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[Drama 2022] Twenty-Five Twenty-One ​⌛ 스물다섯 스물하나


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9 minutes ago, bee_wannabe said:

I'm left speechless. I guess i like their chemistry and bond too much to let them end that way. Maybe tomorrow i'll be calmer. And maybe it's also because i experience PTSD too much seeing Yi Jin and Hee Do argue, saying hurtful things they don't mean when they are still deeply in love. The PTSD got me angry at Yi Jin (sorry Yi Jin i'm just being triggered by the past). If you are stuck at that place after all those years why don't you come to her and restart again. Ji Woong and Yu Rim can overcome that why can't you.


I guess the moral of the stiry is to approach anything with simple mind like Ji Woong. That way things can work. And no the epilogue do not even console or give any impact. So what if Hee Do is Yi Jin first love when that beautiful don't even last. I'm done venting out

I do also think, the break up mainly caused by YJ. Though it’s understandable. Since he got so much burden on his shoulder. He was forced to be an adult earlier, that he didn’t get to know how to share the burden. And that’s just where things went wrong.


And the scene where he left the diary to the comic rental owner, if he really meant to reconcile, he would gave it to HD in person. But there he wrote it himself in HD’s diary. “Annyeong, HeeDo.” Means he also readily let HD go. And the fact that they didn’t contact each other through the years (and advancing tech), they both realized that it was really the end.

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After all that trouble they went through to finally decide to be together, why on earth did Yi Jin suddenly decide to give up on her?? Can someone please explain this?


I don't get it, the sudden drift in their relationship makes zero sense. Why the heck did he even apply to work for the NY office?!?! It's like the writer intentionally inserted random conflicts in the script but it makes no sense??????? From being madly in love to suddenly dumping everything behind??! T_T


Also wasn't Hee Do the only reason why he even moved to that other dept with that crazy workload and him having to cover live news all the time???! So the very thing he did specifically for Hee Do ended up being the reason why they drifted apart??? What on earth? Who even wrote the last two episodes T_T

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3 minutes ago, baconham said:

After all that trouble they went through to finally decide to be together, why on earth did Yi Jin suddenly decide to give up on her?? Can someone please explain this?


I don't get it, the sudden drift in their relationship makes zero sense T_T. 

Exactly. Why make him waver in episode 13 only to have him pull away in the end. Why couldn’t we have a ending where they worked hard to make it work. If JW and YR got their happy ending, why couldn’t our Baekdo couple? Why did the writer still end the story with lingering love memories for them. Why not just end it and have them go their separate ways? Why still have them tied to each other?!!! I’m so sad and angry at the ending. This love story was so beautiful, it didn’t deserve this kind of ending. Hee-Do was a beautiful person, we watched her grow from episode 1 till adulthood, she didn’t deserve this kind of ending. I’m just so sad now…..

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2 minutes ago, baconham said:

After all that trouble they went through to finally decide to be together, why on earth did Yi Jin suddenly decide to give up on her?? Can someone please explain this?


I don't get it, the sudden drift in their relationship makes zero sense T_T. 

I completely agree with you. Considering how strong they portrayed HD character and how big YJ love is to HD, the break up really doesn't make sense, so out of character. I felt really disapointed with the writters for this stupid ending. 

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12 minutes ago, baconham said:

Can someone please explain this?


can't help you there. i also dont understand.

did he fall out of love? I know depression can make you push people away, but is that really what the drama wanted to say? because that's what i'm getting. 

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I would rather have Yijin die than have this awful ending. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And what was the purpose of having Minchae in the show? Just to make us suffer and keep guessing who is the father? Was it just a PR move to have us around until the end? WHAT!?


What a great way to destroy a show that was wonderful, well-written and emotional, with potential to become the top drama of this year. Writer-nim, I will not watch any of your shows again, goodbye...

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Something is seriously wrong with this writer. Was she sane? Just wow. Such a good drama (minus the finale week) with great potential completely destroyed, and in the most unconvincing manner. The behavior of the leads in the last 2 episodes were completely out of character. Their special bond suddenly meant absolutely nothing. There are many challenging professions out there with long, unpredictable hours which require great understanding and sacrifice from the partners. The whole long distance reason is such a joke. The Hee Do and Yi Jin of ep 1-14 would have overcome those challenges together and ultimately returned to each other. Meanwhile the high school sweetheart story of Ji Woong and Yu Rim worked out…


It has been many many years that I’m flabbergasted by such an

ending, so sad

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1 hour ago, Kathia said:

I would rather have Yijin die than have this awful ending. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. 


