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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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DY  is playing  his cards well - using his brain and not emotions  take over;  very much unlike HJ who is too anxious on getting GO first then hand him over to his own father.  What good would that do her?  Her concern is split in different parts - revenge on MH, finding GO and at the same time protecting DY - but she doesn't know her priorities.  Which one is she supposed to do first?  What was  in her mind when she told DY not to face the BOD?  Just to save him from humiliation?  She doesn't know what DY's plan is - and I'm glad he is not telling her - otherwise, like what I mentioned earlier,  DY's cover would be exposed.  That's why she failed 8 years ago.  Also when JW warned her not to do anything dangerous, she keeps on saying she doesn't care if she dies and is even wanting to die with MH just to get her  revenge.  Then what is the point of looking for GO and protecting DY if you are going to die anyway?   She is turning to be like MH also - no longer cares about the people around her - especially JW who helped her a lot - even telling JW it will hurt him.  Isn't that being ungrateful of her towards JW and Ms. Seo?

And stupid MH - blabbering on DY about her plans thinking he is not in his right mind.  MH is  drowning herself deeper into the ocean.  Now DY is beginning to know more of her plans by just listening to her.

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3 hours ago, baduy said:

He said he needed a day to think things over (before deciding whether to hand GO over to MH or to DY) But the situation where DY had to go down on his knees to Jang only came about because the super-unscrupulous-tinted-window-sedan Person Finder (who was pretending to be the buyer for the Jang's office) let slip that he knew Jang had just come from somewhere on the South Sea coast, causing Jang to realize he'd been set up and to make his escape, only to bump into DY who was on his way over.  I warned you the plot was STUPID, but this was a relatively brainy bit.

@baduy... Thank for the translation between DY on his kneees begging Jang to tell him where GO is. I hated seeing him(DY) begging when it should be the other way. Jang can not get away with kidnapping GO a twice in GO's little lifetime. All GO's suffering should be put to an end chingu's. I hate seeing kids suffer in Kdrama. It isn't a pretty sight because kids need to be sheltered and loved by bad people. They are the innocents that experience shape them into the people they become. Thanks for head u chingu and to @imgreatgal... I did not watch the whole episode and saw the ending with pure satisfaction.:heart::heart:


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This drama would be boring if the writers keep continuing to use GO to make extra episodes !!because  it's the same idea .... same boy ....same actions ....

If they do HR 's turn ...it must be more fun ... we really want to see how MH would be reaction ?

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10 hours ago, spring123 said:

This drama would be boring if the writers keep continuing to use DO to make extra episodes !!because  it's the same idea .... same boy ....same actions ....

If they do HR 's turn ...it must be more fun ... we really want to see how MH would be reaction ?

I think  that will happen in the next few episodes - courtesy of the blabbering mistress. 

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19 minutes ago, spring123 said:

120 episodes of course the writers must built up something .......because only epi 82 ......they did not use HR yet ......hopefully stop abusing DO  ...it's HR 's turn ....

This drama is only 100 eps. MH downfall is in the works staring with that recording. She got two blows in one day. Everyone now knows she was involved in DY's accident and she got tricked by Jang. 


 I think the place where HJ is waiting for DY and GO is in front of or near her house.  HJ probably couldn't stand the wait and went outside to wait for DY to bring GO home. MH and her father were already thrown off track by Jang so they didn't know where HJ, DY or GO were. 



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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I thought Jang was trying to figure out a plan to get the money he needed for his son's treatment from MH since she had already sent half and had promised to send the other half, and for himself to get away somehow, even as he intended to turn GO over to DY. I think this because when Jang was asking DY for some time to think, Jang had said it was fine if DY wanted to put a tail on him as well. 

It's Jang with a concience for you. Maybe he got a prime price from DY who bought his office. I have very little sympathy for people who commit because of someone they love.


35 minutes ago, viyra said:

I think  that will happen in the next few episodes - courtesy of the blabbering mistress. 

More kidnapping? In HR's case, it will not be kidnapping because she is their kid. Maybe JW will file a civil suit something to do with HR.


18 minutes ago, awsparkle said:

think the place where HJ is waiting for DY and GO is in front of or near her house.  HJ probably couldn't stand the wait and went outside to wait for DY to bring GO home. MH and her father were already thrown off track by Jang so they didn't know where HJ, DY or GO were. 

