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[drama 2007] Dal Ja's Spring [달자의 봄]

Guest ovette

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Guest makemyday
Watched the last 10 minutes of ep 22, thanks to Fashionista. A little disappointed in the ending. Found it a bit too feministic viewpoint - ie. Dal Jas being the successful busines woman, whereas, TB is working at a small fast food restaurant (guessing, by the looks of the table and chair) where he fed her the bento box. At least, show him working at a nice, fancy restaurant where he would have the proper training to be a successful chef or restaurant owner in the future. What a waste for a smart guy. (being realistic about the situation).

don't get upset with what I just posted. I think it would have been a more balanced/realistic view.

i'm not really upset and what you posted but i cant help but point out

a small little bento box restaurant is what taebong wanted.

for him it was never about having a fancy restaurant or getting really good business

if you remember his motivation for the dream.. it was after his client family packed him a little lunch and told him food warms a soul.. or something like that haha.

thats why he wanted to learn from dalja's restaurant instead of some super fancy nice restaurant.. because in his opinion.. it was the best and like.. warmed his heart or something haha.

(wow. how eloquent am i?? haha)

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Guest n5y17cgirl
Watched the last 10 minutes of ep 22, thanks to Fashionista. A little disappointed in the ending. Found it a bit too feministic viewpoint - ie. Dal Jas being the successful busines woman, whereas, TB is working at a small fast food restaurant (guessing, by the looks of the table and chair) where he fed her the bento box. At least, show him working at a nice, fancy restaurant where he would have the proper training to be a successful chef or restaurant owner in the future. What a waste for a smart guy. (being realistic about the situation).

don't get upset with what I just posted. I think it would have been a more balanced/realistic view.

I'm not upset either, but I do disagree.

I think you need to watch the ENTIRE episode before making a judgement call like that. There are some scenes that you did not see (if all you saw was the last 10 min) that explains what's been going on for the past 2 years. B/c I think the part you saw was taken out of context.

If after you watch it and still think it’s a "feminist" pov, then that’s fine. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion(s). But I think you just may change your mind… Personally, I thought the ending was quite realistic/well-balanced. You won't be disappointed. :)

I don’t want to go into more detail since many ppl haven’t had a chance to watch the finale just yet. But yeah, can't wait to discuss w/ y'all afterwards!

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Guest lotteworld

Thkx Creidesca for the EP22 HQ~* CB-ing righttt now :lol: can't believe it finally finished... I will missed my *Wednesday and Thursday!*

The last panel is looking great... :wub: !! But I just don't understand why they need to use the umbrella... :huh: and thkx Suz07 for the *TB* behind the scene pics... *Finally I see TB wears the black long sleeve; (that cover til' his hand) again LoL ^_^'just luv the way he dressed...'*

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Guest Bamidele
Watched the last 10 minutes of ep 22, thanks to Fashionista. A little disappointed in the ending. Found it a bit too feministic viewpoint - ie. Dal Jas being the successful busines woman, whereas, TB is working at a small fast food restaurant (guessing, by the looks of the table and chair) where he fed her the bento box. At least, show him working at a nice, fancy restaurant where he would have the proper training to be a successful chef or restaurant owner in the future. What a waste for a smart guy. (being realistic about the situation).

don't get upset with what I just posted. I think it would have been a more balanced/realistic view.

doesn't he own the bento shop????

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Guest Yuka212

The rating for yesterday's episode

I thought Surgeon Bong Dal Hee ended I guess I was wrong

TNS Ratings

DalJa's Spring

National- 18.4% (6th)

Seoul- 17.9% (6th)

Surgeon Bong Dal Hee:

National- 29.3% (1st)

Seoul- 30.1% (1st)

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Guest gyojoo

merging posts:

from [g]gyojoo

doesn't he own the bento shop????

Yeah he's about to reach his dream by opening up his own lunch shop. When he brings DalJa to the shop still under construction, one of the first thing he does is give her first lunch he makes as a shop owner. which she find it pretty good.

