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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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I now hate SH mom!  The aunt is making more sense than her now. 

It's about time Bitna find out who she really is.  Can't she even tell her husband seem to be always avoiding to be with her?  Corporate Whimpy Jerk loves ChaeWon not her - she used her money to get him.

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6 hours ago, jechoi1 said:

Off topic, it must be very cold in Korea right now.  Even Beechna often has a red nose.  It's very strange to me that Korean sets are not heated.  If you ever watch the BTS that are sometimes posted of popular dramas, you see the entire camera crew wearing thick, long down jackets.  All the actors wear them too until it's time to shoot.  And you see them show the camera (off camera) the hand warmers and foot warmers that they carry.  Unless it's an outdoor scene, why not heat the set?  So many times during winter dramas, I see actresses with red noses and nasally voices because they're cold.

Let me offer two explanation why indoor sets are not heated. One, it cost money. Hence an increase expense on production cost. TV production are always on very tight budget. Two, heat and cold will caused condensation on the camera if it goes from cold to warm.

Personally, I find people from 4 seasons countries do not take to the cold well. I suppose when it gets a little chilly they pile layers of clothes on. Koreans are very prone to flu. 

From the preview, I am happy that Bit Na got the truth "slapped" in her face when the two brothers argued regarding marrying for love. Soo Ho said he pitied Bit Na knowing his brother married Bit Na without love.

There is a saying "You cannot trained an old dog new tricks" and just like men you cannot think of changing him once you marry him. It is best to accept all his faults and then marry him. No expectation will means no disappointment.

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Considering the fact that the actress playing ES is 10 years older than the actor playing Soo Ho, the bangs as well as the shorter bob that ES has might be her hairstylist's way to portray a younger and more "vibrant" character. On the other hand, her bangs might be her security blanket.

Sorry to sound mean, but Soo Ho still looks more like his real age of 24 rather than the 28 y.o. character he is supposed to be in this drama. 

On the actor playing Corporate Jerk. He probably had had one too many cosmetic enhancements he has difficulty controlling his facial expressions. I am no expert in this field but Botox brows, trout pout, bunny lines, windswept looks, etc are some telltale signs a person has had some work done on his or her face. The Aunt is another example of one who has had work done on her face.

On the breakup. It was honestly too painful for me to watch the whole ordeal. Does one consider the way ES has broken up with poor Soo Ho a proper "breakup"?

If it's ES's way to ditch a guy over a family rift, I understand. But I am gobsmacked at the way she handled it. I understand that teaching is a profession that requires a special skill and I know that not all teachers are gifted with the ability to impart knowledge well or are excellent instructors. ES's message or wish of "I'm sorry..." on the "padlock of love"  is her parting way to break Soo Ho's heart. This is not what one will call a clean breakup.

I find her way of tearing Soo Ho's confidence and ego down unbelievable. The once immature and lucky-go-happy guy started seriously considering and thinking about his career and future after meeting a woman he loves. He was on his way to polish himself to become the shiny diamond he promises ES he will be. He was really beaten when he told Jong Min his efforts don't get recognized no matter how hard he tried. He is so crushed inside right now he sees no point continuing the life he has been living.

Also, the Namsan Seoul Tower is such a famous spot for couples. ES should be well aware of the fact Soo Ho was driving them there after their dinner at the doenjang jjigae restaurant. Wasn't there a less ruthless and cruel way to break our sweet Soo Ho's heart? ES could have made up an excuse (she is really good at this!) not to go all the way up that romantic spot. Now the thought of N Seoul Tower will remain a traumatic experience for Soo Ho for many years to come.

ES doesn't even have the common courtesy to explain and talk it over with Soo Ho. She wasn't in an abusive relationship. Must they part on that note? I have to agree with @jechoi1 that Soo Ho is the mature one here. ES's idea of a breakup is giving the guy the cold shoulder, ignoring the guy's texts and calls, ignoring his presence even when he is in the same vicinity, telling him she is completely over him when he visits you, telling him to stop being clingy and simply expect the man you professed to love/have loved to forget you overnight after dating him daily and spending (happy and fun) time with him up till the day of the breakup.

Soo Ho should not pursue a woman like ES not because his mom tells him so. It's for all of the reasons above he should not continue and waste his time and feelings on her. She didn't have the decency or respect for him to offer him a reasonable explanation why she wants to stop seeing him. She doesn't deserve our Soo Ho or his love or attention. You don't expect a guy to just turn off his emotions for you like a switch. He is human and has real feelings and issues to deal with when something so sudden happens to him.

