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[Drama 2017] Hospital Ship 병원선


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Hello.. sorry for the late post for the bts scenes.. this is my rough translations for BTS scenes




Caption: The last time looking at the sea from hospital ship


HJW: It’s really the ending
Staff: Yes, it’s already the last
HJW: No... This day has finally come
KMH: We still have the broadcasts (talking about the facts)
HJW: No, I mean this is the last shooting of the drama
KMH: Haa.. T.T


Caption: Goodbye Hospital ship
Caption: Two people who have mixed feelings before shooting the last scene


HJW: The wind is strong


Caption: Action!


Caption: Eun Jae who is thinking while looking at the sea

HJW: I’m sad
HJW: I’m sad
HJW: I think I remembered the past scenes
HJW: When will I get the chance to see this sea again
HJW: Today is my last time to see this sea from hospital ship
Caption: As what Eun Jae said, we don’t know when we can see it again
HJW: Don’t that clouds look like a bird? That one


HJW: Should I hold his waist like this?
PD: Yes, yes
HJW: I lean on him then
PD: He put his hands on your shoulder
HJW: And I naturally hug him back. Shall we do it like this?
Caption: Such a good chemistry between Hyun Jae and the sea
KMH: I’m not really sure too
HJW: I’ll do this
KMH: Just do it
HJW: I have to express how Eun Jae can lean on someone


Caption: Such a person that Eun Jae can lean on is Kwak Hyun


KMH: The weather is cold
HJW: We are ready

Staff: Action


HJW: What are you doing?
KMH: Stop it now


KMH: ah, we are going to shoot it from here?
Caption: A rush shooting decision
KMH: So...
HJW: It’s shaking so I think someone has to hold it too
KMH: Where should I go in?
KMH: I look as if I’m pregnant
HJW: Hyun is pregnant
Caption: They’re joking but why do I feel sad?
KMH: Where should I look?
Caption: Look at the front
Caption: They match how they should look at
KMH: Should we think that it’s the sea?
Staff: Let’s start


Caption: Thank you for riding the hospital ship




Caption: Finally the last shooting


Caption: Don’t go T.T

Caption: The last day of the long journey of hospital ship


Caption: Always doing a rehearsal like a real shooting
Manager: Why won’t you listen to others?
Caption: Yap
Caption: *laugh*
Manager: Jae Geol
LSW: Yes?
Manager: You look like wearing a wig
Caption: Manager has such a good sense
Manager: Your hair style looks like if you are wearing a wig


HJW: Can I check your heartbeat?


KMH: Look at the picture
KMH: Hyun who is until the end being playful


Caption: Eun Jae who is getting ready to shoot with grandmother
Staff: Let’s start
HJW: Grandmother has given this for me ^^
HJW: For me to drink
HJW: Grandma, please sit closer


HJW: Be careful on your way


Staff: Okay, it’s good
HJW: I’m so touched
HJW: She is afraid that I would be tired so she gave it to me
Caption: Eun Jae who is touched by the sincere gift from grandma
HJW: She put it inside her bag from Seoul to here
HJW: Since she has given it to me, I have to finish it all
Caption: Grandma, thank you
Staff: We will start the next scenes


(Sorry, can’t hear clearly what LSW and HJW said)


Caption: Finally the last shooting, start~


Staff: Action
KH: It’s appendicitis
Manager: The coast guard can’t come
Nurse Pyo: The heli can’t come too


Nurse Yoo: Doctor Song
SEJ: I just came back.
Caption: Eun Jae who returned to hospital ship!
HJW: From now on, I was assigned to .... I’m sorry, I’ll do it again


(KJG and Nurse Pyo who imitating SEJ)

Staff: Let’s start it again


Caption: A dependable our hospital ship family!
Manager: It felt good


Caption: I feel strange
Caption: This the real last of recording for Eun Jae’s narration
SEJ: You need a surgeon
SEJ: You need a surgeon
Caption: Finally the shooting is finished!!!
HJW: Thank you for your hard work!


Caption: For watching hospital ship, thank you very much




Kim In Suk (Dr. Cha Jun Yeong)
“Today is the last shooting of hospital ship. We have gathered and spending a lot of time together in Geo Je Island and finally the drama is finished. This drama wasn’t enjoyed by us (actors and staffs) only but also getting closer to the viewers. I wished I can greet you in other works. Thank you.”


