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[Drama 2017] Suspicious Partner, 수상한 파트너


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Hello :) Congrats to me for being one of the last people to see episode 7/8 subbed.  Almost everything has been said about this gem of a show.  I am just adding a few things.

  • I am so happy that NJH got this role. We are only 8 episodes in and I feel that she hits jackpot.  Did I say I adore her smile?
  • Eun Bong Hee’s hair.  Full of life, vibrant as her personality, and free of inhibition as her mind.  I hope she gets tons of haircare CFs after the drama is done.  Her make up on the spot as well.  It’s bold color, fresh and youthful to go with her personality. I envy her closet!
  • Love the lighting and cinematography in this drama.  Whatever filtering lenses that they are using, don't change.
  • Second to my love for BH’s character are the mile-a-minute dialogues. They’re fantastic!  I feel like I am watching a verbal tennis match.  Seasons change, people change.  Like the old vulnerable BH, love the new mature confident woman that she has become.  Heck, she’s even sassy now! 
  • The physical comedy is on point.  JCW and NJH bounced off each other well.  Must be so fun filming the scenes. How can NJH able to do some of the running scenes up and down stairs in heels!  Hats off to the special effects department.  Appreciate the timely use of sound effects - like how they don’t CG-the life out of it, they rely on good actors to deliver the message. 
  • For a split second, I was worried for NJH when BH keeps hitting herself in back of her head to physically snaps herself out of it.  It’s cute if you noticed that NJH’s habit is to scratch his hair whenever he is confused.  Ahhh, these two are so much alike.
  • The scenes that impressed me in this episode. After BH animatedly reenacted to JW what happened in the office, the dialogue turned poignant toward how she actually is glad that the culprit turned up after two years.  During those years, she became an outcast in the legal world, at the verge of going broke and desperately needed to be hired somewhere so she can stay afloat. She then goes on telling how her mom smiles outwardly like she’s fine but cries silently inside because of the unfair shame casted on her daughter. It brought me back to the interrogation room where BH told EH that she is trying hard to finish law school to support her mom.  It was a sad admission by BH that she may have failed her mom.  This puts in context the consequences of the crime and her life in the last two years for JW.  JW feels too how his life has changed like her, not for the better.  I thought it effectively connects JW to BH, as he became aware of her struggles during the last two years. Now that the killer has shown up, BH has a chance to clear her name.  She feels that she has to find out who the killer is for her, for her mom and for JW since he made the sacrifice.  I love how she puts into the tangibles her sense of honor, morals, and code of conduct.  She won him over at this moment. JW replied quietly that he hopes she will catch the culprit and surprised her with the after phrase, together.  This was where JW allows her back to his life.  He understands her thoughtfulness and resiliency (the good side of being obsessive).  Several scenes later, JW met with prosecutor to get the dash cam video in hope of clearing her name. I thought that was a series of absolutely great writing.
  • When BH said that she feels indebted to JW for using his place and acknowledged that it’s a temporary situation, JW’s eyes let us know right away that he doesn’t want it to end.  How can she think that he’s a rock?  I love how BH never lets herself be victimized or defeated.  Her positive attitude is winsome.
  • Can I say that I hope JW will change his mind and offer BH a partnership, not an associate position, in his new law firm?
  • Mr. Bang. He's JW’s emotional compass.  How cute is it that he can read his old friend’s feelings better than JW?  Love their CCTV walk.  Actor Jang Hyuk-Jin had me ROFL with his deadpan delivery, perfectly bounced off NJH’s bubbly acting. How lucky of JW, he's surrounded by love - BH, EH, Mr Bang.  How lucky of BH, Mr. Bang’s on her side.
  • I miss Iron Man prosecutor. 
  • DA Jang is even more set at destroying lawyer Noh than BH.  Why?
  • EH is all kinds of awesome in the men’s bathroom.  The smirks and the ensuing change of facial expressions continue to baffle me though.
  • I like JW’s ex-girlfriend Cha Yoo Jung. She stood up for a wrong so she’s not all devoid of conscience.  I am not convinced of awful second leads yet.  I also said the same of EH.  I am setting myself up for disappointment, am I?
  • Let’s put a face to a name.  Say hi and thank you to these two.  They’re responsible for your SP addiction.  Scriptwriter Kwon Ki-Young (left) and PD Park Sun-Ho (right).  She did a fantastic job with the Hello Monster script too.



