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[Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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I could see this drama being a KBS TV Novel that takes place in 1970. It's kind of written like one. Imagine if Bio-Mother gets seperated from her child daughter because of the Korean War, while SML's mother (Mari) also loses a child because of the Korean War. FL's bio mother later lives with a family not related to her that she came close due to the aftermaths of the war and adopts children that lost their parents. SJ grows up to be am author and TV personality. NY becaomes a freelance reporter.


Replace the modern fashion with 70's fashion, and mobile phones with newspapers and TV news.          

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Okay, why would SJ's mom visit SML's household? Isn't she hated by the SML's mom for being the "mistress"??  


Also, the bio-daughter dating the adopted son isn't weird per say.... but there are laws in Korea that prevent a person under that family registry to marry their addopted brother BUT SJ is not under her mom's family registry. 



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So, before I go to sleep, I thought that I should answer a question that @kboramint asked. After all it is nice to help others out when they have always been kind enough to respond to my questions and long posts.


They asked why Suji’s mother visited Hyung Sun’s house especially when she was hated by her as the mistress. My assumption is that it is for that very reason. First of all, as one noted she was asked to cater to families’ event. Suji’s mother would have no reason to object to that because as mentioned earlier she considers Dr. Han her lifesaver since he apparently saved her life considering her condition and all. So going over there as a favour to him is something minor on her part. In other words this is another job for her. We also have to remember something important she is totally unaware of the fact that Hyung Sun is his son or that Dr. Han objected to Suji as a potential Dil. She was about to reveal to him this fact in one of the few previous episodes before he was interrupted by the fabled K-Drama interruption times, and she was unable to reveal this fact. She did find out that the person his son is currently dating he is more opposed to her than the previous girl. Which might be a saving grace.


Anyway as I was saying she was unaware of who Hyung Sun is currently dating/married so she would have no reason to avoid the place from her end at the moment she accepted the order.


Now as to why Mari may have invited her over to cater for the event. I feel like that was probably a deliberate attempt on her part. Just to be clear while it was the house staff that contacted Suji’s mother it was probably under the instructions of Mari. She may try and justify her actions by claiming that since her husband used to love the food from her restaurant (considering he visits it so frequently) she simply decided to order from there. Unlikely that he will buy it. The actual thing on the other hand would be to try and send a message to Suji’s mother indicating that Dr. Han is a married man and that if she would choose to chase after him at this point, she would be breaking up a family.


Not that this would be an issue for Suji’s mother because she clearly never saw Dr. Han in a romantic light. But like I said earlier that is Mari’s fault because she never confronted either of them together and has just been going along with her own assumptions all this time. It is also the reason why Suji’s mother has accepted the offer apart from considering Dr. Han as her lifesaver she has nothing to hide in that department (of being a housebreaker).


Interestingly Na Young’s mother is going to think that Suji’s mother is deliberately over there to sabotage Na Young according to the trailer. Considering that it is highly unlikely that she will accept the truth that it was a coincidence that she was hired for the job especially when you realize their past history and all.


I agree Suji and Uri dating or even getting married shouldn’t really be an issue at the current state, but it depends on what Suji’s mother plans on doing in regards to it all. We have to remember the fact that Suji currently isn’t her daughter legally because of the actions of her family and therefore on paper she is apparently Na Young’s daughter. Now if Suji’s mother decides to let this be then yes her marring Uri isn’t a problem. On the other hand, if Suji’s mother succeeds in cancelling out the adoption issue, then she will be back as her daughter and then since Uri is also already on her family register than we can see how that can be considered an issue.


A possible solution to this issue could simply be to remove Uri from her family register. This would make him and Suji strangers once again. Problem over here is that if anyone makes this situation it probably should be Uri himself.  The mother might hesitate to do this considering the fact that she has mentioned a few times that she doesn’t want to hurt her children’s feelings. This could easily qualify as hurting Uri’s feelings as he may think that he was being abandoned the moment she discovered her actual daughter. On the other hand, if he figures out his mother’s dilemma, he may suggest it himself considering the fact that he can be quite smart at times. So, who knows how this will turn out.