I knew this would happen if yijin didnt die, they would make nonsense reason to break up lol


@inBinJinitrust right? Ji woong and yurim bond isn't better than baekdo but they had happy ending and somehow worked even after yurim changed nationality and move to another country lol

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2 minutes ago, inBinJinitrust said:

The Hee Do and Yi Jin of ep 1-14 would have overcome those challenges together and ultimately returned to each other.

This! Exactly! The writer wrote their characters in a way that we see them as strong individuals ready to overcome anything from ep 1 - 14 but suddenly everything takes a turn even after letting us see how deeply in love Yi Jin fell for Hee Do. What the heck. 


It's like they got their intern to write the script for the last two episodes! The disconnect between the characters from ep 1-14 and 15-16 is huge gahh

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I don't know what to say, everyone got their happy ending. All the theories died LOL. No Mr. Kim. Just simple as that.

To be honest, HD and YJ's bond is one of a kind. We are  watching and experiencing their progress and growth, so really is upsetting when they said good bye when we know they are still care and love each other. We were hoping that they can make it.


I still felt little disappointed how the writer made the closure. Not really satisfied. No explanation why HD used 2521 sign for her workshop? how HD's photo which YJ had was in her photo album. Those lead viewers into guessing game. The writers probably didn't expect that will bring so many question and guessing game about Mr. Kim.


Im not sure if this drama will be in my rewatch list, may be it will be  but up to ep13 i guess. But still need to say kudos to NJH and KTR's acting. Hope they will have another project that better than this one. They really portrayed their characters really well.




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I am surprised by some reactions here. Let us remember that they did stay together for some years, like 3 years so it WAS very meaningful! Yes, he hesitated but then gave his all... It was just that after a while, he could not bear being sorry all the time and the same goes for NHD. She laos did not find it fulfilling anymore. She is very honest with her feelings: once she does not enjoy something anymore, she has to stop. That was the case for her relationship with BYJ...


I feel frustrated by some things but I do undertsnad what happened and why. And how to.


When NHD's mother asked her if she was ok with BYJ being absent and thus NHD was reproducing what she had known with her mom, I knew that it was going to end badly. Because that is true that love is not enough. That is the reality of how it works. Love is just not enough.


But I liked how they both cherished that memory of the past. That is very mature.

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I want to add the fact that the very reason they supposedly drifted apart is the same issue adult NHD has with her husband? Being absent and away for long periods of time. 


I'm not really convinced this is not a Baekdo endgame, even of BYJ didn't give her her diary personally, maybe it was because he knew it was not yet the time to bond again. 

I've been there and I totally get that move. 

You said goodbye and part ways and all that, but if destiny brings you together again (cough, cough, BYJ becoming anchor), you know you will try it again.

Btw, is Kim Min Chae really 15 in international age? Because if it was Korean age it could be she was born in 2009... 


I don't know, I really do not buy it that they couldn't make it work. 

They literally had a stronger bond and a longer history than the other couples...

I don't know, if the end was them not being together, ep 14 would have been a great ending. 

Edited by lin_00
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11 minutes ago, piluche said:

Exactly. Why make him waver in episode 13 only to have him pull away in the end. Why couldn’t we have a ending where they worked hard to make it work. If JW and YR got their happy ending, why couldn’t our Baekdo couple? Why did the writer still end the story with lingering love memories for them. Why not just end it and have them go their separate ways? Why still have them tied to each other?!!! I’m so sad and angry at the ending. This love story was so beautiful, it didn’t deserve this kind of ending. Hee-Do was a beautiful person, we watched her grow from episode 1 till adulthood, she didn’t deserve this kind of ending. I’m just so sad now…..

So AGREE with your points. Life is hard already, i thought this drama could be healing drama LOL, but it done opposite.


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11 minutes ago, Lontong syr said:

I will remember the writters of this drama, and never watch the drama they made in the future. What a stupid ending. Unbelievable. 

i had to resurrect my soompi account of 5 years just to say this:

I need another Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Taeri project that doesn’t end like this. Their chemistry was off the charts.  