Kwon Min Ah (Nurse Yoo Ah Rim)

“Hello, I’m Kwon Min Ah who acted as Yoo Ah Rim. I still couldn’t believe that I have finished shooting the last episode of hospital ship. I felt happy to be able to work with a great team. I too felt happy for receiving love while acting as Ah Rim and feel sad to be apart from it. To the viewers, thank you for always watching the drama. Thank you for being with us until the end. Thank you.”


Lee Seo Won ( Dr. Kim Jae Geol)

“This kind of situation inside the hospital ship will be always remembered by us. Thanks to the writer and PD who let us to make a great drama together. Thank you. And to the viewers, thank you for watching and giving love to hospital ship. Thank you.”


Kang Min Hyuk (Dr Kwak Hyun)

“I have spent about 3.5 to 4 months in Geo Je for shooting the drama. Finally it’s the end. I feel happy to spend and work together with a great team. I even felt happier that we can make a warm drama in a good place. Thank to all of you, we can spend a happy time together. Everyone, I love you.”


Ha Ji Won (Dr. Song Eun Jae)

“Thank you for always loving Hospital Ship. I think I’m going to cry. I felt really happy for acting as Song Eun Jae. I think I also grew together with it. I really had a good time and thanks to the viewers who always watching for us, we can finish the drama today. I hope you can always remember about hospital ship. I wished this drama can be a warm gift and always be remembered. Thank you and I hope you are all happy. I love you. Good bye.”   





I’m quite happy with the ending of hospital ship. We might have expected something more but at least, the writer didn’t go astray and stay true to her path about the hospital ship and SEJ’s growth as a doctor and importantly as a person. She who is cold inside or outside the hospital room, with her patients or family has changed to a warm doctor, colleague, friend and lover. She who used to be independent has now willingly opens her mind and hearts and listens to others.


We learn many things by watching this drama. We learn about the medical process and about social interactions. Each person might have learnt or felt differently to each other. I have to thank to everyone who willingly share their stories and experiences in RL and how watching HS affected them. I never talked much while joining a thread because of my personality. I enjoyed reading what others opinion and thoughts. Sometimes I would laugh and smile when I read it. I think SEJ’s character is an introvert person, which is the same as me. What I can learn from her is that I can’t just close myself and don’t open my heart to others. It’s not easy to find people that I can be comfortable with, but if I don’t take the first step, no one will be able to help me. I have to be brave and open my heart and mind so that they can come and be at my side.  


While watching drama, we had experience the up and down, just like as we ride a ship. The harsh criticism about the actors and strange plots were quite big when we just started to sail. When we became happy when HyunJae pairing began to start, a new obstacle came. But just like how hospital ship members help and encourage each other, fans in this thread also keep being strong and encourage each other and together we can enjoy the drama whatever obstacle or storm coming up to our way. Threatening people with sharks also help :D


I’m happy to take a part in this thread by giving some translations, which are not completely accurate and sometimes off, and made the wait for the official subs bearable. I’m not fluent either in English or Korean and sometimes I didn’t feel confident to post the translations. But because many of you keep thanking me and say how grateful you were with my translations, I got the courage and did my best while doing it. Dictionary and I have become best friends since :) 

Thank you for the live recapers who always provide fast recap when they watched the live airing. I knew it was a hard work because I have tried it. Thanks to other members too, who shares pictures, gif, their predictions about the plot and their opinions of the drama. It was so much fun and make the wait of the new episodes bearable. 



So that we can move on from the sad atmosphere (?) and while waiting for the special episodes (is this confirmed?), let’s discuss another topic.  Hmm... Maybe those who still visit or maybe want to unlurk can join too.

1  What makes you started to watch HS?

2  What is (are) memorable scenes that you can’t forget?


I have no other idea, so maybe if others can contribute? :) 


To me

1. What makes me started watch the drama because I heard HJW as the female lead. I started to like her since SG and then K2H. I didn’t watch EK because I don’t really like sageuk and her latest drama before HS, I only read some recaps. So I’m excited to see her newest work.

When I heard KMH accepted the male lead role, I was a hesitant because this will be KMH first lead role and wonder if he can do it so well. I like CNBlue since they debuted and KMH is my 2nd bias after JYH. I have watched several of his dramas and knew he could act well, but his past characters were just a supporting role.

But I was thankful that I choose to watch this drama. I’m very happy and satisfied with them. They make KH and SEJ alive and their chemistry with each other or with the rest of actors and actress felt so real. They did a really great job.


