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[KBS Drama 2017] Fight for My Way 쌈 마이웨이 - Park Seojoon & Kim Jiwon | Mon-Tue


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Sigh, really hates it when one uses other people for one's benefit.  DM is being played again.

Hopefully, he will really listen to his coach than being reckless and hurt himself badly.

The video clips for today's:











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UGHHHH!!!!  Why didn't he listen to Coach-nim???!!!  Tak-su and his people are straight up evil!!!! AND I HATE tomorrow's preview!!!  I hope this is not a totally depressing week.for our fantastic four....................


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AeRa: It hurts!

AeRa: Why are you causing such trouble? Why are you touching my rice bowl (my job)?!

DongMan: Are you still going to continue working there even after kneeling like that?

AeRa: They said it would end with a kneel. Are knees everything?

DongMan: What?

AeRa: (You) could have just closed your eyes (turned a blind eye). Just... like there was nothing going on.

AeRa: Just... Just~! (You) could just be like, blind, acting like nothing happened, pretend like you know nothing about me kneeling, just...- Just be like that.

AeRa: Ah, my feet hurt. They hurt to death. Eo... they're in there, my slippers, and my bag, and my clothes, all of my things are in there and I have to take them though. So embarrassing, sheesh.

AeRa: Why do you keep being like that in front of them? All because of you. Whoa, it wasn't even anything though... *cries*


She was lying that it was okay even though she so obviously couldn't hold back her tears from the humiliation...



(It's okay, it's unemployment.)


[By the way, the orange thief is the wife of one of the managers in the mall, isn't she?]


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33 minutes ago, aunniek said:
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UGHHHH!!!!  Why didn't he listen to Coach-nim???!!!  Tak-su and his people are straight up evil!!!! AND I HATE tomorrow's preview!!!  I hope this is not a totally depressing week.for our fantastic four....................



It seems DM did not learn from previous mistakes.  He needs to "relearn" or "unlearn" his skill first before entering the ring.  .. am wondering how long will Ae Ra be his manager? 

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THE LIVE RECAP IS DONE! I have it in the spoiler! Will start updating and adding other fun goodies throughout the day/week!




They are saying Dong-man is easy but everyone is backing him up. EX tells them not to go overboard, but Area tells them she will go overboard from now on. She has to step over her body to get to Dong-man. EX said Fighting! and she is leaving. Dong-man is looking around and Area looks mad. DM goes back into his room and answers his phone. it is from EX, she says she misses him a lot. He kicks something. Coach calls.

She is brushing her teeth. “Dong-man, is he laying in your bed?” She is looking at the Naver #1 search from the last episode and realizes it is Dong-man. DM meets coach, Coach came to pick up DM. Coach asks why DM is speaking quietly and they say the crazy girl lives here.

Area comes out : You, what did you do in that video? Are you a thug? Are you going to hit people? Know who pumped you up! You did it Ajushi!!!!
Coach – I didn’t do it, I only attract women, not men.
DM – it was coach.
Aera – come to my department store, don’t go to C-s MMA gym. If you don’t come then I will go to your gym and invade it.
Coach – “Go to Aera’s department store.

Hair salon, he is looking at the viral video. They are embarrassed by the video. TS has a pictorial today. but he lost two commercials because of that video. His coach said he needs to work out for the pectoral, not just take care of his hair. It looks like the viral video is a big issue online. The manager came in and is talking to TS about it. TS said you are not so smart.

It is the pectoral/interview now. He is saying he doesn’t have to respond to the viral video. He doesn’t fight thugs, he is a professional fighter

Dong-man is watching the interview on TV, is is upset because TS is saying DOng-man is a thug. TS said if DM wins a pro fight then TS will fight him. Coach said to not watch it and just do some jump rope. He didn’t work out for 10 years so he needs some conditioning. DM said he never stopped exercising because he worked for movers and all those kinds of jobs. Coach hit him upside the head and said he will get hurt if he goes to the ring like this. DM said listen to coach! Coach said no it means no! Coach gave DM gloves and told him to run around the trash 10 times.

Aera is applying for the KBC job online. It is asking her to confirm . She confirmed! So she applied for the KBC position. She is taking her photo (maybe a tiny flashback from last episode) the photographer is asking her what type of photo it is, and she said it is an announcer photo.

