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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, SeGafanlady said:

seriously.. is Lee Dong Wook even human??? He is so frickin' PUUURFECTTTTTT OMG his role as Cha Jae Wan in Hotel King literally made me ditched my husband for 3 months hahahahaha.... and that 2 seconds of King Wang Yeo scene has turned the world of fandom upside down... ONLY 2 seconds yet a million words has been said with that sad.. miserable.. regret and lonely gaze.. can't wait to see how Wang Yeo coping with his regret and lost.. no wonder Grim Reaper is so desperate with Sunny.. his love and regret to her is larger than the universe.... DAEBAK!

I totally feel you SeGafanlady. My husband has already been jealous of Lee Dong Wook so much he wants to take away my computer haha..he has even said I would probably die of joy if I saw him in real haha. I am not sure how many times I have watched Hotel King and I have even bought the DVD. Now I am insanely addicted to Goblin. I am waiting the whole week until Friday and then I will sit and watch the raw in Korean, then I will watch the subs right after. For me I had to wait until episode 5 until I got some WangSun scenes (unfortunately now they have already broken up) for like a few minutes then it goes back to Gong Yoo scenes and I got to wait and wait again for short but really entertaining LDW scenes, and those episodes like episode 4 for me was like torture because after the long wait there was extremely little LDW time in it. But now it seems he is getting more and more screen time which is better. I really think he is not human, there is something really addictive to him.

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9 hours ago, mellyne said:

I know it's cliché, but what if GR only starts to remember his past after kissing Sunny.

Yes it is cliche ahaha (I personally love cliches) but also very very far away. I don't even know how they can even touch each other any time soon at this state of their relationship lmao *cries internally* And since there are fan photos of Dongwook shooting with his hat on again...I am not expecting any progress soon...maybe at the last episode lmao *dies*

I am also expecting to see Yoo Inna's acting more. I don't know how to name it, of course she has been acting too (obviously) but I wanna see her doing more serious(?) acting. Like her scene with Euntak when she came back. That was a very touching scene, reminded me again why I became a Yoo Inna fan in the first place.






Also I love reading all of your comments, it feels good that I am not alone on this road ahaha, thank you everyone. :wub:

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Happy Belated New Year everyone!

Sorry for the late introduction but I have joined and lurked in this thread since December. Personal issues kept me from commenting and reading everyone's posts. As a result, I have 300+ pages to left to read. Yikes!:dizzy: Maybe I'll start reading from the latest ones and then continue from where I stopped if I have the time. Is there a summary of anything major that happened here while I was gone? Like theories or hilarious discussions? I'm sure there were some. I will backtrack to read them if possible.

Goblin becomes more and more interesting every episode. The recent one left us with more questions than answers. Well, at least we know now for certain that GR was the king, Sunny was his queen and also KS's sister. To be honest, I'm still unsure about the role of the women in red/grandmother. Can anyone who is absolutely sure explain that to me? Also, I saw a theory on twitter that Deok Hwa must be a divinity. This theory was based on the scene where he said that he has his ways of finding where ET is and then it cuts to the scene where a butterfly is seen flying around the ski resort. A voiceover which sounded like Deok Hwa then mentions ET's location. What do you all think? Could Deok Hwa's significance be more than what we initially thought (he is a rich kid whose role is to help KS) ?

I can't wait til Friday! I'm also really happy to see some of the SWAG Fairies and MLSHR followers here:grin: I am so glad to see you guys here again (waves hands) ! Hopefully, I will be able to log in more often like before since I am quite free in January:w00t: I will see you around on Friday! Til then, I will be here lurking and catching up on your posts :) 

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31 minutes ago, itzibitzispider said:

Thanks to @Visually-wandering am I waking up to him ... not every day but every day the wake up time us not 6:35am

His voice reading that Physics of Love and "life and death is walking up to me", been part of my working background music LOL. Made my blood flowing faster inside my vessels, as good as caffeine has done to me. That's how good is his voice. :wub:

Btw, I love LDW appearance as the king. I think both GongYoo and LDW should have sageuk drama/movie soon. They're looking good on that costume. *droolz

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What I love about Soompi is that, I can get more than just watching the drama. Maybe that's why, for me personally, Soompi is as addicted as the drama itself. Your analysis, theories, mini-journal, I love reading all of them. Many of you make notices to something that I miss in the drama. So keep the good work, Immortals? 6 episodes to go, lets make it 1000 pages...but I hope for 940 pages. Lol..

