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lol what if the couple agreed to each tell one closest member in RM and JK chose to tell HH since they’re best friends and business partners who shares things with each other and JSM chose to tell YJS who is like a real brother to her.


So both went for different approach where YJS goes with teasing them with other people, stopping them from being too obvious, put blind eyes when seeing their interactions and not commenting while HH’s approach is more “I-see-nothing-I-hear-nothing-I-know-nothing so I’ll say nothing” kind.


but yeah considering how JSM and KJK both are wise and thoughtful yet also playful and cheeky it wont be hard to imagine those two giggling when coming up with plan to be not so obvious on screen.

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Hello everyone. I am back with new Id. 

So I was watching old episode of I love alone 244 ep , where hyunmoo announced dating hyejin. Listening to their love story I noticed that somehow when people from same program date they don't tell anyone. Also one member narae however noticed fishy things going on between them but didn't asked them. They both were dating from last year but no-one noticed apart from one member. Also hyunmoo mentioned it started when he danced with hyejin on song gashina. His actual words were while all the hugging they did while practicing he asked her for dinner or food. So suddenly I remembered the dance practise between jk and somin which was done for like 50 days it's like next to impossible that they didnt feel anything for each other. 

Also one more thing hyunmoo and hyejin went to hongkong privately for trip which later on was opened by dispatch. They were also celebrities but nobody noticed them going out of country. Recently in episode when asked to somin why she didn't make combo with jk for eating she just laughed it off. As you guys know somin really respect all of her seniors as it is also confirmed by jaesuk. How can she ignore jongkook always, as he is also senior. She could have choosed sechan. But she always put him last for anything. How Can any girl ignore that guy who care for her or attentive to anything she says. I think all these things are cover up for their dating scenario. 

One more thing when narae asked hyunmoo why he didn't tell anyone from show he said I was scared as anyone can put anything on social media. He can't believe on anyone.


I urge u guys to watch that episode of I live alone and please do comparison. Also I noticed hyejin reaction when hyunmoo danced with girl. And also hyunmoo side eyes to see hyejin reactions. All were just the same like how jk see somin reactions when he forcing loveline with jihyo. Please guys share ur opinions also.

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On 5/30/2023 at 12:01 AM, Sudha Mahajan said:

somehow when people from same program date they don't tell anyone

This might be applicable to other shows but not RM. Not many shows have mix cast (male and female). And when the shows have both male and female casts, those shows usually are seasonal or doesn't run as long as RM. RM runs for 13 years already, with the same members. Other shows members don't have the bond like RM members have. Just as it is hard for them to play spy game as the members know each other so much, it is the same thing as 2 RM members secretly dating without any members notice. 


If Kookmin dates, they will/must tell other members (especially YJS). Why?

1. There is no way they can keep it in secret as their unconscious actions will expose them. With how sharp YJS's sense is, there is no way he can't notice the special treatment JK gives to Somin.

2.To ensure the members don't bring the spotlight to them when Kookmin forget about their environment and unconsciously enter the ambiguous atmosphere. Lol, general viewers literally think JK and Somin is not really close to each other when both showed again and again they are really really close. Why? Because the members never really emphasis their interactions.


On 5/30/2023 at 12:01 AM, Sudha Mahajan said:

One more thing when narae asked hyunmoo why he didn't tell anyone from show he said I was scared as anyone can put anything on social media. He can't believe on anyone.

Again, it is about the bond between the members. RM casts has a tighter bond. If Kookmin is dating, they will tell the members. First, due to above reasons. Second, knowing each other for so long, I think even us the viewers can see that the members are trustworthy. LKS was dating Lee Sungbin for 6 months before he revealed their relationship. Along that 6 months, never once the rest of members gave any hint that LKS was in relationship. 


Even so, I do agree with the similarities you see between Kookmin and Hyunmoo/Haejin.




Episode 656

When Somin talked, JK gave his response. And when JK talked, Somin gave her response. They communicated with each other even when they were not in the same group. But it is more obvious on JK side as when Somin became the center of the topic, JK never failed to chime in. You can always hear JK's voice commented something when it is about Somin.


- When Haha teased Somin about the silent K in the knock out.


