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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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13 hours ago, cherrycokez said:


I don't ship them in real life too, so please join here. This thread is fun with you here :) 

if they are dating in RL it is a blessing. So for now, I just want to see them together in a photoshoot commercial, or an award. And talking about their sizzling chemistry from BTS, slurp :tongue: 


Slurp :o Oh i loveee the slurp hahahaha:lol::tongue:. Thank you dear @cherrycokez. Yeah I don't wanna ship them, let it be their own privacy besides i already shipped Jongjoo and Shyshy couple .... very very silently (just give them privacy:)

Its so nice not to ship and yet having a fun chat in here :lol:.


@Cherrine Kim You are not alone, i too love Kng pervy looks HAHA:lol:, i can never find any actor that can act pervy and disgusting lol 


12 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:


@fans123 hahaha..who says you annoy us? LOL. you don't have to ship them. You are part of the Gum house already either way. You can always come by here or there..plus..you are my 'pretend to not know' partner as well :lol:



@vangsweetie637 gosh you are evil hahahaha:lol: :tongue:. (((I'm trap someone help me))

As much i would like to be like (friends) Phoebe ... i am more towards Joey lmao .... you know the moment joey goes uh-huh:huh: blank mind. :tongue: Seriously i'm very lacking in english so i sometimes can't pick up what other saying, which is why i am still wondering the other day   about ....they know i know you know .... oh god help me brain DXCQ4AH.gif hahah forgive me :tongue:


Ohh about the other day....when i was counting HI Sheep at night and kinda like blab then i just went off ( i think i'm kinda rude). The screen was so slow, i kept refreshing it EcoX16u.gif and i didn't get your reply, only saw your respond the next morning.:( So sorry chingu 


I have to go again :frown: see you guys later. Ooohhh i made some perverted HI gif hahahahah will share later



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I'm back again for a bit.


3 hours ago, minbongyi said:

Can you guess guys? I'm watching Queen Seonduk now. This withdrawal is so annoying, I need a dose of KNG.


And now I'm falling in love to Bidam. Lmao. Or anyone here have KAJ's movie suggestion?

Omo chingu, QSD is a good choice Wdtxxon.gif

Err...if you see another Version of Heo Jun there please tell him i reserve one goodie room for him :naughty:


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3 hours ago, lyserose said:

@3z3zm3lp Thanks for the video. They both looked very cautious. Trying to avoid eye contacts especially KNG. He kept his gaze at Doochil and Jae Ha (sorry, forgot the actors' names). He could not even looked at his left, to the direction of KAJ, Mak Gae, PD-nim and writer. LOL


Anyway, here's a take regarding Pisces man:

Pisces is one of the most aggravating people to be around when he is crushing on you because you won't actually BE around him.

 He doesn't exactly know how to handle his feelings when he’s crushing on someone, so instead, he tries to avoid them.

But, if you’ve always been close to Pisces and all of a sudden he starts distancing himself from you, it is safe to bet he likes you so make a move yourself!

I agree with u too, @lyserose. KNG really seems to be looking away. I wonder why. He looks shy. And like trying to be very cautious. I think he has a crush on her too. Omo! So will Pisces ppl not have the guts to pursue their crushes? Hope the both of them will have withdrawal symptoms like us fans, and will continue contacting each other. :wub:

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@fans123 Omo HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Long live the gifs~~ :D!!


People, I'm in a meeting and yet half my brain is occupied with our couple~ n cant resist openning my phone n scrolling here for more posts, shares and comments~~ n then getting all excited in one corner in my brain only while trying extremely hard to suppress my giggles and smiles that comes out when reading all of ur posts ~~~ I hope I'm perfecting a skill at being poker face :tongue::tongue:


And for discussion -- there is this Chinese saying "夫妻相", which literally translates to means a couple that r so meant-to-be that they even resemble one another. Seriously, I see that in KNG and KAJ. Those pictures taken during the final episode, having them stand side by side, anchored this view in me. Plus, some of the shots there look like legit artsy wedding photos (other than conventional photos with white wedding dresses). The photos at any time could fit into their wedding album! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (okay, I shall stop typing "love" though it isnt enough to represent how I feel) how KAJ's body language and poses next to KNG strongly imply "this guy next to me is my close partner". The way how she curves in and leans on his side and partially hides behind him were all shouting "we're TOGETHER!!" to me and that she finds a sense òf familiarity plus security next to him. Oh, and I see this happens not only for the photo-taking but other times as well when they're side by side. On top of that, the icing on the cake is their intertwined fingers when they hold hands~~~:heart::heart::heart:  gahhhh, I just can't get enough of them!!! :wub::wub::wub:


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On a side note, actually I prefer KNG with his clean shaven look. Took me some time to get used to the moustache though it helped him not look so skinny at the last episode. But I still prefer him without facial hair. Hope he will remain like that. Haha. :)

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3 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:

@fans123 Omo HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Long live the gifs~~ :D!!


People, I'm in a meeting and yet half my brain is occupied with our couple~ n cant resist openning my phone n scrolling here for more posts, shares and comments~~ n then getting all excited in one corner in my brain only while trying extremely hard to suppress my giggles and smiles that comes out when reading all of ur posts ~~~ I hope I'm perfecting a skill at being poker face :tongue::tongue:


And for discussion -- there is this Chinese saying "夫妻相", which literally translates to means a couple that r so meant-to-be that they even resemble one another. Seriously, I see that in KNG and KAJ. Those pictures taken during the final episode, having them stand side by side, anchored this view in me. Plus, some of the shots there look like legit artsy wedding photos (other than conventional photos with white wedding dresses). The photos at any time could fit into their wedding album! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (okay, I shall stop typing "love" though it isnt enough to represent how I feel) how KAJ's body language and poses next to KNG strongly imply "this guy next to me is my close partner". The way how she curves in and leans on his side and partially hides behind him were all shouting "we're TOGETHER!!" to me and that she finds a sense òf familiarity plus security next to him. Oh, and I see this happens not only for the photo-taking but other times as well when they're side by side. On top of that, the icing on the cake is their intertwined fingers when they hold hands~~~:heart::heart::heart:  gahhhh, I just can't get enough of them!!! :wub::wub::wub:



Me too! I can’t get enough of them. Serious withdrawal symptoms. And it’s not helping that I am rewatching the entire series again! Haha.


And from the wrap up party pics, KNG seems to have a “in-love” look in him. I was watching some of his earlier interviews and videos of his past works, he always had that “bachelor” status look. But the wrap up party pic, I seem to sense he has an “i’m-in-love” look. Hope I’m not being too delusional. Haha. :wub: tsk tsk! It’s the withdrawal symptoms at work! 

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16 minutes ago, triplem said:


It is from 1.25 mins...it was a serious scene.. after it was over:

1. Was her hand in his jacket? moving-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif?1292793

2. Isn't the scene over.? ..but look at how he grabs her hand -fingers intertwined....happy-dancing-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif?


1. Her hand was indeed in his jacket.

2. I think the scene was just about to be filmed when they held hands. Before that, they were monitoring the scene.


If I were KAJ, I would lean my head on KNG's chest. *pervy mode on*

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20 minutes ago, leba said:


Me too! I can’t get enough of them. Serious withdrawal symptoms. And it’s not helping that I am rewatching the entire series again! Haha.


And from the wrap up party pics, KNG seems to have a “in-love” look in him. I was watching some of his earlier interviews and videos of his past works, he always had that “bachelor” status look. But the wrap up party pic, I seem to sense he has an “i’m-in-love” look. Hope I’m not being too delusional. Haha. :wub: tsk tsk! It’s the withdrawal symptoms at work! 


That's EXACTLY what I'm gonna do too when I reach home today -- REWATCH! weeeehooooo!!! :blush: *sending a virtual high five to you* hehe. 


Oh, really? Did KNG have that for the wrap up party? Imma put on hawk eyes and go thru every photo! :glasses: hahahaha!


