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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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5 minutes ago, cenching said:

Not sure if LGX is a REAL gentleman in real life. From some celebrities news, he has a reputation as a playboy....he changes GF like changing shirts....:grin:

Wow really? I havent search about him in reality. This is just my little assumption from his previous movies. Hehe. 

But i admit that he is quite versatile actor. He can play any role. But So far, in my opinion the most role that suit for him is YWY.hehe.

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@cenching I do think that YX has real reasons to go dark. He is consumed by his bad experiences to the point where he doesn't trust anyone. I actually think he becomes like the current emperor. To reach his goals he stops caring about who he has to sacrifice, even his own people. I do think he chooses himself over anyone else and in this case over his promises to XE. 

I agree YWY is trapped in his life. He doesn't have a choice or freedom to decide anything on it. Someone mentioned earlier that that was probably one of the reasons he was attracted to XE in the first place. She kept fighting against her status, even when it seemed futile. His life is so controlled and he can figure out everyone's intentions that I think XE is a mystery to him, which makes it exciting. Who is she really? He doesn't know. Why is her true goal? Etc. 

42 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Well, it's purely speculation on my part having not read the novel. :D But I've got a few ideas based on watching the trailers and things that people have mentioned here from the novel. But I will pick up the novel when I can... I doubt I will be able to read it from cover to cover though.

That's how I understand him to be as well through what we've been shown. He's still a man of the Warring States period, trying to preserve the status quo. I don't think he's about to emancipate slaves or anything like that but he certainly didn't want to have anything to do with hunting them like animals. And compared to all the other nobles he's a much fairer master than most. 

Yeah, I think you're right too about LGX whose performance gives these "humanizing" touches to YWY. But I also think they picked LGX because he exudes the aura of a gentleman scholar which I imagine is what they're going for here. So, yes, probably no rough, steamy underwater naughtiness. :wink:

As long as CQ learns to appreciate YWY for all his fine qualities and makes up her mind to be with him... I'll take whatever I can get. :wink: Still, shy or not, there needs to be some semblance of longing and passion. 



Yeah, YWY seems like a refined scholar who is also really good at martial arts. There is plenty of longing from YWY so far. The sexual tension is like 90% coming from him :wink:

10 minutes ago, heoesdanish90 said:

Sorry. This is out of topic. But i can't hold it any longer. I know i sound a little bit stalker. Sorry. Just please dont be misinterpret my intention. Huhu. I am quite shy in reality. Only in this forum i can voice my opinion.

After i watch PA, i admit that i took an interest in actor LGX. I dont know why but i really love his character as YWY. 

Then , i tried to search for him. I watched all his movies( not all but most of his movies). I found that he rarely has intense kiss scene with other actress. So, i think in reality he must be a REAL gentleman inside n pretty shy. 


I haven't seen too many movies/tv shows with LGX, but I think one of the reasons he has very little kiss scenes is that he usually takes more action-inclined roles. But yes, I bet him being so shy in real life does affect this a lot. ZLY said he ran away after a kiss scene, which was a first for her. He does seem very professional so if they ask him to do it, he will do it. But I imagine his managing company always coordinate boundaries for what he feels comfortable doing, etc. 

I do hope we get at least a decent kiss scene since there is so much chemistry between the leads. 

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2 hours ago, cenching said:

@turtle0217, Whoooohooooo!!! Now is Monday morning in my place!!! I hope I can watch the raw first tonight n subbed tomorrow!!


Aww.. lucky you. It's barely midnight where I live. <_<

16 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:


I agree YWY is trapped in his life. He doesn't have a choice or freedom to decide anything on it. Someone mentioned earlier that that was probably one of the reasons he was attracted to XE in the first place. She kept fighting against her status, even when it seemed futile. His life is so controlled and he can figure out everyone's intentions that I think XE is a mystery to him, which makes it exciting. Who is she really? He doesn't know. Why is her true goal? Etc. 

I haven't seen too many movies/tv shows with LGX, but I think one of the reasons he has very little kiss scenes is that he usually takes more action-inclined roles. But yes, I bet him being so shy in real life does affect this a lot. ZLY said he ran away after a kiss scene, which was a first for her. He does seem very professional so if they ask him to do it, he will do it. But I imagine his managing company always coordinate boundaries for what he feels comfortable doing, etc. 

I do hope we get at least a decent kiss scene since there is so much chemistry between the leads. 


Yes, I would agree that YWY is trapped in his life. Wasn't he adopted? If he was, he must feel like he owes a debt to the family, that's why he can't make his decision. Instead of YWY freeing XE, she's the one who frees him. That's my assumption.

It's true, too, that LGX does have more action movies/dramas more than romantic. So it would explain why he has a tougher time with kiss scenes. He's slowly easing into romantic movies/dramas. Still hope we get a decent kiss. 

