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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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14 hours ago, viyra said:

One thing I hate about K-dramas - they are not honest with each other (I'm talking about the leads).  No matter how visible the problem is, the answer is always 'nothing - it's okay, don't worry' - and then, next thing you knew, they took off without the other knowing why!  This applies to all the dramas I've been watching lately - all 4 daily dramas .  Glad the other one is winding up tomorrow.

thank you @jimbfor the synopsis for episode 62.  Poor SH!!!!

Only the women like Eunsoo who are too stupid to live do this.  The men hide all their work/money issues until the family ends up bankrupt.

13 hours ago, jimb said:

Since Father Yoon is actively defending his wife's disgusting behavior, he really is no better than she is.

Also, since his wife's family was apparently far less well off than his own, he might consider whether there is some projection going on with Mother Yoon's charges that Eun Soo is a gold digger.

I think Father Yoon is more upset at Sooho's drunken behavior than he is defending Mother Yoon.  Remember that Father Yoon let Sooho borrow his car to go on a date with Eunsoo.  Also, remember that Father Yoon is very, very traditional.  So I think it's more the fact that Sooho yelled at his mother and pushed her.  Doesn't matter that he's drunk. That actually works against him in Father Yoon's opinion because he wants and expects Sooho to approach this in a more rational and mature matter.  Sooho running out of the restaurant didn't look good, coming home drunk looked worse, and then disrespecting his mother by yelling at her and pushing her was the final straw.

13 hours ago, sk0317 said:


We found out from the interview that Rich Brat's grandfather used to be a prime minister.:blink: That makes Cranky Granny an ex-prime minister's wife.:o You would think someone of that breeding and class would have more common sense to listen and investigate thoroughly, at least listen to two sides of a claim or story, before blindly pursuing an "opponent" of her granddaughter.

That finally explains why Cranky Granny is always saying, "Do you know who I am?" or "they don't know who they're messing with."  I always assumed that she was saying this because of her wealth, but this makes so much more sense.  And, it also explains her bad behavior.  She's a crass woman who believes very strongly in a class system.  Also, Korean politics has always been corrupt.  Koreans don't elect people because they or their spouse is the epitome of manners and polite behavior.  In Korea, the bullies get and stay in power.

7 hours ago, autumnbreeze said:

My interpretation is that ES deliberately broke up with him the way she did was because she wanted SH to resent her, which he did until he found out the reason why she broke up with him. She didn't tell him because she knew he would understand and fight for them even more. She didn't want him to hate his mother or cause friction between him and his family because to her family is the most important. 

I really love ES mother in this drama and ES family. They are so supportive of one another. I hope SH mother finally agrees to their marriage and ES mother then rejects SH mother and tells her 'your son isn't good enough for my daughter'!!!

Perhaps that's why Eunsoo broke up him the way she did, but to me that's still a weak excuse.  For me, it all goes back to the fact that Eunsoo is simply not an honest person.  She was at a stage in her relationship where she should have come clean about her past with Beechna.  She didn't.  Regardless of whether or not she thought she would be hurting Sooho with the truth (like he's not hurting now?) she should have told him the truth because that's the right and decent thing to do.  She didn't.  Instead, she treats him like some idiot who wouldn't understand.  She treats him like a child and has no respect for him.  What does she think he'll do?  Yell at his own mother?  Stalk Eunsoo and her family?  Hasn't he shown a maturity and growth in character lately?  Shouldn't she trust him to perhaps be willing to see her side?  I think that if she had told him, he would have stated that he understood but had no intention of breaking up with her and that he would work on his mom.  Work on his mom, not yell at her or anything like that.  He would have been able to go to Eunsoo's mom and apologize to her.

Before, I was willing to give Eunsoo a lot of slack because she was unjustly accused and convicted.  But not anymore.  Also, even with her trust issues with relationships, let's not forget that when she was previously engaged, she was also the one who was holding back on the family meeting and going forward with the marriage.  If I recall correctly, her fiancee was pushing her for a family meeting and she was the one that deferred.  So, it's a pattern of behavior that Eunsoo has.  She talks big, but her actions amount to nothing.

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17 hours ago, viyra said:

I now hate SH mom!  The aunt is making more sense than her now. 

