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[drama 2007] Dal Ja's Spring [달자의 봄]

Guest ovette

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they didnt get married yet and i dunno if there is a kissing scene in the last episode of both of them???coz there is none in the caps... i hoping a last KISS SCENE THAT THEY MISSED EACHOTHER AND HUGGED TIGHT THINGY =( Ohh well thanks to all^^

don't worry...there was a kiss on the forehead by TB, then DJ grabbed him for a kiss, and then the kiss where TB has DJ on his shoulders after the two 'talked' in eyes/signals =P ! All in that order

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Guest xbeybidollx

don't worry...there was a kiss on the forehead by TB, then DJ grabbed him for a kiss, and then the kiss where TB has DJ on his shoulders after the two 'talked' in eyes/signals =P ! All in that order

OMO thank u so much for the details now im satisfied... finally it did end it well yeah it made us think of what will be their future ahead =) nice drama.... does mawang thread up alrdy??? thats the next right??? im so gonna watch that one w/ joo ji hoon ....any other highly recommended dramas??? hehehee.... muaaahhh to all ^^

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Guest amane~matsuo

where is SJ and SD's baby???

yes, where's the baby??? ^__^

nyways havent watched ep21-22 yet!!! wahhh..

can't wait :tears: :tears: :tears:

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Guest thunderbolt

this drama ended too soon, much too soon...*cries*

My sentiments exactly. :tears: I'm not willing to let the drama go yet. But I don't want a Season 2 too. One more episode would be perfect and so would a wedding but then we have already seen the 'dream' wedding in Ep 20.

Love, LOVE the ending. Love how they both initiated the kisses - playful yet so intense. Perfect!

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Guest laesperanza43

It has finally come to an end. But really, has it?

The ending reminds me of MNIKSS's ending. DJ's narration at the end was perfect.

There isn't a happy ending... tomorrow is another day and another beginning.

I learned so much from this drama, not just about love but what it means to live fully.

When I become 33, I hope I can be as self-confident and kind-hearted like DJ (and hopefully meet someone like TB too!)-

I'm going to miss everyone on this thread. You guys are simply amazing.

I highly doubt there will be a season 2. I mean, what would it be about?

So glad it's a happy ending... I was worried that the drama wouldn't have a happy ending at the end of ep20.

Anyway, thanks to all who actively posted links for this drama- where would we be without you? :)

I'm already having DJ withdrawal symptoms. *goes looking for another drama to watch*

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

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Guest amane~matsuo

Just watched the last 10 mins of EP22~~ and got teary-eyed with joy!!! ^__^

not really dissapointed with the ending, since it was what I expected since the beginning~ glad everything worked out for the characters [:

I didn't expect much, honestly but then seeing DJ happy, fulfilled and glad makes me so happy too so, im content


cant wait to watch the whole thing tho, again wanna thank everyone from the uploaders, translators, info providers~~ [:

can't be happy enough! i can sleep fitfully now, and withdrawal symptoms are fast arising but its ok, this drama will be one of my all-time faves fer sure!!

btw, just a question,,

was Seon Ju the one who asked for marriage ??? and they just decided to get hitched only after two years??

coz am positive i heard SJ said oori kyeolhonkaja?? :blink:

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oh DJS is over now but the memory of it will linger on.. the series that made me cry and laugh for the past weeks.. i so love it.. i did another MV of DJS >>>

<<< im experimenting on some stuff so please bear with it haha.. i just want to share it with you guys.. im not yet good in doing MVs but im doing my best... :)
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Guest n5y17cgirl

hehe...I just noticed something...the guy who was in the restaurant, a blind date of hers? [what was going on in that entire restaurant scene, n5y17cgirl?] played her brother in Oh! Pil-seung!

oh yes...who was that girl TB was talking to in the beginning of the episode? before he left and got on his bike?