15 minutes ago, triplem said:

Time for some detective work....hmm the bts that set our hearts on fire.... I have slow mo the scene


It is from 1.25 mins...it was a serious scene.. after it was over:

1. Was her hand in his jacket? moving-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif?1292793

2. Isn't the scene over.? ..but look at how he grabs her hand -fingers intertwined....happy-dancing-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif?



Sorry to cut ur post~ but wanna say THANK YOUUUU for the slow mo scene! It's gonna be saved under my newly created folder for all things HI & YK related ~ kekeke. :wub::wub:


I would say "YESSS" that her hand was in his jacket! I've commented in the LUTYN thread as well that its evidence is his jacket opened up when she pulled her hand away~~ :heart: And I know right! The naturality of his hand just intertwining with hers is SUPERBBBBB~~:wub::wub:


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11 minutes ago, littlebluecat said:

1. Her hand was indeed in his jacket.

2. I think the scene was just about to be filmed when they held hands. Before that, they were monitoring the scene.


If I were KAJ, I would lean my head on KNG's chest. *pervy mode on*


Haha, she's too tall to do so :)))))))

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36 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:


That's EXACTLY what I'm gonna do too when I reach home today -- REWATCH! weeeehooooo!!! :blush: *sending a virtual high five to you* hehe. 


Oh, really? Did KNG have that for the wrap up party? Imma put on hawk eyes and go thru every photo! :glasses: hahahaha!



Sorry to cut ur post~ but wanna say THANK YOUUUU for the slow mo scene! It's gonna be saved under my newly created folder for all things HI & YK related ~ kekeke. :wub::wub:


I would say "YESSS" that her hand was in his jacket! I've commented in the LUTYN thread as well that its evidence is his jacket opened up when she pulled her hand away~~ :heart: And I know right! The naturality of his hand just intertwining with hers is SUPERBBBBB~~:wub::wub:




Don’t take me too seriously about the in-love look I sensed. Haha. Cos i’m Seriously in severe delulu mode! But what is real from me is, I can really sense some shyness in KNG at the wrap

up party. The fact that he just couldn’t look at her or in her direction in that short cake cutting clip. He wasn’t like that in their first presscon. He was so confident and forthcoming when standing next to her and doing the heart shape with her. And she was the one looking all shy and embarrassed. But at the cake cutting he looked quieter. Smiling and happy but shy look. And never wanting to look in her direction. So I also agree with u that he has a crush on her. Thanks for commenting on that video. Because when I watched it again, I noticed that he probably crush on her too. :wub:

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1 hour ago, leba said:

On a side note, actually I prefer KNG with his clean shaven look. Took me some time to get used to the moustache though it helped him not look so skinny at the last episode. But I still prefer him without facial hair. Hope he will remain like that. Haha. :)


Yes I prefer him without those hair! He looks so clean and good without it. He said he was afraid people would not recognise him without the moustache but I prefer him anytime without those facial hair.


9 minutes ago, leba said:



Don’t take me too seriously about the in-love look I sensed. Haha. Cos i’m Seriously in severe delulu mode! But what is real from me is, I can really sense some shyness in KNG at the wrap

up party. The fact that he just couldn’t look at her or in her direction in that short cake cutting clip. He wasn’t like that in their first presscon. He was so confident and forthcoming when standing next to her and doing the heart shape with her. And she was the one looking all shy and embarrassed. But at the cake cutting he looked quieter. Smiling and happy but shy look. And never wanting to look in her direction. So I also agree with u that he has a crush on her. Thanks for commenting on that video. Because when I watched it again, I noticed that he probably crush on her too. :wub:


Yes even in the cake cutting at wrap up party, he was trying to avoid looking at her direction obviously! Why so shy KNG when you were so bold initially and kept teasing KAJ? Now he gets shy and teased at by KAJ. KNG must have enjoyed himself with so many adlibs and free will to do whatever he wants in the show with such a supportive PD and shy KAJ. :blush:

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