, hope it is nice...

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Guest chic_

I've just watched the first eps and it looks promising, even though i couldn't understand a word of what was going on i got the gist of it....

it seems like YHN trying to do a Chinese version of JYR (My Girl) - even though she is korean herself...

And is it just me or can i not see Lee Wei anywhere in the opening theme...i hope comes in and spices things up soon...

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Guest evelyn168

Thanks for sharing the OST...

I'm so happy that Jimmy is singing again... I miss seeing him onstage...

This drama is really fascinating... I love episode 1... Jimmy is crazy and pro enough to do all the car stunts... I was watching the BTS, they actually did the stunts with the cameras around them and there wasn't even a protective wall or anything... He had to be really precise about each move... Cars + Jimmy = Super HOT!!!

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To clarify for everyone: Lee Wei will appear later on in the series. It's already known that Li Wei Lian's character, Tian Jun, will be killed off between episodes 5-7 and then Lee Wei will appear. Lee Wei hasn't really done any filming other than the ending credits since there's still quite a number of episodes before his character comes in.

I'm loving My Lucky Star! I haven't enjoyed an idol drama as much as this since Prince Turns to Frog.

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