I hope you are right. This should be the end of the lost baby saga. Any more of this, we should send bad karma to the writer and director.

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

More kidnapping? In HR's case, it will not be kidnapping because she is their kid. Maybe JW will file a civil suit something to do with HR.

In many countries it is established that it is their law to kidnap a relative as a criminal offense, under South Korean family law, a parent can not kidnap their own child. 

Even if DY or JW initiate a legal action against MH for the custody of HR would be complicated because it is a civil matter, the current laws favor the mother, but for the length and cost of the process in the end wins whoever has more money .

Logically the above is the duty to be, if the writer fits a situation in the real world, although as we know in the world of kdrama anything by most improbable that is can happen

(My post is based on a press article that I read in the Korea Herald).


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@awsparkle Since I wasn't able to watch yesterday's episode until late because of other commitments during the day, and decided to read the posts first; was surprised after reading your comment about the wrong preview being posted. Of course, it piqued my curiosity so I had to watch it! @USAFarmgirl like you and I'm sure many others, I was So elated after watching DY and GO finally meet. The moment so many of us waited for! Can't wait for tomorrow's episode, When they get to hug each other! 

@kaychung Reasons why DY/HJ are keeping it a secret re searching for GO individually: a).  DY still recovering from his accident. Still going for therapy. He wants HJ to believe that he's not doing anything stressful or dangerous that may hinder his complete recovery. b). If HJ knew he was searching for GO, she will not be able to fully concentrate on her revenge plan to bring MH down. She would instead be worried about DY's well-being and if he were safe. Can't have that happening when dealing with evil MH. That's the same reason why HJ can't reveal what she's doing re the search for GO. You have both of them concerned for each other's well-being and safety. Hope that this explanation answers your question.

Now that we finally see DY, HJ and GO reunited, hopefully the writers will dwell on the downfall of MH, Madam Kim, her father Mr B, the revealing of JW and HR's relationship, putting Mistress in her proper place-----and most important making DY the CHAIRMAN  of LK, forcing Chairman Cha to retire!

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  • 5 hours ago, Kay Chung said:

    Why does Doyun and Hajin keep hiding that they are trying to find Goan secretly?

    Only the strange (but also strangely similar) imaginations of Kdrama daily writers know the answer to that one. Their minds and their scripts are full of devoted girlies who, seeing several tons of bricks about to fall on their handsome beloved's defenseless head, don't shout out a warning in case it "worries" him.  They prefer to see him totally splatted without ever knowing what hit him rather than risk him being -- horror of horrors --   "shocked" or "anxious" for a millisecond.

  • 49 minutes ago, Morelia said:
    • Even if DY or JW initiate a legal action against MH for the custody of HR would be complicated because it is a civil matter, the current laws favor the mother, but for the length and cost of the process in the end wins whoever has more money .


That's so where it is indeed purely a civil matter, and in a case like this where the mother has brought up the child and the father has been no only absent but unknown to his daughter it's unlikely that the father would find it easy to win custody. But it's a different situation if the mother has committed criminal offenses that carry a long custodial sentence and the father although previously absent, is of good standing. If MH is revealed as guilty of a serious crime which brings her imprisonment, and her mother's framing of JW's father comes to light, as it might well do in a way somehow tied in with MH's downfall, that would not only disqualify MH in the custody stakes, but by rehabilitating JW's father also remove the stigma that attaches to JW in the public eye. Since he has abundant financial means at his disposal and could therefore guarantee that top-class education by which Korean family courts set such store, he should have no difficulty getting custody while the girl's mother is "Studying Abroad" as gullible young offspring of Kdrama jailbirds always seem to have no trouble believing.

And here's hoping, for all our sakes, that the puppy gets to work doing the sort of things puppies do in HJ's closet, wherever that is (It can hardly be in that pokey apartment, seing how many outfits she seems to have, each more garish than the previous one).

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Be Still My Heart....  I Didn't Know I Could Love & Want Someone So Much... But There You Are, MY SON...

