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[Drama 2017-2018] Love Returns / I hate to love you, 미워도 믿어도


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The front door opens.  Jung's Father is surprised when Jung's Sister enters  T with her suitcase.  She smiles.  He doesn't.  The Aunt, Gil and her Brother aren't very welcoming either.  Jung enters the living room and drags her Sister upstairs.


The Aunt demands that Jung's Father remove Jung's Sister from the house.  He's like, Give me time to think.


Jung drags her Sister into a bedroom and demands that she move back so their Mother won't be lonely.  Jung's Sister sugests that she go live with their Mother if she is so concerned.  Jung says that she needs to stay there to "guard Dad."  From the hallway, the  Aunt can be heard attempting to tear the door to the bedroom down while the two sisters bicker.  


"Gil arrives.  Since it's her bedroom, she has the key.  Gil enters and asks what the two women are doing in her bedroom.  Jung and her sister ignore her and continue to bicker. Gil looks on in disbelief.   


Jung's Father calls his two daughters out of the room for a conference.


Jung's Mother walks into her daughters' bedroom and looks wistfully at their empty beds.


Big Shot walks in on his Mother, who is compiling a lengthy list of gifts  she wants from Jung's family.  He's frustrated that she has also been infected by the Greed Bug.


Gil, Jung and her Sister attempt to sleep in the same bed.  The attempt is no more successful than you would expect.


The Stepmother is in the kitchen taking some medicine and drops a pill on the floor.  Jung enters and imperiously picks the pill up and hands it to the Stepmother, who pops it into her mouth.   Jung begins to ask her a series of questions.  The Stepmother says that Jung;s Father is her husband but Gil is a "pretty lady who lives with us."  


As Gil enters the kitchen, Jung is badgering the Stepmother, asking whether she thinks Jung is pretty to.   Then she tells the Stepmother that she is only pretending to be ill   Jung tells her that she must be scared because she "gave Dad that building and there is nothing you can do to put him behind bars."  The Stepmother throws a cup of coffee in Jung;s face as Gil makes her presence known.


Gil restrains the Stepmother from refilling her cup and dousing Jung with a second cup of coffee.    Jung threatens to expose the Stepmother's fakery and storms out of the kitchen.


The Stepmother asks Gil, Do you want to wash your face too?  Gil narrowly avoids getting her own face full of coffee.


The unhappy blended family sits down to bowls of instant ramen.  Jung's Father complains that the fare is not up to the standards to which he would like to become accustomed.  The Aunt demands more money for living expenses.  Jung's Father complains that the Stepmother's medical care is costing "him" a fortune and Gil reminds him that he is spending "Her" money.  Then they all begin trading accusations and insults.


Jung attempts to reprimand the Aunt for disrespecting her husband.  When she turns to her Sister for support, her Sister recites a litany of basic household expenses her Father is neglecting.  Gil's Brother smiles to himself.


Jung's Father storms into his bedroom and shuts the door.  He wonders what's up with Jung's Sister.  His phone rings.  It's Realtor Jang.  He has a buyer for one of the properties but his offer is exceptionally low.  Jung's Father is like, I can't talk now -- I'm coming to see you.  Just as he begins to head out the door, Jung's Sister tells him she's going with him.  Suddenly he wants to go wo the department store with her instead.


Big Shot enters his office and encounters Hong looking around.  Hong drops some legl work on Big Shot's Desk.  Undeterred, Big Shot is like, Did you find what you're looking for?  the two men square off. Hong tells Big Shot that now that he is marrying Jung, he has definitely "passed the point of no return."


Hong refers to a "secret that only you and" the Stepmother know.  Hong leaves the office as Big Shot wonders what he was talking about.  Then he wonders if Hong knows about the Foundation.


In the laundry room, Gil reprimands Hong for dealing with Big Shot by himself since "He is slyer than you are."  Hong understandably takes offense.


Gil tells Hong that she thinks that the Stepmother stored the incorporation papers for the Foundation at the orphanage.  since she is busy, Hong volunteers to go alone.


The Stepmother and the Manager of the Small Cafe cheerfully leave a public bath.  The Manager remarks that the Stepmother seems to alternate between regaining her memory and losing it again.  She wants to do something with the Stepmother before she loses it again.


Big Shot's Mother sits with Gigolo at the Small Cafe.  They are interrupted by Jung's Mother who hands her a piece of paper with the date for the wedding.  Big Shot's Mother is surprised that the date is so soon.  Then Big Shot's Mother hands her a list of her wedding gift demands:  two pages of items, including a sable coat for the "Mother In Law."  She's like, Since this wedding is about money, give me some.  They bicker.


