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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Whisper" Episode 1


Episode one throws us ruthlessly into the dark world of "Whisper" and shoves all the things to be expected from such stories right into our collective faces. There are victims, evil perpetrators and corrupt officials who create more victims, including their own conscience. At the same time, the drama's eagerness to cut right to the chase leaves me with little to no time for connecting to the characters at the moment.

Park Kyeong-soo is not one to beat around the bush with his naughty and nice list and "Whisper" is no exception. Right off the bat we witness corruption and of course more corruption to cover that up. There are victims on the good side, cartoonish rich villains on the bad side and flawed characters all around. Yet this is quite a tame episode in terms of drama aside from the end, which I will get to soon.

Dong-joon and his twisted familyYeong-joo and Dong-joon

We are also introduced to our two leads and we learn some interesting things about their lives, families and the basics of their morality at work and in personal matters. Most interesting is their perception of corruption. Sin Yeong-joo (Lee Bo-young) will bend rules, but only to help bring about justice and she does it selflessly. On the other hand, Lee Dong-joon (Lee Sang-yoon) succumbs to temptation only for his own benefit and because he lacks the strength of character needed to fight.

I like this contrast between the characters, but at the same time I am very worried about their future romance. One of the reasons for that is obviously the topic of rape. No matter what Dong-joon has done, the act is vile and I sincerely hope the creators will take their responsibility seriously and not sugar-coat it or pass it off as deserved. I hope to see the injustices our leads inflict upon each other handled honestly and without gender discrimination.

Yeong-joo and Dong-joonYeong-joo and her emotionally shaken mother

Even if handled well, however, I cannot see how any sort of functional romance between our leads can work out at the moment. I am the first to call out ridiculous relationship obstacles and unnecessary drama, but Dong-joon directly harms Yeong-joo and her own and Yeong-joo directly harms Dong-joon. Unless the supposed romance will simply be a case of a dysfunctional symbiosis, the writer has a lot of mending to do in order for it to be anywhere near healthy.

For now I will say that the episode is underwhelming in tems of stirring my emotions, perhaps because I am fresh off of shows by the writer where greater injustices with more drawn out drama and emotions take place. I wish we had known Yeong-joo more before diving into her battle, rather than being asked to feel instantly invested. Perhaps the upcoming episodes will address this.

"Whisper" is directed by Lee Myeong-woo, written by Park Kyeong-soo and features Lee Bo-young, Lee Sang-yoon, Kwon Yul and Park Se-yeong.

Written by: Orion from 'Orion's Ramblings'


P.S. I think this drama will get good rates because the subject "corruption" is very actual ... It is so realistic... and that is why difficult to watch. Hope they will add some 'heating' between OTP, not only fight.


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2 hours ago, triplem said:

Ok so just to satisfy my curiosity ( it's another 12 hours or so bf I can watch the subbed episode ) I want to clarify this: 

Lee Sang Yoon's character is married to Park Se young's. It's a loveless marriage as it was pretty much a marriage of two powerful families. PSY  is actually in love with Kwon yul's character. LBY's dad was wrongly accused of murder & LSY was the judge. Due to blackmail he pronounces dad as guilty. So LBY was damn pissed and when LSY was drunk, she took revenge & filmed them having sex to use it as a threat. 

Is that the gist of the story ?  Gonna be a roller coaster ride ahead. Lol! Preparing my heart. 

Yep, that's correct.


So I finished the subbed first ep and my feelings can be splitted into two camps. The 58 and the 2 minute camp.

58 minutes my mind was blown, really good first episode, So much corruption on so many different levels are simply amazing. I really like LSY's character and his whole view on being a judge. I liked how he treated his mother and stand against his father. LBY's character is interesting aswell, both SYJ & LDJ get stabbed by one of their loved ones and in the end LDJ has to give in and becomes corrupt aswell. The intensity of the scenes were stunning, you could really feel the stress of the moment. I really liked these parts, where all the corruption shows its ugly face. Based on these 58minutes, I loved whisper.

But then came the last two minutes and......I really didn't "enjoy" it, not because it's bad or wrong, just because I feel for myself that I don't like it where this drama is going. This is something that lies within me. I can't blame the drama for it, it's about my personal feelings. I don't feel comfortable with this kind of plot. I remembered that this scene was in one of the spoilers I think and back then I already disliked it. It's really hard to explain why and I can't really describe it well, but during the whole scene my heart was pounding like crazy and I just didn't enjoy it. Normally in those kind of scenes I feel excited because It's just written very well.

