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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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2 minutes ago, cherryblossomkawai said:

@rembrandtz_5e20 did you see the translation ? 


I post the written preview for tomorrow : 


정민(이청아)과 마주친 세희(이민기), 그리고 그 둘을 목격한 지호(정소민)
두 사람은 각자의 비밀을 안은 채 고민스러운 밤을 보내고,
다음날 정민과 만난 지호는 불쑥 자신의 '남편' 이야기를 꺼내는데...
수지(이솜)는 박대리를 불러내 그간의 성희롱에 대한 공식 사과를 요구한다.
홀가분해진 수지, 진심 어린 조언을 해준 상구(박병은)에게 달려가 와락 안기는데!
과연 수지는 박대리에게 사과를 받을 수 있을까?
깊은 고민에 빠진 세희. 그러다 문득 자신이 어느새 
옛사랑 정민보다 지호만을 걱정하고 있단 사실을 깨닫게 된다.
지호를 찾아온 조감독과 마주치고, 
지호가 조감독에게 당한 일을 알게 된 세희는 그 순간 눈빛이 변하는데.. !
REVENGE !!!! OR justice.

The translation I saw is in Chinese. Maybe @teep523 or @angelflowercan help ?

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11 minutes ago, Amulya Kolusu said:

Not all guys are the same like how not all girls are the same. I've seen innumerous loyal men in my life irrespective of how their relation is with their partner and I believe bad relation with partner is just a lame excuse for cheaters, they tend to search for excuses after the worst deed is done and are found guilty. I think the way a person's life gets shaped depends largely on the partner and if your partner is strong enough we can easily chose to be the meeker one in the relationship and vice-versa. 


By your words, it seems like you experienced a bad phase of life and all I can say is the dialogue from today's episode "Everything, including the pain is just a memory now." Time has the healing power, the moments which seemed unbearable once now seem like vague memories.

yep i experienced something similar but i totally embrace it because the experience shaped me to who i am today lol and even up till today i keep discovering what a jerk the guy was through mutual friends and how i did well for myself for taking steps to get out of the situation despite being the meeker person in that relationship . so yep i agree time really does heal and when you look back everything seems so silly and obvious so even if HR doesnt like it right now that's the best thing that could happen and in the future she will realize it. am not saying he's a jerk but they definitely need some space. it may evn make them stronger

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13 minutes ago, Jillia said:

Did I hear Jung-min saying like "결혼 것 같아"? Something like marriage? So not a real marriage or at least not a finished marriage? If not, I'm really tired right now. :D


Her specific words were: "결혼 같은 거", which means "something like marriage".


"결혼 것 같아" Means "it seems like marriage" or "like marriage".


Either way, it doesn't mean that the marriage went through. If it specifically went through, then it becomes "결혼했었어", which specifically also implies that she is now not married. If the marriage went through and she is still married (or maybe not, this one is ambiguous), then it becomes "결혼했어".

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7 minutes ago, angelflower said:

Before I forget, there were a few things I wanted to express...


1. The pink toy SH was waving in front of Cat - I believe that is a toy specifically for cats. Seen similar stuff in cat videos lol.

2. I think the significance of Room 19 is about having a hidden part solely for yourself, that you never want anyone to find. Which is why tvN named several clips saying "so-and-so's" Room 19. E.g. the clip with SJ and SG in the car is titled "The man who will protect SJ's Room 19!" And in the last clip with the triangle meeting titled, "Our Room 19 is opened."





JH talks to the snail plushie.

JH: Alright, I think the same way. Ah should I have drunk some alcohol? No, I don't need alcohol, it's not like I'm a kid. (squeezes the snail) Like an adult, in a proper way, maturely... 

(Door knock. She throws the snail plushie LOL).


SH: JH-ssi, are you sleeping?

JH: Yes.

SH: I see.

JH opens her eyes and sees him staring straight at her. (swooooon :wub:)

SH: JH-ssi, can I hold you? (*I know this word is commonly translated as hug, but I prefer hold, particularly in this context).

JH: Yes.

SH: It smells like you.

JH: I still smell??

SH: More precisely, it's the scent of your body (I'm not sure!). Or fragrance. (he finally picked a more positive term lol).

JH: Ah... that's what you meant by smell. 

SH: It's a good thing you stopped being a writer?

JH: Pardon?

JH (voiceover): It may not be love yet. 

SH: It was a joke.

JH (voiceover): It's alright even if it isn't love.

SH: I'm not talented with jokes.... are you mad?

JH: Can I kiss you?

JH (voiceover): Tonight is the first night this person came to my room.

SH: Yes.