Credit: SBS PD Note

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On 5/20/2017 at 11:28 AM, sakura2016 said:


hhhhhhhhh I have many dramas in my hand that I barely can watch them let alone rewatch my favorite dramas!! but have fun :D don't know I feel envy that you'll reawatch these dramas while I can't (right now)!! :lol:  


I'm looking forward to spazz with you too chingu!! :D 

let's hope for the best!! :wink: 


I think I'm too biased to give you an un-biased opinion but I'll do my best!! :wink::D 


and I loved your post!! :heart: 

No Ji Wook started to be aware how much Bong Hee affected his life in a good way, making him feel alive even if it meant being in danger, but he can't name what he feels and why he feels that way and keep lying to himself about these feelings but the more she's around him the more he won't be able to keep lying to himself any longer!! :D and I'm happy he realised that she ws looking at him, this man needs something like that to make him realise since 2 years of moony-eyes and stalking doesn't work with him!! hhhhhhh

well I hope we won't have a noble idiocy though I fear we may get one with No Ji Wook and Bong Hee's fathers linked past!! now I think that No Ji Wook's father got killed for saving Bong Hee's father who was a suspect like No Ji Wook saved Bong Hee!! 

Wow chingu I hadn't thought about how JW and BH's fathers could be linked in the past. I'm sure that DA was the man in the fire. I was really trying to fight being obsessed by 2 dramas at once but I'm just going to have to rewatch all 4 hours again resign myself that it's going to be work and kdramas for a few months. 

@sharreb I loved your post too

22 hours ago, athena22 said:

Till now JW is shown to be lonely other than his interaction with colleagues. But now with BH he seems to be lively again.When you’re someone’s person, you stand by her through every hardship, through every heartbreak, and through every argument. And JW had done all this in her life so the connection of BH being "his" person is quite well established. Moreover he couldn't stay angry with her forever and spoke casually to her giving a sense of closeness in the speech.

Loved your post too. When he refers to her as his person, this is not out of sympathy. He needs her in his life  and I can't wait to see when he realizes that this feeling of being her guardian runs a lot deeper.love.png It's going to be epic!

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10 hours ago, ferily said:

@athena22 Hi chingu! Nice to see you and many familar faces here! Actually I just got into a different drama, ehehe... Finished 12 episodes in two days..... It's just so good and interesting though! I'm currently watching Chicago Typewriter now because I really got into it... Just commented in the drama's thread.. Anyways, I am definitely interested in watch this (and many other....) dramas.. Thank you for shouting out to me chingu!


hhhhhhhhhh you have my straggle chingu!! toomany dramasto watch!! :lol: you'll fall in love with this drama, I guarantee you!! :wink: 

3 hours ago, love4life said:

Guys i had a question.. The show both chang wook and ji hyun were.. Cultwo show, whre can i find it in eng sub..if it has eng sub 


sorry chingu, couldn't get your question!! what was it again?!! :) 

Edit: I got your question now but only found the interview with no subs!! :( 




3 hours ago, triplem said:

What defined the recent episodes for me was the inner thoughts that NJW had towards the end of eps 7:

For the last two years without Eun Bong Hee in my life... it was safe and peaceful. The lines between yesterday and today, and the lines between today and tomorrow were hazy. Yesterday was like today , and today became tomorrow day by day.  No one violated me and no one interfered with my peaceful days. But after meeting Eun Bong Hee, everything became a mess. I met a stalker. The culprit appeared. My personal space is violated. It's dangerous and tiring but it's never boring with Eun Bong Hee. 

It was significant because it was his acceptance of this "ill-fated' relationship and it seems like he is no longer trying to run away from it. If he could really read into those thoughts in his head, he would see that he has actually fallen into a rut and has lost a sense of purpose. In the last two years he has been living life rather passively (peaceful he says but really just a dreary existence)  and he was doing the very things he hated and the very things that he would never have wanted to do when he as a child decided that he wanted to fulfill his father's dreams. He has become a shadow of his former self.

Every encounter he had with her , every time they crossed paths - she shifted his present axis. Their encounters may have been in the hands of fate but his actions were always  a conscious decision on his part. Ironically she was never the sought of person who needed or asked for help but yet he has come to her aid countless times. Every time he helped her,  she has unknowingly helped him too. In episode 8 especially seeing her getting scammed during the informal interview finally woke him up from this slumber that he was in. Him offering her the job was not only to save her but it will save him. He will now resign as per preview and start off on his own. He finally does not have to take on cases that bugs his conscience and compromises his values.

