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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, ohitsmcee said:

Dont worry, you're not alone! haha Im okay with the sad ending as long as it's  executed well. 

it doesnt matter for me..  as long as it will be done nicely, fittingly, deservinglyy, memorably, logically.. -i couldn't agree more! 



I'm joining you guys.. I think I'm masochist one too. Story plot must not be disappointing thats the first place, the emotions. I prefer something logic and depth in emotion than it forced to be happy but the wrap is not coherent. Couldn't agree more from your conversation

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Today.. Time is especially go slower than ever been before :crazy: I want it be faster,  but on the other hand to accept the drama will end is still out of question for me.. But I can't wait for ep 15..but then I have to prepared for ep 16 as is air back to back. I can't believe today will be the last day.. I still can't accept.. But my curiosity killing me too. Dunno why I feel this withdrawal syndrome too early! 

So here I am muttering my so called resolution that it will all be okay, the show must go on, once the drama end,  I will go back to how my life was before goblin happens... (Yeah.. Keep telling yourself that, genius...<_< Bet it will be months after you actually accomplish that, or if ever for that matter) 

The contradiction is too strong.. 

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Well, the end is almost here.

I watched some of episode 14.  The sound and the picture fell out of sync around the telephone call at the radio station and it came frustrating to follow.

I was okay with how they handled the memory loss.

Disappointed that there is no discernible difference in DH in over nine years.  (I'm sure packmule3 will be able to identify the way in which DH has grown up but I haven't)

My heart broke for ET, going through the depths of despair without understanding why.  In fact it seems the worst combination. Worst then the Grim Weeper's no memory no pain, and Shin's all memory and pain.  A long time about I use to be engulfed in a blanket of despair from time to time without understanding why. It wasn't anyway near ET's despair, but it was uncomfortable. Once I was able able to identify my trigger, when the despair showed up, I knew what it was and that it would leave after a time. It made me better able to cope. 


I could deal with it with the same aplomb of Miss Holiday.


By the way I think it was a brilliant use of a drama time jump.

1. Shin will have to win ET heart from scratch without her assuming that being with him was her destiny.

2. ET is now fully an adult and Shin's equal.  Therefore they can get on with their relationship without the folks who were concerned about the age difference having issues. (I hope.) Of course the age difference is the same but it feels different when ET is indisputably an adult, AND Shin didn't raise her or watch her grow up.

3. LDW was hired because he is able to cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry.  I hope they take care to keep him hydrated on set.

4. Shin's face when hugging ET on the roof after nine years was an amazing bit of acting on Gong Yoo's part.

5. The class president's role is all this just niggles at me. She cannot be an ordinary friend to ET because that would not justify her being alerted when Shin disappeared. Was it because she was human and was aware of ET's relationship to ghosts.  Was she also aware of ET's relationship to the Goblin? I've been know to make more of this and that than the writer intended, but I can't hell but feel the class president is a sleeper cell guardian there to watch over ET.   I'm most likely wrong.

6. I'm not sure how to deal with the fact that there is no transformation for Shin.  The sword is out, there are nine years in purgatory/limbo, and he returns as a Goblin.  SMH on that one.

I haven't had a chance to back read because I have a lingering cough that is forcing me to play Alexandre Dumas's Camille. 


I thought I might die on the way to class today.  I survived, barely.  I'm resting up because want to protest on Saturday and I have to direct all day Sunday starting at 7:00 a.m. which is hell.  I try very hard not to get up before noon since I'm usually incoherent before then


 I hope I will have the time and energy to read the positives responses to the work.


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i have the feeling that Eun Tak will be reincarnated as the daughter of the deputy general. His scene with RL are same with Eun Tak mother scene....i really don't like the idea of reincarnation as others mention before their memories is very precious to them. Nevertheless i still believe we will get happy ending, either we like it or not it depends on our own preferences. As for me goblin is definitely the best drama i ever seen so far and i'm surely will keep watching it until i will get enough of it which i doubt will happen anytime soon since nowaday i'm not relly keeping up with kdrama. I'm having really heavy heart for tonight ending really curious how this drama will end but at the same time sad as we will no longer able to see the interaction of all the characters KimShinEunTak WangYeoSunny will always be the my most favorite characters ever. 

