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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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I'd be thankful if the writer puts some scenes where SH/JH needs to be hospitalized (:D) and one of them has to take care of him/her. Lol. Am i asking too much? The writer is more reliable anyway :D

 I believe in you writer nim :)

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18 hours ago, rembrandtz_5e20 said:

Actually, it makes me kind of sad about how adult life has turned out for her and JH. They probably had a lot of dreams about what they wanted to be, but to be in a state where they don't seem to have a choice now is disheartening to see. I'm really rooting for these girls to wrestle back control of their lives again, I hope writer-nim doesn't disappoint us on this front! 

me too i really want to see them bloom again~ whatever that means. Writer-nim's character concepts are too relatable. 

14 hours ago, Jillia said:



P.S.: I will certainly like Se-hee's new hairstyle. Even though I will miss his forehead. I'm all for forehead hairstyles. :lol:

I also like seeing LMK's forehead and eyebrows. Oh well good bye forehead for now, and hello bangs. 

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54 minutes ago, yusefull said:

People who are gessing the title never think that it could be "our" again. I liked when they used it the first time and I want them to used it more in the 8 episodes left (the last one could probably be because it's our first life and be maybe about pregnancy ?).


I keep thinking they will go to JH hometown with the bus (cheaper) and after not being able to sleep together in the same room, they will sleep in the bus with JH head on SH shoulder and SH head on JH head (the title of the episode could be it's our first sleep or something like that).

Yup, it could be This is OUR first confession too. 


But you know, after 8 episodes I've concluded there's no way we can outsmart the writer. I never expected SH to do the hilarious mid-air body flip for the motorbike or see that as connected to the final scene in EP 8 while watching. I will just enjoy what I get, and try not to jump to conclusions after watching EP9, cos every week's story is actually presented as a pair.


BTW, I love a DB beanie's observation about the symbolism of the bus stop for our otp, and the parallelism in every week's episode. 

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13 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I really liked reading your comment. But I would like to point out something else. The writer showed us another aspect about workplace abuse. The other female coworkers are contributing to the sexual harassment. They were gossiping just like the men and as such, they were legitimating the bad behaviour of the male coworkers. At the end, one of them said that she would no longer admire WSJ. Since there is no solidarity among women at this company, this makes it even more difficult to fight against misogyny and sexual harassment. 

Wow! great observation @bebebisous33 ! I think it's another hard truth Writer-nim wants us to see. Without even asking how SJ feels or if she needs help they resort to shaming :( it's so sad. And real.


13 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Secondly, SJ's sexuality is her way to pay back to these men for all her misery at her workplace. However, I must say that I was pretty upset the way she reacted towards MSG. Sure, I can understand why she wanted to avoid to be seen with MSG next to her workplace. However, she could have asked him to choose a different place. She refuses to date him because she doesn't want to tarnish his reputation just like hers... but let's face it. Her move is terrible. She is not protecting herself at all. But what bothers me is she chose MSG to vent her frustration and anger. I mean, she needs to speak up for herself. She could have started with her female coworkers and let them know how it feels to be harassed so often. From what I saw, she has a higher position than some other coworkers (female/male)... hence she has some power she could definitely use. But she doesn't use it at all. See the scene in the restroom.   

I agree with you :( We might not know what exactly is the reason for SJ's words.. must be a mix of emotions? Must be because SG is the only person she knows is all for her well being that she can vent to him like this? But i can see how SJ is screaming inside. So angry that she had to choose to shut her mouth.. for reasons we're not sure still, she might be protecting her job or something. And hurt the person she likes, again for reasons we're not sure of yet, like you said, must be protecting SG's reputation? I just know that whatever it is we're rooting for our girl. 

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hello again! Thanks again for your awesome insights! I'm pretty new in the forum world of dramaland. I thought I will be lurker until infinity but BTIMFL happened. I just love Writer-nim. :D

I kind of remember a male friend's metaphor about why he don't date/marry just yet. He said something about being a paper cup and marriage being a waterfall that the paper cup can't hold just yet, that kind of thing. Sounds cheesy, right. Anyway, maybe this is how WS feels? But then he popped the question right? Good on you, HR!!

I kind of liked HR and WS 's scenes less than i like the other scenes. But then again, in real life I've heard two male friends hesitant to marry, when the ladies were of course 101% sure of them. This thing might also be difficult for our male friends? Any males in this forum? 

Again, thanks Writer-nim for showing us hard realities seldom discussed. 