And now I'm sitting here and don't know what to do with 'Whisper'. But because I really liked the first 58 minutes, I think I will watch the episode tomorrow aswell and decide afterwards if I continue to watch it or drop it and add it so my very huge pile of shame. 

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I am ready to watch finally (dinner is done) ... but stopped by to check out the comments first haha (cuz I'm nosy) :lol:

@ sin hoonism:  Thank you for your service. You won the prize for first post of shirtless LSY !!

1 hour ago, dhakra said:


But then came the last two minutes and......I really didn't "enjoy" it, not because it's bad or wrong, just because I feel for myself that I don't like it where this drama is going. This is something that lies within me. I can't blame the drama for it, it's about my personal feelings. I don't feel comfortable with this kind of plot. I remembered that this scene was in one of the spoilers I think and back then I already disliked it. It's really hard to explain why and I can't really describe it well, but during the whole scene my heart was pounding like crazy and I just didn't enjoy it. Normally in those kind of scenes I feel excited because It's just written very well.

And now I'm sitting here and don't know what to do with 'Whisper'. But because I really liked the first 58 minutes, I think I will watch the episode tomorrow aswell and decide afterwards if I continue to watch it or drop it and add it so my very huge pile of shame. 


I went ahead and cheated by watching the end clip of episode 1.  I totally get you.  It's an uneasy feeling of watching something unpleasant.  

YJ is in a difficult situation.  She needs an ally and DJ is the perfect guy.  With the stakes this high, she only gets one chance, one opportunity to surprise him and takes the upper hand if she is to take the blackmail route.  She has to pull her ace card.  I think she saw the newspaper clipping of his impending marriage and probably thought that is her key: to threaten his engagement.  I don't like her method but I get her thinking.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that may be the act did not happened.  He possibly was guided physically into the bed and into the position.  YJ may have edited the video to misguide DJ.  If he was totally drunk to almost passed out, it may not be possible to physically "perform" <---- this is an adult melodrama discussion  :D Otherwise, it's pretty hard to imagine how to U-turn to get viewers sympathy for DJ.

I don't know, being a detective, I don't see how she would have showered if something like that happened.  She would know the rules and how not to destroy evidence? 

13.9% is a good solid start.  Isn't this like the best pilot episode rating of all Park Kyung Soo's dramas?  I would be happy if Whisper can pull Chaser's rating numbers for its 16-episode run.  There was a 5% ratings bump for Rebel. Would wait till at least episode 3-4 to see if there's actually viewers fatigue from this genre or Defendant.

OK, i'mgonnago watch my show now...

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Great 1st episode and definitely am in for the rest of the drama. Most important question on my mind right now, as soon as I saw the bed scene is : Did they or did they not? Was it just a set up but in my mind, the "deed" must have been done. :D Otherwise, being as brilliant as his character is supposed to be, he would have made sure that the video was real and he would know that he slept with her, right? And she's going to be his secretary? My oh my, am loving the twist and can't wait for all the skinship that we are going to have.:wub: Of course the backstory is good but can never resist a good love story and this couple definitely has a place in my heart, after MDSY! 

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1 hour ago, bedifferent said:

YJ is in a difficult situation.  She needs an ally and DJ is the perfect guy.  With the stakes this high, she only gets one chance, one opportunity to surprise him and takes the upper hand if she is to take the blackmail route.  She has to pull her ace card.  I think she saw the newspaper clipping of his impending marriage and probably thought that is her key: to threaten his engagement.  I don't like her method but I get her thinking.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that may be the act did not happened.  He possibly was guided physically into the bed and into the position.  YJ may have edited the video to misguide DJ.  If he was totally drunk to almost passed out, it may not be possible to physically "perform" <---- this is an adult melodrama discussion  :D Otherwise, it's pretty hard to imagine how to U-turn to get viewers sympathy for DJ.

I don't know, being a detective, I don't see how she would have showered if something like that happened.  She would know the rules and how not to destroy evidence? 

13.9% is a good solid start.  Isn't this like the best pilot episode rating of all Park Kyung Soo's dramas?  I would be happy if Whisper can pull Chaser's rating numbers for its 16-episode run.  There was a 5% ratings bump for Rebel. Would wait till at least episode 3-4 to see if there's actually viewers fatigue from this genre or Defendant.