2. Memorable scenes that I couldn’t forget from HS

- The axe :dizzy:

It’s when SEJ chopped one of the crew members who injured his hands with axe under the storm.  I remembered clearly I almost watched the scene while peeking under my fingers for the first time I watched that scenes. I’m not fond of needles and you can say I dislike hospitals. To see someone’s hand getting chopped like that with axe, really left a big impression and memorable.


- The shopping trip in the mart

This is one of the funny scenes that I could remember easily. SEJ memorized the groceries lists within minutes and walked through the whole mart while throwing things to the cart for KH to catch and very confident with it. Beside this, every OTP scenes I really like it.


- The gangster patients

Although I think the story about the gangster isn’t really necessary, but it helped SEJ realized and open the door for KH to come to her heart and life. In this scenes, we could also see how professional HJW and KMH as an actress and actor while acting through their eyes. We even got a very swooning scene with the stethoscope confession


It’s not like other scenes are easy to forget, but those are some that popped into my mind when I thought about HS. How about yours? ^_^

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14 hours ago, alleram95 said:

Hello.. sorry for the late post for the bts scenes.. this is my rough translations for BTS scenes




Caption: The last time looking at the sea from hospital ship


HJW: It’s really the ending
Staff: Yes, it’s already the last
HJW: No... This day has finally come
KMH: We still have the broadcasts (talking about the facts)
HJW: No, I mean this is the last shooting of the drama
KMH: Haa.. T.T


Caption: Goodbye Hospital ship
Caption: Two people who have mixed feelings before shooting the last scene


HJW: The wind is strong


Caption: Action!


Caption: Eun Jae who is thinking while looking at the sea

HJW: I’m sad
HJW: I’m sad
HJW: I think I remembered the past scenes
HJW: When will I get the chance to see this sea again
HJW: Today is my last time to see this sea from hospital ship
Caption: As what Eun Jae said, we don’t know when we can see it again
HJW: Don’t that clouds look like a bird? That one


HJW: Should I hold his waist like this?
PD: Yes, yes
HJW: I lean on him then
PD: He put his hands on your shoulder
HJW: And I naturally hug him back. Shall we do it like this?
Caption: Such a good chemistry between Hyun Jae and the sea
KMH: I’m not really sure too
HJW: I’ll do this
KMH: Just do it
HJW: I have to express how Eun Jae can lean on someone


Caption: Such a person that Eun Jae can lean on is Kwak Hyun


KMH: The weather is cold
HJW: We are ready

Staff: Action


HJW: What are you doing?
KMH: Stop it now


KMH: ah, we are going to shoot it from here?
Caption: A rush shooting decision
KMH: So...
HJW: It’s shaking so I think someone has to hold it too
KMH: Where should I go in?
KMH: I look as if I’m pregnant
HJW: Hyun is pregnant
Caption: They’re joking but why do I feel sad?
KMH: Where should I look?
Caption: Look at the front
Caption: They match how they should look at
KMH: Should we think that it’s the sea?
Staff: Let’s start


Caption: Thank you for riding the hospital ship




Caption: Finally the last shooting


Caption: Don’t go T.T

Caption: The last day of the long journey of hospital ship


Caption: Always doing a rehearsal like a real shooting
Manager: Why won’t you listen to others?
Caption: Yap
Caption: *laugh*
Manager: Jae Geol
LSW: Yes?
Manager: You look like wearing a wig
Caption: Manager has such a good sense
Manager: Your hair style looks like if you are wearing a wig


HJW: Can I check your heartbeat?


KMH: Look at the picture
KMH: Hyun who is until the end being playful


Caption: Eun Jae who is getting ready to shoot with grandmother
Staff: Let’s start
HJW: Grandmother has given this for me ^^
HJW: For me to drink
HJW: Grandma, please sit closer


HJW: Be careful on your way


Staff: Okay, it’s good
HJW: I’m so touched
HJW: She is afraid that I would be tired so she gave it to me
Caption: Eun Jae who is touched by the sincere gift from grandma
HJW: She put it inside her bag from Seoul to here
HJW: Since she has given it to me, I have to finish it all
Caption: Grandma, thank you
Staff: We will start the next scenes


(Sorry, can’t hear clearly what LSW and HJW said)