It's about time Bitna find out who she really is.  Can't she even tell her husband seem to be always avoiding to be with her?  Corporate Whimpy Jerk loves ChaeWon not her - she used her money to get him.

I tell you, BN and Corp Jerk haven't done it, yet.  He just doesn't like her. 

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@jechoi1 TBH, I'm not liking ES much either, and for all the reasons you say.  

That said, I want her to win against BN because justice still has to be served.  And by justice, I mean BN's lies getting exposed, BN losing her husband and having dad and gran ashamed of her, and ES's conviction overturned.  

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5 hours ago, viyra said:

Scene looks familiar - Legendary Witch - lead actress crying over a heavily bandaged person then lead actor was watching her from next stall. 

@Jackie1048- opppsss!!  sorry - forgot about that dinner!  But he doesn't know her story yet.

Eun Soo's grandmother is also Dr Kim's patient. Dr Kim knows who Eun Soo's grandmother is but not vice versa

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@jechoi1  I dunno.  How does someone respond to a person who has just said something vicious and then started pummeling you?  In most circumstances, one would pummel back.  If it was one's parent or spouse, one would do the minimum necessary to stop the pummeling.  Which is what Club Jerk did:  he simply pushed his mother away.  Even though drunk, he managed the appropriate response.

As for Club Jerk "disrespecting his mother," what the Hell?  She boasted about engaging in discreditable, viscious and disrespectful conduct and he called her on it.  She then physically assaulted him but he responded with the minimum force necessary to stop the assault.  Would a wife ber "disrespecting" her husband in a similar situation?  There may be people who think that but far fewer who would confess to thinking that


I think most spouses expect that their opposite numbers will refrain from criticizing  them in public or,if they have issues, discuss them in private.  In my view, Father Yoon should have sent all of the parties to bed and then discussed the issue with his wife and son, separately or together, the next morning.

Instead, he went full-bore shouty and fully endorsed his wife's boorish conduct and economic bigotry.  We are talking not only about what he personally witnessed but his wife's admission that she had one to Eun Soo's mother's shop and viciously insulted  Eun Soo and her mother.

Sorry, Father Yoon.  We're over. (Until you redeem yourself.)

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Jeez, the writers are not writing, but rather re-writing The Unusual Family script.

We've had three episodes in which Mother Yoon charges into Eun Soo's mother's shop and makes a boor of herself.  More or less like the TUFmother in law calling the heroine into her office in every episode for a scolding.

And this hospital scene?  Will Mother Yoon's heart soften when she witnesses Eun Soo's devotion to the injured Club Jerk?

Please.  It's been done. 

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20 hours ago, sk0317 said:


I think Wimpy Corporate Jerk was awarded his present position in Yoonga Foods because he is the first son of the Chairman. He was a better candidate than Soo Ho as he had studied and earned a degree overseas.

I yield to no person in my distaste for Corporate Jerk but this assessment may be unfair.  Recall, Father Yoon, then a humble restaurant owner, was offered $% million for his recipe.  After some consideration, he decided to await the return of his son, who was studying business  in this K-Drama,administration overseas.    When we first encounter Yoonga Foods in this K-Drama, Corporate Jerk is CEO.  So the logical assumption is that Corporate Jerk returned to Korea and built Yoonga Foods based on his father's recipe.

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I agree with @jimb.  Everyone here knows that I am NOT a fan of Smiling Idiot.  But, he wasn't always such.  He was first nothing more than a voice on the phone, the lauded first son, who was perfect--smart, dutiful, had a bright future ahead of him.  it wasn't until after he returned to Korea and didn't shake Beechna loose that he started to lose all of my respect.

Does anyone still remember when Smiling Idiot had taken Chaewon to a restaurant for dinner and he was supposed to propose but then Beechan showed up?  Remember how he didn't do anything?  Well, I was wondering what Sooho would have done.  Sooho may be a little clueless sometimes, so he may not have picked up on someone liking him.  But Smiling Idiot knew that Beechna was obsessed with him and he did nothing.  Wasn't even rude to Beechna.  I think that Sooho would have been a little rude (on purpose) and told the other girl to get a clue and leave since can't she tell that they're trying to have a romantic dinner together.  Actually.  You know what?  I don't have to imagine what he would have done.  I already saw it with how he treated the assistant manager from work.  He was curt on the phone, made it clear in person that he was dating someone else and absolutely not interested, and he never made Eunsoo feel insecure.