OK, i'mgonnago watch my show now...


Sorry for cutting the first part of your post.

I think when YJ saw the newspaper clipping about DJ's marriage, before she thought that she could use the sex tape to blackmail him, she was more frustrated because he became the son-in-law of that corrupted Tae Baek law firm. Her dad was working on something to bring out the corruption of the law firm but then DJ waltzed in and brought him to prison. Besides, she had quite a good impression for him at first, so when it turned out that he was just like everyone else, she would feel more betrayed.

About the bed scene, I also think that they did not "do" it at all. Just a feeling anyways, I also don't really know why :D. But can anybody enlighten me why she choose that tactic to blackmail and defame him tho? DJ did not show any sign of violence in the snippets we saw on the TV to be accused of rape. If I am a police officer investigating this "rape" case, I would check all the CCTVs outside DJ's apartment to check for any signs of violence towards YJ and apparently there is nothing at all, because he was almost passed out. The most serious defamation act here I can think of (when everything is properly investigated :D) is one night stand and that's it. If DJ is smart enough, he can turn the tables and sue her back for defamation, so I don't think it is a good choice at all.

Anyways, after watching the 1st episode, I feel really bad for DJ tho. The whole world (beside his mom) is against him, twisting his every word and action into criminal act. It's hard to keep a straight head in these kinds of situation.

It's a good 1st episode and I am definitely excited for the 2nd one tonight. Even register a Soompi account to engage in this discussion :D

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1 hour ago, khanhielicious said:

I think when YJ saw the newspaper clipping about DJ's marriage, before she thought that she could use the sex tape to blackmail him, she was more frustrated because he became the son-in-law of that corrupted Tae Baek law firm. Her dad was working on something to bring out the corruption of the law firm but then DJ waltzed in and brought him to prison. Besides, she had quite a good impression for him at first, so when it turned out that he was just like everyone else, she would feel more betrayed.

About the bed scene, I also think that they did not "do" it at all. Just a feeling anyways, I also don't really know why :D. But can anybody enlighten me why she choose that tactic to blackmail and defame him tho? DJ did not show any sign of violence in the snippets we saw on the TV to be accused of rape. If I am a police officer investigating this "rape" case, I would check all the CCTVs outside DJ's apartment to check for any signs of violence towards YJ and apparently there is nothing at all, because he was almost passed out. The most serious defamation act here I can think of (when everything is properly investigated :D) is one night stand and that's it. If DJ is smart enough, he can turn the tables and sue her back for defamation, so I don't think it is a good choice at all.

Anyways, after watching the 1st episode, I feel really bad for DJ tho. The whole world (beside his mom) is against him, twisting his every word and action into criminal act. It's hard to keep a straight head in these kinds of situation.

It's a good 1st episode and I am definitely excited for the 2nd one tonight. Even register a Soompi account to engage in this discussion :D


High five.  I agree.  Welcome, you must be my twin.  Agree, agree, agree.  Now that I have seen the complete episode :) Yes, that was when the fuse was lit right there. Like you've said with DJ, she felt wronged by truth and justice especially when her work is to defend the weak and enforce the law. Props for YJ for snapping out of a victim position and straight into a fix-it mode.  Lee Bo Young was completely believable in this scene as well as the one in front of the police station when her father was brought in.  My two favorite scenes of LBY in this episode. I was like... there it is, she is back!  Shock, disbelief, sadness and daughterly love all in her face and eyes.

Let's just get this out of the way.

Lee Sang Yoon delivered. That was a wholuva range of emotions and acting in one episode.  I love the scene where he was lured and crossed into devil territory by burning the SMS chip.  Kim Gab Soo was scary.  LSY has always been a very expressive actor. His facial actions, jaw clenching and uncertainties were spot on.  Still, the transformation from the confident judge to a helpless one was a little quick for me (one episode!). I'd prefer a little more time given for him to fully express his turmoil and battle (even reasoning) to make us empathize more with his decision.  I'd rather have that than the scene where he imagined himself in prison uniform on the bus.  That on bus scene felt out of place and elementary as plot device.

I believe YJ chose the sexual assault as her ammo because of the ethics ramification for LDJ's judicial career.  Just the scandal alone would compromise his career and derail his marriage + partnership with Taebaek. The fact that he said/she said alone is enough. Especially when he was the presiding judge over her father's case (YJ said it herself).