Jung's Father and Sister are in the Pawn Shop.  The Stepmother looks on warily as Jung's Sister admires a high end handbag.  Just as the Aunt walks in, Jung's Father orders the Assistant to take his daughter into the storeroom and show her the other handbags.


The Aunt has figured out his "Agenda:"  The Beauty Center goes to Jung and the Pawn Shop goes to Jung's Sister.  Then the Aunt demands the Pawn Shop for herself.  Jung's Father is like, We'll talk.


In the Stepmother's office, Jung's Father tells the Aunt that if she had evidence strong enough to demand the Pawn Shop he would already be in jail.      Since he is not in jail, he can therefore gie the Pawn Shop to his daughter, No worries.


Gil and Hong are at the orphanage.  The Nun has been unable to find any papers left by the Stepmother.  


Before they leave the orphanage, Hong plays a game of soccer with an orphan.  We learn that the Stepmother as a baby was found by the Nuns under a tree at the orphanage and grew up in the orphanage.  We also learn that in her 20's the Stepmother volunteered at the orphanage and for a while showed up with a foundling who was "later adopted by a good family."  [Yo!  @Loretto   ]     


Hong and Gil drink coffee in a cafe.  Gil reflects on the difficult life the Stepmother has lived.  Gil notes that but for the Stepmother's generosity, her life would have been as difficult as the Stepmother's.


The Stepmother is in her bedroom with the Manager.  The Manager can't find the Stepmother's photo albums.  She speculates that Jung's Father has gotten rid of anything that could help the Stepmother regain her memory.  


With the Manage's help, the Stepmother practices writing her name.


Hong walks into the Beauty Center ad withdraws his phone from his pocket to take a call.  as he does so, the charm he picked up in the alley in episode One drops out of his pocket and he doesn't notice.  As he hurries into Madame Goo's office, Jung happens by and picks up the charm.


Madame Goo tells Hong that she now remembers the Stepmother as one of the most ruthless loan sharks who drove his Father to his death..  Hong is like, No way!  She's like, You could look it up . . .She tells him to forget about Gil and focus on his work.

Hong puts his hand in his pocket and discovers that the charm is missing.


In the hallway, Hong searches the floor for the charm but cannot find it.  Jung appears and mockingly asks if he is looking for something.  He runs out the door.  She is like, WTF?  Then she examines the charm and ponders its importance.  She notes that the charm has the initials EJ (Gil's.)


In her bedroom, the Stepmother practices writing her name.  Suddenly she remembers sitting in her office signing a stack of documents.


Jung's Father walks in on the Stepmother as she remembers signing the documents.  At first she gives him a blank look.  Then her face turns serious and she gives him the Hairy Eyebrow.

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Watching E64 and I realized the Jung spawn's eomma has become shameless as well. The only sane person in that family is Injung (so far and I hope she won't turn to the bad side).


Seriously, I don't care if I'm called ahjumma anymore. I just want to rip that smirk off Jung spawn's face. Man she really do get on my nerves. I don't think I can stop myself from pulling her hair if I see her in real life (thank God I don't live in SK). :lol: Now I know why those ahjumma's feel this way and sometimes they treat the actors who take the role of the bad guy badly. :tongue: I'm so behind this drama. I wonder when will Kim ahjumma regains her lost memory. We're halfway there and there's really not much of a progress. Only the Jung spawn's family and the BS con-lawyer are getting greedier each episode.

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16 hours ago, xiashenghan said:

Watching E64 and I realized the Jung spawn's eomma has become shameless as well. The only sane person in that family is Injung (so far and I hope she won't turn to the bad side).


no she wont since she really love MJ she wanted to save him for what her dad and sister are doing :D

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Jung's Father walks in on the Stepmother as she remembers signing the documents.  At first she gives him a blank look.  Then her face turns serious and she gives him the Hairy Eyebrow.


As the Aunt walks in on them, Jung's Father is asking the Stepmother what she remembers signing but she has lost the memory.  He and the Aunt bicker.


The Manager of the Small Cafe asks Gil about the missing photo album.  Gil doesn't remember the photo albums.  Then the Aunt storms in and begins berating the Manager for no apparent reason.  When the Aunt storms out, the Manager remarks to Gil that she wonders whose side the Aunt is really on.  Gil says the only thing she is certain of is that the Aunt is on her brother's side.


The Aunt recalls Jung's father's statement that she'd better team up with him because if the Stepmother never regains her memory, the Aunt will be penniless.  He told her that if she cooperates with him, he will give her the Stepmother's old house.  The Aunt is not sure how to respond to his ultimatum.


