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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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I suddenly have this CRAZY thought that MAYBE the reason why JG keep doing posting this 'BEAUTIFUL' post is because he's CHALLENGING both IU's and his agency to announce their relationship in PUBLIC, or else he will be doing it by his own, LOLS 

If this true. then we shall be remain in DIED mode again, this time we might never woke up again and going to PARADISE for sure

Gosh, I should kept my hope low, but these TWO wont let me do so.

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Just like one said ( can't remember), I think this situation is an emergency for him :lol:. Time is also important but for me, when we found the "ONE", we do not want to waste time with nothing or being separated with them. I think LJG wants to replace the days without him by her side. I remember reading something about soulmates, " One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else." I think that applies also to them. To tell you honestly, I would prefer LJG with IU/LJE than CJH. Why? Because he can understand her more than anything else. The way she feels, the way she thinks (although she is a mystery for me) and the way she say/must say on things. I think with him, he can guide her to all of this. And I think that she can make him slow down or rest for awhile. I mean, he is hyper but sometimes we need to slow down first. 

What do you think? Am I right or am I right? :lol:

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13 hours ago, riuenu said:


I didnt find Jieunie liking oppa post....but I found out this, Oppa is very free today...

  Hide contents


Source: 2joongi twitter


@eunki need your help please.

How does he address these younger girls?


Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote images! ^^
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11 hours ago, riuenu said:

his english is really up to the standard that can read us well, look at his reply to Milla 


hmmmmm is this special pass still valid? 

Depends on how you behave!

Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote photos! ^^
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15 minutes ago, samtrocino said:

Just like one said ( can't remember), I think this situation is an emergency for him :lol:. Time is also important but for me, when we found the "ONE", we do not want to waste time with nothing or being separated with them.


I think, that perhaps, once JE is announced single again, i feel there are a lot of male admirers and aspirants (whether celebrities or non-celebrities) are falling immediately in line to court her.  wow JE ...how to be you ? :lol:

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7 minutes ago, pogucari said:

I suddenly have this CRAZY thought that MAYBE the reason why JG keep doing posting this 'BEAUTIFUL' post is because he's CHALLENGING both IU and his agency to announce their relationship in PUBLIC, or else he will be doing it by his own, LOLS 

If this true. then we shall be remain in DIED mode again, this time we might never woke up again and going to PARADISE for sure

Gosh, I should kept my hope low, but these TWO wont let me do so.

Do you think so? Because if you are right, then I'm squealing to the highest level right away. Because this will be breaking his own rule. His own privacy. I remember in one of the shows ( I think 2014) where he said that he will be open if he is dating anyone. It means that he is very, very, very proud about that woman. 

I love that part!!! :wub:

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14 minutes ago, samtrocino said:

And I think that she can make him slow down or rest for awhile.

I think she has a calming effect on him and/or she seems to be so attuned with him that she can put up with his antics and laugh with him. It could be one of the reasons why he appreciates her a lot.

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2 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


I think, that perhaps, once JE is announced single again, i feel there are a lot of male admirers and aspirants (whether celebrities or non-celebrities) are falling immediately in line to court her.  wow JE ...how to be you ? :lol:

You are right. I think that's why LJG is going to the fastest lane. :phew:

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Alright...I know I had spam pretty much of my backreading, the rest of page 555 to page 558 reply here, mianhae stargazers!

3 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

Yes!!!! Everything LJG is doing of late seems incredibly crafted and timed. They're not going to wait a year. A couple of months, maybe. In a way, he and LJE are playing the public, right now...but I can't say I mind!! :grin:

I love your saying is he been incredibly crafted and timed, he is a man, a fighter with plan, maybe, he had been planning this for months already, just that we didnt know. When they decided to "go public"(her concert and his FM) in Taiwan, maybe is executing the plan he had on hand, with or without her knowledge. I guess is Oppa cant wait already, Jieunie is just the one for him.

2 hours ago, aimwanie said:

of couse JG was the real factor. but you give me the source to die. hahahaha! i dont know how many times i said this but. JG really PLEASED us very well! oppaaaa... are in here? 

GROUP HUGS! we are so lucky. indeeddddd! 

hye there welcomeeee... 


i cannot concentrate my work.. especially someone did noticed the slow-mo part of that video.. 

@riuenu good luck for the meeting and also, good luck for the "new assignment" for your FBI's work. keke

Hahahahahaha, I cant concentrate on my work either, and I really need lots of luck for my old and new assignment....no luck for both currently...maybe..I will dig out more...chest photos..who know =x

2 hours ago, simplyme_crazyme said:


You saw right through her for real!  She has been acting suspiciously the last few days, what with the chest obsession. making her tasks as cover!!!  Who knows what she has kept hidden for her own enjoyment????

Well.... @riuenu chinggu... sorry to burst your bubble!  Your "oppa" is really JE's "JG oppa" arasso??? :lol:


@simplyme_crazymearasso arasso, is Jieunie oppa only, I get it...me and my poor bubble....sob

2 hours ago, chi13lou said:

You are like Wook. JoonGi already gave you the evidence and you are not doing anything with it!

