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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2021] The Rebel Princess上阳赋


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Thanks for the spoilers, I can't wait until the new final episodes.  What happens to Wang Su and Wang Lin?  


Am I reading the spoilers correct - Zitan gets away and live a "normal" life?  After all he has done?


Awu & XQ seems to be adopting their enemies kids? - will they adopt  Yu Xiu/General Song?  Will Su Jin Er die and they adopt her son too?


I am a bit confused and the Google translate is hard to follow for me.  Thx

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Hi! I can't believe the drama will be over soon! It's definitely my favorite cdrama  since Nirvana in fire! I don't know when I'll find another awesome ML like Xiao Qi :( Can anyone explain the spoilers to me too (no need to be too specific)? The translator is a little too difficult for me to understand XD

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2 hours ago, samantha ngo li said:

Am I reading the spoilers correct - Zitan gets away and live a "normal" life?  After all he has done?

Im wondering about this too, I can't place Zitan in the spoilers.

What will be his end?


Seems like HelanZhen and Death are not fated,  I kinda want to see him  on screen again, there's something in Justin Yuang made me can't hate the evil character he played.


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2 hours ago, Jolie Bijoux said:

too, I can't place Zitan in the spoilers.

I read a while ago that Awu helped him flee and have a normal life as a teacher.

2 hours ago, Jolie Bijoux said:

Seems like HelanZhen and Death are not fated,  I kinda want to see him  on screen again, there's something in Justin Yuang made me can't hate the evil character he played.

Like i mentioned in my previous posts, i know he has been bad to Awu & Xiao Qi but I do have some sympathy for him. He was made to believe that XQ killed his mum & sister so of course his own instinct was to avenge their death. I feel that deep down he may have some moral high ground like he did not force Awu to do things when ge kipnapped her to Hulan the second tkme.

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54 minutes ago, Thuc Duyen said:

I read a while ago that Awu helped him flee and have a normal life as a teacher.

Like i mentioned in my previous posts, i know he has been bad to Awu & Xiao Qi but I do have some sympathy for him. He was made to believe that XQ killed his mum & sister so of course his own instinct was to avenge their death. I feel that deep down he may have some moral high ground like he did not force Awu to do things when ge kipnapped her to Hulan the second tkme.

Tbh, it wouldn't have made sense to kill him and leave Helan Tuo alive, for the sake of Cheng.  HT would never have held his end of the bargain to leave the nation alone, continuously attacking Ningshuo.  In order to have our leads happy, living peacefully, it is better to have HZ as king

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7 hours ago, ValentineJ said:

I hope after TRP his stardom rises and he gets plenty of meaty roles. They are far less deserving actors who have had lead roles in many dramas 

Yes, I certainly hope so too. I first noticed him in The Longest Day in Chang'an. He had such a presence, such magnetism!:heart: He's able to emote all kinds of emotions without saying much. He is truly an ACTOR and deserves to be recognized, credited and rewarded for his passion and dedication to his art. 

Everyone articulates so well here and I thoroughly enjoy reading all the comments. I am more of a lurker :relaxed: contributing the occasional trivia. :relaxed:

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1 hour ago, ValentineJ said:

ldn't have made sense to kill him and leave Helan Tuo alive, for the sake of Cheng.  HT would never have held his end of the bargain to leave the nation alone, continuously attacking Ningshuo.  In order to have our leads happy, living peacefully, it is better to have HZ as king

Agreed with you 100%, HT would not care about peace with Cheng nor have any principle. I’ll take HZ anyday of the week, at least he seems to fall for Awu and kind of wanted to protect Awu at all costs before he got stabbed in the back by the Hulan soldiers. The precious flower he gifted to Awu did help her live longer, like he went to the woods looking for Awu when his own father was trying to get rid of Awu and even stood up to his father for that.  In contrast, HT brutalised his concubine Qianer ( she deserves it) and never intend to keep his promise to not attack Ningshuo. 

1 hour ago, Pamplemousse said:

teacher ?? maybe a music teacher, with Sujin'er ?

Not quite sure about music teacher, nor Sujn’er. I’m not fond of the Zitan character but I do hope that he does not end up with her for his own sake. She is not and will never be the one for him. Why stay with someone if you don’t truly love that person (my personal view). She is so obsessive that she schemes whatever evil plan to get her close to him sigh. 

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12 hours ago, Jolie Bijoux said:

Im wondering about this too, I can't place Zitan in the spoilers.

What will be his end?


Seems like HelanZhen and Death are not fated,  I kinda want to see him  on screen again, there's something in Justin Yuang made me can't hate the evil character he played.


Oh loved him in Singing Along so I can't also bring myself to hate him as HZ. Always look forward to his scenes 

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I find the actor who plays General Song over acts with his "new" complex character with him working for the Wang's now.  He over does the acting.  In my opinion.