Jung sits contemplating the charm Hong dropped.  Her contemplation is interrupted by the arrival of  Madame Goo.  They reaffirm their alliance to "help" Hong.  Big Shot arrives and Madame Goo gives him a Look before leaving.

As Jung and Big shot head out for dinner they each receive phone calls from their Mothers demanding that they come home Right this Minute. Then Jung and Big Shot invite each other's mothers to dinner.   As Jung's Mother is about to leave her shop for dinner, Big shot;s Mother arrives and she learns that they will all be having dinner together.   Big Shot's Mother makes a crack about Jung's Mother's expensive clothing and the financial origins thereof.  Jung's Mother is like, What about the sable coat YOU want?  Then she notes that Big Shot transferred his affections from Gil to Jung when their financial fortunes changed.  The two women are cursing and pulling each other;s hair as Jung and Big Shot arrive.


Jung and Big Shot separate their angry mothers.


In her bedroom, Jung listens to her Mother's complaints.  When Jung learns that Big Shot's Mother is accusing her family of financial chicanery, she becomes concerned.  Then Jung's Mother hands her the two page list of gifts her future Mother In Law is demanding.


Jung heads off to talk with her Father, leaving her Mother sputtering.


Big Shot and his Mother arrive home and angrily berate each other.  She begs him to cancel his marriage to Jung before it is too late.  He's like, "Put some ice on it" and leaves the house.


Gigolo calls Big Shot's Mother and invites her to dinner.


On the sidewalk, big Shot catches up with Jung.  She is glad to hear that he is still resolved to marry her.


Hong returns to the store where his Father was stricken.  He asks to meet the owner.  The Manager immediately recognizes him "after all these years."  She repeats Madame Goo's claim that the Stepmother was a vicious loan shark who helped drive his father to an untimely death.


Hong walks down the darkened street, confused and discouraged.


Gigolo and Big Shot's Mother walk through a supermarket and gorge on free food samples.


Jung's Mother stands in a store and walks Gigolo and Big Shot's Mother pass by on the sidewalk.

In her Beauty Shop,, Jung's Mother sits down to a solitary dinner of chicken and soju.


The Manager urgently pulls Gil aside and tells her that the Stepmother seems to be regaining her memory, but thus far only in fleeting flashbacks.  They agree to keep pen and paper handy so that they can record anything the Stepmother may say that could be significant.


Jung enters Ill Gotten Manse and loudly summons her father.  She walks in on the Stepmother and the two women lock eyes.  Jung's Father enters and Jung stomps out of the room.


Alarmed, Jung tells her Father that she is afraid that the Stepmother's memory is back because she appears to recognize her.  He tells her not to worry.  He pulls out his cell phone and shows Jung surveillance video of the Stepmother.  Obviously, he has equipped the house with a Spy Cam.  Jung's Sister approaches and, unseen, overhears her Father telling Jung what a genius he is.


As Jung's Father is bragging about throwing the Stepmother's photo albums out, Jung's Sister makes her entrance.  Jung and her father pretend they were talking about her wedding.  He leaves and Jung's Sister makes clear that she noticed that Jung and her Father stopped talking as soon as she entered.  Jung is like, Whatever, and flounces off.


When Gil's Brother arrives home, Jung;s sister alerts him to the existence of the surveillance camera.  Just as she is telling him that her Father destroyed the photo albums, the Aunt storms in and makes a scene.  All of the other members of the unhappy household arrive and a shouting match ensues.  The Aunt demands that Jung's Sister move out and Jung's Father demands that Gil's Brother move out.  The Stepmother walks in and orders them to stop fighting.


The Stepmother collapses and the Aunt, Gil and her Brother run to her aid.  Jung's Father stands around looking like a jerk.  Jung flashes him a Look.


Hong sits on the bed and is conspicuously quiet.  His two roommates wonder what's up with him.  Hong asks Gigolo what happened at his parent;s store and Gigolo tells him that not only does he not know but Madame Goo doesn't have the slightest idea either.  Hong begins to smell a rat.


At Ill Gotten Manse, Gil and her Brother enter the Stepmother's room as a doctor and nurse leave.  The Aunt and Jung's Father continue their argument about whether Gil's Brother or Jung's Sister should move out of the house.


There is a loud pounding on the door and Jung;s Mother, now quite drunk, lurches into the house assisted by a cab driver.  She collapses to the floor as the cab driver leaves.


The Stepmother enters the room and Jung's Mother seizes her in an inebriated embrace.  The Stepmother is like, WTF?  Jung's Mother rants vaguely about "accepting my punishment" and then passes out.  The Stepmother takes her hand.




