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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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4 minutes ago, awsparkle said:

@stroppyse, @sava2sava, @USAFarmgirl, @imgreatgal, @viyra, @spring123, @ross27, @maribella, @baduy,

@seoyounglby @Jackie1048 @Kay Chung @UnniSarah @Morelia


There's an article on Naver about the drama. At the end of the article they announced that the drama will be extended 4 more eps making it 104 eps.. The drama should have ended on April 17th which is a Monday. They probably extended it to fill up the rest of the week and have the drama end on Friday, April 21st. 



Thank you chingu @awsparkle for the info.  happy-dance-cheetah-emoticon.gif very-happy-cheetah-emoticon.gif

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6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Since as has been pointed out, they seem to be recycling scenarios, e.g. DY has two accidents, GO was kidnapped 2 times, does that mean that HJ will have to have another bout of amnesia? 

Maybe just a very bad shock after buying a full length mirror and able to take a good look at her clothes. :lol:

just kidding. Just kidding. If you look at all of the women, Mrs. Seo looks good 99% of the time, I am iffy on the chequered top, MH looks good - great fit, nice colours although getting very predictable, the Mistress has her days but HJ is made to wear somebody's revenge almost 80% of her office clothes. Thank goodness her house clothes are normal and comfortable. @baduy she has not been chief director for long, they will be moving to a bigger and better house soon.

@USAFarmgirl always such sensitivity from you. Thank you. HJ has been aggravating me with her 'I want to protect...'  many times from 8 years ago. But  I should forgive her since it is a characteristic of many  high minded KD heros. 

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3 hours ago, viyra said:

unaware of the whereabouts of GO, she wants confirmation.  If she gave in to GO's questioning, even if she pretends it is not GO she was talking to, MH

I have already forgiven HJ but I would like to point out that she was in the corridor where she usually went to cry ( as she told DY) when GO asked her the question. I assume it had given her the privacy she was looking for.  I believe the only reason she did not say a one second 'yes' is due to the episode stretching curse. We will see this over and over again until everything will be resolved in the last 10 minutes of the finale.

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All I can say is get your tissue box ready for the opening scene and also the tearful reunion. 

The bad news is Mdm Kim is out on sick leave and MH denies  any wrongdoing in causing the accident and blames it on Namkiyun and DY is still faking amnesia in front of MH. 

There is no preview. 

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3 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

All I can say is get your tissue box ready for the opening scene and also the tearful reunion. 

The bad news is Mdm Kim is out on sick leave and MH denies  any wrongdoing in causing the accident and blames it on Namkiyun and DY is still faking amnesia in front of MH. 

There is no preview. 

Also Jang has turned himself into the police with MH on the telephone listening to his confession. 

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6 hours ago, awsparkle said:

@stroppyse, @sava2sava, @USAFarmgirl, @imgreatgal, @viyra, @spring123, @ross27, @maribella, @baduy,

@seoyounglby @Jackie1048 @Kay Chung @UnniSarah @Morelia


There's an article on Naver about the drama. At the end of the article they announced that the drama will be extended 4 more eps making it 104 eps.. The drama should have ended on April 17th which is a Monday. They probably extended it to fill up the rest of the week and have the drama end on Friday, April 21st. 

@awsparkle  Thanks for the update.

17 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

All I can say is get your tissue box ready for the opening scene and also the tearful reunion. 

The bad news is Mdm Kim is out on sick leave and MH denies  any wrongdoing in causing the accident and blames it on Namkiyun and DY is still faking amnesia in front of MH. 

There is no preview. 

Hello Everyone  @imgreatgal  MH really dug a hole for herself trying to blame Lil Nam for the accident claimning she don't know why he was chasing DY.. Did she forget that if they investigate hard enough they'll find out that the foundation is the one that supported them to finish school and they work for them.. All she did is really showed blaming Lil Nam shows how shady that foundation is and whay other kind of dirty work they into using there scholarships to enlist more thugs to do they dirty work..  

DY will have to start how to trust Big Nam again knowing his brother was working for MH. Big Nam got a lot of work cut out for him but the lstest developement is that he's not going to take to kindly of MH blaming his brother.. I don't see how DY sat next to MH listening at her lie like that without knocking the crap out of her.. I tell you he's better then me because I would hsve tried to kill her.. It wouldn't be enough fire in hell to keep me off her..

Now this is a change of events for the drama Jang turning himself in and have the phone where mH can hear it all.. Will they buy off the detective who took the report  plus send someone there to kill Jang beause if he dies it would be hard to link Mdm Kim Father Bowtie Times and MH to all the hporrible events that took plae unless DY dad step up to the plate and tell he and Mdm Kim was involved in framing Jw father and stealing his artwork that was worth millions. Dead Beat Dad should step up to the plate and take his just dues he owes it to DY and GO.. If ir wasn't for him none of this would have happen strapping DY to that family because he was blackmailed by Mdm Kim..