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25 minutes ago, cenching said:

Not sure if LGX is a REAL gentleman in real life. From some celebrities news, he has a reputation as a playboy....he changes GF like changing shirts....:grin:

I heard about his playboy rep too. He's rumored to be dating the maid of the bad princess. 

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@mrsyooknit, @heoesdanish90, talking about kissing scenes in Asian dramas, everything boiling down to the cultures. I have never seen a convincing kissing scene in Asian drama so far. Sometime the man is fine but the woman is meh or vice versa. I was so used to Western dramas/movies that PDA packed that made me go like, pleeaseee man, hug her she needs it!!!  If the actors don't feel comfortable doing kissing scenes, I would rather advice NOT to do it than give us a cringe worthy scenes. Some actor kissed the girl like eating on her face.

@moon-flower, he already changed to another one :tongue:

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2 hours ago, cenching said:

@turtle0217, Whoooohooooo!!! Now is Monday morning in my place!!! I hope I can watch the raw first tonight n subbed tomorrow!!

I hope I can watch the raw tonight. If nobody monopolise the TV that is. Where do you watch the sub? I watch it on kissasian but it seems I'm having trouble if I watch it from my mobile.

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3 minutes ago, cenching said:

@mrsyooknit, @heoesdanish90, talking about kissing scenes in Asian dramas, everything boiling down to the cultures. I have never seen a convincing kissing scene in Asian drama so far. Sometime the man is fine but the woman is meh or vice versa. I was so used to Western dramas/movies that PDA packed that made me go like, pleeaseee man, hug her she needs it!!!  If the actors don't feel comfortable doing kissing scenes, I would rather advice NOT to do it than give us a cringe worthy scenes. Some actor kissed the girl like eating on her face.


 I have seen good kisses in Asian dramas. I think recently they are being more open about kissing. Honestly, I prefer no kiss to those wide eye kisses. Dramas are getting better with kiss scenes. Not to the level that you see in some Western shows, but sometimes I feel like they go too far in Western shows to the point where it loses the emotion. I am used to super PDA in TV shows since I used to watch soap operas and they have A LOT of PDA. 

One of the things I like about ZLY is that she is very professional about her dramas. If there is a kiss scene she does it. 



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31 minutes ago, pawla said:

I hope I can watch the raw tonight. If nobody monopolise the TV that is. Where do you watch the sub? I watch it on kissasian but it seems I'm having trouble if I watch it from my mobile.

I have no problem with KA in my iPhone but in my Samsung yes, it got problem...check your PM

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2 hours ago, cenching said:

Different with YX, he is a spoils Prince with complete parent that love him. Even though he is in Chang An as a hostage but he is adore by The Empress Dowager and have the FREEDOM to do whatever he wants. So when he lost everything just like what a spoils child will do he throw "tantrums". Big scale tantrums, and unstoppable urges for revenge and more power bcoz he never get used to of not having what he wants (he chose POWER over LOVE).

I wouldn't necessarily say that YX is "spoilt" but the word I'm reaching for is "sheltered". Even though I adore YWY I can see that YX is a very charming guy who wants everyone to be happy which is why he can never quite shake off the spoilt princess that clings to him like a bad smell. Despite being a hostage prince, he's never had to struggle for anything or draw the line somewhere because he can coexist with everyone quite happily without making political waves. So far it's been enough for him. He hasn't had to get his hands dirty and it suits him to be the nice guy and play the saviour figure.  It must then be a huge shock to the system when his beloved mother dies. Real world politics is something he's been able to avoid and cocoon himself from so far (despite warnings from YWY).

The problem is that he has been raised to think that he can have his cake and eat it too. That will come into play as he grows more ambitious. YWY, on the other hand, knows he's not his own master so he has no illusions about being well-liked. For in his position, it's a luxury. He has to do unpopular things and get his hands dirty for the family. However, YWY has learnt how to be discrete and do things under the radar. He can't come right out and confess to the girl he likes but he gives her a weaponized ring, a matching sword, spars with her in the bedroom and whines ambiguously about bitter medicine and runaway slaves. That's his love language. But he has to be careful too because his feelings are leaking left, right and centre. People are catching on.

It is easier for YWY to understand that life is a zero sum game. In order to have something, you have to give something up because that's what he's practically been doing his entire life. He has no life of his own even if he has the trust and respect of Grandpa. That's why even when he's trying to "woo" XE, he has to make it look like he's towing the Yuwen family line.

But sooner or later, he too will have to make a choice because he cannot go up against his upbringing and have the woman he loves. 



