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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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22 minutes ago, herina_90 said:

@joyspartace @kaoriharang @vangsweetie637@katherinyy

You are all literally making me tear right after i got up this morning.... I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts and am sad i couldn't participate in more discussions these past 2 weeks! I will be back later tonight with mote insights hopefully!

And am glad they ended with 14%!!!


Chingu, I am tearing up myself :bawling: from the drama and even from the thought of missing all of you guys here! aww, will be looking forward to your thoughts, as always :D

@dins88 Hi chingu! I agree with you! The writers sure gave us a roller coaster ride of emotions. But, even though the drama was flawed, I thoroughly enjoyed what was given. I am already really missing the drama and cast, the daily spoilers and zoomings. I would really like for all the cast or at least some, to reunite again. And for KSH/YSH to be in another drama so we can all discuss again. But I am glad we got a happy ending with confirmation that they ended up together as a couple :wub: i will miss you too chingu!

@Esther Silva: Hello chingu. So far, no news about the instrumentals release yet.


@sakura2016 haha yes that is what i meant. Our Jeonha is the only one I have seen that is not shy to express his feelings haha. He really loves GE and will show it. Awww!

@jakey09 you were? I am trying to remember if I was too excited about the finale that I didn't remember well haha. Will be looking forward to your thoughts :)



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I don't know my feelings is sad or happy. In fact the drama is over. Well, I thank all of u who're amazing in this forum. I hope we will meet again with the next drama. I am on the team (shiper) of shyshy couple. I hope in the future seunghoo and sohyun together again become the lead male and lead female the drama of modern life (romcom).I will pray for that and wait patiently.

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As far as I know YSH usually don't do full-scale interviews after drama ending (<Remember> for example...) but I heard he has interview schedule today with multiple media! :D I'm soooo looking forward to it!!! :heart:

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1 hour ago, jakey09 said:

@vangsweetie637 I was here. Reading all the updates and what not! 

I was busy today, had a job interview ... just finished watching the episode with subs ... stupid writers made a big blunder ... will come back in a bit with my thoughts. 


You were there. I read your comment about time jumping 5 years!! :lol: i was too invested with the episode and commenting as i read recaps haha

56 minutes ago, Melati Huda said:

I don't know my feelings is sad or happy. In fact the drama is over. Well, I thank all of u who're amazing in this forum. I hope we will meet again with the next drama. I am on the team (shiper) of shyshy couple. I hope in the future seunghoo and sohyun together again become the lead male and lead female the drama of modern life (romcom).I will pray for that and wait patiently.


I am in an emotional mix too from episodes and missing this thread already! Awww..i hope we will meet again too in another thread. Yes! I hope the drama gods heard their desire to be in another drama again and ours too..and reunite them!

I am glad we had a royal wedding to celebrate all the hardships Jeonha and GE went through together :D


@findit ahhhh!! Whoa!! Really? Can't wait for it! Interview by YSH! Thanks chingu for always finding us spoilers and translating text previews. And calling the Zoomers when there was spoilers. Will miss you chingu!

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Something i need to get out of my chest.... the fact that Ge ate 2 poppy pills and still able to get up and talk. Correct me if im wrong, but didnt the former king and LS ate one and was already in so much pain that they have to clench their teeth and say their name out loud? And we then we have GE, looking like she had an indigestion :joy: But i'll just take it as GE having a higher pain tolerance than the boys :tongue: GO GE! SHOW THEM HOW TO HANDLE POISON LIKE A PRO! 

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8 minutes ago, googleme said:

Something i need to get out of my chest.... the fact that Ge ate 2 poppy pills and still able to get up and talk. Correct me if im wrong, but didnt the former king and LS ate one and was already in so much pain that they have to clench their teeth and say their name out loud? And we then we have GE, looking like she had an indigestion :joy: But i'll just take it as GE having a higher pain tolerance than the boys :tongue: GO GE! SHOW THEM HOW TO HANDLE POISON LIKE A PRO! 

 You are correct. Late King and LS were in a lot of pain. Could barely talk well. 