JH (voiceover): That is enough.

well.. i think this is the very reason why she's kinda sad in the preview.. perhaps she thought the love gestures from SH is not love..

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15 minutes ago, kimnabong said:

well well well. that pd is going to get more than just a motorbike crushed. maybe this time SH will really plant a fist on his face. 


lol everything narrated from JH's side is so sad and placid and sad. i miss SH's side. the comic timing please!


Ohohoho. I can remember that episode. Se Hee looked concerned when he saw her in pajamas. 


“It must have been a pretty bad dream.”


ASSt. PD-Nim better be ready. Our man Se Hee when he gets mad, you never know what he’ll do. 

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22 minutes ago, cherryblossomkawai said:

@rembrandtz_5e20 did you see the translation ? 


I post the written preview for tomorrow : 


정민(이청아)과 마주친 세희(이민기), 그리고 그 둘을 목격한 지호(정소민)
두 사람은 각자의 비밀을 안은 채 고민스러운 밤을 보내고,
다음날 정민과 만난 지호는 불쑥 자신의 '남편' 이야기를 꺼내는데...
깊은 고민에 빠진 세희. 그러다 문득 자신이 어느새 
옛사랑 정민보다 지호만을 걱정하고 있단 사실을 깨닫게 된다.
지호를 찾아온 조감독과 마주치고, 
지호가 조감독에게 당한 일을 알게 된 세희는 그 순간 눈빛이 변하는데.. !
REVENGE !!!! OR justice.

JM meets/runs into SH. And JH witnesses the two. The two knowing each other's secrets, spend the night thinking about it.


the next day JM meets JH who bursts out/brings out "husband" story.


skipping this part about SH and ma president 


deeply in thought SH. He suddenly realizes he cares/worries more about JH than his past love JM. Jo director comes to find JH.

Sh finds out what happened to JH regarding jo director. At that moment his eyes change. (Can't express thisnin English properly..  눈빛이. It means more than eyes. But the way his eyes look... maybe someone else can translate this better)


Haha sorry for the rough translation. My reading isn't as good as listening. Bt until better translators comes along, hopefully this helps.


whoops @teep523 just saw your translation above. Your Korean is so good!!!! Are you a native Korean speaker? 

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I just realized that I got my wish. We have a good and proper hug. I love how Ji Ho fits Se Hee in that hug!!! And I love that it was a proper hug...not some awkward mess of limbs that we get to see in some dramas. 


My next wish—cuddling on the couch or Ji Ho in Se Hee’s room. Possibly seeing the 50 shades book and having a laugh about it and genuine concern for his intimate expectations. Too much? LOL

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2 minutes ago, teep523 said:

EP 14 text preview


정민(이청아)과 마주친 세희(이민기), 그리고 그 둘을 목격한 지호(정소민) 두 사람은 각자의 비밀을 안은 채 고민스러운 밤을 보내고, 다음날 정민과 만난 지호는 불쑥 자신의 '남편' 이야기를 꺼내는데...


수지(이솜)는 박대리를 불러내 그간의 성희롱에 대한 공식 사과를 요구한다. 홀가분해진 수지, 진심 어린 조언을 해준 상구(박병은)에게 달려가 와락 안기는데! 과연 수지는 박대리에게 사과를 받을 수 있을까?


깊은 고민에 빠진 세희. 그러다 문득 자신이 어느새 옛사랑 정민보다 지호만을 걱정하고 있단 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 지호를 찾아온 조감독과 마주치고, 지호가 조감독에게 당한 일을 알게 된 세희는 그 순간 눈빛이 변하는데.. !


JM came face to face with SH, and JH witnessed the two of them doing that.. JH and SH spent a worrisome night as they now know each other's secret. The next day... JH, who was meeting JM, brings up her 'husband' first, but...


SJ requests for a formal apology from Associate Park (her colleague) for the sexual harassment she has experienced all this while. SJ, who has let it all out, runs to the one who has given her sincere advice, SG, and gives him a hug! Will SJ receive an apology from Associate Park?


SH falls into a deep dilemma. He comes to the realisation that at a certain point in time, he has come to worry about JH only, instead of his old love JM. SH comes face to face with Director Jo as he came looking for JH. SH's eyes change as he finds out about what Director Jo did to JH...!




omg I couldn't possibly be MORE excited for tomorrow's episode







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Although it was so heartbreaking to see WS and HR broke up last week, but it was the best decision for them. It frustrated me when HR's begging WS to get back together. I hate it when girl tend to blame herself after a breakup. But then again HR's reluctant to break up is understandable, it wouldn't be easy to walk away from a loooong relationship. HR keeps contact with other guys while in a relationship means she's not happy with her partner. But it's not one person fault. Both messed up. I think their problem goes way back before HR even ask for marriage.