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@40somethingahjumma, @mrsyooknit, I do like YX :D. He is charming adorable cute. Plus he looks hot on horses n while pulling a bow #FanningSelf. His life turns up side down n he lost everything (in the drama we will see how bad is that) he loves XE but XE loves YWY (she is with YX but wearing his ring and carrying his sword even during the battle scenes). It's understandable if he turned dark (more eyeliners, eyeshadow, dark shading make up :D). I even suspected that one of the reasons he turned bad bcoz of one sided love. 

This drama giving us an insight about the backgrounds of all the leads to help us understand more about the choices that they're going to make in the future. So we won't hate on either YX or YWY or XE :)

On the side note....I can't wait for tonight or tomorrow!!!!! Aaaaaarrrgggghhh!!!!!



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@monchoo  applauding to your great effort in translation :) such a painstaking work and brain demanding process; thanks a lot. :heart: I enjoyed reading the scene and cannot imagine how YWY in the drama would do such aggressively erotic things, he is surely a beast in bed :wub: I hope Xing Er's bones would be fine after their first night hehehe

@40somethingahjumma I love reading your thoughts on the drama. The way you dissect the character and their growth and underlying conflicts both mental, political and socio-cultural aspects are spot on. Every element is interlocking to form a particular character and choice they make.

Luckily I haven't read the novel; otherwise I would be inherently self-contradictory which version of YWY I prefer. The YWY in drama is so refined yet complicated and cold man. He seems aloof and out of touch, the visual of a warrior knight transported from another world. Not surprised if Xing Er can't figure out his thoughts and dare take everything at face value. She just loves his company but a life partner would be impossible. Her status and the society as she belongs make everything a big NO for her, her hold on YWY is so fragile that when any seemingly critical issues came up, the departure is right at the door.

It seems that the drama took a different path from the novel. Xing Er's relationship with Yan Xun might be laid out in more layers than previous thoughts. She may decide to achieve her life ambition with him, to make a better, more equal world where people can love freely and live independently without being stigmatised on the basis of class or race. IF YX hadn't gone too greedy with his power thirst, Xing Er would agree to choose him as her partner. Their time together in war and in nearly death situations are enough to make them fall in love with each other. So I doubt if the writer just made YX being friend-zoned after all ..

I also love the fighting scenes, they were beautifully done and convincing enough that we're living in a fantasy ancient world where an image of magical and martial art presence seems real and not appear awkward and unfit like "wusia" dramas in the past. I find many Chinese wusia series have brilliantly produced in the past few years, great camera technique, modern cinematography  and beautiful outfits (I think YX has the best wardrobe so far .. I like all of his clothes :D)

I expect the separation should take place this week. Brace my heart and some Kleenex just in case of tears ... :(

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2 hours ago, pawla said:

I hope I can watch the raw tonight. If nobody monopolise the TV that is. Where do you watch the sub? I watch it on kissasian but it seems I'm having trouble if I watch it from my mobile.

I watch it there, too or just on Youtube. I watched it on Dramacool before, but it site seems to be down or something might of happened. Don't know. 

2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


 I have seen good kisses in Asian dramas. I think recently they are being more open about kissing. Honestly, I prefer no kiss to those wide eye kisses. Dramas are getting better with kiss scenes. Not to the level that you see in some Western shows, but sometimes I feel like they go too far in Western shows to the point where it loses the emotion. I am used to super PDA in TV shows since I used to watch soap operas and they have A LOT of PDA. 

One of the things I like about ZLY is that she is very professional about her dramas. If there is a kiss scene she does it. 




Yes, I still like it that Asian drama aren't going fully into the kiss scenes like the Western. You can still get the butterflies from the kiss scenes in Asian dramas. So I find it best if they keep it that way, but ZLY does do well in her kiss scenes. So let's hope she guides LGX to do well for this drama, too. :D:tongue:

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@gentlelily12, The Yue in YWY contains a character "月" (pronounce also Yue from the word Yue Liang "月亮") means moon, while Xing "星"  means star....how romantic:wub: was that!

add. The Yue in YWY doesn't means moon since there is a difference character added but its a name of legendary pearl (one user explained it better at the back pages)

Edited by cenching
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7 hours ago, turtle0217 said:


The romance is keeping me going for this drama, too, but I really like the spies stuff. Lately, I've been watching lots of spies movies here and there and it's like the trend now. I'm glad they are adding the spies into this drama with the great romance. 


I first saw LGX in Scarlet Heart, too and I fell in love with him. He was one of my favorite prince in the drama. After seeing him in God of War, Zhao Yun, I was hoping that LGX gets paired up with ZLY, she's one of my favorite chinese actress. I'm soo happy that they got paired up together for this drama. LGX plays the YWY character soo great. Love him being YWY!


@monchoo Thank you for continuing on the translating! AHH! An underwater kiss!! :wub:

I think most viewers haves seen LXG in Scarlet a Heart and the earlier dramas, I also think after Scarlet a heart, he has done a lot of dramas starring the main character that has made him quite popular!!

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