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[Drama 2017] ♚ Seven day Queen 7일의 왕비 ♚


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1 hour ago, shimshimae said:

@saved2K I looked up the WooMin IG account. It was mentioned there that it's a big deal to secure an international release which 7DQ has already managed to do. So they said not to worry about low ratings. @yujien

Yes exactly. Hope more countries will get this.

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22 minutes ago, gerrytan8063 said:


"Hope more countries will get this."

7 Day Queen is broadcast in KBS World channel around the world, a day later with english sub, it definitely will command an international audience


Yes but usually when other countries get this it will be  dubbed in the country's native language at least that's how they do it here in our country. Somebody posted here that it is one of the 6 films currently being promoted in Romania did I get it right?????

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22 hours ago, saved2K said:

Healer didn't have a high rating but PMY won the best actress award and the best couple award with Ji Chang Wook. So I don't think it is entirely the case. 


20 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:


"Hope more countries will get this."

7 Day Queen is broadcast in KBS World channel around the world, a day later with english sub, it definitely will command an international audience


yup.. KBS world, is worldwide... as the name implies..... Maybe this drama is really meant for International viewers....

23 hours ago, OksanaS said:

17.06.30  instagram (cr. gobogyeol)



I think the advantage of doing saeguks is you will have the training of horse back riding...usually KBS wants their saeguks more natural, and must be done by the actors.... In MBC, they just use doubles or camera tricks, with horse back riding scenes.. (example is empress ki, mostly were done by their doubles, or camera tricks)

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4 hours ago, penforella said:


I remember how much hate YWJ was getting because of that role. Still makes me *cringe :blink: 

That was my introduction to him and I remember thinking wow this guy can act. 

I think the King react because he was faced with the fact that he's gonna lose CK to Yeok. 

actually I find Yok, naughty too... the way he described CK to his brother during their archery session, he wants the kings to be very envious of him.. he describes CK a complete opposite.... Maybe that time, they want a woman a little bit wild..

2 hours ago, shimshimae said:

I love the small small details in this drama.  Like CK fell asleep in her palanquin because she couldn't sleep the previous night thinking about this royal command/prophecy/her heart issue. What was she dreaming with such a pleasant face, something to do with Yeok I hope lol Hehe ^_^

I think she has this motion problem on palanquins... remember when she was young, she almost vomit too.. So she rather walk... then this time, she fall asleep inside..

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What does it says that I love Yeon Woo-jin in everything but in here I'm loving Yung more even when I don't like Lee Dong-geun?

I feel like Park Min-young has more chemistry with LDG than with YWJ.


Is it just me? Why is this happening? Am I going to suffer? 

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@hrh77 whatever Yeok told Yung was true only but without the context, the king may easily misunderstand. (Yeok may have deliberately did that) but I love the way he looked while he was describing her. His words were saying something, his eyes the complete opposite. CAN he be any MORE in love? Omo. My heart can't take this. :D

With regards to palanquin, yeah. That's even greater detailing! :D

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On 30/06/2017 at 6:32 AM, minwookie said:

LOVE this dynamic scene between the King and Prince


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I love this scene too...

19 hours ago, shimshimae said:

@hrh77 whatever Yeok told Yung was true only but without the context, the king may easily misunderstand. (Yeok may have deliberately did that) but I love the way he looked while he was describing her. His words were saying something, his eyes the complete opposite. CAN he be any MORE in love? Omo. My heart can't take this. :D

With regards to palanquin, yeah. That's even greater detailing! :D

Well, I just love how their portrayal on being in love: Yok: sincere, gentle and tender.... Yung: Crazy in love... CK: Loving with all her senses, she also thinks...

They are all crazy, madly in love!!..

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@hrh77 while I love this scene, I agree with dramabeans review that winning a verbal dual with the king may have enraged the king even more. The king is neurotic anyways, now he'll do all crazy things like forcing CK in the end. Vowing that he'll make their marriage the most difficult of all. Man, I get chills at his madness. Girls, stay away from people like this, no matter how sexy they look.