I am not sure if the Chairman has heard all of the things his wife has done to YM and her shop. It looks like he has only seen and heard part of the whole story behind Soo Ho and his mom's argument in episode 62. He was taken by surprise and was mad at Soo Ho for shoving his mom in his fit of anger.

I am glad Soo Ho has taken a hiatus and is "missing". He needs time to be alone and think. ES, her mom and Soo Ho's family also need to reflect on their own actions and use this period to try to come to a conclusion on what they think should be done and should do when Soo Ho does return.

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Actually, I still need to adjust to the Korean drama "violence" when they barged into people's houses or workplace and make a horrible scene. Please note this happen in real life too. I have seen it in my own eyes during my visits to Seoul. It is amazing that the Koreans got a lot of pent up anger. I even heard there was a parent who to went into someone's house ... literally a trespassing offence and dragged a child out because of a fight between the child and her own son. 

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22 hours ago, viyra said:

Thanks for the recap - @jimband @sk0317- much appreciated as always.

Also, @sk0317- I hope you don't mind me peeking into the infos you shared with @yamiyugiregarding places in Japan.  I was in Japan a few  years ago and enjoyed every places I went to.  Mt. Fuji was amazing, got to the 4th level on a snowy time; went to Hakone Park, Imperial Palace Gardens, Nakamase Market, Tokyo Tower, etc,  I wanted to go back before the end of this year but debating whether I should do that or go to Beijing instead.

Someone mentioned time jump - good idea but probably just for a few months.  I want them separated - ES go somewhere and SH miserable - only to prove to the opponents how important they are to each other and how much they love each other.  And  also, please, please, ES - let the cat out of the bag.  Reveal the secret that Rich Brat is so afraid of. 

Please don't be misled by my post  that has 'reveal hidden contents' - that's an error - nothing in there.

What I am wondering now is - how and who is going to reveal the secret.  ES won't, definitely.  Someone who was there 8 years ago who was close to either Bitna and ES; or SooHo to do his own investigation.  The last resort would be ES' GM - she is the only one who has full information on what happened to ES at the school.@

@viyra You are most welcome:). My non-native interpretation of the raw episodes might not be accurate as I have never (formally) learned the Korean Language before:blink:. You wrote about learning the language on and off. Was it an easy language to master?

On the links and information I posted here. You are most welcome to access them!:)

I am very glad to hear you have enjoyed your trip and stay here:)! Apart from the language barrier for people who don't speak the Japanese language, Japan is a fantastic and beautiful place and country to visit and live in (apart from the frequent earthquakes). The standard of service is world class and Japanese are known for their "Omotenashi".

Please do visit Japan again! The food and weather other than its humid and hot summer are great too.

I have only been to HK, Macau and Shenzen. Have you visited Beijing before?


Back to the drama. The twins are thinking the heroine in their dad's webtoon might be the urologist they know!

I still have a feeling the bullied girl, JA will return to spill the beans in an upcoming episode. She might turn up as the twins' aunt after the webtoon featuring SM becomes an internet hit!

I think Soo Ho locked eyes with Rich Brat and was looking at her with "pity" in the cliffhanger scene in episode 62. He then had an argument with Wimpy Jerk in his room on why one should marry for love. Rich Brat was weeping in her room after overhearing the reasons for their fight. Although Rich Brat has suspected it all along, it was still painful and "shocking" to hear the cold truth Corporate Jerk didn't marry her for love.

I don't think Wimpy Corporate Jerk loved Chae Won enough. His dad told him to just get married since "things are going on fine" with Chae Won. He seems to be so full of himself and I think he is the only one he loves. His focus in life is achieving success to overcome the inferiority complex he had while studying in the US among his group of rich "friends".

I am happy the Aunt is more reasonable and understanding towards Soo Ho's predicament. I am also glad her cafe is so close to YM's. She will be the first one to notice any disturbance or trouble should Corporate Jerk's mom come running there to kick up a ruckus again.

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@sk0317- you were right about Whimpy Corporate Jerk loving no one but himself.  He was probably looked down while in the US so when he came back to his native country, he wants to brag about having studied abroad (like most do). 

If JA really is the twins' aunt, then there is a big chance for ES to get someone next to her side when the secret from 8 years is revealed. 