The manager came in and asked her what she is doing. She said she is just surfing the internet. He gave her a drink to cheer her up. She said what is this and he said it was just something. He said if they have another announcer job then he will just support her because the announcer they have now will probably get married soon because she is pretty. Area said, it’s okay, once I decided, I will not come running back. It is a playful moment between them. She wants to see the security department.

DM is running and the bad guys manager came and looks shady. It looks ike he is pretending that he does not know TS. 

DM is a teakwood 5th degree! Area is trying to get DM a job in the security department. They are interested and she is pumping him up. She said he is handsome, he isn’t smart, but for security it is better to have a handsome guy. The two guys talking are friends. They are using banmal to each other.



The bad manager wants DM to debut tomorrow. He said if it isn’t tomorrow then DM will not be able to debut. C is all like “What are you trying to say?” The manager said TS is blocking DM everywhere so DM won’t be able to debut anywhere. Coach knows it is all fake and doesn’t like what this guy is saying. The red suit used to be TS waiter and wants to have a new face to be the manager of. Coach said he is taking care of DM’s life and they will not fight that match because DM is not ready. Red suit said he is only betting on someone who can be successful. Red suit is betting his life on DM, just come with him and trust him.

Texting DM and telling him to show up. DM said he is not showing up at Aera’s work. They are watching the security cameras and they see a shoplifter. DM showed up at Aera’s information desk and they are talking/arguing. Area wants him to go to the security desk and get a job there. He wants to do MMA. They are still arguing over that. He says, have a good time.” and leaves. Area say the shoplifter alumna and chased after her. She said customer, did you have a nice time shopping? Was is great? 

Shopper – Do you want to talk to me? just go away.
Aera – I’m sorry, I am so sorry
Shopper – put it all back inside (everything fell on the floor)
Shopper – did you see a watch? A watch?
Aera – suctomeer I did not tell you it was a watch.
Shopper – you made a big mistake!
Area took her purse and found the watch in the hat!
Aera – It wasn’t my mistake

Aera is being reprimanded. DM wants to know why Aera has to say sorry even though she caught a thief. Shopper said “THIEF???” and they went to the VVIP room. Area told DM to leave and not come inside because she knows what is about to happen.

Aera is being yelled at by the Shopper. Her manager is being yelled at too. The shopper said she is the second whife of a rich man and he just wanted to show the watch to him. Area said, why did you hide it in your hat if you wanted to buy it? The shopper is saying she won’t buy anything from them anymore. The manager is telling Aera to apologize now. Area doesn’t want to, but she does. The shopper is still yelling at her.

Shopper – what should I do to her to make me feel okay?

Dm is wondering why Area is not being rewarded for catching a thief. Area comes back outside and she looks somber. The shopper is still yelling and saying to train your people well. DM saw some dust on Aera’s knee which meant she had to kneel to that woman. That is why DM pulled her away. DM is yelling at the Ajumma and said how can you treat another human like that. VVIP or whatever, you are a thief! And she in an employee who caught the thief.

She is telling him that it is not a big deal. She just kneeled once, it is not a big deal. She can just Stand at the information desk again. Nothing happened. No-one knows that she kneeled. Area is tearing up while she is explaining this to Dong-man. She said she has to go back in and get all her belongings (if she quits) and it looks like she doesn’t want to quit. He is just standing there looking at her but she keeps telling him that it wasn’t a big deal, but because of him, she is fired. He hugs her and she cries. DM is patting her on the back. The writing says: It’s okay if you don’t have a job

His cellphone went off, it is Sul-hee. She asked if her is still at work and he said yes. The cheobal showed up! Sh is dressed down and she said she heard he worked late today. Sul-hee is coming too!! She brought some homemade food. DM and the cheobal are eating together with the food that the cheobal brought for him. They are talking and Cheobol is smiling at him. She said she isn’t working for a hobby, she wants to be a hard worker. She said she wants to work there just because of JM, they are laughing now because the cheobaol burped. SH just walked in and sees them laughing!!! The other girl said hello and JM is like “??!!??”

They are walking SH out and SH and Cheobal have on the same hoodie. Cheobaol said she bought it oversees but she is sad because a lot of people are wearing fakes. (not referring to SH’s, she just said that). Cheobol has to leave now (she got a phone call). Sul-hee and JM are together and walking.