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9 minutes ago, hushhh said:

6. I'm not sure how to deal with the fact that there is no transformation for Shin.  The sword is out, there are nine years in purgatory/limbo, and he returns as a Goblin.  SMH on that one.

me too...the sword had gone. And it's the reason why KS became Goblin. But why does he still a Goblin? Because he is not dead? I am wondering the same question. IF, someone had posted bout this, please lemme know in which page so that I can read it. I don't think I can backread all pages behind. I want to keep update with recent posts.. Sorry..

About reincarnation..but in reincarnation, someone can't choose who he/she will become in the next life? How can we be sure if ET will have her original face? or that KS will find her. Even with WY help, it will not be easy. So, imho I don't think there will be a reincarnation. In eps 14 we see KS's former man buys hairclip, but I think that it's for his daughter. He already has a toddler daughter when he met KS 9 years ago. And hairclip for an unborn baby is kinda not make sense.

Tell me what you all thinking...

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21 minutes ago, wchoi8 said:

I am so confused right now >.< Currently watching the latest episode, but how can Goblin return to the world? Did God give in and let him? Is he still immortal?


From what I can understand.. Goblin refuse to go to the other side to finally in peace,  and stuck on the limbo (between life and afterlife), where he still holding on to the contract with JET, that he will come as rain and first snow, he begged to the deity for that..  He is turn into nothingness, his all existence being erased from everyone memories except GR (as deity' plan). So 9 years later, coincidentally when it is the first snow and most likely JET birthday, JET feeling sad pray for someone to save her.. Then she blow a candle.. And The Goblin return in front of her. She summons him,  even though she doesn't remember him nor knowing that she has summon him. 

Edit: and I think he still is an immortal, because he practically a dokkaebi (goblin) with all those powers remain the same. Only his tie to this world not for sword that stuck in his chest anymore, his tie in this world is the contract he made with ET, however I still can't understand how he still a dokkaebi if he doesn't have that sword stuck in his chest anymore.. Because in the first place that sword made him a dokkaebi.

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6 minutes ago, janeeta said:

When Secretary Kim gave the guy an envelope with the baby's name, didn't he say it would be a son? I think there is SOMETHING happening with the general, especially with that star clip, but this isn't it.

Yes, exactly...and it was 9 years ago. Unless, his wife is currently pregnant and it's a girl. Reincarnation ET vs dying ET, imho the latter is more likely.

PS: I found Secretary KIM adorable haha

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i've been backreading for a couple of hours now but I can't help but feel bittersweet looking at everyone's comments.
It will be weird not to check in on this forum every day once this drama ends tomorrow. I won't be checking in until tomorrow night (to avoid spoilers!) but i want to wish you guys (and those who are watching it live as well) a great time!
i will wait to leave my sappy messages for all of you tomorrow night :tongue:

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With regards to the deputy general, I think that his role in Ep 14 was to emphasise the fact that Kim Shin was no longer remembered.  Granted that he (in this life) did not understand why Dokkaebi was staring at him outside the interview room, it just showed this man had no recollection of his past life or of seeing Dokkaebi. No matter how fleeting your experience has been with Dokkaebi , all memories are gone - as if you never existed (which is so freaking sad!) This is why I loved how at least Grim remembered, the door that God left open. 

The fact that Shin remains a goblin is quite puzzling too. He is immortal, she isn't. As simple as that. Even if he has 70 years (minus the 10 which passed) with her, he stays young, she grows old and dies. So hmmm....

And, with Shin back to life, does it mean (again) that Eun Tak's life serves no purpose. I don't subscribe to this theory because  the Grim reaper has her name and it looks like she has not had a death card since Dokkaebi 'died'. 

So many puzzles left to unravel but I am going to focus on the Canada scenes tonight! 

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2 hours ago, millie10468 said:

A thought just occurred to me: with the way KS talked about "Desperation opening doors" and the Almighty mentioning a door he might have left open, I wouldn't be surprised if KS's desperation actually brings JET back to life. Of course, how that would work, I have no idea. Especially since by the time she gets to GR's tea shop, she'd be officially dead in the real world...I think...

I was thinking the same thing! This is the reason why I am not so nervous about the ending. I have a feeling that ET's desperation will somehow lead to a happy ending for the both of them. It may even change the love story between GR and SN into a happy ending like theirs. I mean, think about it. The scene where the dead soul re-entered the room just to find a toilet isn't given so much screen time(seeing that the situation seems like a small matter to us) for no reason.