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I am so waiting for that one song to be release ... “never far away“

Be honst: What song is your usual ring tone?

Mine is right now : “I want you bad“ from “Something about 1%“ 

Before it was “Bad person“ fro. “Faith“

People I know don't ven wonder about some things anymore ... strange songs as ringtone, mismatched sox, addicted to kdrama ..

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7 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Lol. You know me, I try to give you a fair answer.

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By the way, you forgot to tag me so I wasn’t notified of your post. (Hmmm… or did I accidentally block you? :))   I stumbled upon your reply when I was looking for @nearsea's whereabouts (long story)


Anyway, here’s the second part of my response because I know you, and a few others would like to know my reaction to the cliffhanger in Episode 10.  


Sigh. One day, I think I shall change my screenname from packmule3 to Dartmouth3. That’ll be my excuse to adopt the college’s motto Vox clamantis in deserto because I always seem to be odd one out here in soompi.  

This is me, channeling Shin --

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“When will the deities listen to me?”   

(credit: dramabeans)



But I’ve made up my mind:  Reaper was the Queen.  

I have my reasons, and given this interesting cliffhanger that the director/writer trolled us with in Episode 10, I’ll stick with them.

If we were playing poker, I’d call this director/writer’s bluff. 


(photo: @phikyl Thanks!)

Important spoiler. 

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You see, ladies, the Queen always wears white hanboks with gold trimmings in her regal scenes. Check out the flashback of Shin. :phew:  The king doesn't wear those outfits, unless he's cross-dressing. He wears black.

LDW is wearing the queen’s colors, the queen's robe.   

I think the director/writer were TROLLING people to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Reaper is the King.  But for me, this is YET another one of their misdirections and ball fakes (an excellent one, too, because it made people fall for it). They're bluffing.  

My question is: Why ARE they doing this?  Everybody’s already convinced that the King is the Reaper -- except for me, that is.  So, why do they keep on playing these shenanigans?  


Do you remember in R88, when after Episode 9 was televised, I said that since the *line was not crossed*, the future husband must be the underdog, Taec, and not that hunk everybody was rooting for? I also wrote that hints were in place since Episode 1, while Episode 2 was littered with insiders jokes that would only be understood by the viewers ONCE the show was over. I even listed a few of those hints to serve as examples in case readers want to look for more of them themselves.    

Wellllll….those exact same things are happening again in Goblin. (I don’t mean JUST the obvious self-referential jokes that made gifs of.) I think it’s a tvN thing or something. lol. 

Episodes 9 and 10 are indeed pivot points. Like in R88, the hints were there from the beginning but they made sense if only if the Reaper is the Queen. 
For instance, why would the Goblin be so rude as to tell the Reaper, who was minding his own business, that he had a “vulgar disguise” on? Shin was normally tactful and decorous with others, but he was confrontational and sarcastic with the Reaper at their first encounter. They didn’t know each other before then, only heard rumors, so where was this sense of easy familiarity coming from?

Answer: Observe how Shin played mind-games with his younger sister, by calling her "ugly" or "ugly duckling."  Shin and his beloved sister liked to banter.   

Then, there were those odd camera shots of the Reaper’s quirky habits. (I'm sorry; I'm keeping them back for now.) Those camera shots were missed by the viewers because they were distracted by the comedic antics of the boys.  As far as I know, science doesn’t have peer-reviewed experiments and empirical research on reincarnation. I think the closest medical condition that can be related to reincarnation is retrograde amnesia, i.e., amnesia wherein the person cannot recall events that happened BEFORE the occurrence of amnesia.

In most cases, the amnesiac will NOT have memories of past events and old information, but he will retain “procedural” memories or memories of his old HABITS and mannerisms. Like, the amnesiac will be able to replicate how he walked, sat, stood, ate before amnesia occurred, but he won't be able to remember birthdays, phone numbers, and meetings. Now, the Reaper had habits that were carbon copy of the Queen’s movements.  

It also explains their mental telepathy or why only the two of them could communicate telepathically. Their “psychic” connection stems from their close bonds as siblings -- the same heredity and the same environment. This power to read each other’s mind is thought to be common with twins and long-married couples.

