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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2021] Forever and Ever 一生一世


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3 hours ago, tantaran808 said:


Yes, ive seen one too... but im just sure not everyone is concentrating on the show.. there is bound to be someone who heard the screams above... coz it is a small place...


Now on ep30... finally she wakes up.. will made more comments after the end of the drama :D





Sigh...ok... finish watching ep30...




1. Their house in Xian looks better than the Zhou family mansion in Shanghai!

- i thought Chen's reaction to Shi Yi waking up was just too simple like he should probably hug her immediatedly but nope, just hold hands... even when ren was crying because onf wenxing death, Chen couldnt even just console him, touch him and let him cry...instead just let him cry alone on the bed.. sigh


2. They made so much effort to beautify the place yet the wedding ceremony didnt look much...


3. Where did step-mum go?


4. At least Ren will take over the family business but when Chen and Si yi has kids, then will they take over if they want to? Afterall they are still the ^eldest^ in the family...


5. Just love the furnitures in their room (the wedding scene) :)


6. I appreciate the Chinese wedding culture they tried to show in the show


7. I feel between eps 20 to 30; they should probably cut the drama to just 24 episodes, the extra episodes are just prolonging unnececessary scenes... at least the drama ends this week and  we can see a new drama next.


8. Any fault should be blame on the director, producers and script writers i guess... directors should have a vision on how to make the drama more fun and loved but if he or she didnt direct it well, and viewers see issues with it... then it should be his/her fault.... sigh... 


9. Ah.. how long was ShiYi in coma? Probably months right.. as May 11th is their wedding; the previous May 11th was when they registered their marriage. 


10. BaiLu! Your figure! So slim.. so gorgeous! :heart::)...oh its your birthday today! Happy birthday, beautiful woman! 


11. The ending... just like that... like... :unsure: happy about the pregnancy but not happy how the ending cut is shown.. sigh (saw the bts, even Bailu looks irritated when she has to be the who said I Love You to ZSC first, ha)

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9 hours ago, ChibiLy said:

I am with you Tantaran808. F&E storyline may not be as tight and as emotionally heart wrenching compared to O&O, but I still enjoyed watching how the couple's progression. I like how they have a simple and straight forward relationship, there is no push and pull. They have one of the most functional relationship in Cdrama land.


In terms of RJL's kissing scenes. His kiss scenes my not be as intense or passionate, but I feel like its a standard Cdrama kisses. He isn't any worse or better compare to other actors. Maybe for his acting standard, his kiss scenes are lacking but no one is perfect!


I am excited to binge on the remaining episodes this week.


I’m more of a historical drama viewer but surprisingly, I found the pace of O&O too slow (watched up to Ep10 simply because I like the leads in their other dramas but nothing much was happening for most of the episodes other than the leads spending time together; I also felt the plot development with regards to the eunuch who controlled the emperor and how they triumphed over him were not realistic). F&E however managed to capture my interest; I’ve watched it up to Ep16 and it revived my interest in O&O so I’ll probably continue with it later. The OST for F&E is also very nice.

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3 hours ago, realistic2280a said:


4. At least Ren will take over the family business but when Chen and Si yi has kids, then will they take over if they want to? Afterall they are still the ^eldest^ in the family...

No, they won't. The condition for Chen to use the family inheritance to invest in the China market is that he and his children will give up their position as the heirs of the family. In the book, because of the deal, his uncle supported him instead of his younger brother.


Not sure if the drama shows this, but both of Chen's younger siblings are products of his uncle and step mom's affair, that's why Chen is the true heir of the family, not his younger brother.


Ren inherits the family is the compensation from both Chen and his uncle. His uncle killed his wife (Ren's mom) for her betrayal, therefore in making Ren the heir, it is supposed to make up for his loss.


3 hours ago, realistic2280a said:

Where did step-mum go?

Dont know where did she go, but she was the truly pitiful character as she lost both of her children.

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57 minutes ago, rabbit_casa said:

No, they won't. The condition for Chen to use the family inheritance to invest in the China market is that he and his children will give up their position as the heirs of the family. In the book, because of the deal, his uncle supported him instead of his younger brother.

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Not sure if the drama shows this, but both of Chen's younger siblings are products of his uncle and step mom's affair, that's why Chen is the true heir of the family, not his younger brother.


Ren inherits the family is the compensation from both Chen and his uncle. His uncle killed his wife (Ren's mom) for her betrayal, therefore in making Ren the heir, it is supposed to make up for his loss.


