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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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I am disappointed with the episodes.  There is no scene showing CQ’s reaction to seeing the bells on the sword and she is acting very coldly and unappreciative towards YWY.  Not only did YWY manage to save her again from the King, he freed her from slavery at the same time.  When he told CQ to warn YX that he was being watched, the tone in CQ’s reply was blunt.  There is absolutely no gratitude from her.  I don’t really like the CQ in these episodes.   I don't see how she could be happy with YX.  They both are overwhelmed with so much hate and anger.  l feel sorry for YWY because he will have to defy the Prince-General to again save the ungrateful duo YX and CQ.  

I hope CQ's feelings for YWY is going to improve soon.  I am getting tired of seeing YWY being mistreated again and again.

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4 hours ago, jolin_chan said:


 YWY : give me back my sword

CQ : you give my sword back first

YWY : XE grown up now, your tone is so mean

CQ : I'm not XE, my name is CQ

CQ : just say it, what do you want in exchange for me to get the Free-Slave Document

YWY : just be my one day bedchamber-maid

CQ : are you being serious, aren't you afraid that I'm gonna stab you to death

YWY : if you have the abilty, go ahead

Birdie : enough, enough, enough


I have to add on my live recap, if I remember correctly YQ ask YWY won't he be anxious / afraid that because YX got accused of ZXF's murder, XE as his maid will get involved too. Ahhhh YQ you know YWY so well :wub:

Ooo that explain CQ at YWY hse...  Hahahaha.. 

Why only one day should ask..  I will return the sword if you marry me...  Hahaha :D

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Yeah, this is what I was afraid of... the saggy middle... that plagues just about every C-drama that I've watched in the last few years. Sigh... the reverse harem swings into action. 

You know, I can understand that there's so much baggage standing between YX and YWY that his attitude towards YWY is what it is right now BUT does he and CQ really believe that YWY would kill her? Does she really believe that? I'd like to think "no" because she certainly loses her equilibrium when YWY is around. She's standoffish to be sure but she's not unaffected by his presence especially when he saunters up to her and casually says, "You're here too." The man still has legal rights over her and he has chosen not to exercise them... can't they see that? And its implications? Even if YX is unable to grasp that, I hope she can. The fact that he could have done serious damage to her in the royal crypt but didn't, should have clued them in. He definitely knew he was sparring with her then and knocked the sword off her deliberately to be absolutely sure.

While I'm not sorry to see Zhao Xifeng go... for a guy who was dying he had far too much to say... or even Wei Shu Yu, vampire boy... one can really feel the dark aura that's building up around YX. The effect that all this is having on him and on his soul is becoming increasingly evident. Even though I don't like the villains that much and would have been happy to see them all fall several episodes ago, I was oddly disturbed by this revenge plan.  More importantly, I guess I don't really find WSY or ZXF all that interesting to be excited about their doom. There's no real feeling of satisfaction in seeming them fall.

But even though YWY keeps getting denigrated, he takes it on the chin. But more importantly he doesn't let his feelings for CQ/XE cloud his judgement that he can't see that they're up to something.

I really really like Prince Xiang. I like that he's an all-round good bloke, perceptive and a real friend to YWY. It feels as if YWY takes care of everyone and everything (the expectation is there) but it's nice that there's someone who wants to take care of him. Lovely of him to notice the sword switch. It does beg the question though... Does everybody know what the Can Hong sword is? :wink: What it means? Does everyone know how YWY feels about CQ/XE except the lady herself? Heh.

Anyway, I'm glad to see from the previews that YWY is worming his way back into CQ's life and he's still adorably calling her Xing'er. I know that name for her is loaded with so much baggage but for him that's his private love language for her. :wub:

It's good to see that the political challenges with villains continue to a different level. This was my greatest disappointment with Princess Weiyoung. The recycling of villains became very tiresome in the end. I'm a lot more excited for the coming episodes than today's. The show really needs to pick up the pace.