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22 hours ago, shimshimae said:

@hrh77 while I love this scene, I agree with dramabeans review that winning a verbal dual with the king may have enraged the king even more. The king is neurotic anyways, now he'll do all crazy things like forcing CK in the end. Vowing that he'll make their marriage the most difficult of all. Man, I get chills at his madness. Girls, stay away from people like this, no matter how sexy they look.

LOL.... depends on the woman.... Some can ignore those psychotic guys, "blindly" fooled by love....

Anyway, if you're a great mind reader, you can also understand the kings behavior and character..... There's really  NOBODY inborn bad person..... It's the environment they were that made them worst.... On the king's case, he was badly infulenced with no proper guide from the adults (parents) which is also very relatable to the society in the present..

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18 minutes ago, hrh77 said:

LOL.... depends on the woman.... Some can ignore those psychotic guys, "blindly" fooled by love....

Anyway, if you're a great mind reader, you can also understand the kings behavior and character..... There's really inborn bad person..... It's the environment they were that made them worst.... On the king's case, he was badly infulenced with no proper guide from the adults (parents) which is also very relatable to the society in the present..

I was okay with him till ep 9. I even loved that he was crazy about her and smiling to himself. But ep 10 ended it all. Choking Nok So, forcing CK. I can understand where he's coming from but these things aren't forgivable. 

I was okay with him threatening Secretary Im though. Lol 

Now that he can become a life threat to CK, I'm no longer okay with him. <_<

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This drama is awesome! Tbh, I started watching this drama because of PMY and YWJ! I love them individually! And since 7DQ I love them together more. ^^  If they're not the cast I'd definitely skip this drama because of its sad ending. Anyway.. I couldn't read every post here thoroughly because many times I got here there's lots of pages to catch up.. ㅠㅠ. So I'm sorry if I repeat what's already been discussed or said.

  1. Yeonsangun is so unfortunate, he's too late realizing his feeling towards CK.
  2. Poor CK, she's still so naive.. she believes Yeok's loyal to the King and is just dreaming of happy family with Yeok. And so are her parents, they hope their daughter would have a normal happy life with her husband and future children for the rest of their life.. that's why her father promises the king he'll never support Yeok if he's going for the throne as that'll cause tragedy of both royal's and his family.. her parents just want happy life for her.. ㅠㅠ.
  3. And Yeok has not told CK yet about his ambition to take the throne!! I think that'll shock her a lot!
  4. I hate MH. Let alone romantic scene between her and Yeok, I feel like fast forwarding every time it's only her and Yeok on the frame! Please writer-nim no more skinship between them, and don't tell us you'll follow the history that they married eventually. NO!
  5. Wishful thinking.. as this drama might not following the history, I want CK has a child from Yeok but they hide him/her so that s/he can just live without any threats from the royals.. It just too sad the're separated and then died while missing each other.. ㅠㅠ
  6. This drama has lot of potentials. I kinda imagine many alternate story lines based on the plot.. like what if Yeok is late coming back and finds CK as the King's concubine.. we could expect angrier, more vengeful, hurtful Yeok! and if the story goes toward makjang side, CK would give birth to Yeok's son but Yeonsangun thought it's his son.. Lol xD
  7. I wonder what happened between the late king and his monk chief.. Why did she lied to the king and CK parents that CK and Yeok are meant to protect each other? And why did she got killed? Did I miss something? Oh! is it because she's an ally of Yeonsangun's mother who's dethroned and punished? Then why she came all the way to CK parents to warn them about CK's prophecy? 
  8. As this drama will also be aired outside South Korea, I hope PMY and YWJ would do many promotion together! Watching them together will heal my heartbreak of the drama's sad ending.
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15 hours ago, saved2K said:


What does that mean.... is there a symbolism to this?  Could this mean the king has full control of her life?

agree... my friend in Korea told me that this symbolic things are actually should be given by the husband....

