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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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On 2/24/2017 at 3:57 PM, wunwing1 said:

how is SH ma going blame ES for SH leaving the house? when she was the one who dorve him out of the house. by saying mean thing to ES ma.

now rich brat BN know just how loney married life is. when your husband married you for your money. not cuz he in love with her.

that last secne when ES crying saying she love SH. was sweet. i wonder how rich brat BN. will feel like. when ES/SH get back together again. will their lovey dovey drive rich brat nut. knowing her husband dont even love her at all.

@wunwing1 Of course seeing ES and EH madly in love showing what she's lacking in they marriage will run her nuts after all she did to try and separate them didn't work I call it karma for buying her man.. I'm still waiting fir her jerk husband to learn what she did.. 

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From episode 66's preview, the news of Soo Ho's declaration he is going to marry ES struck Soo Ho's mom like a bolt from the blue. She insists that ES is after the Yoon's money and she is against their marriage.

Meanwhile, over at ES's, she gathered her family to relate the news of her intention to marry Soo Ho. She also lets them know Rich Brat is Soo Ho's sister-in-law.

Soo Ho's mom isn't the only one against a ES and Soo Ho union. Will Rich Brat's dad be able to influence ES's mom and help her change her mind to accept ES's intention to marry Soo Ho?

Now off to watch the raw version of episode 65.

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today episode was good.

so many sweet scene for ES/SH. i guess it to makeup. for making them being sad without each other.

that scene of rich brat BN finding out. from ES that she getting back together. with SH drive her nut.

she even made up lie. that she married her husband. cuz she fall in love with him. when in reality he just someone she want to have. just like how she try to steal ES old bf.

that last scene of ES/SH both telling each other family. they want to get married was jjang.

knowing daily drama. they wont married yet. i guess it time for rich brat BN. to try to break them up. knowing her she will use dirty trick.

maybe she can hire that money grabber. who keep bulling ES at work to help her break them up.

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Club Jerk sit and talk on a bench outdoors. She claims she doesn't worry about him but he teases her because that obviously isn't true. She asks WTH he was and he says, traveling around to clear his mind. He tells her that he left home because otherwise he would have tried to see her every day and she would have suffered. They promise never again to let each other go.

Back at Yoonga Foods, Rich Brat tells the Assistant Manager to assign a report to Eun Soo. The Assistant Manager complains that Eun Soo is out of the office and has been absent frequently over the last couple of days. Rich Brat is alarmed at the thought that Eun Soo must have located Club Jerk.

Eun Soo walks Club Jerk to the gate to the Yoon residence. After a conversation, he steps inside the gate.

Mother Yoon is Aigooing in bed when Club Jerk steps into the house. He enters her bedroom and they embrace.

Father Yoon is on the phone at his restaurant. He tells his wife to not say anything and allow Club Jerk to get some rest.

Eun Soo is walking down the corridor to her office when she receives a call. She sees that it is from Rich Brat.

In her office, Rich Brat is frustrated that Eun Soo is not picking up. Eun Soo knocks on her door and enters. Rich Brat asks where she was. Eun Soo says that she was on a personal errand. Rich Brat reproaches her for disappearing the day before. Don't ask a question you really don't want answered. Rich Brat asks Eun Soo if she was with Club Jerk. Eun Soo says yes. rich Brat's face collapses. Eun Soo informs her that not only are she and Club Jerk a couple again, but that they have agreed to get married. Rich Brat melts down when Eun Soo tells her that the wedding is full speed ahead regardless of whether both of their families continue to oppose it. Eun Soo tells her that if she married Corporate Jerk for love, she is marrying Club Jerk for the same reason. Rich Brat pleads with her to reconsider, then melts down.

Corporate Jerk is happy that Club Jerk has returned home when his wife enters and invites him to join her for a cup of coffee.

Club Jerk eats while he and his mother talk. In calm tones, they admit that they are disappointed with each other.

Corporate Jerk's sister and her assistant talk. He says that life around the office is less lively without the Upstairs Tenant. She claims that she prefers the calmer atmosphere. Just then, the Upstairs Tenant enters and she belies her b.s. by grinning ear to ear. He gifts her with a large sketch of herself. She feigns disinterest but then goes into her office and busies herself looking for the perfect spot for the framed portrait.

Halmoni is doing windows when the Center's manager arrives and informs her that her period of servitude has ended. She goes into the break room to say goodbye to the volunteer workers. When she sees that Eun Soo's grandmother is not there, she stomps out.

Rich Brat's father sits at his desk and remembers hugging Eun Soo's mother.

Eun Soo's mother is working in her shop when she receives a text from Rich Brat's father. While she is considering the text, her mother in law looks at her with a questioning look. She is told that it is a text from her "Chingu." Her mother in law is afraid that Chingu is the Former Department Store Supervisor. She snaps at her daughter in law and leaves the shop.