The other thing is that he can go and try and find his remaining biological family assuming his mother never told him that his father was dead or so. This way he will have no connections to Suji and the path for them to be together will be clear.


Anyway, let me end this post over here for the time being. After getting myself a bit recharged, I will get back to posting the rest of my thoughts.


Also, on a side note @backstreetboysfan I am so disappointed in you for slacking of on your only job of posting the ratings. How could you have left us dangling for so long. Just so you know I am planning on suing you for dereliction of duty. Be prepared to see me in court. :) Hope that you can tell that I was just joking. I am the least bit interested in the ratings so them being late didn’t bother me. I do appreciate you posting them still even if they may be meaningless to me. It might certainly be helpful to the other posters over here. So in regard to that do keep up the good work and don’t worry if you missed out on some. It isn’t like it was your fault that the ratings were posted late.


Anyway, take care all of you and keep up with the posts. Perhaps I can answer a few more of those questions that you might have down the line then.

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@yamiyugi I post ratings still but I don't know why but for some reason the site I get the ratings from are now posting the ratings to each episode like a day or days late, so I can't post them until the site does sorry. It is only this daily. thanks :).


PS. Sorry no ratings yet for yesterday's episodes. It seems like this is the new normal for this drama.

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2 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

Now as to why Mari may have invited her over to cater for the event. I feel like that was probably a deliberate

From the preview, I thought it was the maid who arranged it.

It seemed NY was telling SJ’s mum to pretend not to know her. Why? Probably her can of worms will spill out 

I shan’t be surprised if SJ’s mother is as easily manipulated as she is. The actress playin SJ’s mum had always played glamourous roles in the shows that I had watched. She’s quite the opposite here.

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50 minutes ago, maribella said:

It seemed NY was telling SJ’s mum to pretend not to know her. Why? Probably her can of worms will spill out 

I shan’t be surprised if SJ’s mother is as easily manipulated as she is

am waiting to see how restaurant mom reacts. so far, she doesn't come across as the easily manipulated type. instead, it looks like the long years of being by herself has sharpened her senses... she comes across as the wait and watch types -- so she would nayoung and mistress mom even more nervous because they have no way of predicting how she will react and neither do they have any cards on her to manipulate. 

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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

mistress mom even more nervous because they have no way of predicting how she will react and neither do they have any cards on her to manipulate. 

She seemed to keep her mouth shut at dinner. NY seemed to be nauseous at the most opportune times.


The mistress mum has the hide of a rhino, she slept with the husband of a helping friend, mistreated her daughter and pulled all kinds of tricks and she went oennie, oennie … give her a kick in the teeth.

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I really felt bad for SJ all over again today. She has so many emotional strains. It can’t be easy to fall in love and then find out she is the “sister” to the boyfriend. 

That said, it’s rather funny to me now that I’ve typed this out…

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2 hours ago, tulip06 said:

I really felt bad for SJ all over again today. She has so many emotional strains. It can’t be easy to fall in love and then find out she is the “sister” to the boyfriend. 

That said, it’s rather funny to me now that I’ve typed this out…


I think if they make Uri the son of Mari then this whole "dating your adopted sibling" can be sorted out.  




SJ's mom won't place SJ under her family's registry like SJ's mom suggested.  

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For starters @backstreetboysfan posting ratings is fine and if you like it or have gotten so used to it that is okay. I was just trying to say that it isn’t a priority for me. I watch a show if I like it or not. Ratings don’t really matter to me. On the other hand, a show may be great and have great ratings but if I don’t like it, I will drop it. This is a more recent development though. Prior to this I would complete a show regardless of how it went down due to already having put so much commitment in it. I just don’t have the time I used to in the past. The only show that I actually dropped after just watching around only the first 15 minutes or so was 100 Years Inheritance. (due to reasons regarding the story). So as I was saying you are free to post ratings as that might be helpful to others and that is something you are used to doing.