It also explains the Grim Reaper’s LACK of cellphone, name, business cards, a reputable job, and now, religion (he chose ATHEISM! That was so witty that I laughed. Atheism = NO religion).  I pointed this out earlier. Shin’s sister was considered LACKING or inferior because her military brother was her only claim to social stature. Shin’s sister was a non-royal and she was looked down upon by the court.  The Eunuch warned the king not to hold a lowly person in high esteem. 

It also explains “weird” selections of dialogues or scenarios.  For instance, we understood why the three men were watching kpop. That was to introduce the possibility of a reincarnated king in a female body. But we didn't understand why the director CHOSE to film the three men watching a morning kdrama where a shocking SECRET BIRTH was revealed. Later, the Reaper deadpanned and asked Shin, whether Shin's flabbergasted face was his delayed reaction to the news of the secret identity,  This was a meta-joke, of course. . 

There are plenty more hints. But I’m not going over them today/tonight because I'm sleepy. Besides, I must let others have a chance. 

So, there you go, hushhh, nearsea, et al.  That’s where I stand now and where I’ll stand till the end of the show. :)

I’m sure people will have different opinions. That’s fine. It’s a free country. But I hope people won’t inconvenience me by tagging me or PM’ing me to argue. I’ve no time and patience to deal with that…again.  My attitude is: if I’m wrong, then I’m wrong. No biggie. This is just kdrama. At worst, I can just be Kim Shin, cursing at the kdrama deities for 939 years.  :tears:

Since I consider you all my friends, I hope to have a rewatch like we did with R88. I think it would be interesting to go over this kdrama with a fine-tooth comb. Time permitting of course.   

Good night, ladies. Tomorrow’s a long day.  

Tagging: (it's okay to disagree... No pressure.)

@packmule3 Well I´m still on the team GR=King. But I would really like to know your arguments about these following points and how it would fit into your theory. 

1. The Sin, that´s one of the main reason why I can´t think of GR as the queen. What kind of sin would she have committed, that would be worst then what the king did? 

2. Why is Sunny´s name Kim Sun?

3. The flashback of Sunny´s previous life. Why did it show the queen instead of the King?

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1 hour ago, bgcldxx said:

omg T_T i haven't seen those scence before, did i miss something?please tell which episode does recap from? T_T

These clearer screencaps are from those long previews before an episode. The scene was very brief! But you can also see this scene during episode 1 when KS and ET first met while walking outside the school. KS had a blurry and very quick vision when he met ET's gaze. :)

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I just saw some news on Youtube that Song Hye Kyo is going to join Legend of the Blue sea but not sure whether this is 100% confirmed yet. I think since Goblin is always ranked No 1 in content providers rankings so SBS is getting desperate and pulling all the stops they can to become No 1.  I think Goblin is really giving SBS a run for their money, they cannot believe a TVN is beating them as the No 1 drama. I really wonder if this is going to help their ratings and lengths they are going to go to become No. 1.

Actually I don't watch Legend of the Blue sea as I feel like the plot is really uninteresting and it is just a marketing campaign promoting two already big stars.

Actually I think TVN is doing a good job in being creative and nurturing creative plots and actors. SBS is just ratings focused and big star focused and then they are doing stupid things like what they did with running man. Anyways do you guys have any views on this. I was quite surprised by the news.

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@packmule3 another insightful yet 'antique' opinion, i giggle while read your post. In a good way:grin:


i haven't change my opinion about who is the king, and still hoping there's a plot twist later because..(if i were the director)why spill the fun now while you still have 6 episodes left?


anyway, i saw many posts of Gong Yoo BTS in filming location. I hope to see more of LDW or KGE or YIN too!

@Puppywookie so uri Goblin already beating LOTBS rating?:grin: i thought Goblin comes second, CMIIW

Edited by romanov
quoting puppywookie
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last post before I sleep...Today I very tired and sickness for busy working but I still have time to be here.

Enjoy read my caption:heart:


Kim Shin is always seriously in saeguk and modern..Only two can bring smile to him..Its ET and KWB...


Can GY is real goblin in our world because he is look powerfull and so tall than others


Is that Kim shin or Gy?How can he make this hair look sexy?


I feel jealous to them..Poor Kim Shin because he waited for me..


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