Caption: Finally the last shooting, start~


Staff: Action
KH: It’s appendicitis
Manager: The coast guard can’t come
Nurse Pyo: The heli can’t come too


Nurse Yoo: Doctor Song
SEJ: I just came back.
Caption: Eun Jae who returned to hospital ship!
HJW: From now on, I was assigned to .... I’m sorry, I’ll do it again


(KJG and Nurse Pyo who imitating SEJ)

Staff: Let’s start it again


Caption: A dependable our hospital ship family!
Manager: It felt good


Caption: I feel strange
Caption: This the real last of recording for Eun Jae’s narration
SEJ: You need a surgeon
SEJ: You need a surgeon
Caption: Finally the shooting is finished!!!
HJW: Thank you for your hard work!


Caption: For watching hospital ship, thank you very much




Kim In Suk (Dr. Cha Jun Yeong)
“Today is the last shooting of hospital ship. We have gathered and spending a lot of time together in Geo Je Island and finally the drama is finished. This drama wasn’t enjoyed by us (actors and staffs) only but also getting closer to the viewers. I wished I can greet you in other works. Thank you.”


Kwon Min Ah (Nurse Yoo Ah Rim)

“Hello, I’m Kwon Min Ah who acted as Yoo Ah Rim. I still couldn’t believe that I have finished shooting the last episode of hospital ship. I felt happy to be able to work with a great team. I too felt happy for receiving love while acting as Ah Rim and feel sad to be apart from it. To the viewers, thank you for always watching the drama. Thank you for being with us until the end. Thank you.”


Lee Seo Won ( Dr. Kim Jae Geol)

“This kind of situation inside the hospital ship will be always remembered by us. Thanks to the writer and PD who let us to make a great drama together. Thank you. And to the viewers, thank you for watching and giving love to hospital ship. Thank you.”


Kang Min Hyuk (Dr Kwak Hyun)

“I have spent about 3.5 to 4 months in Geo Je for shooting the drama. Finally it’s the end. I feel happy to spend and work together with a great team. I even felt happier that we can make a warm drama in a good place. Thank to all of you, we can spend a happy time together. Everyone, I love you.”


Ha Ji Won (Dr. Song Eun Jae)

“Thank you for always loving Hospital Ship. I think I’m going to cry. I felt really happy for acting as Song Eun Jae. I think I also grew together with it. I really had a good time and thanks to the viewers who always watching for us, we can finish the drama today. I hope you can always remember about hospital ship. I wished this drama can be a warm gift and always be remembered. Thank you and I hope you are all happy. I love you. Good bye.”   





I’m quite happy with the ending of hospital ship. We might have expected something more but at least, the writer didn’t go astray and stay true to her path about the hospital ship and SEJ’s growth as a doctor and importantly as a person. She who is cold inside or outside the hospital room, with her patients or family has changed to a warm doctor, colleague, friend and lover. She who used to be independent has now willingly opens her mind and hearts and listens to others.


We learn many things by watching this drama. We learn about the medical process and about social interactions. Each person might have learnt or felt differently to each other. I have to thank to everyone who willingly share their stories and experiences in RL and how watching HS affected them. I never talked much while joining a thread because of my personality. I enjoyed reading what others opinion and thoughts. Sometimes I would laugh and smile when I read it. I think SEJ’s character is an introvert person, which is the same as me. What I can learn from her is that I can’t just close myself and don’t open my heart to others. It’s not easy to find people that I can be comfortable with, but if I don’t take the first step, no one will be able to help me. I have to be brave and open my heart and mind so that they can come and be at my side.  


While watching drama, we had experience the up and down, just like as we ride a ship. The harsh criticism about the actors and strange plots were quite big when we just started to sail. When we became happy when HyunJae pairing began to start, a new obstacle came. But just like how hospital ship members help and encourage each other, fans in this thread also keep being strong and encourage each other and together we can enjoy the drama whatever obstacle or storm coming up to our way. Threatening people with sharks also help :D


I’m happy to take a part in this thread by giving some translations, which are not completely accurate and sometimes off, and made the wait for the official subs bearable. I’m not fluent either in English or Korean and sometimes I didn’t feel confident to post the translations. But because many of you keep thanking me and say how grateful you were with my translations, I got the courage and did my best while doing it. Dictionary and I have become best friends since :) 

Thank you for the live recapers who always provide fast recap when they watched the live airing. I knew it was a hard work because I have tried it. Thanks to other members too, who shares pictures, gif, their predictions about the plot and their opinions of the drama. It was so much fun and make the wait of the new episodes bearable. 



