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Kim Seon Ho/ Kim Sun Ho 김선호 - Mr Dimples - Upcoming Drama - "Into the Dead"; Upcoming films: "Tyrant" and "The Child"


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Thank you @Ohshfor sharing the Chinese-translated video. It was insightful.

I've been a silent reader (thank you all for your sharing, I enjoyed them very much) and will like to pen down my 2 cents. Please bear with me.


I don't buy into this being simply a "you broke up with me after giving me empty promises, I hate you so I just want to expose you to get an apology and oh I got an apology so all's good and I will remove my post." The timing of the initial expose was too immaculate. And I thought YouTuber Lee Jin Ho is known to go all out to reveal sensational insider information? His sudden turn of attitude to claim that this is just an issue between 2 parties is just as strange to me.


I feel someone out there has every intention to ruin KSH. Who this person/organization is and what their ultimate intention is is anyone's guess. Initially I was hoping that the 25 Oct disclosure will help him but I guess either the person was threatened/paid off into keeping quiet or he/she is just another hoax. To take 5 days to reveal such information is also a very long time in this context. Also, I really wonder when his contract expired/is due to expire as there were news articles on Tuesday that stated it expired in early September but Salt later said there is still 1 more year. 


I wish KSH strength to power through this and emerge stronger. I hope the brands see through this (non-criminal) episode and continue to support him too.


That aside, his acting won me over. I watched Start-Up (only after the entire series aired on Netflix and only because people kept telling me it is a really good show) not knowing who he was after which I watched a few of his previous dramas too. I watched 2D1N from episode 1 too. To write him off just like that is a waste of talent. He has so much more to contribute in his profession and I look forward to seeing him back on screen in the (I hope) near future.

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I wish HJP is the main lead to get the girl in start up!  It would have been more perfect!  The HJP character was so overpowering that I forgot he was the 2nd lead (the actual main lead was not memorable at all). It was such a waste of plot!  I rewatch startup only for HJP moments and kiterally skip thru the rest :)

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His issues gather more sympathy from his fans abroad.  Netizens of South Korea are more judgmental and cruel unlike in other countries.  Here in the US, celebrities get involved in many scandals but fans don’t care.  As long as they perform well in their craft, we still patronize them.  China who is known to be a communist country are more forgiving.  My favorite actor Xukai was also accused by his exgirlfriend of physical abuse with matching photos of her bruises which she posted in the internet.  Xukai made a public apology.  Yet, this incident did not affect his popularity.  He continues to appear in dramas like Falling into your Smile and more.  I thought South Korea is more advanced and westernized judging from the way they dressed themselves.  They are still not open minded and thinking backwards.

     For Miss A, I don’t feel any sympathy for her but remorse.  You agreed to abort your baby for what?  What kind of a woman are you?  Dumb or immoral?  Why blame KSH?  It’s your body, your baby, your decision.  Have you not any pride at all?  If a man dumped you then move on.  Why expose yourself in public and detailed even the things you did while having sex with your partner.  I can see why KSH dumped you.  

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@lilsakus Start up is the first drama that really confuses me who the male lead is. I agree HJP character is overpowering the rest of the casts. I saw a comment on twitter that Start Up should be called HJP chronicles :D I also skip non-HJP scenes just like you.


@popdedi thanks for speaking up! The whole thing sounded strange to me, too. Guess we still have to wait until 25th to see if the friend who was threatened will actually post something. 

@Ohsh thanks for sharing! I read a summary in Twitter, too. If it was indeed a cruel plan to bring Seon Ho down, why do I have a feeling that Seon Ho already knew about this but decided not to fight, because it was partly his fault. That was why it took him 2 days just to release a simple statement, took all the blame, apologized and then stepped down from all his projects. 

More subtly supportive messages to Seon Ho from his HomeCha co-stars and crew today :heart:

He wrote: My beloved Hometown Cha Cha Cha, my beloved Hong banjang.


Jo Han Cheol posted pics with Seon Ho and other HomeCha casts again, while his new drama will air tonight :)

Bora’s father posted pics with Seon Ho and others, too. 
They are all supportive, did not leave Seon Ho out. I am so happy!