JK: It's not a silent mode

Note: He explained the how to use the 'silent' word correctly



- When the members complained about Somin wore a crop top


JK: You'll have a stomachache.


- When Somin's team tried to investigate who took the most golden egg


JK: Somin, the investigation is over. The detective have spoken


- When the members teased Somin before the soccer volleyball game start


JK: She practiced a lot.

Note: He smiled while watching Somin 


- When Somin messed up the first time

JK: Somin is very helpful


- When Haha instructed Somin to act scary




JK: (Smiled first  while watching her) How scary...


-When Somin exchanged her golden eggs with KDH


JK: She took a lot.


Of  course commenting about Somin is normal as other Oppas also love to do that. But why I made this post as if JK also comments on Somin antics is special? It is special because JK only does this to Somin. When only Somin gets this special treatment, that means it is special.


Because of this kind of special treatments, there is no way Kookmin can date in secret (if they are dating). There is no way YJS unable to notice JK's weird action. That Oppa is so sharp and very good at reading body language. He didn't get the Nation MC title for nothing. 


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Thank you kyoko for commenting and yes we kookmin fans became kookmin fans because we all noticed these little things which started from jk side and eventually turned to both sides. Jk never forgets to give reaction to somin and always give her encouragement while playing games. Yes now after reading ur analysis I also think it's not possible that members don't know. They know that's why they don't give encouragement to kookmin loveline unlike how jaesuk used to talk about kookmin in starting of kookmin chemistry.

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Remember last week episode when KJK and JSM were in the same team and KJK opted to shove others around him just to go to JSM who’s hurting. Some may say “It’s because they’re in the same team, that’s just him being caring,”


But same things happened in the recent episode when his female team member got hit with the ball and he didn’t react and instead argued with the other team about whether it’s being considered as “out” or not.


I think we can say the two situations are pretty similar, both got his team members hurt yet the difference in his response to it was too obvious. And also, we can see that in both situations someone remain consistent-YJS.


In both situations he acted like the oppa who worries for his younger sis. Plus other male members also went to go check on SJH. But not KJK, not him.


Disclaimer: I have nothing against SJH and love her a lot as one of the members and this situation was just used to show comparison.

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HaHa made a comment about JK going wild in a field of flowers (because he likes taking photos of flowers)  and that he'd probably like it more than going to the gym. It made me think of Somin's lavender field Japan tour idea where she mentioned the Gold Gym as something JK would love about her trip. It looks like even the lavender field is something he would love. Her trip seems to cater to his tastes a lot. I notice that they both have a lot in common even though viewers are fed with the idea that they're complete polar opposites at all levels. 

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@NoonooBu Haha said on Ddeun Ddeun that lately JK starts to like flower very much. And this is a new thing as Haha also amazed by it and YJS said he didn't used to be like that. Is it too much to think that Somin's taste got rub off on him? It is so obvious Somin likes flower by how much she posted flower photos on her IG, got excited when they went to flower farm on RM. She even stayed back to take flower photos while the rest of members already walked away.


I think Somin's Japan Tour is really something that she likes (she likes flower and nature). As JK also develope the same taste as Somin, it surely a bonus. The gym tour is another bonus. After all, I hope he can back her up when the rest of members are complaining.


And JK somehow believes on superstitious I think also influenced by Somin. Haha and LKS said JK used to disbelieve things like that. Now, when people amaze that he believes in superstitious, he said "nothing harm to believe in good things and be cautious on bad things". Lol, if you watch MUD 318, he even stores a 2 dollar note and a 1000 won note in his wallet for bringing luck. Though I think he cherishes both notes not because of superstitious but because somebody gave it to him. He was okay with the MUD members to take the rest of his money (about 300 dollar) in his wallet but not the two notes. He even looked so worry if the members really take them. 

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I think it’s really cute that JSM really watched how KJK slept like intensely and included that very precise image of him sleeping in her drawing.


also, notice how in JSM drawing, her potrayals of other members are not as accurate and detail as KJK (and YJS but he was basically the main character in her drawing lol)? Like she drew HH sleeping on his right side when most of the time he slept on his back, YSC was drawn laying back with feet pointing to KJK side when it was actually the opposite (he only sit on that side before the snack cart came) and JSJ just randomly placed in front of the door when he was actually laying down beside her.


