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[Drama 2017] ♚ Seven day Queen 7일의 왕비 ♚


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58 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:


I don't understand human in Korea..... this drama is a masterpiece... all out daebak..

They simply have different taste. Let's just enjoy this and continue to pray it will be appreciated by foreign viewers. The thing is dramafever is not airing this right? So I don't know how we can spread our love for this drama. I'm just not sure if Chinese viewers are watching this cause Park Min Young is quite popular in China

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"In ep 11 preview, what is that thing which the king presents to CK? The one with the red tassels. "


It is a bronze lock & key. In Korean culture held the belief that locks had special protective powers, functioning as talismans of good fortune, wealth, health, fecundity & happiness. Traditionally used to secure the entrance gates of homes, they were also employed to lock cabinets and wardrobes.

@madziuleq31 @SeGafanlady

As for the low rating for 7 days Queen broadcast on KBS2, it is most likely KBS viewership was switch to KBS1 to see the current news on President Moon Jae In visit to White House

In Korea, news have the highest ratings in viewership especially the KBS 9pm news. 

In Korea, the motive for watching television  especially the news was to gain current information & watching the news was a practice done out of habit throughout the television era, while for dramas, reasons to view them was "interesting" or simply to "kill time"

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On 30/06/2017 at 2:27 AM, gerrytan8063 said:


"In ep 11 preview, what is that thing which the king presents to CK? The one with the red tassels. "


It is a bronze lock & key. In Korean culture held the belief that locks had special protective powers, functioning as talismans of good fortune, wealth, health, fecundity & happiness. Traditionally used to secure the entrance gates of homes, they were also employed to lock cabinets and wardrobes.

@madziuleq31 @SeGafanlady

As for the low rating for 7 days Queen broadcast on KBS2, it is most likely KBS viewership was switch to KBS1 to see the current news on President Moon Jae In visit to White House

In Korea, news have the highest ratings in viewership especially the KBS 9pm news. 

In Korea, the motive for watching television  especially the news was to gain current information & watching the news was a practice done out of habit throughout the television era, while for dramas, reasons to view them was "interesting" or simply to "kill time"


What does that mean.... is there a symbolism to this?  Could this mean the king has full control of her life?

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I just finished watching 7DQ episode 9 with my father and I therefore conclude that he is a shipper like me! Ha ha ha ha 

first time I saw my father watching a k drama and he joined me since episode 1...

my OTP is undeniably one of a kind 

this drama include in my kdrama book 

their scene together even without talking only staring with each other you can feel their hearts and love with each other 

i love them both! 

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"What does that mean.... is there a symbolism to this?  Could this mean the king has full control of her life?"

I can only give the cultural significant of the lock & key......what Yeonsangun intention on his bearing of the said gift to Shin Chae Gyeong...that we will have to wait for Episode 11

You may find that the locks is commonly have a fish pattern which is symbolic that fish lived underwater & implied that the whatever is being locked by the lock will be safe from fire. Furthermore that fish sleep with their eyes open that it was believe that they would vigil over the a person's treasure

In Joseon, Mother will usually gives these locks as "yeolsoepae' (열쇠패, dowry charm or decorative amulet) to their soon to be married daughter for them to hang in on the wall & for pray for fecundity & happiness.

I suggest if in Seoul to visit the Seoul Lock Museum. Directions Take Line 4 to Hyehwa Station then Exit 2. Walk 200 m until you reach the end of Marronnier Park. Turn left onto Dongsung-gil & walk another 200 m. The museum is located on 3rd & 4th floor of the rusty looking building.



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Hello everyone! This is my first time posting here. Usually I am always a silent reader but I am just so intrigued with this drama and so much drawn in with the love between Yeok & Chaegyeong that I just couldn’t resist to say something. I began getting interested since Episode 3. I loved the interactions and chemistry between their child versions played by Baek Sung Hwan and Park Si Eun. They’re such good actors. And now I’m totally hooked! My husband is always giving me side glance with a cheeky smirk every time I watch this, but I just ignore him. Haha!

Regardless of historical facts and the sad ending which is bound to happen, I decided to just enjoy this drama and all the loving scenes between Yeok & Chaegyoung. I root for our OTP and I love how PMY and YWJ are portraying their characters. Their off-screen interactions are also very cute.

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It's so hard to hate the king's action when LDG is playing him so well.  Poor CK, she has yet to receive a kiss that wasn't forced on her.  KBS must have it in LDG's contract to show his abs in every episode. It's actually becoming ridiculous.  

Highlight for me was when CK showed her sword skill and took Scarface's sword and aimed it for the bad minister (forgot his name).  Yeok shows his true colors when CK is faced with danger.  How awesome was it to see the look of amazement on Yeok's face when CK was protecting Seo No and company.  Love her.

In the preview, was Yeonsangun giving CK a gift on her wedding day?  Obviously the wedding will still push thru but the path to sorrow is coming as well...

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So, I watched it with subs. How can a drama be this good?

@raziela my moral qualms about Yeok marrying CK have subsided. :D

When the king says, "You both will get married. It's a royal command."

Yeok replies, "But I do not have Chae Kyung's consent yet."

Those lines pretty much sum up their individual characters. The king wielding massive power is prone to its abuse. Yeok still is clear headed and knows what's the right thing. That's enough for me to fully support Yeok. But the preview shows bad stuff is going to happen. Aaah. 

I'm glad that the biggest shipper of us all is within the drama, Seo No, helping them get together. 