My Korean is not good enough to decipher what happened with the clinic situation.  I think DJ's father is involved so he delayed or interfere with the investigation.  Here is where he puts himself into a corner.  By sentencing a prison term to Supreme Court Justice what's-his-name's son in law, he essentially made enemies with the same person who decides his judicial term renewal.  DJ, who vowed never to be like his dad, ended up doing the same while trying to help the father that he dislikes.

Some more to say once I get my thoughts together and rewatch the episode with subs. But y'all, Sang Yoon was so cute when he smiles... the scene where his mom asks him to simplify his life by opening a small firm near her.... is this what we will get back to at the end of episode 16?

Park Se Young looks beautiful in her beaded wedding dress!  LSY's groom face :)  and so tall.

One last thing, maybe because it serves to bookend the episode... the thunder and lightning effects.  I didn't like it, too dramatic..haha




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one more article ...they had a good start...congratulations

SBS TV's 'Whisper' edges out 'Rebel' to debut at No. 1


SEOUL, March 28 (Yonhap) -- SBS TV's new legal thriller "Whisper" has made a triumphant debut, edging out a victory in a hard-fought race with MBC TV's "Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People," data showed Tuesday.

The first episode of "Whisper" aired on Monday night and recorded a 13.9 percent nationwide viewership, according to Nielsen Korea. Ratings in and around the capital area stood at 16.1 percent.

The show's debut performance is approximately in line with that of its preceding show "Defendant," which premiered with 14.5 percent nationwide viewership and ended last week in success.

This image captured from SBS TV's new legal thriller "Whisper" shows lead actress Lee Bo-young starring as homicide police officer Shin Young-joo. (Yonhap) This image captured from SBS TV's new legal thriller "Whisper" shows lead actress Lee Bo-young starring as homicide police officer Shin Young-joo. (Yonhap)

"Whisper" stars lead actress Lee Bo-young as Shin Young-joo, a homicide police detective who seeks revenge on Lee Dong-joon, a corrupt judge played by Lee Sang-yoon, who wrongfully convicts her father of murder. Throughout her quest, Shin ends up falling in love with her nemesis Lee.

Lee Bo-young happens to be the real-life wife of Ji Sung, lead star of "Defendant."

   The victory of "Whisper" was won in a hair-splitting race with "Rebel," which came in at second with 13.8 percent, by a mere 0.1 percentage point difference with "Whisper."

   On Monday, MBC TV aired a special one-hour highlight show for "Rebel," showcasing a show overview, cast interviews and behind-the-scenes footage from the set. The scheduled broadcast of "Rebel" immediately followed.

KBS 2TV's "Ms. Perfect," starring actress Ko So-young, came in last, though with gains from last week. Monday's broadcast added a 2.2 percentage point gain to finish at 6.4 percent.




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I like the way how she trapped him. Lol laughing with that scene, how he staged a rape scene. I cant wait for what will happen to episode 

I know her method is wrong but that's nothing compared to how powerful people twist the truth, she feel betrayed cant blame her, thats her only choice, cant let it go in legal way seeing how corrupt justice is. She needs to get one who will help her. And her choice to choose the judge is the right thing. She didnt waste single time and get it done in the first episode. 

I feel sorry for LBY on this episode on how she trust her lover and the judge but at the end they both betray her. Also the life of the judge is so hard, can feel it in this episode (well thats how life of powerful ones revolves). And kinda agree with knetz, this drama show how things happened in real life. 

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4 hours ago, bedifferent said:

High five.  I agree.  Welcome, you must be my twin.  Agree, agree, agree.  Now that I have seen the complete episode :) Yes, that was when the fuse was lit right there. Like you've said with DJ, she felt wronged by truth and justice especially when her work is to defend the weak and enforce the law. Props for YJ for snapping out of a victim position and straight into a fix-it mode.  Lee Bo Young was completely believable in this scene as well as the one in front of the police station when her father was brought in.  My two favorite scenes of LBY in this episode. I was like... there it is, she is back!  Shock, disbelief, sadness and daughterly love all in her face and eyes.

Let's just get this out of the way.

