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[Drama 2017-2018] A Korean Odyssey/Hwayugi 화유기


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1 hour ago, annie1234 said:



The accident that happened in the early production came to a prosecution. :dizzy::dizzy: OMG.. Hope everything will be fine. Despit the ending, I love this drama and I don't want any  negativity for this.

Sad the worker is confirmed paralyzed from the waist down. The CEO from the production company, the art director, and one set installation staff had been booked for professional negligence resulting in injury.



On a happier note...an article with pics on the fashion in the drama.



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9 minutes ago, Cedric Ong said:

Sad the worker is confirmed paralyzed from the waist down. The CEO from the production company, the art director, and one set installation staff had been booked for professional negligence resulting in injury.



On a happier note...an article with pics on the fashion in the drama.



They deserve to be punished though. I feel so bad  for the injured staff also for the casts who worked hard till the end to give the best for this show 

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8 hours ago, ladysaotome said:

So I've been doing a lot of reading (thanks so much for those chapters @Zelda) and here's the combination of my very incomplete understanding of the mythology behind the cut. But first - quick question - why is everyone so convinced Summer Fairy, Dragon Prince & Bu Ja are gone forever with no chance of going to the underworld and/or possible reincarnation? What am I not understanding there? 


And here's my guess at the mythology compiled from several different sites. All terms left in Chinese. Please let me know anything I have messed up!

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The 36 level of Heavens and 36 Grounds

There are both 36 heavens and 36 grounds in this universe. In the 36th level of heaven lives the most Original Supreme God. Which is the highest, mightiest and powerful one. 

On the 35th level of the heaven lives the Spiritual Treasure Supreme God. As for the 34th level of Heaven lives the Ethics Virtues Supreme God which has been said to have once incarnated to Lao Tse / Lao Zi who was the founder of Taoism. 

These above mentioned 3 are the top 3 gods in the Taoism (universe). 

The Jade Emperor lives in the 33rd heaven. He is the overall king of gods being in charge of 33 heavens, 36 grounds which is inclusive of the legendary hell and not forgetting to oversee the mortal world.
The Underworld

The underworld Feng-Du is a tangled mix of Taoist, Buddhist and traditional folk legend. The versions are very similar but differ a little bit. In one version Feng-Du is not actually underground but housed in an enormous mountain on the other side of the astral plane. In another, the underworld is under the sea, or beneath the sea bed. But all legends agree that it’s a dark and sinister place something like a prison complex. The whole place is a very complicated underground maze. 

There are 18 levels (in some versions there are many more) and scattered between these 18 levels there are 10 palace levels with courts ruled by a respective king/judge in each. (The exact number of courts sometimes varies based on the source.)

The Underworld is where everyone goes upon death. Officers escort the dead across the NAI HE QIAO (奈何橋), a bridge. After crossing this bridge are the main gates.  They take the dead to the office of YEN-LO-WANG, the King of Feng-Du. There they are registered, given an identity card, and sucked into the mire of Underworld bureaucracy. No doubt it’s all computerized by now.

Then it’s off to the first Court of Qin Guan Wang (秦廣王蔣), who is in charge of people's date of birth and death. The court inside this first palace is in the hall and it is also the entry door to Feng-Du. There the dead face the Mirror of Retribution/Reflection. In this mirror all of the things that they have done while living will be reflected like a movie or drama. This mirror is 50-feet wide and 10-feet high on the stage. The mirror is also known as Sin Mirror or Karma Mirror. 

This is where the dead really get to have a chance to look at themselves and what they have done in life - have they been good or bad, etc... After they have seen everything, the king makes his verdict based on what the mirror has reflected. 

Particularly virtuous souls may find themselves excused from further judgment and sent on vacation to paradise. The truly righteous take the Golden Bridge straight to eternal happiness in Western Paradise. This is a one-way trip and very few get to make it. This Pure Land is presided over by the Buddha Amitābha, and after encountering Amitābha face-to-face, the soul could finally achieve what institutional Buddhism called nirvāṇa -- complete release from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Thus, a soul choosing the Western Pure Land attained salvation from the cosmos itself. 

