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[Drama 2017] Mystery Queen 추리의 여왕


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I have a different conclusion about Woo, I think he will died this coming episode, like very early. A lot of screen time was spent on how lonely a person he is. Captain Bae has been more than kind to this special detective, wanting him to let go of Ji Young, his partner. A lot of us, including me, do not like Woo because he was in the way of our main character, our Queen of Mystery; we want her to succeed and be the best. But Woo fired her and he is the only male character (excluding the insignificant KHC) who may know SO does not have a doctorate. But the recent scenes showed how dedicated he was in finding the serial killer and even SO credited him for knowing it was about time the serial killer resurfaces afer 7 years. The two run-ins that Woo had with WS showed that Woo threatened WS with his higher authority but WS downplayed it by saying Woo hasn't been on the street enough. Woo countered that his make-ups and TV time were his way of contributing: what difference does it make how you do the job as long as you do it right. The reason I think Woo has to died is that he will never get respect from his fellow detectives. If he fires the shot at the killer and wounds him; the killer would run Woo over with his car. Hong and SO will arrive shortly thereafter and make the arrest, as will WS, who was in the same vicinity. I think that would be the only way Woo could get respect from the likes of WS and Dong-Ki. Captain Bae already respects Woo.


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3 hours ago, docster6 said:

I have a different conclusion about Woo, I think he will died this coming episode, like very early. A lot of screen time was spent on how lonely a person he is. Captain Bae has been more than kind to this special detective, wanting him to let go of Ji Young, his partner. A lot of us, including me, do not like Woo because he was in the way of our main character, our Queen of Mystery; we want her to succeed and be the best. But Woo fired her and he is the only male character (excluding the insignificant KHC) who may know SO does not have a doctorate. But the recent scenes showed how dedicated he was in finding the serial killer and even SO credited him for knowing it was about time the serial killer resurface afer 6 years. The two run-ins that Woo had with WS showed that Woo threatened WS with his higher authority but WS downplayed it by saying Woo hasn't been on the street enough. Woo countered that make-ups and TV time was his way of contributing, what difference does it make how you do the job as long as you do it right. The reason I think Woo has to died is that he will never get respect from his fellow detectives. If he fires the shot at the killer and wound him but the killer would run Woo over with the car. Hong and SO will arrive shortly thereafter and make the arrest, as will WS, who was in the same vicinity. I think that would be the only way Woo could get respect from the likes of WS and Dong-Ki. Captain Bae already respects Woo.


I am thinking of the poor girl in the car whom the culprit may use as his hostage.  If Woo ignores her, it will be his end.  However, our team will do all effort to protect her.

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Mystery Queen: Episode 12

by HappilyEverAfter


While they may have had their differences before, Seol-ok and Wan-seung are definitely on the same side now as they face off against Inspector Woo (and of course, the criminals). As for Inspector Woo, he’s still the enigma that he was before, but a few layers are peeled back this episode, and we’re given a new look into why he may be so doggedly determined to capture the Seodongmun Market serial killer.



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next she solving a case of her mother in law friend  , so what that the way they choice to make her family know what she do and approved it ??????or disproved it ? i don't know but what i don't know more are they going to let her family be a good family that she will stay with in the end and all or thoughts and idea about them , the husband and her parent death all be just our imagining or are they going to start shown a really connected between all the hints they gave so far ( i mean the husband don't have big role till now he shown suddenly and go for few ep's ) 

so this week YSO shown her true interesting and ability to the family , but sure we she will have to meet the guy who her husband let go ( all that can't be normal how he know she was there and tryied to stop her from going and give any words to stop that man going out , that can't be just he want to win and pleases his bosses but that show how he hide his true color from his wife all this years ) 

WS , YSO past sure has some connected , the writer didn't leave it till now if they don't have some connected and starting solving one is a way to solve the other , WS EX- girlfriend she can't back now , i mean there now time to make us see her as WS girl now !!!! so or she death or living far away with a happy family and WS will just find her to stop his guilty feeling 




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2 hours ago, nona88 said:


next she solving a case of her mother in law friend  , so what that the way they choice to make her family know what she do and approved it ??????or disproved it ? i don't know but what i don't know more are they going to let her family be a good family that she will stay with in the end and all or thoughts and idea about them , the husband and her parent death all be just our imagining or are they going to start shown a really connected between all the hints they gave so far ( i mean the husband don't have big role till now he shown suddenly and go for few ep's ) 

so this week YSO shown her true interesting and ability to the family , but sure we she will have to meet the guy who her husband let go ( all that can't be normal how he know she was there and tryied to stop her from going and give any words to stop that man going out , that can't be just he want to win and pleases his bosses but that show how he hide his true color from his wife all this years ) 

WS , YSO past sure has some connected , the writer didn't leave it till now if they don't have some connected and starting solving one is a way to solve the other , WS EX- girlfriend she can't back now , i mean there now time to make us see her as WS girl now !!!! so or she death or living far away with a happy family and WS will just find her to stop his guilty feeling 


The way WS  runs and jumps on the bonnet is so impressive.  I wish YS feels the same. Now WS got the culprit first as YS intended.  It must be this actor for the role.

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@Nonglak Koomkamhaeng I agree with you. HWS's jump is quite impressive, but more striking is Woo's passivity. So after watching the preview, I know what happened at the end of the episode 12. Woo shot one time in the air as a warning which alerted HWS who ran where he had heard the shot coming from. Yet, Woo seems to be paralysed, I guess, maybe due to the victim next to the serial killer. The latter tries to drive backward, however HWS surprises him by jumping in front of the car so that he can break the window and stop the killer.

