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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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4 hours ago, ross27 said:

MS moved DY to a villa somewhere, i can't be sure if MH knew about the move, because i couldn't catch the scene before this


In the scenes you missed, MS checked with DY she'd  understood him correctly, namely that it was alright for her to take Big Nam into their confidence, but  she wasn't allowed to tell HJ about DY's true condition just yet. [Come on now, deary, this is a Daily Kdrama. Of course you have to tell the (possibly) Wrong People the truth while keeping vital things hidden from the (udoubtedly) Right People in order to "protect" them.]  No wonder he doesn't even bother to waste his still limited energy replying. She gets the hint. "I see. I'll do exactly as you said." 

If she hadn't dressed up like a lunatic, HJ might have persuaded Big Nam to come clean with her, despite DY's orders. But as it is, he keeps what he knows to himself, merely looking sheepish when HJ says "I'm sure you're waiting for him to regain consciousness, too."  Though he soon starts to look like he needs an  urgent change of underwear when HJ moves on to ask him does he have any better information about the accident and whether that accident is in any way connected to the one DY had 8 years ago. Big Nam's eyes pop out and he and declares, no doubt truthfully, that he really does have to go somewhere else right away.

Sill, he's able to answer the call he gets from MS asking him to find a comfortable but remote country retreat safe from prying eyes and help transport DY there. Then she deals with MJ's objections to that move by pretending to be hopelessly resigned to the worst: "What's the point of him staying in hospital? There's no hope for him any longer. I've no reason for living any more either. I've totally given up."  Apparently taken in, MJ reluctantly agrees to the move, but insists that the  nurse she's hired must go along too.

We get a shot of the nurse and MS heading for what we presume is the country retreat.  Though the nurse is walking ahead of her (which is slightly odd considering East Asian ettiquette) MS pauses and looks meaningfully behind her, before following the nurse  house-ward. Something's going on here... 

MJ, in her office,  is talking to (we assume) the nurse asking whether MS has "arrived" and telling her to keep a close eye on her and report  back, especially if there are any visitors. Then we see MS assuring DY that she's told no-one, not even DY's father, that he has come round. She adds that the nurse is on MJ's payroll and it's vital to keep her in the dark, so how about she lets their faithful housekeeper in on the secret and lets her take over from the nurse --  after all, she's served them loyally for 5 years now. But DY says that's 5 years of being exposed to MJ's influence, so they can't take the risk of trusting her, or anyone else either.

We then get some flashbacks which are meant to confirm that DY has indeed been fully conscious for some time (though in fact they are more likely to make us wonder where he got such totally transparent eyelids, presumably a true Kdrama miracle). As well as witnessing MJ give her orders to the bent nurse, he's heard (and seen!) Dr BadNews telling MJ that even if he regains consciousness, he may have lost some, or all, of his memories.  This has presumably given DY a CUNNING PLAN, as we shall doubtless soon find out. MS checks with him that GO is indeed his son. By way of answer, he asks anxiously where GO is right now.  As MS remains helplessly silent, we cut to the ocean shore, where Det Jang is, very belatedly, watching a VOD replay of HJ's interview and pondering the implications (financial AND ethical) of discovering she's now become celebrated and influential with a high-up position in LK, when his wife calls to say the the Foundation is offering Big Money if he does what they ask, but otherwise the cash will cease to flow.



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I think HJ was asking about the second accident not the first one. She obviously does not have little Nam's name.

It's interesting how the entourage increases with importance of position. Honorary chairman walks around alone.

I think the writer forgot that DY's mother knew that he was divorcing MH. That was why she did not use it.

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@imgreatgal... Thanks for the recap chingu. :D

Today's episode showed us viewers again how dumb JW is. He showed his weakness again to MH and her family.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY??? He is supposed to be ruthless. What happened to the guy who wasn't going to let MH's family get away with what happened to his father. Shaking my head.

DY's father and mistress are pretty dumb people. HJ told them how old GO and they couldn't connect the dots.smh smh smh.  MH has finally lost it by showing TY's mom her true face. It was hilarious. I found MH's facial expressions to terrify TY's mom so funny. Lol lol

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33 minutes ago, maribella said:

I think HJ was asking about the second accident not the first one. She obviously does not have little Nam's name.


She explicitly linked the two accidents. After saying that DY would hardly have been driving recklessly, in view of the accident he'd already had while speeding 8 years ago, she went on to say that she found it "strange" that the man who took GO had Nam's business card, suggesting some connection with him. That's what really makes Nam take to  his heels.

As for the absence of any mention of a divorce, and MS's apparent readiness to let MH continue to act as DY's guardian, I personally suspect that this is part of the CUNNING PLAN. My guess is that DY has decided to pretend to have lost his memory, and to know nothing about what recently passed, and thus be able to string  MH and her parents along till they have  enough rope to hang themselves several times over.

