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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Hello family. Our thread's been so active and I have so much to back read! dancing crazy rabbit

On 1/1/2018 at 3:24 AM, glassnokamen said:

Like this maybe??

He looks so soft and innocent here. How about more like this?





And definitely the Elle magazine photo shoot – the whole vibe of it screams powerful, hot and sexy. hot2 onion head His Gaze is so, so intense. His look in this photo shoot is good job onion head (so much of Elusive Torso/ Sexy Legs/ Pretty Forehead/ Gaze/ Smirk!!!!!)














On 1/1/2018 at 3:45 AM, cedarwood said:

PS This thread is exactly 12 y.o. Am I right?

*Blue gasps* I’m one week late but, happy 12th anniversary to our thread! happy dancing crazy rabbit

On 1/1/2018 at 7:03 PM, glassnokamen said:

but the image in the second page... 

he makes us laugh and then he makes us gasp! dunno crazy rabbit

On 1/1/2018 at 9:21 PM, glassnokamen said:

Aaaaaannd... should we consider this as "Sexy Back"??? 

Um.. well, the owner of the back is definitely sexy, soo….evil smile onion head

On 1/1/2018 at 11:05 PM, antoniaclamens said:

I know it's not easy..  I already gave up

We can always start over, right? So we’ll start from today itself.


@agathe Glad to know that you are feeling better now.

On 1/3/2018 at 2:22 AM, agathe said:

A bad person ? Or a role that ends badly ?

Nooooo….. he can be the most villainous villain ever but his role cannot end badly!!! panda 33 Remember snake Wook? Even he had a good ending compared to So.<_<


On 1/3/2018 at 2:22 AM, agathe said:

I think he would be excellent in the role of a tyrannical villain (remember his laughs and tears at the end of MLSHR !)

Ahh… BAMF Gwangjong!love you crazy rabbit If JG ever played the villain, he would be the best villain ever!!

On 1/3/2018 at 3:22 AM, glassnokamen said:

It depends if you want to go on with storic drama or if you want to switch on modern drama... maybe you can watch "Two Weeks" and then "Iljimae" and then TODAW (if you didn't watch yet) and then "Arang"... and so on


On 1/3/2018 at 7:17 AM, antoniaclamens said:

If you want an action drama that will have you at the edge of your seat while watching the most beautiful relationship between a father and daugther plus the best growth for a character then Watch Two Weeks by all means. But if you feel in the mood for a sageuk then watch Iljimae.

What they said. Or, you could watch his dramas in the chronological order (which I tried to do and failed all because of MLSHR!!) and see how his acting changed over the years and how he got younger and younger too. :wink: 

@agathe So did you watch K&C? What are your thoughts?


On 1/3/2018 at 2:23 AM, antoniaclamens said:

I ended Iljimae yesterday and I have to say I love it a lot better this second time around. After watching the final episode mom,  sis and me were discussing our thoughts about the ending 

  Reveal hidden contents

Because mom thinks Iljimae is dead, sister thinks he's alive and I think it's an open ending


I'll be happy to hear your thoughts about it! 


Isn’t Iljimae’s own sword that was used to "kill"him? The one with the blunt blade? I think he is alive too. Most of the drama is like a backstory to the first scene, isn’t it? Or have I forgotten something?  confused onion head Mmm... I might need to rewatch it again.


On 1/3/2018 at 5:29 PM, glassnokamen said:

I didn't win anything 

@haniiiii @antoniaclamens Oh, I was really hoping that one of us would win.There’s always the next time, right? consoling smiley


On 1/3/2018 at 8:44 PM, missmaudy said:

@LadyOne   Call me greedy but I don’t want JG to settle for less. :) Villain antogonist on supporting role is a big no no :) I’m really greedy yah however if he finds a role or a script with a baddie on lead role or villain protagonist role— well I’m all for it —— movies such as  Hanibal or Catch Me If You Can (Leo’s character) or The Joker or The God Father then it’s fine.

I completely agree with you. Only leading roles for JG even if they are negative roles.


@violina Thank you so much for the link and for the interesting questions about the openings and posters. I love it.love you crazy rabbit

On 1/1/2018 at 6:53 AM, violina said:

Question of the day:What was your favourite JG drama opening?Our JG has done 10 dramas or 9 if we exclude "My Girl but include it too:

I know I’m very late to this activity, but can I do the rankings too? Pretty please!!  wow1 onion head


My Girl – showing JG’s name 4th in the credits and not enough of him automatically puts it in the last place for me. plus the style…:wacko:


TBDAW – love the music and the dark, detective vibes.


Iljimae – love, love the opening music/ theme plus sad looking/ crying JG! :wub: Everything looks so mysterious and dark, really intriguing.


Hero – it looks like the opening of a comedy but nothing that special.


A&M -  oh, oh, JG’s piercing Gaze! :wub: The whole opening looks so fun – the music, background, everything.


Two Weeks – oh, boy there’s this sense of urgency from the first shot. JG in distress and with bruises! and a small girl in hospital gownl!!  and you know that the drama is going to be serious and dark.


Joseon Gunman – love everything about it – JG (so much determination and anger in his eyes), the music, cinematography, EVERYTHING!!:heart: Oh, and I found a slightly longer opening of it:


SWWTN : everything is so dark and mysterious. The thing I loved about the opening – JG smearing blood on his lips in close up. panda 61 Cool cinematography too.


MLSHR – I’m disappointed with the opening, to be honest. This drama has one of the best OSTs ever, but there’s nothing special about the opening theme. It has kind of a cheerful, happy music and scenes – very misleading. Most importantly, JG was glorious and dazzling as Wang So, but they didn’t use much of him. <_<This one is so special for me so I’m not going to rank it.


CM – lovely cinematography, blue and red being the dominant colours. It’s pretty obvious from the opening itself that this is not going to be an easy watch. Plus so stylish.


So my order from the most favourite to the least favourite would be: Joseon Gunman > Iljimae > A & M > Two Weeks > CM > SWWTN > TBDAW > Hero > My Girl


On 1/4/2018 at 1:48 AM, cedarwood said:

I solemny swear I'll learn how to write... *facepalm*

Don’t worry. I’m much worse than you are. dunno crazy rabbit

On 1/4/2018 at 1:48 AM, cedarwood said:

I don't know what song to chose BEFORE, but AFTER the waking kiss this would be the greatest choice to describe the feeling.