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Kim Seon Ho then vowed, “I’m going to outlast all these people here. I’m going to hang on until the bitter end and never let this go,” to the satisfaction of the production staff.


That’s how jinx come about.. KSH became the 1st to exit 1N2D instead~ :bawling:

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It feels so strange that 1 week ago, at the exact same time, I was watching episode 15 of homcha, savouring every moment of the second last episode and now in the span of a week things are so different.


I’m thankful things have been quieter the past 2 days (though still wondering if KSH is ok given the hospitalisation rumor from yesterday) and I’m rewatching the 2d1n episodes where they went to Pohang and had a cooking competition. I realised where the opening scene was shot, was also featured a few times in homcha! Feeling wistful to see them joking around, and in fact teasing KSH about his rising popularity and how that is starkly contrasted with what is going on now… 


Also, reading the Arena interview reminded me of one of the reason that drew me to KSH - his love for acting. His love for it really comes through in how he talks about his approach to acting and I don’t think that is something that can be ‘faked’ or coached by his agency or anyone else. 


Here’s wishing he is well and that everyone here is well too! 

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7 hours ago, Ohsh said:


For those who can read Chinese, Weibo has a link to a translated video of a Korean entertainment vlogger dissecting the case in a more balanced manner. In essence he explained that this is not a simple case of a jilted lover but there are greater mechanics supporting her. He contrasted to other more serious cases which was reported less negatively and suppressed by media (probably due to other influences). He also felt strongly that the A should bear equal responsibility of the immorality and being an influencer he does not believe that she is that ignorant about how the industry works. He pointed out the 25 Oct person stated that he has to pulled out because of the threats he received which coincided with A announcing that she has engaged a lawyer. 

Yes, I think there is a greater mechanics at work. How come on the news outlet are so quick to publish negative stories about Kim Seon Ho without getting the facts right but when Kim Seon Ho's friends and family come out to support him there are no positive stories coming out?

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33 minutes ago, pantherlily said:

Yes, I think there is a greater mechanics at work. How come on the news outlet are so quick to publish negative stories about Kim Seon Ho without getting the facts right but when Kim Seon Ho's friends and family come out to support him there are no positive stories coming out?

Yeah, I think so to, there is more to this nod.

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1 hour ago, 7psyche7 said:

It feels so strange that 1 week ago, at the exact same time, I was watching episode 15 of homcha, savouring every moment of the second last episode and now in the span of a week things are so different.

I am with you chingu… Things happen so fast that I feel surreal. I trust Seon Ho in this case so I would support him no matter what, but sometimes I do wonder, if he had reacted quicker, explained himself a bit more, would that have changed anything? Would the damage be less servere to him? Then I realize those whatifs are pointless in life, like Hye Jin said, what was done can not be undone, I will just respect Seon Ho’s decision and wish that he will soon overcome this biggest obstacle in his life so far. 

1 hour ago, pantherlily said:

Yes, I think there is a greater mechanics at work. How come on the news outlet are so quick to publish negative stories about Kim Seon Ho without getting the facts right but when Kim Seon Ho's friends and family come out to support him there are no positive stories coming out?

Actually there are quite a few articles covering what Seon Ho’s friends said about him already and they are trending in Naver so I think Knets are aware of that. Hope to hear more good news coming in the next few days, too.




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2 hours ago, lilsakus said:

Im not sure, but likely is he volunteered to step down rather than being forced by KBS/PD to step down?  I hope is the former :(

Some articles said he volunteered to step down and kbs agreed to his decision. It didn’t start with kbs asked him to leave and he agreed. 

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8 minutes ago, sanghyuk said:

Some articles said he volunteered to step down and kbs agreed to his decision. It didn’t start with kbs asked him to leave and he agreed. 

That's something I guess! But I wish kbs would have countered offered to temporarily halted his appearance for a few weeks for a month or 2 (to see if the news die down) instead of just agreeing to permanent step down within 3 days (within hours of his apology in fact)

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1 hour ago, lilsakus said:

That's something I guess! But I wish kbs would have countered offered to temporarily halted his appearance for a few weeks for a month or 2 (to see if the news die down) instead of just agreeing to permanent step down within 3 days (within hours of his apology in fact)

There is no permanent step down. He can always go back when the situation becomes conducive. I doubt he was in the mood to further discuss any future plan. Things happened so fast! His whole world just collapsed and who has the sound mind to make plans, especially with his personality!