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2 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

DY's father and mistress are pretty dumb people. HJ told them how old GO and they couldn't connect the dots.smh smh smh.  


Actually, DY's father and his floosy seem to have put quite a lot of dots in place on the basis of that photo.  That's why DY's father, having asked the boy's age, and hearing floosy say that means the child must have been conceived while HJ was dating DY, asks HJ straight out is the child DY's.   It looks like HJ is about to give an equally straight answer to that when MH frantically butts in (bad manners anywhere, but in polite Korean circles you never rush in to answer a question an elder, let alone your FiL, has put to someone else present). MH explains that HJ married almost immediately after DY's accident, upsetting him deeply, especially since that suggested she'd been two-timing him. Unfortunately for MH, she tries to emphasize her case by giving HJ's husband's full name, and HJ skewers her by asking how on earth she came to know it. Taken aback for a second, HJ replies that it must be on HJ's resumé. "It isn't" says HJ bluntly, but then pointedly apologizes for her bad manners in thus contradicting her superior in the presence of elders.

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7 minutes ago, baduy said:


Actually, DY's father and his floosy seem to have put quite a lot of dots in place on the basis of that photo.  That's why DY's father, having asked the boy's age, and hearing floosy say that means the child must have been conceived while HJ was dating DY, asks HJ straight out is the child DY's.   It looks like JH is about to give an equally straight answer to that when HJ frantically butts in (bad manners anywhere, but in polite Korean circles you never rush in to answer a question an elder, let alone your FiL, has put to someone else present). MJ explains that HJ married almost immediately after DY's accident, upsetting him deeply, especially since that suggested she'd been two-timing him. Unfortunately for MJ, she tries to emphasize her case by giving HJ's husband's full name, and HJ skewers her by asking how on earth she came to know it. Taken aback for a second, HJ replies that it must be on HJ's resumé. "It isn't" says HJ bluntly, but then apologizes for her bad manners in thus contradicting her superior in the presence of elders.

Thank you chingu chingu @baduy for translation. ..... 

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Just got done watching it with subs and I can tell you that without a doubt the last scene of DY & HJ was such a beautiful moment and I think one of my favorites.  Just watching her seeing him through the darkness at first, far off it must have felt as if she was dreaming and all the while stuck just standing there almost in shock not able to move.  Her legs and her body so still while watching him slowly moving in her direction.  Until she tenderly raises her hand and fingertips because she just had to touch him.  You can only imagine how fast her heart would be beating and how nervous in not wanting to believe it even though her eyes are completely focused on him and him alone.  Her mind might be filled with a million thoughts all at once yet she is unable to speak even a single word.  Maybe afraid to even move or whisper his name for fear that the image before her would disappear.  That face that she had longed to see holding on so desperately to just the remembrance of him within her heart...

Even more was seeing DY coming towards her the view of his black glossy shoes clicking in the background as the soft music started to play.  The way DY was looking at her it just broke my heart and to hear his words reminding her of his last words and promise that he would return to her soon.  As he stood there thinner and weaker still his arms so ready and willing to gently wrap around her completely you could see that sense of relief as they both took a breath in and released it out.  As he pulled her in even tighter and snuggled her close within him.  You could see it and almost feel his whole body and mind were resting upon her so thankful to be holding her once again...

Let me say it's scenes such as this that make having to put up with MH through all those episodes so worth it:wub:Not to mention how glad I am he came to her and didn't keep her in the dark.  Now they can work together to not only get their son back but to give MH what is due her....:angry:

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The ending scene in today's episode is definitely First Love, Again. The reunion came sooner than I thought which was a surprise. Now waiting for GO to be reunited with them.

I don't understand why JW is worried about HR inheriting a reduced Myungha's wealth. Since JW is determined to get back every penny from the Myungha, Mdm Kim's threat should not matter to him at all. He should be worrying how to get HR out from this toxic family. I thought he was a reformed man not letting MH to use HR to manipulate him but in front of Mdm. Kim he couldn't say a word in regards to HR ?


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3 minutes ago, rikimaiu said:

I don't understand why JW is worried about HR inheriting a reduced Myungha's wealth. Since JW is determined to get back every penny from the Myungha, Mdm Kim's threat should not matter to him at all. He should be worrying how to get HR out from this toxic family. I thought he was a reformed man not letting MH to use HR to manipulate him but in front of Mdm. Kim he couldn't say a word in regards to HR ?


I think what's going on here is that the threat affects him because he fears it might come true, in that he will be ruined and HR will be at the mercy of her inhhuman mother and maternal non-grand-parents who barely conceal their indifference  to the child. So she's reminding him that the risk he's running by pursuing his vendetta may well rebound on HR. She puts that risk in the only terms that really mean anything to her, namely cash consequences, but he appreciates that there's a serious risk to his daughter that goes way beyond her eventual bank-balance. But I'd say the real significance of this scene-sequence is that it makes plain to Mme Kim that JW is still hankering after HJ (she knows full well what it means when he's prepared to abandon the goals he's spent years working towards in order to get HJ's child back to her).  That's the weakness she subsequently gloats over to her daughter, telling her to milk JW's susceptibility to HJ for all it's worth.