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Will wait to watch it tonight as I am on my way out but this will be me later I have no DOUBT...:sweatingbullets:


credit and thanks to original owner of gif..

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8 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

DY dad step up to the plate and tell he and Mdm Kim was involved in framing Jw father and stealing his artwork that was worth millions.

What was CDB saying  after MS slapped MH.?  I couldn't make out the dialogue but judging from his reaction, is he believing what MH said about Namkiyun being the cause of the accident?? 

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BUT what I want to know is

What did they do with the puppy?

The first scene was very promising re the potential impact of puppy on HJ's wardrobe. GO sees the stranger approaching and releases the puppy, which heads straight for the nearest bush to mark it as all his very own.



But then he vanishes from the episode. I hope he's not like one of those Kdrama characters who "go upstairs to rest" and are never seen or heard of again because they've been written out.

Yet there's loads of destructive work for the nice doggie still to do. Somebody mentioned that Mme Kim, when not in prison blue, dressed quite well, and that  Mme Seo was usually well-turned out too. Alas, no more. Here's the newly "bailed" Mme Kim...  


Nice of HJ to send her one of her cast-offs to wear on her release, but it's going to make her more difficult to assassinate since, like the military camouflage that inspired the design, it breaks up the wearer's outline.

And as for Mme Seo...



True, everyone makes mistakes when they first try their hand at batik. But she should have practised on a smaller item first.

The final recruit to the Society of Silly Dressers is MS.




Unfortunately, without spending too much time building an animated gif, it's impossible to capture the true absurd essence of those massive mustard-colored lapels, which is that they FLAP, slo-o---wly, as she walks along, making her look as though she's morphing into an ungainly seabird that's having difficulty getting airborne.


11 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

MH denies  any wrongdoing in causing the accident


Worse than that. She claims the recording is a fake then even insinuates that DY might have staged the accident and planned to pin it on her to have a pretext for divorce, but that his plan misfired leaving him injured. MS treats that idea with the contempt it deserves, but her ex-hubby seems to be prepared to believe his much-despised son capable of that. He declares MH's account "could make sense". Later in the episode, it's MH telling DY that she can't help having suspicions about his part in "framing" her that causes DY to nearly burst from "holding it in" as he hears in his head HJ warning him that there's no telling what evils MJ will stoop to prevent GO being legally recognized as HJ's and DY's child, which is why HJ insists that the fact that GO is "safely" back with her must be kept a secret from MH at all costs till all the necessary legal procedures are completed. Yet near the end of the episode she blithely tells GO "Mommy's got to go to work now" and leaves him in the standard Kdrama Easy Abduction dwelling with her dippy Mom to "protect" him. I'm surprised she didn't send him round to that nice Mme Kim's house to ask if his Mommy can have that pretty top she lent her back, please.

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10 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

What was CDB saying  after MS slapped MH.?  I couldn't make out the dialogue but judging from his reaction, is he believing what MH said about Namkiyun being the cause of the accident?? 

@imgreatgal He has no other choice but to help cover up her crime being that he's a criminal himself.. When MS learns all he has done to his son with that family I look for her to take the rest of the stocks he has and throw him and mistress out in the streets she may be nice enough to let TY stay since he's innocent in all this but I see Ms coming unglued.. MH is skating on thin ice with her and knowing that GO is back with HJ she's not going to sit still protecting her G/son from these vile people.. I would love it if she calls a boardmeeting informing them of LK future CEO DY son GO who he was chasing at the time of the accient on the tail of the kidnappers..

But Yes CDB knows MH and Mdm Kim has ro much dirt I don't think he heard all of the audio why LIl Nam was chasing DY.. The only thing thats going to change his attitude towards that family is learning that HR isn't his G/child and GO isa and l;earning of all the abuse this child suffered because of him and the criminal elements he hookup with..

I see MD Mdm Kim and Bowtie Times isn't aware of Go being back with HJ, I guess that will come tomorrow, I think this time Mdm Kim will try and get her hands on the child because she has to hold on to a persons weakness.. I still don't think GO is safe and HJ and DY shoulds be trying to register this boy asap instead of rushing off to work what is she thinking..  

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6 minutes ago, baduy said:

What did they do with the puppy?