To be honest everything is a blur at the moment for the ending of today's episode was a mixture of happiness and sadness that GO this innocent little baby once and now a boy grew up in every way alone.  Something stirred inside me just seeing DY walking behind him and knowing it was really going to happen it wasn't the same feeling I felt yesterday it was so very different than I thought...

A part of me wondered what must be going through DY's mind as he stood there with GO in his sight...  Yet at the same time I thought back and wondered what would it be like to be HJ on the phone hearing GO's voice after all this time.  So full of despair and desperation in having all these feeling inside just dying to get out.  Wanting to say so much but fighting it in order to ask all the right questions needing to hear his answers even more.  Time is ticking, your shaking and your heart is beating so fast and so loud you can't even think.  You have no idea how much time you have your head and heart so full of everything.  Finally that question are you my mother and before she even has time to breathe she hears Jangs voice and click the lifeline to her Son has just been broken...  What might linger even longer is the sadness she must feel in wishing she had said I Love You GO,  Yes I am your Mother first...

It's hard to know how anyone would react under those conditions but I was proud of HJ that she tried everything she could to find out as much as she could and wanted to know about his safety first.  I can't wait till tomorrow when GO is snuggled up within the warmth and long awaited love of his own Mothers arms where he belongs, finally HOME...

Getting back to DY I can't wait to see the rest of what was started but I have a feeling tissues will be needed and just seeing that reunion will be worth every tear....:sweatingbullets:


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I don't know if it was a good call or a bad all for HJ to play that voice recording for all to hear. We all know Lil Nam is dead but this could be a bad move on her part. Now that the recording is out shouldn't the proseution offie be paying he a visit for questioning and wanting to know who is the child she so badly wanted to stop DY from meeting.. I just think this voice recording from Nam's ar isn;y going to play out well in they favor..

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If no one reports or gives the evidence to the the police then there won't be and investigation and questioning of MH. HJ had it played within the company and in front of the shareholders.  MH had a strong hold on the directors and the shareholder, That recording did what HJ set out to do which was to trash MH's reputation and show the company what a lying snake MH really is. MH will probably come up with some lie but the damage has been done. Also I think this new business deal she's doing is a fake as HJ mentioned. Everything is going to start falling apart piece by piece for MH. Mdm Kim won't even be able to stop MH's downfall. When she falls her father and mother will be right behind her. 


There's going to be a couple more downfalls coming. The mistress has to get her due deserts. She's forgotten she's just a mistress with a child out of wedlock. I think MS is going to be the one that gives her what she deserves. MS held back from telling her about the divorce but mistress is going to keep pushing until MS has had enough. Then we have DB who is as dirty as the day is long. His days of using people for his own gain are coming to an end. He thinks he's using HJ when it's the other way around. DB is going to get caught in his own backstabbing ways and be the one with the knife in his back. 

As for HR I agree of who will have custody will be a big issue. DY and JW are going to have to come to some kind of agreement. Neither of them including MS would want MH and her mother to have anything to do with HR's upbringing. 


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I can't help but notice some silly scenes in yesterday's episode. HJ's wasted precious seconds while talking to GO. I understand she was shaken by MH's threats when the call came through but this was the second time that GO had called her while he was being held by Jang. For a mom desperately searching for her son she surely wasn't prepared for that call. 

In another scene, the gangster cum person finder blew his cover just minutes into their conversation. Well so much for plot stretching. 

Looks like everyone is anxiously waiting for GO/HJ/DY's reunion in today's episode 83. Aside from HJ and DY, MS will surely dotes on her own flesh and blood, that scene where she was admiring GO's photo says it all. Where will HR stand in all of this?? She will not have the same love and attention from DY. If the mistress decides to tell all what she knows about HR's parentage then it will really hurt the girl. Maybe this time it will be runaway kid instead of a kidnapping. 

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15 hours ago, Morelia said:

In many countries it is established that it is their law to kidnap a relative as a criminal offense, under South Korean family law, a parent can not kidnap their own child. 

Even if DY or JW initiate a legal action against MH for the custody of HR would be complicated because it is a civil matter, the current laws favor the mother, but for the length and cost of the process in the end wins whoever has more money .

Logically the above is the duty to be, if the writer fits a situation in the real world, although as we know in the world of kdrama anything by most improbable that is can happen

(My post is based on a press article that I read in the Korea Herald).