Yeah he's about to reach his dream by opening up his own lunch shop. When he brings DalJa to the shop still under construction, one of the first thing he does is give her first lunch he makes as a shop owner. which she find it pretty good.

from Bamidele

I thought so...thanks

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Guest monoceros

so amazing.. ep 21 was just amazing in both script and acting. The beinning was so awesome. It was a cliffhanger that didn't let down at all.. She said the line! She said.. "love is just a temporary feeling, but reality goes on forever" love love love!

And she said she didn't become a disabled person who couldn't get anything done even when they broke up, just really missed tae bong. this is reality.. going on forever. ^_^ sometimes dal ja isn't the strongest girl in world, but most of the time, she manages to defy stereotypes.

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Guest simply_dream
so amazing.. ep 21 was just amazing in both script and acting. The beinning was so awesome. It was a cliffhanger that didn't let down at all.. She said the line! She said.. "love is just a temporary feeling, but reality goes on forever" love love love!

And she said she didn't become a disabled person who couldn't get anything done even when they broke up, just really missed tae bong. this is reality.. going on forever. ^_^ sometimes dal ja isn't the strongest girl in world, but most of the time, she manages to defy stereotypes.

I LOVE THE WAY U PUT IT! and i totally agree, she is not the strongest girl in the world, but she lives thru it, in ways we cannot imagine sometimes =)

OMG!!!! i just read the spoilers and it sounded so interesting... i have a feeling im gonna get so teary eyed, i love drama that portrays reality i mean not completely *because then, that would not be such a great drama LOL* but like sometimes you feel like you can relate =) so excited, cant wait till i watch it! thanks everyone...

wow, i cant believe it's over... >.< remembering back in the days when i was looking so forward for this drama to come out... it's amazing =P

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Guest xbeybidollx

From the first few minuted of finale episode after TB met the blind date and tell her all abt DJ then when TB dropped a postcard from DJ???? so meaning they didnt lost contact right????PLS anyone THANKSSS

Last 10 minutes of ep 22. click to watch...


after watching the last 10mins of the finale episode im so very satisfied of the ending... esp. when the note where TB saids if FATE MAYBE THEN ERASED IT TO "MUST BE" IS REALLY GOOD POINT IF BOTH REALLY DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER AND THE LOVE IS TRUE AND VERY STRONG THEN THE ENDING MUST BE OR SHOULD BE THEM^^

very well done the finale episode............... i highly recommend the drama..

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Guest ripgal

Somebody mentioned about the series ending with a feministic inclination, well I guess you've already got it from the title of the drama "Dal Ja's Spring". So I guess it's about women after all.. I have no probz about that. Hehe..^_^ In fact I love endings whereby a woman actually comes out from her protected shell and prove herself to be a worthy survivor in the real world, be it in the world of her career or the world of love.

o/t: If anybody's watching Surgeon Bong Dal Hee, it ended beautifully as well. :)

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Guest monoceros

Watched the last 10 minutes of ep 22, thanks to Fashionista. A little disappointed in the ending. Found it a bit too feministic viewpoint - ie. Dal Jas being the successful busines woman, whereas, TB is working at a small fast food restaurant (guessing, by the looks of the table and chair) where he fed her the bento box. At least, show him working at a nice, fancy restaurant where he would have the proper training to be a successful chef or restaurant owner in the future. What a waste for a smart guy. (being realistic about the situation).

don't get upset with what I just posted. I think it would have been a more balanced/realistic view.

Umm.. I have to disagree too. Honestly speaking, I think to say that it is feminist.. isn't that kind of gender stereotyping? Is it only equal is both of them are successful? If the woman is "successful" and the man is the worker at a bento shop, does that make it feminist? It's a waste for a smart person.. in a way. Maybe he has talent as a restaurant owner and it would be a waste for him to be a lawyer? I just personally think, just because one is successful and the other is not does not mean it is unequal...And in any case, success is a socially defined term too..