Halmoni arrives home and complains to herself that Eun Soo's grandmother was not at the Center to witness her final day. She calls and invites Rich Brat and Corporate Jerk to dinner. They accept. For some reason, Rich Brat claims that she needs to join her in laws since Club Jerk is home and sends her husband to Halmoni's house alone.

Club Jerk and Eun Soo eat and drink soju in a restaurant. They exchange sweet nothings.

The maid has spilled some liquid on the floor as Corporate Jerk arrives. She orders the maid to wipe it up. She and Corporate Jerk eat and converse awkwardly. When he gets up to take a phone call, she also gets up and slips in the liquid. He tries to carry Halmoni on his back but is exhausted before the second step. Then he gets a second wind and they are out the door.

Corporate Jerk and Halmoni arrive at Rich Brat's father's office. She moans and groans but her son in law informs her that she has merely pulled a muscle. Corporate Jerk offers to take Halmoni home and they leave.

Rich Brat sits in her bedroom and communes with the worry doll her father has given her. If she knew that it was made by Eun Soo's mother, she would have more worries. She tells the doll that she had no idea that a single lie would cause such a tsunami in her life. She blames herself for not having had the courage to confess to Halmoni that she hated playing the piano. She fears that her husband will leave her if he leaarns how she framed Eun Soo.

Rich Brat's father arrives at the dry cleaning shop. He tells Eun Soo's mother his full name and tells her that he would like to be her romantic partner. She is stunned.

Club Jerk and Eun Soo agree to confront their families that evening.

Eun Soo's mother, at home, remembers Rich Brat's father's words while her mother in law eats oranges.

Eun Soo arrives home and gathers her family for a Talk.

Club Jerk arrives home and is scolded by the Aunt. He tells his family members to have a seat because he has news for them. He tells his family that he wants to marry Eun Soo.

Eun Soo tells her family that she wants to marry Club Jerk.

They await their families' reactions.

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 The world does not revolve around Kim Bit Na. @Jackie1048, you are SOOOOOO right, the world does NOT revolve around Kim Bit Na! So much fun watching her squirm like a worm, serves her right! She's so pathetic, talking to herself like that since she has no friends to confide in.  ES is like her wise halmoni and is TOTALLY the bigger person, telling BN her intention to marry YH and be related to her! That she is willing to let their past go......awesome, ES! If only BN can take the cue from ES and atone for her past sins!

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36 minutes ago, auntyem said:

 The world does not revolve around Kim Bit Na. @Jackie1048, you are SOOOOOO right, the world does NOT revolve around Kim Bit Na! So much fun watching her squirm like a worm, serves her right! She's so pathetic, talking to herself like that since she has no friends to confide in.  ES is like her wise halmoni and is TOTALLY the bigger person, telling BN her intention to marry YH and be related to her! That she is willing to let their past go......awesome, ES! If only BN can take the cue from ES and atone for her past sins!


Eun Soo is so right that she has now moved on and the matter is all in the past as she is "fighting" for her own happiness now. It was because of Bit Na who literally ruined her "first" happiness. I am sure if it was not for her dismissal, she would have married that boyfriend.

The one that is still clinging to the past is Bit Na because she was the "creator" of the mess so it is only karma that she never can run away from the "events" of her own making.

Great line by Eun Soo that her love for Soo Ho is far greater than her hate for Bit Na and she will endure the discomfort of being in a family with Bit Na.

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Wow! I am surprised Chairman Yoon gave his approval so quickly and even tried to persuade Eun Soo's mother to change her mind with praises that Eun Soo was his type of an ideal daughter in law.

We have only Soo Ho's mother and Bit Na who disagreed with everyone for the marriage.

I am glad Eun Soo explained to her family that Bit Na is already a daughter in law in the household.

Our couple are really working together for their future.

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Just watched some of the excerpts from episode 66. The most significant scene for me is as follows:


Soo Ho got down on his knees and knelt before his family asking them to grant him permission to marry ES. Rejoice!! The Chairman gave in and gave his permission for Soo Ho and ES to wed:). The Chairman asked his son if ES's family approve of their marriage to which Soo Ho answered not yet but he is going to try his very best to convince them. Soo Ho's mom told her husband she is against their marriage despite his approval and complained, protested and said ES is after the Yoon's money. The Chairman told her ES isn't what she described her to be. His wife has seen her at work so she should know better.

The Aunt has no objection and is the second one to show approval after her brother. She is envious of ES and calls Soo Ho ” 멋있다 " @jechoi1 had explained the meaning up thread. The Aunt went on to accuse her SIL of the way she treated ES's mom. SM followed by saying she sincerely agrees to their union and it's the first time she has seen Soo Ho loves someone so deeply.

I think Corporate Jerk asked Soo Ho if he is sure everything is going to be alright and if he can handle it. And perhaps he should reconsider his decision. The Aunt then asked Wimpy Jerk if he is for or against his marriage. I think he is on the fence unlike Rich Brat who chose to remain silent. The Aunt tried to convince Wimpy Corporate Jerk and his mom by saying a pitiful Soo Ho is kneeling and awaiting their approval.