The problem we are facing now is ONLY about ES and SH relationship.  What's gonna happen when Rich Brat dad really fall in love with ES mom and then they discover he is the father of Rich Brat that caused the pain on ES while she was a teacher?  I'm sure ES GM will never let it happen (but of course, she may not have a big say on whether or not her DIL can remarry but we are talking about someone whose family caused ES to have a criminal record).

On our off-topic discussion -  I can read and write Hangeul but having a hard time interpreting some conversations.  I can converse a little.  I was able to save a lot of textbook when I was studying so I continue to read them.  In fact, it has only been a year and a half since I stopped going to the Korean Cultural Center but I still have Korean friends I talk to.

I haven't been to China - I do want to go to Beijng and Qingdao this time.

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Rich Brat's father and Eun Soo's mother eat dinner and drink soju. He consoles her. She tells him that she likes him because he is not dismissive and predatory toward her like other men.

Rich Brat's father takes Eun Soo's mother home. She is unsteady on her feet.

Eun Soo's mother walks through her gate and finds Eun Soo sitting outside in the cold. She comforts her. Eun Soo tells her that she has broken up with Club Jerk.

Sunrise over the Yoon residence.

Corporate Jerk awakens. He finds Club Jerk passed out in the living room. He carries Club Jerk to his bed. For some reason he awakens Rich Brat, who brings him a cold wet towel.

Club Jerk drunkenly cries out for Eun Soo. Rich Brat grimaces.

On his way out of the house, Halmoni reproaches Rich Brat's father for forgetting to call Rich Brat the night before. She notes that lately, he's been acting absent minded.

The Yoon family, minus Mother Yoon but including a subdued Club Jerk, eats a meal. There is an abundance of silence and tension. Father Yoon directs Rich Brat to clean up after the meal ins completed, then leaves the room.

Rich Brat waylays Club Jerk as he leaves for work. She offers him her gold American Express card for dates, which he ignores. Then she stuffs the card into his coat pocket. He leaves the house without removing it. She tells herself that if he uses the card, she will be able to track his movements.

Rich Brat receives a call from her father. He tells her that Halmoni is upset that she hasn't visited lately. Rich Brat claims that she has been busy and promises to visit soon.

Rich Brat's father calls Eun Soo's mother. Her cell phone rings in her shop, where she left it the night before. Eun Soo's mother has not yet arrived for work.

Eun Soo's grandmother enters her daughter in law's bedroom and finds her immobile. She wonders who her daughter in law drank with. She notices a man's handkerchief and vaguely remembers seeing one like it, but can't remember where.

At work, Rich Brat ambushes Eun Soo on her way to the copy machine. She relates Club Jerk's alcoholic stupor. Rich Brat probes for details. Eun Soo listens glumly, then tells Rich Brat that she has work to do. Rich Brat wonders whether Club Jerk and Eun Soo have broken up.

Eun Soo finds a plaintive text on her cell phone from Club Jerk. She deletes it. Then the manager gives her an envelope to take to Chairman Yoon.

Halmoni mops the floor while a TV news crew interviews Eun Soo's grandmother and several other volunteers. The newscaster asks shy Halmoni is mopping the floor rather than joining them for the interview. One of the volunteers states that "She is different from us." Then Eun Soo's grandmother whispers the details into his ear. Halmoni is angry but resigned.

The Upstairs Tenant's children look at his advertising webtoon. They note that the doctor in the webtoon resembles a certain female doctor they know.

Eun Soo arrives and hands the envelope to Father Yoon, who receives it awkwardly. She then leaves without speaking to Club Jerk, who is standing in the dining room. A customer loudly complains and Father Yoon tells his son to hop to. Instead, Club Jerk leaves the restaurant.

Club Jerk catches up with Eun Soo on the street and is like, WTF? She rudely rejects him and walks away.

Halmoni sadly walks through a door and encounters the newsman and the volunteers. As the volunteers applaud, the reporter tells Halmoni that the other women have told him what a great benefactor of the Center she has been and asks to interview her. Halmoni doesn't know how to react. Then the reporter tells her that he understands that she will contribute even more money to the Center. This is news to Halmoni. When the reporter asks how much she will contribute Halmoni is speechless. Then Eun Soo's grandmother tells him that the amount is $50,000. Halmoni does not dispute this, but also is very unhappy.

When the news crew leaves, Halmoni protests that she doesn't have $50,000. Eun Soo's grandmother reminds her of how rich she said she was the day before.