so I don't want to spoil ALL of it just yet for those who haven't watched ep. 21 and 22 yet. so I'll just answer the questions above (based on my memory) so DON't READ any further if you don't want any spoilers:

the girl that TB was talking to at the beg. of the ep. was also another set-up (blind date) by his mom, if I remember correctly. (don't get me wrong; TB's mom still wants DJ to come back, but in the meantime doesn't think it'll hurt to meet other ppl... or something like that). So TB goes to the "meeting" because he thinks it’s only etiquette (or as he says good 'manner' for him to do so), but tells the girl all about DJ, making it clear that he isn’t interested in anyone else and is patiently waiting for DJ to come back..

oh really? He played her brother? Haha… so in that restaurant scene with DJ and the other guy – yes, he is also a blind date. Everyone who works at that restaurant know him as "the Wednesday man" – I guess he comes there every Wed. with a new blind date. That part was kind of funny b/c the head chef was like "he’s so neuk-gi-hae (slimy/gross/heebee jeebee kind of guy) if we think he’s neuk-gi-hae, how much more so do women think he’s neuk-gi-hae??” :-P So the guy keeps talking and talking, and he even says "oh yeah, this restaurant isn’t one I frequent; it’s just a place I used to come to" (which we know is clearly a lie), and DJ just keeps eating and eating w/o really listening to whatever the guy is saying. The guy make s a comment "wow, you eat really well" to which DJ apologizes and says "oh, I’m sorry. It’s just been so long since I’ve been in Korea eating Korean food…" Then DJ asks the guy "Do you know how old I am?" To which the guy replies "you’re 33." DJ looks at him and says "oh no you’re mistaken (you’ve been misinformed) – I’m 35." Then the guy goes to use the restroom and calls his mom whining/complaining about the fact that DJ is one year older than him and blaming his mom for giving him the wrong facts regarding DJ. He doesn’t seem to enjoy the idea of an older woman... TB sees the guy in the bathroom and asks him "I have a question for you: would you date a woman who is 29 but looks like she’s 33? Or would you rather be with a woman who’s 35, but looks like she’s 29?” (or something like that) The guy seems perplexed by the question and finally answers "I’m not sure… What’s the right answer?" TB says "just as I thought. You don’t even take feelings (how you feel about the woman) into consideration; rather, you’re more focused on the age thing. The right answer to that question is: feelings. That’s what’s important.” (that was a rough translation since I don’t remember word-for-word)

Back at the table, DJ is sitting by herself (still waiting for the guy who’s still in the bathroom) and gets a special cake for dessert which she did not order, compliments of one of the chefs (TB, of course). The waitress says that one of the chefs made it especially for her "thinking that she was the type of person who would prefer to/like to eat a cake" There’s a note that accompanies the cake w/ the words "IF IT’S FATE; [then] MAYBE”… *This is a recurring theme throughout the ep. which you’ll understand once you watch the ep.*

The guy comes back to the table, but DJ has already left. The guy says out loud "what is this? She just comes for a free meal and then leaves w/o saying goodbye? What kind of woman does that?" The waitress then tells him "the lady you were with paid the bill and left."

o.k. that’s it for now.

I’m gonna post some non-clubbox links for ep. 21 (yesterday’s ep) next…

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Guest cutiepie

don't worry...there was a kiss on the forehead by TB, then DJ grabbed him for a kiss, and then the kiss where TB has DJ on his shoulders after the two 'talked' in eyes/signals =P ! All in that order

really? aww, all that buffering i only saw the last one

thanks n5y17cgirl for translating some of the scenes!!

chariots of fire theme (in ep19)..thanks ai* for the info


ng8 chinese subbed




episode 21 chinese subbed


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Guest n5y17cgirl

Episode 21 [HQ]


Episode 21 [LQ]

2 links:





oh yeah, so some of you were asking about SD & SJ’s baby… actually this was pretty funny.