Dont know where did she go, but she was the truly pitiful character as she lost both of her children.


Ah i see... 

Hmm... from a chinese family perspective, regardless if they give up legally or not, traditionally in the family hierarchy, they would still be highly regarded as the eldest son of the eldest son... 


Thanks for the update! 

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2 hours ago, realistic2280a said:


Ah i see... 

Hmm... from a chinese family perspective, regardless if they give up legally or not, traditionally in the family hierarchy, they would still be highly regarded as the eldest son of the eldest son... 

It's true, but we are talking abt fiction here so everything is possible. But the author did emphasize on Chen being the true heir in the book as he is the Only son of the eldest son.


In the novel though, Chen had been feeling like the outsider of the family, since he was the product of his father' affair with his mom. Even though his step mom protected him in her own ways, she was not a nurturing kind, and I guess she had to deal with the conflict between honoring her promise with his father - a man she did not love, and her own children. The only one he was actually close with in the family is Ren (he cared about his step sister but never trusted or close to her - for good reasons too), but Ren had to deal with his own pain too (if I'm not wrong, he may have witnessed her mom's death, cant be too sure as it has been a while since I read the novel).


Being considered the true heir for him is the burden as it widened the gap between him and his family while putting him and his love in harm ways. Since he never cared for the family business, I guess he didn't want his children to experience the same loneliness and emotional trauma as he did, that's why he did not hesitate in giving up his and his children's legal rights of inheritance.



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4 hours ago, rabbit_casa said:


Being considered the true heir for him is the burden as it widened the gap between him and his family while putting him and his love in harm ways. Since he never cared for the family business, I guess he didn't want his children to experience the same loneliness and emotional trauma as he did, that's why he did not hesitate in giving up his and his children's legal rights of inheritance.




Nicely put... :D


Though sometimes, i do feel that just because the father didnt want it, doesnt mean the kids didnt...  its their heritage afterall... from the drama itself, it didnt really show how bad was the business; in reality, it showed how prominent they are in traditional industries ...(just because Wenchun squandered some money, doesnt mean the businesses were bad, just he was bad in business) hence its probably something which their kids could get involved in the near future... 


I do wonder, the reasons for the twin's deaths.... the drama being strict with culture, traditions and respect... was it to warn viewers not to have affairs outside of marriage, and the consequences of it? Then again, can one really blame the step-mum? Its like an emperor who has hundreds of concubines but never see them after they entered the herem. As if a ^marriage is a death sentence... ah well... 


Im also curious, ive forgotten, did ZSC gave all his assets to ShiYi when they registered their marriage earlier on? I didnt catch how much he gave her... 


If O&O is better than F&E its probably because O&O was shoot after F&E and both leads have become more comfortable with each other and hence shown more chemistry..... however, i wouldnt be watching since i dislike sad endings and bailu's hair look weird in there...haha

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5 hours ago, realistic2280a said:



Im also curious, ive forgotten, did ZSC gave all his assets to ShiYi when they registered their marriage earlier on? I didnt catch how much he gave her... 


Yes, he gave his personal assets to her. By personal assets, I guess this means things that his parents gave him outside of the family's business. I think this was the part where Mei Xing asked her to sign some stuff. I'm not sure if it was in Bremen. The properties that his parents wanted to give to their daughter-in-law was given to her like the Guqin shop and some other things. 

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The leisurely and idyllic pace suddenly picked up steam in ep 30 for F&E.

Shiyi waking up from a long coma didn't need compensation by a long dialogue.Looked out of place including ZSC's clinical reaction. Given his rare emotional outburst when told by the doctor that her movements were a false alarm from the nurse.The dialogue stood out but not the actors in the scene.Should have been the other way round.

The nurse advises Shiyi to go inside and not be out in the snow because she is still weak and hasn't recovered completely.Yet the next second we find the couple happily going out on a date in the snowfall.It does make for an excellent cinematography but so out of character for ZSC to ignore ShiYi's health.

ZSC's attorney friend gets a closure but his stepmom wasn't so lucky.She abruptly dissapears as the series comes to a close. 

The best part it is a happy ending for the two in this lifetime.

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6 hours ago, realistic2280a said:

I do wonder, the reasons for the twin's deaths.... the drama being strict with culture, traditions and respect... was it to warn viewers not to have affairs outside of marriage, and the consequences of it? Then again, can one really blame the step-mum? Its like an emperor who has hundreds of concubines but never see them after they entered the herem. As if a ^marriage is a death sentence... ah well... 