The Computer Expert joins Club Jerk in a restaurant and finds him slipping rapidly into his cups. Remembering the Gold Card, Club Jerk tells the waiter to bring he and his friend "the most expensive drinks and food you've got." The Computer Expert asks him why he is getting hammered in the middle of the day. Hadn't he resolved to become a diligent worker? Club Jerk says that since his diligence goes unrecognized, to hell with it.

Eun Soo sits in her office. She recalls her cold rejection of Club Jerk. She feels remorse.

Rich Brat's father goes to the dry cleaning shop and finds it closed. As he turns to leave, he bumps into Eun Soo's mother. She is surprised to discover that he was concerned about her. He tells her to exercise rather than drinking the next time she is stressed. When she tells him she has no one to exercise with, he volunteers. He "Gets going."

The Upstairs Tenant and Corporate Jerk's sister sit in the Aunt's coffee shop. They bicker, but with a certain degree of fondness.

Back to the Computer Expert and Club Jerk, who is now seriously polluted. He complains about Eun Soo's sudden change of manner. The Computer Expert dials Eun Soo on his phone, then hands it to Club Jerk. Eun Soo is like, You're drunk, go home.

Eun Soo, in her bedroom, stares at her cell phone and cries.

The Computer Expert struggles to navigate Club Jerk into his living room, dropping him finally on a cough. Mother Yoon and several other family members come running. Since Club Jerk is too drunk to speak, the Computer Expert explains that he is distraught since he has broken up with this girlfriend.

As Club Jerk reposes drunkenly on the couch, the Aunt tears into Mother Yoon for screwing up her son's romance. The Aunt accuses Mother Yoon of rejecting Eun Soo because she isn't wealthy. Club Jerk's sister is like, that's not true, is it? Mother Yoon brazenly confesses that she wants a richer mate for her son. As she is doing so, Club Jerk regains consciousness and angrily reproaches his mother. She attacks him and he pushes her away. Father Yoon shouts that he will never approve of Eun Soo.

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One thing I hate about K-dramas - they are not honest with each other (I'm talking about the leads).  No matter how visible the problem is, the answer is always 'nothing - it's okay, don't worry' - and then, next thing you knew, they took off without the other knowing why!  This applies to all the dramas I've been watching lately - all 4 daily dramas .  Glad the other one is winding up tomorrow.

thank you @jimbfor the synopsis for episode 62.  Poor SH!!!!

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Since Father Yoon is actively defending his wife's disgusting behavior, he really is no better than she is.

Also, since his wife's family was apparently far less well off than his own, he might consider whether there is some projection going on with Mother Yoon's charges that Eun Soo is a gold digger.

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I think Wimpy Corporate Jerk was awarded his present position in Yoonga Foods because he is the first son of the Chairman. He was a better candidate than Soo Ho as he had studied and earned a degree overseas. I don't think he brags too much about his achievements and grades as a student. He only mentioned about them to his dad when he talked about the inferiority complex he experienced watching the rich kids around him. He told his dad he worked hard to obtain good grades but his well-off "friends" still "looked down" on him because of his background. This talk was held when he was trying to convince his dad why he should marry Rich Brat soon after kicking Chae Won to the curb.

I wonder if the recent interview Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat had was an attempt to boast the company's standing in order to attract more investors for their ambitious plan to modernize their plants.

We found out from the interview that Rich Brat's grandfather used to be a prime minister.:blink: That makes Cranky Granny an ex-prime minister's wife.:o You would think someone of that breeding and class would have more common sense to listen and investigate thoroughly, at least listen to two sides of a claim or story, before blindly pursuing an "opponent" of her granddaughter.

Rich Brat still ends up the winner in this fiasco as it is ES who has a permanent criminal record that cannot be erased even if she is found not guilty in another trial when new substantial evidence or a reliable witness surfaces. Strictly speaking, ES could have been charged with fraud had Yoonga Foods decided to run a check on her personal history. Rich Brat could also penalize ES for leaving her criminal history out of her resume. Of course Rich Brat isn't going to do that since she would be found to be the reason behind ES' brush with the law.

On the flourishing relationship between YM and JW. It will be the K-drama norm of "wash, rinse, repeat"* before those around the couple give them their blessings to tie the knot.

*Refers to first the discovery, followed by objection, then finally acceptance of their relationship.