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1 hour ago, baduy said:

But I'd say the real significance of this scene-sequence is that it makes plain to Mme Kim that JW is still hankering after HJ (she knows full well what it means when he's prepared to abandon the goals he's spent years working towards in order to get HJ's child back to her).  That's the weakness she subsequently gloats over to her daughter, telling her to milk JW's susceptibility to HJ for all it's worth.

The JW character had been manipulated by MH since he appeared and now he is almost besotted by HJ?

Eeeew something is not consistent here. Even before learning about HR, he was keeping info to himself. Any time MH came around with ' Jung Woo oppa ', he  melted. He had backstabbed HJ. now If he helped her because he is disgusted by MH and felt so sorry for GO and HJ, I could accept it but he is hankering after HJ?

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32 minutes ago, samzi85 said:

If MH has any sort of happy ending I will be very very mad


And you won't be alone...  Believe me....images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_g7AxB-fgjNUBaPfSiWh

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I must add in my support and agreement on 2 main points already made by chingus here. Firstly, the touching, beautiful ending scene of DY and HJ hugging each other. His repeat of the words he said to her before his accident assured her that he has recovered with his memory intact. Secondly, there cannot and must not be any happy or merciful ending for MH! She must be given the full punishment for all the crimes and wrongs she has done!

On a side note, how did DY become so much thinner? It is a realistic portrayal of someone who has been in a coma, I guess, but for the actor how did he manage to slim down so much? Did he go on a crash diet?

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18 minutes ago, ross27 said:

I must add in my support and agreement on 2 main points already made by chingus here. Firstly, the touching, beautiful ending scene of DY and HJ hugging each other. His repeat of the words he said to her before his accident assured her that he has recovered with his memory intact. Secondly, there cannot and must not be any happy or merciful ending for MH! She must be given the full punishment for all the crimes and wrongs she has done!

On a side note, how did DY become so much thinner? It is a realistic portrayal of someone who has been in a coma, I guess, but for the actor how did he manage to slim down so much? Did he go on a crash diet?

Make up ... loads of dark shading on the face and wear loose dark clothes

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@imgreatgal  @awsparkle  It will be so great if GO returns by Friday. I so look forward to this happy event.

I had to laugh at the "Zorro" comment re DY's NEW look. I actually really like it. The dressy causual attire makes him look younger and not so stiff. He looks skinnier because a dress shirt with a tie tends to make the face look chubbier. The crew neck black Long Sleeve T Shirt shows his neck so it makes his face look slimmer. Also love his new hair style. Loved the way he walked towards HJ in the ending scene. @USAFarmgirl Yes, as you stated, the loving scenes of DY and HJ make up for all the evilness created by MH. 

I was so happy when HJ cancelled the dinner with JW. He should know by now, he can't take the place of DY. DY is the one in HJ's heart not JW. I wish he would remember that and not interfere with their relationship.

@baduy Thank you for those "HILARIOUS" clips of HJ's HUGE bow!!! I can't believe the fashion crew made her wear that. OH MY GOODNESS, I would be soooo embarrassed to wear something like that!!!


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I don't know what kind of character the writer is portraying or trying to portray JW - he is the most confused character in  the drama - he is not even aware of the purpose of his existence.  Too bad, he just couldn't score - it's either he's late or he's too early.

Love the conversation at the dinner table - there was a contest between the 2 females on who can bulge their eyes the most.

When the scene where Big Nam and HJ were talking and the focus was on HJ, the first thing that I whispered was - WTH happened to her neck?????  They should have put that white big ribbon around her waist and not  her neck!!!!

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9 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@imgreatgal... Thanks for the recap chingu. :D

Today's episode showed us viewers again how dumb JW is. He showed his weakness again to MH and her family.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY??? He is supposed to be ruthless. What happened to the guy who wasn't going to let MH's family get away with what happened to his father. Shaking my head.

DY's father and mistress are pretty dumb people. HJ told them how old GO and they couldn't connect the dots.smh smh smh.  MH has finally lost it by showing TY's mom her true face. It was hilarious. I found MH's facial expressions to terrify TY's mom so funny. Lol lol

@UnniSarah And All Others, I don't see how Jw doing anything or not could keep HR from becoming unscath and fingers pointed at because this was certain to happen when her mom set out her plan to marry a man that never loved her nor wanted to be with her.. I said from the very beginning of this drama that MH don't see the damage that would come to her own child for harming someone elses child to place hers in that childs place.. 

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