Assuming you’d be coherent enough to sing that song after the kiss…. panda 29

On 1/4/2018 at 1:48 AM, cedarwood said:

Smo... what's the word? Oh nevermind...

Smoldering, you mean? :tongue:JG is probably the only one who could smolder with his eyes closed. panda 61

On 1/4/2018 at 1:48 AM, cedarwood said:

there are so many stars that take off their shirts almost all the time. I like to see those little shows of LJG's body - it's more exciting. Male body is great but... I don't know - LJG doesn't have to be shirtless to have our full attention. I think he knows that.

I'm just an old lady, don't listen to me.

Every single word you said!!


On 1/4/2018 at 1:48 AM, cedarwood said:

Oh you bad spammer! You should be punished! If you want us to stop being angry with you you have to spam us some more! And then and only then we will forgive you. 

No, problem at all. Spamming you guys with JG pics and videos is too easy. Don’t blame me, you asked for it! crazy monkey 069

On 1/4/2018 at 1:48 AM, cedarwood said:

After 6 years of watching k-dramas I learned something new - they have openings. :blink: That's big surprise for me, I never saw any. 

I haven’t seen any of JG drama openings either. Thank you @violina:wub:


There's still so much more to catch up to. woa onion head So will continue that in the next post. And I have to spam you people  with JG pics and videos too.:D


*All image credit to original uploaders.

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3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:


  Hide contents


So my order from the most favourite to the least favourite would be: Joseon Gunman > Iljimae > A & M > Two Weeks > CM > SWWTN > TBDAW > Hero > My Girl

You forget MLSHR :D:D:D


And I have to spam you people  with JG pics and videos too.:D

We are here patiently waiting...

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On 5.01.2018 at 2:41 AM, violina said:

a. Part 1(Whole Cast Poster)


Well then it comes to full cast poster my list would probably look like this:

1. Criminal minds - I like the colour and the order. I'm not a fan of posters with many faces on it but this one looks good.
2. Moon lovers - all men dressed in dark only one delicate woman in white in the middle. I love it. And I love those clothes.
3. Scholar who walks the night - clothes, the atmosphere, all characters showed exactly what they are and what you can expect of them. I esp. like Changmin wit a book. Not to mention the beautiful guy in beautiful hanbok with beautiful fan in the middle. :wub:
4. Joseon gunman - the gun is the thing that makes me stare at the postes, I liked it even back then when the drama was new.
5. Arang and the magistrate - funny slave and shamaness poses, Arang above them in a pose of "scary ghost" and on the right LJG as if he was thinking "what am I doing here?" :wink: It's funny poster and I really like it. 
6. Time between dog and wolf - ok, this is a bit old poster and it was done in a way it was in fashion some time ago - just main character looking somewhere. 
7. Iljimae - as much as I loved the drama this poster isn't my thing - too many faces.
8. Two weeks - same thing like with Iljimae
9. Hero - just cute picture
10. My girl - I hate those clothes!

On 5.01.2018 at 4:04 AM, violina said:

Part 2( 10 eye candy pics of JG solo character stills/posters)

This time it will be more difficult. Will do my best.
1. Moon lovers - the black long hair, the fierce look in the eye, the sword covered in blood - everything about this poster tells me "I'm the drama of your life!"
2. Time between dog and wolf - one of my favourite picture from the drama So Hyun as Kay (before losing is memory) and fist in the air - he's ready to fight. Rawr!
3. Joseon gunman - just the look in his eyes! Also I love those colours and clothes. :)
4. Scholar who walks the night - it looks like a picture from a fairy tale :wub:
5. Arang and the magistrate - LJG in THOSE clothes staring at me with THESE eyes... *swoons*
6. Criminal minds - ok, the gun is a bit blurred but it's still there and I like the colours. Plus LJG's hair look cool. And I love him in white shirt (the question is - is there any shirt I don't like on LJG???)
7. Two weeks - I'm not a fan of this one, there's something not right about this poster I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe to many... err... credits? Writings? How to call that? And our favourite man isn't actually there - I think he was put there in photoshop. What I mean he wasn't standing by the accident for this pic and it's visible.
8. Iljimae - I think too many things are on this poster, it looks more like wallpaper. 
9. Hero - as I liked LJG's clothes I'm not a fan of those hair, they look unnatural and in this pic - like a wig. :wacko:
10. My girl - I hate those clothes

On 5.01.2018 at 5:20 PM, antoniaclamens said:

And tell me how do you decide between Joseon Gunman posters. I love this one too

Woah! This one I totally love! And I'm glad @violina didn't chose this one in her list because I'd never decide if I prefer this one or the ML poster.

On 6.01.2018 at 12:12 PM, glassnokamen said:

I just discover this video on youtube... I know, I know: for me it's new, but I think that probably for many of you it isn't :):)

I think I've seen it before, but it was so long ago I barely remember anything so thank you for reminding. :D 

19 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Smolder parade 

More like gentleman parade "Here, I'll hold this for you" :wink:

3 hours ago, missmaudy said:

Time Between Dog and Wolf -  he did perform amazingly in this drama. How he showcased two different personalities of the his character(s) was just fantastic.

Even more than two! One is of course Kay, but then we have So Hyun before the mission and So Hyun during the mission is a different person. It's like - with his family is someone else but at work? I wouldn't want to be his enemy. LJG played so well all So Hyun / Kay's emotions I couldn't believe it.

2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Joseon Gunman – love everything about it – JG (so much determination and anger in his eyes), the music, cinematography, EVERYTHING!!:heart: Oh, and I found a slightly longer opening of it:

I LOOOOVEEEE IIIIIT!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! I knew there must be longer opening somewhere but I couldn't find it. 


2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Assuming you’d be coherent enough to sing that song after the kiss…. panda 29

You have a point!

2 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

We are here patiently waiting...




Oh btw @bluelilac1214 asked me on IG to tell you what made me fall for LJG - his smirk was the first thing. I just saw it and... that was it. :wub: And of course his beautiful eyes. :heart:

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On 1/1/2018 at 3:24 AM, glassnokamen said:

Like this maybe??