Warning: *SPOILER*

so if you remember from ep. 21, SJ made a comment like "… actually, I take that back. I don’t want our baby to be a girl. What if she comes out looking like you? Do you know much money we’ll have to spend on fixing her (getting plastic surgery done)?"

well… they had a baby girl. And so in ep. 22, when SJ first brings the baby by the office (I think it’s also her 1st day back at work), they all think the baby is a boy. :P haha

btw, just a question,,

was Seon Ju the one who asked for marriage ??? and they just decided to get hitched only after two years??

yes, SJ is the one who ultimately decides to marry SD. I think (ep started buffering at this one part) she finally sees how hard it’s been on SD – her always rejecting him every time SD brings up the subject of marriage. But even when she agrees to marry SD, she does it in her own fashion, like only SJ can do. She says something like "I’m not going to wear a wedding dress. I’m just going to wear an outfit I like. That’s o.k., right?"

o.k. now I really have to get back to work. ;-)


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Guest ripgal

Finally, DJS has ended. It was definitely a meaningful and educational journey.. learning about love and life overall. It's definitely a drama which everyone should not miss..^_^

I read the spoilers and I'm actually satisfied with the ending, since I had expected something somewhat similer. Thanks a lot for the highlights and spoilers! Dal Ja BBASYA! :w00t:

And thanx a lot cutiepie for EP 21 chi subbed..the chinese team is really efficient!

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Guest amane~matsuo

oh yeah, so some of you were asking about SD & SJ’s baby… actually this was pretty funny.

Warning: *SPOILER*

so if you remember from ep. 21, SJ made a comment like "… actually, I take that back. I don’t want our baby to be a girl. What if she comes out looking like you? Do you know much money we’ll have to spend on fixing her (getting plastic surgery done)?"

well… they had a baby girl. And so in ep. 22, when SJ first brings the baby by the office (I think it’s also her 1st day back at work), they all think the baby is a boy. :P haha

omomomomomomo~~ :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

i thot twas a baby boy too!!!

coz i watched some clips from ep22!!! argghh sae do!!!! :crazy:

haahaa!! still cuuute btw ^ㅇ^

yes, SJ is the one who ultimately decides to marry SD. I think (ep started buffering at this one part) she finally sees how hard it’s been on SD – her always rejecting him every time SD brings up the subject of marriage. But even when she agrees to marry SD, she does it in her own fashion, like only SJ can do. She says something like "I’m not going to wear a wedding dress. I’m just going to wear an outfit I like. That’s o.k., right?"

o.k. now I really have to get back to work. ;-)


ohh so that's what she said! she even say's saranghae her own, the one and only seon ju way!! haahaa. thanks for clarifying it! :lol:

and many many thanks for the ep 21 DL`s! :w00t:

thaank yooouuu cutiepie & n5y17cgirl

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omomomomomomo~~ :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:i thot twas a baby boy too!! coz i watched some clips from ep22!!! argghh sae do!!!! :crazy:

haahaa!! cuuute btw ^ㅇ^

ohh so that's what she said! she even say's saranghae her own, the one and only seon ju way!! haahaa. thanks for clarifying it! :lol:

and many many thanks for the ep 21 DL`s! :w00t:

thaank yooouuu cutiepie & n5y17cgirl

oh nice... i always love SJ's way haha.. and i like SD too.. very funny guy.. OH all the characters of this series have chemistry.. they compliment each other.. that's what makes this series so good to watch.. :D

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Guest javabeans

Sorry for the lateness! I haven't seen the last episode yet, so I'm trying not to read too many spoiler posts -- so I'm not sure if someone has already posted a summary for Ep. 21, but here's mine!

Episode 21:"People Unskilled In Love"


Dal Ja tells us, there are a few instances a woman says, "Let's break up." It could be to add a little anxiety in a relationship (to keep it from becoming complacent), or to test the other person's heart, or because you've truly lost the confidence that you can continue seeing being together.