They have a message that they need to pay for their rent. AR showed the text to DM and said, “why are you making so much trouble?” DM said he will take care of AR and make her his manager, his sports manager. He said he is looking for one. AR says, You got me fired and you are talking that BS now? Shut up (she said a lot of curse words).

They are making the rich announcer work the information desk until they find another one. The manager liked it when Area quit, it seemed like it was something he wanted to do. Moo-bin came in to see AR and they jut told him that she quit.

Dong-man – Want to drink together, us unemployed people together? Area told DM to just go to bed early and she is tucking in his shirt and she just patted him on the booty. He hit her booty and ran to his apartment.

SH is in the apartment and looking at a text message. It is from the intern. Ah, it is to JM cell phone! The intern is saying that she wants to have a date with JM in Yeoido, but he ignored the movie tickets. This time he should not ignore the tickets.

SH is a blogger and she wants to take a nice picture with JM. JM and SH are in JM’s apartment and talking. He said he is busy Saturday. She said don’t lie to me. He said the intern told me to help her prepare her presentation blah blah blah, if I help her then she will buy me food and stuff. He said she is actually not good. SH said, just help her. JM said, we can have our date the following week and we can eat something nice.

JM is texting on the bed. SH is looking at him. JM said he is helping some guy intern. SH is sad and concerned. She is looking at her Instagram. JM cuddles up to SH on the bed. SH looks really concerned and is crying, but trying not to cry. Kind of tearing up.

It is date day so AR is putting on a lot of face products and cosmetics. JM is watching the soccer match and DM is looking at AR. DM is laughing at SH and AR as the y do cute girl things with their hair and makeup. They are play hand fighting and doing cute girly things. DM and JM are talking about them and telling them to surf the internet.

SH and AR are talking about Moo-bin. DM said AR needs to come come by 19:00. AR said I am Choi Aera, I am up here and you are down here. DM said I will call your dad if you don’t call back on time! I will tell your dad that you sprayed perfume on your chest!!!!

Area is talking to the apartment owner. They are talking back and forth


Someone is texting him dating tips and telling him how to put his arm when he backs up the car. AR shows up and Area gets in. Dong-man is looking at them from the apartment. They are in the car now and Moo-bin is doing the cool thing his friend told him todo. He was holding her hair not the car seat!!! AR said he backs up very strangely.

They are going to nephews 1st year birthday party together. SH is asking the details about the “guy” intern. SH has an excellent memory and is repeating everything that JM said to her. SH said she will tell that guy to not bother JM and for that guy to do it.

They are cooking together and talking about dating plans. JM is like “Ahhhhhhh, we can just eat at work. We should eat with all the interns.”
Intern – are you just ditching me? I will prepare the presentation
Okay, so he is really helping with a presentation.
Intern – she broke up with her boyfriend because he is a playboy, she likes JM because he is not accepting her. She wants to date him, does he have a girlfriend?

They are in their company kitchen, their boss comes in and spoils the mood.

SH – did you use the perfect hair flip to attract him?
Area flipped her hair like Beyonce and is looking very pretty and innocent. She said, what? Why re you looking at me like that?
Moo-bin – are you uncomfortable? Why is you neck like that? Your bone is sticking out!
Area – this is my muscle
Moo-bin – ah, you have some strong muscles!

She is texting JM and asking him who he is going to lunch with? JM said he is not eating much. SH is looking for him. She is looking all around the company for JM. She see’s the chaeobal intern and she is following her. She sees that the intern is cooking with JM. Intern is asking how to do things and JM is telling her. JM burned himself and the Intern is wiping his chest. JM said she shouldn’t rub his nipples.

SH steps up and said she wants to taste it so she can sell it better. Give her some food please. The guy there was the man intern JM was helping (I think). SH want to make JM jealous so she is giving a drink to Kim chan-oh (male intern). She is asking him lot of questions. SH is smiling.


DM showed up and told the intern that they need to prepare their presentation. The man intern told JM that the cheobol intern said she will do all the work. JM gave the man-intern a lot of work to do.


The other Emma guy is jealous of DM. He kicked him and said, If you don’t want to do it then just leave. DM said anyone can play an immature match, why are they stopping him. C said it is because DM is acting stupid. TS came and is puffing out his chest. TS wants to talk to coach. TS said his manager came her, he knows why he came here, do you know who he is? Are you about to debut? You are still honest? Coach – you are still behaving bad?