The not-quite-so-righteous take the Silver Bridge to the dull but comfortable Southern Paradise. There they get a little vacation before plunging back into the rebirth cycle. (Or in some versions the Silver Bridge led to Heaven, which was an important domain of the cosmos. Heaven was ruled by the Jade Emperor and populated by gods and heavenly officials. The soul entering into Heaven via the Silver Bridge would be reborn as a god and become an important figure in the cosmos.) Some versions say the righteous soul gets to choose between the gold and silver bridge.
Everyone else has to repent and suffer punishment for their sins. 

There are different levels to punish depending on the sins. Some only go to one or two levels, really evil people pass through several levels. They are all gruesome & I'm not going into them since we know Sun Mi won't end up there. :tongue:
QIN-GUANG-WANG also rules the fate of souls who have met untimely deaths by accident or misfortune. Such people may be let off lightly if they haven’t lived long enough to accumulate spiritual brownie points.

Initially Yen Lo Wang (閻羅王包), the god of death, was in charge of the first court. However, he was a bit of a softie and had a tendency to always send the dead who died of injustices back into the mortal world to clear up their false charges and was demoted to the fifth palace of hell. (Some versions say he was sending far too many people across the golden bridge and Paradise was getting crowded.) However Yen Lo Wang is still ruler over all of Feng-Du and has a team of deadly assistants. His filing system contains the records of every soul, complete with their allotted death date. (In Journey to the West MONKEY once paid him a visit and wreaked havoc, so we imagine security has been tightened up since then.)
Once a person has repented fully and suffered all their punishments, they are sent to the final, Tenth Court where ZHUANG-LUN-WANG passes his final judgment and decides the manner of their next existence. (Human being or slug, etc.) 
Some versions say the dead takes a boat across a river, to where Lady MENG-PO is waiting. Either way, anyone bound for reincarnation ends up seeing her. She gives the Tea of Forgetfulness, which erases memory.  The only thing that passes from one incarnation to the next is Karma, which is why no-one remembers their past lives.  
Then the person goes for a ride on the Wheel of Life/Reincarnation. Wind and clouds billow out from the circle in the centre and the six other circles surrounding it. Depending on the person's past life, they will pass through one of the seven holes which determines how he or she will be reborn.
Round and round they go, faster and faster, until they shoot off into the void and land in the body of a newborn baby. Or, if they haven’t repented enough, the body of a slug.  Or if their karma is really bad, they are stuck in Feng-Du and sent back for more punishment.
This next part is confusing and I really don't understand it clearly but my best guess is I think reincarnation has two aspects: 1) what the person reincarnates as and 2) where they reincarnate.
ZHUANG-LUN-WANG  decides what the person  will be reincarnated as:

First Way : Wealthy and powerful human
Second Way : Birds
Third Way : Farmers and laborers
Fourth Way : Working class folk
Fifth Way : Dragons, fish, crabs, insects or sea creatures
Sixth Way : Lions, tigers, horses, deer, elephant or other four-legged animals
Seventh Way : Poor, lonely and the destitute
The person's karma determines which hole on the Wheel of Reincarnation/Life they pass through which sends them to one of the realms.

1) God Realm (天道) : Devas 
2) Demi-God/Monster/Spirit Realm (修罗道) : Asura /Titan/yogwe
3) Human Realm (人道)
4) Animal Realm (畜生道)
5) Hungry Ghost Realm (饿鬼道) : Petra  
6) Hell Realm (地狱道) : Naraka 

Again, apologies if I messed anything up. Please correct anything I've gotten wrong!


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This clears up all the doubts I had about why SOG said "No matter where you are or how you've changed, I will be able to recognize you now."


This is why. He had no idea which bridge she would take, Golden or Silver. If she would get reincarnated or not. I am pretty sure JSM is deserving of the Golden bridge. But she could take the Silver one to be reborn as a God. And being reborn as a God means that her previous life's memory would be erased(to remove any and all human connections so she can be unbiased) and hence he will be erased from her memories. That's why he urged her to remember his name no matter what. But, I am sure they won't have to do any such a thing because SOG set out to get JSM back in 12 hours, he didn't even wait for a whole day.