Idk about psychology but I do draw and paint a lot so I feel like to precisely paint a detail from your memory is kind of hard unless it’s something that you find interesting or memorable so how KJK looked when he slept must have been memorable to her since she even bothered to get that right (compared to HH’s drawing where everyone sleeping in same position; he’s less bothered about the details bcs the main point of the drawing is YJS slapping JSM’s forehead)


Like I draw for my friends especially for their birthday and stuffs and often times I’ll make short comic on times when it was most memorable to us and while doing that I tend to draw details like how their hair look at that time, what are the patterns on their shirt etc only because that’s what captured my eyes the most at that time.


But of course it may or may not be the case.


Also, I don’t like to comment on anyone’s state of mind as we never know what they have in their mind but I wonder if what the seonsaengnim said is true, what are the things KJK tried so hard to conceal? And os it just me or he was noticeably loud this episode to the point where he sounded like he was forcing enthusiasm. Is it just me tho? 

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On 6/5/2023 at 2:55 AM, MandelBrot said:

E657 Little kookmin moments.


best moment:




I loved how Jong Kook turned to So Min's direction after she grabbed his wrist. I don't think he would do that unless he was really comfortable with her.

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This is probably already mentioned in this forum as it is from old episode but I was rewatching running man episode 414 and as they were saying final remarks during the ending, JSM who won the race clapped and someone’s name tag fell from her hand onto the floor.


though it’s not so clear it was obvious that the first character of the nametag was “Kim” and in that episode there was only 2 Kims but the guest’s nametag (Kim Roi Ha) was already handed to the pawnshop by JSM. So I believe the nametag that she kept and fell was indeed belong to KJK (also the guest name is 김뢰하 yet in the second character of the nametag there’s clearly a ㅇ at the bottom so yeah I believe its JK’s).


I don’t know if she ever posted it online? (Since she was the one tearing the nametag) but it was cute how she kept holding onto it even during final ending shot.

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1 hour ago, Itsbrutalouthere said:

Saw some clips for today’s episode and for some reason I feel like there be little to none major Kookmin moments today despite them being in the same team. Idk I hope I’ll be proved wrong.

They are not permanently in the same group. They were a pair during the water game only. JK teased Somin who wore cap, saying she had pigeon hidden underneath. JK joked by catching the pigeon (aka her head). The water game part, rather then heart fluttering, it is so fun. No, basically the whole episode is really fun.

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56 minutes ago, kyoko22 said:

They are not permanently in the same group. They were a pair during the water game only. JK teased Somin who wore cap, saying she had pigeon hidden underneath. JK joked trying by catching the pigeon (aka her head). The water game part, rather then heart fluttering, it is so fun. No, basically the whole episode is really fun.

Really? I will then put my trust on you hahaha I was scared that they make this a ChanMin focused episode hence my reluctance to watch

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5 minutes ago, Itsbrutalouthere said:

Really? I will then put my trust on you hahaha I was scared that they make this a ChanMin focused episode hence my reluctance to watch

Yes, Chanmin did pair up. But PD didn't edit it into romantic scene. YSC complimented Somin beautiful multiple times and Somin really liked it. But rather than romantic, you will get comedic feeling from the Chanmin skit.

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Thank you @MandelBrot for the GIFs there’s also that moment before the swimming pool game after the staff explained the rule and both of them talked with one another and the way KJK looked at her and smiled is so cute although sheepishly 


Love how JSM chose to be playful with him and just cling on his back wrapping both her arms and legs around KJK asking “You cannot get on it like this?” 

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From @MandelBrot GIF, when DEX smacked JK's bottom :joy:, you can see Somin helped JK by pulling his inner wear up. Yes, it was his inner wear as DEX pulled down his pants and smacked him.


What I want to highlight here... Somin is super comfortable with JK. No matter how close they are, if their relationship just oppa-dongsaeng, there is still a barrier right? You can see Saehee (the girl in blue shirt) covered her vision from looking what DEX was doing. That is typical reaction for ladies in that situation. Somin saw what Dex was doing, instead of felt embarrass (like Saehee did), she helped JK pulled his briefs up.

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