On the subbed site I use, they translated the line before the altercation at the bar with the other lawyers (bf he passed out ) in eps 8 as :

You're not inconveniencing me, I want you to work for me again. I want to hire you.

But on another level, I kind of like how this FMV interpreted it ( very romantic of course)

FMV was nice too:

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Just some thoughts on the second leads:

1. I find myself liking JEH more with every episode. I felt his concern for NJW all the time and the last bit at the bar toilet with the other lawyers cleared any doubt about his sincerity towards NJW  and his desire to receive NJW's forgiveness.
2. The ex gf - ahhh crap I have forgotten her name .....eheheh...but honestly I  sort of like her as well. (sort of being the operative word here) Don't get me wrong - I don't want her with NJW and I don't condone cheating but there are more layers to her than just the evil-ex. ( @Dhakra some possibilities for you here). I liked that she had a very strong sense of justice and I liked her forthright character - she admitted to cheating upfront. Perhaps it might bug some that she's planning to just pretend like it didn't happen & that she was so thick skinned to go and ask him for reconciliation, but oh well he who has no sin cast the first stone. I liked the girl power on display , when both girls took down those thieves at the cafe. If not for NJW, it could potentially turn into a great friendship.



I agree with you, No Ji Wook helping Bong Hee is actually helping him as well and when her intering his life was act of fate now he wants her and is inviting her into his life willingly!! :D  

actually the translation of the MV is more correct, he asked her to be his person again!! :wink::wub: and thank you forthe MV chingu!! :wub: 

1/ yeah, though I triednot to like him figuring he's the one whocheated on No Ji Wook with his girlfiend then, I couldn't but love him the more I saw how he really love and care for No Ji Wook and really want to win his forgiveness!! 

2/ never memorised her name till now hhhh , but yeah I was prepared to hate her on sight but she showed that she's more than just a cheating ex-girlfriend!! I'll hate her everytime I see the pain look in No Ji Wook's face and I hate her attempt to play it as if nothing happened but she'll fail in it from the get go since he still remember and her pretense won't make him forget still she can make up for her mistake by helping them with their killer case?!! she's the only procecutor who they can get help from after all!! 

2 hours ago, evie7 said:

I'm so in love w/JW in this drama, you can tell that despite his misgivings about their "ill fate" he can't help caring for her. I love BH as much and that says a lot since I'm always going on about the lead actors in a series. I can't wait to watch next week for our OTP's working together, living together. JW should just propose, just go w/the flow, fate's involved why fight it?  

@Miky88 I'm happy you brought up that this 'killer' didn't feel right. I hope we do get to see DoHa in this drama. I was excited that he was cast too. Loved him in MK. I'm leaning towards @Era Ferawati's theory that the DA may behind this and that the KCIS guy has been planted to frame BH. I'm not able to back read everything on this thread so if I'm bringing up stuff that has already been said mianhae chingus.

I loved that we got a chance to fangirl w/BH


Poor JCW you know there were a lot of woman nodding their heads to this scene. I felt so bad to watch JW just going through the motions of life w/out BH in it. I loved that scene when he showed he could be just as dramatic as her when he went into his analogy about lawyers and the movie The Devil's Advocate. It was hilarious and what people seem to feel about lawyers until they need one:D.


hhhhhhhh love your idea "just propose!!" :lol: 

if you mean Dong Ha, then he'll be a client that will bring an important case for No Ji Wook and Bong Hee!! and I don't think the creepy fake NCIS is from DA to frame Bong Hee!! not that the DA is far from doing that because I have no doubt he can do it, but more it's about the creepy young man himself who have a psycho killer vibe in him!!

I loved that too!! I always love it when the leading lady is a fangirl like us!! hhhhhh :wub: 

hhhhhhhhh he's always (hillariousely) dramatic over his hatered toward lawyers and hateful clients!! :lol: 

1 hour ago, ilwoo_aein said:

making video with Eng sub 



thank you so much for sharing chingu!! :wub: 

@bedifferent loved and agree with all you said!! :D 

1 hour ago, bedifferent said:
  • DA Jang is even more set at destroying lawyer Noh than BH.  Why?


No Ji Wook is the one who ruined his plan to imprison Bong Hee and made it impossible for him to get her without a firm evidence that she's the real murderer and he (No Ji Wook) will remain an obstacle for him to get Bong Hee now that he made it clear he'll be helping her so he's his great ennemie who's holdig him from getting his justice from Bong Hee according to his stupid brain!! and I really want to see him fall down and lose all the power he's using against them now!! 