I am seriously outraged and disappointed. The ending doesn’t make any sense. The build up was promising only for the writer to drop us like this.  

Yes, love stories don’t have to always end in happily ever after, but ep 16’s writing felt so rushed. All the clues from the past episodes and the trajectory of the story don’t make any sense. I couldn’t believe this. What’s the point of bringing Min Chae in the story if there’s no husband reveal. 


This was probably the most disappointing thing that’s happened to  me while following a kdrama. 

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I think the decision to break up was not merely because of the distance. They didn’t work things out together as a couple. YJ’s decision to apply as correspondent in NY without discussing it with HD was just so wrong. You can’t assume a big decision by yourself. I think that’s what made HD became uneasy. The trust issue. That she thought she’s not that important or significant to YJ. And YJ too, he just failed to see HD as a partner. To see someone as a partner means to see her in par with you. He might mean to protect HD, and didn’t want HD to get the pain he felt while he was in NY. But to HD, it meant he just can’t see her in par with him. 

Surely distance can be an issue. But in their case, distance was just a trigger. To show them the real issue with their relationship. 

And, adulting means to deal with other things as well. Your world is not only about your friendship and your love story. HD took the path as a pro fencer. And how a fencer can perform well when things on her

mind was just about the uncertainty of the relationship? YJ too. He started working as a journalist without knowing where to go in the future. But once he got to be in the scene of the 9/11 event, he just knew where he wanted to go. And remember, he also promised his family to get them back together. He also the same, he wouldn’t end up as an anchor and outshone the other if he just performed “normal”. 

I like the ending (though it’s hurt still). It’s very relatable. But I just don’t like the fact that they rushed things in an episode. 

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4 minutes ago, inBinJinitrust said:

Something is seriously wrong with this writer. Was she sane? Just wow. Such a good drama (minus the finale week) with great potential completely destroyed, and in the most unconvincing manner. The behavior of the leads in the last 2 episodes were completely out of character. Their special bond suddenly meant absolutely nothing. There are many challenging professions out there with long, unpredictable hours which require great understanding and sacrifice from the partners. The whole long distance reason is such a joke. The Hee Do and Yi Jin of ep 1-14 would have overcome those challenges together and ultimately returned to each other. Meanwhile the high school sweetheart story of Ji Woong and Yu Rim worked out…


It has been many many years that I’m flabbergasted by such an

ending, so sad

Agree with you. From 1-14 we have seen how HD and  YJ overcome all the obstacles in their life and support one another. And suddenly they can't seem to resolve the long distance issue. This just destroys the whole show, what could've been the greatest love story turns into a tragedy and worse

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Also can I just say the writer (or the intern lol), seriously made Yi Jin's character look like a crappy boyfriend towards the end. He dates Hee Do for a few years but indirectly dumps her just like that (when he decided that he was going to work in NY permanently I take it as he already made up his mind)??????? No decency to even let her know / ask her beforehand??? She had to find out from her mother jeez.  


That's not what you do to someone you love - he has shown zero respect for Hee Do towards the end. It's like "Hey i'm gonna stay behind, it ain't gonna work out between us. I'm also coming back to Korea to settle some stuff before I go, so I'll just meet you to dump you in person too" 



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3 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

I am surprised by some reactions here. Let us remember that they did stay together for some years, like 3 years so it WAS very meaningful! Yes, he hesitated but then gave his all... It was just that after a while, he could not bear being sorry all the time and the same goes for NHD. She laos did not find it fulfilling anymore. She is very honest with her feelings: once she does not enjoy something anymore, she has to stop. That was the case for her relationship with BYJ...


I feel frustrated by some things but I do undertsnad what happened and why. And how to.


When NHD's mother asked her if she was ok with BYJ being absent and thus NHD was reproducing what she had known with her mom, I knew that it was going to end badly. Because that is true that love is not enough. That is the reality of how it works. Love is just not enough.

I agree too but then why in present time, we still have an absent husband? Also, why does she still have things around that reminds her of BYJ? What was the point of pulling them apart only to have them both end up in misery? 

And like @inBinJinitrustsaid above, the BYJ and HD that we knew before would have made it work. 

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Lol lol they totally ruined both heedoo and yijin characters, Yijin become a typical noble idiocy boyfriend in kdrama land after his amazing character for 14 eps, heedoo become a wife that unhappy with her marriage because she cant forget about her EX lmao

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