Jung's Father looks in on the Stepmother and his wife, who are asleep in the same bed, and is disgusted.

In the front yard, Gil's Brother tells the Aunt and Gil that he knows where the moving company is storing the Stepmother's possessions.  As he tells them about the Spy Cam, Jung arrives and overhears.


Jung fixes the three with a malevolent look and is like, What do you think you're doing?

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Finally caught up but started on like episode 50 so kinda missed a few (or. A lot haha) of stuff. Glad I did though cause I can’t stand BS or IWs dad or SPs aunt. Someone in the comments where I was watching episode 68 said Ej and SP are siblings. Of course thought that’s not true...right? What are your guys theories and predictions?


i think HJ is really EJs mom but had to give her up at foster care cause of money then readopted her which is why she says orphan cause she feels guilty for abandoning her like her parents did to her.


i think SPs aunt doesn’t want him to regain memory cause she is legally using SPs assets like how IWs dad is doing to HJ, taking advantage of familiar connection legally and financially for their own benefit. 


I hypothesize that HJ will get all her memory but continue acting like she’s in that condition until right time for her to make a comeback. Ej and SP will continue to get closer while BS and IW get farther apart. Can’t wait for karma to hit BS and that evil dad for all their wrongdoings

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In the front yard, Gil's Brother tells the Aunt and Gil that he knows where the moving company is storing the Stepmother's possessions.  As he tells them about the Spy Cam, Jung arrives and overhears.


Jung fixes the three with a malevolent look and is like, What do you think you're doing?   The Aunt tells her they are looking for a place in the front yard to bury kimchi.  Jung is like, "A likely story."


Nevertheless, they persist.  Gil's Brother grabs a shovel and starts digging while the Aunt supervises.  Jung responds with Caterpillar Eyebrows and returns to the house.


Gil's Brother emphasizes that he learned about the Spy Cam from Jung's Sister and urges the Aunt to back off.  Gil says Mr. Oh has agreed to alert her if Jung's Father attempts to peddle any of the buildings.


Jung's Mother awakens in the Stepmother's bed.  The Stepmother is sitting in a chair next to the bed.  Jung's Mother is shocked when the Stepmother addresses her by name.


The Stepmother matter of factly notes that Jung showed up at the house drunk the night  before.  Jung's Mother apologizes while the Stepmother looks on uncomprehendingly.  Then Jung's Father struts in.


Jung's Father is like, What are you two doing in here?  Then he orders his ex-wife to leave.


As Jung's Mother emerges from the bedroom she finds her Daughters and Ex-Husband sitting in the living room.  She attempts to persuade her two daughters to return home but neither is willing.  Jung's Father chimes in and tries to talk Jung's Sister out of the house with equal lack of success.  Then Jung's Mother asks her to postpone her wedding.  Jung is like, No way.


Jung's Father tells his Ex that she is embarrassing him.  She's like, I can't embarrass you, you're embarrassing me.  They bicker.

Gil searches some boxes in a storeroom.  Then she discovers a small box with  some diaries and account books.  

Back in her bedroom, Gil reads a diary and cries.  Then she notices a key.


Big Shot drops by the Beauty Shop and has an amicable conversation with Jung's Mother.  He assures her that he is committed to her daughter.  She, mistaking him for a good influence, asks him to help Jung "return to her senses."


Madame Goo, learning that Hong and Gil have each taken a day off, summons Assistant Lee into her office.  He fibs, saying that Hong is sick with the flu.


In the hallway, Assistant Lee attempts to search for Hong's missing charm without attracting attention.  But he attracts Jung's attention.  He makes the mistake of telling Jung that the charm is very important to Hong.He further errs by telling her that in times of stress, Hong likes to hold the charm in his hand.


Gil enters the apartment as Hong is sleeping.  She shows Hong the key she has found and wonders whether it has anything to do with the documents they are seeking.


Hong tells Gil that he is worried about something indefinable that may have something to do with his Mother.


Madame Goo, who has been given the password to the apartment, makes an entrance.  She's like, The two of you are not allowed to tete a tete. Then she refers to Hong as her nephew, catches herself, and then lies that Assistant Lee is her nephew.


The Manager of the Small Cafe helps the Stepmother practice writing her name while the Aunt searches for the Spy Cam.  The Manager, who knows nothing about the Spy Cam, assumes that the Aunt is being her usual weird self.


Frustrated, the Aunt hits the Stepmother in the head with a pillow to "help her recover her memory."  They bicker.