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15 hours ago, Jillia said:

I had to think for a while to write about Se-hee. I don't know but when the vet mentioned Se-hee is a "sang namja" I wasn't surprised at all. There is of course a understanding of what a "manly" man is but to me a man is man when he is honest, holds values and is of good character.


hello! Wow, amazing observation.:) Yes, I'm also more attracted to that kind of manliness and quiet strength. I just remembered what SH's mum said about the men in their family-quiet men who will protect you silently, something like that. I think SH's mum understands and appreciates the quirks of them.

SH is also becoming my favorite character here, at first it was JH because i can relate with her and she's introspective. I like how you saw SH's humanness :) It was there from the very first episode, right. I didn't notice it at first because his neocortex poker faced antics were hilarious for me. But in the first episode SH felt the need to comfort JH at the bus stop, he didn't need to, because they were strangers, but he offered her that kindness. So who says SH don't feel? Writer-nim's character sketch of SH is brilliant!


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7 hours ago, VanillaSalt said:

@Dramanoona I think it's going to be :

ep 9: Because these are our feelings 

ep 10: Because this is our first time sharing a bed 


2 hours ago, rembrandtz_5e20 said:


EP9 Because this is my first confession 


1 hour ago, Anna Tan said:


My guess is the Same as @rembrandtz_5e20  Episode 9 Because this is my first confession 


Got it! Any further hints as to what will happen in the next episode?

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My guess for ep 9 tittle is ‘because this is my first wife’. Bc i really want to see an episode from SH’s perspective, his inner thoughts, etc. but im sure writernim will come up with an unpredictable tittle. 

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12 hours ago, kimnabong said:

I love Mr Ma, because he is legit an equalist just as Se Hee is. I love how the men who are painted as goofy and awkward are actually the men who appreciate and understand women the most. 

Same here. This man is a rarity in the society that I come from . I thought to myself if I am not married  and I meet someone like him, I think I'll just propose to him myself  :lol:.  Enjoyed your post, by the way. Also don't you hate it when they say things like why are you being such a "girl" when you are weak and emotional. It's terrible to equate the word "girl or woman" as lacking or powerless. .




I think what's brilliant in this drama is that allows for discourse. It does not tell you what is wrong or right. If we pay attention to the details, we can see many similar situations with different paths chosen by the characters. For instance: 

1. Sexual harrasment

Both So Ji and Ji Ho are/ were victims of this. So Ji is at the moment tolerating it. Ji Ho gave up writing when she was forced to make peace with the sleazy writer who tried to rape her.

2. Dressing

So Ji is always dressed fully  in sombre suits. They are all to her knees. She is in long sleeves. But her male colleagues and superiors objectify her and harass her. Ms Pink or Bomi wears very "feminine" clothes , her skirts are rather short - but she's respected (possibly feared)  by her colleagues. So the writer does send a message to us.


This is off topic but the interesting posts on this thread has reminded me very much about the struggle of being a woman in my own country:



In my country there are some real idiot politicians and influential figures who still say  things like how a woman dress is the reason she gets raped( I am so embarrassed to be honest) . Ironically , we are a country where a majority of the population are expected to be covered from head to toe for religious reasons. But the irony is we have such a high number of rape and sexual violence cases - many are children that it really is pure and utter rubbish that a woman being sexually harassed or raped had anything to do with how they dress. There was this stupid case of a 12 year old in my country who had to withdraw from a chess tournament because it was claimed her dressing was too sexy. (her skirt was just right at her knees) . Go figure.




I am also aware that because there are so many diverse readers and posters here on Soompi, that we often interpret the scenes differently based on our culture , values and experiences. If by any chance anyone here is a victim of any form of harassment or abuse, please find the courage to get help either from the authorities or some NGO (women's groups etc) , and NEVER EVER think that you brought any of that harassment or abuse on yourself. 


5 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Now, I would like to remark that a patriarchal society also exists because a lot of women are supporting this system. Only men power doesn't explain it entirely. 

I get your point here. I think sometimes as women we can be our own worst enemies. That's why I like how the writer had that scene at the toilet. I hope that as women, we can all be more supportive of each other rather than judge each other the way SJ's colleagues did. 

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2 hours ago, yerinfish said:

But then again, in real life I've heard two male friends hesitant to marry, when the ladies were of course 101% sure of them.