I can't wait until the English subtitles with XQ & General Song on the horses.  So curious as to what they say.  I can make out parts of it but would love to understand the whole conversation in detail.

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@jacquelinetanI am also waiting for Awus reaction and I'm hoping she will not disappoint as so far I am with holding judgement. I can understand her question of being "Mother of the Nation" however even benevolent mothers punish their children when they are wrong as how else will they learn morality. In short every actions have consequences and there is a price to be paid. I can also understand that she does want want to tell her husband as this my plunge the Nation into disarray, but she may also lose her husband, as there can be only one winner and losing means death. On the other hand Awu's noble idea of peace is great in theory, but sadly foolish as she is always at the mercy of others. No control means being controlled by others and she always ends up being a chess piece unwittingly in the fight for power. In short, either play the game or be played. Xiao Qi has learnt his lesson and is taking control unwilling to be played. Awu is just to principled and this is her weakness and her strength. So, I am conflicted with her character. 

Zitan, is an idiot, not realising he is making the same mistake as his brother, treason and love of a woman. The only difference is the woman he loves does not love him back. He he hates what he has becoming, but can't stop himself and the more he does the more incompetent he looks, he has less power than he thinks he does. 

Sinjuar is interesting she, has gained everything but gained nothing. The love she wants will never be hers, the baby she is carrying is some on elses and she is constant fear of being found out. I would be quite happy for to return to being a maid.

In summary all the characters are flawed and interesting. The most principled characters in my mind are Awu and Xiao Qi, though Awu has some growing up to do to be an equal with Xiao Qi because at this present moment she a few steps behind.

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@Rose Antwi

Before I felt exactly like you, thought Awu needs to level-up quickly and be equal with Xiao Qi.


Till I found this article on weibo, it is well written by "Shining Stars and Happiness" on weibo. 

The link to the article :   https://m.weibo.cn/status/4606411038531548


Thanks to Google for translating 


He/She wrote : 


Why do we feel that Xiao Qi and Awu seem to be not on the same pace?

(This post is purely my subjective discussion on the spiritual world of the characters. It is neither intended to excuse the plot, nor is it intended to be logically self-consistent for the character's personality.) When

Xiao Qi and Awu met, whether it was age, class, experience, or metaphysical There is a huge gap in the spiritual world.

As mentioned in the previous article, Xiao Qi has completed the process of self-construction and self-reconciliation long before he met A-Wu.

His understanding and thinking of self and the external world is his own power, which cannot be influenced by others, and cannot be taken away by others.
When his power grows stronger, when he understands himself more and more, when he becomes more and more awake, when he can step into more and more worlds, he becomes himself.

This process is long and lonely.
(In fact, Wang Lin is the same. So he is also lonely.) In

other words, what is presented to the audience is Xiao Qi whose self-consciousness has reached the ultimate form.

But there are very few people like Xiao Qi.
All sentient beings are struggling more with suffering and desire.

The same is true for Awu.
In a short period of time, she has encountered more and more changes and betrayals.
When the nature of the external world has far exceeded the limit of her cognition and understanding, the anxiety and fear of her inner world cannot be alleviated at once.

She couldn't have enough time to construct and reconcile herself like Xiao Qi, so she fell into a passive self-protection.

She can only rely on instinct, relying on the Confucian doctrine of the golden mean that was implanted since childhood to drive her behavior.

One is Xiao Qi in the ultimate form, and the other is Awu who is still developing and changing. The former is already the result of qualitative changes, while the latter is still undergoing quantitative changes. Therefore, it makes us feel that the two are not at the same pace.





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@Jolie Bijoux Thank you for posting that translation. Yes, I do feel that Awu and Xiao Qi are out of sync. XQ has faced many adversities in his life having to learn and process things alone. In addition, the army has taught him to rely on himself, making strategies so he is more measured and confident with being himself. Awu’s life has been pampered so when she is facing difficulties, I feel that she does make good decision but she is kind of becoming a bit numb or vulnerable afterwards. Funny that the person on Weibo mentioned about Wang Lin, I feel that the only person that understands Xiao Qi’s qualities and motives is daddy Wang. He is calculating, scheming all along but he is true to himself and confident with his own decisions whether you agree with him or not.

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56 minutes ago, Thuc Duyen said:

Funny that the person on Weibo mentioned about Wang Lin, I feel that the only person that understands Xiao Qi’s qualities and motives is daddy Wang. He is calculating, scheming all along but he is true to himself and confident with his own decisions whether you agree with him or not.

Now that you've mentioned it,  She/He also writes an article about Xiao Qi and Wang Lin's parallelism.

If you can open weibo you can find "shining stars and happiness"

She/He writes beautifully elaborated articles of characters and events in this drama.