I don’t know how I missed this one – absolute perfection!



On 1/4/2018 at 1:48 AM, cedarwood said:

And I hope we will have the chance to see it with english subtitles. 

The struggle of the international Angels depressed2 onion head

On 1/4/2018 at 2:26 AM, haniiiii said:

I am so immersed in my thesis, studying for exams etc., that I even don't have much time to post here something. Sad... But I go through the thread every day, peek here.... peek there to keep up 

But in early June, my university tasks will finish.  I cannot wait haha, I will feel like  with super power (aka getting back my free time, that will be legendary super power, lol), because nowadays my university tasks versus my free time 1:0

Oh, poor @haniiiii. But it’s only until June right, it’ll go quickly. You can do it. Fighting!



On 1/4/2018 at 2:26 AM, haniiiii said:

I have not participated in a few parades lately, so I wanted to make it up to you

Omo!!! hot2 onion head


On 1/4/2018 at 2:56 AM, cedarwood said:

Hope you don't mind my long posts? I can stop myself if I try...

I LOVE your long posts! Please, don’t ever stop doing them.crazy monkey 025

On 1/4/2018 at 2:56 AM, cedarwood said:

Oh btw @agathe I forgot to show you my favourite "reason to watch Joseon gunman and who cares about the romance?!"

I haven’t watched JG yet and this video is tempting me so much! I’m planning to watch it after My Girl which I’m going to start today. So I’m skipping any sort of discussion regarding JG in our thread. *Blue tries to control herself*


On 1/4/2018 at 8:27 AM, antoniaclamens said:

I like Joseon customes , but i like Goryeo customes way better.. you can´t deny the Satto outfit is gorgeous (or  is it that JG made it look gorgeous?) And of course SWTN outfits were glorious (or is it JG again? i think they're a match make in heaven)

Goryeo outfits so much more beautiful than the Joseon ones. And it is JG who makes the hanboks of Joseon era look alluring. I don’t find them pretty when others wear it.dunno crazy rabbit


On 1/4/2018 at 5:47 PM, antoniaclamens said:

Why can't JG give us neat happy endings?

Say it louder, please. Hopefully the power of Soompi Suggestion will work out for this one too. wow1 onion head


On 1/4/2018 at 8:38 PM, missmaudy said:

Sorry guys I can’t keep up with the parade. So please allow me to just post whatever captures my interest.

No worries, whatever captures you interest is the name of the parade! :D


On 1/5/2018 at 1:54 AM, cedarwood said:

Because he's different and that's why we like him.

Of course, he is different and special and we love him. But he can give us happy endings too, right? Right? wow1 onion head


On 1/5/2018 at 7:11 AM, violina said:

now lets talk about JG drama posters.

@pixelsticks would have had a field day with this one!


On 1/5/2018 at 7:11 AM, violina said:

a. Part 1(Whole Cast Poster)

CM – JG with a gun!!! Everyone looks so serious. It has the sense of neatness and uniformity(?) Just like the opening scene, they’ve used shades of blue in the poster too. Individual characters do not stand out – maybe to indicate that this is mainly about the team.


MLSHR – the poster itself was warning to us of the impending doom of our hearts, with everyone one in dark colours except Soo and darkness looming in the background. Why did we not notice it before and save ourselves?? :tears: Love the outfits – so pretty. Soo is right behind So as if supporting him.:wub: Is that the throne behind them?


SWWTN – A library set up – very apt. It looks a bit chaotic to me. Night time and darkness – because it’s a vampire story? Where is KYS’s servant?


Joseon Gunman – JG with a gun! and intense Gaze!!:wub: The way he stands is B). I like how the sun peeks out beside him while everyone is covered in gloom. And vibrant colours too.


Two Weeks – bloodied JG in which looks like an “escaping scene”. Everyone looks so tense and troubled and are inside the number 2. The poster is in different shades of black and white except for the writing – maybe it conveys the human nature (?).


A & M – looks so funny. The ghost looks very cute rather than scary. And JG in satto outfit. :wub: They have used soft colours for the poster and it gives a fluffy story vibe.


Hero – looks like an office with a very happy JG. It’s not very intriguing for me.


Iljimae – JG’s Gaze is the most attractive part for me in this. Another picture of JG with mask to indicate his different personalities in the drama?


TBDAW – ships, boats and helicopters – it looks interesting but chaotic too. JG represents Kay here, doesn’t he? What about KSH?


My Girl – the style is, er…. And JG looks annoyed(?)


This is a bit hard. So I’m going to lump some of them together: JG > A & M/ MLSHR/ SWWTN > Two Weeks/ TBDAW/ CM > Iljimae > Hero > My Girl


On 1/5/2018 at 7:16 AM, antoniaclamens said:

And I won't change anything about him or the things he does 

As usual, you speak my mind. love you crazy rabbit


On 1/5/2018 at 8:34 AM, violina said:

Part 2( 10 eye candy pics of JG solo character stills/posters)

I apologize in advance for my fangirling. admire2 onion head This one is difficult.

Criminal Minds/Hyun Joon – such an intense Gaze! And I can see his cute ear too!! and white shirt!!! I like the colour of the poster but his hand looking out of focus and shaky(?) annoys me.:crazy:


Scarlet Heart Ryeo/Wang So – oh my heart! :wub: His gaze and that tiny smirk!! :wub:His eye, lips…:wub: he should not be allowed to look this good with blood splattered on his face – it only enhances his beauty. His glorious mane!:wub: His eye look so big too. The colouring of the poster make his face look even more prominent. Every single thing about this poster is bloody perfect. Yes, I am biased towards my love Wang So.love you crazy rabbit


Scholar who walks the Night/Sung Yeol – I wish that I can see more of JG’s face here and in close up too – he looks dreamy. Greyish tone of the poster gives a mysterious vibe and it looks magical.


Joseon Gunman/Hanjo/Yoon kang – again, his intense Gaze. I wish I could see his face clearly, in this one too. Soft colours in the background and dark colours on him – the contrast is :wub:


Two Weeks/Tae San – bloodied JG with chaos and destruction behind him. I feel like there is not enough focus on him, though.