I their past is revealed then it will big a big deal. TS Appa does not want it to come out and said he will give DM a big job for the rest of his life and to never debut. TS said DM should just give up and accept all the little things TS gives him. A mind fight broke out, but it was nothing. DM is angry.

Area is super confused, she doesn’t know how to order anything. Area said she can pay for it. Moo-bin said she will pay for it because this is important and Area can pay for something else. AR and Moo-bin are kind of arguing a little bit. Moo-bin said she wouldn’t tell DM to pay for it and other things about DM. AR said she likes living there. Moo-bin wants her to move closer to his place. Moo-bin is asking about her job.

Moo-bin asked about AR’s mom. Her mom is dead. She said she doesn’t want to be like her Mom, because her mom died early. She said she liked her, she was a regular mom. She fed her and fought with her and was a regular mom. Moo-bin said it looks like she got a lot of love. Area said she will go to the bathroom, but she is a little sad and is looking outside. She is wondering why she lied. It doesn’t make her feel good to lie, it makes her stomach feel bad.

Why did you look at my cell-phone? Do you not trust me? JM said he lied because he knew SH would worry. They are arguing over his white lie. He said he is not going to date the intern. SH said to just date her, don’t lie about it. JM said he isn’t. SH said it is not because of the intern, SH is sad because JM lied. He never lies to her, but now she is lying to her and is acting strange. JM is apologizing and saying he is the bad guy and is crazy. She says she is crazy. They hug.


The red guy text DM and is telling him that it is time to debut at 8:30 that day. DOng-man text Area to go to the gym because his debut is at 8:30

Area is in the car and saw the text. She said she has to leave. Can they do the highlight of the date another time? Can he just drop her off? She has to go to Chongdam.

Dong-man is fighting a Brazilian fighter (they are really good). DM said he didn’t tell his coach about the fight.

They are talking about watching MMA and being playful outside. Area is all like, I can handle it. DM is all like, you came here to see my game. Area said she came because it is his debut and his retirement. Kids who don’t listen should be hurt, then they won’t do bad things anymore.

Now they are preparing and Area is kind of looking around at the guys there. It is pretty empty in there with only fighters. She gave him his mouthpiece and he went inside the ring/octagon. They are fighting and Area is eating something and watching the game. The other guy is really good and DM is getting hit a lot. AR is concerned and is scared and is stunned. DM looks really bad and has a rear naked choke. Dong-man is choked out and unconscious. The red manager shot it all on video and they are going to put it online to make DM look bad. It was their plan all along.

The bad guys got in the car and the TS coach asked if they called the ambulance (he seems nice). The manager and TS don’t care and didn’t call an ambulance. DM is still out cold and Area is super concerned about him. She is up against the fence looking at him and no-on is helping him. He is just laying there.

DOng man and AERA are hiding behind a car. They said they don’t have a job and they are hiding something. Now they are running away. Ah! They wrote something on the car! They wrote that that woman is a Thief Thief Thief! The husband knows she is a thief and yelled at her.

JM is angry that the company people do not treat SH well.

DM’s EX makes an appearance and told Aera that Area is poor because she always hags around DM but is not his girlfriend. EX said a crazy girl is better than a poor girl.

Area told DM that they should stay as friends and she doesn’t want to hear crazy things from EX. And to maintain their line and no touching and all that stuff.


Dong-man fought a Brazilian fighter and Brazilian fighter are know for having AMAZING Juijitsu so they are always submitting people on the ground with arm bars or rear naked chokes. Dong-man is a stand-up fighter so he knows nothing about Jujitsu or ground fighting, that is why his coach was telling him that he is not ready because even a white belt jujitsu person would be able to beat Dong-man. I think Dong-man will start to learn some take-down defense in the next episode!



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4 minutes ago, Yongzura said:


It seems DM did not learn from previous mistakes.  He needs to "relearn" or "unlearn" his skill first before entering the ring.  .. am wondering how long will Ae Ra be his manager? 

He needs to learn what MMA is really all about.  And Tak-su needs to leave DM's sister the hell out of every conversation he has with DM!!!  He is just really the lowest of the low.:angry::angry:

I didn't realize that AR became his manager hmmm...........