OK I hope Jin Seong's true intention is protecting her and not using her.. because Yeonsangun's unbear pain from his one sided love to Jae Kyung is kiling me too...

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1 hour ago, skinnerbox said:

What does it says that I love Yeon Woo-jin in everything but in here I'm loving Yung more even when I don't like Lee Dong-geun?

I feel like Park Min-young has more chemistry with LDG than with YWJ.


Is it just me? Why is this happening? Am I going to suffer? 

yes honey prepare our kleenex... we will press our tears dry together.......

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12 minutes ago, OO1230 said:
  1. As this drama will also be aired outside South Korea, I hope PMY and YWJ would do many promotion together! Watching them together will heal my heartbreak of the drama's sad ending.

Hello there fellow Healerite!!!  Sorry to cut your post but I totally agree on this point ..... yes please do lots of promotion.  Honestly, I'm more in love with their interaction outside the drama.  Their chemistry off-screen is more explosive hahaha, is there such a thing????

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14 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

agree... my friend in Korea told me that this symbolic things are actually should be given by the husband....

OK I hope Jin Seong's true intention is protecting her and not using her.. because Yeonsangun's unbear pain from his one sided love to Jae Kyung is kiling me too...

Oh my goodness.... why am I so scared to watch episode 11.  Oh Please writer Choi Jin Young.... be considerate to my poor heart.... please take things slow.  The king promised to make this 2 suffer oh NO!!!!

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12 minutes ago, saved2K said:

Oh my goodness.... why am I so scared to watch episode 11.  Oh Please writer Choi Jin Young.... be considerate to my poor heart.... please take things slow.  The king promised to make this 2 suffer oh NO!!!!

I know!! I'm scared as well! And CK looks terrible and terrified in the preview. It's her wedding day but she looks sad! :(

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Hey everyone! I've been lurking in this thread for a while, and I'm just posting now because I absolutely adore this show and I so, so hope it gets more attention from the international community than it has from S. Koreans - I really don't understand the ratings for this show at all, given how beautifully it's written and crafted and the astonishing performances by the actors. It just really frustrates me to think so many people are missing out on such a great drama!

The nature of the relationships in this show are so sweeping and classic - it keeps making me think of various Shakespearean dramas, and also of stories in the Bible like the saga of King Saul, his son Jonathan and friend David (who would become King eventually). King Saul began as a good king, but his insecurities and paranoia led him to end up destroying everyone he loved and in the end he committed suicide on the battlefield - Yeonsangun's struggles with losing control and turning into a monster due to his insecurity and paranoia and hatred feel like very much the same thing, to me. An insecure King is always a dangerous King, in any era and any culture. But I think that's why this show is genius, because it's telling one very specific story but painting it with the wider brush of basic truths of humanity.

I don't think I've ever been this invested in a love triangle in a show, nor as conflicted about the outcome. LDG and YWJ are doing such an outstanding job of making me fall in love with them alternately when they're wooing her, and although I do want to see her happily married to Yeok (even for a short time), I can't help my heart going out to the King as he struggles between what he knows he ought to do and what his heart is longing to do. The genius of his portrayal is that we're rooting for his good side to win out even as we already know it won't. And I'm consistently amazed by PMY and her ability to play shades of emotion; it's a joy watching her shift between various states of mind as she interacts with the other characters. 

But when Yeok smiles, it's game over. Who could resist that???

One of my favorite moments in this most recent set of episodes was the exchange between Seo No and Yeok; it was just so fun to see them truly as friends and acting their age instead of seeming to be old beyond their years - and I laughed out loud when we saw SN light up like a Christmas tree when he found out CK had mentioned missing him. The three child actors sold their friendship so, so well in the beginning that it was just a joy to finally see them interacting as adults!

At any rate, I know the pain and anguish is coming, but it just feels like it will be worth it...although I know I'm going to hate myself for saying that in the end, haha!


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