I was really worried about it because I thought the writers were clearing the path for a new heroine or something. (They still might if there's a S2.<_<) But I am reassured that SOG did not mean JSM will change faces or something but just her form. For some reason, I keep picturing him standing besides JSM as she goes through all her judgement cycle..the mirror than the King's judgement on her deeds and her rebirth as a Goddess. BUT I know our Monkey is too impatient and he will just break her out and feed her the immortality peaches and the magic pills and be done with it.:lol:


BTW, I think even SOG mentioned that they "Buja, SF, Prince...even SOG himself" will disappear when they die. He said so to Frosty when he instructed him on what to tell JSM if he shattered/broke to pieces during his fight with the evil Dragon and disappeared. Even the Prince said that he will disappear when he puts out the fire that was killing PK. Which reminds me, does anyone else think the Prince's death was so stupid? One call to MW, he would have poofed right there and PK would have been saved...:rolleyes: but they went with tragic death that was not needed.

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Yes, he was begging her to remember his name which i suspected her memory might be erased but i always welcome our monkey chasing after our Sunmi all over again haha...  she can't do anything anyway  cos no matter what she will remember his name and having one of his eyes as evidence.


This is like a parallel to episode 1 where Sunmi was the one begging him not to leave but our bad monkey took his name out of her memory.

Now it's his turn to beg her to remember him no matter what even giving one of his eyes ... Tsk... if we could just get an episode of closure...


dragon prince was unnecessary in the first place. Hong sisters strenght is  always in writing their main couple romance , i gotta admit that.  This drama has a lot of characters which i think they got confused how to write them


@annie1234 shippers hawk eyes , dedication, and investigations are commendable lol.

I'm guessing the bts was also difficult to give due to some staffs and pd under prosecution huh...

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10 minutes ago, haymochi said:

Yes, he was begging her to remember his name which i suspected her memory might be erased but i always welcome our monkey chasing after our Sunmi all over again haha...  she can't do anything anyway  cos no matter what she will remember his name and having one of his eyes as evidence.


This is like a parallel to episode 1 where Sunmi was the one begging him not to leave bur our bad monkey took his name out of her memory.

Now it's his turn to beg her to remember him no matter what even giving one of his eyes ... Tsk... if we could just get an episode of closure...


dragon prince was unnecessary in the first place. Hong sisters strenght are  always in writing their main couple romance , i have to admit that.  This drama has a lot of characters which i think they got confused how to write them


@annie1234 shippers hawk eyes , dedication, and investigations are commendable lol.

I'm guessing the bts was also difficult to give due to some staffs and pd under prosecution huh...


So true. the Dragon Prince was never really fit to the story. His character was only sticking to PK until he met his demise saving him. Other than that, he had no storyline. I felt the same with BuJa character. If in the end she will only disappear, they should made Lee Se Young as Ah sa Nyeo since the beginning.


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27 minutes ago, haymochi said:

Yes, he was begging her to remember his name which i suspected her memory might be erased but i always welcome our monkey chasing after our Sunmi all over again haha...  she can't do anything anyway  cos no matter what she will remember his name and having one of his eyes as evidence.


This is like a parallel to episode 1 where Sunmi was the one begging him not to leave bur our bad monkey took his name out of her memory.

Now it's his turn to beg her to remember him no matter what even giving one of his eyes ... Tsk... if we could just get an episode of closure...


dragon prince was unnecessary in the first place. Hong sisters strenght are  always in writing their main couple romance , i have to admit that.  This drama has a lot of characters which i think they got confused how to write them


@annie1234 shippers hawk eyes , dedication, and investigations are commendable lol.

I'm guessing the bts was also difficult to give due to some staffs and pd under prosecution huh...

I wonder if her memory was erased and given back when she was brought back to remove the GGG.  Or if she was still waiting for her judgement with her memory intact when they brought her back. Gah, I so hate when a show does not give me all the answers. Such lazy writing by Hong sisters. I am so disappointed in them. I had a soft corner for them since My Girl was my first Kdrama and it was written by them but their lazy writing for Hwayugi has annoyed me to no end. They should have asked for 24 episodes to wrap up EVERYTHING properly..from our OTP to Frosty to MW and his son to turning everyone into deities..UGH. Slaps them with a smelly fish. <_<:tongue:


SOG running behind JSM to make her remember would have lasted just a day or less. Like we already witnessed with SOG's amnesia. They both love the other so deeply that they cannot be erased totally from each other's mind.