So that we can move on from the sad atmosphere (?) and while waiting for the special episodes (is this confirmed?), let’s discuss another topic.  Hmm... Maybe those who still visit or maybe want to unlurk can join too.

1  What makes you started to watch HS?

2  What is (are) memorable scenes that you can’t forget?


I have no other idea, so maybe if others can contribute? :) 


To me

1. What makes me started watch the drama because I heard HJW as the female lead. I started to like her since SG and then K2H. I didn’t watch EK because I don’t really like sageuk and her latest drama before HS, I only read some recaps. So I’m excited to see her newest work.

When I heard KMH accepted the male lead role, I was a hesitant because this will be KMH first lead role and wonder if he can do it so well. I like CNBlue since they debuted and KMH is my 2nd bias after JYH. I have watched several of his dramas and knew he could act well, but his past characters were just a supporting role.

But I was thankful that I choose to watch this drama. I’m very happy and satisfied with them. They make KH and SEJ alive and their chemistry with each other or with the rest of actors and actress felt so real. They did a really great job.


2. Memorable scenes that I couldn’t forget from HS

- The axe :dizzy:

It’s when SEJ chopped one of the crew members who injured his hands with axe under the storm.  I remembered clearly I almost watched the scene while peeking under my fingers for the first time I watched that scenes. I’m not fond of needles and you can say I dislike hospitals. To see someone’s hand getting chopped like that with axe, really left a big impression and memorable.


- The shopping trip in the mart

This is one of the funny scenes that I could remember easily. SEJ memorized the groceries lists within minutes and walked through the whole mart while throwing things to the cart for KH to catch and very confident with it. Beside this, every OTP scenes I really like it.


- The gangster patients

Although I think the story about the gangster isn’t really necessary, but it helped SEJ realized and open the door for KH to come to her heart and life. In this scenes, we could also see how professional HJW and KMH as an actress and actor while acting through their eyes. We even got a very swooning scene with the stethoscope confession


It’s not like other scenes are easy to forget, but those are some that popped into my mind when I thought about HS. How about yours? ^_^

Hello, i'm a sillent reader but this time, let me answer question.

1). I started watching HS because I had long wanted HJW to act as a doctor (I'm HJW's fan). At that time I did not care who became a male cast but when KMH was casted, I became more excited.

2). Unforgetable moment/scene: when SEJ mourned her mother's death in a dorm room. She cried all the while hugging her mother's stuff. I cried until I sobbed. And lastly when SEJ perform surgery on his own feet to take blood samples. Imagine when she injected and slashed her own legs. Tears and sweat can show how much pain.

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Let me answer the questions too.. 

1. I watch hospital ship because of ha ji won... I am her fans since sega, when they reveal the leading man, I dont have idea cz I dont know who is kang min hyuk, I searching abt him in internet and I found he is cnblue member, and I just know jung yong hwa as cnblue member at that time..

Now, I like him too..and I said to myself..why I dont know there is a cute handsome lovely drummer in cnblue,:D

2. The unforgetable moment for me in hospital ship are... When kwak hyun in the ambulance and bleedy...when they start dating/kh confession,... When eunjae ask to spent all night with kwak hyun,...the last is when eun jae in daehan hospital... 

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22 minutes ago, happyy said:

Hello, i'm a sillent reader but this time, let me answer question.

1). I started watching HS because I had long wanted HJW to act as a doctor (I'm HJW's fan). At that time I did not care who became a male cast but when KMH was casted, I became more excited.

2). Unforgetable moment/scene: when SEJ mourned her mother's death in a dorm room. She cried all the while hugging her mother's stuff. I cried until I sobbed. And lastly when SEJ perform surgery on his own feet to take blood samples. Imagine when she injected and slashed her own legs. Tears and sweat can show how much pain.

Q1) Was interested because i know HJW's drama is always good, I discovered her charms after my country's free to air channel screend Secret Gardens. Lol, i was not one of those that will actively seek out drama to watch. Not current on drama too. I will only search for drama if during the free to air ones interest me sufficiently, but typically not many. She is so charismatic that i decided i search watch her other drama and thereafter i'm convinced that i will follow her drama. However, i did not watch all her movies though. 