Now moving on to the show itself. @maribella you mentioned that Suji’s mother was hired by the housemaid. Now while I haven’t watched today’s episode yet. Will hopefully do that after I finish my post and it is out. (need to check) So I can’t confirm my point. What I was saying and sorry if that was a bit unclear in my post. It happens. I was aware that the housemaid contacted her. But it is highly doubtful that she did so randomly. The only way the hired help is going to contact her randomly is if her instructions by the family are vague. For instance, they tell her to order food but anything that she wants. Doesn’t really make practical sense. So, what if she decided to order barbecue and nobody was feeling the mood or that it didn’t fit the occasion. Therefore, it makes sense if they gave her slightly more instructions such as this as to be on the menu.


That would further limit her from where she could/should order the food. Also are you (show) trying to tell me that there is only a single restaurant in all of Korea that just belongs to Suji’s mother or was it just pure coincidence (K-Drama style) that hers was selected for the catering service. No, I find that impossible to believe. The other thing to note is that from everyone currently living in that house Mari has the most time to come up with a scheme like that. Dr. Han seems far to busy with work or be bothered to call her. Not only that but Suji’s mother and her restaurant seem to be his safe or happy spot that he doesn’t want to be interrupted by anyone else. This can be seen by the fact that he has never brought his wife over even though the grandmother has asked him numerous times. (According to her at least). So, it won’t be him. Hyung Sun is the apparently clueless about how to interact and deal with situations, so it won’t be him. Plus, why would he order from there. Na Young wasn’t a part of the family back then but even if she were she would avoid that restaurant like the plague once she discovered the connection.


This automatically leaves Mari as the master planner. This is further supported by the following facts. She has all the time in the world because she only goes to work at the foundations when she is needed or feels like according to Na Youngs research. Not only that but Hyung Sun also mentioned that when it comes to things regarding the house she seems to take charge. This was especially seen when Na Young was asked to decorate her room. She pretended that everything was okay until Mari volunteered to set it up for them. Na Young clearly wasn’t expecting this from her facial reaction. But she had to go with it otherwise her plot would have been discovered. At this point Hyung Sun informed her of the fact that everything in the house was set up by his mother.


Therefore, I find it highly unlikely that the housemaid would randomly hire Suji’s mother for the catering service and all. To me it seems more like a planned situation. For which I have already given an explanation in my previous post.


Things that I wanted to bring up in my previous post about past episodes but was unable to do so. Dr. Han is wondering what happened to democracy. Since everybody was eventually going to do what they wanted in regards to Hyung Suns wedding to Na Young. They want his blessing, but he tells them that since his opinion doesn’t matter just go ahead and do whatever they want. But then again it probably is democracy, and he was just outvoted. Frankly he is still the only sane one in that house of his. He does have issues but so far, he can see things straight. Let’s see how long that lasts. Will he eventually fall prey to Na Young’s tactics and start believing her. Let us wait and see.


I guess Suji’s mother being invited over to Hyung Sun’s house for the family dinner is a good thing in a way. This means that Na Young’s mother is going to be extra careful and nervous the entire time. She will therefore not blurt anything negative like her previous requests for a spot at the hospital or wedding gifts. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. Speaking of the invitation did anyone note that for plot convenience the brother and grandmother also didn’t show up. For the brother this is going to be important because when Doori initially introduces him to her mother she will have no objections until she discovers his mother’s identity. Should be fun to watch. Speaking of which I can’t wait for both Doori and him trying to introduce their cool big sister to the other.