Mystic Nine was another exercise in frustration. I hung on to the bitter end hoping that it would get better in time but it never did. It had an interesting premise and as a sci-fi fan I was eager to see it go places but the storytelling just didn't hold up. I don't recommend watching it just for William Chan and ZLY... there's just not that much of them together to wade through bad editing and incoherent storytelling. WC, ZLY and the guy who played Ba Ye were bright spots but the plot was all over the shop. The potential was there but it was ruined by bad writing and terrible pacing.


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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Yeah, this is what I was afraid of... the saggy middle... that plagues just about every C-drama that I've watched in the last few years. Sigh... the reverse harem swings into action. 

You know, I can understand that there's so much baggage standing between YX and YWY that his attitude towards YWY is what it is right now BUT does he and CQ really believe that YWY would kill her? Does she really believe that? I'd like to think "no" because she certainly loses her equilibrium when YWY is around. She's standoffish to be sure but she's not unaffected by his presence especially when he saunters up to her and casually says, "You're here too." The man still has legal rights over her and he has chosen not to exercise them... can't they see that? And its implications? Even if YX is unable to grasp that, I hope she can. The fact that he could have done serious damage to her in the royal crypt but didn't, should have clued them in. He definitely knew he was sparring with her then and knocked the sword off her deliberately to be absolutely sure.

While I'm not sorry to see Zhao Xifeng go... for a guy who was dying he had far too much to say... or even Wei Shu Yu, vampire boy... one can really feel the dark aura that's building up around YX. The effect that all this is having on him and on his soul is becoming increasingly evident. Even though I don't like the villains that much and would have been happy to see them all fall several episodes ago, I was oddly disturbed by this revenge plan.  More importantly, I guess I don't really find WSY or ZXF all that interesting to be excited about their doom. There's no real feeling of satisfaction in seeming them fall.

But even though YWY keeps getting denigrated, he takes it on the chin. But more importantly he doesn't let his feelings for CQ/XE cloud his judgement that he can't see that they're up to something.

I really really like Prince Xiang. I like that he's an all-round good bloke, perceptive and a real friend to YWY. It feels as if YWY takes care of everyone and everything (the expectation is there) but it's nice that there's someone who wants to take care of him. Lovely of him to notice the sword switch. It does beg the question though... Does everybody know what the Can Hong sword is? :wink: What it means? Does everyone know how YWY feels about CQ/XE except the lady herself? Heh.

Anyway, I'm glad to see from the previews that YWY is worming his way back into CQ's life and he's still adorably calling her Xing'er. I know that name for her is loaded with so much baggage but for him that's his private love language for her. :wub:

It's good to see that the political challenges with villains continue to a different level. This was my greatest disappointment with Princess Weiyoung. The recycling of villains became very tiresome in the end. I'm a lot more excited for the coming episodes than today's. The show really needs to pick up the pace.


Mystic Nine was another exercise in frustration. I hung on to the bitter end hoping that it would get better in time but it never did. It had an interesting premise and as a sci-fi fan I was eager to see it go places but the storytelling just didn't hold up. I don't recommend watching it just for William Chan and ZLY... there's just not that much of them together to wade through bad editing and incoherent storytelling. WC, ZLY and the guy who played Ba Ye were bright spots but the plot was all over the shop. The potential was there but it was ruined by bad writing and terrible pacing.


As always @40somethingahjumma  clap-cheetah-emoticon.gifclap-cheetah-emoticon.gif Chinese drama's dramas are alwats draggy especially when it is a long drama. Lets be honest it is the waiting that has strapped to our chair eager to watch and still be disappointed at the same time. Sometimes the waiting can be worth it. 

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@40somethingahjumma, YX started to realize very very well YWY's feeling to XE. He started to use XE to hurt YWY too, hence the word, "What? Are you gonna kill her again?". Then he brought her to the function to showed YWY that XE is his which is backfired. It gave YWY opportunity to defends XE in front of Emperor Eyeliner. 

