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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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13 minutes ago, butterflysaga said:

Holy Cow Batman!


Hmm there's no nurses, no grampa, no... no one.. I hope.


If there is someone emgerges again. I swear! I'll put those two in Joseon jail instead. Just two of them. Kkkkkkkk~

Yep....no one I hope. I too ..don't wanna go wae? Wae? Wae? Hahaha:lol:

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OMGOMG thank you so much @kfan222!


So I was waiting for someone to translate the post but I couldn't wait so I ran ahead to Google Translate and here it is:


Hello. tvN It is the Blu-ray / DVD promotion team which is the director version. Blu-ray / DVD production of the director's version of "Myeongbulheojeon" has been confirmed. We will notify you of detailed announcements related to the payment within a short period of time. * Affiliated company: artificial man * Please confirm that the result of the previous vote is a prerequisite for the finalization of production. * I am deeply grateful to the fans who have contributed to the confirmation of production, and I am happy to announce the good news. Thank you.



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6 minutes ago, dyanadivara said:

OMGOMG thank you so much @kfan222!


So I was waiting for someone to translate the post but I couldn't wait so I ran ahead to Google Translate and here it is:


Hello. tvN It is the Blu-ray / DVD promotion team which is the director version. Blu-ray / DVD production of the director's version of "Myeongbulheojeon" has been confirmed. We will notify you of detailed announcements related to the payment within a short period of time. * Affiliated company: artificial man * Please confirm that the result of the previous vote is a prerequisite for the finalization of production. * I am deeply grateful to the fans who have contributed to the confirmation of production, and I am happy to announce the good news. Thank you.



OMG!!!!!! OMG!!!!! Thank you so much for the translation. 


I am spechless in happiness, finally!!!! God hears our prayers. Here is my money, take it tvn!!!!!!! 

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11 minutes ago, dyanadivara said:

OMGOMG thank you so much @kfan222!


So I was waiting for someone to translate the post but I couldn't wait so I ran ahead to Google Translate and here it is:


Hello. tvN It is the Blu-ray / DVD promotion team which is the director version. Blu-ray / DVD production of the director's version of "Myeongbulheojeon" has been confirmed. We will notify you of detailed announcements related to the payment within a short period of time. * Affiliated company: artificial man * Please confirm that the result of the previous vote is a prerequisite for the finalization of production. * I am deeply grateful to the fans who have contributed to the confirmation of production, and I am happy to announce the good news. Thank you.




YAYYYYY!!!!! celebration dance!!!!!!



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9 minutes ago, dyanadivara said:

OMGOMG thank you so much @kfan222!


So I was waiting for someone to translate the post but I couldn't wait so I ran ahead to Google Translate and here it is:


Hello. tvN It is the Blu-ray / DVD promotion team which is the director version. Blu-ray / DVD production of the director's version of "Myeongbulheojeon" has been confirmed. We will notify you of detailed announcements related to the payment within a short period of time. * Affiliated company: artificial man * Please confirm that the result of the previous vote is a prerequisite for the finalization of production. * I am deeply grateful to the fans who have contributed to the confirmation of production, and I am happy to announce the good news. Thank you.




I am crying right now. Thank you so much for this. :D:wub:

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Hello to all! I’m a newcomer to this thread. Firstly I’d like to say thanks to all who had contributed to this thread. I’ve read most of the analysis and the translations with keen interest. I’ve enjoyed watching all the gifs, and videos as well as perusing all the photos and those amazingly creative drawings. They have truly made my day. Thanks once again. Having said all that, I felt that it’s only fair that I contribute something of my own; even if it’s only just my humble opinions.


I apologize beforehand, but I believe this is going to be a really long post. Like some have admitted, I’m never one of those who shipped actors in real life. Rooting for two leads to end up together in a drama is, I believe pretty common, considering that it is in fact within the context of the plot, the motivation of characters, and the world that they inhabit. No offense, but I’ve always found the notion of shipping two real living persons beyond the drama, people whom I’ve never met before, whose personalities, character, and emotional state are probably not even close to the roles they portrayed on screen, slightly weird. Not to mention the fact that they could probably have different taste in the opposite gender, or worse still a secret significant other whom we’ve never heard of. Having said that, the closest I came to ‘shipping’ two drama leads was when I last watched ‘Secret Garden’.


