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[OFFICIAL] Kenny Lin Gengxin 林更新 and Zanilia Zhao Liying 赵丽颖


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1 hour ago, frenchfan said:



In this case I don't know why the recipient is not ready.  He may miss the boat if he persist.   



Even though I am a Chinese and I do understand a lot about what happening in C ent world but it doesn’t mean I am agreed with their actions. One of the thing that I cannot accept in C ent world is how the way C celebrities handling their love life. Until today Andy Lau never publicly admitted that he is married, he was in a relationship with his current wife for more than 20 years but he was rumour with so many beautiful women in the past and he kept quiet. Aaron Kwok’s past gfs received the same treatment, ZLY dated CX for years until they broke up that was the time the news came out and the list goes on until today. The thing is if both parties agreed upon that situation what can I say? If one party disagreed then they won’t continue their relationship. 



That isn’t sago worms I did try sago worms....haha...That baby silk worms was LGX’s dinner....:lol:



If all of our detective works here proven to be accurate then this year we will have a good news. ZLY will finish MingLan this month or next month and no further work she stated. LGX supposedly has a drama after CNY but I didn’t see anything, he has some events until end of March so let’s see....


One thing I am super sure, LGX IS in a relationship with someone. I have the same sureness that ZLY is also dating someone. While the chances of them dating each other I am still 75% sure.....haha

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@cenching Have your lens arrived from Japan yet? Hope your migraines have gone. I don't live in Indonesia but in a country next to it and almost all  C dramas are blocked in my country on YouTube . Can't even get Drama Fever. Luckily the cable TV I have has some C dramas lately and that's how I got addicted. 

LGX should hang the watch on a string or long necklace round his neck down to his belly- will explain his belly bump. Less trouble that way.

Kris Wu should do community service for LGX fandom and teach him some dance rhythm. LGX is like tone deaf. Even grandmothers have better moves than him. HaHa! 

How can a man look so right and move so wrong??!!:wink:

Still maintain 95% that ZLY and LGX seriously dating. Like to be happy in delulu Land :)


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57 minutes ago, refuse2sink said:

@cenching Have your lens arrived from Japan yet? Hope your migraines have gone. I don't live in Indonesia but in a country next to it and almost all  C dramas are blocked in my country on YouTube . Can't even get Drama Fever. Luckily the cable TV I have has some C dramas lately and that's how I got addicted. 

LGX should hang the watch on a string or long necklace round his neck down to his belly- will explain his belly bump. Less trouble that way.

Kris Wu should do community service for LGX fandom and teach him some dance rhythm. LGX is like tone deaf. Even grandmothers have better moves than him. HaHa! 

How can a man look so right and move so wrong??!!:wink:




I am wearing my new lens right now and it does help with the migraine but it cause some blurriness and light phobia...:unsure: My appointment with an Ophthalmologist is tomorrow I hope he can find the real problems....hopefully I won't need any surgery....My husband has been "taunting" me with the surgery and blindness thingy....:angry:


LGX is trying so hard to hide his watch while the giver purposely gave him that watch to shows to the world that he is hers. The moment we get a clear shot of that watch, hopefully it will be the time we can say, "Booooyyaaahhh, told you, told you!!" to the antis.....


I know that most C thingy are blocked in Indonesia...If you live next to Indonesia, you must be can speak Malay ah.....:lol:



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4 hours ago, cenching said:

Have any of you tried  this????? :fearful: If I am not mistaken it is baby silk worms....... Is it yummy?

My neighbors in Vietnam ate them pretty often because I think it's supposed to be very nutritious and healthy.  I might have tasted it before because I often traded food with my neighbors because we get bored eating our own food:D.  If I remember it correctly, it doesn't have any distinctive odor like fish or things like that so it's pretty edible as long as it is cooked and flavored properly and you don't think about it's origin, it being a worm a worm and all.  


In this case I don't know why the recipient is not ready.  He may miss the boat if he persist.   