You are right it's a parallel..just like we had JSM breaking SOG out of his prison and in the end SOG breaking out JSM from the underworld. Dammit Hong sisters and the PD..would it have KILLED them to give us a small glimpse of JSM sitting besides SOG in the car to prove he was successful in breaking her out? *hits them again with a smelly fish*<_<:tongue:


Nah, I think Dragon Prince had a purpose but the actress was so bad, her role was changed into basically nothing.

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4 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

I wonder if her memory was erased and given back when she was brought back to remove the GGG.  Or if she was still waiting for her judgement with her memory intact when they brought her back. Gah, I so hate when a show does not give me all the answers. Such lazy writing by Hong sisters. I am so disappointed in them. I had a soft corner for them since My Girl was my first Kdrama and it was written by them but their lasy writing for Hwayugi has annoyed me to no end. They should have asked for 24 episodes to wrap up EVERYTHING properly..from our OTP to Frosty to MW and his son to turning everyone into deities..UGH. Slaps them with a smelly fish. <_<:tongue:


SOG running behind JSM to make her remember would have lasted just a day or less. Like we already witnessed with SOG's amnesia. They both love the other so deeply that they cannot be erased totally from each other's mind.


You are right it's a parallel..just like we had JSM breaking SOG out of his prison and in the end SOG breaking out JSM from the underworld. Dammit Hong sisters and the PD..would it have KILLED them to give us a small glimpse of JSM sitting besides SOG in the car to prove he was successful in breaking her out? *hits them again with a smelly fish*<_<:tongue:


Nah, I think Dragon Prince had a purpose but the actress was so bad, her role was changed into basically nothing.

This this this!!!

but no matter how much crappy writing they gave the last 1.5 ep i  still can't move on from this drama because of the otp story. SOG was such a refreshing change of male lead with his determination, protectiveness, and straightforwardness in confessing and showing his love.  Sunmi isn't the typical sassy female lead but i always love her relatable and kind hearted  side that i want her to be protected, love, and sometimes her sad eyes melt my heart.


Dragon prince acting is really bad lol and viewers keep asking her character to be out of the show so it's not helping. 

But i feel for Buja, agree with @annie1234 if she is gonna ended that way better make her ASN from the start. 

When she lost her power to Sunmi i feel like she has no purpose in the show anymore. I feel bad for Lee Se Young during the last 3 eps cos she is not here nor there because of the writing. This happened to Sunmi character btw ep 11-12 too... then we also have a strange part of MW suddenly want to eat samjang lol 



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Guest norakim

You guys noticed that the female characters were the only ones that got killed off tragically from this drama?  Summer Fairy, Buja, Alice (Possessed by Prince), SunMi... 

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13 minutes ago, haymochi said:

This this this!!!

but no matter how much crappy writing they gave the last 1.5 ep i  still can't move on from this drama because of the otp story. SOG was such a refreshing change of male lead with his determination, protectiveness, and straightforwardness in confessing and showing his love.  Sunmi isn't the typical sassy female lead but i always love her relatable and kind hearted  side that i want her to be protected, love, and sometimes her sad eyes melt my heart.


Dragon prince acting is really bad lol and viewers keep asking her character to be out of the show so it's not helping. 

But i feel for Buja, agree with @annie1234 if she is gonna ended that way better make her ASN from the start. 

When she lost her power to Sunmi i feel like she has no purpose in the show anymore. I feel bad for Lee Se Young during the last 3 eps cos she is not here nor there because of the writing. This happened to Sunmi character btw ep 11-12 too... then we also have a strange part of MW suddenly want to eat samjang lol 



Same..I hate, hate the ending but I love the OTP's love story. I was watching the first 4 episode yesterday and the difference in SOG is so striking. From wanting to kill and eat her, he went to wanting to protect her at all cost..even at his own life.