1 hour ago, bedifferent said:
  • I like JW’s ex-girlfriend Cha Yoo Jung. She stood up for a wrong so she’s not all devoid of conscience.  I am not convinced of awful second leads yet.  I also said the same of EH.  I am setting myself up for disappointment, am I?


hope not, I hope for the same thing like you!!

1 hour ago, bedifferent said:
  • Let’s put a face to a name.  Say hi and thank you to these two.  They’re responsible for your SP addiction.  Scriptwriter and Kwon Ki-Young (left) and PD Park Sun-Ho (right).  She did a fantastic job with the Hello Monster script too.



I'm so thankful to them for this drama!! (and her for I Remember You too :D

@evie7 I believe they are since Bong Hee's mother commented on how she went to visiting room before for Bong Hee's father and stoped talking half way and No Ji Wook's father was a procecutor add to it No Ji Wook commented on how Bong Hee as a child looked familiar to him so they definitely met when they were kids!! and now the DA's comment how No Ji Wook made his father's mistake ensured my theory that No Ji Wook's father was the procecutor on Bong Hee's father's case and saved him just like No Ji Wook did with Bong Hee but sadly looks like he died for it!! 

hhhhhhhh I know!! it's crazy to have many dramas to fall in love with at the same time but it's so exciting and fun that I'm grateful for!! :D 

I can't wait for it too!! :wub: 

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23 hours ago, athena22 said:

I really liked the scene from last episode saying:

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"Because you are my person"

"Come back to me "

"Work with me" 

It was as if JW wanted BH to be with him forever. He mentions on the earlier in the  episode about being invaded of his space and wanting to protect BH like a guardian.  So he is starting to notice her presence in his life. Even though when he met BH  2 years ago and known her for  2 months she became one of the important aspect of his life. He could connect to her because they shared same kind of past. So when she was gone for 2 years he felt a big hole in his life just like @sharreb mentioned (loved your post dear :wub:) his daily life became mundane. His yesterdays ,todays and tomorrows became more blurred. Her absence became more noticeable to him.So when he helped her again in this scene he saw through her. He asks her to come back to him in a way he is asking her to fill the void, invade his space.. Ironically, BH's invasion of his space is his comfort zone.. JW asking her to come back may look like he did it out of sympathy but it was out of his concern and protectiveness for her.

A person speaks truth when he is drunk right??So when he said you are my person he meant it. (Actually it reminded me of the show "Grey's anatomy".) It can have a whole set of meaning to it. It can mean literally you are my person (just as an object ,here he didn't mean it that way) There is a very big difference between being someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend and being someone’s person. Being someones person is like you have deep connections with them you understand them and know them very well.He didn't quite say it in love context instead he says it in more deeper way. He means that she is the person whom he can understand, and can't be mad at or angry at.And the person whom he can go to. Till now JW is shown to be lonely other than his interaction with colleagues. But now with BH he seems to be lively again.When you’re someone’s person, you stand by her through every hardship, through every heartbreak, and through every argument. And JW had done all this in her life so the connection of BH being "his" person is quite well established. Moreover he couldn't stay angry with her forever and spoke casually to her giving a sense of closeness in the speech.

On the whole this whole scene depicted his loneliness and longing-ness (there is no word like that :tongue:) to be next to her. Finally made him to ask her to come back to him.He may seem ignorant about his feelings yet but he does definitely acknowledge her presence in his life.

Sorry cute2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862498for my ignorant rumblings I can't write that well as many of you here so here is my random thought...I'm really falling for  the drama and OTP's interactions

(Good night/morning all pretty late up writing this  in my part of the world ^_^)

Shoutout to some of my chingus (some who still can't move from swdbs) here  try out this show you may end up liking it:D sorry if I tag you and you are already here..

@ferily @sebastian27 @Era Ferawati(visit here when you are free ..:D) @kdramachoseme(sorry tagged you so that you finish rest 4 epi LOL) @lingx2 @duzylou @xscalsve 

I love your post ! Especially the part I highlighted beause it didn't crossed my mind one second ! I wasn't thinking he said it in a love context, he doesn't know he loves her yet. But what you said about the deep meaning of being someone person, I just love it ! I also noticed he doesn't stay angry at her very long. Since the beginning, when he's angry at her, he just screams on her but right after he looks at her face and as if all his angerness disappeared, he'll talk to her on a soft tone.