Dr. Kim has already fallen for YM. He calls her by her first name, visits her often, smiles and is happy without an apparent reason when he is with her, buys gifts for her although he hasn't presented them to her yet, forgets to call his married daughter Rich Brat now that he has more (YM and her worries) on his mind. In short, YM is always on Dr. Kim's mind.

YM confessed she is starting to flutter a little around Dr. Kim when she had one too many drinks in episode 62. She even asked him if she should start wearing skirts and grow her hair out.

On the off topic discussion:). It's great you can read and write Hangeul and have Korean friends you can practice your language skills with!

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Rich Brat's dad knows the name of the teacher who was dismissed from teaching 8 years ago - he mentioned in previous episode that ES is a new teacher and he also saw the video where ES was being slapped by his MIL.  Dr. Kim hasn't met ES and ES mom hasn't told Dr. Kim her daughter's name is ES.  Dr. Kim hasn't met ES GM either.  When these 3 meet in the next few episodes, it will be war  worst that  what is going on now.  I  am looking forward for that to happen.

I agree - ES was wrong for breaking it up the way she did.  Had she been upfront and honest with SH on why she chose to break up with him, SH would probably understand and fight for them even more.

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2 hours ago, viyra said:

Rich Brat's dad knows the name of the teacher who was dismissed from teaching 8 years ago - he mentioned in previous episode that ES is a new teacher and he also saw the video where ES was being slapped by his MIL.  Dr. Kim hasn't met ES and ES mom hasn't told Dr. Kim her daughter's name is ES.  Dr. Kim hasn't met ES GM either.  When these 3 meet in the next few episodes, it will be war  worst that  what is going on now.  I  am looking forward for that to happen.

I agree - ES was wrong for breaking it up the way she did.  Had she been upfront and honest with SH on why she chose to break up with him, SH would probably understand and fight for them even more.

Dr Kim has met Eun Soo already. They had a meal together.

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5 hours ago, viyra said:

I agree - ES was wrong for breaking it up the way she did.  Had she been upfront and honest with SH on why she chose to break up with him, SH would probably understand and fight for them even more.

My interpretation is that ES deliberately broke up with him the way she did was because she wanted SH to resent her, which he did until he found out the reason why she broke up with him. She didn't tell him because she knew he would understand and fight for them even more. She didn't want him to hate his mother or cause friction between him and his family because to her family is the most important. 

I really love ES mother in this drama and ES family. They are so supportive of one another. I hope SH mother finally agrees to their marriage and ES mother then rejects SH mother and tells her 'your son isn't good enough for my daughter'!!!

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11 hours ago, autumnbreeze said:

My interpretation is that ES deliberately broke up with him the way she did was because she wanted SH to resent her, which he did until he found out the reason why she broke up with him. She didn't tell him because she knew he would understand and fight for them even more. She didn't want him to hate his mother or cause friction between him and his family because to her family is the most important. 

I really love ES mother in this drama and ES family. They are so supportive of one another. I hope SH mother finally agrees to their marriage and ES mother then rejects SH mother and tells her 'your son isn't good enough for my daughter'!!!

If ES understands Soo Ho's character, she should have explained the reason behind her decision to break up. I find that she sometimes still treats him like the dumb guy she knew from before. Talk it over calmly and come to a conclusion to either break up for good and part on good terms or confront the obstacles in front of them and try to convince both their parents over time.

Soo Ho is a sensitive and considerate guy. They have barely broken up two days and Soo Ho is already drowning himself in alcohol two consecutive days in a row. He even acted up at work and was rude to a customer asking for refills of his baachan of kimchi.:(

If ES again really knows Soo Ho, he has a tendency to behave in a rash and an unruly manner when he loses his temper. We have seen him got into a fist fight at the bar with Eun Ho's "friend". He was on his way to improving himself and trying to tame his unruly ways and wanted to work as his father's apprentice to become recognized for his efforts and diligence. ES's ruthless way of handling the breakup broke him down. He is in tatters and ES ignoring him in front of her house in today's episode was probably the last straw for him. Soo Ho chooses to go on a hiatus after ES told him she has completely gotten over him.

If this is the way ES handles a situation when one's parents are against their relationship, she should (1) remain single; or (2) find a life partner through an arranged meeting; or (3) marry someone from a "poorer" background. We have seen how mothers in K-dramas always hope that their precious son will "marry up" and someone who is from the same or lower background is never ever considered a good match for their son.