Haha and i was also thinking..shouldn't she be bleeding? Jeonha took 3 and bled from immense pain. 

But then, seeing how worried Jeonha was and how he told her to wake up, and then hugged her when the officials were close to the palace gate..i forgot all about it haha and focus on the OTP moment instead :tongue: she is fine and that's what matters to me :D



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2 hours ago, joyspartace said:


Ep 39: 13.3% 

Ep 40: 14.4%

at least we hit the 14% for the finale!!! Congrats to the cast & crew for being MBC's only drama this year to have double digits! And earning the praises by kneitzens & others for YSH & KSH's acting! 

There are a lot of articles that are out about YSH/KSH & Ruler. Once I find time, I'll hopefully translate for you. If somebody else can do it now, thank you in advance (:


that's a good note to end at!! Congratulation to all cast and crew and big thatnks to them for their hard work for 7 months!! :heart: 

thank you so much chingu in advance!! :wub: 

1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I usually don’t post my final thoughts after giving myself a few days to recover from the withdrawal drama symptoms. But since I finished watching the subbed version, I will post my thoughts up before I forget what I want to say haha:



Wow!!. Aww..this evil villain! How can he make me hate him and then..feel sad for him afterwards? :bawling: After watching the subbed version, I actually felt bad and sad for him. For all his wrongdoings, he deserved death. I knew he would die. But, the conversation he had with Jeonha right before his death, is what actually touched my heart. Jeonha had no intention to spare his life, but for the sake of daddy HG, he will keep his words. DM, as prideful as he is, will not back down. Yet, I can easily tell that even he was touched by Jeonha’s definition of how to be a King. When he asked Jeonha what will he do when the people fall into despair, and Jeonha answered “I will give them my shoulders. They can use my shoulders to get out. But I will not let the people become monsters like you.” And DM, for the first time in a long time, smiled sincerely at Jeonha and replied “I wish I had a King like you a little sooner.” Awwwwww! :bawling:I was really touched. Jeonha acknowledge that DM became a monster because of the government pushing him to a point of despair. And he apologized for that. Wow. Just how considerate is Jeonha, to be able to empathize with his biggest enemy. DM, for the first time I felt, was a bit happy that someone understood his intentions, and why he became a monster. I will not forgive all the wrongs he did. But I forgive him for the person he became because in the end, he was just another victim of his own greed/despair. Like Jeonha, I empathized his suffering. I was asking for a personal background of DM. But this conversation between them both, allowed me to see the glimpse of DM’s purpose. We always knew he joined PS to protect his loved ones. And he mentioned it several times that it was the government who made him the way he was. But this was the first time someone apologized to him for the government’s errors and apologized for pushing him to the brink of despair that he had to become a monster. DM did contribute to making Jeonha the person he is now. Without DM’s constant attempt to kill him, he wouldn’t have known what it was like to survive and understand the people’s heart. The death scene carried a sorrowful essence for me. In the end, DM truly did die a painful and lonely death, with no one by his side. No friends. No family. :bawling: HJH, thank you for portraying DM so well. Because of his acting, I cried for DM. He was evil. But, he died so tragically, too. DM's followers: Ex Prime Minister, HS and Chief Jo..were really loyal to his purpose. Their deaths was for DM. They must really feel they are indebt to DM.



I really teared up on Dea Mok and our King's scene!! really our King's kindness and understanding can drive me crazy :o when he told Dea Mok that if it wasn't for him he wouldn'tbe the King he is now and appologised to him I was about to pull my hair out but it was a really moving moment from our King and he's the kind to see things from a different prespective than others and help him see though the others eyes! I LOVE THIS MAN!! :heart: and I can see how Dea Mok was really moved by ou King's determination to protect his people even if they are to step on his shoulder than he gave them to help them out from their dispair and Dea Mok wishing he had a King like our King sooner and that he'll keep looking at him ruling over his people was acceptance and him kind of trust/hope in our King changing the world's systeme that was always followed!! :tears: and though he died a lonely and painful death he still felt his son's love who asked for his (Dea Mok's) life to be spared despite claiming to not be his son anymore and he died after being appologised to and understood by a King knowing that the change he always dreamed of is to come true with this new young King when all the Kings he knew stepped on him and their people which is a better death than he and we thought of!!