And it's such a beautiful full circle that CK as a child tells Yeok not to let the rules made by the adults dictate him, only for Seo No to remind Yeok of the same and nudge Yeok to earn her trust. You guys, you are doing it right. ^_^

and MH is not immune to Seo No! She seems to have developed a liking for him. 'What you see is what you get' (she says when asked if Seo No could be sly) hehe :D

and the king, omg. My god, in the end his outburst. "I stand in front of you. You are within arm's reach. You look into my eyes. Yet you only think of Yeok!" Sums up what friendzoned is. Lol

and it outrages him that a mere woman walks up to the king and asks what she could do to protect her soon to be husband. King, you are so wrong if you think her being a woman ever stopped her from doing what she wanted. I think she's going to kick you in the next episode for forcing her lol 

Daebak episode! 

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"Highlight for me was when CK showed her sword skill and took Scarface's sword and aimed it for the bad minister (forgot his name). "

Bad Minister is Im Sa Hong (임사홍,任士洪 1445-1506) currently holding the officialdom of Royal Secretary. Im Sa Hong was consider in history one of Joseon's  treacherous court officials (간신,奸臣 - there are 4 notorious in total throughout Joseon history, the other 3 is Ryu Ja Gwang -유자광, Yi Wan Yong - 이완용 & Kim Ja Jeom - 김자점)

I also like that Shin Chae Gyeong comment Scarface had bad vision since he is wearing an eye patch & could have made a mistake

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3 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

Hello everyone, my first post here.. Actually I just want to watch comfortably without posting any comments. I enjoyed this drama so far, love it so far to be precise. I endured with the politics intrugue, and how those misfortunes happened in 10 episodes. 

I'd like to vent my frustration over episode 10. So, I don't mean to hurt anyone or offend you or so on. So, please don't take it to your heart. Just pass this comment if you're not in the same thought as mine. :lol:

Episode 10:

He kisses his soon sister-in-law to be?? Heoll... I like LDG, but I hate yeosang-gun!!! Hate hate hate him!! He thinks of himself, thinking he's the one to be betrayed, but actually he betrayed Yeok first. He's the one who listens all those poisonous words from the evil cocubine and royal secretary.  He is the one who can't trust Yeok. He is the one who let everything become much complicated for him and Yeok. And he is the one who thinks that CG is his. He follows his jealousy and his evil heart to let his minions killling Yeok. Well, he might didn't agree for the first time. But his arrogance and jealousy made him to be heartless to his brother. So, though LDG is superb in acting as YSG but for his character in this story, seriously I can't be swayed to root him with SCG even for one thought. He doesn't own CG's heart,  CG is sincere loving him as brother. He crossed the line! Boasting he is the king of Joseon and he can have everything he wants. And not to forget, he threaten her father to kill everyone's in her family if he betrayed him, look it's not even proved he will betray him, but how can you intimidate person you trust the most if you really believe in him. Is that love for CG, when he wants to ruin everything if he can't have what he wants. It's just his crystallization of his so-called longtime jealousy turned to be simply obsession. 

KBS, writer nim, PD-nim, if you read this, just whatever happened in the actual history, let Yeok-Chae end up together in the end. If it's not, seriously I would tell all my super drama addict buddies not to watch this, hahaha...  


My fave scene of this episode, I love how heroic CG saved the prince and his team, taking the sword from the captain hook-guy and swinging it to the royal secretary (forgot his title, correct me if I'm wrong), right to his neck, quickly and fiercely. Awesome chae gyeong. Dramas should have more strong female lead, sigh... seriously. 


My problem with Yoong is that he has no actual purpose/goal. Every episode we saw him painting, shooting arrows, taking a bath, etc etc.. Almost seems like he wants to hold on to the throne just because his father and step-mother don't want him to. I do feel sorry for him for what he went through as a child, but he's no child now and he's the main reason for his own undoing.

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56 minutes ago, shimshimae said:

and it outrages him that a mere woman walks up to the king and asks what she could do to protect her soon to be husband. King, you are so wrong if you think her being a woman ever stopped her from doing what she wanted. I think she's going to kick you in the next episode for forcing her lol 


Though it is sad to see a warm "sibling" relationship come to an end (due to his actions), I feel that it was necessary so that she can see through the king's intentions and pick a side. 

In episode 11's preview, you could clearly see that she feared the king.
I also believe that (maybe with the condition of the king allowing her to marry Yeok) she was forced to be his spy. 
CK to King: "Do you want me to report to you tomorrow?"  
CK was also seen crying outside a room in her new house, probably because she felt helpless about not being able to do anything and had to betray Yeok. 

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4 minutes ago, babytotoro said:

Though it is sad to see a warm "sibling" relationship come to an end (due to his actions), I feel that it was necessary so that she can see through the king's intentions and pick a side. 

In episode 11's preview, you could clearly see that she feared the king.
I also believe that (maybe with the condition of the king allowing her to marry Yeok) she was forced to be his spy. 
CK to King: "Do you want me to report to you tomorrow?"  
CK was also seen crying outside a room in her new house, probably because she felt helpless about not being able to do anything and had to betray Yeok. 

Yeah. It's a definite end to her warm relationship with the king. Poor thing, she will associate this with the prophecy as well. Why is there so much heartbreak? :(

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I have been obsessed with this drama since episode 1 (kudos to the child actor) and my first time posting in this thread. Last week's episode was full of angst and we finally move on with the romance, but boy oh boy doesn't it only give us more angst?? Somehow I can understand what Yun is feeling, he's so vulnerable and CK is his only salvage. Now the person that he hate (and love) the most will take her from him, it must be driving him mad (if he's not yet mad that is). With each episode I can only feel more sorry to CK whose destiny is to be stuck between two brother war over the throne

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