Someone mentioned that hasn’t Hyung Sun noticed his parents’ unhappy marriage so why does he think that having a baby will solve everything for him and make him happy with Na Young. I think that there are a few reasons for his thinking. First of all, I am going to call him a bit naive for thinking like that. The other is that he has fallen for the act that Na Young is putting up at the moment. So, he thinks that Na Young is this kind sweet, caring and loveable person who will be a great mother. The other issue is that since he has witnessed his parents in this sad type of marriage he has also been deprived of their love. This is something that he doesn’t want for his child. He thinks that if he showers it with love everything is going to be perfect. The other thing to consider is the fact that Na Young has also given him a sob story of how she has also lived a tragic life where she was deprived of the love of her parents which eventually led them to become estranged. He might thus think that two people with wounded hearts could come together and heal each others wounds plus with a baby between them the connection is only going to be stronger etc...


I do feel sorry for Suji and her current family because of the misunderstandings further caused by Na Young’s mother. Her accusation that Suji’s mother has remarried and that she had a child before Suji aka Uri. Which would imply that she was also involved in an affair. Problem is that the uncle made things worse without realizing this. When Suji’s father asked him what his connection was with Suji’s mother. He simply replied that they were family. Which when you consider how they are all living in that house with only the uncle and his sister the only blood related people prior to Suji showing up there it does make sense. They take care of each other regardless of this fact and are there for support and in anyway possible. So yes, they can be considered as family. But if they were to tell this to a stranger, he may perceive things differently and may indeed mistake them for an actual family (ie married and all). It isn’t like that family would try and correct the misunderstanding which probably makes it worse.


Not to mention the fact that she has indeed adopted Uri and Doori. If someone were to try and verify the facts it won’t mention that they are adopted further increasing the misunderstandings. Though I doubt that is possible. Suji’s mother doesn’t have any relatives so they can’t use that and since she is divorced from her former husband, he can’t exactly ask for her paperwork. But like I said Uri and Doori use her surname and as they are legally her kids now the misunderstandings will continue to grow.


Na Young has finally become part of her dream family let’s see how long her facade will hold up. I did find it amusing though how her mother mentioned that Suji should feel jealous that Na Young is marrying Hyung Sun a rich person. Ah why would Suji feel any jealousy at this point. She was fully aware of who and what he was when she broke up with him. So, I really don’t see how that could be true. I mean look at Na Young she was jealous when she did discover the fact that he was rich and comforting Suji when she was facing a hard time. If Suji was still interested in getting back with Hyung Sun she could or better yet she wouldn’t have broken up with him in the first place if she was motivated by his wealth and social background. Just goes to show just how out of touch with reality the mother is.


Na Young is getting curious about a mysterious room in Hyung Suns house. Though she tried to find out more she did end up with a short of dead end, but she does think that there is more to that room since she suspects that Mari wasn’t being honest. But I disagree with that claim. While I don’t exactly recall what Mari told her she thinks that it goes like this. Hyung Sun – we just use the room to store up stuff that we don’t need. Mari – there is nothing the room is empty. So here is the thing depending on her perspective this could be true. When she says the room is empty, she means that nobody is living in there but that could easily be because they are storing stuff in it. As for her claiming that there is nothing in there. It could simply mean that there is nothing in the room that would interest Na Young at this point. But we all know what could be in that room.


This brings me up to a point that someone made earlier in regards to Uri’s mother. He claims that his birth mother met his current mother (Suji’s Biomother) in the hospital when he was young before passing away and then he was sent away to the orphanage. Since he has no reason to lie his memories would be accurate and therefore, he shouldn’t have a connection to Dr. Han and his family. To this I would say that isn’t necessarily accurate. Memory can be a tricky thing. We may remember something, but another person might remember the exact same thing differently also it is a well known fact that our mind tries to shield us when it comes to traumatic incidents. If we take these points into consideration, it is safe to assume that it is possible that what Uri currently recalls may not necessarily be correct. Unless he has photographic memory and then things would be different. So, for instance his encounters with Suji would be fresh but give him a few years and ask how he fell for her or when they first met. He probably might not recall the exact events.