you said everything I want to say about our OTP and our King!! :thumbsup::heart: 

1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@sakura2016 haha yes that is what i meant. Our Jeonha is the only one I have seen that is not shy to express his feelings haha. He really loves GE and will show it. Awww!


and I LOVE HIM FOR IT!! :heart: 

1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:


@joyspartace @faye406 @mindstar @sakura2016 @herina_90 @rhaps @googleme @andy78 @YourHighness. @kaoriharang @Yongzura @kengtabakur @rainbowhills @ferily @Tram92 @Berou and all my other Monarch Chingus! (sorry, my blue tag stopped working) hope all of you guys will read and see this:

Remember. This is not goodbye. It is only farewell! :wub::heart:



let's meet again hopefully!! :heart: 

1 hour ago, jakey09 said:

@vangsweetie637 I was here. Reading all the updates and what not! 

I was busy today, had a job interview ... just finished watching the episode with subs ... stupid writers made a big blunder ... will come back in a bit with my thoughts. 


hope everything went well with your job interview chingu!! :) 

hhhhhhhhh I'll be waiting for your ranting post then!! :lol: 

this isthe sweetest and moste swoony confession and proposal ever!! who can say no after this?!! :blush: I was shouting "Manse" with the people after that!! :D hhhhhhhhh I know I'm crazy!! :tongue: 





cr: nuriyah_tock

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@vangsweetie637 Yep. Might be the shippers thread. Forgot. It was a long day. :lol:

Anyway. About the episode:

The first half started with such stupidity - If I ever come across writers, will give them piece of my mind! I swear. I don't know if anyone of you already pointed this out: But they wasted 15 minutes on proving if antidote worked or not! WHY?! Why make it so complicated by using GE as a tester?! They could have always given it to QD or LS!! They'd have taken it from CP or GE as they trusted them. Sucha waste! They could have used those minutes on OTP - shown us a bit of their life after marriage. I don't know ... wedding night, babies, kisses, take your pick! 

It's almost like writers were so obsessed with HG that after her death they suddenly remembered "oh there's a heroine!" Let us make her do something Queen worthy! 

Everything was so rushed! I have never been a fan of this director though. He's a hit n miss kind. Some scenes he ended up executing well throughout the series, some he didn't. He presented us this series as a play, you get to see such when you go in a theatre. Which is cool, but I always felt this disconnect ... there wasn't much told about the characters, their background, past ... especially GE. Short scenes put together.  

That's why hats off to the actors ... the characters ... they were the pillars of this show. Thanks to them & SeungSo they got these ratings ... if only director and writers work was up to mark ... it'd have easily hit 20%! I always wondered why they went so high with their ratings predictions/hope ... too smug? It had the potential but ended up being with many flaws. 

Now the second half: You know if the scenes between OTP were to be done by someone else ... I swear, we would be saying how boring these scenes were! But it's SeungSo. Their chemistry is indeed magic. In my opinion, all they have to do is be in a frame together and it's beautiful! :wub:

There were some parts where actually found myself teary eyed! That is when LS died! Actually the whole part was dramatically well executed ... How CP came running, Gon/CW on each side ... how he blocked the sword !! OMG! That scene was love!! And I found myself not being irritated with LS when he was dying. That's something! Hahaha! JK SeungSo cries made me teary eyed. God, such amazing actors! 

Then there was the part ... when they faced each other as King and Queen, smiled and suddenly that beloved music starts playing! Ghosts and everyone else looking upon em ... Yep, I'm an emotional sort! LOL! 

Oh, did you notice how giddy CP looked when announcing her as Queen?! Makes me want to know how he behaved on their wedding night! LOL! 

Btw, hats off to SH - She looked so matured! Throughout the show she hasn't looked her age, which is a job well done! Hard to tell she's just 18. 