I'll admit. The 3 previews shocked me, especially the latest one. I was like "NOOOO!I DON'T WANNA GO DOWN THIS ROAD AGAIN!!!". I had to give myself some time away from this thread to calm my nerves and think rationally. I think ET will die. But like KS, she will somehow come back. I'm not sure about SN because the previews got me confused as to whether she will die too. I read somewhere that he/she hopes that GR will sacrifice his immortality to be with SN. Urm....I'll have to disagree with such theories because a Grim Reaper isn't a deity. Immortality is already his part of his punishment since he has to do this job and not enjoy the afterlife like other good souls. So saying that he wants to sacrifice his own punishment to a higher authority doesn't make sense to me.

I'll be greedy:tongue:I not only want a logical ending but I want a happy ending too. They've been through so much and been tested so many freaking times that I'd hate to see them end things off on a tragic note. Oh! About the reincarnation idea...I'm not surprised if that happens. I think the scene where the reincarnate of KS's right hand man during Goryeo era buying a hairclip is a sign of something to come. Plus, the intro song also kept reiterating about things coming full circle even if we humans don't understand how and why such things happen. I just hope that if it happens, it happens in a logical way.

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Back to eating oranges theory...  http://thestake.org/2014/05/09/why-you-should-never-eat-oranges-if-youre-a-fictional-character/.

So ET and Sunny are going to die. ET from a car accident and Sunny commits suicide. How we can get "Happy" Ending still:

For EunTak

1) ET refuses to drink memory-erasing tea, gets reincarnated with her memories intact; OR

2) Goblin abuses his power by raising ET from the dead. God punishes him by taking away his immortality.

Second option is happier for me.

For Sunny, GR runs away with her. They will live happily after as non-humans.  


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On 1/19/2017 at 4:15 AM, packmule3 said:


Shin then corrected her, saying, “No, we were a pair, even before you were born. The two of us, I mean.” :wub:

oh my God, somehow i think this is the post that i have ever waiting for... So far this is the one i like the best! Thx @packmule3!!!!! When i read half part of your post, i want to ask about that scene in ep 5 when ET ask KS name in the car, because i don't understand the subs. "Shin then corrected her, saying, “No, we were a pair, even before you were born. The two of us, I mean." (my sub not translate like that) , and you write it then in the end hahahahhaah.. No need to ask anymore.. 

How about you start make a script and make it into drama? i think i would really like it hahahhaa

Edited by jeijei
Quoted a long post
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So i sacrificed my sleep to watch the epi with subs and i absolutely loved the episode. Each and every bit of it. I must admit that during the live recaps i became a bit apprehensive since everything got sorted pretty quickly but after i actually saw the epi i was taken aback how everything just flowed so perfectly making so much sense.

Firstly, the benevolence of the Almighty! From the previous episode when i saw Almight-in-DH-body i really thought he was harsh. In this epi i saw another side of it. He didn't ask Kim Shin to stay between life and afterlife - Kim Shin chose it. Almighty had after all granted him peace. Also i liked how he didn't erase GR's memories - sparing him of the misery of forgotten memories yet again. As they say when God closes one door he opens up another one - Reaper was that door for Kim Shin *weeps* *my bromance rocks*

Fate is the question the almighty throws and Kim Shin wasn't quite done finding the answer. He didn't give up and went on with the unending road - lonely as ever with only that contract giving him the strength. 

I just could not fathom Eun Tak, Reaper, Deok Hwa, Sunny in a life without Goblin. It was really cruel how each everything related to him was taken away. Even the first love was burnt down :( And my cheerful Eun Tak was taken away as well :( (there are people who were annoyed with her cheerfulness *rolls eyes* hope they are happy now) Although she looked beautiful but she wasn't exactly shining as Kim Shin always saw her, suffering each day. I loved the faith Eun Tak had on Shin before she lost his memories-  that he will come...as rain or snow but he ll definitely would come. He wrote it down as a last ditch attempt to keep Kim Shin alive with her in some form even though she didn't even remember it later.

I had goosebumps at Kim Shin's return sequence. Totally mindblown. Finally almighty listened to both of ShinTak's prayers as she gets to summon him again. When Eun Tak is asking to be saved, Kim Shin has to come right? Loved that touch. *weeps again* Emotions in the hug was wonderfully portrayed by Gong Yoo and Go Eun. How proud was he to see her fulfil her dreams, you could see that in his eyes. 