20 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


were you in W thread too?!! :)  

I understand you chingu, those looks!! :wub: 

yeah it won't be smooth for sure, she's bringing back the hurtful memories again-though he never forgot but seing her again is like oppening the unhealed wound again :(-and she'll try to get him back and obviously won't give up easily but he's not interested and Bong Hee will help him against her this time like he helped her against her cheating boyfriend!! :wink: 

PS: chingu, can you please remove the quoted gifs from your post?!! it's against soompi rules, thank you in advance!! :) 

love his coming from no where "I'm drunk"!! :wub: why so cute?!! :wub::wub::wub:

cr: omokdramas

Loved it too ! It was so out of the blue ! After seeing smiling when he saw her, and then say that, I just felt he just said it because he could, simply. You know, like when you come home and tell your day naturally, the important and the pointless, because at the end of the day you have someone to go to and say it to, simply. Well, maybe I'm putting too much meaning into it, but that's how it appears to me, he was just someone who got home and tell his situation though nobody asked, maybe because I'm like that, lol.

1 hour ago, bedifferent said:

Hello :) Congrats to me for being one of the last people to see episode 7/8 subbed.  Almost everything has been said about this gem of a show.  I am just adding a few things.

  • For a split second, I was worried for NJH when BH keeps hitting herself in back of her head to physically snaps her out of it.  It’s cute if you noticed that NJW’s habit is to scratch his hair whenever he is confused.  Ahhh, these two are so much alike.
  • The scenes that impressed me in this episode. After BH animatedly reenacted to JW what happened in the office, the dialogue turned poignant toward how she actually is glad that the culprit turned up after two years.  During those years, she became an outcast in the legal world, at the verge of going broke and desperately needed to be hired somewhere so she stay afloat. She then goes on telling how her mom smiles outwardly like she’s fine but cries silently inside because of the unfair shame casted on her daughter. It brought me back to the interrogation room where BH told EH that she is trying hard to finish law school to support her mom.  It was a sad admission by BH that she had failed.  This puts in context the consequences of the crime and her life in the last two years for JW.  JW feels too how his life has changed like her, not for the better.  I thought it effectively connects JW to BH, as he again sympathizes with her because he understands what they are going through. He became aware of her struggles during the last two years. Now that the killer has shown up, she has a chance to clear her name and help JW gets back his prosecutor job.  She feels that she has to find out who the killer is for her, for her mom and for JW since he lost his prosecutor job over her.  I love how she puts into the tangibles her sense of honor, morals, and code of conduct.  She won him over at this moment. JW replied quietly that he hopes she will catch the culprit and surprised her with the after phrase, together.  This was where JW allows her back to his life.  He understands her thoughtfulness and resiliency (the good side of being obsessive).  Several scenes later, JW meet with prosecutor to get the dash cam video in hope of clearing her name. I thought that was a series of absolutely great writing.
  • When BH said that she feels indebted to JW for using his place and acknowledged that it’s a temporary situation, JW’s eyes let us know right away that he doesn’t want it to end.  How can she think that he’s a rock?  I love how BH never lets herself be victimized or defeated.  Her positive attitude is winsome.
  • Can I say that I hope JW will change his mind and offer BH a partnership, not an associate position, in his new law firm?

Credit: SBS PD Note

Sorry to cut your post, you pointed out so many interesting stuff ! ^^

1- True, they both have a certain habit with their head.

2- I just love how BH is open and speaks up for herself. So glad she just said her true situation, she could have keep it up for the safe of her pride in front of the one she loves but no, she simply said things how they are, though it may hurt to admit it. And also this way, like you said, he realized her situation.

3- I loved JW's expression during that scene, it's like he was thinking : "You want to leave ? Why ? I didn't even ask you to" Lol. You could tell he didn't crossed his mind she will leave one day nor does he wants her to leave.

4- Gosh, how cool and great would that be for them to be partner ! But I don't think we'll get that at first, maybe by the end of the drama ? Let's hope !

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30 minutes ago, moreenke said:

You know, like when you come home and tell your day naturally, the important and the pointless, because at the end of the day you have someone to go to and say it to, simply. Well, maybe I'm putting too much meaning into it, but that's how it appears to me, he was just someone who got home and tell his situation though nobody asked, maybe because I'm like that, lol.

3- I loved JW's expression during that scene, it's like he was thinking : "You want to leave ? Why ? I didn't even ask you to" Lol. You could tell he didn't crossed his mind she will leave one day nor does he wants her to leave.

4- Gosh, how cool and great would that be for them to be partner ! But I don't think we'll get that at first, maybe by the end of the drama ? Let's hope !