I think the deaths of the twins are the retribution too.


Wenxing's death pushes the angst and the drama so that Chen would decide to deal with step brother once and for all. Also, not sure if they keep this plot in the drama, but in the novel Wenxing poisoned Shiyi so that she could be aware of the danger she was in. Wenxing also knew a lot of Wenchun's plans of harming Chen & Shiyi but kept quiet of them. That's why in her death bead, she considered her death is the payment.


Wenchun... I don't need to say abt him. His death is well-deserved as he never would have given up on the heir position had he lived. He practically killed his unborn child to get away from being punished by Chen for Wenxing's death. He is the true villain, although the rest of the family got hands in that as well, from their passive attitudes.


In the novel, after Wenchun's death, the step mom burst out crying and blamed the uncle for not supporting Wenchun, leading to his death. She mourned her 2 children. But the uncle said because of the deal with Chen, he could not support Wenchun, he owned it to Ren (since he always felt guilty toward his son). That is the final scene for the 2 of them.



Ren's mom and Chen's step mom were cousins/sisters (not sure which one), and Ren's mom was really young (supposedly teenager) when she married and got Ren. She also died when she was really young.


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On 9/13/2021 at 11:09 AM, Noona said:

The production quality is definitely top notch. I'm watching Love Under the Full Moon at the same time, and for comparison, they drive Toyotas :D



The locations used, costumes and cinematography all impressed me. A number of O&O fans at MDL criticised the “inexperienced” director of F&E but I find the production values quite good. I am even fine with the product placements.


11 minutes ago, ElleSor said:

Yes, Maybach is now integrated with Mercedes Benz. Both are German brands and very luxurious and expensive

Mercedes Benz has long been a well-known luxury brand in Asia.


On a different note, is anyone else aware that there is a slight change in Ep15 from the one originally aired in the Mainland?

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23 minutes ago, bluehibiscus said:


spacer.pngMaybach (German brand).


Yes, thanks.. i suspected ... i saw an interview with Bailu, making fun of her Love is Sweet's co-star's car... a Bmw.. which she said is less prestigious than porsche and  Maybach:D (for the record, ive never heard of that brand before)


21 minutes ago, rabbit_casa said:


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Ren's mom and Chen's step mom were cousins/sisters (not sure which one), and Ren's mom was really young (supposedly teenager) when she married and got Ren. She also died when she was really young.




Ah yes, retribution... hmm.. seems like the director of the drama skipped a lot of info making watchers of the drama confused unnecessarily.. sigh.. it just didnt built much tension when it should have..


Its funny.. i noticed that after complaining the cars had more scene than the grandma, after that we see less of the cars, if anyone noticed? :D



1 hour ago, ElleSor said:

Yes, he gave his personal assets to her. By personal assets, I guess this means things that his parents gave him outside of the family's business. I think this was the part where Mei Xing asked her to sign some stuff. I'm not sure if it was in Bremen. The properties that his parents wanted to give to their daughter-in-law was given to her like the Guqin shop and some other things. 


Ok great... i hope they still do have something and not dependent on his salary only... haha.. 

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10 minutes ago, realistic2280a said:

Yes, thanks.. i suspected ... i saw an interview with Bailu, making fun of her Love is Sweet's co-star's car... a Bmw.. which she said is less prestigious than porsche and  Maybach:D


I saw that interview too. She really loved to call Du’s car 小破车。:joy:

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4 minutes ago, realistic2280a said:

I know right!


I miss the Love Is Sweet gang... (cept the cousin and gf story, skip all the way if possible)... probably going to rewatch it again, haha

Love Is Sweet one of my favourites too. The only loophole for me is why YS didn’t look for JJ when he returned from his studies if he loved her so much.

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10 minutes ago, bluehibiscus said:

Love Is Sweet one of my favourites too. The only loophole for me is why YS didn’t look for JJ when he returned from his studies if he loved her so much.


Maybe busy and didnt know where she is? Haha..


That drama made me a fan of Leo.. im somewhat new to China drama.. so yeah.. getting to know them slowly..

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37 minutes ago, realistic2280a said:


Maybe busy and didnt know where she is? Haha..


That drama made me a fan of Leo.. im somewhat new to China drama.. so yeah.. getting to know them slowly..

He is a good actor but he may be affected by the new guideline to promote masculine-looking actors.

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