@baduy Maybe your wish was granted he got a free pass to HJ closet. :lol:

10 minutes ago, baduy said:

Worse than that. She claims the recording is a fake and implies that DY himself staged the accident to have a pretext for divorce, but that his plan misfired leaving him injured. MS treats that idea with the contempt it deserves, but her ex-hubby seems to be prepared to believe his much-despised son capable of that. He declares MH's account "could make sense"

Wow Mh went as far as to say DY framed his own accident.. I think Ms would be stepping into this fight.. I don't think she's aware of her and DB finalizing there divorce.. Ms must not know MH claiming DY framed his own accident.. 

MH lies like there's nothing to it it's no truth in her, Her lies or to deep and when her crap catches up to her it's going to be hard for her to began to cover all the lies she told Mdm Kim will out her as a adopted daughter and abandon her.. This is Mh biggest weakness 

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I am afraid we may be going on a tailspin again. There is something about Jang in the last few episodes that the writer seemed to be targeting his loftier self. Having returned GO to his parents, I really hope that he is not going to take the full blame for kidnapping baby GO. Please no!!! 

When are we going to get our satisfaction and see the family of vipers get their just punishment? Now MH is as usual brazenly denying her guilt, the mother is out on sick leave and bow tie- what can I say?

Who is the wardrobe mistress???? MH is the most vicious and gets to dress best. The impeccable Mrs. Seo is now turning into Harlequin. I think corruption in the public departments have now infected KBS. Maybe one of the director's wives owns a boutique that is not doing too well. :lol:

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48 minutes ago, maribella said:

I am afraid we may be going on a tailspin again. There is something about Jang in the last few episodes that the writer seemed to be targeting his loftier self. Having returned GO to his parents, I really hope that he is not going to take the full blame for kidnapping baby GO. Please no!!! 

You may be right. Jang's needs funds to pay for his son's treatment in the US, i think he will take the fall for MH so long has she keeps sending money to his family. 

And DY is faking amnesia, if he was faking insomnia he will need to stay awake, that will be good just in case MH might come in to his bedroom with a knife in the middle of the night and then blames it on an intruder. 

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25 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Preview of episode 84 and translation


Minion CEO: Anyway I think of it, I think we’ve been scammed. 
MH: Scammed? 
Mdm Kim: This issue. Take care of it for us. I’ll return you to the chairmanship. 
DY: Is there anything you want to do?
HJ Mother: If that family knows that you have Ga On, will it be okay? I think it would be a huge ruckus.
Mistress: You’re going to just let it go that Hye Rin is Choi Jung Woo’s daughter?
DY Father: What are you saying?
MH: Why would I? To the police station?
Mdm Kim: Go to the police station and take care of it!
MH: Fine, mother. I’ll go to the police station and meet CEO Jang. 


Actually, the puppy may belong to the owner of the inn that GO was staying in. Think that's why Jang had made a reference earlier to GO not getting too attached to the puppy since he'll have to leave the puppy soon. Too bad. The puppy could have had a field day in some closets that desperately needed him. 

Well, it looks as if he CDB may find out that HR isn't DY's child in the next episode. We'll have to see if that changes anything for him, because right now, he seems to be looking to join forces with Mdm Kim and MH again if it means he gets his old power position back. I'm not sure that he understands that if he gets the chairmanship back at Mdm Kim's behest, he'll still be beholden to her, so he'll just become another minion of hers rather than the power wielder that he had thought of himself before. Then again, with his ego, he probably thinks that he can beat Mdm Kim again later or something. 

That obnoxious old man goes whichever way the wind blows, that meant sacrificing DY's happiness 8 years ago and then stabbing him in the back  whenever it serves him best.  His biggest weakness is the secret pact he made with M foundation due no doubt to  his unbridled greed. They have to rub along together.

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

BTW why is DY still faking insomnia?


"Insomnia"'s a good one. But that's what this drama gives us, not what DY is faking.  His fake amnesia  is all part of the "you've got your vengeance plan, and I've got mine.but we musn't tell each other in what those plans are, because they have to keep clashing so as to keep the plot going, especially now we've got extra episodes to fill"  He's intending to keep up the amnesia act for the same reason as Hitler pretended to be dead for some hours after the nearly successful bomb plot on his life in 1944. It allows him to watch his various enemies all show their hands in the delusion that he's out of it entirely so he can pounce on them all in a single swoop. As for each laying their own plans, DY was appalled to find out what HY was up to while he was totally concentrated on finding GO, but far from being repentant when he upbraids her she insists that she's more to do yet, but she won't let DY know what it is "for his own sake". Her rationale for not letting him know how she was planning to expose MH was that if she'd told him about the recording and what was on it he might have murdered MH before her and her family's downfall was complete. But since he was obviously going to find out about the recording shortly after the event that motive for "protecting" him doesn't really wash.

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