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Apologies @jimb. My memory must have failed me. m(_ _)m

Corporate Jerk was overseas in Japan when the Chairman called him to consult him if he should sell the restaurant along with their family's deonjang recipe to Hamidang Foods for five million dollars.

When his son told him he is going to take over and run his dad's company, the Chairman rang Hamidang Foods to turn down their offer.

Also, when Soo Ho was caught "cheating" in his chef license's exam, the Chairman lamented he would be happy if Soo Ho has half of what his brother possesses. His brother managed to turn a small restaurant into a full company in such economic times.

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@sk0317 WOW, what happened to Our loving couple? Haven't posted here for a few days and it seems we had lots of action between Soo Ho's mother and ES's mother causing Soo Ho and ES to breakup? What a mess!!

You're not the only one that has similar interests like my husband. My two sisters also love cooking and the eldest also uses different knives in her cooking. My younger sister shares the same interest in marine life so she and her husband always invite my husband to go fishing with them. My husband did a lot of snorkeling in his younger days but now he's too busy. Thank you for all the links that we can check out before traveling to Japan. We definitely will be visiting Kappabashi for kitchen ware. The stationary link sounds interesting since I love to collect different types of stationary. 

Today's episode wasn't very pleasant either. So many angry people. Soo Ho leaves home because of his parents especially his mother, and ES only adds to his heartache by being nasty and cruel by what she tells him. Didn't like the fact that she tells him she hates him which is not true. Another confrontation between Soo Ho's mother and ES's mother. So much bickering! Gives me a bad headache!

Glad to see by the preview, that our couple may be getting back together again after ES confesses her love to Soo Ho, who we think is someone else. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do with all the posts I have to read.

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4 hours ago, Jackie1048 said:

By the way, Bit Na has another "black mark" on Soo Hyun now. He never bother to respect his wife when he bluntly told his brother he did not marry for love. Bit Na also said she was jealous of Eun Soo as she is a recipient of love.  

There is no doubt that she is. She connived to get Corp Jerk and reality is showing her that her choice was not the best one. BN knew that Corp Jerk did not love her but she had deluded herself into thinking perhaps he would show some affections for her if she could just tie him down. Well that did not work out well for her as he is a incurable workaholic who seems to see her in a distant manner unless she is right in his face. Soo Hyun is a mess. How do you tell your brother that he should not marry for love???? Soo Ho is not like him and it is foolish to want him to marry someone rich who he does not care about.

The adage about not hearing anything good about yourself when you are eavesdropping comes to mind. BN certainly did not hear anything good when Soo Hyun admitted he did not marry BN for love. But then again it is what she gets as she took a man that had just proposed to another woman. He breaks it off with CW and then hot foots it to meet her after and give her a ring or asks her to marry him. Although she may not have known where he came from mere mins before the proposal was not romantic but she accepted it because she wanted him. You basically get what you pay for and she certainly got shafted but BN can't have the perfect marriage when she did all she could in order to get a man the wrong way.

There is no doubt she is jealous of ES. She just got a good taste of Soo Hyun in how he stood her up with her friends and his uncaring attitude over it. Then she has to witness how much ES and Soo Ho love one another and hold hands, giggle together and run/walk off together. How both stood up for one another it has to hurt to know she is not getting any of that with Soo Hyun but then again that is the man she wanted. Its was also a driving need for her I believe to make sure ES can't have happiness with Soo Ho  not just because of the past but because she can't stand to see that demonstration of love and affection when she does not get that from Soo Hyun. It really drove her crazy that Soo Ho was so in love with ES and devoted and ES too seemed to love him just as much and every time she sees them Soo Ho was smiling from ear to ear and so sweet with ES. It will only get worse later when she has to see them at home being so loving but also when ES wins the affection of her in laws by her cooking and house wife skills along with her other talents.

4 hours ago, jimb said:

@tulip06  Rich Brat is as unlikeable as ever but in the last several episodes she seems to have lost a lot of her confidence.  Kind of like a bully who learns that one of his victims has been working out at the gym.