Arang and the Magistrate/Sato/Eun Ho – another beautiful poster with beautiful JG. Love his Gaze and Smirk. The color of the poster is so nice too. his outfit is good job onion head.


Hero/Do Hyuk – I wish they hadn’t used that small eavesdropping JDH in the poster. It looks weird. Or they could have used only the eavesdropping one. And I’m not happy about the style too.


Iljimae – he looks so melancholic. I feel like the colours do not let him stand out from the background.


Time Between Dog and Wolf/Kay /Soo Hyun – there are so many better pictures of Kay and they decided to use this where we can’t even see his face properly! But I like the colours of the poster and his pose. Though we can’t even see his face, it looks very interesting and he stands out so much.


My Girl/Jung Woo – Um….:blink:


So my ranking: MLSHR:wub: > A & M > CM (all because of that out of focus hand) > JG > SWWTN/ TBDAW > Iljimae > Two Weeks > Hero > My Girl


On 1/5/2018 at 9:50 PM, antoniaclamens said:

And tell me how do you decide between Joseon Gunman posters. I love this one too

If these were the posters given for ranking, then Joseon Gunman would definitely in the second place for me. So beautiful.


On 1/6/2018 at 5:50 AM, glassnokamen said:

Another beautiful photo by jgfan1004

Our angel in white. He looks ethereal! love you crazy rabbit


9 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

You forget MLSHR

I didn’t. I didn’t want to rank it because if I did, it would have a very low ranking.


6 hours ago, cedarwood said:


Why does this remind me of the spelling mistake on JG's website when they were relaunching it? :tongue:


6 hours ago, cedarwood said:
10 hours ago, missmaudy said:

Time Between Dog and Wolf -  he did perform amazingly in this drama. How he showcased two different personalities of the his character(s) was just fantastic.

Even more than two! One is of course Kay, but then we have So Hyun before the mission and So Hyun during the mission is a different person. It's like - with his family is someone else but at work? I wouldn't want to be his enemy. LJG played so well all So Hyun / Kay's emotions I couldn't believe it.

And the combination of Kay and KSH after he regains his memory! So much sass. B)




6 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Oh btw @bluelilac1214 asked me on IG to tell you what made me fall for LJG - his smirk was the first thing. I just saw it and... that was it. :wub: And of course his beautiful eyes.

Hey, we were doing full confession of when we saw him first and in which drama/ movie and the process of falling for him the first time. They were quite lengthy too. These two sentences are definitely not enough! Come on, confess! payup onion head

Yay! Finished back reading and quoting!! patpat dance crazy rabbit I'll update our Parade list tomorrow - there are so many now! :D

And hey @antoniaclamens here's your Ajusshi :wink:


... and a mix of cutie pie and sexy JG




On 1/4/2018 at 8:27 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Now i want more Sexy and cool JG..

I take no responsibility for what I’m about to spam post – it’s all @antoniaclamens's fault. *Blue reaches for her halo. ”My halo!!" gasps Blue and begins the search for her missing halo crazy monkey 119*








Do these videos count as singing off? confused onion head evil smile onion head

*Image and gif credit to original uploaders.

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On 1/5/2018 at 5:34 PM, violina said:


am wondering is this for a new acting project? or variety show?He rarely learns a new skill just for the sake of it!am so curious!!!:ph34r:


I love jui jitsu! It's the only martial art I ever studied, but I did manage to earn a blue belt, which I received from Royce Gracie, the winner of the very first Ultimate Fighting Championship competition.


I hope he is learning it for a new acting project. It would be so cool to see him using it in character. Of course, I'm eagerly waiting for news of any new project.

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On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

I LOVE your long posts! Please, don’t ever stop doing them.crazy monkey 025

On 3.01.2018 at 10:26 PM, cedarwood said:

If you don't mind then...


On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

I haven’t watched JG yet and this video is tempting me so much! I’m planning to watch it after My Girl which I’m going to start today. So I’m skipping any sort of discussion regarding JG in our thread. *Blue tries to control herself*

Watch it. It's so good. So many amazing action action sequences. :w00t:

On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Of course, he is different and special and we love him. But he can give us happy endings too, right? Right? wow1 onion head

Of course. And he should. We love to see him happy, even if it's only drama. :)

On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

MLSHR – the poster itself was warning to us of the impending doom of our hearts, with everyone one in dark colours except Soo and darkness looming in the background. Why did we not notice it before and save ourselves?? :tears:

Because no matter the pain we would never miss anything done by Lee Joon Gi.

On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

TBDAW – ships, boats and helicopters – it looks interesting but chaotic too. JG represents Kay here, doesn’t he? What about KSH?

Considering his clothes this is So Hyun who pretends to be Kay before he lost his memories.

On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:
On 7.01.2018 at 12:45 PM, cedarwood said:


Why does this remind me of the spelling mistake on JG's website when they were relaunching it? :tongue:

Ok that's official - I'm illiterate. sigh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519

On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Hey, we were doing full confession of when we saw him first and in which drama/ movie and the process of falling for him the first time. They were quite lengthy too. These two sentences are definitely not enough! Come on, confess! payup onion head

You want the FULL story?! But it's boring... ok, will do - you wanted it!