If he posts the HD today it will be obvious that he is lurking in the thread, and people will wonder why he will post another version of the same vid!

sorry...my bad....I wanna apply for long sick leave already, so that I can work more on the evidences given T_T I trying to do something to it, yet, u see, my brain, my heart, my finger not functioning well, and my by default faulty lung giving me much trouble again... 

2 hours ago, cherrynea said:

@riuenu would love to be part of your investigation team..hahaha..

You know wih this rate JG is going, he might come and confessed his presence in this thread to start spazzing with us...lololol..he is such a sohae shipper..he knows what exactly we want.I'm sure he was looking for a nice video of them from his fan too..but when he couldn't find any..its like..'what, you dont have full hd video of me and jieun at my fm..never mind..it's okay..i'll give my own fancam version to you instead...'kekeke:lol:

hahahahaha, welcome to my FBI investigation team @cherrynea, your deadly sickly special agent gonna take a break for quite sometime, please take over this role if you could, so that I got more time to do the two assignment given kekekekeke, just joking =P

Please oppa, confessed your presence is greatly needed here, and we welcome any spazzing from you, and I am laughing at the highlighted sentence, yes, indeed, he gave us his own manager-cam and post it in IG to make public announcement that he is adoring Jieunie way too much as well. Jieunie is already part of Joongi life, maybe that is what he wanted to put across. 

2 hours ago, Sharine Phinisia said:


Hm, then is it ungrateful of me to hope for a better definition of this moment? at least IU's concert quality? :grin:

no, u are not ungrateful @Sharine Phinisia, that is what I searching as well, really none of the video comparing to Jieun's concert quality from the fancam, mostly not even 720p, I am a sulker for HD video...so ya, this is my main assignment now 


1 hour ago, samtrocino said:

Just like the date of their First Year Anniversary. :grin:

Sorry to cut your post, hahahahahahahaha, yea, 8 IG, just like the date of their first year anniversary, so sweet oppa! :wub:

1 hour ago, desvlo said:

@riuenu lol we're pretty much ghosts now..:lol: 

Yes, we are, and I am a deadly sickly ghost, without lung and soul....:dissapointed_relieved: 

1 hour ago, chi13lou said:

Since 10 months ago, 27 photos and videos in JoonGi's IG account contain Jieun. It started with this 


Thanks :bawling: I promise I will work as hard as you...

47 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

oh yeah. thanks god you remind us about that!

right! when that supposed to be the main highlight of the so called FANSERVICE. he only care to show about her appearance and that slow-mo gentleman acts. sigh. aren't  you too obvious JG? keke

how i wish someone post that handkerchief scene in full... chinguuu @riuenu have u found any clips of it?

anyway.. i being such a spoiled JG's fans already. this is the first ship for me as JG's fan. 

chingu ya, I still searching youtube, instagram and twitter for the full scene...even it is not in HD...but now...still nothing....

Alright..this is the newspaper oppa holding on plane


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1 hour ago, chi13lou said:

So JoonU ship is now a ghost ship?LOL


1 hour ago, desvlo said:

LOLing hard right now! Any ship except Titanic XD :w00t:

I am laughing out loud...yes!!! It hard to revive as joongi keep giving us post that give instant death...

@meahri_1 chingu..I guess most of us that board the ship earlier on, didnt know this ship will sail so fast, so early, we saw their on and off screen chemistry back then, when MLSHR still airing, that why we board this ship, for me, this is the second couple I shipped in k-drama, but the first couple I ship, I didnt even on board to that shipper thread in here, only went gaga in my another line group.

This is my first shipper thread to be exact, once board, I will still on board throughout, unless my presence is not needed or not welcome here, even so, I will still secretly ship them in my little line group.

So, I never really tot that the ship will actually sail when I came on board, I was on board much earlier, but due to my Korea trip, I say Hi and MIA, is @Visually-wandering uni that keep feeding me info from here while I am in Korea, and when MLSHR main thread getting too hard, too dark for me to stay on, I put all my focus here, for the fun and laughter, and joy of finding bit of crumbs, here and there at first. I had actually mentioned quite a number of time, even they never end up together, at the end of the day, is their choice, is their life, is their happiness a true fan will support and respect. 

And when the crumbs got bigger and become cake instead.... and came mainly from Joongi, it is hard still continue saying, it is for the sake of MLSHR, it is purely fan service, it is mainly for SoHae fan only, the expression, their action, from the wrapped up dinner, to SAF, and now the Taiwan concert and FM, I dont think is for all the reason that had been mentioned, it is them, JoonU, no longer Wang So and HaeSoo. I guess, oppa cant wait already, he is pushing the timeline way up, he is truly the man, the fighter instead.

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4 hours ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

AHAHAHAHA.  I am so dead!  I decided to just send an email to my client! And us in a meeting???? AHAHAHAHAHA.  That would be a riot! We'd end up auditing LJG's actions as well as LJE's changes!!!!