Oh my Grim Reaper :( If there is true love - guys here it is. No ShinTak, No ReaperSunny. It's our Ajhusshi duo people. Kim Shin checked on each ansd every person whom he loved... and how they were doing - lastly he checked on Reaper *sigh* You know when he first got to know Reaper was Wang Yeo i just hoped my bromance was saved. But as it went i realized it needed no saving at all. Kim Shin would forever be loyal to and love Wang Yeo. despite the hurts and resentment he never stopped doing that. Which is why i never once thought he'd ever take revenge on him. Reaper on his side being on his own for 9 years sort of was like Shin for 900 years. He now remembered eveything and was living with it as Shin did for 900 years. He saw people he cared and loved around him - Sunny and Eun tak - but behaved as a stranger. Sigh. It is only now that he got a chance for reflection of his sins of the previous life. I am so glad for him that Shin returned and he got a chance to sincerely apologise to him. Oh my bromance got healed * i ll weep a lot today pls bear *

Chairman's Yu's parting gift to Kim Shin helped him get back his identity. Seriously i am so touched by loyalties shown in this show. Absolutely heart wrenching. Whether it's Chairman Yu and the soldier from Goyeo towards Shin, Shin and Sun towards Wang Yeo or Eun Tak's mom's friend towards her friend. Or even Chariman Kim towards his previous Chairman. I am so surprised how smartly the writer encorporated it and blended it with the light hearted tone of the show haha. The one person who hasnt changed is only Deok Hwa with all his Chaebol airs bwahaha.

Talking of change, i just can't see Eun Tak like this. I need her to be happy and cheerful. You know although Kim Shin knows Eun Tak doesn't remember him yet he is so happy. Just to be able to see her again - which he never fathomed is enough for him to be happy. THIS makes me more teary eyed than Eun Tak losing her memories. It's absolutely touching. My favourite scene of the epi has to be Kim Shin blooming flowers again. God he is so happy *sheds a tear* Although he was happy he did miss his Eun Tak who'd run to embrace him the moment she saw him.

Did anyone else's heart sink everytime Kim Shin went i was called by someone in front of Eun Tak when she asked how he is ending up in front of her. Mine did. But i am glad the hilarity is back too pfft like Goblin mooching off the Grim Reaper. Also it was good to see Eun Tak go Giddy realizing a big shot CEO is pursuing her big time - who wouldn't lol. I find it funny how she suddenly and unknowingly summons Shin and he has no way to explain how he ends up in front. Turns out Eun Tak starting shining from the moment Shin came back to her life - that is one detail that Shin is unaware of when he saw her bright face in the future in Qubec in his dreams. Whatever Dokkaebi does is cute and giddy for me. I am so looking forward to him wooing Eun Tak not thinking about the end. KES did not let us down with her elaborate writing and detailing. (She even kept ETs class friend with her to remind her of the time she saw ghosts. Wow.) So despite past bad experiences with shows  (esp the ones staring KGE pfft) i m willing to trust this one. 

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hello everyone. Actually I am a profesional lurker in this thread but decided to break through and commenting on the goblin's final episode :bawling:

quite enjoy reading all of those theories given by members here although I am not really have many thinking and speculating everytime I watched dramas just enjoy then let the dramas flow as it is.

But as many people here concern about how the two episode will end as everyone want an happy ending for ALL *me tooooooo!* I read one of member here about the possibility KS will turn mortal after/if he sacrifices his immortal to save ET from death is really possible and then read the description of the drama as many websites provided Goblin needs mortal bride to end his immortal life.

So, maybe this could be possible too.

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Can't wait to see the casts at tonight's dinner/viewing party! I wonder if the guys will maintain their character's look or go with different hairstyles. Same with the gals. Really hope the crews will share pics on sns. 

GY looks sad, lonely and quiet in that video message. Poor guy. He rarely come to drama and I'm sure he had a blast for the last few months. And now it's goodbye and no more meeting each other everyday. Hope they all exchange phone numbers and stay in contact. Now I wonder if we will see scenes of tonight's party on Feb 3rd and 4th special viewings. What a treat! 

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5 minutes ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

Can't wait to see the casts at tonight's dinner/viewing party! I wonder if the guys will maintain their character's look or go with different hairstyles. Same with the gals. Really hope the crews will share pics on sns. 

GY looks sad, lonely and quiet in that video message. Poor guy. He rarely come to drama and I'm sure he had a blast for the last few months. And now it's goodbye and no more meeting each other everyday. Hope they all exchange phone numbers and stay in contact. Now I wonder if we will see scenes of tonight's party on Feb 3rd and 4th special viewings. What a treat! 

Looks like he really enjoyed the shooting,,, and all of them really get along well.. I think same with the other cast too especially GE..it's her second drama that really succeed without cast conflict

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