@Ohshthanks for the video! I cheer this guy for being so gutsy to make this analysis. He is openly pointing out the ex should also be subject to moral assassination. there is certainly a power to bring KSH down, and I always think it’s the agency. The 25th guy and his posts were about the dirty business of mgmt companies. The only risk mgmt salt did is for themselves - coming out and stated that they will be KSH all the way. I think this ex must have some powerful social network or connection to help her do that! Who knows if it’s her solo work or a collaboration?

The most important thing to have now is the supportive voice of his friends, his colleagues to clear his name and the cheering voice of his fans. It’s also important to emphasize that abortion issue is their decision together. No one can force anyone to do anything. She made it sound like he was forcing himself on her to have sex, then what about the part that she seduced him to have sex with her? This is not an abusive relationship so no one-sided power and hence, no victim!

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While I am still disappointed in the way he handled his private life and his ex-girlfriend, what tv networks are doing is way too much. He isn't a criminal, he is not Harvey Weinstein that his image had to be blurred by tvn. In fact a person blurred out on video is bound to make people even more uncomfortable. Or that other channel which edited out his name from Start Up director's thank you speech. And if the director has still thanked him in his speech, I take it that he still has that confidence in Seon Ho that maybe everything in that post wasn't true, especially that bit about cursing all co-actors and directors. These TV networks make so much money through actors and then they'll just drop them like hot potato to act all saintly.

Honestly, if Seon Ho actually said Start Up was a stupid show with a stupid plot, I actually agree because I tried to watch that show and couldn't get through it. Han Ji Pyeong is the only redeeming factor of that show and the other actors really cannot act.

Unfortunately, HomeCha will endure a shadow ban everywhere this year and probably the next due to this controversy which makes me terribly sad. It's such a great show, everyone put in so much effort, Shin Min Ah's comeback show, I bet Minah & Seon Ho would have won best couple everywhere. :cry: It's among tvn's top 10 shows, are they not going to have reruns of HomeCha? Will they blurr out Hong Banjang there as well?

Regarding Seon Ho's comeback, I'm positive he'll return next year, this year is almost over anyway. He's a brilliant actor. He'd get many offers once the news dies down. I'd say I like how Salt has handled it, they laid low and sort of allowed public opinion to build on its own, and now a lot of it is going in his favour, especially after tvn's act. 

I hope he heals from this very public debacle, introspects and understands where he acted thoughtlessly and just overall learns to handle his private life better, he's 35, he should know how to break up in an amicable way. Hope his ex also heals from the suffering and gets some closure, I think that's what she was seeking, closure.

I'm confident we'll hear about Kim Seon Ho's return to the screen by next year.

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Just a perspective: Somehow this reminds me of the drama Devil Judge which starred another of my favorite actors as the lead man. And the plot was about vigilante-ism in a land of dystopia where cases were presented to the public via television and the public were invited to vote whether they think the accused guilty or not and there were three judges presiding. The cases presented though were of bad people who were guilty of committing crimes. But the public were also influenced by their biases and therefore encouraged vigilante behavior. I thought of that drama as drama not happening in real life, yet here we are in the present and it happens where adults in relationships have misunderstandings which does happen in any relationship, family, lovers, friends and instead of solving their issues amongst themselves, the person who perceives himself or herself as wronged shamelessly throw their grievances to the public to judge and mortify the person they have issues with and make the public punish them? The Devil Judge or any Judge for that matter would have asked “are you dumbing really going to make me waste my time on this, you can’t solve these misunderstandings yourselves, even children can do better?” and throw the case out. Maybe the leaders of the entertainment and media industries as well as advertisers could also learn to be more discerning and not be so fast to mete punishments without due process. People may think that they got the satisfaction of punishing the person whom they have issues with, not thinking that actions, speech and even thoughts have effects that may boomerang towards them. Understandably, emotions could influence wrong decisions. People can hopefully learn from this. Sometimes, taking time to calm your emotions before acting can save you from a lot of grief because right now the woman who initiated the dumb post is reaping the effects of her actions, that is the canceler being cancelled herself.  