Jung's Father is on the phone finalizing a real estate deal.  He promises to bring the "owner of the building" to the settlement conference.  When the Stepmother enters her bedroom, he promises to take her "to someplace nice tomorrow."  When he sits down and ponders how to sneak her out of the house, she asks him what he is doing.   He says that he is  thinking.   Then she surprises him by clobbering him with a pillow to help him think.


Jung confronts Big Shot's Mother with the diamond necklace she tore off and left in the Beauty Salon the previous day.  Big Shot's Mother tells her that she doesn't want it.   And furthermore, she tells Jung, "Stop calling me Mother."


Big Shot's Mother tells  Jung, If you want to know why I don't want my Son to marry you, go to the marketplace and see what they are saying about you and your family.  Jung slumps out of the Small Cafe.


Gil and Hong walk from place to place searching for something the key fits.   He suggests that they visit the store that was the scene of his Father's death.  She thinks he's nuts.


Back at the Small Cafe, Big Shot's Mother gripes to Gigolo about her Son's relationship with Jung.  He tells her to brace herself because he suspects that her darling son is in cahoots with Jung's Father.  She denies it and storms out of the cafe.


Hong eyes the Store from the sidewalk.   He sees the Store Manager he talked with yesterday chatting with Madame Goo.  Now he knows the source of the BS the Manager fed him yesterday.   When they walk out of the shop onto the front steps, he hides around a corner and eavesdrops on their conversation.  The Manager tells Madame Goo that she was uncomfortable lying to Hong.  Madame Goo assures her that she will be rewarded for her service.


When the Manager walks back into her store, Hong confronts Madame Goo on the sidewalk and confronts her with her lie.  Then he strides away, Korean Hard Guy Style.


Mdame Goo catches up with Hong and tells him it is all for his own good.  He tells her that she often undoes herself with her cunning.  And furthermore, MYOB.  He strides away again, Korean Hard Guy Style.  She remains fixed as tears well in her eyes.


Gigolo and Big Shot drink soju  in a cheap cafe.  Big Shot regards the older man resentfully as he advises that it is better to follow your heart than your mind.  Big Shot begins downing shots in rapid succession.  When Big Shot orders a sixth bottle of soju, Gigolo stops him and they have a frank conversation that Big Shot is unlikely to remember the next morning.  Big Shot compares himself to a car without breaks and passes out.


The Sun rises over Ill Gotten Manse.


The Manager of the Small Cafe arrives to assist the Stepmother but she is nowhere in the house.  She calls Jung's Father but is not surprised when he doesn't pick up.  Then she calls and notifies Gil.


Big Shot works in his office, looking very chipper with a man who in real life would have a Katzenjammer the size of Alaska.  Despite looking chipper, Jung enters and apprises him of the fact that he reeks of alcohol.


Big Shot receives a call.  He speaks into the phone:  A contract?  He asks Jung to leave because he has work to do.


In the real estate office, Jung's Father is about to sweet talk the Stepmother into applying her seal to the sales ccontract.


Jung's Father receives a call from Big Shot and steps out of the real estate office to take it.  then the Realtor heeds Nature's Call and heads for the Men's Room, leaving the Stepmother alone.


The Stepmother  reviews the Property Register and a memory speaks.

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Currently watching E65 and Jung spawn sure is a perfect example of a delulu. :lol: Is she dreaming that con-law is in love with her and he will propose to her sweetly? That was funny. I really want to wipe off that smirk from her face.


Jung spawn matriarch sure is acting like nothing is wrong. She sure is being eaten by money as well. She's becoming more and more like Jung spawn. No wonder Jung spawn is like that. I wonder if the maknae is adopted because she's so different from her family.


I love how our OTP is fighting through everything together. Now the only thing left is for Sukpyo to tell the truth to Eunjo. Who he really is.

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On 2/16/2018 at 5:37 PM, philosophie said:


i think HJ is really EJs mom but had to give her up at foster care cause of money then readopted her which is why she says orphan cause she feels guilty for abandoning her like her parents did to her.

I don't think the Stepmother exactly abandoned EJ or put her up for adoption in the normal sense of those words.  If the Stepmother was EJ's mother, likely "Mr. Gil" was her Father and they arranged for the "foundling" to be "found" and adopted by Mr. Gil and his wife. Thereafter the Stepmother moved in to the Gil household to help care for Mr. Gil's wife and EJ.  Under the circumstances, that was as close as she could get to creating a normal family environment for EJ.