Tae Bong doesn't understand why Dal Ja wants to break up. Is it his mother? Does Dal Ja think he's with her because he feels responsible? She says no, it's because she doesn't feel certain anymore, of his love, of her love.

He said because of her, he gave up his dream and went back to the law firm. "What more do I have to do? What more do I have to do to make you certain?" Dal Ja says that makes it even harder on her. "I even made you give up you dream. I made you return to the law firm you hated." Tae Bong asks, "Is it harder than breaking up with me?" Dal Ja responds that liking somebody is something you feel in a moment, but reality keeps going.


Dal Ja's narration tells us that Tae Bong just stood there, staring at her for ten minutes... and then left without a word.

And, the sun still came up. She didn't get drunk. She didn't starve. She goes on living, and insists she's fine. But keeps seeing and hearing Tae Bong everywhere -- at home, at work. But she tells herself she's okay.

At work, she gives a presentation, and nearly breaks down in front of everyone when she sees Tae Bong in her slide presentation. Slide after slide is of him, and she nervously tries to fix the projector...


...until she realizes the projector is fine. It's her mind that sees Tae Bong everywhere.


And she has to finally admit to herself, " Actually no... I'm not fine."

Tae Bong, meanwhile, isn't looking so hot himself. I'm serious, the boy is looking rough. He's been sleeping in the office for the past couple of days.


Tae Bong: "I'm just going to work with you. Only work."

Soo Jin: "What fun is that? Let's do other things too."

Tae Bong: "In your life, have you ever felt moved in your heart before your mind?"

Soo Jin: "What do you mean?"

Tae Bong: "The thing you and I have in common is, we both haven't learned how to accept people into our hearts. Only using your mind to make decisions, or understand people. Only loving with your mind. But Soo Jin. That's not real. Your heart has to race for it to be real. Do you understand?"

Soo Jin: "So you know how to say those childish things, too?"

Tae Bong: "Truth is simple, and sincerity is childish."

Soo Jin: "Let's stop. I don't like this."

Tae Bong: "You're not happy living like this, either. Because you're not happy, you keep wanting to take things. You acting like this with me isn't love, it's simply that you want to have something. Isn't it?"

Soo Jin: "You're really getting to be no fun."

I think all of Soo Jin's bluster about "fun" actually shows how much Tae Bong's changed, because he used to be the type to indulge her flirting and silly behavior. But now that he's felt more for someone, he can't just treat it lightly like Soo Jin, constantly keeping true emotion at a distance.

Sae Do moves in next door to Seon Joo. She doesn't understand why he gave up his opportunity to go abroad, but he tells her she's more important. She says she hasn't changed her mind about not wanting to get married, and he understands. But he still wants to be with her, to watch her nearby, watch their baby be born. So they don't have to marry, but they'll be together.

Since Sae Do can't go abroad, Kang Team Manager offers the spot to Dal Ja. Dal Ja is taking some time to consider it, which Soon Ae thinks is ridiculous. But Dal Ja tells Soon Ae that they broke up. Not because she was dumped, but because she lost confidence.

Eom Ki Joong takes Dal Ja out for a drink, having heard that she broke up. But he's actually quite charming, and insightful. He says that he's wanted to run away in the past, too. But strangely, it's not when things are going badly -- it's when they're going well. When things aren't going smoothly, people tend to want to work things out and find solutions. But when things are going well, they get uneasy, and that prompts them to run away. Ki Joong wonders if that's what she did.


Just then, a group arrives at that bar, and it's a bunch of lawyers from Tae Bong's law firm. Tae Bong sees Dal Ja there with Ki Joong and just stares, stony-face. Awkward!


Soo Jin watches from a distance as Tae Bong and Dal Ja make small talk, and she's clearly nervous. But Eom Ki Joong (who is awesome!!) senses she's going to go butt in, and runs interference for the couple.