I remembered thinking they looked good together and wanting to see them paired up in other dramas or photo shoot. The chemistry while not mind-blowing - at least to me - was pretty intense. Then again, being a fan of Ha Ji Won and having watched many of her dramas, I’ve always noticed that she has great chemistry with all of her leading men. Besides, I watched their bts and while both have a good rapport with each other, it felt typically friendly not romantic. And that was how I’ve been when it comes to my drama-watching. And then this drama happened. Or should I say that darn date episode happened.


To be more specific that moment where KAJ wrapped an arm around KNG’s shoulder while he held an ice-cream cone, and he leaned in her embrace, both seemingly unaware of their surrounding and blissfully contented in the presence of each other that I went- Wait! What?! What is this I’m seeing? I kid you not when I say I repeated that scene so many times with disbelieving eyes trying to discern if what I’m seeing is just great acting or something entirely different. Or should I say real? Could it be? Were they allowing us a glimpse of their true emotions? Or was it a complete immersion of their characters? I knew they were great actors (judging from the episodes prior) but were they really that incredible that the line between reel and real life was getting so blurry, confusing even the cynic in me. I’ve seen so many date scenes that I’ve always known what to expect. But this… this was just on a different level.


The whole scene felt entirely unscripted. It was as if these two people were left to their own devices and their date caught on camera for the world to see. There was so much warmth. So much heart. It was in the looks. It was in the touches. It was in their body language; so at ease with one another, so oblivious to everything else - cameras be damned. There was so much sweet intimacy radiating from the two leads that it felt that those feelings conveyed by them were not only what the script demanded of them, but instead their true emotions breaking through their acting veneer, translating their burgeoning romance from reel to real life so beautifully. Watching those scenes for the umpteenth time, I stopped and sat in front of my laptop, my smile growing to an utterly silly grin, my heart expanding with the sudden realization… dang it… so this is what being a shipper feels like. Mind you, this was even before I watched any bts of the drama. You could very well imagine how that worked out.


With each bts I scoured; after each present and past interviews I’ve read (and watched); after each picture I’ve scrutinized; I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m utterly and hopelessly doomed. Why else would I write this dedication for the hopeless romantic? It feels very much like I’m back in my Uni days, writing for a Psychology paper. *Wait a moment while I slide down this tunnel of love with no end in sight* But then I found this thread. And suddenly flowers are blooming, unicorns are traipsing in my backyard, and KAJ and KNG are sliding down the rainbows of love, waving and winking at us. And all is right in my world again. Wheee!


Again, I apologize to everyone for the ridiculously long post. I’ve so much more to say but I’d rather not bore anyone with my needless rambling. So I’m going back in my corner and read what you lovely people will be contributing. Thanks and have a lovely day to all.


“my shipper heart gif”的图片搜索结果


on a side note... DVD!!!!


“ally mcbeal baby gif”的图片搜索结果

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11 hours ago, parootpatootie said:


Take your pick. lol :D


Unfortunately, it's an old pic. The pics were posted Mar 2016 in this blog: http://widisiera.blogspot.com/2016/03/kim-nam-gil-sukses-gelar-fan-meeting-di.html


11 hours ago, parootpatootie said:

OMG, i just have the chance to open soompi, and found out that the IG pics were old stuff? :bawling: oh man, i'm bummed.. Mianhae, chingu @parootpatootie I'll try to catch our rare pokemon again then :lol: Btw...Yesterday, i watched One Day and Memoir Of A Murderer. In One Day, i officially bawled my eyes out when he speak with his dead wife through Chun Woo Hee...Gosh, it was amazing act. And Memoir Of Murderer, wooow, every slight of his facial movement is eerie...the story is great too. 


Always been a fan of you @boingboingracquet so don't worry chingu,... :D and @clare009  GOSH, PLEASE CONTINUE THE FANFIC!! I'M A NEW FAN! :wub:




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@starrymaze Your writings are beautiful. Perfectly summed up everything I felt. I kid you not I never shipped any OTP other than Kate and Leo. But not because I feel there's something going on between them all these years but because I think they are "meant to be".


This thread is really moving fast despite pokemon still in hiding mode. And the whole joke about pokemon is really daebakkk!


I backread comments from few pages and just feel like sharing some of my two cents :


1) All hugs of the OTP feel so real. Too realistic indeed. BTW, one particular hug caught my attention that is the side hug during the beach date scene. Not only I noticed KNG biting his lip (which I presumed is his habit out of excitement) but also as they walked along the beach and with his arm wrapped around her, he was actually rubbing/grazing/caressing (forgive me, idk the proper word to use) her arm. I mean, that little details and small intimate gestures really gave him away. 