My first k-drama "love" was Lee Min Ho, which is not suprising 'cause my first k-drama I've ever watched was City hunter. I've seen... not everything, but most his works, including Mackerel run which is impossible to watch for second time (unless you're drunk). Anyway in 2013 he made the drama Heirs - I've seen it and you may find it unbelievable - I cried over this harlequin-ish story like a teenager. But then... he didn't do anything except for some movie I couldn't watch for long time because it was unavailable (and then without subs for even longer time) and commercials (I'm not into commercials, I'm so glad Joon Gi doesn't do them often... apparently at all), fan meetings (which I can't attend), concerts, some music album... anyway - nothing I could watch for long term like a drama. And I think in this dead boring story it's important that I didn't like saeguks. I saw Faith (I still love it) then I tried other but I didn't have luck with next saeguk so I thought they're all boring except for Faith. Anyway I watch dramas since 2012 and I reccomended watching them to my friends, few of them tried them and enjoyed them and started to watch with me. In few months we were watching different dramas and recommending them to each other. One of them saw some drama and she mentioned that the guy who's male lead is cute. She liked his moves, acting, eyes, pretty smile etc. I didn't catch the bait then. I saw his picture 'cause my friend showed the guy to me but... he wasn't Lee Min Ho so I wasn't into him at all (we know that Lee Min Ho and Lee Joon Gi look completely different!). Not to mention I was still waiting for any news about his next drama. Aaaand the cute guy was doing "boring" saeguks most of the time. Another friend of mine likes to watch dramas but she's hard to please. She needs a really, really good drama with some action, good screenplay, good actors etc. And she tried Joseon gunman and she said it's a really good adventure drama. When JG was airing I was in a state most women know - if you wait for a man to DO something for too long you just... stop waiting. So I decided to give the drama a try. First episodes weren't exactly my thing - I didn't appreciate hanboks back then but I liked the story, music, the main character looked too pretty to me but I decided to watch it anyway. Then there was this episode that ends the first part of the story - PYK officially dead and dissapears. If you remember the scene - Lee Joon Gi stands on a boat, is being shot and falls into water. I thought that he made the scene very well. I mean it was probably the best played "shock of dying" moment I've seen so far (there were also little moments before, like sexy moment with gisaeng he was undressing with his sword and in the middle of the forrest he woke up naturally - like real person who wakes up not like drama guy who just opens his eyes widely, stands up and does what people do in the morning without even blinking). Anyway this was a v. good moment because I finally felt I'm totally interested in what will happen next. And then... I saw THE moment. Lee Joon Gi comes back on a boat, dressed in black with a gun in his hand - different look, different gaze, smirk and he was shooting... And that was exactly the moment when I thought something like: "Lee Min... Who?" I fell for Lee Joon Gi in a second. Later I saw what he could do - his martial art skills, scenes with the riffle and then... the rest of his dramas were must-see.  I realized this is someone I totally like - he makes drama every year, there's a lot of action in those dramas, he's good actor and he takes care of his privacy which was even better. Since then I'm a pround fan of this man. :) Not to mention I really appreciated his beauty. And that his appearance is only natural. 

And that he made me realize saeguks are really cool dramas. :wub: 

Long enough? :wink: 

On 7.01.2018 at 7:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

*Blue reaches for her halo. ”My halo!!" gasps Blue and begins the search for her missing halo crazy monkey 119*

Oh we're supposed to believe you ever had a halo? uhuhuh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286252

17 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

Congratulations to JG for reaching 2.8 millions followers on IG :wub: :wub:

Congratulations!!! And 3 millions is so close... :D 

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On 7/1/2018 at 3:41 AM, missmaudy said:

Iljimae - Wow, it's a total departure from TBDW. I really love the comedic style in the drama with the Wushu (Kung Fu) martial arts style in the action sequences. Though I only watch it last year which I regretted big time for listening to javabeans in dramabeans. (I stopped visiting that website since then. Why? Because not only that I missed watching Iljimae in 2008, I missed out on watching JG for almost 10 years.)

That's exactly what happened to me!!! i regretted so much paying attention to it! luckily that doesn´t prevented me to watch TBDW or JG



Impatiently waiting for JGs next project. Guess you guys can understand how I feel.  :) Anyway, I am all ready to whatever JG decides to do next. 

I can understand you because i feel the same... i guess we all are all the same: impatiently waiting and ready for his next project, whatever it should be!


On 7/1/2018 at 4:48 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

And definitely the Elle magazine photo shoot – the whole vibe of it screams powerful, hot and sexy. hot2 onion head His Gaze is so, so intense. His look in this photo shoot is good job onion head (so much of Elusive Torso/ Sexy Legs/ Pretty Forehead/ Gaze/ Smirk!!!!!)

That Elle photoshoot is dangerous... one of my favorites!



We can always start over, right? So we’ll start from today itself.

I will try do so!! thank you for the support 




@haniiiii @antoniaclamens Oh, I was really hoping that one of us would win.There’s always the next time, right? consoling smiley

Yes fingers crossed maybe next time...



Smoldering, you mean? :tongue:JG is probably the only one who could smolder with his eyes closed. panda 61

You couldn´t have said it better!


On 7/1/2018 at 7:45 AM, cedarwood said:

6. Criminal minds - ok, the gun is a bit blurred but it's still there and I like the colours. Plus LJG's hair look cool. And I love him in white shirt (the question is - is there any shirt I don't like on LJG???)

There isn´t. HJ is a proof of that!



More like gentleman parade "Here, I'll hold this for you" :wink:

I know he was doing something very gentleman like... but he looked so so smoldering while doing it! to me it was the strongest factor of the picture


On 7/1/2018 at 2:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

I haven’t watched JG yet and this video is tempting me so much! I’m planning to watch it after My Girl which I’m going to start today. So I’m skipping any sort of discussion regarding JG in our thread. *Blue tries to control herself*

Seriously? you have to watch asap! on KBS world so the watch counts! JG is wayyyyyy better than MG



Goryeo outfits so much more beautiful than the Joseon ones. And it is JG who makes the hanboks of Joseon era look alluring. I don’t find them pretty when others wear it.dunno crazy rabbit

Yes Goryeo outfits are so much more beautiful than joseon ones.. but i likeJoseon hanboks too. anyway JG would made dirty rags look alluring



Say it louder, please. Hopefully the power of Soompi Suggestion will work out for this one too. wow1 onion head




Criminal Minds/Hyun Joon – such an intense Gaze! And I can see his cute ear too!! and white shirt!!! I like the colour of the poster but his hand looking out of focus and shaky(?) annoys me.:crazy:

To this day i haven´t seen anything like a shaky or out of focus hand... when i saw the poster i can´t take my eyes off his face 




Scarlet Heart Ryeo/Wang So – oh my heart! :wub: His gaze and that tiny smirk!! :wub:His eye, lips…:wub: he should not be allowed to look this good with blood splattered on his face – it only enhances his beauty. His glorious mane!:wub: His eye look so big too. The colouring of the poster make his face look even more prominent. Every single thing about this poster is bloody perfect. Yes, I am biased towards my love Wang So.love you crazy rabbit

You are not biased... Wang So in the poster IS perfect



And the combination of Kay and KSH after he regains his memory! So much sass. B)

One of my favorites scenes....