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Jung's Father walks onto the sidewalk to take a phone call.  It is Big Shot who is like, Why are you signing a contract to sell property without me?  Jung's Father falsely protests his innocence.  He reminds Big Shot that "You andI are in the same boat now."  That is precisely what Big Shot is afraid of.


As he returns to the real estate office, Jung's Father is wondering how Big Shot found out.  But when he enters the office, he finds that the Stepmother has disappeared.  when the Realtor returns from the bathroom and tells him he has no idea where the Stepmother is, Jung's Father is furious.


The Stepmother  walks through the marketplace as  she  is beginning to recover memories of her past life in the market.


Jung's Father runs down a sidewalk searching for the Stepmother.


Big Shot, sensing that something has gone wrong, heads for the real estate office.  But not before his Mother arrives and reproaches him for his heavy drinking.   And makes another attempt to convince him not to marry Jung.  When she tells him that Jung's Mother likened them to flies circling a honey pot, he is disturbed.


Jung calls for Big Shot as he heads out of the Beauty Center buthe blows right past her without speaking.  She is worried that there is some issue between him and her Father.


With her first pay check from the Beauty Center, Gil shops for long underwear for the Stepmother.  Hong jokingly asks if she has bought anything for him.  She ignores him.


Hong and Gil sit on a park bench.  In fact, she has bought a small gift for him.  She tells him he looks happier.  He acknowledges that a problem he had has been resolved.  He explains.  She is unhappy that he didn't confide in her.


As Hong begins to confess his true identity at Genius Cosmetics, they are interrupted by a call from the Manager of the Small Cafe telling them that the Stepmother went out with Jung's Father and that he is not answering the phone.  Gil suspects that he has secreted her in a long term care facility.  Then she receives a call from Mr. Oh tipping her off that Jung's Father has taken her to the real estate office.


Jung's Father is still fecklessly searching for the Stepmother when Big Shot catches up with him and he has to confess that the Stepmother has disappeared.  Big Shot is like, "A fine kettle of fish . . ." and Etc..


It turns out that Big Shot has scheduled a doctor's examination for the Stepmother tomorrow to gather support for Jung's Father's application for guardianship.  He observes that his future Father In Law is a dumkopf and likely a guano-kopf as well.  Then Jung's Father thinks he has ccaught sight of the Stepmother.


Gil rushes into the real estate office but no one is there.  As she turns to search elsewhere, Jung enters and fixes her with a malevolent glare.   She puffs up and asserts that she is the Stepmother's legal daughter.  She denies that she and her Father are thieves.


The Realtor walks in on Gil and Jung and tells them that the Stepmother disappeared before she could sign a sales contract.  Gil rushes off to search for her.  Jung, who has just denied that she is spawn of a thief, is like, WTF?


Jung follows Gil onto the sidewalk.  Hong and Big Shot arrive and the four of them bicker.


After Hong and Gil head off, Jung complains that Big Shot hadn't told her about the property sale.  He explodes at her and stalks off.  She wonders why he is so angry.


At the Beauty Shop, Jung's Mother is finishing up with a customer when Big Shot's Mother walks in.  Jung's Mother is shocked when Big Shot's Mother demands that the wedding be cancelled.  A shouting match ensues.  Then Big Shot's Mother stomps out of the shop.


Big Shot's Mother walks down the sidewalk and catches a glimpse of the Stepmother boarding a bus.  But the bus pulls away before she can approach her.  Big Shot's Mother begins to wonder whether the woman she saw was really the Stepmother .


On the bus, the Stepmother is struggling with her memory.


Back at the Small Cafe, Gigolo is scolding his Daughter for lying about the Stepmother.  She maintains that she was acting in Hong's best interest.  He urges her to apologize to Hong before it is too late.   The Manager and Big Shot's Mother arrive.  Big Shot's Mother tells him that she may have seen the Stepmother.


When Big Shot's Mother says that the bus was a No. 36, the Manager realizes that this is the bus line to the orphanage and leaves the Cafe.

In the hallway, Madame Goo nearly collides with Assistant Lee, who is making a delivery.  Seeing him sweat from his exertions, she begins to regard him as a He Man rather than a clerk.


At the Pawn Shop, Gil receives a telephone call.  


Jung's Father stands in his bedroom counting his troubles.  Then the Aunt's voice rasps through the door, demanding to speak with him.


As the Aunt is verbally confronting Jung's Father, Gil's Brother enters and lifts him by his collar.  Jung;s Sister hears the comotion and descends the stairs.   We learn that Gil has dispatched him to the house to distract Jung's Father.

As Jung's Father begins to choke, his daughter pulls Gil's Brother away from him.