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Shame on tvn, whom I always pride them for being brave to be different from main stream tv. Blurring out his face like some common criminal!:onfirex:


They should have just cut down on scenes with him in it. Though I dont know how they can do that since KSH practically carried the whole start up show on his back! Without HJP character, startup will not start up at all.


A full weekend of pain and sadness. Hope for a better week next week!


https://www.allkpop.com/article/2021/10/brands-reevaluate-the-risks-of-celebrity-endorsements-following-the-recent-controversies?fbclid=IwAR27VjL8bYulkc_f_5ID7sL4Doimt7uysWvcGbY7-nyOlpTMw4DwhlsoYr4 Shame on dominos too! The PPL was so awkward in ep16 of homcha that I just squeeze my eyes and breeze thru the scene, but we still take it as it comes cos he looks so cute eating the pizza awkwardly.  Sam gye tang will be more suitable in that scene!

Edited by lilsakus
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I can understand why Seon Ho decided to step down from 2D1N and KBS agreed to that, at the moment, that's the best solution for the whole team, we have to be mindful of other members as well. Although I am sure the cast and crew still support Seon Ho, it is better for him to to lay low now until this issue dies down. I think the chance of Seon Ho coming back to 2D1N is not high either but I am sure Seon Ho loves being there, so who knows that miracle might happen.


On the other hand, what TVN did was shameless, Seon Ho does not deserve that, he greatly contributed to the huge success of both Start Up and HomeCha. And why does SDA have to cut PD's speech about Seon Ho while they still awarded him Character of the year? I don't understand.


Anyway, what matters the most now is Seon Ho's well-being. I hope he takes time to rest and reflect, then comes back when he is ready, we all can wait. I just hope he is aware of the tremendous support he is receiving despite what happened, that will encourage him because I understand how he values his fans' love and support.








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15 hours ago, 7psyche7 said:

It feels so strange that 1 week ago, at the exact same time, I was watching episode 15 of homcha, savouring every moment of the second last episode and now in the span of a week things are so different.

Me too . Last week I was happy that the series ended with a high note. I thought the casts and crews deserved a full round of applause for producing such a heart-warming drama that touched many people. I personally learned so many life lessons through this drama. I was looking forward for follow-up articles and more insights from the casts, PD, screenwriter. Sadly, the scandal overshadowed the show’s success.


From the Arena interview, you can tell that KSH and Homecha casts and crews put so much efforts in producing this drama. You also can’t deny his passion for acting. I’ve been following k-ent news for years now and I usually can’t be bothered with celebrity scandal, but this time it hits differently, knowing that he has the talent and potential to make it big, and not some actors with mediocre acting skill and pretty face.


It’s good that more people are speaking up and showing their support (like homcha cast and crews who uploaded photos with him in social media). Looks like knetz views are split now, so I believe he’ll make a comeback at some point. I hope his next comeback project hits big internationally, something like the underdog Squid Game, so k-netz will learn that an actor’s issue/ struggle in his private life won’t deter his success in professional life.


Also looks like the petition for him to stay in 2D1N is still going on. As much as I want him to stay in 2D1N and keep my weekly happy pill intact, I think his departure is imminent at some point, even without this scandal (though I certainly am not expecting a sudden departure and would rather choose an episode with a proper farewell). I know he probably want to stay as long as he can, but if he wants to focus on acting and venture out to movie/ film, he will have to give up 2D1N at some point or it’ll take a toll on him. All in all, I hope he takes his time to carefully decide his next career move. He may not be able to reach the height as he’s supposed to be without the scandal (gaining mass popularity in public network/ mainstream platform and appearing in multiple CFs), but he can chart a different path to recover, focus in perfecting his acting skills, hit big internationally with highly acclaimed netflix/ movies/ films and aim for high end CFs/ brand instead. Like Dindin’s note in his music program, ‘if you don’t let go, opportunities and solutions will arise at some point'. Stay strong Seon Ho!

Edited by wtraveller
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