It maybe like @cenching say, the recipient is not ready to share it with the public because they feel the fans or rather anti CP fans are not ready to accept the truth and he wants to protect her name from being dragged through the mud like the irrational fans can and tend to do to the female half of the CP.  


Conspiracy theory number 2: they are already planning the wedding and will tell us after they are married in a private ceremony.
 I confess that thought has floated through my delulu mind except I don't think they will marry in a private ceremony since they are both close to their families and friends so they will want them to be there and with so many, it would be hard to keep it a secret.  



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2 hours ago, cenching said:



Even though I am a Chinese and I do understand a lot about what happening in C ent world but it doesn’t mean I am agreed with their actions. One of the thing that I cannot accept in C ent world is how the way C celebrities handling their love life. Until today Andy Lau never publicly admitted that he is married, he was in a relationship with his current wife for more than 20 years but he was rumour with so many beautiful women in the past and he kept quiet. Aaron Kwok’s past gfs received the same treatment, ZLY dated CX for years until they broke up that was the time the news came out and the list goes on until today. The thing is if both parties agreed upon that situation what can I say? If one party disagreed then they won’t continue their relationship. 



That isn’t sago worms I did try sago worms....haha...That baby silk worms was LGX’s dinner....:lol:



If all of our detective works here proven to be accurate then this year we will have a good news. ZLY will finish MingLan this month or next month and no further work she stated. LGX supposedly has a drama after CNY but I didn’t see anything, he has some events until end of March so let’s see....


One thing I am super sure, LGX IS in a relationship with someone. I have the same sureness that ZLY is also dating someone. While the chances of them dating each other I am still 75% sure.....haha

I totally agree with you.  I don't understand why the secrecy.  But I remembered those days when Jacky Cheung was dating and Andy Lau too, they did it in full secrecy.  Maybe to protect their family from media and public scrutiny?  Who knows?  Those days, the fans were as crazy as today's (present company excluded of couse :wink: )


@cenching  Silk worms or sago worms, they are still worms.  Let us know how it taste?  :grimace:

Like you all I am almost sure these two are dating but to whom, remained to be seen........ Let's see who her hunk of a more than 1m80 guy is :D 

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@cenching  Don't think you'll go blind- that'll be retinal detachment and you'd be blind already. That one is a medical emergency -you'd see like a lot of floaters in your eyes in the 1-2 days before it and then your vision will go down like a dark curtain dropping down. Just get to hospital quickly and they have a "glue" thing to stick it back. Medicine is very specialised now and there's even an eye specialist for eyelids! Eyes are not my specialty. But your power going the opposite direction in your eyes-one 100+ and the other 100- is unusual. Don't worry till you see the ophthalmologist. How are you going to be followed up in Indonesia? Sorry for deviating from the forum subject but you are a wonderful person. Yes I speak Malay but I am Chinese and can only speak Cantonese unfortunately and of course English.

Agree about why ZLY/LGX want to keep it quiet. After the WLK scandal, the antis attacked ZLY instead of WLK. Go figure!

By a private ceremony, I meant close friends and family like 70-100 people done outside China. It's good to hear other people's point of view-that's why this forum is so much fun. It's a discussion, no right or wrong ideas.

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31 minutes ago, refuse2sink said:

@cenching  Don't think you'll go blind- that'll be retinal detachment and you'd be blind already. That one is a medical emergency -you'd see like a lot of floaters in your eyes in the 1-2 days before it and then your vision will go down like a dark curtain dropping down. Just get to hospital quickly and they have a "glue" thing to stick it back. Medicine is very specialised now and there's even an eye specialist for eyelids! Eyes are not my specialty. But your power going the opposite direction in your eyes-one 100+ and the other 100- is unusual. Don't worry till you see the ophthalmologist. How are you going to be followed up in Indonesia? Sorry for deviating from the forum subject but you are a wonderful person. Yes I speak Malay but I am Chinese and can only speak Cantonese unfortunately and of course English.

Agree about why ZLY/LGX want to keep it quiet. After the WLK scandal, the antis attacked ZLY instead of WLK. Go figure!