You know what I loved about SOG was that he didn't fall for JSM's beauty. He loved her soul. He did not fall for her face when ASN was inside her. He moved heaven and earth to bring her back. I read on Dramabeans how SOG was more tortured and scared when ASN was in JSM's body instead of when she literally died. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the post because the answer is so simple. When ASN was in JSM's body, he did not know where she was. He couldn't go to her until she called him. He couldn't bring her back. But when she died, he was shattered so bad he could barely function, let alone think and plan to get her back from the Land of the dead. Did you notice his deadened eyes and his haggard walk when he was going to get the sword to kill the Dragon?


If he had not lost his memory after the fight, he would have torn down the Land of the dead the minute he destroyed the Dragon to get JSM back.


JSM I loved because she was a fantastic heroine, sharp, smart, rich, successful, with a heart of gold. She was not the typical candy heroine. She fought back and didn't think twice of dismissing SOG if she was annoyed with him. She was kind but she also had a backbone. *sigh* Where else can I get such a heroine with the power to change a naughty demon into a loving deity? How can you not love her?


Don't remind me. It was so weird how MW's reason to eat or protect JSM kept changing LOL. BJ was another waste. ASN was fine as a temporary vamp but by making her a long running one and desperate at that..she turned boring and typical quite fast.


3 minutes ago, norakim said:

You guys noticed that the female characters were the only ones that got killed off tragically from this drama?  Summer Fairy, Buja, Alice (Possessed by Prince), SunMi... 

Yeah but Alice didn't die. The Prince did. You forgot MW's wife in the list. Oh this show...<_<

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OG was more scared when ASN in sunmi's body?

what ???!!!!! That guy was full of murder instinct to kill ASN  after finding Sunmi.

However after Sunmi died, that guy was shattered to pieces.

Can you ever imagine the great sage SOG sealing himself in Sireumdong like a crazy man.

just like you said he is barely functioning.and it was unbearable  watching him in tremendous pain eveytime a glimpse of Sunmi  memory came back 


if he didn't lost his memory or Sunmi didn't came back to heal  his broken heart, he would have taken that sword and stabbed himself.

I guess getting a chance to meet her for the last time enabled him to make an unbreakable promise and determination to bring her back. *Forever bitter that we didn't get to see it*

cos i actually have no problem of Sunmi dying. That's a plot device needed to make her a deity...


i love a mature and calm female lead too. She gives me hope that there is nothing wrong being kind hearted and forgiving in this cruel world .

OG love for her is beyond her appearance... it's her pure soul that attracted him like a magnet.  Gaaah....


Dying to rewatch the drama from ep 1 again but everytime i remember the ending i became a scaredy cat :wacko:


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8 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

 I was watching the first 4 episode yesterday and the difference in SOG is so striking. From wanting to kill and eat her, he went to wanting to protect her at all cost..even at his own life.


Me too, I also watched episode 1 up to episode 4 yesterday for me to eventually let go. SOG stares from JSM at first till the last episodes gradually change from always saying to JSM "I want you to choose me to eat you to I want you to hold me and believe in me tag lines. From always saying saranghanika nonchalantly  till saying it with pure conviction. From not minding JSM and thinking she's only a nuisance human being to making her his life and can't live without her. Arrghh my love for our OTP keeps stronger. Even the smallest detail were shown in each episode and now it makes my heart ache when I saw it clearly. Like the one when JSM said that she don't have anyone but herself then SOG immediately said that I'm now here, I will be by your side remarks gave such huge impact to me. I guessed it will take a year for me to move on just like when I watch Goblin :D

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35 minutes ago, haymochi said:

OG was more scared when ASN in sunmi's body?

what ???!!!!! That guy was full of murder instinct to kill ASN  after finding Sunmi.

However after Sunmi died, that guy was shattered to pieces.

Can you ever imagine the great sage SOG sealing himself in Sireumdong like a crazy man.

just like you said he is barely functioning.and it was unbearable  watching him in tremendous pain eveytime a glimpse of Sunmi  memory came back 


if he didn't lost his memory or Sunmi didn't came back to heal  his broken heart, he would have taken that sword and stabbed himself.