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40 minutes ago, aunniek said:

@xxPeepsxx Would you have time to translate this one?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8MHjlSmWLA


LMAO, the prices are way too steep, esp after the landlord lady out there took her cash. But still:

AeRa: Since WooBin-ssi paid for the movie, this time, I'll buy this.

MooBin: Ai, no way/ you can't. I told you that I'd treat you to a Full Course today. And, this is really expensive. Next time, if we have Chimaek (chicken and beer), you can buy that.

AeRa: I can buy steak too though...

MooBin: Ai, that's not what I meant...

MooBin: AeRa-ssi, why do you keep being uncomfortable with me? Who cares who pays? When you're with DongMan, you're not like that though.

AeRa: Ah, well, because with DongMan... it's DongMan.

MooBin: I, actually, I don't like you being close to him. I don't like you living right in front of him and neighbourhood there isn't very good. In my neighbourhood, there are lots of office-tels (studios) - can't you move there?

AeRa: Well, I could move there. I could... but I'm emotionally attached to my house, so...

MooBin: How are you doing at the Department Store? Are there any difficulties? (Because he went right after DongMan quit for her, so obviously he knows what happened.)

AeRa: Oh, well, it's manageable.

MooBin: Women are similar to their mothers. AeRa-ssi, are you like your mother?

AeRa thinking: (We're) not similar. I don't want to be similar. I want to live a long time you know.

MooBin: Tell me your stories about your mother. It seems like you're similar to your mother.

AeRa: Just... we're just the same, well. She's like moms in other families, always fighting with me, and nagging a lot, and stubborn, and packs side-dishes for me.

MooBin: If it's like that, it's obvious that you're really loved. [This guy... dumb as a rock...] Since you're bright, it's good/ (I) like it.

AeRa: Is it like that? Ah. the toilet, a while...

AeRa: *Sigh* Why did I lie? I'm so tense. [Not sure] Eough, since I'm uncomfortable, it's even worse.


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15 minutes ago, aunniek said:

He needs to learn what MMA is really all about.  And Tak-su needs to leave DM's sister the hell out of every conversation he has with DM!!!  He is just really the lowest of the low.:angry::angry:

I didn't realize that AR became his manager hmmm...........


LOL, that was on the bus ride (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FknJDKm02r0) on their way back home after DongMan quit her from her job. They both got a text from their new landlord, demanding their rent, and she shoved her phone in his face and asks him what he's going to do. He says he'll take responsibility of it, by letting her be his manager through nepotism. After all, he's a "sports man". Pfft, AeRa didn't have nice things to say.


And here AeRa asks for two hotdogs, one to eat then and another to eat while he fights, PPFFFT. I love her. DongMan wonders if she's nervous for him, which is why she came, but no, she totally expects him to win, before dishing the insults, snapping on each syllable. HEEEEH. I love her sassy ways.

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5 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:


LMAO, the prices are way too steep, esp after the landlord lady out there took her cash. But still:

AeRa: Since WooBin-ssi paid for the movie, this time, I'll buy this.

WooBin: Ai, no way/ you can't. I told you that I'd treat you to a Full Course today. And, this is really expensive. Next time, if we have Chimaek (chicken and beer), you can buy that.

AeRa: I can buy steak too though...

WooBin: Ai, that's not what I meant...

WooBin: AeRa-ssi, why do you keep being uncomfortable with me? Who cares who pays? When you're with DongMan, you're not like that though.

AeRa: Ah, well, because with DongMan... it's DongMan.

WooBin: I, actually, I don't like you being close to him. I don't like you living right in front of him and neighbourhood there isn't very good. In my neighbourhood, there are lots of office-tels (studios) - can't you move there?

AeRa: Well, I could move there. I could... but I'm emotionally attached to my house, so...

WooBin: How are you doing at the Department Store? Are there any difficulties? (Because he went right after DongMan quit for her, so obviously he knows what happened.)

AeRa: Oh, well, it's manageable.

WooBin: Women are similar to their mothers. AeRa-ssi, are you like your mother?

AeRa thinking: (We're) not similar. I don't want to be similar. I want to live a long time you know.

WooBin: Tell me your stories about your mother. It seems like you're similar to your mother.

AeRa: Just... we're just the same, well. She's like moms in other families, always fighting with me, and nagging a lot, and stubborn, and packs side-dishes for me.

WooBin: If it's like that, it's obvious that you're really loved. [This guy... dumb as a rock...] Since you're bright, it's good/ (I) like it.