Now ... I enjoyed being here. I think, this is my second time taking discussion on Soompi (First time was DOTS). But what was special about the place ... got to know y'all and the atmosphere was quite friendly! I believe some of you I have already interacted on Twitter and with some will be looking forward to! Hopefully I get to see most of you in Shippers thread ... we can always do our praying over there! Hahaha! It was a pleasure, everyone! Let's really hope to see SeungSo in a show together! 

Is it 3 years already?! :tongue:

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1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@findit ahhhh!! Whoa!! Really? Can't wait for it! Interview by YSH! Thanks chingu for always finding us spoilers and translating text previews. And calling the Zoomers when there was spoilers. Will miss you chingu!


@vangsweetie637 @sakura2016


This is the first time I became active in drama thread (I created Soompi account for Ruler :lol:) and I feel really lucky to be a part of this small but royal community. Loved reading everyone's opinion and speculation, and throwing whatever came in my way to get the steam out !! :lol::lol::lol: I'm not a person who watch dramas a lot but hope to see everyone in other great drama threads soon!!!!! :blush:


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1 hour ago, findit said:

As far as I know YSH usually don't do full-scale interviews after drama ending (<Remember> for example...) but I heard he has interview schedule today with multiple media! :D I'm soooo looking forward to it!!! :heart:


really?!! :D I'm looking forward to it too!! :wub: 

and thank you so much for all the spoilers and translations you shared with us chingu!! :heart: 

Edit: this is you're 1st time in drama forum?!! Happy we got to meet here and we was lucky to have you with us!! :wub: hope we will meet again in other drama forums soon!! :wub: 

21 minutes ago, jakey09 said:

The first half started with such stupidity - If I ever come across writers, will give them piece of my mind! I swear. I don't know if anyone of you already pointed this out: But they wasted 15 minutes on proving if antidote worked or not! WHY?! Why make it so complicated by using GE as a tester?! They could have always given it to QD or LS!! They'd have taken it from CP or GE as they trusted them. Sucha waste! They could have used those minutes on OTP - shown us a bit of their life after marriage. I don't know ... wedding night, babies, kisses, take your pick! 



as much as I HATED the shameless ministers for not trusting our King and his team who worked hard to save their lives I loved seeing Ga Eun helping our King to get the ministers' trust and showing why she's to be the Queen and thanks to this incident our King managed to win over the ministers who were shameless enough to disapprove of her becoming the Queen when she was the one who saved them!! so it was a useful incident :wink: 

15 minutes ago, jakey09 said:

@sakura2016 It went well, thanks! Will know on Monday! 


wish you the best!! :) 

awwwww it's full circle for our King too aka Yoo Seung Ho, wearing King's wedding attire again but as the adult King now!! :wub: 

cr: kyokyon817

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@sakura2016 Proving it to ministers wasn't important to begin with. It's not like they weren't aware ... I just felt a bit fooled as an audience. 

When they were busy selecting those girls ... did anyone question if they deserve the title or not? Queen's a title, not an occupation. King should marry whom he loves. 

They just presented it all wrong. Writers were probably aware that they did injustice to GE's character that's why pulled this stunt. 

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KSH also had an interview today (Jul/14)

YSH and I shared comradeship. Both of us started acting career when we were very young, so it was only natural that we've had similar difficulties and concerns as child actor turned into adult actor/actress. 
Presence of Seungho Oppa (YSH) itself was a big boost and encouragement. He has really strong power in leading and driving the drama forward and I got a lot of help from him during the shooting. 

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1 minute ago, rhaps said:

I succesfully overslept after live recaps last night, and woke up late, so I havent watched it with subs. Now I'm gonna have a meeting, so cant talk much. I also dont watch dramas a lot, but if I can enjoy one in a forum like this again, then why not? Hope to see u again chingus in other threads! 