They have no understanding, no communication, bad timing among others. There's no doubt that they love each other, but that's about it. Love. And it's not the only important thing for a lasting relationship. They obviously have different goals in life right now but if they can't find compromise in that, there's no amount of love will give them a happy and healthy relationship.

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36 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@xxPeepsxx The conversation between HR and SW reveals that HR had been looking elsewhere. Her last words reveal that she is more afraid of being alone than anything else. That's why she took another man. She can not live alone because she needs someone next to her who can make her feel loved. She is not able to love herself. I don't blame SW for his words. He is right. 


I'm not quite sure if he's right. Mostly because they don't talk and listen. I'm not quite sure that HoRang wanted marriage without him. The last part, she kept saying that "without him", she can't live. I took it at face value and didn't take it to mean that she needs someone beside her, anyone, even if it's not WonSeok.


The part that drew me in was the the line she said at the top though: "If you hate it, I won't", when WonSeok asked if she won't talk about marriage if they continued to meet each other. I know that she was shortchanging herself then, but if she says that, it really means that marriage alone is not enough for her if it's without WonSeok.


I don't know. The thing about this that makes my blood boil is because they don't communicate. And this is in total contrast to the SangGu-SuJi relationship where he called her out for running away from the world all the time and offering to be beside her and enduring it with her. WonSeok said that he's giving up because he's unable to handle the pressure she keeps giving him. But we know that's not the truth. It's a total excuse. He just wasn't confident of giving her happiness and is letting her go because he thought she'll be happier off with someone who can. BUT WHAT IS HAPPINESS TO HORANG?! What makes her happy?! Other than the marriage, what is it that really makes her happy? Marriage is just a vehicle - what is it about it that makes her happy? What is it that, without it that she'll be unhappy without?


In the past, it was all HoRang screaming what she wanted, how shortchanged she feels and WonSeok just giving in even though he's killing himself. Now, WonSeok just screams what he wants, what he thinks HoRang wants, what he thinks HoRang feels, how difficult it was for him too.


To me, both of them suck. WonSeok wasn't right this time. He didn't even bother to listen to her. They both never listened.

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7 minutes ago, teep523 said:


omg I couldn't possibly be MORE excited for tomorrow's episode. I have always wanted SH to find out or for someone to get even for JH!!! I would be fine too with JH getting even for herself but yaaayyy we're getting another big hero moment where SH actually does sth to a credible threat to JH (and not a false one like BN lol)


Yes!!!!! I wanted SH to find out what happened to JH too. I love how tightly written this drama is. Am loving that he's finding out now, after this relationship with JH is starting to take off.

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Just now, xxPeepsxx said:


His gaze. The look in his eyes.


Yes! Thank you!!!! Haha I couldn't think of how to word it. Cause it's more than just eyes. Perfect!!! @xxPeepsxx are you Korean too?? So many awesome and accurate translators on this thread. Thanks for doing all the hard work to convey the exact meaning and translations to non Koreans. 

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7 minutes ago, teep523 said:

SH falls into a deep dilemma. He comes to the realisation that at a certain point in time, he has come to worry about JH only, instead of his old love JM. SH comes face to face with Director Jo as he came looking for JH. SH's eyes change as he finds out about what Director Jo did to JH...!




omg I couldn't possibly be MORE excited for tomorrow's episode


Sorry to cut your post. But I like this part so much.:wub:

Perhaps this eps is quite heavy as JH finally know about SH's ex, and SH met again with JM (not to mention WS-HR relationship). But they really need a closure once and for all.

I still have hope for the next episodes.. Like I wish JH-SH will cuddle in bed and SH will finally find out that JH is almost got raped that night. The writer-nim has granted some of my wishes (plus kisses as a bonus) so I still trust the writer :lol:


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Just now, mapleoaks4 said:


Yes! Thank you!!!! Haha I couldn't think of how to word it. Cause it's more than just eyes. Perfect!!! @xxPeepsxx are you Korean too?? So many awesome and accurate translators on this thread. Thanks for doing all the hard work to convey the exact meaning and translations to non Koreans. 


No. And my Korean is getting sucky. Because I'm not revising, hehehehehehehe... 

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1 minute ago, lollyminx said:

So I just took the Soompi "Which Because this is My First Life Character are you?" Quiz (passing time because I can't wait for ep 14), and I got Ma Sang Goo. :D Interested to know what others got. 


LOL, I got Ma Sang Goo too. :lol:

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