In this case it is still possible that he was kidnapped or lost and then raised by his mother of that time. I don’t know how many of you were here for the drama Hide and Seek which had Lee Yuri as the female lead and Miss Otoke as the second female lead. Over there Miss Otoke had been kidnapped as a child by the male leads father (male lead had lured her out without realizing this fact then). Then my memory of events are a bit hazy but her then mother had tried to let her go but young Miss Otoke ran after her and held onto her. (I think that the mother had tried to rescue her from a fire while she was still kidnapped) and as I mentioned due to trauma her mind made her forget certain details such as she was kidnapped. Since she was rescued that made her think that only a mother would be like that. So it is equally possible that for some reason Uri mistakenly thinks that the woman that raised him was his actual mother when she may have simply found him wandering the streets or rescued him from being drowned and all etc...


Speaking of Dr. Han he must also be wondering when exactly he may have ended up in a KBS drama. He suddenly discovers that the first kid that he raised was his only for his wife to suddenly reveal that wasn’t the case. Oh, the shock. Mari should have just stayed silent for the rest of her life.


Speaking of this someone wondered if the scene with her husband playing with their kids wasn’t repeated. The answer is that they are partially correct in their memory. Yes, she did have that memory twice, but it was different each time. The first time was with the grown kid only. I think Hyung Sun was called over there. Then the second time was when she had the nightmare where there was a little kid as well who suddenly disappeared. She then panicked in the dream and called out for Hyun Woo. Apparently, the older kids brother. Now I guess this memory can feel a bit confusing. If we are to take what the character bios/chart says, then Uri is older, and he should have been the older brother. Frankly it doesn’t feel like that considering the positions that they have at the hospital. But if that memory is to be taken for fact, then we could possibly interpret it along these lines. There were indeed two brothers but one of them went missing when he was extremely young.


Since Mari would only know what he looked like when she last saw him, he would always be younger than Hyung Sun who has constantly been growing up. It could also lay credence to the fact that Uri’s memories could be inaccurate and therefore he could possibly be this Hyung Woo character later on.


I think someone pointed out to an earlier comment of mine that if it indeed does turn out that Uri is related to that family what will the parents think of Suji’s mother and whether or not they would be grateful to her. Dr. Han might certainly do that, and he may even finally approve of Suji at this point. Plus, him saving Suji’s mother the scale has been balanced since she helped raise his kid and ensured that he had a happy and successful childhood. But for Mari they pointed out that she would further be jealous of Suji’s mother because her son was raised happily and all and that he has forgotten about his real mother. While she hasn’t and she would feel like Suji’s mother has stolen something important from her again. After careful consideration to their point, I will sadly have to agree with their assessment. Even after watching so many dramas I always hold out hope that the other party should be grateful to their rival and use this as a means to burry their hatchet with them. Sadly, I am disappointed almost every time when they get jealous or feel more insecure with their rival. I think the only time this wasn’t the case was in A Man In A Veil. Though things were a bit different back then and the mother didn’t exactly have a rivalry with the female leads current family and while the dad did wrong her back in the day, he also made up for it without concealing said facts. So perhaps that is why he got a pass back then.


Every time Na Young decides to speak up, I feel like she is going to reveal what she really is, yet she tends to surprise me at the same time as well. For instance, after she got married in Hyung Suns family I was thinking that she was going to request to use the locked room in someway. For instance, when she asked for a nursery to be made later on for their child, she would ask that particular room be used. I guess she still has a lot of time before the baby is due so there is no rush to get started on the nursery at the moment. But when the time comes let us see if she does indeed ask to use said room and what her reaction is going to be when she is refused. It does make me wonder how she will figure out that Uri is related to that family if that is indeed the case.