To ES who might not have wanted any reconciliation with Soo Ho as a couple, it's fine to act the way she has been making Soo Ho resent her so that there will be no friction between his mom and family. If she is feeling remorseful and has hidden hopes of getting back with him later at some point, her behavior is unacceptable since the breakup has caused Soo Ho to lose his will to improving or bettering himself. Drinking and getting drunk will also take a (serious) toll on his body and health too.

I hope ES's mom rejects Soo Ho's mom and tell her, "You're not good enough to be an in-law to my daughter!".:lol:

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57 minutes ago, autumnbreeze said:

My interpretation is that ES deliberately broke up with him the way she did was because she wanted SH to resent her, which he did until he found out the reason why she broke up with him. She didn't tell him because she knew he would understand and fight for them even more. She didn't want him to hate his mother or cause friction between him and his family because to her family is the most important. 

I really love ES mother in this drama and ES family. They are so supportive of one another. I hope SH mother finally agrees to their marriage and ES mother then rejects SH mother and tells her 'your son isn't good enough for my daughter'!!!

Totally agreed with your viewpoint.

Tonight's preview showed that Soo Ho got into an accident when the hospital staff answered Soo Ho's call. Eun Soo cried over a heavily bandage unconscious patient declaring her love for him. Guess what, Soo Ho must be in the next bed with light injuries.

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3 hours ago, Jackie1048 said:

Totally agreed with your viewpoint.

Tonight's preview showed that Soo Ho got into an accident when the hospital staff answered Soo Ho's call. Eun Soo cried over a heavily bandage unconscious patient declaring her love for him. Guess what, Soo Ho must be in the next bed with light injuries.

This is my guess as well that Soo Ho might not be the one she is crying over and confessing her love to but that he is near and heard everything she said. If so she can't run away again from what she admitted. Soo Ho will not let her but it is unfair to try to hide the truth that she cares for him deeply after that heartfelt and anguished confession. The only thing ES can do at this point is grab ahold of him and hold on to him fighting for the right to be with him.

If she does that I hope ES goes  ahead and tells him about the past. I think he needs to understand why she is fearful and its not just about the age difference. Also ES needs to realize that things are not the same as before. That unless she trust Soo Ho she will never heal from what happen to her with her ex in the past and she will never learn that not everyone will abandon her. Soo Ho showed it to her once before when he helped her clear up the blogger issue but that was before she admitted her feelings for him.

As for Mama Yoon, I really wish she would grow up and stop being so hateful. Of course she will get her rude awakening. She has not realized yet that she made a huge mistake in the DIL she already has. SHe wanted BN because she came from a rich family. But BN has not turned out to be what she expected. BN is lazy, selfish and manipulative, she refuses to help around the house and does not want to learn anything. Mama Yoon herself complained about not having a DIL to help her. BN would rather pay for a housekeeper and keep it from the family then learn the things she should as the 1st DIL of that house. And yet Mama Yoon wants to add a second rich daughter in law to her home. (I guess she is a glutton for punishment). Even though she was ES's mothers friend and has the potential to be an in law I would keep my distance from Mama Yoon. If she was a such a friend and lived in their home in the past and truly thought well of her she would never have said and done the things she did to the woman. My guess is Mama Yoon was always a bit envious of ES's mother in the past. Now that she is not living well she is quick to want to gloat over the fact the woman is not as well off as she once was. But I do believe that when BN's father and ES's mother finally get together she will be swallowing her tongue because that makes her BN's step mother lol.. which is Corp Jerks MIL.. (way to funny) double in laws by marriage.Ending up with daughter and step daughter married into the Yoons's :crazy::lol:

My guess is that relationship will be approved due to this issue with Soo Ho and once ES does marry him and displays all the characteristics of the DIL she wanted she will soften until the past comes back and then she will be hateful again only to have to swallow her words because its the rich DIL that is the villain not the poor one.

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2 hours ago, Jackie1048 said:

Totally agreed with your viewpoint.

Tonight's preview showed that Soo Ho got into an accident when the hospital staff answered Soo Ho's call. Eun Soo cried over a heavily bandage unconscious patient declaring her love for him. Guess what, Soo Ho must be in the next bed with light injuries.

Scene looks familiar - Legendary Witch - lead actress crying over a heavily bandaged person then lead actor was watching her from next stall. 

@Jackie1048- opppsss!!  sorry - forgot about that dinner!  But he doesn't know her story yet.

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