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[Current Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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2 hours ago, maribella said:

HS claimed he was walking on shells and his father was  under great stress

Mari stresses me out just watching. So I totally get the eggshells part! 😅


2 hours ago, maribella said:

Director Han had something terrible to hide. Maybe he caused the FIL’s death? 

Ooh, that would be interesting -- it has been confusing because it was clear that he is not holding on for power or wealth per se since he was fully prepared to resign and get a divorce. So he keeps mentioning that he held on for a reason for so many years. 

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On 8/15/2024 at 9:56 AM, UnniSarah said:

I did not understand why he was horrified at NY’s plan.  

I really hope nothing happens to Ma Ri once she gets the result. If the result is negative, and she ends up in the hospital. It will be Dr Han’s fault because he as an adult knows right from wrong. 

is it just me or It seems like JT is the one who tampered the DNA since he is a doctor and has all the access in the facilities and knows MR plan and blackmailed by NY


I have a feeling that JT will make MR be confine in the asylum 

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I have a major issue, I want to discuss. Why ??? why doesn't  DY have an opinion on Yun Ja's selfishness and lack of class.  DY also chooses to keep to himself the reason why he broke up with Do Ri. I also think 🤔 DY may not be flakey and selfish. But he is still immature. When DR found out about his mom and sister. She exhibited the right kind of emotions. Hurt, anger, and disgust towards his mom and sister. But DY never exhibited this type of feeling when he found out what his mom did. For that reason I don’t think he deserves to be with DR. She needs a a mature boyfriend instead of someone who will can make her life difficult. His mom and sister will never change.


Episode 94 preview Jin Tae said it is Kim Ma Ri’s fathers fault for Kim Ma Ri to suffer.  It seemed his father in law did not like him. Like any man who is inferior to the rich, instead of proving his FIL wrong. He decided to prove his father in law right by keeping mother and son apart.  I don't think Jin Tae ever loved Kim Ma Ri. He is an opportunist and when he met NY, he say himself. It is funny that he couldn't stand her but now she is his ally. 


On 8/17/2024 at 6:15 AM, mjmartinez said:

I have a feeling that JT will make MR be confine in the asylum 

I think you are right @mjmartinez  He will do it and his son will go with it. HS will agree with JT because he believes his mom is wrong and his dad is right. But once he truth come. out, what will his reaction be. I just hope that JT suffers dearly once the truth comes out. 



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I wish that they had shown the hysterical, crazy etc. MR in flashbacks so that I could understand why it was so terrible for HS that he needed to leave home. Instead they showed happy times with HW and a woman who kept a room as a nursery. If there were voodoo dolls or crazy shamans or incense burning then she would be a nut. Nothing of that sort, just the father and son who show up as uncaring and unsympathetic to a mother who needed closure. I am sure Han had been sabotaging her efforts just as he is doing it now. HS just wants the room for his child with the snake.


I think it will be 3-4 weeks more before UR’s identity is made public.

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Great episode and wished for the next couple of weeks it keeps up the same vibe as episode 94 had. HS now knows U ri is his brother. He is extremely disappointed with his father and he won't buy his father's excuse for why he is doing this. But he will feel obligated to keep it a secret. In his mind protecting his father is right thing. I hope his mom will forgive him, I know how hard it is for some children who grow up feeling unloved. I feel bad for HS since he had no friends and lost only friends he made since he came back to Korea. Ironically he lost them because of his father and wife. 


Preview made me so mad. How Dare NY be upset and sad. She chose to break her husband heart for her greed. She is also shameless enough to go back home and cry. I bet you



5 hours ago, maribella said:

I think it will be 3-4 weeks more before UR’s identity is made public.

I don think it will take that long for the truth to come out. With HS curiosity about his brother, he will get caught. 

@maribella HS will eventually tell the truth or force his father’s hand. 

U Ri got a memory back. He just need help to remember her face. 

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9 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

don think it will take that long for the truth to come out. With HS curiosity about his brother, he will get caught. 

@maribella HS will eventually tell the truth or force his father’s hand. 

You are most likely right, unless they want to turn HS evil and be part of the villainous duo. He had gone to the courtyard house in the preview. 

Han is greedy for something that wasn’t his. He thinks his son should inherit Hadeul? I am looking forward to the next episode, just to see NY being kicked out.

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I have a feeling we are going to be stuck with HS indecisiveness and his father's denial for the whole week. The revelation could be Friday's cliff hanger.  Of course NY is continuing to threaten Han.





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Awesome episode today.

  • NY was kicked out of the house. Knowing NY, she will not go without fighting for what she believes belong. 
    NY pushed all the blame on her father in law. I predict if JT keeps quiet, she will blow the whistle and push all the blame on Jin Tae. When in fact she is the one planned it all. lol lol what a clever witch.
  • NY had the audacity to bring up SJ as a reason to keep U Ri away.  She claims she doesn’t want any ties to Su Ji but forgets her stepfather is Su Jim bio dad. Does she make sense.
  • HS is disgusted by NY and hope his father will come clean.

HS was amazing today. He clearly told his dad all his planning was a WASTE. He doesn’t care who gets Haedeul Hospital /Hospital. He told JT “cut the BS” his excuse isn’t even an excuse. I disagree that HS is weak because HS has always felt unloved growing up. He is bound to protect both his parents especially the one who was present during his childhood. We can see how torn he is , doesn’t know what to do. I find it amazing that once he found out, he went to see his brother. He find out he has a brother but can’t acknowledged it because of his father. Kristen Bell Awww GIF


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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

NY had the audacity to bring up SJ as a reason to keep U Ri away.  She claims she doesn’t want any ties to Su Ji but forgets her stepfather is Su Jim bio dad. Does she make sense.