In the preview, ES's mom is still against Soo Ho and ES's marriage despite their efforts to convince her. After learning that Rich Brat is Soo Ho's SIL, she is adamant they should not get married and live in the same household as Rich Brat's.

The Chairman met ES's mom at the Aunt's cafe and asked for her approval but she disapproved citing reasons that are unknown to the Chairman but concerning ES. Isn't it time ES come clean and spill the beans already??!!

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14 hours ago, jina_bing_bang said:



What a packed episode! SO much going on


Proud of ES for admitting that she just said she liked SooHo but couldn’t face reality, love that they are growing and learning together! Also, SooHo and the talk with his mom was actually genuine from both sides


Does anyone else find it funny how much BN is invested in EunSoo and SooHo too? Isn’t SooHyun in charge of the Yoon-ga company? Haha- It’s just funny and sad how much BN stresses herself out


Oh SooMin, the secret smile of seeing HyungShik again and his present to her


BN’s grandma and SooHyun when she fell- hilarious!!!

Glad that ES and SH have a united front and can move forward..hopefully!!

What did everyone else think about the episode today?

 BN should learn that she is ES's antifan, and that an antifan is still a fan.  

Why can't the stylists make ES look prettier?  She seems to get worse in each episode.

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@sk0317- I agree - ES should come clean with the Yoons and tell them the secret behind the two women.  It wasn't her fault - it was Bitna's and this is the only way she will be shining in that household once they are married.  Bitna is already close to the hot burning pot in that household with her attitude.  Let it be known how bratty she is, with the help of her snotty grandma, in destroying the life of a bright teacher 8 years ago.  ES saying she has moved on doesn't make sense if she continues to keep the past a secret.  Moving on means coming clean - erasing the past.  And I want this past to be revealed by ES mom to Chairman Yoon.

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Thanks everyone for keeping me updated on this drama.. Now I can resume to watching again since theres talk of marriage between our OTP and watching BN do everything in her powers to try and stop this marriage only to end up being seen as the brothers love wrecker and watching the marriage happen due to her stupidity.. I bet she'll try and order ES around around and I hope SH tells her just what her role is as the FDIL and what her title consists of.. I want ES and SH to live separately.. Maybe BN would want to move back home..

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6 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

Thanks everyone for keeping me updated on this drama.. Now I can resume to watching again since theres talk of marriage between our OTP and watching BN do everything in her powers to try and stop this marriage only to end up being seen as the brothers love wrecker and watching the marriage happen due to her stupidity.. I bet she'll try and order ES around around and I hope SH tells her just what her role is as the FDIL and what her title consists of.. I want ES and SH to live separately.. Maybe BN would want to move back home..

i hope BN and SH move back to her grandmother's.

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@viyra @sava2sava @tulip06

I understand why ES's mom is still objecting to Soo Ho and ES's marriage. She doesn't want ES to have to live, face and suffer living in the same household as Rich Brat. Rich Brat is the very person who had no problem ruining her ex-teacher's life and career and is still reluctant to confess, move on and make amendments for the many wrongs she had committed. Rich Brat is unlikely to come clean for her "sins" and it is now up to ES to tell the truth and clear this mess before marrying into the Yoon's.

The Chairman has no idea why ES's mom is against their marriage. He thinks the rift between his wife and ES's mom could be resolved and he has apologized for his wife's crass and rude behavior on her behalf when he met YM at the cafe. It doesn't look good on her if she keeps insisting on disapproving without providing the Chairman and those around them a concrete reason why ES shouldn't marry Soo Ho. She needs to break it to him the main worry behind her objection. The Chairman can be trusted to put things right in his household especially when Rich Brat is in the wrong.


@viyra ES spilling the beans could also help "alleviate" the little guilt Rich Brat has on her role/hand in ES's unfair dismissal. If Rich Brat can't bring herself to confess her crimes, ES should. Unlike Rich Brat, ES will relate the unfortunate incident as it is; without mincing her words or twisting the truth. The Chairman and everyone will be on ES's side after hearing the truth. Reveal and move on! I am beginning to get weary of ES's procrastination and now is the time since she confessed to loving Soo Ho so much she is willing to overlook Rich Brat and their spat/rift in order to marry him.


@tulip06 Hopefully Corporate Jerk and his pathetic wife would move into Cranky Granny's on their second anniversary. Rich Brat's dad has clearly made up his mind to move on with his own life now that his only daughter has settled down. His confession that he wants to be seen as YM's man and not friend signals his intention to take their relationship to the next step.


In the preview, did Cranky Granny receive "fan" more like "thank you" postcards/mails from tykes who have benefited from her generous donation?

YM needs to tell the Chairman her concerns about Rich Brat living in the same household as ES. YM also needs to pull herself together. Imagine YM's shock and horror when she finds out the man she has fallen for is the father of the petulant, bratty, and entitled Kim Bit Na.

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