Ohhh yes... that's it. He's been alone since his dad passed away (not sure why his mom doesn't live in same house?).  He needs someone to come home to.  :)

Did you notice the security company's name for his house is "Genius"? :D

Despite knowing how BH's tendency to ramble, JW was like "Ohh, she makes sense this time!"  HIs eyes didn't glazed over. :D

58 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:

2/ never memorised her name till now hhhh , but yeah I was prepared to hate her on sight but she showed that she's more than just a cheating ex-girlfriend!! I'll hate her everytime I see the pain look in No Ji Wook's face and I hate her attempt to play it as if nothing happened but she'll fail in it from the get go since he still remember and her pretense won't make him forget still she can make up for her mistake by helping them with their killer case?!! she's the only prosecutor who they can get help from after all!! 

No Ji Wook is the one who ruined his plan to imprison Bong Hee and made it impossible for him to get her without a firm evidence that she's the real murderer and he (No Ji Wook) will remain an obstacle for him to get Bong Hee now that he made it clear he'll be helping her so he's his great ennemie who's holdig him from getting his justice from Bong Hee according to his stupid brain!! and I really want to see him fall down and lose all the power he's using against them now!! 


@triplem ooohhhh, you're right.  She would be in a position to help both of them.  Helping BH is helping JW too :D I hope us three are right!  

I don't think she cheated with EH.  My instinct tells me that it is with someone to advance her legal career.  She seems like an ambitious strong lady who just had a lapse in judgment.

KCSI guy is the red herring. The real killer always have headphones on.  

I am confused at the end.  He took the house entry key from her office and enter someone's house.  Is that the key that was dropped by the real killer that night?  If he is not the killer (who comes home), then who is the victim? :huh:

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19 minutes ago, moreenke said:

Loved it too ! It was so out of the blue ! After seeing smiling when he saw her, and then say that, I just felt he just said it because he could, simply. You know, like when you come home and tell your day naturally, the important and the pointless, because at the end of the day you have someone to go to and say it to, simply. Well, maybe I'm putting too much meaning into it, but that's how it appears to me, he was just someone who got home and tell his situation though nobody asked, maybe because I'm like that, lol.


I agree with you, I felt the same way too!! he said it only because he wanted to and felt like telling her so!! :wub: I think this is his 1st time feeling like "I'm home" kind of feeling in a long time!!

27 minutes ago, moreenke said:

3- I loved JW's expression during that scene, it's like he was thinking : "You want to leave ? Why ? I didn't even ask you to" Lol. You could tell he didn't crossed his mind she will leave one day nor does he wants her to leave.

4- Gosh, how cool and great would that be for them to be partner ! But I don't think we'll get that at first, maybe by the end of the drama ? Let's hope !


right!! :D and he made sure to invite her into his life after realising that she hasplans to leave!! sweet!! :wub: 

well this drama is "Suspicious Partner" so they are Partners, right?!! :wink: 

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25 minutes ago, bedifferent said:


Ohhh yes... that's it. He's been alone since his dad passed away (not sure why his mom doesn't live in same house?).  He needs someone to come home to.  :)

Did you notice the security company's name for his house is "Genius"? :D

Despite knowing how BH's tendency to ramble, JW was like "Ohh, she makes sense this time!"  HIs eyes didn't glazed over. :D


@triplem ooohhhh, you're right.  She would be in a position to help both of them.  Helping BH is helping JW too :D I hope us three are right!  

I don't think she cheated with EH.  My instinct tells me that it is with someone to advance her legal career.  She seems like an ambitious strong lady who just had a lapse in judgment.

KCSI guy is the red herring. The real killer always have headphones on.  

I am confused at the end.  He took the house entry key from her office and enter someone's house.  Is that the key that was dropped by the real killer that night?  If he is not the killer (who comes home), then who is the victim? :huh:


I don't think he have a passionate mother-son relationship with his mother from the look of it!! she's too shallow to be honest!! :huh:

hhhhhh yeah I saw it!! :D

well sometimes she makes sens to his surprise!! :lol: 

hope so!! :) 

hhhhh don't know which one is worst: cheating on him with his best friend or to have a better career!! :huh: each one is worst than the other!! 

oh yeah!! but what if he took it off because he's on pretense?!! and if he's not the killer then why is he in a murder place than?!! I'm sure he's linked to the killer somehow if he's not the killer!! and how did he find out about the killer dropping that key in Bong Hee's office if he's not the killer?!!

yes he used the key he/the killer dropped on Bong Hee's office and he took it back but whose house he entered and did he kill him or did he come to clean after the killer?!! hmmmmm