Lee Sang Yoon delivered. That was a wholuva range of emotions and acting in one episode.  I love the scene where he was lured and crossed into devil territory by burning the SMS chip.  Kim Gab Soo was scary.  LSY has always been a very expressive actor. His facial actions, jaw clenching and uncertainties were spot on.  Still, the transformation from the confident judge to a helpless one was a little quick for me (one episode!). I'd prefer a little more time given for him to fully express his turmoil and battle (even reasoning) to make us empathize more with his decision.  I'd rather have that than the scene where he imagined himself in prison uniform on the bus.  That on bus scene felt out of place and elementary as plot device.

I believe YJ chose the sexual assault as her ammo because of the ethics ramification for LDJ's judicial career.  Just the scandal alone would compromise his career and derail his marriage + partnership with Taebaek. The fact that he said/she said alone is enough. Especially when he was the presiding judge over her father's case (YJ said it herself).

My Korean is not good enough to decipher what happened with the clinic situation.  I think DJ's father is involved so he delayed or interfere with the investigation.  Here is where he puts himself into a corner.  By sentencing a prison term to Supreme Court Justice what's-his-name's son in law, he essentially made enemies with the same person who decides his judicial term renewal.  DJ, who vowed never to be like his dad, ended up doing the same while trying to help the father that he dislikes.

Some more to say once I get my thoughts together and rewatch the episode with subs. But y'all, Sang Yoon was so cute when he smiles... the scene where his mom asks him to simplify his life by opening a small firm near her.... is this what we will get back to at the end of episode 16?

Park Se Young looks beautiful in her beaded wedding dress!  LSY's groom face :)  and so tall.

One last thing, maybe because it serves to bookend the episode... the thunder and lightning effects.  I didn't like it, too dramatic..haha

Hi again :D

Yeah I agree that everything happened at LTE speed with YJ switching on her action mode and DJ losing his sanity :D A part of me wants more DJ scenes and how he transforms to be a corrupted judge, but I also think that 1 episode is enough with everything shoves to his face at once and forces him to make a choice. I guess he reached his limit when the old man (sorry already forgot his name :)) threatened him with his mother. 

About the sexual assault, yeah, the public doesn't care whether he had done it or not, they're gonna curse him to hell anyways. But he got the Tae Baek law firm behind his back with the people whom can turn black into white easily so it's not gonna be a problem. 

The acting is so good already we don't have to discuss it anymore :D But I think YJ's boyfriend (Hyun Soo?!) is kinda awkward or his character is awkward itself. I saw many people here "hate" him for abandoning his girlfriend when she was at her lowest, I think that is selfish of him too but I guess at the beginning they do not share the same definition of love so it is hard to continue their love life when problems occur. YJ wants someone who can cry together with her when things get hard for both of them, but the boyfriend thinks that one must sacrifice for the other to get out of trouble. Different perspectives from both sides consequently lead to the breakup. 

I didn't know about Park Seyoung before this drama but I kinda like her richard simmons face already :D Hope she will have more screen time in ep 2. 

About Lee Sangyoon, I love the guy since My Daughter Seoyoung. I even replayed that drama many times just to see his smiles (silly me I know :tongue:). But I think in this drama he won't smile much, the theme is too dark :D 

3 hours ago, andy78 said:

"Whisper" stars lead actress Lee Bo-young as Shin Young-joo, a homicide police detective who seeks revenge on Lee Dong-joon, a corrupt judge played by Lee Sang-yoon, who wrongfully convicts her father of murder. Throughout her quest, Shin ends up falling in love with her nemesis Lee.

So we will have a loveline between YJ and DJ but please keep it apart from the revenge thing. Many scriptwriters already fall into the maze of focusing on the loveline and abandoning the main plot. Or things start to be stupid after the two main leads fall in love with each other. Please don't do that. I would rather not having a loveline at all. 


2 hours ago, ILYSM08 said:

I like the way how she trapped him. Lol laughing with that scene, how he staged a rape scene. I cant wait for what will happen to episode 

I know her method is wrong but that's nothing compared to how powerful people twist the truth, she feel betrayed cant blame her, thats her only choice, cant let it go in legal way seeing how corrupt justice is. She needs to get one who will help her. And her choice to choose the judge is the right thing. She didnt waste single time and get it done in the first episode. 

I feel sorry for LBY on this episode on how she trust her lover and the judge but at the end they both betray her. Also the life of the judge is so hard, can feel it in this episode (well thats how life of powerful ones revolves). And kinda agree with knetz, this drama show how things happened in real life. 