And hey @antoniaclamens here's your Ajusshi :wink:

Ok, i had to confess i keep replaying the video again and again and again... my favorite Ajusshi (who is younger than me!!!!!)



... and a mix of cutie pie and sexy JG

I take no responsibility for what I’m about to spam post – it’s all @antoniaclamens's fault. *Blue reaches for her halo. ”My halo!!" gasps Blue and begins the search for her missing halo crazy monkey 119*

Wich halo??? naughty naughty blue you are the devil! that was torture... and as you know i'm a masochist when it comes to JG ! i think this time i'm really dead and it's my ghost who is writing right know



Do these videos count as singing off? confused onion head evil smile onion head

I hope they count! and you can sing off as much as you want if you are going to do it like that!


On 7/1/2018 at 9:24 PM, joybran said:

I love jui jitsu! It's the only martial art I ever studied, but I did manage to earn a blue belt, which I received from Royce Gracie, the winner of the very first Ultimate Fighting Championship competition.

Congrats on this I don't know much about jui jitsu but i think i have to learn a little know that JG is practicing it! I love martial arts in general




I hope he is learning it for a new acting project. It would be so cool to see him using it in character. Of course, I'm eagerly waiting for news of any new project.

Me too


22 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

Congratulations to JG for reaching 2.8 millions followers on IG :wub: :wub:

Great news!! i'm so happy for LJG!!!


7 hours ago, cedarwood said:

You want the FULL story?! But it's boring... ok, will do - you wanted it!


Nothing boring about your story. i love it! And i'm so happy that you fall for him because that's why you are here!!!


Parade time! 


Hair color parade



Eating parade




Drinking parade 




Elusive torso parade 




Natural beauty marks / army parade



Selca parade 




Fangs / Scholar parade




Adorable / Joseon Gunman parade 




Gong Gil parade 




Satto parade 




My smile for today : Iljimae 



All images credit to uploaders 

Edited by antoniaclamens
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10 hours ago, cedarwood said:

You want the FULL story?! But it's boring... ok, will do - you wanted it!

My first k-drama "love" was Lee Min Ho, which is not suprising 'cause my first k-drama I've ever watched was City hunter. I've seen... not everything, but most his works, including Mackerel run which is impossible to watch for second time (unless you're drunk). Anyway in 2013 he made the drama Heirs - I've seen it and you may find it unbelievable - I cried over this harlequin-ish story like a teenager. But then... he didn't do anything except for some movie I couldn't watch for long time because it was unavailable (and then without subs for even longer time) and commercials (I'm not into commercials, I'm so glad Joon Gi doesn't do them often... apparently at all), fan meetings (which I can't attend), concerts, some music album... anyway - nothing I could watch for long term like a drama. And I think in this dead boring story it's important that I didn't like saeguks. I saw Faith (I still love it) then I tried other but I didn't have luck with next saeguk so I thought they're all boring except for Faith. Anyway I watch dramas since 2012 and I reccomended watching them to my friends, few of them tried them and enjoyed them and started to watch with me. In few months we were watching different dramas and recommending them to each other. One of them saw some drama and she mentioned that the guy who's male lead is cute. She liked his moves, acting, eyes, pretty smile etc. I didn't catch the bait then. I saw his picture 'cause my friend showed the guy to me but... he wasn't Lee Min Ho so I wasn't into him at all (we know that Lee Min Ho and Lee Joon Gi look completely different!). Not to mention I was still waiting for any news about his next drama. Aaaand the cute guy was doing "boring" saeguks most of the time. Another friend of mine likes to watch dramas but she's hard to please. She needs a really, really good drama with some action, good screenplay, good actors etc. And she tried Joseon gunman and she said it's a really good adventure drama. When JG was airing I was in a state most women know - if you wait for a man to DO something for too long you just... stop waiting. So I decided to give the drama a try. First episodes weren't exactly my thing - I didn't appreciate hanboks back then but I liked the story, music, the main character looked too pretty to me but I decided to watch it anyway. Then there was this episode that ends the first part of the story - PYK officially dead and dissapears. If you remember the scene - Lee Joon Gi stands on a boat, is being shot and falls into water. I thought that he made the scene very well. I mean it was probably the best played "shock of dying" moment I've seen so far (there were also little moments before, like sexy moment with gisaeng he was undressing with his sword and in the middle of the forrest he woke up naturally - like real person who wakes up not like drama guy who just opens his eyes widely, stands up and does what people do in the morning without even blinking). Anyway this was a v. good moment because I finally felt I'm totally interested in what will happen next. And then... I saw THE moment. Lee Joon Gi comes back on a boat, dressed in black with a gun in his hand - different look, different gaze, smirk and he was shooting... And that was exactly the moment when I thought something like: "Lee Min... Who?" I fell for Lee Joon Gi in a second. Later I saw what he could do - his martial art skills, scenes with the riffle and then... the rest of his dramas were must-see.  I realized this is someone I totally like - he makes drama every year, there's a lot of action in those dramas, he's good actor and he takes care of his privacy which was even better. Since then I'm a pround fan of this man. :) Not to mention I really appreciated his beauty. And that his appearance is only natural. 

And that he made me realize saeguks are really cool dramas. :wub: 

Long enough? :wink: 



Wow, your story is so much like mine. "City Hunter" was the first K-drama I watched also. I thought it was Lee Min Ho I liked, not k-dramas in general. After I caught up with all of his dramas (except "Mackerel Run"), I heard about a sageuk called "Iljimae" with a really cool actor. I was hooked on Lee Joon Gi immediately. While I was catching up on all his movies and dramas, "Faith" and "Arang and the Magistrate" were airing at the same time. I started noticing Lee Min Ho's acting tics while not being able to spot any tics in Lee Joon Gi's performances. "Heirs" was what ended my fascination with Min Ho, but each new work by Joon Gi increased my admiration. Joseon Gunman wasn't my favorite drama, but I know exactly what you mean by that transformation between the end of episode 4 and beginning of episode 5. Wow!