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love how indifferent No Ji Wook pretends to be only for his actions to prove otherwise!! :lol: 










Noh Ji Wook - Ji Eun Hyuk / Suspicious Partner


cr: pizbola

and love how Bong Hee is the only person that's making No Ji Wook let Eun Hyuk in, even for a short time before cutting him out again!! :lol::D 

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2 hours ago, bedifferent said:


Ohhh yes... that's it. He's been alone since his dad passed away (not sure why his mom doesn't live in same house?).  He needs someone to come home to.  :)

Did you notice the security company's name for his house is "Genius"? :D

Despite knowing how BH's tendency to ramble, JW was like "Ohh, she makes sense this time!"  HIs eyes didn't glazed over. :D


@triplem ooohhhh, you're right.  She would be in a position to help both of them.  Helping BH is helping JW too :D I hope us three are right!  

I don't think she cheated with EH.  My instinct tells me that it is with someone to advance her legal career.  She seems like an ambitious strong lady who just had a lapse in judgment.

KCSI guy is the red herring. The real killer always have headphones on.  

I am confused at the end.  He took the house entry key from her office and enter someone's house.  Is that the key that was dropped by the real killer that night?  If he is not the killer (who comes home), then who is the victim? :huh:

Oh, I didn't even notice, lol ! Nice name !

Yes, another thing I love about JW, he always listen to BH even though she oftenly told him nonsense, while you can tell he's not the kind to listen or care about others say.

2 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


I agree with you, I felt the same way too!! he said it only because he wanted to and felt like telling her so!! :wub: I think this is his 1st time feeling like "I'm home" kind of feeling in a long time!!


right!! :D and he made sure to invite her into his life after realising that she hasplans to leave!! sweet!! :wub: 

well this drama is "Suspicious Partner" so they are Partners, right?!! :wink: 

Lol, true ! I forgot we had "Partner" in the title of the drama ! >_<

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8 minutes ago, moreenke said:

Yes, another thing I love about JW, he always listen to BH even though she oftenly told him nonsense, while you can tell he's not the kind to listen or care about others say.

Lol, true ! I forgot we had "Partner" in the title of the drama ! >_<


true!! :D she always get his attention!! :wink: 

happy halped you with it!! :tongue::D 

found MVs!! :wub: 


english translation: 


Am I not confident that I’ll meet another guy like you?
It’s not obsession but I can’t get over you
Actually, I only have you
Without you, I’m so sad
When I’m laying alone in my bed without you, baby

Tears fall down
My heart starts to beat (when I think of you)
My heart cries
My world falls apart

Rain falls in my heart
Today and tomorrow will be like yesterday
Tears fall down like rain (like rain)
It’s still raining
This night is never ending, so lately
These days, my tears fall like rain
It’s raining right now

It’s like I’m dreaming, I see you next to me
When I draw back the curtains, I don’t see the dazzling sunlight today
Actually, I stayed up all night last night, tears, please put me to sleep
I still can’t take a step out of my empty room

Tears fall down
My heart starts to beat (when I think of you)
My heart cries
My world falls apart

Rain falls in my heart
Today and tomorrow will be like yesterday
Tears fall down like rain (like rain)
It’s still raining
This night is never ending, so lately
These days, my tears fall like rain
It’s raining right now

We used to be together but now we’re gone away (gone away yeah)
I’m leaving you behind because you won’t come back and run away
(until that day don’t let me go)
We were always together
But now tears come every day, blame it on you
I’ll erase you from my tears starting from this moment

Rain falls in my heart
Today and tomorrow will be like yesterday
Tears fall down like rain (like rain)
It’s still raining
This night is never ending, so lately
These days, my tears fall like rain
It’s raining right now


cr: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/ailee/teardrop.html




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5 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


and love how Bong Hee is the only person that's making No Ji Wook let Eun Hyuk in, even for a short time before cutting him out again!! :lol::D 


OH. I love what you wrote. And it's quite true. Bong Hee is probably Eun Hyuk's golden ticket to get inside Noh Ji Wook's heart again. This is maybe in parallell to Yoo Jung (ex-gf) being the main reason why he was cut-off in NJW's life. If he really did bang ('scuse me for that word) his friend's gf that is.

And @bedifferent can I just say that I literally love and making stupid verbal nods to all your posts. Loooove it! :D

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Some love begins without the owner of the heart realizing

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀that one’s love has begun.