I love that she is fast as hell when it comes to revenge :D We need smart female characters in dramas. I do wonder if she can blackmail him and bring him to her side because her footage is kinda vague to accuse him of sexual assault. If he is smart enough he can get out of this easily. Let see how it unfolds tonight :D 

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13 hours ago, triplem said:

Ok so just to satisfy my curiosity ( it's another 12 hours or so bf I can watch the subbed episode ) I want to clarify this: 

Lee Sang Yoon's character is married to Park Se young's. It's a loveless marriage as it was pretty much a marriage of two powerful families. PSY  is actually in love with Kwon yul's character. LBY's dad was wrongly accused of murder & LSY was the judge. Due to blackmail he pronounces dad as guilty. So LBY was damn pissed and when LSY was drunk, she took revenge & filmed them having sex to use it as a threat. 

Is that the gist of the story ?  Gonna be a roller coaster ride ahead. Lol! Preparing my heart. 


didn't watch with subs yet myself :( but yes it's pretty much the story!! we all need to prepare our hearts!! :D 

13 hours ago, triplem said:

:lol: This statement is hilarious. Burn!!! 



12 hours ago, MiAmour said:

YAYY im so happy this drama able to steal the 1st place (drama) after it get premiered! Congrats!!! :blush:


BTS Making, her hubby visited him on the set 



yes me too!! :D hope it keep getting higher ratings all along it's running time!! :D 

thank you for sharing chingu!! :wub: I'm always happy to see them together!! :wub:

12 hours ago, hushhh said:

Glad to see Lee Bo-Young back with her I Hear Your Voice Mom, Kim Hae-Sook.  I'm concerned that Young-Joo's mom won't be around much because Kim Hae-Sook is busy filming Father is Strange.  Also, Kim Chang-Wan who plays Dong Joon's father is busy on Father I'll Take Care of You playing Sang-Joon's father. So they'll either kill the actors from overwork or the characters won't hang around for long.



don't worry me chingu!! :blink: it can be ok since they won't need to be around most of the time: the father in jail and the mother doesn't have much to do for now so they can be around till the very end with no much trouble to film for both dramas!! hope so!!

10 hours ago, ibru said:

P.S. I think this drama will get good rates because the subject "corruption" is very actual ... It is so realistic... and that is why difficult to watch. Hope they will add some 'heating' between OTP, not only fight.



I agree with you and seeing Young Joo fighting back from the start is so satisfying :D 

yes I want that too :wink: I loved there chemistery and I'm sure we'll have more :tongue: 

10 hours ago, dhakra said:

And now I'm sitting here and don't know what to do with 'Whisper'. But because I really liked the first 58 minutes, I think I will watch the episode tomorrow aswell and decide afterwards if I continue to watch it or drop it and add it so my very huge pile of shame. 


hope today's episode will pull you in to keep watching the drama with us!! :D 

8 hours ago, bedifferent said:

I am ready to watch finally (dinner is done) ... but stopped by to check out the comments first haha (cuz I'm nosy) :lol:

@ sin hoonism:  Thank you for your service. You won the prize for first post of shirtless LSY !!


I went ahead and cheated by watching the end clip of episode 1.  I totally get you.  It's an uneasy feeling of watching something unpleasant.  

YJ is in a difficult situation.  She needs an ally and DJ is the perfect guy.  With the stakes this high, she only gets one chance, one opportunity to surprise him and takes the upper hand if she is to take the blackmail route.  She has to pull her ace card.  I think she saw the newspaper clipping of his impending marriage and probably thought that is her key: to threaten his engagement.  I don't like her method but I get her thinking.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that may be the act did not happened.  He possibly was guided physically into the bed and into the position.  YJ may have edited the video to misguide DJ.  If he was totally drunk to almost passed out, it may not be possible to physically "perform" <---- this is an adult melodrama discussion  :D Otherwise, it's pretty hard to imagine how to U-turn to get viewers sympathy for DJ.

I don't know, being a detective, I don't see how she would have showered if something like that happened.  She would know the rules and how not to destroy evidence? 

13.9% is a good solid start.  Isn't this like the best pilot episode rating of all Park Kyung Soo's dramas?  I would be happy if Whisper can pull Chaser's rating numbers for its 16-episode run.  There was a 5% ratings bump for Rebel. Would wait till at least episode 3-4 to see if there's actually viewers fatigue from this genre or Defendant.

OK, i'mgonnago watch my show now...


agree with you and I'm thinking the same way!! 