I noticed this too about her but then again guilt is a heady thing and she knows that she has done ES wrong once again. Until she owns up to what she did years ago she will never have Happiness.

I agree Papa Yoon has just made me want to walk away from his character as well until he does right over his wife's boorish and rude behavior. No way she should get away with the way she has acted.

If there is a scenario of them seeing ES at the hospital then her being distraught and confessing her love and devotion could go a long way for them to go ahead and approve that relationship. I hope that happens.

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3 hours ago, jimb said:

Jeez, the writers are not writing, but rather re-writing The Unusual Family script.

We've had three episodes in which Mother Yoon charges into Eun Soo's mother's shop and makes a boor of herself.  More or less like the TUFmother in law calling the heroine into her office in every episode for a scolding.

And this hospital scene?  Will Mother Yoon's heart soften when she witnesses Eun Soo's devotion to the injured Club Jerk?

Please.  It's been done. 

That or blame her for SooHo's current situation.  Mrs. Yoon is full of hate as far as ES and her family is concerned and it might take a while  for  her to soften up (hopefully not).

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Father Yoon lectures Club Jerk. I'll never allow you to marry Eun Soo. First stunned, Club Jerk then starts laughing at his father. His father has to be restrained from physically attacking his son. Like wife, like husband.

Club Jerk tells his parents that they are wasting their nastiness because Eun Soo now doesn't want to marry him anyway. He tells them that if he were Eun Soo he would not want to marry into his family either. He demands that his father tell him whether he is satisfied now that he knows they have broken up. Other family members continue to restrain Father Yoon, who thinks that the truth can somehow be beaten down. He is offended to hear that anyone would not wish to marry into the Yoon family cesspool.

Father Yoon is led away to his bedroom. Mother Yoon lingers in the living room before finally noting her daughter's unspoken reproach. She yells at them to go away, then joins her husband. A fine Thunder Mug you have made here, Mother Yoon.

Corporate Jerk takes Club Jerk upstairs to his bedroom and begins to lecture him while Rich Brat listens outside in the hall.

The makeup artist has given Corporate Jerk Dr. Spock eyebrows today. They seem to have lives of their own.

Corporate Jerk is like, how can you be like this over a woman? Club Jerk is like, how would you know, didn't you marry Rich Brat without loving her? Corporate Jerk looks at his brother for a long minute and then says, Yes, I did. Club Jerk is surprised, because he now feels sorry for Rich Brat.

Outside in the hallway, Rich Brat hears her husband tell Club Jerk that he may not be a lover but he is certainly no fool. Why, even if he met a woman he loved, she couldn't make him act like a fool.

Rich Brat has heard all of this by the time Corporate Jerk emerges from Club Jerk's bedroom and finds her standing outside the door. He's like, Yeah, I stepped in it.

Rich Brat enters her bedroom, crawls into her bed, and is dead to her husband. She tells him that she does not resent him because she knew that he didn't love her when she married him. Now go away and leave me alone. He says, It's not that I really don't love you. We haven't had time to love each other. She has no response because she is already asleep.

Club Jerk sits in his bedroom. Mother Yoon, satisfied and conciliatory now that she knows that Eun Soo has broken up with her son, enters. She babbles on: she didn't mean to cause a scene at Eun Soo's mother's shop, how about some hangover soup, and etc. and etc. . He stares at the floor and tells her to go away.

Mother Yoon assaults Club Jerk and shouts at him. She'll find a gilf for him who is nice (and rich!). Finally, she goes away.

The Upstairs Tenant has drawn very idealized portrait of Corporate Jerk's sister. As he stares at her, suddenly he sees her real face. Then he realizes that he is halucinating. He is afraid that he is in love. He searches in his refrigerator for something to wash the feeling away: But alas, he is out of beer.

The Upstairs Tenant emerges from his apartment for some fresh air but is startled to encounter a homeless man. Upon closer examination, it is Club Jerk.

The Upstairs Tenant texts Eun Soo, who is lying in bed. He asks her to come out for a moment.

Eun Soo goes outside and tells Club Jerk to get lost. She spits bile at him. Not for nothing has she observed Mother and Daughter In Law Yoon. He hangs his head and Gets Going.

Eun Soo goes inside and cries. Serves her right.

The sun rises over the Yoon residence.

