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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Oh no Yvo, been wondering where you are, hope you are okay??  Please gently have a good recovery!!  Fightings!  \m/     It's good to see your photos again, liking yours much better!!  v  

Thanks chellsee and KB for more SM:R episode clips, they are just like regular families.. :)  Wow..very nice new Cover issue of Style!!??  Hoping he's still in a model mood still!!??   He's still growing younger, each days and minutes!!   v

Thanks also KB for more FB pages, hopefully these are officials and good to go!  :)  

Hi walkingthruaf,  welcome to soompi and songie form too!!  Hope you enjoy your stay..  :)

Thanks Cutie, for the clips..it's better for me, which I still don't have kBS now..  STill waiting..   

Waves to Klouvios, sig, celiap, hul_02, metal, ard, will,  


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Our Best Daddy - Song Il Kook will be on the cover of Styler Magazine, September 2014 issue.


Source: http://cafe.daum.net/GeNtLeSongillgook/1oxw/49281


From tumblr/DMM:

tumblr_nan6qpG6nl1th35rso2_250_zps4c3f58   tumblr_nan6qpG6nl1th35rso1_250_zpsc2e258

More Instagram photos from various accounts:








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I thought something good was coming his way.  YAY !!!
Coming up in Style magazine.
The boys and their Dad are beautiful.



Google translation:
Magazine cover was decorated with three twins 'Son of Song' Song Il is. 
Hail and unveiled a pictorial involved with the Republic of twin boys aged housewife life stylers Song Il Kook magazine. 
The bright smile holding based on Song Il had a son in the pictorial. He's building a bemused smile ego finds expression not awkward first pictorial taken for the Republic hurray. 
Reveal eye-catching charm of the man in the hot dad, not alone Song Il Kook is cut. This is a suite with a meolkkeum impressive charismatic eyes. 
Life changed after marriage he confessed in an interview conducted with the shooting. 
Song Il Kook went "I can by 04 colleges. The perception is often so high school students work with aliases. Was much afraid and bear a son resembles his son lay me afraid, "he told us. 
Following "good life than stating the fact that I have the ability. How do you give back to the community is grateful worry I thought I was one of a harmonious home than what I should be the goal, "he added. 
So he decided my life goal. " Said it would be a good husband to his wife, and the second is to stick to my work, and the third is that the father will not be ashamed to buy a child, "First. 
He also expressed confidence in the love of his wife, jeongseungyeon Judge Song Il Kook was interviewed. 
He said, "I learn a lot, thanks to a wise woman called wife. Before he married someone 'usually give a 3 from the marital relationship to a man trying to take his wife 07, and can be very smooth and vice versa if the marriage' and hadeora, "he said. 
Charineunga the table that you own, such as White Day, the anniversary of her birthday gift or even to convey the surprise return to the set when shooting Song Il Kook is fat. He said, "I tried this person's not original. I would confess to grow "really love. 
Finally revealed a desire for the daughter of the twin Song Il. He put "is named. Our country. Another son is pretty good out of fear of the neoseure trembled as worried. " 
On the other hand, can be found through the styler Housewives Life September Song Il Kook is a pictorial. 
Source:  http://news.nate.com/view/20140822n00890

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Dear @KonaBeans‌, your prediction is coming their way and more more to come. I'm so happy for the Song family. I hope that they remain healthy despite their busy schedules. And oh, the magazine is just in time for our visit. Yehey!!!

Dear @ardently‌, Daehan pic I guess is still in the making. I followed so many IG accounts just to stalk for the latest pics of the boys. I am now a certified stalker. Haha!

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Actor Song Il-Look is appointed exclusive model for FILA Outdoors


Fila Outdoors is appointed as the exclusive model that actor Song Il has received a lot of love in 'Superman' dad recently said 22. 
Images of Song Il with strong yet soft images at the same time as the model meets gotta well 'it' s alpinijeum '(It's Alpinism) brand philosophy of meaning Fila Outdoors is' challenging the limits of nature on your own and go find the joy "is said it appointed. 
Being very active in 'Superman came back Happy Sunday' in the warm caring look nicely "for the Republic, Hail, 'triplets' dad Superman ', referred to as such" three twins dad' KBS Song Il today. 
Fila first outdoor photo shoot in a studio in Gangnam recently held at the back door without regret that exert a charismatic and full of masculine charm Song Il Kook is smooth. 
The model will act as a brand through a variety of media, starting with the theme of the hybrid down jacket and trekking shoes fall winter collection of pictorial Song Il. 