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Men easily use women as pawns and then mercilessly thrust aside to suit their agenda. To be seen and heard women had no other recourse than be rutheless schemers (often brutal as men) to make their presence felt. It is said if one experiences inequality or any such life altering experiences they tend to be empathetic yet the quality was sorely lacking in Empress Dowager,WangRu,Jin'er,Wang Qian and her mom including WangSu's 1st wife.Except Awu,Yunxia and General Mo's aunt no one else exhibited this trait.The series does leave interesting food for thoughts on human nature.


Xiao Qi and his band of generals including Song have been notable exceptions on how they have treated women till now.Staying with Xiao Qi has helped some good qualities to be ingrained in him.Heartening to see they haven't yet been washed away from his ambition of acheiving greatness.

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9 hours ago, Rose Antwi said:

@jacquelinetanI am also waiting for Awus reaction and I'm hoping she will not disappoint as so far I am with holding judgement. I can understand her question of being "Mother of the Nation" however even benevolent mothers punish their children when they are wrong as how else will they learn morality. In short every actions have consequences and there is a price to be paid. I can also understand that she does want want to tell her husband as this my plunge the Nation into disarray, but she may also lose her husband, as there can be only one winner and losing means death. On the other hand Awu's noble idea of peace is great in theory, but sadly foolish as she is always at the mercy of others. No control means being controlled by others and she always ends up being a chess piece unwittingly in the fight for power. In short, either play the game or be played. Xiao Qi has learnt his lesson and is taking control unwilling to be played. Awu is just to principled and this is her weakness and her strength. So, I am conflicted with her character. 

Zitan, is an idiot, not realising he is making the same mistake as his brother, treason and love of a woman. The only difference is the woman he loves does not love him back. He he hates what he has becoming, but can't stop himself and the more he does the more incompetent he looks, he has less power than he thinks he does. 

Sinjuar is interesting she, has gained everything but gained nothing. The love she wants will never be hers, the baby she is carrying is some on elses and she is constant fear of being found out. I would be quite happy for to return to being a maid.

In summary all the characters are flawed and interesting. The most principled characters in my mind are Awu and Xiao Qi, though Awu has some growing up to do to be an equal with Xiao Qi because at this present moment she a few steps behind.

I think the drama should have been called The Rebel General lol, because I haven't seen Awu as a Rebel Princess as yet. But as much as she is frustrating I think she is acting within character she has never really been that go getter kinder woman, always been controlled by others especially her family. I wouldn't be surprised if we see this Awu up to the end. I just hope she at least supports Xiao Qi in his rebel lol. So I am thinking the name of the drama was supposed to be the Rebel's Princess hahaha they just forgot the apostrophe :tounge_wink:

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4 hours ago, sp17jcshipper said:

I think the drama should have been called The Rebel General lol, because I haven't seen Awu as a Rebel Princess as yet. But as much as she is frustrating I think she is acting within character she has never really been that go getter kinder woman, always been controlled by others especially her family. I wouldn't be surprised if we see this Awu up to the end. I just hope she at least supports Xiao Qi in his rebel lol. So I am thinking the name of the drama was supposed to be the Rebel's Princess hahaha they just forgot the apostrophe :tounge_wink:

Totally agree with you there. I loved Awu character at the start. So strong, fierce and bold in decision making. But now her character is confusing me. I really really do hope she at least supports Xiao Qi till the very end. Xiao Qi on the other hand......love love him from day 1. And now I love him even more. He is so amazing on screen, I could really feel his anger when he refuses to kneel before the royal edict and the emperor. I was actually cheering him on because I was so upset when they almost killed him.

4 hours ago, sp17jcshipper said:

I think the drama should have been called The Rebel General lol, because I haven't seen Awu as a Rebel Princess as yet. But as much as she is frustrating I think she is acting within character she has never really been that go getter kinder woman, always been controlled by others especially her family. I wouldn't be surprised if we see this Awu up to the end. I just hope she at least supports Xiao Qi in his rebel lol. So I am thinking the name of the drama was supposed to be the Rebel's Princess hahaha they just forgot the apostrophe :tounge_wink:

The Rebel's Princess.......I love it!!

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42 minutes ago, Janemarry_0 said:

Thanks for the spoiler - I can't believe General Song kills GuGu ( Awu's maid) :(

General Song had gone to the point of no return.


I am wondering now if Zitan isn't on the throne.  Does the Daddy Wang rule until Ma Zi Kong's baby come of age?   Since Awu & XQ returns to Ningshou?


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53 minutes ago, Janemarry_0 said:

:'( I was secretly hoping General song was only faking his betrayal to Xiao Qi so that he can find a way to help Xiao Qi during battle but this spoiler pretty much confirms he is no longer good. So sad. I really liked his character. 

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