We can see some changes in YWY's attitude. At least now he doesn't hold back to openly defends her in public ( some previews from next episodes). Beside he knows very well what YX and XE is doing for revenge. He warned XE and despite her toxic words back to him, she was alarmed and she trusted his warning. However good XE and YX, they still nothing compared to YWY.

I would like to believe that XE's attitude toward YWY is bcoz of what she heard from Crippled Grandpa. She is not over that yet....

Regarding the ChanHong Sword, it's famous sword bcoz it associated with YWY. Everybody whose in the know, know that Sword is his.

Add. I would like to add something about YWY's treatment to XE. When he defended her in public, he will turns to her and says,"Tuei ma, XE?". It's totally different than before when he did all the talking.

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2 hours ago, zlyfan said:

I am disappointed with the episodes.  There is no scene showing CQ’s reaction to seeing the bells on the sword and she is acting very coldly and unappreciative towards YWY.  Not only did YWY manage to save her again from the King, he freed her from slavery at the same time.  When he told CQ to warn YX that he was being watched, the tone in CQ’s reply was blunt.  There is absolutely no gratitude from her.  I don’t really like the CQ in these episodes.   I don't see how she could be happy with YX.  They both are overwhelmed with so much hate and anger.  l feel sorry for YWY because he will have to defy the Prince-General to again save the ungrateful duo YX and CQ.  

I hope CQ's feelings for YWY is going to improve soon.  I am getting tired of seeing YWY being mistreated again and again.

 I haven't watched with English sub yet  but just want to comment on XE being ungrateful to YWY. Remember she still believes that YWY tried to kill her and she and YX still blame him for the whole Yan family tragedy. It's going to take knowing the truth for XE to change her attitude towards YWY.

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2 hours ago, zlyfan said:

I am disappointed with the episodes.  There is no scene showing CQ’s reaction to seeing the bells on the sword and she is acting very coldly and unappreciative towards YWY.  Not only did YWY manage to save her again from the King, he freed her from slavery at the same time.  When he told CQ to warn YX that he was being watched, the tone in CQ’s reply was blunt.  There is absolutely no gratitude from her.  I don’t really like the CQ in these episodes.   I don't see how she could be happy with YX.  They both are overwhelmed with so much hate and anger.  l feel sorry for YWY because he will have to defy the Prince-General to again save the ungrateful duo YX and CQ.  

I hope CQ's feelings for YWY is going to improve soon.  I am getting tired of seeing YWY being mistreated again and again.


I have been feeling this way for a while. I know he loves her and he considers YX a friend, but there is a point where you need to value yourself. YWY was at that point yesterday. 

57 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Yeah, this is what I was afraid of... the saggy middle... that plagues just about every C-drama that I've watched in the last few years. Sigh... the reverse harem swings into action. 

You know, I can understand that there's so much baggage standing between YX and YWY that his attitude towards YWY is what it is right now BUT does he and CQ really believe that YWY would kill her? Does she really believe that? I'd like to think "no" because she certainly loses her equilibrium when YWY is around. She's standoffish to be sure but she's not unaffected by his presence especially when he saunters up to her and casually says, "You're here too." The man still has legal rights over her and he has chosen not to exercise them... can't they see that? And its implications? Even if YX is unable to grasp that, I hope she can. The fact that he could have done serious damage to her in the royal crypt but didn't, should have clued them in. He definitely knew he was sparring with her then and knocked the sword off her deliberately to be absolutely sure.

While I'm not sorry to see Zhao Xifeng go... for a guy who was dying he had far too much to say... or even Wei Shu Yu, vampire boy... one can really feel the dark aura that's building up around YX. The effect that all this is having on him and on his soul is becoming increasingly evident. Even though I don't like the villains that much and would have been happy to see them all fall several episodes ago, I was oddly disturbed by this revenge plan.  More importantly, I guess I don't really find WSY or ZXF all that interesting to be excited about their doom. There's no real feeling of satisfaction in seeming them fall.