I don't think custody is awarded to those who have more money.  The custody is awarded to a person fit to be a parent.  In this drama, MH definitely not a good parent, as well as her parents.  JW, if he knows how to fight fair and square, would be able to gain custody of his child.  He can claim he was not informed of the child's existence and was deceived by the mother of the child.  At the same time,  he can claim the mother of the child has been involved with criminal activities, and moreover, even tho' the child was living under the same roof as her mother, it wasn't the mother taking care of her but the grandmother she came to know while growing up.  Once the 'supposed' riches of Myungha is gone, JW will have all the right, financially, to take his daughter.

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10 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

I can't help but notice some silly scenes in yesterday's episode. HJ's wasted precious seconds while talking to GO. I understand she was shaken by MH's threats when the call came through but this was the second time that GO had called her while he was being held by Jang. For a mom desperately searching for her son she surely wasn't prepared for that call. 

In another scene, the gangster cum person finder blew his cover just minutes into their conversation. Well so much for plot stretching. 

Looks like everyone is anxiously waiting for GO/HJ/DY's reunion in today's episode 83. Aside from HJ and DY, MS will surely dotes on her own flesh and blood, that scene where she was admiring GO's photo says it all. Where will HR stand in all of this?? She will not have the same love and attention from DY. If the mistress decides to tell all what she knows about HR's parentage then it will really hurt the girl. Maybe this time it will be runaway kid instead of a kidnapping. 

I think I can understand that brief silence from HJ when GO asked if she is really his mother.  She was right in the middle of bargaining with MH, who is pretending she knew where GO is.  Although she can sense MH is unaware of the whereabouts of GO, she wants confirmation.  If she gave in to GO's questioning, even if she pretends it is not GO she was talking to, MH would be suspicious. 

When HR came to DY when he came home, it was pretty obvious DY's eagerness to see the child wasn't like how it was before.  I guess it was due to the pressure and eagerness of finding and hugging his own son.

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I take the opportunity to apologize to those people who have felt annoyed, with my comment on the subject of "custody", but in my defense I am not an expert in laws, much less of Korean legislation, nor how they are handled Matters related to justice in that country. My comment is not a personal opinion, I would not even say whether it is good or bad, simply transmitted part of the content of an article written by a foreigner in Korea and the vicissitudes that have had to suffer for custody of their children. All in all I just wanted to share information. My apologies again and I will try to make comments that may create some displeasure. Have a good night



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1 hour ago, viyra said:

I don't think custody is awarded to those who have more money.  The custody is awarded to a person fit to be a parent.  In this drama, MH definitely not a good parent, as well as her parents.  JW, if he knows how to fight fair and square, would be able to gain custody of his child.  He can claim he was not informed of the child's existence and was deceived by the mother of the child.  At the same time,  he can claim the mother of the child has been involved with criminal activities, and moreover, even tho' the child was living under the same roof as her mother, it wasn't the mother taking care of her but the grandmother she came to know while growing up.  Once the 'supposed' riches of Myungha is gone, JW will have all the right, financially, to take his daughter.

@viyra  The key here is family enviorment.. Jw would win custody of his daughter but it would be shared custody with DY being that he raised her from day 1 and has been calling DY dad since she could talk I think it maybe another case of judge wanting to know the cholds choice of parent.. 

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Sorry for cutting your comment...

1 hour ago, viyra said:

When HR came to DY when he came home, it was pretty obvious DY's eagerness to see the child wasn't like how it was before.  I guess it was due to the pressure and eagerness of finding and hugging his own son.

I agree with your opinion and if I were in a similar situation I would also have a feeling of guilt about GO even if it is illogical and not true. DY, gave all his love to HR when his own son grew up without the love of anyone, without protection, that must be painful and difficult to rationalize and manage.

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@stroppyse, @sava2sava, @USAFarmgirl, @imgreatgal, @viyra, @spring123, @ross27, @maribella, @baduy,

@seoyounglby @Jackie1048 @Kay Chung @UnniSarah @Morelia


There's an article on Naver about the drama. At the end of the article they announced that the drama will be extended 4 more eps making it 104 eps.. The drama should have ended on April 17th which is a Monday. They probably extended it to fill up the rest of the week and have the drama end on Friday, April 21st. 



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