Not a guy, but pretty sure much of it is because men see marriage as a responsibility on their shoulders that they'll have to support even when they're at their wits end, no matter come what may - in other words, it's like a coffin with no escape route, and they cannot see what the world in the future will hold and are not sure if they are ready to handle that kind of uncertainty. Usually, they'll phrase this as "not ready". Women instead believe it to be a union where they gain someone reliable to lean on when things get difficult - it's like gaining a sturdy pillar in life who will always be there to help when things get too much. If real world gets too much, they can hide in the world that is their nuclear family, and husband will sort the big problems, or at least, you know, there's a safety net. And you know, dealing with the great big world is scarier than dealing with family who knows you.


That kind of thinking is most probably because of the belief that men have to be breadwinners and head of their households while the wives can just... I dunno... be nice housewives. Maybe it would be better if both sexes went into this thinking it as a partnership, where both have to be reliable pillars, both while facing the world and home.


And men can be really hard on themselves (because of all the burden and worries!) while the women tend to be more optimistic when judging their men. I dunno, I guess you can say that the men are being worrywarts about not being good enough while the women can see these men for themselves and all the good that they are.

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Bomi appreciation post because she is queen of low key savage!! I love her unapologetic honesty that cuts through your soul!! Yet, you can see how aware she is of other people's feelings, especially SH sunbaenim. Always delighted to see her on screen. The supporting characters in this drama are just as interesting as the leads :) 





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2 hours ago, Jillia said:

I don't want the writer to bring in another character to drag Ji-ho down. That's really the weakness I see in this drama. First, Ji-ho's ex-coworker who almost raped her, then creepy Bok-nam and maybe now the perfect ex-girlfriend who succeeded at everything Ji-ho didn't until now. It would be a bit frustrating. I just hope we see some flaws in her and the reason why things didn't work out with her. I mean in the end it could be because of Se-hee's weirdness but I really hope the writer has more in mind than that. :)

I agree to this sentiment but I do see the writer's motive. If you think about it, The number of times JH's character has been discouraged, dragged down and made uncomfortable by unwelcome advances by men is not totally far fetched from the the reality of the female gender. How many times has a woman been sexually harrassed in her life? There's no woman in this planet that has experienced it just once. Maybe they don't talk about it but they have experiences but their stories are unheard because of many factors that hinders them to tell their own stories. 

How many times has a woman been let down by her own gender? Many times. In all honesty, women are also the downfall of the female gender. This does not apply to all but some women are constantly on the look out on whose more attractive to men. Some feels threatened at the sight of a younger and prettier women. 

We made small but significant progress in terms of Women's rights but we still have a long way to go. The writer makes sure that our history of bad experiences as a woman(which is still pretty much prevalent today) is properly and accurately represented in the media so that is why we the writer depicted the JH this way. I guess this is what makes it a strength for the show as well. :)

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34 minutes ago, triplem said:

Ms Pink or Bomi wears very "feminine" clothes , her skirts are rather short - but she's respected (possibly feared)  by her colleagues. So the writer does send a message to us.

TRUEEE. Bomi's character is unapologetical interms of her femininity. As side from her no nonsense and feisty attitude, the feeling of being safe in her work environment is also made possible by her colleagues. Her work environment provided a positive and safe place for a woman to wear and act whatever she likes because it does not matter if you are a girl, if you can get the job done, it does not matter how you look like as a woman. I like how the writer depicted this possibility in the drama.

I think it's sends bigger message, too, to that those who are harassing SJ are older men and Bomi's colleages are of a younger generation. Of course, not all younger generation are respectful but I think the idea is the old men represents the archaic views of men is above women and the younger generation represents the model society the writers wants to see in the future.

Having send all this, it's really exciting how this k-drama opened a dialogue for this topic and a platform for people to convey an share their stories. :)

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10 hours ago, xxPeepsxx said:



Do people really go round searching for their exes in real life like they've got nothing to do? Or is Korea that small??? Why is every other drama character bumping into their ex and having things stirred up???? 


I wish SeHee and JiHo a peaceful life... where they can't be without each other. Hehehehehehehheheehhehehe!!!

I don't normally see the rational. When u are an ex. That means u are gone and gone for good. In k drama, ex is everywhere. I have left  wonderful dramas I would have enjoyed to the fullest because of this ex-ish.

Dramas can be fully developed without love rivals cos in real world it isn't always like this.

I only pray it won't be unbearable for viewers. It's always a turn off.

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It's monday tomorrow!!! yaaaaaas


I have a great faith to the writer after all, she seemingly mocked kdrama writers for their work as embodied by JH's sunbae. I think she's brilliant and has planned this story from the very start. Mystery around BN might be solved tomorrow and I think his resolution was also thoughtfully written. :) I'm curious as to what LCA'S role will be but I'm lowkey hoping she'll just be around one episode or even for one scene. 

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