Gil and Hong arrive at the police station, where the Stepmother is waiting quietly.  the Stepmother struggles with her memory.  The last thing she remembers is registering her marriage with Jung's Father.  But then she also remembers crying and hitting him, but not why.


The Stepmother enters her office with Hong and Gil.  She attempts to open her safe but the combination has been changed.


Hong explains to Gil that if Jung's Father becomes the Stepmother's guardian, he can legally plunder her assets.  They need to find a way to separate Big Shot and Jung's Father.


Jung visits her Mother and tells her that the Stepmother has disappeared.  Her Mother asks if her Ex has screwed up again.  Jung is like, All he wanted to do is marry a rich woman for her money, is that so wrong?  Her Mother observes that "That depends on one's point of view."


When her Mother tells her that big Shot's Mother has officially cancelled the wedding, Jung is like, "So what?"  Her Mother tells her that it's not that simple, That's what.  After all, Big Shot may not stay bought.


Jung tells her Mother that Big Shot is up to his neck in her Father's illegal sale of the Stepmother's buildings.  Her Mother is shocked to learn that the allegations that her Ex is stealing from the Stepmother are true.  Jung reminds her that she should have known that her Ex wasn't buying all of that stuff with Pennies from Heaven.  Besides, Jung is happy with This Thing of Our's because she has Big Shot by the gonads and there is no way he can escape.


Big Shot returns home and his Mother demands again that he cancel the wedding.  Big Shot wonders whether he can find an escape route.


Assistant Lee learns that the Stepmother will be bunking with them for a night.


The Stepmother lies in bed and  cant remember why she was on the bus to Noryangjin.


In her bedroom, Gil remembers that the stepmother used to live near Noryangjin.

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In her bedroom, Gil remembers that the stepmother used to live near Noryangjin, where the bus she was on was headed.  Her thoughts are interrupted by the Aunt, who accuses Gil of hiding the Stepmother's whereabouts from her.  She accuses Gil of not trusting her, then admits that she understands why Gil might not trust her.


After the Aunt promises to cooperate, Gil tells the Aunt where the Stepmother is spending the night.


In the middle of a night gigolo and Hong, who share a bed,  find it difficult to share the small space.  Hong, Gigolo and Assistant Lee awaken.  Hong explains the machinations of Jung's Father and Big Shot to his roommates.  


Gil has given the Stepmother an old account book from her days in the loan business to help her recover her memory.  She awakens in the middle of the night and begins to read, and recognize, the names of the businesses in the book. 


The Stepmother recalls that Gil asked if she remembered Mr. Oh and she said "of course."  But when Gil asked if she remembered speaking with Mr. Oh in the days before her stroke, she drew a blank.  During the conversation, the Stepmother also did not remember her recent contact with lawyer Noh.  


Recalling her conversation with Gil, the Stepmother wonders what happened before her stroke and whether Jung's Father "did something horrible."  Then she flashes back to two physical confrontations with Jung's Father and clasps her hands to her head in shock.


In her bed, Jung's Mother recalls what her daughter confided about her Ex's embezzlement and concedes to herself hat she knew all along at some level that his sudden riches were dirty.   But then she considers that Big Shot's Mother's moral horse ain't that high, since her son was up to his neck in her Ex's filthy deeds.  She resolves that she will do whatever she can to prevent her daughter from marrying Big Shot.


The Sun rises over Ill Gotten Manse.


The unhappily blended Jung-Gil family sits at the breakfast table.  Jung's Father suspects that Gil and her Brother must know where the Stepmother is, because otherwise they would be hysterical.


Everyone but the Aunt and Jung's Father heads off for work.  She tells him that she needs to talk with him.


The Aunt and Jung's Father are alone in a bedroom.  Switching sides again she's like, Let's give that "Negotiation" you were talking about a try.  He's all ears and salivating jowls.  She spills the beans about the Stepmother's whereabouts.  She promises to "Be on [his] side from now on" if he will only cut her in on the proceeds of his theft.


Jung's Father receives a call and tells the Aunt to leave the room.  Jung's Father tells Big Shot that he thinks it's Game Over.  Big Shot reminds him that the Stepmother's medical examination has been postponed for a week and he should Refrain Himself in the interim.

Big Shot rings off and, not for the first time, envisions himself as a train headed rapidly toward a busted trestle.


The Aunt hustles into her bedroom and listens to a recording on her phone.  We hear Jung's Father boldly stating his intent to take control of the Stepmother's assets.  So which side is the Aunt on, anyway?  The doorbell rings and the Aunt rushes to answer it.