By a private ceremony, I meant close friends and family like 70-100 people done outside China. It's good to hear other people's point of view-that's why this forum is so much fun. It's a discussion, no right or wrong ideas.


I do Googled lots of possibilities for my symptoms, the closest is premature cataracts due to malnutrition. I got sick last year around  October and lost around 5-7 kg in 2 weeks and have not recovered back that those lost kg....:(


My husband loves to scares me just bcoz he knows about eyes better than me....:angry:  He is trying to scares me with blindness and surgery so I will stop watching dramas....he loathes my drama watching habit....


My appointment is tomorrow and my trip balik kampung will be April. Actually I have an appointment for general check up in Msia so I will see how everything is going....sigh.. 


I noticed there are some Cantonese speaking ladies in Soompi. I am a Cantonese myself but I am not fluent in it...I speak Hakka and Teochew more....



Sago worms are full of fats and tasteless and odourless just like what @yueyyo described. I am not a fan though but my bro loves it....:crazy: Our family is foodies and the adventurous ones, every time we travel some where foods is number one.Snakes, monkeys, turtles, bats, you named it we tried it all....:lol: but I put my foot down if it is come to dogs or insects like those displays in Thailand and China markets....#shudders

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I am pretty sure ZLY/LGX is secretly dating. Back in Dec of 2016 during the Jing Show  interview, ZLY did mention that she want a man with heights over 180 cm tall.. At the same time, and that when ZLY caught on private date with LGX at his Tsinghua University b/w Dec 10-14. Now I know why she mentioned height 180 cm tall.. LGX is 186 cm tall.. Interesting how I  learn something new everyday.:heart:


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@cenching That’s LGX’s dinner?!:o I like to eat and cook too but I’m not that adventurous. Anything that crawls, wiggles and lives underground or has wings not under the fowl species, I’ll pass:D


As for the elusive watch, one of these days he’ll slip and that watch will be exposed. If the brand is what we think it is, then we know why he’s hiding his wrist like he grew an extra limb.:DBtw, loved his green, oversized hooded jacket.Looks so comfy and still stylish.

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1 hour ago, delulu12 said:


I am pretty sure ZLY/LGX are secretly dating. Back in Dec of 2016 during the Jing Show  interview, ZLY did mention that she want a man with heights over 180 cm tall.. At the same time, that when ZLY/LGX caught on private date to LGX   Tsinghua University b/w Dec 10-14. Now I know why she mentioned height 180 cm tall.. LGX is 186 cm tall.. Interesting how I  learn something new everyday.:heart:



180 cm is about 5’10. For Asian men, that’s already considered as tall. ZLY prefers her man to be towering in height and LGX is taller than 5’10 , standing barefoot at 6’1. 


Since that interview was back in Dec 2016 ( the romantic Tsinghua era :D) ZLY definitely had LGX in the brain describing her ideal man. 

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Talking about JingXing Show, based upon Uncle Google and Auntie Baidu it was most likely recorded around September 2016. Bcoz some fans mentioned that ZLY had that interview after attended Kimi Qiao's funeral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qiao_Renliang).


PA filming last from May to November 21, 2016 according to Wikipedia and based upon ZLY's :heart: anniversary Weibo update LGX marked the end of PA filming by "proposing" to her......:lol::lol:





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25 minutes ago, cenching said:

Talking about JingXing Show, based upon Uncle Google and Auntie Baidu it was most likely recorded around September 2016. Bcoz some fans mentioned that ZLY had that interview after attended Kimi Qiao's funeral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qiao_Renliang).


PA filming last from May to November 21, 2016 according to Wikipedia and based upon ZLY's :heart: anniversary Weibo update LGX marked the end of PA filming by "proposing" to her......:lol::lol:






Even f the interview was around Sept., XingYue were still working together and getting to know each other or already very much close to each other. It’s not that hard for her to be describing LGX as her ideal man , not only for the obvious physical reasons, but also knowing him as a person.She obviously liked what she saw or there would be no Tsinghua escapade after that interview and after PA filming.