There is a knock on Club Jerk's door, but no one's home.

Corporate Jerk's sister alerts her mother that Club Jerk is missing. She tells her mother that she is in the wrong. They bicker.

Eun Soo sits in front of her laptop with a hangdog expression. The Manager has to address her more than once to obtain a response. He scolds her for being distracted at work.

Rich Brat sits in the break room. She is drinking a cup of coffee which (will wonders never cease?) she apparently has made for herself. She remembers her husband's shouting match with her brother in law, especially the part about how her husband didn't love her when he married her.

Rich Brat's glum reverie is disturbed by the entrance of Eun Soo. Eun Soo turns to leave, but Rich Brat calls her back. A mutually hostile pity party ensues. As is her wont, Rich Brat lies. She tells Eun Soo that Club Jerk informed the family that he had broken up with Eun Soo. Eun Soo hands it back to Rich Brat, telling her that she is relieved to hear that. Eun Soo smiles and thanks Rich Brat. Rich Brat's face struggles with its botox to register some emotion. Finally, she pouts. Rich Brat generously offers to help Eun Soo find another job.

Eun Soo tells Rich Brat to please ignore her from now on. Rich Brat agrees.

Then Rich Brat returns to her office and finds her husband lurking there. She berates him not for not loving her, but for hurting her pride by telling his brother that he didn't love her. Keep it to yourself and we'll be fine, is her apparent message.

Then Rich Brat tells Corporate Jerk that she is jealous of Eun Soo. When he responds with a WTF? expression, she explains that Eun Soo has someone who loves her and she does not.

Corporate Jerk tells Rich Brat not t take it personally, he can't love anybody ("I told you that I don't believe in love.") She's like, OK, fine, I'm reassured. Not!

Eun Soo's mother works in her shop while she talks with her mother in law. They discuss the unfairness of love and heartbreak.

Halmoni sits in the Aunt's cafe. The Aunt serves coffee to the old bat. What is Halmoni doing here? Turns out that she wants to pump the Aunt for information on Club Jerk's relationship with Eun Soo. Halmoni's face curdles in joy when she learns that their relationship is not going well.

Mother Yoon calls Club Jerk repeatedly but he has turned off his phone.

Rich Brat pays a surprise visit to her father in his office. His eyebrows move toward the ceiling when she starts to complain about her husband's devotion to his work. He diagnosis her: Lonely. He also confesses he himself was work-focused when she was growing up. She married a man just like daddy. he gives her the worry doll he received from Eun Soo's mother.

Rich Brat receives a call from Halmoni. Her husband is at Halmoni[s house. She goes home with her father.

Corporate Jerk receives a call from his mother and, after apologizing profusely to Halmoni, leaves for home.

When Corporate Jerk leaves, Halmoni informs Rich Brat that Club Jerk has "run away from home." She expresses her satisfaction.

Mother Yoon is Aigooing on the couch with the Aunt and her daughter on each side of her. Corporate Jerk returns home.

Sunrise over the Yoon residence.

The Aunt and Sister go downstairs, finding Mother and Father Yoon asleep in the living room. Corporate Jerk joins them. Mother Yoon rouses herself and resumes Aigooing.

Eun Soo again sits glumly at her workstation. The Assistant Manager gives her something to take to the Chairman. She accepts the assignment without enthusiasm.

Mother Yoon bursts into Eun Soo's mother's shop ranting about, Where are you hiding my son. To shut her up, Eun Soo's mother takes her home and allows her to run through the house shouting Club Jerk's name. She returns downstairs and exchanges insults with Eun Soo's mother, who forcibly guides her out the door.

Eun Soo arrives at the Yoon Family Restaurant with an envelope. She finds Father Yoon sitting in the restaurant alone. He starts to ask something about Club Jerk, then thinks better of it. Eun Soo turns to leave but before she clears the door Mother Yoon bursts in and starts ranting and raving.

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@jimb, your SPIRIT has returned!!!!! Hallelujah, your unique, humorous "voice" in your writing is baaaaack!!!! Love it, love it, love it!!!!!! Thanks, because this show has been so depressing lately.......we all needed that hilariously amusing recap of yours! I didn't watch today, but maybe I should have....watching BEECHna suffer is a GOOD thing, a rather fun thing! 

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