In the living room, Jung's Mother is dumping several bags of expensive clothing at her Ex's feet.   She tells him that she is washing her hands of him.  He's all wounded innocence:  I did it all for you and the girls.  And, of course,  a bit of it for myself.


Jung's Mother informs her Ex that she is in solidarity with Big Shot's Mother on one thing:  The wedding is off.  Then she tosses the last envelope of pocket money he gave her on the pile of clothes and takes her leave.


In a darkened room, Gil's Brother views a brain scan of the Stepmother.   Afterwards, he and the Stepmother confer with the physician. The physician says that there is still some "clouding" in her brain.  The Stepmother concedes that there are still some things she doesn't remember.  Gil's Brother notes that unfortunately, it's the most important things she cannot remember.  the physician opines that the most painful memories are frequently the last to be recovered.


In a waiting room, Gil's Brother explains to the Stepmother that Big Shot is not her friend.  He mentions that Gil had difficulty absorbing the fact that she was an "orphan."  The Stepmother is like, Gil is an orphan?  Why can't I remember that?  [Yo! @Loretto  ]


At the Beauty Center, Gil speaks on the phone with her Brother.  She tells him to stay at the Pawn Shop with the Stepmother.


Jung walks in on Gil.  She asks Gil shy she has been spending so much time on the phone.  Gil is like, MYOB.  they are interrupted by the arrival of Assistant Manager Gong, who summons Gil into the Throne Room.  


In the storeroom, Hong is moving some boxes.  He receives a phone call.  Gil wants to see him after work.


Madame Goo reads a blacklist of annoying customers to Gong, Jung and Gil.  She tells them that she will test their skills by assigning one of them to Gil and one of them to Jung.  Jung bucks but relents.  Gil accepts her fate with a frown.


When Gil and Jung leave, Madame Goo instructs Gong to select the two absolute worst customers for the interns.  Gong is apparently happy to oblige.


Big Shot struts into the Pawn Shop.    When he enters the Stepmother's office, he is shocked to encounter:  The Stepmother.   The Stepmother doesn't recognize him but tells him the police are on the way.    Some time elapses.  The Stepmother asks him to "take me home if you know where I live."  Big Shot suspects a trap.


In the Small Cafe, Gigolo and Assistant Lee are drinking tea and talking business.  Madame Goo enters and orders Assistant Lee to get back to work in the storeroom.  As he rises from the table, the Manger of the Small Cafe sits him back down and tells him to enjoy his tea, which he does.  Both Madame Goo and Gigolo are like, WTF?


Jung's and Big Shot's Mothers face off in the Beauty Salon.  Jung's Mother recalls the good times and laments the end of their relationship.  But she gives Big Shot's Mother one piece of parting advice:  Don't trust your Son too much or "you will have to pay for raising your son wrong."


Jung's Sister walks down a sidewalk and observes as Hong meets Gil.  Jung appears and they bicker.  Jung obviously has been following Gil and is angered that she has lost sight of her due to her Sister's interruption.  They bicker some more.


Big Shot's Mother takes Jung's Sister into an empty office at the Beauty Center and asks her what she knows about Big Shot's misdeeds.  She tells Big Shot's Mother that she only knows rumors.  Then she begins to dish.


Jung's Father is sitting nervously in the living room as the doorbell rings.  The Aunt opens the door and a police officer escorts the Stepmother into the house.  Sensing that the police officer's eyes are on him, Jung's Father puts on a display of false, over-done concern.  The Officer says that he found her in a sauna and departs.  


The Stepmother greets her "Husband" and his response is less effusive than before the police officer left.  All of the members ot the extended Jung-Gil family give each other the Hairy Eyeball.


The Stepmother is alone in her bedroom when Jung enters looking like the Grim Reaper of Souls.  She closes the bedroom door and locks it.  She approaches the Stepmother.  She spits venom at the Stepmother but the Stepmother tells her she's sleepy and pulls the covers oer her head.  Ignored, Jung is frustrated.


Hong and Gil are on the terrace of a rooftop apartment.  She tells him that she lived in the apartment as a child.  She has a feeling that the missing documents are in the apartment.  


From her pocket, Gil removes the key she found among the Stepmother's keeppsakes.


Gil inserts the key in the rooftop apartment's door.


The door opens.


Fade to black.

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Looking at the preview and the text looks like HJ is doing something with the seal?


석표(이성열 분)는 지니어스 복귀를 위해 새로운 제품 아이디어를 생각해 낸다. 행자(송옥숙 분)는 근섭(이병준 분)이 재산에 손을 대지 못하도록 인감을 바꾸고, 근섭은 행자 집으로 낯선 남자를 초대한다.


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