Okay, gonna be back later to type more. Gotta go, see ya!!!


hhhhhh Good Morning chingu!! Fighting for your work, see you later!! :D 

ilet's meet again other dramas forums hopefully and have fun again :wink: 


cr: nuriyah_tock

cr: putryy_eka

have to go now!! see you all later hopefully!! :wub: 

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2 hours ago, googleme said:

Something i need to get out of my chest.... the fact that Ge ate 2 poppy pills and still able to get up and talk. Correct me if im wrong, but didnt the former king and LS ate one and was already in so much pain that they have to clench their teeth and say their name out loud? And we then we have GE, looking like she had an indigestion :joy: But i'll just take it as GE having a higher pain tolerance than the boys :tongue: GO GE! SHOW THEM HOW TO HANDLE POISON LIKE A PRO! 

Well, it is kinda a known fact that women can endure so much more pain than men, eg. child-bearing :wink::tongue:

I've just finished watching subs, just dropping some quick thoughts now, hopefully can share more in details later on. I usually type my thoughts as I'm watching, but not today. Will do so on rewatch.

I teared up badly two times, both at deaths of DM and LS. These writers are somewhat weak in the plot development, but really great writing lines and dialogues. One of the reasons why I hang on to finishing the drama, besides the great cast! @vangsweetie637 had written in details about the characters exchanges in those two scenes. I shall not repeat. Indeed what moving dialogues they have. As well as when CP/King was talking to the court about how ungrateful they were towards GE who risked her life just days ago. Then also when CP/King was "proposing" to GE :D

Most of my rants were kinda answered when watching with subs. Turned out that they were addressed after all in the dialogues. Peddlers did play a part in halting the rebellion to be carried out by water bearers. I would have wanted LS to die saving the CP, taking a blow on his behalf rather than for GE. But I guess no point wishing for a longer fight because not only HS is outnumbered, he is I'm sure not as skilled as CW and Gon even separately. So it is kinda fitting that CP took him out in one blow. And chingus, even Gon and CW were throwing objects too!! LOL, a flying dart and sword. Did they learn from us? LOLOL

Would have wanted to see a little bit of MH and MC story but nonetheless happy to see MH taking more charge and more confident as a person.

My most fave part was during the last minute when King turned around to face Queen, smiled so genuinely and she smiled back so happily, and then theme music started.... Then the smiling faces of our major characters, then the aerial shot.... SO GRAND!! But, but, but, they waited a year before getting married??? Why so long.... I wished it was only a month passed. Now I want to know what are the things that happened in that one year? :tongue:

2 hours ago, findit said:

As far as I know YSH usually don't do full-scale interviews after drama ending (<Remember> for example...) but I heard he has interview schedule today with multiple media! :D I'm soooo looking forward to it!!! :heart:

Hope he will do something different this time. Just like in Vlive, how he was behaving quite differently from the past, less shy and quiet? And also, I'm glad you did not give up watching the finale and stayed with us till the very end!

@joyspartace Glad that eventually you can be with us for the finale week despite some unexpected news in your family. Looking forward to your thoughts and insights for our finale episodes, but take your time!

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"Ruler: Master of the Mask" Jeon No-min and Yoon So-hee reappear


Jeon No-min and Yoon So-hee who were thought to be dead, reappeared.

On the final episode of the MBC drama "Ruler: Master of the Mask", Lee Seon (Yoo Seung-ho) and Han Ga-eun (Kim So-hyun) got married.

When Lee Seon got back his throne, he rounded up the Pyeonsu and demolished them. The leader Dae Mok (Heo Joon-ho) chose to kill himself. Peasant Lee Seon (L) who acted as Dae Mok's puppet, found out that his warrior Hyeon Seok (Song In-gook) was Dae Mok's spy and died trying to kill Han Ga-eun.

A year later, Lee Seon and Han Ga-eun got married and became king and queen. Lee Seonremembered those who died because of him in the middle of the wedding. Han Gyu-ho (Jeon No-min), Han Ga-eun's father, appeared and told him to be a king the country loves.

Kim Hwa-gun (Yoon So-hee), Dae Mok's granddaughter who died while giving endless help to Lee Seonbecause of her love for him appeared and Lee Seon thanked her. She told him, "Be happy. Your happiness is enough for me".