But even though YWY keeps getting denigrated, he takes it on the chin. But more importantly he doesn't let his feelings for CQ/XE cloud his judgement that he can't see that they're up to something.

I really really like Prince Xiang. I like that he's an all-round good bloke, perceptive and a real friend to YWY. It feels as if YWY takes care of everyone and everything (the expectation is there) but it's nice that there's someone who wants to take care of him. Lovely of him to notice the sword switch. It does beg the question though... Does everybody know what the Can Hong sword is? :wink: What it means? Does everyone know how YWY feels about CQ/XE except the lady herself? Heh.

Anyway, I'm glad to see from the previews that YWY is worming his way back into CQ's life and he's still adorably calling her Xing'er. I know that name for her is loaded with so much baggage but for him that's his private love language for her. :wub:


I have felt that the story was draggy since ep. 25. One of the reasons I want YX to go fully evil is so we can move on from this stagnant point. I too cannot understand how any of them could really think YWY tried to hurt her. All these misunderstandings are so tiring and stupid. They can be fixed in two minutes and I feel like the drama just makes YWY seem too pitiful. YWY is so pitiful that it takes away from YX's tragedy. As much, as YX had it worse we are constantly being reminded of YWY's own suffering.  So I just feel really bad for YWY in every episode. I wanted YX to turn into an anti-hero for a bit until he did something so cruel I could no longer root for him. However, he doesn't feel like an anti-hero now. I don't find myself really rooting for him while he is getting rid of people like Zhao Zifeng, I just take it as okay one less baddie. 

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5 minutes ago, claribelle3 said:

Question:  Are the voices in Chinese or K dramas always dubbed by someone else? Why not use an actor's/actress' own voice to dub his/her own lines?


no dubs in kdrama. Dubbing is pretty exclusive to cdramas, mainly ancient cdrmas. Most modern cdramas and even some Republican era cdramas use real voices. I think the reason is accents. Each actor has a different accent characteristic of their region. So when they are filming a drama in which they are all suppose to be from the same place and they don't sound anything alike it can really throw the audience off. So they get dubbed into standard accent. 

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5 minutes ago, claribelle3 said:

Question:  Are the voices in Chinese or K dramas always dubbed by someone else? Why not use an actor's/actress' own voice to dub his/her own lines?

In C drama most of the time they dubbed it. One of the reason is so the drama will have a standardized Mandarin. Most actresses and actors have different accents that may or may not understandable. 

From what I know, HuGe and WangKai are the very few actors that use their own voices. 

@mrsyooknit, I think the drama want the viewers to understand clearly the black and white.

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6 hours ago, Miky88 said:

Guys does anyone have or know were to DL the OST songs in 320kbps?And could anyone kindly translate the name/artist in english...Thanks in advance...Both Xun/Yue songs are sooo beautiful:wub:




郁可唯 & 王铮亮 - 星月

Yu Ke Wei & Wang Zheng Liang - Xingyue 

赵丽颖 & 张碧晨 -  

Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Bichen - Wàng

王晰 - 最遠的心跳

Wang Xi/Elvis Wang - Zui Yuan De Xintiao 

张磊 - 因为一个人

Zhang Lei - Yin Wei Yige Ren


Sorry don't know where to DL the songs :D


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1 hour ago, cenching said:

@40somethingahjumma, YX started to realize very very well YWY's feeling to XE. He started to use XE to hurt YWY too, hence the word, "What? Are you gonna kill her again?". Then he brought her to the function to showed YWY that XE is his which is backfired. It gave YWY opportunity to defends XE in front of Emperor Eyeliner. 

We can see some changes in YWY's attitude. At least now he doesn't hold back to openly defends her in public ( some previews from next episodes). Beside he knows very well what YX and XE is doing for revenge. He warned XE and despite her toxic words back to him, she was alarmed and she trusted his warning. However good XE and YX, they still nothing compared to YWY.