I guess getting a chance to meet her for the last time enabled him to make an unbreakable promise and determination to bring her back. *Forever bitter that we didn't get to see it*

cos i actually have no problem of Sunmi dying. That's a plot device needed to make her a deity...


i love a mature and calm female lead too. She gives me hope that there is nothing wrong being kind hearted and forgiving in this cruel world .

OG love for her is beyond her appearance... it's her pure soul that attracted him like a magnet.  Gaaah....


Dying to rewatch the drama from ep 1 again but everytime i remember the ending i became a scaredy cat again.


Imagine his state if he had not lost his memory. :( He would have razed the world himself to get her back. 


No, I don't think SOG would have killed himself. He is stronger and more stubborn than that. Not weak like the last protector. He would have gone to the Underworld and gotten her back for sure or created havoc on earth until heavens gave him JSM back.

I always knew JSM will die and SOG's death was just a fake out. It made no sense for an immortal to die when the ending was supposed to be SJ as a deity too. That way they will get their happy ever after but like you I am going to be forever bitter about the nonsense we got instead of the solid ending we and the OTP deserved.


Take your time in rewatching the show..everyone is different. For myself, I can distract myself by watching the previous episodes but that's not necessarily true for everyone. :)


I wonder what LSG and OYS said about the ending in the show.



22 minutes ago, Vincent Polo said:

Me too, I also watched episode 1 up to episode 4 yesterday for me to eventually let go. SOG stares from JSM at first till the last episodes gradually change from always saying to JSM "I want you to choose me to eat you to I want you to hold me and believe in me tag lines. From always saying saranghanika nonchalantly  till saying it with pure conviction. From not minding JSM and thinking she's only a nuisance human being to making her his life and can't live without her. Arrghh my love for our OTP keeps stronger. Even the smallest detail were shown in each episode and now it makes my heart ache when I saw it clearly. Like the one when JSM said that she don't have anyone but herself then SOG immediately said that I'm now here, I will be by your side remarks gave such huge impact to me. I guessed it will take a year for me to move on just like when I watch Goblin :D

From smallest detail in the beginning to exposition fairy in the end where we have to imagine him rescuing and living happily ever after with JSM. How the writer messed up.  :angry:


I dunno how long it will take for me. With SHR, I stopped watching after episode 14 or 15 so the end never bothered me. With Goblin, I was more about the second couple and they got their happy ever after so I never had any problem with it either. I knew Black will have a sad ending since the hero was a grim reaper so I never watched it. I barely got through episode 4 of BOTWG before just reading the recaps so it never bothered me too. Black Knight's sad ending made me really angry so I didn't feel any heartbreak. But Hwayugi..I got emotionally attached to the OTP so, I have no idea how long it will take me to get over it. I am not going to forget this betrayal by Hong sisters ever. <_<

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True for Goblin,  i was more attached to the 2nd lead too. I was a bit uncomfortable with the girl being a high school student .

Although  i feel that the ending for the Goblin himself was very very unfair but  Eun Taek got  her moment of happiness. She got to  marry her groom, smile happily and have friend while Jin sun mi? Sigh...


like i said the comfort i get is  at least  no amount of love from the whole world can be compared to The Great Sage love for Sunmi. I'm absolutely sure that he will get her back .


SHR was painful too but i watched the Chinese version first so  i felt that the ending for the Korean version was much lighter than the original ending. Man in the original version the  female lead suffering was pure torture with tragic ending like suicide all around the characters. 


I watched this drama after AOY. That drama sad open ending  broke me like crazy too and knowing that even there is a next season, my otp will end sadly i just can't watch any drama since then.


I watch Hwayugi because i'm a big fan of OYS (My sassy girl was disappointing) so i had no high expectation but the first ep already got me hooked to the story and otp so much. As the story goes on,  i fell in love with everything even  the angsts were so on point.

Moreover, the  chemistry is unbeatable. Up to ep 18.. they gave us big clue and hints that it's def will be a happy ending.