As of now a missing/dead child does indeed seem to be the case. Someone asked why do both parents think that their child is dead and if he was simply missing why didn’t they try and locate him back then. I think this is what may have happened. Something did happen back then which resulted them in loosing their kid. Perhaps he was kidnapped or actually lost. It would indeed make sense that at this point they did try and locate him but as time went on and they didn’t hear any word from him. Their hope dwindled. Dr. Han being the practical person probably thinks that he is indeed dead. But Mari being a mother possibly still has hope for him and this could be a reason for their arguments. For all we know the kids’ grandfather could have been the culprit. Perhaps he feared that if Dr. Han discovered the truth that Hyung Woo was not his child he would want to breakup with the daughter. So, to prevent this he tries to hide Hyun Woo and perhaps gave him to be raised by someone he trusted. He may have also tried to keep tabs on his grandson since I doubt that he would let him go. But before he could inform Mari of this fact, he ends up passing away. The woman raising Hyun Woo is unaware of this fact as well otherwise she may have brought him back home to his actual family.


But then what do I know what the writer is currently thinking. But I have realized that I have been rambling on for too long again. I guess this means that I will have to end my post over here for the time being. Take care all of you. I will check out the latest episode and then try to go on to my theory board and try and figure out the story on my own. Wish me luck. So till my next post take care all of you and I hope to catch up on the rest of your posts as well.

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8 minutes ago, kboramint said:

@yamiyugi Do you think Uri's claim that his bio-mother died from stomach cancer is a red herring?


At this point I believe that it totally possible but then I have been proven wrong so who knows. For instance it turns out in the episode that the housemaid took her own initiative to hire Suji's mother for the catering service and that it wasn't a plot from Mari's end. So my apologies in that regards. It always feels good to admit when you are wrong.

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@yamiyugiOh yeah I have posted ratings for a lot a daily's for people. that is okay. I don't always go by ratings to watch drama's either I just want it if I think I will like it or not.



Here is the ratings for Episode 70! :).


70 July 1, 2024 14.1% (1st) 12.5% (1st)


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I really want Dr Han and SuJi's mum to end up together!! I want it even more than SuJi and Uri together. But how will that work, when URi is the long lost son?


(What's with Na Young's overacting when she was uncomfortable with the SuJi's mum catering at their family meeting??:joy:?)

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48 minutes ago, africandramalover said:

I really want Dr Han and SuJi's mum to end up together!! I want it even more than SuJi and Uri together. But how will that work, when URi is the long lost son?




The lost child is Mari's, not Dr. Han.  

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3 hours ago, africandramalover said:

I really want Dr Han and SuJi's mum to end up together!! I want it even more than SuJi and Uri together. But how will that work, when URi is the long lost son?


(What's with Na Young's overacting when she was uncomfortable with the SuJi's mum catering at their family meeting??:joy:?)

me too; would enjoy seeing dr han and restaurant mom together. they have a nice quiet warmth to their scenes together which makes it refreshing to watch. they get each other even though their interactions are so formal. lets see if that happens. he sure was super attentive to her and was very happy to see her. 


nayoung and mistress mom getting nervous and indigestion was hilarious to watch. loved the glares that restaurant mom gave which had them literally shaking. :lol:


looks like nayoung's punishment would be loneliness -- basically the curse of that house. she schemed and got what she wanted but it won't be a happy ending like she imagined. they all lead separate lives and they barely even have meals together. so all her hard work for breakfast was wasted. 


2 hours ago, kboramint said:


The lost child is Mari's, not Dr. Han.  

but we don't know the entire story yet and no details such as whether if legally the baby was registered as dr's or not. just like woori and sooji, there may be another layer of legal hoopla perhaps? 

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3 hours ago, kboramint said:

The lost child is Mari's, not Dr. Han.  


I didn't make the effort to know if he is their son. Thank goodness he's not. I guess that's why she was annoyed with him talking about raising another man's kids...:sweatingbullets:



41 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

me too; would enjoy seeing dr han and restaurant mom together. they have a nice quiet warmth to their scenes together which makes it refreshing to watch. they get each other even though their interactions are so formal. lets see if that happens. he sure was super attentive to her and was very happy to see her. 


Now that I'm clear about who URi belongs to, I say, THEY BETTER END UP TOGETHER!! I like their comfortable relationship. They're an underdog case that I want to win in the end. :wub:

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