I'm not upset or anything, its just that i think that women should have the right to be more "successful" in the relationship without being labeled feminist.

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Guest tiffany


I've yet to watch the last 2 episodes but the line on this postcard... it's another parody.... from the Japanese drama, Pride (starring Takuya Kimura).

I've really enjoyed Dalja's Spring so far. From reading about the ending, I think it's realistic enough with a touch romanticsm. Thanks for allt he uploads. I shall miss this drama. :rolleyes:

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Guest n5y17cgirl
From the first few minuted of finale episode after TB met the blind date and tell her all abt DJ then when TB dropped a postcard from DJ???? so meaning they didnt lost contact right????PLS anyone THANKSSS

after watching the last 10mins of the finale episode im so very satisfied of the ending... esp. when the note where TB saids if FATE MAYBE THEN ERASED IT TO "MUST BE" IS REALLY GOOD POINT IF BOTH REALLY DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER AND THE LOVE IS TRUE AND VERY STRONG THEN THE ENDING MUST BE OR SHOULD BE THEM^^

no, TB tells her that they did lose touch after the 1st month or so - there was no correspondance of any kind after that. But he kept the postcard the entire time and wants to for once "trust her like she trusted in me"... b/c "if it's fate (meant to be), [then] maybe". ;)

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Guest aceyyy

Wow I'm really slow, I'm trying to catch up on eps 1-6 on tudou while following KBSWorld which just finished ep13 (but it's worth seeing Taebong's face really big and clear haha) I'm so glad it ended well!! Now I can just follow in peace.. 5 more weeks to get to where you are!! omg

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Guest xbeybidollx


I saw some comments that said ending of TB having a bit cheap bento shop actually from the looks of it its not that cheap and i think is cool... that he has simple dream thou in reality yeah lawyers gain more respect from ppl but if his not happy in that field i guess he wil just suffer the rest of his life plus in reality if his bento shop did well it be famous and earn fair much earning to start a new simple family too...

As a woman ...this series actually contradicts other kdramas like the usual drama when a guy chase a gurl in the airport they always end up luckily on time to see each other and embrace while here no meaning in reality things dont work out that way with always the right timing plus if its really true luv the heart always can wait for its owner right??as in ep12 i remember TB always willing to wait for DJ heart to come towrds him but gave a warning not to be too long if u guys remember the bus scene... so TB is a patient mature and patient broadminded kind of character guy in the drama which all guys should make a role model in understanding the feelings of a WOMAN...

Plus not only women give birth to children and just a simple wife all women have dreams of their own to be successful in every chosen field and should gain respect from men too that they r worthy to dream and be successful... Alot women ages 29 above having the imagination that they might be late or might lose fate to love.(LIKE IN MNKKS SAMSUN ALWAYS SAID THE WORDS HE MIGHT BE MY LAST CHANCE).. yet here in this drama (DJ LETS GO OF FEAR THAT MIGHT BE THE LAST GUY IN HER LIFE BUT STILL COURAGEOUS TO FACE THE REALITY IF THE GUY IS STILL DESTINED TO BE WITH HER FOR LIFE OR NOT LIFE MUST GO ON)gave all women hope that no matter what age u r dont lose hope for love will come to u if u just open ur eyes and open ur heart .... and be smart to live life w/o any fear of gettin old just live life to fullest ^^...

id like to be like Dal Ja when i reach those age id still be happy and brave to face reality even if im destined to have a man beside me or not i should live life to the fullest too ^^

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Guest lotteworld

Finally finished watching EP22~* Great Ending... although as you guys hv said there are not too many TB-DJ's scenes thru-out...however, I agree that someone here has posted there are sweet scenes of TB-DJ thru-out EP1-21... :)

I really like how's they film the first part of EP22, like the flashback... between 2007 // 2009~* Plusss... I like the way that everyone seem to got a equal share/part thru-out the last ep. (great idea to do *wrap-up!*) ... and I am also, surprise that they managed to "paint" a conclusion for EP22~* (sweet)