⠀⠀ ⠀Just like the spring breeze and moist rain drops,

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀our hearts slowly get soaked with love

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀whether we realize or not.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Love gets into our heart.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀When I realized it,

⠀⠀⠀ he took a corner of my heart all of a sudden.❞  (x)



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11 hours ago, triplem said:

What defined the recent episodes for me was the inner thoughts that NJW had towards the end of eps 7:

For the last two years without Eun Bong Hee in my life... it was safe and peaceful. The lines between yesterday and today, and the lines between today and tomorrow were hazy. Yesterday was like today , and today became tomorrow day by day.  No one violated me and no one interfered with my peaceful days. But after meeting Eun Bong Hee, everything became a mess. I met a stalker. The culprit appeared. My personal space is violated. It's dangerous and tiring but it's never boring with Eun Bong Hee. 

It was significant because it was his acceptance of this "ill-fated' relationship and it seems like he is no longer trying to run away from it. If he could really read into those thoughts in his head, he would see that he has actually fallen into a rut and has lost a sense of purpose. In the last two years he has been living life rather passively (peaceful he says but really just a dreary existence)  and he was doing the very things he hated and the very things that he would never have wanted to do when he as a child decided that he wanted to fulfill his father's dreams. He has become a shadow of his former self.

Every encounter he had with her , every time they crossed paths - she shifted his present axis. Their encounters may have been in the hands of fate but his actions were always  a conscious decision on his part. Ironically she was never the sort of person who needed or asked for help but yet he has come to her aid countless times. Every time he helped her,  she has unknowingly helped him too. In episode 8 especially seeing her getting scammed during the informal interview finally woke him up from this slumber that he was in. Him offering her the job was not only to save her but it will save him. He will now resign as per preview and start off on his own. He finally does not have to take on cases that bugs his conscience and compromises his values.

On the subbed site I use, they translated the line after the altercation at the bar with the other lawyers (bf he passed out ) in eps 8 as :

You're not inconveniencing me, I want you to work for me again. I want to hire you.

But on another level, I kind of like how this FMV interpreted it ( very romantic of course)


I preferred it to be the romantic meaning... all that he has said to EBH  has a double connotation to it... and if I were EBH I would def take the romantic connotation to what he has said. She even wonders what NJW meant when he said that..... NJW is slowly accepting all that has happened ill-fated or not... as meant to be and he is sucked into it with the fleeting feelings for NJW.

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i spent my weekend re-watching all four episodes (i still use the old formatting, so in my mind we are 4 episodes in. habits are hard to break B)).

you know, i really wonder what happened that caused Ji-wook and Eun-hyuk to be drifted away. although, drifted may not be the most suitable word, more like... Ji-wook cuts off their friendship ties? or something. Ji-wook seems to be telling or reminding Eun-hyuk all the times that he hates Eun-hyuk ("You are the worst. I already hate you."). like most of everyone, i don't want Eun-hyuk to be the guy that Yoo-jung cheated Ji-wook with, as for me cheating is kinda unforgivable. i hope it's something else.

and the relationship with his mom - i wonder if his parents are divorced. it seems that all his memories when he was a child centered around his dad, and i dont see his mom... yet. probably there will be in future episodes, but what i gathered is that he's a bit distant with his mom, and moreso he doesnt live with her. and i cant with his mom - she was played by the same actress as Park Do-kyung's mom (another oh hae young) so everytime she comes on screen i just laughed.

i love how Bong-hee keep asking Ji-wook whether he's worrying about her - that is so cute. and most of the time, Ji-wook will reply that he's not, but i have the feeling that this will be somekind of running theme - he's actually worrying about her, because Bong-hee is really impulsive and Ji-wook will be the one that end up worrying about her to death. like @triplem mentioned, everytime Bong-hee is around Ji-wook, i think he can't help but starts to seek out to her and be more alert. like when he hold the chair for her - that might be impulsive but if you pay no attention at all, you wont see the chair is rolling away (i know because my friend once fell off the chair, and being a bad friend, i laughed out loud to her clumsiness. i didnt see she's gonna fall lol)



this scene is like saying - when you want to let go, but he unconciously tells you not to.



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1 hour ago, chasingdaisy said:

when you want to let go, but he unconciously tells you not to.

:heart: ya the sweetest thing is hes the one making sure she stays within reach, in His realm so she really couldnt hold on to that 100m restriction.

Love the gifs @athena22 @supergal99 

And as @triplem pointed out JW has totally accepted EBH. He doesnt wanna run away from her.

Sth about this faraway shot that i love


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