AeRa: Is it like that? Ah. the toilet, a while...

AeRa: *Sigh* Why did I lie? I'm so tense. [Not sure] Eough, since I'm uncomfortable, it's even worse.


Thank you so much @xxPeepsxx!!!!  I heard Dong man mentioned so I was curious about the conversation.  How long is she going to put up with Moo bin telling her to push Dong man away?  Unfortunately, it looks like she'll be doing it tomorrow, poor Dong man..........:cry:

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3 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:


LOL, that was on the bus ride (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FknJDKm02r0) on their way back home after DongMan quit her from her job. They both got a text from their new landlord, demanding their rent, and she shoved her phone in his face and asks him what he's going to do. He says he'll take responsibility of it, my letting her be his manager. After all, he's a "sports man". Pfft, AeRa didn't have nice things to say.


i somehow highly doubt he'll get any more gigs if she's his manager...................:D

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(not 100% accurate)


AR: DM that kid, is he going to fall for her again? (look at the video of DM and TS fighting) What’s wrong with people? Why did he hit others? Oh? Oh?!
DM: Coach, you don’t have to pick me up
Coach: We have to start exercise early. Let’s have a spartan training and debut next year
DM: Why are you whispering?
Coach: She lives in here too. You know the girl who obsesses with mic
DM: Oh Ae Ra
AR: Hey, Go Dong Man! You, what is the meaning of this video? Are you a gangster? Why are you hitting people? Are you going to do martial arts?
DM: I have decided just do it for this life. My philosophy…
AR: Philosophy?! (glancing to coach inside the car) I think I knew why suddenly you became interested in this (MMA) (to coach) Did you seduce him to do this?!
Coach: I didn’t. I only seduce woman
DM: He did
Coach: He (DM) isn’t loyal
AR: You (DM) stop following him and come over to the department store at lunch
DM: Why do you always ask me to go there?
Coach: Excuse me, you know that we have a tight schedule
AR: If I tell you to come, just come. If you don’t, I’ll be the one who go to this man’s place
Coach: You go. Go and meet her at lunch. You have to eat lunch



AR: It hurts! (because DM dragged her away by grabbing her wrist) Why are you making accident wherever you go? Why did you interfere with my job?
DM: Then are you going to continue work here after what they did to you?
AR: I just kneeled. Do you think it was a problem?
DM: What?
AR: If you ignore it then it will be okay. Just pretend that there was nothing happened. Well I can just… I can forget it and work again at information desk. There will be nothing happen. No one will know that I have kneeled. Just… Just let it be (trying so hard to hold back her tears) Ah it hurts. My feet are hurting so much. Uh, I have to go back inside. My belongings are still there. My sandals, bag, clothes, everything I own are in there. I have to bring it out. How embarrassing. Why are you still standing in front of me? This is because of you! Because of you (finally she couldn’t hold her tears anymore) I have to quit (DM just quietly hugged and comfort her)



A man: Who are you? What are you doing there? (AR and DM stand up) Ah are you one of the employees at the department store? (looking at AR outfit)
AR: No, I am unemployed
Man: What?
DM: We are unemployed. We aren’t working at here
AR: Thank you for your hard work (handing over the marker)
DM: Have a good day. Where is the car?  (DM and AR holding hands and started to walk away)
Man: Wait. (DM and AR started to run and the man who is probably a security saw what they did to the car) Stop!

The rich man: If you try to steal once again, you will be dead. Aigoo let’s go (walking over the car) Oh? What is this?!
The thief woman: Aaack! What is this? Thief? (all over the car was written thief done by AR and DM)

AR and DM running happily while holding hands



JM: Don’t look down at SH! Why should she do that job?
JM’s sister (?): You have to speak. Do we order/ ask you to do it?!
JM: If all of you look down at her again, I won’t stay put
JM’s sister: Are you really going to marry her?
AR: How dare do you barge in into my house?
HR: I will make it short. You, who pretend to be loyal and stay friend with him, actually are nothing. Rather than be poor, it’s better with me who is a crazy woman
AR: Do you like me? Let’s stop meddling with each other life. Because I don’t like to hear from a crazy woman that I am a poor woman who lives in the 2nd floor, get a grip of yourself  


@xxPeepsxx I think you make a little mistake, the man's name is Moo Bin. Park Moo Bin 

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