In EP21, we finally see the scene where TB & his Ex's broke up in the past, that make me see and understand with the connection between the hospital scene where TB is angry with DJ who tries to *decide which "side" is better (between TB and UKJ)* and as I remember, TB also said to DJ that he doesn't like woman who try to balance out which side is better/ or put it this way, he doesn't like woman who "test-out" which side is better...On the other hand, In the past, TB told his Ex's that he doesn't like one who use "break up" to - test - the relationship (after his Ex's said break-up and expect he would do "something" about it)... So between these two comments, I can see TB is a guy who take luv relationship seriously and has his own set of rules to follow...~*


I wish they will film a special for DJ's Spring like the one for Goong in the past... :)

----- On my journey to search for my TaeBong... -----

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Guest aceyyy

Hi everyone... I have a favour to ask!

Does anyone know where I can find the title picture for episode 3, with the Korean title on it? Alternatively, does anyone know the original Korean title for episode 3?

Also.. the link to the 'last night?!' track on the first post is broken... if it's what I think - the dramatic acapella of 'that night?!' when TB asked DJ whether she forgot what she did 'that night' on ep 2 or 3... can someone please reupload it? I'd be very grateful! Butakhaeyo~ Thanks!

Actually I'm really glad the ending turned out that way... when they told us in around ep8-10 that Taebong was a lawyer from a rich family, I thought "oh no" - because then it becomes a formulaic K-drama, with the rich guy being everyone's dream guy... I'm glad this drama shows that a guy doesn't need all those material qualifications to be a good, desirable guy, that a guy who had his own principles, who knows what he wants and dares to follow his dreams is attractive too! Of course TB is still not a "normal" guy (cos I guess no one wants to watch a drama about that?) but they've made him a lot more realistic, and I appreciate that. Hope they make more dramas like this!! ^_^

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Guest antinh85

i thought that having a job that you are happy at is being successful? at least that what i thought .. Tae bong didnt want to be a lawyer that's why he left it... he's happier owning a bento shop? not many of us have the privilidge of doing what we like.. Tae bong already knew that he belong somewhere else besides that firm...

thanks for u guys for posting up the links.. upon seeing the last few minutes of last episode.. i was a bit disappointed.. it has a happy ending but i was longing for something more... like seeing them getting marry or have kids.. that would have more perfect.. i wanted to see that all along... :tears:

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Guest Solly

gaaaaaaaah! episode 21!!!!!! the last part!!! :DDDD

absolutely melted my heart! he's so hot!!! ToT ToT

i agree with xbeybidollx about how this drama

contradicts with other kdramas.

from my opinion, i think this love story was rather more

realistic than any other kdramas i've seen. love is simply

not an easy thing to handle, especially when you're a

33 year old woman who passed the "blossoming" stage.

no matter what age you are or what person you are,

we all seek for love, and we want our love to become a

fairytale. i remember dal ja told tae bong about how

she saw love to be like the ones she would see on dramas,

but reality hit her in the face and realized that this is

reality (especially when she's 33 years old).

i agree with everyone else who said that tae bong did not

seek for a fancy restaurant. i don't think that you have

to have a fancy restaurant to make loads of money, plus,

i don't think money was the issue for tae bong to open up

a restaurant. tae bong simply wanted to serve a delicious meal

that was made from the warmth of love. i think that's enough

for someone to think their dream is a success... don't you think?

i also agree with what monoceros said. i think that's being

rather gender stereotyping. just because the female got a better

"looking" job than her man does not make the woman far more

better than him. it is a waste for a smart guy like him to want to

open up a small restaurant, but it was his dream ever since he

was served a hot meal filled with warmth from the heart.

man, can't wait to see the last episode! woohoo!! i want to see

the baby!!! xDDDDD i bet it's going to look adorable!! xDDDDD

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