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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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12 hours ago, yosii said:

hello again ... I feel sad because the thread seems not to continue ... there is no new news or updates from either of us ... I think I lose hope over time ... I just want the DVD to be able to overcome the drama and move on ... hopefully we could continue with the thread but it is so difficult ... if someone sees this please continue adding pages to the thread ... despite not knowing about kng and kaj ...:cry:

I wish that we wouldn't give up hope for them. :) I should've joined this forum before! I have been lurking around this thread for weeks just to know their update. 


I don't want to think that what they were doing for LUTYN, risking their hearts, just to make the scenes realistic. But whatever happens I'm supporting them! Never have I shipped a couple so much! :heart:

I have been admiring KNG when he acted as Bidam and now as Heo Im with KAJ for LUTYN.

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I would like to think that they are together ... but the lack of updating them makes them lose hope ... they look so good together ... hopefully they could be in the comments of the DVD ... would be very happy to see them again:blush:

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Something random just popped into my head just as I was checking in this thread today. Haha. Maybe both agencies will feel bad about the blunder and mismanagement of information to KNG and KAJ such that they couldn’t do commentary, AND they will agree on another project for them to work together on!! Haha! So that they can please us persistent and “angry” fans. :D wouldn’t that be great? I wouldn’t mind watching them in another piece of work, even if it means replacing couple commentary of LUTYN. 



in the meantime, let’s Just keep hoping, though we really need to protect our hearts in the process. :) have a good day everyone! 

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hello contact me with the dvd team to know about the comment of the actors this was the answer..:blush:




Thank you for contacting us about main actors commentary. We are trying our best with distributor to schedule the date. Please feel free to contact us at anytime if you have any other questions regarding blu ray / dvd. Thank you and have a wonderful day. Live Up To Your Name Blu ray/ DVD Team

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I still have faith and I'm patiently waiting. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just on lurking mode as I have nothing to share, lol! 


I'll share this pic as ImKyung throwback instead

(●´з`)♡(´ε` )♡


And this cute ImKyung fanart ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑)


And of course, ImKyung's alternate ending ヘ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ


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An old pic + a familiar looking jacket



AJ wearing Adidas jacket with Punch cast.



Photo shared by @sarangashia from KAJ thread

I was hoping for her to wear one of NG's jacket while filming LUTYN.....but we got a bonus and saw him hug the cold Ajongie instead :lol:...  Oh well ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


It's so quiet... How are you chingus doing? ^ω^



In case you haven't seen this. Our first glimpse of Ajoongie this year! And she dyed her hair black :heart:




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Hi!!! It's been so long. Hope everyone is well.


Let's have a throwback.

This blogger spotted the correct chronological scenes.


When they're filming it the kiss ended here. They kissed longer before parting away as shown in episode 16 (flash back).

Same angle and same hands position.












Credit: Link

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hello to all ... I think that finally our thread does not continue since nothing happened between kaj and kng ... unfortunately ... and there is no news about them due to its low profile ... but even so I think there was a great chemistry between the two ... just did not have the time to know each other off the screen a pity because they were perfect together ... I think I'll have to leave the thread ... only I'm still waiting for the DVD that seems to never have it on my hands ... I just want to say thank you all .. thank you for spending a happy time reading your messages ... I hope we meet again in another thread ... and we are happy again ... even though our partner gum result in real life I will always have them in my heart ... they made my heart beat ...


                                          .............. IM:heart:KYUNG...FOREVER........



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Hi all. 


It's been so quiet. I shied away from this thread since not much info on either one of them. 


Still don't know whatever happen to the DVD? 


@yosii We don't know whether there is or there is nothing going on between them. They are just too low profile. I still hope something positive while keeping my expectation low. Thanks so much for the great company all along. Going to miss you. 

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“You never know...” :wub:


hehe. That’s what I’m going to say for us who sometimes feel disheartened by the lack of development from our OTP. You never know... They might not be together now. But they might get together in the future. We never know. :)


But it IS indeed tiring and trying to stay positive in a thread that is getting cold. For me, I just keep my expectations really low. I’m thankful that real life has really caught up with me beginning this year. Quite busy. So I just pop in whenever I feel like, just to see if I find new surprises from OTP. And in any case, it’s great to see you all, fellow Gummers once in awhile, and fun to see new fan arts even while everyone’s morale is low. Thanks to the fan artists! :lol: 


In any case, I feel KNG and KAJ are worth following or “stalking” even as individuals. Because not only were their couple scenes great, their individual scenes were top-notch too! So I will usually hop over to their individual threads to read updates on them as well. So EVEN if they’re not together NOW, (a little sad) but I still find satisfaction reading about them as great individuals and just want to wish them all the best in their lives. 

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I think because we are not as daring as other couple shippers who could go extremely excited over small things like a shirt color for example.

There were moments of when we were a little bit excited over few things but not taking them too seriously, like NG who was so cheerful in High Cut photoshoot ......him staring at the sky and mountains reminiscing LUTYN tears flowing down his eyes, mentioning AJ eyes without being asked, listening to a pop song entitled "some" about a girl who likes a boy but has no bravery to confess etc....you guys know the lyrics already (btw, he previously said he doesn't like new pop song because the lyrics is too straight forward), and in the photoshoot he's smiling alone playing with the sweater sleeves saying is there really someone who wears it like this....