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On 1/8/2018 at 6:54 AM, joybran said:

I love jui jitsu! It's the only martial art I ever studied, but I did manage to earn a blue belt, which I received from Royce Gracie, the winner of the very first Ultimate Fighting Championship competition.

*Looks at you with awe* panda 24 You are jjang!! mjyAGLi.gif

On 1/8/2018 at 9:06 AM, glassnokamen said:

Congratulations to JG for reaching 2.8 millions followers on IG 

panda 78panda 78panda 78 Congrats Oppa!!! 


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Because no matter the pain we would never miss anything done by Lee Joon Gi.

Hence, why I am suffering through My Girl. depressed2 onion head


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Ok that's official - I'm illiterate. 

Hey, there’s no need to fret about this. Darling, I even got mixed up between his beautiful nose and noise and in case you’ve forgotten, I “sing off” – if you are illiterate then I'm illiterate too! Besides, aren’t we the people who say Marry Christmas! hehe onion head


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

You want the FULL story?! But it's boring... ok, will do - you wanted it!

Nope, it was definitely not boring. But I had to skim through any mention of Joseon Gunman. 


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Anyway in 2013 he made the drama Heirs - I've seen it and you may find it unbelievable - I cried over this harlequin-ish story like a teenager.

shock2 onion head If you cried over that one, how did you survive watching MLSHR?


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Anyway I watch dramas since 2012 and I reccomended watching them to my friends, few of them tried them and enjoyed them and started to watch with me. 

Lucky you. It must be fun to watch K Dramas with friends. lonely onion head


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

One of them saw some drama and she mentioned that the guy who's male lead is cute. She liked his moves, acting, eyes, pretty smile etc.


Another friend of mine likes to watch dramas but she's hard to please. She needs a really, really good drama with some action, good screenplay, good actors etc. And she tried Joseon gunman and she said it's a really good adventure drama.

thank-you-smiley.gif?1292867689 Thank god for @cedarwood's friends who have good taste! To think that there was a big chance of you not falling for JG and not be here now!!!


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

And that he made me realize saeguks are really cool dramas.

Same!! I used to not like them too – I was even hesitant to watch Arang.


20 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Oh we're supposed to believe you ever had a halo?

Of course, I did! I still do!! 



15 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Seriously? you have to watch asap! on KBS world so the watch counts! JG is wayyyyyy better than MG

I knowwww…. It’s just that I want to watch every drama of JG and if I postpone My Girl now (as I’ve already done a couple of times before) I don’t think I’d be able to watch it again! Joseon Gunman is the reward for watching My Girl – at least, that how I try to control myself from watching it now itself. help crazy rabbit


15 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

anyway JG would made dirty rags look alluring

You’ve got a valid point there.


15 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Wich halo???

The one which I lost the other day. Which I'm wearing now. I only lose it once in a while and that's JG's fault too!



... when things like this come up:


Ooh, Elusive Torso/ Coloured Hair/ Pretty Forehead! :wink:


9 hours ago, joybran said:

but each new work by Joon Gi increased my admiration.



7 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

Learning Ju-Jitsu (with a lot of sexy back and bare foot ), Luigi and not Mario this time  and a very handsome final image

He has been helping us with our “difficult” parades quite a lot lately, don’t you think? confused onion head


4 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

And another IG update for our lovely JG :wub: :wub: See you soon for sure :wub:

Oh my heart!!! love onion head love onion head love onion head 


3 hours ago, haniiiii said:

hahaha, Mario and Luigi together

JG's angels are very creative indeed! :D :D :D





Have you guys seen this? Where and when is this one from? 




*All image and gif credit to original uploaders.

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Parade Time!!! Okay, let me update the Parades list:

Elusive Torso/ Sexy Back/ Pretty Forehead!!/ Smile/ Smoldering/ Bangs/ Cutie Pie/Adorable / Coloured Hair/ Satto/ Gong Gil/ Drinking/ Eating/ Selca/ Looking at the sky/ Looking at the floor/Angular Beauty/ I'm an acrobat/ Beauty/ Merry Marry Christmas/ I'm bored/ Kick/ Bare Feet!!/ Fangs/ Moustache/ Beauty Marks/ Angel/ Sexy Legs/ Glasses/ Sexy Arms/Veins / Army/ Suit/ Beautiful Eyes/ Winking/ WHAT???/ Pretty Noise Nose/ Sleeping Beauty/ Airport Fashion/ Iljimae/ Elusive Tummy/ Singing/ In Bed/ Joseon Gunman/ Bling/ Sexy/Pretty Chin/ Martial Arts.

pheew crazy rabbit Please let me know if I have missed something.


Extremely Cute and Adorable JG Parade Alert!!! love onion head love onion head love onion head















See, I still have my halo!! crazy monkey 069



*Image credit to original uploaders. 

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Image result for lee joon gi wavingHello 2018! Hello Fellow Soompi JG Angels!

It seems like FOREVER since I've last been online and been swimming in JG content.  You all have been busy! 


I'm sorry to hear that no one from here won the FM Burgundy Jacket/Contest.  (I recognize a few usernames from other sources) But how exciting to see some images from Okinawa and to hear about the Lee Joon Gi Project in March. It's January 9th.  Does that mean the Okinawa book is for sale? 


Happy 12 Years to this thread!  very-happy-cheetah-emoticon.gif?1302786124  Happy Year of the Dog!  Here's hoping 2018 will deliver!!

I'm ready for casting news. 

I'm ready for new photoshoots/interviews.

I'm ready for IG to actually notify me (but @glassnokamen is really.... none better)


I'm not sure if I am ready for Episode 11 of MLSHR...but I know that is on the modified Agenda.  Is everyone ready, willing and able to start this week???? @bluelilac1214 @antoniaclamens @glassnokamen @cedarwood and any others who would like to join in and post at the MLSHR thread? 


Here is my smile for the day...pLZxoON.jpg


And my FAVE image...

Does this count for Pretty Forehead/Gaze/Slight Smolder/Angular Beauty/Beauty Marks/Slight Moustache/Pretty Nose?


Have people been changing their JG looks?  aka...their profile pics??