2) I think the kiss at the beach is scripted but I believe the kiss on the cheek planted by KAJ on KNG was ad-libbed since KNG looked so genuinely surprised. Probably, it was scripted for her to just kiss him on the lips but she gave extra touch to kiss his cheek. Anyhow, the peck on the cheek definitely elevated the whole scene making it appeared even more real and affectionate.


3) As someone mentioned that when they kissed in episode 12, they both did some neck touching which I agree is one of the most sensitive part of the body. And KAJ traced her hand on KNG's open flip shirt. My takes, the kiss must have been super hot that not only his heavy breathing actually blew off the strands of her hair but also slightly flipped open the top of his shirt because as I rewatched that kiss scene, I remember his shirt was neatly buttoned up to the top prior to the kiss. LOL.


On the upside, YAY for the Director's cut DVD. Idk how to grab one, hopefully someone here can advise me. Or may be if you have your hands on it, please do not mind to share with us here. Thanks in advance. 

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1 hour ago, dyanadivara said:

Hello. tvN It is the Blu-ray / DVD promotion team which is the director version. Blu-ray / DVD production of the director's version of "Myeongbulheojeon" has been confirmed. We will notify you of detailed announcements related to the payment within a short period of time. * Affiliated company: artificial man * Please confirm that the result of the previous vote is a prerequisite for the finalization of production. * I am deeply grateful to the fans who have contributed to the confirmation of production, and I am happy to announce the good news. Thank you.



Ahhhh!!! Yes.. yess.. finally good news. Just a right news to make me lose focus on work. Im sorry boss, dont cut my pay, I need them for the DVD. Haha.. 


Now just need to wait..


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New interview article with KAJ again:






Interviewer said she and KNG had really good chemistry. KAJ said KNG is the best actor and that they really matched well. HI really loved YK and so she also worked hard to love too.  She also said (I think - maybe @etherealk408 can verify) some actors only think that their own character and emotions are the most important but KNG was willing to concede which allowed us to work well together.


KAJ also said the last time she was in a relationship was when she was 31.  She said she saw the type who will be in a longer term relationship. And that doing this drama makes her want to date and meet someone to love.  Not sure if she said her last relationship was 5-6 years long or that it has been 5-6 years since she dated... someone can verify?? 


She also said that the most difficult time (as an actress) for her seem to have passed. After 200 pounds beauty she was under the spotlight and felt very anxious and uncomfortable and had a difficult time adjusting. She went to university and studied and found security and she said back then it was to the point when she thought she should go see a psychiatrist. 

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Welcome, @starrymaze! Please don't worry or feel apologetic about the length of your post.. in fact I have to personally thank you for so eloquently putting into words exactly what I've felt since my experience being swept off of my feet & into this ship was very similar to yours. From my initial views on shipping real life people, all the way to that moment I was first bewildered and then utterly bewitched watching the lines between love in reality and drama getting blurred out by our Gum couple both on-screen and off-screen.. you explained it all so exquisitely. If you do have much more to say, please do.. I'd love, love to hear about it ^^


That said, I also never thought I would ever read a fanfiction featuring real human beings in their own actual lives' scenario and yet here I am shamelessly drowning in feels all day having read @clare009's fanfic. It looks like you planned it to be just a one-shot, chingu, but that was so beautifully written I can't help dying for more. Please consider continuing it.. hwaiting!

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Hello chingus~ :D I've decided to signin because I couldn't contain my excitement about the Director's cut release. :lol: Woohoo~!


At first, I've decided not to ship anymore because i don't want to be hurt so I wasn't actually planning to comment or anything. Mianhae... But must I say that our Gum couple is sooooo powerful! :heart::blush: I even learned how to read hangul! Lol! Unfortunately, I don't know how to start and understand the Korean Language. :unsure: 


I would also like to thank our translators for sharing every content in English. Gomawoyo. :D (help and give me tips to understand the words juseyo, ㅋㅋㅋ). Also, thank you for the fanarts. I've been liking it on IG as well and saving it on my phone as wallpaper. :lol: And please keep the fanfics coming. I'd like to read some more to satisfy my delulu mind. Lol!!!! It's been weeks without our gum couple and my weekends are empty. I've been stalking KAJ's IG and hope she post some clue. Lol! But she hasn't posted anything. :(


Please share the link where to purchase the Director's Cut Bluray/DvD later on. I'd also like to purchase the song album. I think I missed the link for that. 


I'm hoping for the best for our Gum couple. If they can't be together IRL (but i really think that there's something going on between them)  then please let them be in a movie together. (preferably R-18):wub: 


KAJ&KNG forever! :wub:


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