Namgil Sir, do you mean her? She wears it like that......





Take note that the stylist was dressing him like this at first, pay attention to the sleeves.



Then there's AJ who talked alot about wanting to fall in love and get married and also praising NG in her interviews. Tweeting the articles using cute emoticons thanking the journalists....


This tweet

At first she only wrote "thank you" (in korean) but then she deleted it and put those emoticons. FYI, that article mentioned NG a lot and it was published on 14 Oct and she tweeted it on 27 Oct, old article.


In cinema radio Christmas episode on 20 of Dec phone interview she was asked to choose the most memorable episode of the year and she chose the one with One Day (NG movie) music director as guest. Out of all the episodes she could choose....and she sounded shy when she said the reason, more or less she said it was interesting and the movie is good about a beloved person, but she got the movie director family name wrong lol!


Was she promoting his movie???!! I think so!

She went to Gyeongju with no particular reason...she said....just because she wanted to.


Queen Seondeok was majorly filmed in Gyeongju.

Pandora was supposed to be filmed in Gyeongju because it's where the nuclear reactor located but they got no permission from the gov. however NG said he and the movie director spent a lot of time in Gyeongju in order to do research about nuclear reactor.

She painted Shiba Inu on her thumb nails....did she see the Im puppy fanart?

Her toes nails were prettily colorful, blue and green on the thumb....


blue (navy blue) is NG fave color....HeoIm uniform is also blue. Green is Kyeong surgery uniform and AJ has been wearing green clothes quite a lot lately.


AJ has been editing her instagram, deleting pictures, and unfollowing her male friends......I wonder why she had to unfollow her male friends..?!?


NG was hanging out with his friends. One of his friend posted a picture but the next day he deleted it....why tho? If it's because the alcohols on the table, it's not the first time he posted pictures of NG with alcohols on the table.

NG apparently is busy with his Japan fanmeets preparation.


AJ had a photoshoot. There's a short bts interview of the photoshoot, AJ caught a flu again ㅠㅠ 

And she's back on instagram, she posted old pictures.


Oh well......we are not as brave as other shippers maybe because we are afraid of getting hurt......but that's the risk of being shippers??!


Tbh I myself am scared too, I don't wanna be sad and get hurt.


So let's just do it moderately ......don't put too much hope and invest you heart in doing it.



Btw, there's a longtime NG japanese fans who said she never saw NG smiled and laughed so happily like he did in Namsan date scenes.

And I see many of his Japanese fans become AJ fans as well.....and they're quietly shipping them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


For now there's not much to talk about. That's why it's been so quiet here.

Like @leba and @curlygee said....you never know.





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Thanks @siena for your contribution. I was just thinking whether there would be any new post on this thread today and saw yours! Hehe.


just want to add on to the list of things that actually made us shippers a bit more excited in the earlier pages. Remember the number of coincidences we were counting on AJ’s IG and NG’s manager’s IG or his gilstory IG? Hehe. It came to a point that we were quite certain they weren’t mere coincidences. But of course, after that the postings died down. Haha. I have a feeling they really left a deep impression on each other. Am really hoping they will pursue and develop that friendship and it will go somewhere. Of course am afraid of disappointment. How? Haha. Oh well. Just hope they can still do DCut commentary together. Or just work on another project together then. 

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I wonder if aside from his FM preparation, is KNG also busy with other things and how involved he is with his Gilstory posting on IG?


Idk if google translate is reliable but the latest posting from Gilstory is something about love, confession of love, fake love and real love. I remember how he used to write on his fb back then and from the writing could tell his feeling at the moment. So, is love something he is feeling now? :rolleyes:


KAJ seems veey cheerful in the latest video from A+G photoshoot BTS. When she made "comment with rated PG-19" , it reminds me of KNG's naughtiness (like how he came up with the idea of CPR scene in episode 16). Has his naughtiness rubbed into her that she is daring enough to give that naughty answer? :lol:


And on her Gyeongju visit as @siena mentioned.... I read (from KAJ personal thread) that she became good with wine because she began learning about wine to impress the guy that she liked back then. So it seems to me, KAJ is the type that would go to great extend to understand someone that she likes. Out of all places, she chose Gyeongju which is so significant to KNG.:wink:


Ok, let's hope there will be some juicy tidbits from KNG coming Japan FM and his birthday. I need some servicing to this shipping heart. 


And, what on earth happen to the  D-cut DVD???? 

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Hi guys, I'm a new fan of KNG from Jakarta, Indonesia. I love his act in LUTYN and started to watch his old movies. A bit late to be a fan, I guess :o

I saw this forum searched on google and it's fun to read the threads here :D



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I just got back from my mini vacation and happy to see that there are new posts on this thread. As always @siena you're sooo good at boosting my shipper heart! :D I tried watching other kdramas, but never fell in love like how I did to ImKyung. My love for them never fade! :wub:


Actually, I've been keeping it to myself but I'm still delulu over little things from NG and AJ. Someone saw KAJ at Shake Shack in Gangnam and ordered take aways as shared from her thread and my delulu heart is screaming, "Wait! KNG lives there! :lol: Did she perharps visit his home?!", before I snap out of it. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just hope that everything's going good between them.


I agree to @danielassny as well. It does seem like AJ went to Gyeongju because of KNG's influence.


If you follow them both, you'll see that they actually have similarities. :wub: 

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