7 hours ago, ZarraJae said:

Great 1st episode and definitely am in for the rest of the drama. Most important question on my mind right now, as soon as I saw the bed scene is : Did they or did they not? Was it just a set up but in my mind, the "deed" must have been done. :D Otherwise, being as brilliant as his character is supposed to be, he would have made sure that the video was real and he would know that he slept with her, right? And she's going to be his secretary? My oh my, am loving the twist and can't wait for all the skinship that we are going to have.:wub: Of course the backstory is good but can never resist a good love story and this couple definitely has a place in my heart, after MDSY! 


he was too drunk to remember anything and she's the only one who can confirme!! 

hhhhhhhhh agree with you!! :wub: 

6 hours ago, khanhielicious said:

About the bed scene, I also think that they did not "do" it at all. Just a feeling anyways, I also don't really know why :D. But can anybody enlighten me why she choose that tactic to blackmail and defame him tho? DJ did not show any sign of violence in the snippets we saw on the TV to be accused of rape. If I am a police officer investigating this "rape" case, I would check all the CCTVs outside DJ's apartment to check for any signs of violence towards YJ and apparently there is nothing at all, because he was almost passed out. The most serious defamation act here I can think of (when everything is properly investigated :D) is one night stand and that's it. If DJ is smart enough, he can turn the tables and sue her back for defamation, so I don't think it is a good choice at all.



I have that feeling too!! 

I think the problem he'll be facing isn't rape but having a "relation" with the daughter of one of his convicted prisoners!! 1st that will break his career as a judge 2nd his to be father in law won't be so happy and he'll ruin his life so all he need to do is keep quite and do what she asks of him if he dosn't want his life to go black!! 


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7 hours ago, ZarraJae said:

Great 1st episode and definitely am in for the rest of the drama. Most important question on my mind right now, as soon as I saw the bed scene is : Did they or did they not? Was it just a set up but in my mind, the "deed" must have been done:D Otherwise, being as brilliant as his character is supposed to be, he would have made sure that the video was real and he would know that he slept with her, right? And she's going to be his secretary? My oh my, am loving the twist and can't wait for all the skinship that we are going to have.:wub: Of course the backstory is good but can never resist a good love story and this couple definitely has a place in my heart, after MDSY! 

Rewatched it a few times :lol:. It looks like he did. But he may have passed out half way and never went through with it. Regardless, it is good enough for her to use it as "proof". Even if it's not "rape" which obviously isn't since he was set up, it would still be good enough to damage his reputation as  the son-in-law of the powerful Taebak law firm. But I am concerned about how this is going to play out for them in the future. Accusing someone of rape is no joke and I'm curious to see how they are going to reverse this damage and become lovers.  

I enjoyed watching them on the screen together & it's like a matured , more polished version of their roles in  MDSY.  I think that SBS is lucky that they could reunite them. I'm looking forward to more sizzling episodes ahead esp now that they will be working in such close proximity. :rolleyes:


@dhakra I can see why you would be uncomfortable or disturbed by it. It's definitely not the kind of thing that she should be doing to seek revenge, but I can see why the scriptwriter used it. In this dirty world of power and politics that Whisper is in, corruption and  sex scandals go hand in hand. And nothing can be more damaging than the presiding judge sleeping with (or as she says it "raping" ) the daughter of the accused.


I really felt Young Joo's desperation in wanting to save her father. She broke the law a number of times  but I can't blame her especially when all the institutions that were suppose to uphold the law pretty much betrayed her. (Lol! I was counting the number of  times she damaged her car. ) It was quite surreal to watch LBY as a kick  a*s cop bringing those gangsters down, maybe cause she's so petite.  I felt the stab in her heart when her fiancee betrayed her too. Kudos to LBY for those emotional scenes. I liked how you can see how broken her heart was at the police station  but yet she held it all back till she reached home.

I loved  LSY's potrayal as Dong Joon. He is so believable as a righteous judge, and you know deep down this is a good man. I can see what a good son he is to his mum. Sure he crossed over to the dark side  & became a coward in that moment of fear & weakness,  but I am looking forward to his redemption.

The last time I saw Park Se Young was in School 2013. She has grown up beautifully. Though her scene was short, she nailed it as the arrogant spoiled daughter.  You can tell how bitter she is.

So overall very exciting 1st eps. The pace is quite relentless. I had to really pay attention because so much happened in just 60 mins.

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