@docster6 It seems that Woo is not killed like you predicted. I am more and more convinced that Woo will be thankful towards HWS so that he might give him the help needed for the file that YSO has been looking for. I guess, the mother-in-law is now suspected of murdering her friend therefore YSO intervenes.

Like @nona88 pointed out, YSO's secret is revealed little by little so that this will become a major issue in KHC's family. In my opinion, the other Kim will appear because I believe that he is connected to KHC and his family. 

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hi everyone i can't be in live recap toady sorry  and enjoy 

and here new still's 


what she doing with him ? is that her  house ?

i don't see any chance the writer can make WS love her after whats she did , cause she help a criminal to go out and even use innocent women to blackmail WS and was ready to destroy her if that needed 

so even if that man wasn't WS only enemy and even if that women wasn't YSO someone WS know and care for .he still can't accept her as lover in the end and accept her as person , she had a chance before but not after that and they didn't have time too build any connection or romance between them  , at least that how i see WS character and how things is going for  now . but who know maybe they really planing to make her change and be WS lover and YSO stay with her husband after all that as it was nothing and have a fairly ending that everyone happy :grin:

back to work have fun my friends 


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@tmadzik Yes, I heard it too. I have the impression that HWS wanted YSO to go with him to the investigation hence he came to the restaurant. This is no coincidence that HWS arrived there before going to the crime scene. He teased YSO too. Finally he made another negative comment about her husband. But I couldn't understand what.

@Mico Ricco Thanks for the preview!! :) This time, HWS's childhood friend is in danger too, just like HWS!!

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@tmadzik sorry ... l could not understand any Korean language.  l only know say, 3-4 words. 

if SO's husband really intentionally cheated on SO then l hope SO's mother in law will have more respect for SO.  After all, l am expecting SO to successfully helped her mother in law getting out from the prison.


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Just now, Mico Ricco said:

@tmadzik sorry ... l could not understand any Korean language.  l only know say, 3-4 words. 

if SO's husband really intentionally cheated on SO then l hope SO's mother in law will have more respect for SO.  After all, l am expecting SO to successfully helped her mother in law getting out from the prison.


Moreover, in the beginning, she even feared that YSO would cheat on her beloved son! She claimed that YSO had nothing to offer and her son was the one who lowered himself! Imagine, her beloved son is a jerk: cheating on his wife, leading a double life, working as a corrupted prosecutor. I hope, she feels really embarrassed.

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Seol-Ok-ssi is such a nice person from the preview of Ep.14. Instead of confronting her husband's affair partner as 95% of the female characters would have done, she tried to hide under the table. Yes, everyone knows that her husband is single in the prosecutor and police offices, even the Ha and Jung law office (JW) knew that. WS arrived with a jacket on and a later scene had him putting his jacket on SO and told KHS off. So my 99% sure of a romance is finally coming true to me. I am satisfied. I can't wait to see Episode 13 subbed this afternoon, California time.


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10 minutes ago, docster6 said:

Seol-Ok-ssi is such a nice person from the preview of Ep.14. Instead of confronting her husband's affair partner as 95% of the female characters would have done, she tried to hide under the table. Yes, everyone knows that her husband is single in the prosecutor and police offices, even the Ha and Jung law office (JW) knew that. WS arrived with a jacket on and a later scene had him putting his jacket on SO and told KHS off. So my 99% sure of a romance is finally coming true to me. I am satisfied. I can't wait to see Episode 13 subbed this afternoon, California time.


This makes me really wonder if KHC has ever registrered the marriage!! So if he could have organised the ceremony and told her that he gave the papers to the office.

By the way, you can see that HWS is always trying to have YSO be part of the investigation. Later, he mentioned Ahjumma en passant to Hong S. so that the latter asked him if he should call her and ask her for her help. You could see that HWS had deliberately mentioned her but he didn't want to be the one who calls her. The way he looked at Hong, when the latter called YSO was really telling. 

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24 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Moreover, in the beginning, she even feared that YSO would cheat on her beloved son! She claimed that YSO had nothing to offer and her son was the one who lowered himself! Imagine, her beloved son is a jerk: cheating on his wife, leading a double life, working as a corrupted prosecutor. I hope, she feels really embarrassed.


Poor SO.  Her whole world definitely crashed down hard on her after witnessing a fox in same dress as her and affectionately locking arm with her husband openly in a public event.

Presumably the dress which SO is wearing is a present from her husband.

l am expecting SO's husband to introduce that fox to everyone in the event as his wife ... i hope i am wrong!   Really so Unfair to SO.  Poor SO. :bawling:

SO's husband probably planned the whole thing hoping that SO will file for a divorce with him.

Question is whether someone instructed SO's husband to hurt her intentionally as the bad guys felt threatened that SO (and WS) is checking on the actual cause of her parents suicidal death? 




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20 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

This makes me really wonder if KHC has ever registrered the marriage!! So if he could have organised the ceremony and told her that he gave the papers to the office.



I don't think so it's really happened. On the end of the preview, we see HWS with some documents. Isn't the same documents which one have a policeman from preview episode - SO case?

32 minutes ago, Mico Ricco said:

@tmadzik sorry ... l could not understand any Korean language.  l only know say, 3-4 words. 

@Mico Ricco me too i knew only a few words most popular in dramas:  i like you, i love you, pretty :D

7 minutes ago, Mico Ricco said:

SO's husband probably planned the whole thing hoping that SO will file for a divorce with him.

No i think he wants both a wife from the past who he has loved and someone who he likes now.

P.S.Sorry for my bad English :tongue: I hope you understand something ;-)  

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