He does the whole innocent, "Oh my gosh, how clumsy of me! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there as I poured my entire wineglass in your lap!" It's heartwarming and you just want to give Ki Joong a big ol' hug. I'm such a sucker for loyalty and friendship story lines, and this drama always does such a kickass job of showing them in funny, not-too-cheesy ways.

Dal Ja and Tae Bong talk, and it's awkward and tense and well-acted. (Can I say, this entire episode is beautifully acted. It's easy to cry buckets and wail and throw things; it's much more artful to show controlled pain, controlled turbulence.) They make small talk, until Dal Ja drops the bomb that she's going abroad. In three weeks. For two years. Tae Bong is shocked.

By the way, nice touch: The song playing the background is the (Beatles) song "Yesterday." That ain't no coincidence.

Both mothers feel something's wrong, but don't know what's really going on because their children haven't told them they've broken up. Thinking that they merely had a little incident, the mothers work to patch things up, and it is SO CUTE the way they leap to the defense of the other. Dal Ja's mom (JJA, below) defends Tae Bong, and Tae Bong's mom (SYS, below) defends Dal Ja:

SYS: "The way I see it, something definitely happened between her and Tae Bong. Tae Bong's like his father, he's got a way of making women frustrated.

JJA: "No, in my opinion, Dal Ja's definitely the problem."

SYS: "That's not it! Dal Ja's not the type to go on overseas study without reason."

JJA: "When did you start taking my daughter's side?"

SYS: "To be honest... Well, who's responsible for Tae Bong going back to the law firm? It's because of Dal Ja. And it's because of her that he's starting to visit us at home again. Dal Ja may be a bit on the old side, but she's a good kid. She knows when to be quiet, and she knows how to treat me well."

JJA: "Tae Bong's pretty great too. At such a young age, he's capable and powerful. He's not like other kids these days. He's the real thing. I don't know about other things, but you sure managed to raise a good son."

SYS: "Yeah, but if it weren't for Dal Ja, who knows where he'd be, doing god knows what."

JJA: "Without Tae Bong, Dal Ja wouldn't have had any shot at dating decently."

So the two moms decide to work together to set everything up themselves. So sweet, and so misguided.

At the family dinner, Dal Ja and Tae Bong are uncomfortable, not realizing that's what they were summoned for (they were told it was merely dinner with each of their own families). They put a stop to it, and say that they're not getting married. Dal Ja and Tae Bong rise and tell the adults to enjoy their dinner, but they'll be leaving early.


Dal Ja and Tae Bong awkwardly decide to go have dinner together, and afterward, Tae Bong asks her if she's really planning to go abroad for two years. And if it's really in three weeks. Dal Ja says yes.


Tae Bong can't help but ask one more thing: "Did I really give you a hard time? So much that you wanted to break up?" Dal Ja says it wasn't because of him, it was because of her. She'd always dreamt big romantic fantasies, but in truth, she doesn't have any experience. "I didn't have any of the answers to my own love. How to do in this situation, in that situation. If this is right, if that's right. Is this really love? I really wanted to love, but I didn't know how to do it properly."

Tae Bong asks: "So, you ran away?"

Dal Ja: "I've spent too much time, loving just on my own. So I know how to love one-sidedly, but loving with two people, I was too clumsy. That's my reason."

As Dal Ja walks off, she thinks: "Before I met him, I thought I knew all there was about love. Since I've known him, I've realized I don't know anything about love. As I'm leaving him now, I thought, 'Now I understand a little what love really is.'"

So Dal Ja goes on with her preparations to leave, packing her things and letting out her apartment, thinking back on all the memories she had there. Dal Ja's co-workers throw her a farewell party.

As Dal Ja takes the mic to give a speech, she almost loses composure, as she thanks everyone for the last eight years. Seon Joo steps in and convey's Dal Ja's faltering words ("You were going to say, 'Everyone, thank you and I love you,' right?"), and tells Dal Ja on behalf of everyone that they all love her and are grateful for her too. Chae Rim is really good in this scene. God, they're killing me with all these stirring, teary moments. So much more moving than big theatrics.