Loved your “proposal” scenario at the end of PA. After that, they went to ninja mode with their date(s) and mastered the art of posting cryptic messages and pics .:D

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21 minutes ago, claribelle3 said:

Even f the interview was around Sept., XingYue were still working together and getting to know each other or already very much close to each other. It’s not that hard for her to be describing LGX as her ideal man , not only for the obvious physical reasons, but also knowing him as a person.She obviously liked what she saw or there would be no Tsinghua escapade after that interview and after PA filming.

What I am trying to said is by describing her ideal man publicly in the show that aired around October 2016, she was indirectly trying to encourages a certain tall handsome co worker to makes his moves.....:lol: and it worked well indeed!!! :lol:

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9 hours ago, cenching said:

I know that most C thingy are blocked in Indonesia...If you live next to Indonesia, you must be can speak Malay ah.....:lol:

At this moment i'm in indonesia and it has no problem whatsoever. You can access all the C dramas/ movies from you tube, dramafever or kissasian. @cenchingenjoy your C ent while staying here 

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@cenching @refuse2sink I stand by my previous post. They will pull a SongSong on us, in fact they will go 1 step above the SongSong couple. Instead they will wait until they are married, becuz LGX has stated that he will not say anything until he is actually married. So I'm keeping my fingers, toes crossed. I took off my life vest, but have it near by just in case, but I can't help my delulu mind but think they are indeed a couple!!:tongue::D


Side note: I get that perhaps that LGX wants to wear the watch his beloved ZLY gave him, but hides it in public out of respect for ZLY. Being that she was literally heartbroken/dumped by Chen Xiao( i can't remember his name) for EVERYONE to see. The fact there is video of them being affectionate with each other BTS ( he holding her hand while they are chatting) and I believe it was maybe an award show, or maybe the premiere but he was holding ZLY's hand. So for her to be humiliated like that. I'm sure she has learned to be extra extra cautious in public and private. If that is the case I'm glad that LGX still has found a way to protect her privacy, while sort of showing his affection for her..hence wearing the watch in public but hiding it, and wearing other watches to  throw us off, because he must know that this forum has got the Eyes of God on him and ZLY!!! :D

#leavemetomydelulu #onthecruiseshipofXingyue

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It's always nice to see different people (views) drop by or leave comments on our XINGYUE thread. What can I say, the love strong connection between them attracted so many dif peoples. Especially their aura when they are together who can't resist...That people always come back to our XINGYUE thread again ..again. That why I love..I am so happy and proud to be part of our xingyue thread.:heart::blush:

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1 hour ago, babyskye said:

At this moment i'm in indonesia and it has no problem whatsoever. You can access all the C dramas/ movies from you tube, dramafever or kissasian. @cenchingenjoy your C ent while staying here 

Thank you, Darling!! :lol: There are some fellow Indonesian here.... I have been live outside the country since forever  and only visit from time to time so I don’t really know how is the situation there....



From PA thread days until this shipping thread we always have great discussion with Ladies of Soompi. All of us contributed a little sugar and spice with occasional of lemon and bitter gourd that added so much flavour to my usually bland life...:lol:



I did talk to some of LGX’s fan girls and most of them have no problem of him dating anything in skirts and they quite get used to his dating history that composed of the list longer than my arm. They do waiting for him to make a formal announcement. So I would say that those people who dragged ZLY or other girl in LGX’s dating scandal aren’t really part of his fandoms. Most likely they were people who love to fish in troubled waters and ZLY’s haters...



Darn!!! LGX aged backward....Left before 30, right after 30....<_<55502_F2_C_4_F97_447_D_9_B4_D_EFD2_F6_DB



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21 minutes ago, cenching said:

All of us contributed a little sugar and spice with occasional of lemon and bitter gourd that added so much flavour to my usually bland life...:lol:

That's true, i joined last month when i was in australia. It's so good to know that we are from different backgrounds and reside in different places :) but we share the same interest, able to exchange informations, freely discuss and express our opinions.  This thread has spiced my everyday life. :lol: ....Next month, i will fly back to aussi. ..doesnt really matter the spice of life is here:tounge_wink:

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