Look at what these two have done to us perfectly logical people!!!!! :crazy:


Still backreading bc this thread jumped up 9 pages while I was sleeping! BAHAHAHAHAHA but I had to stop and comment on this bc I do the exact same thing at work.. every chance I get, I bug my friends in their office and be like "OMG GUESS WHAT HAPPENED AT SAF?!" Or "OMG GUESS WHO VISITED WHO AT THEIR CONCERT AAAAAAND THEIR FM?!" JoonU love is so strong that it's shipping straight through our professional lives! Aigoooo OTOKE 


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9 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

I think she has a calming effect on him and/or she seems to be so attuned with him that she can put up with his antics and laugh with him. It could be one of the reasons why he appreciates her a lot.

I read somewhere in this posts, ( sorry can't remember) that one of LJG's ideal woman qualities is the age is more older than him? Am I right? Well anyway (highway:)), do you know Mao Inoue and Jun Matsumoto? They are the main leads in Hana Yori Dango last 2005, Japanese edition. The reason why I bring it here is because some ways they have the same situation. Mao Inoue to be exact is not Jun's ideal woman. To make the story short, after the show ends that is the time he realize that he is in love with her but because she's 18 that time. He waited for 2 years so that he can properly confess his feelings and court her. The last news I heard was, they got married already. Just like LJG, he is such a dork when Mao was around. What I am saying is, sometimes our ideals is just our guide for the person who will be falling in love with but most of the time, it is not. Because he used to be attracted ONLY to this type of women. In an age factor/requirement, I think he said that because he believes that the older age is the more mature woman can be. Maybe, he doesn't meet any woman before like LJE who is younger than him but when to comes to maturity, she is more capable of. But when he meets her, he is amazed, enchanted, speechless and many more magical words that you can find. He is not used to this. Showing emotions to your co-star. I read somewhere that if that person is always showing you his/her heart, it means that person is overwhelm or has overflowing love that's been building in his/her heart that he/she cannot hide them anymore. Just like Wang So said to Hae Soo, " Be prepared. Because I am going to make you mine" ( something like that). :wub:

Sorry for the lost post. 

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5 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:

Sorry for being so outdated, I haven't got the chance to read this thread in detail. 

What's going on with the Chinese BBJX couple? Did they marry in real life?

YES!!! They were featured on the same page with JoonU in the newspaper he was reading. I think they are expecting their first child.

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3 hours ago, ladylia257 said:


LJG-ssi, you were welcoming a friend or a future wife? AHAHAHAHGAHAHAH!!! It's like he was introducing his future wife to his fans!



3 hours ago, samtrocino said:

Hello there! I'm a newbie. WOW!!! It's so amazing for this thread to get so big in just minutes(?). I am also a silent shipper just like the rest but my shipping heart can't let me be quiet for some time. I need to express my ideas and feelings for these two. In my own opinion, they are already together. My basis? Their actions with each other... Just like the saying , " Action speaks louder than words". If IU still has a boyfriend, I don't think she will not go in Lee Joon Gi's invitation even with the MLSHR casts. Why? Because she is a dignified woman. Most of us know that she had (I used the past tense) a boyfriend. I am sure that she will not come because she doesn't want a scandal. If she goes with them, and I think she knows that there will be a drinking session, freely. Without any hesitations, then she is single. Knowing IU, she knows her limitations. That is why, in SAF, I begun to wonder why IU is with them in their drinking session? Did her boyfriend knew about it? Would she be allowed herself to accept flirtation from other guys knowing you have somebody special? I don't think so. That is why, I am starting to observe them little by little. And thank God for that. By the way,is these two zodiac signs (Aries and Taurus) combine, they are the "GO GETTERS" team. 

Also, I finished voting for our favorite OTP. Hope they win! Thanks and God bless to all of us!

Welcome welcome! All JoonU shippers who want nothing but the very best of peace and love for our couple are always welcome lol thanks for delurking and joining our spazztastic family


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5 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:

Sorry for being so outdated, I haven't got the chance to read this thread in detail. 

What's going on with the Chinese BBJX couple? Did they marry in real life?

Oh they sure did, and the wife is prob having a baby atm (well thats what on the newspaper that has been kindly translated by one of the chingu here)

Thats why we keep chanting bbjx curse/ miracle, since the first bbjx (chinese) main lead got married in the end

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10 minutes ago, q4q4 said:

Still backreading bc this thread jumped up 9 pages while I was sleeping! BAHAHAHAHAHA but I had to stop and comment on this bc I do the exact same thing at work.. every chance I get, I bug my friends in their office and be like "OMG GUESS WHAT HAPPENED AT SAF?!" Or "OMG GUESS WHO VISITED WHO AT THEIR CONCERT AAAAAAND THEIR FM?!" JoonU love is so strong that it's shipping straight through our professional lives! Aigoooo OTOKE 


Sorry if this is spamming, hahaha I backread.n quote ... n thats actually what I did at my work.place, hahaha my friends some.of them got interested n started to follow.up JG n JE while.other just laughing at my antics. They say I am.obsessed xD.... 

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