1. The previous samjang protector warning him to never let Sunmi go

2. The baby

3. The peddler  telling OG that he can change this fate

4 . Sunmi gaining power and getting stronger


then i got betrayed so badly with Sunmi dying in KDS's hand. They never showed her getting rewarded... even after dying she can't die in peace because OG is broken . She came back to him for only a day as wandering spirit... gosh....

how come that peddlee never appear again? I thought she will hold a very big role in reviving Sunmi just like the original JTTW.


it will take me a long time to get over this drama and the otp will still be no.1 in my heart.

I'm gonna watch all crime and horror genres right now


i think LSG expressed some disappointment in the ending too. He said it's inconsistent? But he tried his best.

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12 minutes ago, haymochi said:

True for Goblin,  i was more attached to the 2nd lead too. I was a bit uncomfortable with the girl being a high school student .

Although  i feel that the ending for the Goblin himself was very very unfair but  Eun Taek got  her moment of happiness. She got to  marry her groom, smile happily and have friend while Jin sun mi? Sigh...


like i said the comfort i get is  at least  no amount of love from the whole world can be compared to The Great Sage love for Sunmi. I'm absolutely sure that he will get her back .


SHR was painful too but i watched the Chinese version first so  i felt that the ending for the Korean version was much lighter than the original ending. Man in the original version the  female lead suffering was pure torture with tragic ending like suicide all around the characters. 


I watched this drama after AOY. That drama sad open ending  broke me like crazy too and knowing that even there is a next season, my otp will end sadly i just can't watch any drama since then.


I watch Hwayugi because i'm a big fan of OYS (My sassy girl was disappointing) so i had no high expectation but the first ep already got me hooked to the story and otp so much. As the story goes on,  i fell in love with everything even  the angsts were so on point.

Moreover, the  chemistry is unbeatable. Up to ep 18.. they gave us big clue and hints that it's def will be a happy ending.

1. The previous samjang protector warning him to never let Sunmi go

2. The baby

3. The peddler  telling OG that he can change this fate

4 . Sunmi gaining power and getting stronger


then i got betrayed so badly with Sunmi dying in KDS's hand. They never showed her getting rewarded... even after dying she can't die in peace because OG is broken . She came back to him for only a day as wandering spirit... gosh....

how come that peddlee never appear again? I thought she will hold a very big role in reviving Sunmi just like the original JTTW.


it will take me a long time to get over this drama and the otp will still be no.1 in my heart.

I'm gonna watch all crime and horror genres right now


i think LSG expressed some disappointment in the ending too. He said it's inconsistent? But he tried his best.

Don't remind me. The heroine being a High School girl really creeped me out..plus that "Ahjusshi" "Ahjusshi, I love you." *shudders* I literally skipped their scenes it was so icky to me.


That is true though ET got her happy moments and friends but JSM was such a tragic figure from her birth till death. I think the only people affected truly by her death were SOG and LHJ. I cried when LHJ cried for his CEO. :( Which makes me wonder what happened to the SOG being the CEO of M group? And when JSM got stabbed, why didn't the GGG give him pain to show that she is in pain/danger? The elders were just holding him there..the GGG should have still let him know....wait..the GGG was no longer connected to JSM right? SOG was the master of it. No wonder he didn't get teleported to her when she got stabbed. So many unanswered questions...it's sad. When I don't get proper closure, it gets hard for me to move on.


BTW, I am absolutely sure SOG will get JSM too and they have have a happy ever after.


What I loved about Hwayugi was that the angst was not manufactured..it made sense. That's why  I got so invested in the couple and I was eager to see how they will fight the heavens and get their happy ever after..sadly it wasn't meant to be. I feel cheated after, like you pointed out, all the clues we got for the happy ever after. What a waste..the biggest being JSM killed by KDS and all her powers not being used. That was such a WTF moment for me. SOG didn't even know about KDS killing JSM.


Tell me about it, I was so angry when JSM didn't get rewarded after all she went through. It's a good thing she has her SOG who will force the heavens to give her a happy ever after with him.


But she did die in peace thinking his love will end and he won't feel any pain. It's only after he confessed his love when her soul came back did she realize how much pain he will be and agreed to wait and be with him. Even though she knows that the heavens will punish them..she would rather get punished with him than leave him alone in pain forever. This makes me wish SOG had told her about the GGG being useless...she would have fought to save both their lives instead of just his.