Even Crazy Wife shows up, remarkably less crazy than she's been. She assures Ki Joong she came because Dal Ja invited her (not to stalk Ki Joong). They both muse how nice and good a person Dal Ja is. And Ki Joong thanks his wife for the tulips -- recall that he never saw her cleaining his apartment, and she never told him about it, so he just knows it was her by his instinct. She smiles. These crazy kids just might work things out. Oh, and Kang Team Manager gives a special performance in Dal Ja's honor: "I Will Survive." It's awful and tacky and great.

At the merger negotiation for Handa Home Shopping, Soo Jin is wrapping things up, when Tae Bong speaks up. Although the deal is nearly complete, Tae Bong tells his honest opinion. Handa Home Shopping is not in as severe a situation as they believe, and a merger is not necessary. (This is stuff that Soo Jin and Tae Bong have discussed while working on the case, in Episode 20 particularly, but I assume it wasn't beneficial to their firm to pursue that line of action. They were going to recommend the merger and go ahead.)



Soo Jin takes Tae Bong aside and demands to know if it's because of Dal Ja. But he says that his conscience wouldn't let him continue; he's not one to lie about something like this -- even if it weren't for Dal Ja, he would have said the same thing. Soo Jin can't understand, and Tae Bong says: "Sorry for ruining your work. I guess I'm just not suited for this. Then, I end here."

And he walks out. Woohoo! (I am pretty sure that Tae Bong is quitting. And I'm glad they chose to do it this way -- in the end, he isn't deciding his career based on another person's desires. He's acting on his own, and come to the realization on his own terms.)

Dal Ja goes to work to pack her things, and as she's leaving, she runs into Tae Bong, who's with a few other lawyers. They walk toward each other, tense, but pass each other like strangers.


Dal Ja wills herself not to turn around and look back (although Tae Bong does look back) and walks off, trying to pull herself together. Tae Bong sees her leaving, and chases after her.



After kissing her without any warning, he tells her:

"I'm sorry. But... no matter how I look it... I can't end things with you. So don't go. Don't go anywhere."

"Tae Bong."

"I said don't go, so don't go!"

"Tae Bong."

"I love you. I said... I love you. Don't you understand?"

"Oh my god. I'm 33 years old, and I'm hearing those words for the first time in my life. Those words 'I love you.'"

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Guest wandergirl

^ Awesome episode 21 recap.

Now some thoughts on the last episode( oh it's over :tears: i expect i will watch this drama over and over. anyway, i have less than a week to prepare myself for Mawang)

I was expecting DJ to leave, partly because in kdramas, people always leave Korea and go abroad for 2 years. (Drives me crazy. Why 2? Not 1? Not 3?! Haha) Seriously, I didn't expect her to drop everything just for TB.

I know she loves him too, but she's become who she is [successful woman] because once she sets her mind on something she really does it.

Her pride, dignity... she doesn't forget that.

At the same time I know she also wanted TB to fulfill his dream.

IMHO, it was a realistic ending. We see them happy, and fulfilled. We may not have seen the actual wedding but I'm glad they didn't make it like that--it would've come off as a bit too corny. That's just my opinion, of course.

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Watched the last 10 minutes of ep 22, thanks to Fashionista. A little disappointed in the ending. Found it a bit too feministic viewpoint - ie. Dal Jas being the successful busines woman, whereas, TB is working at a small fast food restaurant (guessing, by the looks of the table and chair) where he fed her the bento box. At least, show him working at a nice, fancy restaurant where he would have the proper training to be a successful chef or restaurant owner in the future. What a waste for a smart guy. (being realistic about the situation).

don't get upset with what I just posted. I think it would have been a more balanced/realistic view.

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