I would like to believe that XE's attitude toward YWY is bcoz of what she heard from Crippled Grandpa. She is not over that yet....

Regarding the ChanHong Sword, it's famous sword bcoz it associated with YWY. Everybody whose in the know, know that Sword is his.

Add. I would like to add something about YWY's treatment to XE. When he defended her in public, he will turns to her and says,"Tuei ma XE?". It's totally different than before when he did all the talking.

I guess I'm trying to be understanding of YX because he did feel betrayed and it did cross my mind that he could be sneering and being sarcastic. But it's coming to the point where I'm struggling to feel for him. I think he needs to use his head not just to plot against people but to see who his potential allies are. There's no point in being so arrogant that you can't manoeuvre politically. But as I've said, he's prone to extremes. 





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6 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I guess I'm trying to be understanding of YX because he did feel betrayed and it did cross my mind that he could be sneering and being sarcastic. But it's coming to the point where I'm struggling to feel for him. I think he needs to use his head not just to plot against people but to see who his potential allies are. There's no point in being so arrogant that you can't manoeuvre politically. But as I've said, he's prone to extremes. 





When I see the scene where he killed ZXF with XE behind him, I have a feeling that XE has a hand in turning him into a dark side.....when XE was "educating" YX she didn't balance it with a proper wisdom, she only put emphasis on revenge.....unlike when YWY was "educating" her...

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Just now, cenching said:

When I see the scene where he killed ZXF with XE behind him, I have a feeling that XE has a hand in turning him into a dark side.....when XE was "educating" YX she didn't balance it with a proper wisdom, she only put emphasis on revenge.....unlike when YWY was "educating" her...


I felt this way since they were in jail. I think XE leads him to the dark side. XE has some dark tendencies herself, but I think he would have done it on his own. 

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28 minutes ago, muser06 said:

The opening theme (search for Zhang Bichen) and  XingYue theme song can be found on Spotify... :D They were released on there late May/Early June...


I know, I was listening to it on Spotify, too. It was suggested to me and I was like "oh! isn't this PA's OST?" I was surprised that it got released on there. I added into my playlist in the car. :D

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1 hour ago, mrsyooknit said:


I felt this way since they were in jail. I think XE leads him to the dark side. XE has some dark tendencies herself, but I think he would have done it on his own. 

I agreed he would have done it on his own but it won't be very successful. The success he tasted acted as a fuel for his fire for darkness. Success is like a drug, sometimes......:)

Add. I really feel disturbed by their revenge plan after I watched it one more time

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6 hours ago, jolin_chan said:

Already watched both dramas, if you're not like ZLY and WIlliam Chan enough, while I do like them a lot, I think you won't be able to finish them, Mystic Nine is much better than LoZ though. But LoZ is full of angst way more than Mystic Nine, if you like angst drama, try LoZ first, if not then the other way around.  And in both dramas, LY's character is badass too, not as badass as in PA though, William Chan character is naive-type in LoZ, while in Mystic Nine he looked cool and alpha male like. Their chemis on Mystic Nine is wow, only YWY-XE can beat that :wub:

Yes, it's kinda like SH's Prince, I agree with you. And Shawn was the 14th Prince of SH's movie ver and LGX was 14th Prince of SH's drama ver, and their collab here in PA resemble another Prince in SH too, and the directors of PA and SH is the same one, so many link with SH :D 


PA's NG scenes part 2 :




cr : weibo

Sorry if I repost some of the pictures, these are of better quality

@ 0.33-.0.35 LGX expressions just killed me, he didn't expect the director to actually pull him down towards the bed!!:tongue::lol::lol:

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Halo Guys!.


Morning! I could not help but to share this mv out! It's just too OVERLOADED with SUPER CUTTTTTEEEEE & SUPER SWEEETTTT. I do not know how they maker did it but manage to combined these motions together. For PA, i think we may never be able to have such cute scenes. To compensate whatever kind we are waiting for :wub::wub::D


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