Peasant Lee Seon appeared again. Lee Seon told him, "Lee Seon, you are my friend forever" and Lee Seon said, "My lord, please be a true king to this country".

Lee Seon swore to be a king for his country and didn't forget those who died helping him.

source: http://www.hancinema.net/spoiler-ruler-master-of-the-mask-jeon-no-min-and-yoon-so-hee-reappear-107845.html

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I just want to say I'll miss this forum a lot :D I really had fun time reading all the comments here. And reading comments is even more interesting than watching the drama LOL  Will we meet again in another thread when shyshycouple reunite? I really hope for that :D like... 5 years... I start waiting now lol

I'm done with the sub. And thank god, LS's death at least got some meaning. Even though I dont know what HS can get if he kills GE or uri King, he just made it an end for his life. And I wonder if PSH is completely destroyed, bcs no one mentions the mask-guys in the cave. Well, whatever it is, now the moon and the sun becoming one. I really like that scene. However, to be honest, I think it's better without sub :joy: The conversation in all OTP moments are so cheesy lmao, but the scenes and uri Shyshycouple are so beautiful. I cant help but miss them so much.



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1 hour ago, findit said:


@vangsweetie637 @sakura2016


This is the first time I became active in drama thread (I created Soompi account for Ruler :lol:) and I feel really lucky to be a part of this small but royal community. Loved reading everyone's opinion and speculation, and throwing whatever came in my way to get the steam out !! :lol::lol::lol: I'm not a person who watch dramas a lot but hope to see everyone in other great drama threads soon!!!!! :blush:



Awww..so glad you were here with us chingu! Yes it was a small royal community but it was filled with fun and spazzing and rantings of all sorts haha. Aww hope to see again soon in another drama thread :wink: thank you for all the translations you do. 

@jakey09 haha..since the drama has ended..my head is pretty blank. I am quite satisfied with how things turned out although it was rushed but what the hey..we got more OTP moments than we thought we would haha. I got teary and cried when DM and LS died. It must have been the words they said..and the music. For LS..it was also because Jeonha and GE cried too. Awww..we had a good time here chingu! It was really fun! Will miss you! But will most likely see you at shippers thread :)

@rhaps haha will be looking forward to hear your final thoughts. And i will miss you too chingu! We sure ranted a lot here. I was more physical, you verbal :tongue: let's meet again in another thread soon and rant again :wink:

Awwww..so glad to see the main casts doing interviews. I miss ShyShy already. Also, was reading the article from L. Haha. He said that a lot of viewers hated his character. I was laughing and saying "You got that right. " But he did a really good job portraying LS. His death left an impact on me too just like he said it did for him. Even though i teared his character apart layer by layer, i cried when he died.

@sakura2016 awww tell me about it. I cried at DM scene and LS scene. I was like.."i don't like you guys but why am I crying like this?!" Hahaha. Like i say, the dialogues in this drama is very good. It has the power to make me emotional. Add perfect music and the perfect casts..and of course..we will cry even for the baddies. Even when DM died, he had this sorrowful look in his eyes. And when he said he wished he had a King like Jeonha a little sooner. It was very sad! Imagine if PS actually became good..DM would have been a strong ally. But he was a baddie until the very end. And did you realize how empty Daddy HG looks? It's like he has no life left and yet he still asked to spare his dad..awwww!


@ktcjdrama awww same here. I cried at LS and DM scene. These writers know how to write dialogue with depth! Haha i realized it too. Gon throwing dart. CW throwing sword. I was like.."did we teach them that?" Hahahaha. 

@vaINK : haha man even after the drama ended, i still cannot tag your name haha. LS scene is very meaningful to me..and even to LS himself. I cried. Lol i was wondering about those Dark Vaders too. But that will be for Jeonha and Queen GE to handle now :wink:Aww. I will miss you too. And this forum! So much fun! Hope we meet again so we can discuss and rant if necessary lol :D






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