Initially, i was hoping the pairing can be with someone nearer her age and of similar standings as her. But i figured out that it is probably not economic to do so.  Frankly, when KMH was casted and with his earlier work was also thinking it might be challenging to have that great a chemistry compared to her previous drama. First few episodes, while still feel a difference btw their capabiliites, i can feel their chemistry is building up.  After which, it just skyrocket and now there's no turning back. Truely enjoyed the show as many said while there a few plot loopholes here and there but overall very fitting for the theme and like the warm feelings of the drama that explore different relationships and their resolutions. Did put an audience to reflect and think of one self. Love the romance, very natural and fitting but would love to have more of the otp. Ooops this is too long an answers. 


Q2) so many of them, almost every episode there is something memorable. I just so love this drama because it is so close to our life. Oh one scene that KH said that he was relieved that his dad has signed the non rescue form and he was indeed hoping it happened earlier. This really hit me as i believed there are definitely real people that feel this way when their tired out with work and caring for sick parents, how bold is this drama to bring this up and to show that KH is not perfect too. 

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@alleram95 thank you for your tireless translation effort for this group. Truly appreciate your effort and time. We have the privilege to understand so many BTS that YT viewers have no access to. 


let me answer the two questions briefly.

1) HJW was the only reason that made me watch this show, period. LOL

2) My favourite scenes, when KH shielded SEJ from the gun shot, SEJ worried sick for KH, post surgery waiting by his bed side scene (basically many scenes from ep 30 (or 31?) and stethoscope confession scene.

I shall add one more, my favourite BTS - the beach 2nd kiss. I could feel and see KMH's fondness of HJW when he hugged her the 2nd time, so precious and full of love. :heart:

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@alleram95 for the answers

1) I watched the show due HJW.. I love her so when I heard abt her comeback I jumped back to Korean dramas from Chinese dramas.. 

2)memorable scenes there r too many including BTs of HyunJae too.. I wud say the first meeting of HyunJae, their first kiss, their first hug, their back hug, all the HyunJae moments..her moment with JG's mother 

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Thank u so much @alleram95, appreciate that your translatuon help us understand what transpire in the bts and that is precious to us. Thanks again. Will wait for next Wed and Thurs special. Hope that they will put that in the youtube thereafter. Else with the bad streaming, at least 50% of the conteny i cannot see. 


Not sure will anyone do live recapp next week? 

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1. Watched because I love the two main leads especially minhyuk even though I was scared he wouldn't match hjw's skills (thank goodness he proved me wrong) 

2. Memorable scenes are all the kiss scenes, the gunshot scene, her crying on the hospital bed, him teasing her about the number of potential mother in law on each island, him peeping into her office and getting caught,  and the very last scene in the drama 

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Hjw is the purpose of watching HS being her fan for more 13+ yrs

I love the well written story n discovered such beautiful island in South Korea 

i love most is when they are together,their confessions, when they go on a date n ofc their surprise n passionate kisses .To me every episode is awesome so well written,have to said it again.For the first time I love every single cast in a drama , they are a great team. Hjw acting is beyond words,kmh is new to me but grows to loves him  he is awesome  so gentle like his character. I loves LSW he has a lot of potential , great young actor .His playfulness n forever grabbed every chances he has to tease Hjw. Im sure he felt blessed to hv worked Hjw an AAA TOP Korean actress , she is a rear gem!

i dun mind HS 2 , I’m still in denial that 40 epi hv ended . Rewatching starting from the my last 4 epi , heartache first than Sweetness .Yr end MBC awards , best couple , best drama , best actor n best actress awards  finger cross:wub:

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@alleram95 thank you for all the translations. My answers:

1) watched quite by accident. Wasn't really planning to despite my love for HJW, but i caught ep 11 on OhK and that was the end for me. 

2) the scene after Prof kang (?) Did SEJ's father's surgery and he talked about drinking cheap, sweet, vending machine coffee after wielding his scalpel at the gods. Another instance of good dialogue from the writer, summed up a very human and real emotion. Used to feel like that after pulling all nighters at work. 

Also the SEJ scenes in the SEJ/her mother arc. Where she cried outside the hospital, where she cried in the dorm. 

The morning after the first kiss scenes - KH sitting up in bed with the omg what have I done face, SEJ running along the beach then drying her hair with a determined face, KH failing to start the car when the light turned green, KJG and dentist cha noticing something was up. That was a nice episode. 