At one time, she had told SJ, the family didn’t need her. So her mother stole SJ’s father and grandmother and kicked SY out. Now she had taken HS.

So everyone SJ had is now hers.


I didn’t watch the part where SJ and HS split. If he is such an upstanding son now, he would have stood by her when NY schemed against her.

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NY is selfish, I remember when she told SJ “They were stuck with her”. By the way SY left on her own. They did not Locke her out. Once SY found out he cheated she left him. @maribella. Su Ji is the one who broke up with Hyun Sung. He rushed a marriage pre-dinner without Su Ji’a knowledge. During the family meeting, Yun Ja asked the Ha’a to buy a cafe for her husband.  Guess what her Su Ji’a father do, nothing at all. Except look embarrassed. 












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One of the reason I dislike the Jin family. NY and  DY get dotted on meanwhile Su Jimnever received the same treatment. I find any very dumb for abandoning this treatment and warm feeling of being loved and wanted over the Han’s lifestyle.  Smh smh 












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I am curious to know who is Woo Ri's dad. Why was Woo Ri accepted by Mari's dad while HS was rejected? What made Woo Ri special while HS was despised? After watching the last two episodes, I find that Dr Han and NaYoung have very different motivations.


Dr Han isn't afraid of divorce or even losing everything. Instead, it is his need for his life to have meaning. Even though he loved Mari, his intentions were always doubted. He was quietly despised and rejected as a social climber. There was derision, contempt and stonewalling on the part of Mari. She didn't see Dr Han as worthy and he was only there because she needed a father for Hyun Woo.


Her feelings came out more in the open with the loss of HyunWoo. Instead of seeing it as a mistake, they saw it as a planned abandonment or kidnapping. With Mari's sole focus on her first son, HS was just background noise. 


So the rejection of HS by both Mari and her father cut Dr Han to the core. Relegating him to a dog and servant not only devalued him but also devalued his own son. End of the day, this isn't about money or inheritance or the hospital.


This is about acceptance -- his blood, his son to be accepted. So when suspicions about Woo Ri come to the front, his instinct is to hide it. Why? Once Woo Ri's identity is revealed, this family is going to splinter for good. His son will be permanently relegated to the background whether or not HS has a choice.


It also means that Dr Han's hard work of leading the hospital will be brushed aside and his entire life's work will amount to nothing. Those are the kind of feelings that is motivating Dr Han. That is why he didn't get rid of the DNA report like NaYoung would have. He didn't force WooRi out of the hospital like NaYoung would have. He hasn't done anything to get rid of WooRi like NaYoung would. Why? Because he personally has nothing against WooRi. This isn't about WooRi.


This is about his relationship with Mari which was broken long ago. He was relegated to the role of servant and made to feel worthless in his own home. Till he comes to peace with everything that happened and accept that Mari's rejection no longer matters, he will struggle. Once he accepts, he will simply walk away.


What about HS? It is quite possible that he too walks away. Note that he rejected NaYoung but accepted his dad. It isn't just about blood. It is because NaYoung's motivations are actually about herself, her unplaced jealousy and insecurity over SooJi, her vindictiveness. This has nothing to do with HS but rather what she wants to achieve through HS. 


So while two marriages will break, with Dr Han, he will finally be at ease with the divorce. NaYoung on the other hand will be just miserable and destroy a lot of people on her way. It will be a nasty divorce on her side. My guess is that HS will leave permanently to the States end of the drama -- so Mari will again lose one son but maybe this time, she will care about HS as well. 

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@Lmangla  I don’t think Ma Ri thought the same thing as her dad. She couldn’t change her dad’s opinion on her husband. The flashback scene when HS heard about his FIL’s will , it was after HW went missing. I think the real problem lies with Jin Tae infiority for rich people.  If Jin Tae really did not care for the money, he could have divorced her long ago. 
U ri found out U ri has surgery but he has no surgical scars. 
DR and DY will secretly date.
DR’s date left her because DY showed up.
The private investigator found old pictures of URi and sent it to Ma Ari. Then Ma Ri sent it to SY .






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12 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

By the way SY left on her own. They did not Locke her out. Once SY found out he cheated she left him. @maribella. Su Ji is the one who broke up with Hyun Sung. He rushed a marriage pre-dinner without Su Ji’a knowledge.

 Maybe not kicked out literally but if they had accepted her and adopted her daughter, it would seem a matter of time that SY would have to leave.  

Did SJ decide he wasn’t the one for her?  If HS’ action made her realise she didn’t love him then a break up was right but her reactions when he told her about his marriage said something. Or maybe her acting was off.

4 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@Lmangla  I don’t think Ma Ri thought the same thing as her dad. She couldn’t change her dad’s opinion on her husband. The flashback scene when HS heard about his FIL’s will , it was after HW went missing. I think the real problem lies with Jin Tae infiority for rich people.  If Jin Tae really did not care for the money, he could have divorced her long ago

I hadn’t watched the early episodes to comment on Han’s motivation for not finding HW and preventing MR from finding her son. 
I tend to agree with @UnniSarah  that MR did not share her father’s opinion of Han before losing HW. 
Bringing a child to work while on duty as a doctor? How stupid can he be? It wasn’t as if he was a student.  Besides, hospitals are full germs, why bring a young child. He was an opportunist. HW was lost and surely he knew his FIL hated him, he took the opportunity.  He was s doctor who could go to other hospitals, he coveted his in-laws wealth using his son as an excuse.


I think it’s natural for HS to give his father a chance to make things right.He is the father who has cared for him for 35 years while he has known NY for only a few months. He only married her because she got pregnant by raping him.

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