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Song Il Kook and his Triplets Dae Han, Min Kook and Man Se pose for 'Styler Jubu Lifestyle' 

Song Il Kook surprised fans of 'Superman is Back' by revealing that he wants to raise twin girls in his interview with 'Styler Jubu Lifestyle'! 
Song Il Kook shared his big ambition to have twin girls next, "I even came up with the names 'Woori' and 'Nara' [when put together 'woori nara' means 'our nation' which goes along with the Korean pride theme of his triplets' names 'Dae Han Min Guk Man Se' which means 'Republic of Korea Hurrah!']." 
"But if I really end up having another kid, I'm worried that it will be another son." 
Stay tuned for his 'superman' power in taking care of his triplets by himself for 48 hours on 'Superman is Back' this Sunday!
Source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2014/08/song-il-kook-and-his-triplets-dae-han-min-guk-man-se-pose-for-styler-jubu-lifestyle

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Woo Hoo!  Great news!  \:D/ SIK and the triplets are such an entertaining and charismatic group on film, and best of all, genuine.  So happy to hear his appeal as a strong, masculine father is taking off.   Of course, we all knew that >:D<In the latest Superman episode one of the 3 tasks given to him by his wife is to get all four of them in a picture.  At the park, he has trouble getting their picture taken because the triplets were constantly moving.  After several unsuccessful pictures, SIK asks the whole family to stand behind their father who was taking the picture and wave at the triplets.  It worked!  Reminds me of the time when we got to watch the filming of Divine Hero/ AMCG in Hawaii.  We watched the scene where Michael King was walking with a group of children.  It was cold and windy and the children were tired after waiting for 4-5 hours. The children were not professionals, so the girl that he lifted in the air was very frightened.  She was supposed to look happy, but it wasn't happening.  It was SIK who suggested that her father stand off camera on the side so she could see him and smile when she was being lifted.  It worked!   

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full translation by starnnews

Song Il Guk told that he wants to get twin daughters.

Recently, actor Song Il Guk shot pictorials for magazine 'Housewife Life.'

During the shooting, Song Il Guk showed the great charisma that he has been showing all the time, but he ran outside without even wearing his shoes properly as he heard that his children have arrived at the studio.

The second one of the triplets, Min Guk, just refused to get out of his father's arms, and Dae Han ran around the entire studio, saying hello to the staffs. The third one, Man Se, kept playing with his toy car.

Song Il Guk told that he gave up on everything that he had after having his babies, and he said, "It took me four attempts to get admitted to university, and I always was the last student. I was a hopeless troublemaker, and I actually feared having kids like me. However, I got to be quite lucky for many times in my life, and I wondered about how I should return this appreciation to the society. I thought that making a happy family should become my priority goal, and these are three things that I came up with. The first is becoming a good husband for my wife, second is becoming a proud father, and third is doing my best in what I have to do."

Regarding his wife, he said, "My wife is a very wise woman, and I learn a lot from him. Someone told me that ordinary husbands only give three to their wives, and want their wives to give seven back. However, I think doing the right opposite should make my wedded life much better."

Song Il Guk told that he always expresses his love for his wife, and he said, "I was never like this in the past. It's all about efforts. Love is something that you have to grow."

He told that he hopes to get twin daughters, and he said, "I even decided on their names. Woo Ri, and Na Ra. Aren't they pretty? However, I am worried about having even more son."

Meanwhile, Song Il Guk's new interview can be viewed on September edition of 'Housewife Life.'
/Reporting by Kim Hye-in en@starnnews.com

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so crazy about this triplets.  so cute, so lovable and so well dress all the time.  SIK is such a wonderful dad - softie but strong when boys needed disciplining.
can somebody pls PM me site for live streaming.  i'm just watching them on kbsworld right now.  thanks in advance.

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Song Il Kook teaches his triplets how to ride tricycles in preview cuts for 'Superman is Back'
August 22, 2014 @ 9:31 pm

Actor Song Il Kook taught his triplets, Dae Han, Min Guk, and Man Se (2 years old), how to ride tricycles on the upcoming episode of KBS 2TV's 'Superman is Back'!
The hardship began even before teaching them how to ride with Song Il Kook having to carry his backpack as well as three bikes on his back while holding his children's hands to head to the park.

Once the triplets got on their shiny new rides, Dae Han showed his confidence on the pedals, Min Guk showed his aegyo, and Man Se rode the bike like a scooter by pushing it forward with his feet on the ground.
Stay tuned to watch the triplet's next adventure on the upcoming episode on Sunday!
Source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2014/08/song-il-kook-teaches-his-triplets-how-to-ride-tricycles-in-preview-cuts-for-superman-is-back

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