Wait, what? What was the peddlers role supposed to be in reviving JSM? I don't know anything about this.


Ah, he said that? Good..not the bricks and bats the writers deserve but still his disappointment is clear. Has OYS said anything about her disappointment?

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Since the death of female chars were mentioned....in the original chinese novel Journey To The West...


if u list out all the male demons and female demons...the ratio is typically more male than female. But the ratio of deaths in female group is much higher...almost all were killed...think except 2...the Iron Fan Princess and the Jade Rabbit from the moon. The jade rabbit case is also an observation that many demons who aren't killed..are often rider beasts or pets of the gods. If otherwise, all including weak demon followers were not let off.

So the novel in a way is hinting at social unfairness and stuff...and also male-female inequality in ancient china. 


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1 hour ago, YourHighness . said:

Don't remind me. The heroine being a High School girl really creeped me out..plus that "Ahjusshi" "Ahjusshi, I love you." *shudders* I literally skipped their scenes it was so icky to me.


That is true though ET got her happy moments and friends but JSM was such a tragic figure from her birth till death. I think the only people affected truly by her death were SOG and LHJ. I cried when LHJ cried for his CEO. :( Which makes me wonder what happened to the SOG being the CEO of M group? And when JSM got stabbed, why didn't the GGG give him pain to show that she is in pain/danger? The elders were just holding him there..the GGG should have still let him know....wait..the GGG was no longer connected to JSM right? SOG was the master of it. No wonder he didn't get teleported to her when she got stabbed. So many unanswered questions...it's sad. When I don't get proper closure, it gets hard for me to move on.


BTW, I am absolutely sure SOG will get JSM too and they have have a happy ever after.


What I loved about Hwayugi was that the angst was not manufactured..it made sense. That's why  I got so invested in the couple and I was eager to see how they will fight the heavens and get their happy ever after..sadly it wasn't meant to be. I feel cheated after, like you pointed out, all the clues we got for the happy ever after. What a waste..the biggest being JSM killed by KDS and all her powers not being used. That was such a WTF moment for me. SOG didn't even know about KDS killing JSM.


Tell me about it, I was so angry when JSM didn't get rewarded after all she went through. It's a good thing she has her SOG who will force the heavens to give her a happy ever after with him.


But she did die in peace thinking his love will end and he won't feel any pain. It's only after he confessed his love when her soul came back did she realize how much pain he will be and agreed to wait and be with him. Even though she knows that the heavens will punish them..she would rather get punished with him than leave him alone in pain forever. This makes me wish SOG had told her about the GGG being useless...she would have fought to save both their lives instead of just his.


Wait, what? What was the peddlers role supposed to be in reviving JSM? I don't know anything about this.


Ah, he said that? Good..not the bricks and bats the writers deserve but still his disappointment is clear. Has OYS said anything about her disappointment?

It's just that a lot of people thought the  Peddler  was an interpretation from Goddes of Guan Yin which held a very strong role in saving the monk in the original JTTW.


when i was watching  Hwayugi and watched ep 16, i really thought she was one.. if not she must be a very powerful deity at least.


about the GGG since OG has overcome it, it actually has no more effect. He was just wearing it so if he vanished, Sunmi will interpret it as him running away after his feeling is all gone.


I feel so bitter that OG didn't know that KDS was the one who killed Sunmi.. gosh

it would have been more impactful if she did summon the dragon and she stabbed herself.


First it was vamp ASN and now KDS. They all turned out to be very lame villains lol...

with the Akiko girl appearing.i thought they gonna form a devilish circle or something :D 

Don't remind me of KDS running away like a chicken after stabbing Sunmi.. what was that???

they would have been spared from being ridiculed with the  CG  if they fought the evil Akiko or possesed Kang Dae Sung instead.


the last 2 eps were disappointing (except for the blissful night and morning scenes  of course). Ep 18 was so awesome that i put my expectations too high... Hong sisters must be possesed when they were writing for the last 2 eps tsk tsk

kinda wish i have the power to turn back time and ask them to rewrite ep 19 and 20

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