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Hello All,  


This drama is very special to me as it is the only drama where I made an account in Soompi. I am also reading the posts at the shipper thread because I ship this two. 


First, I want to thank all of you making the live-watching of this drama more enjoyable as i read all of your thoughts here. This is the charm of live-watching a drama - being able to read the thoughts of others in a healthy community. 


Like most of the chingus here, I am also re-watching the episodes and I keep seeing new things (like that picture frame of Song Eun-Jae and her mom beside her hospital bed). I would say this is a well-written story as we see that all thing tie up at the end. This is the first medical drama that I have finished and LOVED. Actually, they can make a season 2 of this drama - with a different cast and in a different part of the islands of Korea or in remote villages of the country. The concept can be played around with. Plus they have showed us a different side of the military service we are unfamiliar with. 


I watched it because (1) I have wanted to become a doctor and anything related to doctors and hospitals I do watch (watched Rescue 911 before), (2) I loved the scenery the drama showed us. 


I am already familiar with HJW (watched TTWWNIL last year) and KMH (through Entertainers - where I discovered CNBLUE and started gobbling up all CNBLUE and KMH related videos). 


They are a good pair here. KMH did well for his first lead role. I believe he was able to learn a lot from HJW. 


I will still lurk around in this thread as we still have the special episodes next week. Also, there is still the MBC Drama Awards. Hope to see our MinWon couple there. 


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4 hours ago, icyphoenix said:

@alleram95 for the answers

1) I watched the show due HJW.. I love her so when I heard abt her comeback I jumped back to Korean dramas from Chinese dramas.. 

2)memorable scenes there r too many including BTs of HyunJae too.. I wud say the first meeting of HyunJae, their first kiss, their first hug, their back hug, all the HyunJae moments..her moment with JG's mother 

I watched HS because of HJW. She normally acting in action movie/drama. So I was excited to see her in medical drama. But when I heard KMH was cast, I wasnt sure how are they going to do it because of the age gap. But now I know, KMH is surely a talented actor and I made a mistake for doubting him. 

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I watched it because of Ha Ji Won :blush: but KMH is a surprise for me that he can act well alongside HJW.                Most memorable scene was after her mother died, outside the hospital when she kneeled down and was trying hard not to cry because of guilt she's so good in acting out that scene you can actually feel her pain and i guess most of us also cried while watching that.                           Thank you everyone for the updates on HS eventhough it already ended.  I hope soon there will be good news for our OTP a new drama or movie maybe:D 

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thank you @alleram95 for the translation,

1.) watch the show because of the hate comments i read in DB and KPG blogsite

 got me curious as to why then i got hooked :lol:

2.) fave scene..  hmm the kiss in the forehead scene the last one for me its so romantic :wub::heart:,  also i like the first shopping scene :D

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1) I watched HS because of HJW. She ws my one and only favourite actress. I like and get to know her since Secret Garden ...ever since then i keep on following her drama and movie. After TTWWNIL i really looking forward for her next drama. Honestly , i am hoping that i gt to watch her in other genre of drama. Before this a lot of fans edit her pic as a doctor/surgeon as some of the fans really wants her to act as a doctor. This year their wish really comes true as she accept the role in HS. When i heard tht she hd confirm the role ..first thing am curious about is the leading actor. I like her being paired with young actor compared to older one but i am quite unhappy when i heard the leading is .... sry im  not sure about the name. He reject the role. So not long after that news abt KMH will be leading man spread...honestly i am not really happy by that time ...cos i x know who is he ...i jst know cnblue jyh. I even mistaken him with other actor and my sister told me is a different person ..lol.  I started to watch this drama after it hv been aired for 1 or 2 ep i thnk ..i am not remember. 

Soon after goin thru few ep ...i keep on watching and like their chemistry on screen. For KMH, he did have tht kind of gentle side of him which i thnk is a good side of him tht suite to be blend with hjw personality. (Sorry off topic ..hehe). They look good together on screen. This is one of HJW speciality...she can makes her on screen prtner look good in potraying the character well . Thts y i like them nw...OTP.


2) I like all previous scenes . But i am just mentioned my recently favourite scene...the scene whre KH grab SEJ hands ..brought her to seaside and kiss her suddenly. He looks so happy wth her by tht time.  KH massage her leg. The moment SEJ spend time with KH after knowing that she had a cancer ...ep 40 succesfully make me cried several times !!! 



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