On 1/8/2018 at 1:44 PM, cedarwood said:
On 1/7/2018 at 1:24 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

*Blue reaches for her halo. ”My halo!!" gasps Blue and begins the search for her missing halo crazy monkey 119*

Oh we're supposed to believe you ever had a halo? uhuhuh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286252

Is this to convince us that Halo <=> Blue???  <<<snerk>>>


On 1/7/2018 at 3:48 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

Elle magazine photo shoot



I see that @violina has us doing some rankings.  And that @joybran can teach us about jiu jitsu! (is it for a role???) I hope @agathe will feel better soon (and you can find some JG content to quench your thirst/sore throat?).  And that @haniiiii gets a Winter Break or Spring Break at some point.  Yay! for @willenette for finishing Criminal Minds!  @missmaudy can join in the parades at any time she wants!  @hiluna @LadyOne @astrantia thanks for keeping the thread going! 


4 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Hence, why I am suffering through My Girl. depressed2 onion head

Suffering?  I found this pretty easy to consume, but then I remember...you want more than fluff/empty calories :wink:   And from reading back on this thread...I guess I made need to try City Hunter. 



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7 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Have you guys seen this? Where and when is this one from? 

  Reveal hidden contents




I think it may be shooting for japan magazine  韓国TVドラマガイド Vol.70

2017 april or may?














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11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Hence, why I am suffering through My Girl. depressed2 onion head

But MG is not that bad! i really liked it! the second time around not so much but you can turn your brain off and just enjoy pretty and sweet JG! he is adorbs (and the legs....)


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:


Hey, there’s no need to fret about this. Darling, I even got mixed up between his beautiful nose and noise and in case you’ve forgotten, I “sing off” – if you are illiterate then I'm illiterate too! Besides, aren’t we the people who say Marry Christmas! hehe onion head

Remember he read us... he said that so you won´t feel bad...


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Lucky you. It must be fun to watch K Dramas with friends. lonely onion head

I wish i have friends to watch dramas with!!!!


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

I knowwww…. It’s just that I want to watch every drama of JG and if I postpone My Girl now (as I’ve already done a couple of times before) I don’t think I’d be able to watch it again! Joseon Gunman is the reward for watching My Girl – at least, that how I try to control myself from watching it now itself. help crazy rabbit

Waiting for your comments on both dramas once you finished them


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

You’ve got a valid point there.

I know... but i have no merit for it. it was a quite obvious observation


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

The one which I lost the other day. Which I'm wearing now. I only lose it once in a while and that's JG's fault too!

Who are you trying to fool? you even change your profile pic!!!


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

He has been helping us with our “difficult” parades quite a lot lately, don’t you think? confused onion head

Ok. We were talking about bare feet (and how much i love them) and he gave us jiu jitsu pictures... then i wanted a video and he gave us a video... is he trying to please me us? because if he will i will start to ask for better things, like "I want to go on a date with LJG" (Too greedy of me?) ok, lets change it: "I want a selca with LJG", "I want to touch his hand" or "I want a hug"... I'm just thinking about me? Sorry guys but if he is going to please i will take some risks (LOL)


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Parade Time!!! Okay, let me update the Parades list:

Elusive Torso/ Sexy Back/ Pretty Forehead!!/ Smile/ Smoldering/ Bangs/ Cutie Pie/Adorable / Coloured Hair/ Satto/ Gong Gil/ Drinking/ Eating/ Selca/ Looking at the sky/ Looking at the floor/Angular Beauty/ I'm an acrobat/ Beauty/ Merry Marry Christmas/ I'm bored/ Kick/ Bare Feet!!/ Fangs/ Moustache/ Beauty Marks/ Angel/ Sexy Legs/ Glasses/ Sexy Arms/Veins / Army/ Suit/ Beautiful Eyes/ Winking/ WHAT???/ Pretty Noise Nose/ Sleeping Beauty/ Airport Fashion/ Iljimae/ Elusive Tummy/ Singing/ In Bed/ Joseon Gunman/ Bling/ Sexy/Pretty Chin/ Martial Arts.

OMG i don´t know how we can manage that much... and i dont know how you can do this amazing compilation, i keep loosing track


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Extremely Cute and Adorable JG Parade Alert!!! love onion head love onion head love onion head

beyond cute and adorable!!!


11 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

See, I still have my halo!! crazy monkey 069 

Again: who are you trying to fool?


6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Hello 2018! Hello Fellow Soompi JG Angels!

It seems like FOREVER since I've last been online and been swimming in JG content.  You all have been busy! 

Finally pixel is back!!! i know this day will have good news for us after waking up to see JG IG posts


6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

I'm ready for casting news. 

I'm ready for new photoshoots/interviews.

I'm ready for IG to actually notify me (but @glassnokamen is really.... none better)

Yes to everything you said... sadly including IG notification part (thankfully we have glass!)


6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


I'm not sure if I am ready for Episode 11 of MLSHR...but I know that is on the modified Agenda.  Is everyone ready, willing and able to start this week???? @bluelilac1214 @antoniaclamens @glassnokamen @cedarwood and any others who would like to join in and post at the MLSHR thread? 

I'm so ready that i already watched episode 11... i just finished it, bawled trough it! best episode ever!!! i'm not sure if i could do my post tomorrow (because of work) but i will try. I'll be waiting for your emoji review so please watch asap!!! i also hope @glassnokamen and @cedarwood and many other join us (i don't mention @bluelilac1214 because i know she will)


6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

And my FAVE image...

Does this count for Pretty Forehead/Gaze/Slight Smolder/Angular Beauty/Beauty Marks/Slight Moustache/Pretty Nose?

Okinawa photobooks will be gorgeous for sure... the pictures we have seen so far are amazing,he looks extremely good and hot and beautiful!


6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Suffering?  I found this pretty easy to consume, but then I remember...you want more than fluff/empty calories :wink:   And from reading back on this thread...I guess I made need to try City Hunter. 

I know i must be the only one... but i dont like City Hunter that much. it's a good drama i think, but i fall asleep a lot while watching it! even in the final episode!!!


4 hours ago, astrantia said:

I think it may be shooting for japan magazine  韓国TVドラマガイド Vol.70

2017 april or may?

Thank you! i was about to ask the same thing


3 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

Exactly :):) And it's may/June issue :) I bought that magazine when I was in Tokyo last year In april/May :)

Lucky you!!!

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