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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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11 hours ago, Phuong Dinh said:

Btw, just a small survey

1. Who was originally Bo Gum's fan only?

2. Who was originally Yoo Jung's fan only?


MDBC has always been a blessing since I am originally a fan of both individually. 

I've loved KYJ since The Revolt of Gumiho. There was just something about her role in that movie that stuck to me. Plus, she always has this aura of being regal in addition to her natural beauty. (Maybe that's why she fits sageuk roles so much.) Also, she's very mature for her age. She just inspires me. 

I've loved PBG since Tomorrow Cantabile. It was basically because of his bright bright smile at first, and after watching more of him, I won't be surprised if everyone will come to love him. The guy doesn't seem to have any fault. Looks? Attitude? He has it all. Though he may not be the best driver... lol.

Anywayyyy, thanks for the awesome pictures of our OTP. Seeing pictures of the two of them is one of the main reasons I stalk the Main Thread. It is only today that it occurred to me to go and hunt for the Shippers Thread because it will obviously have a lot more pictures, not to mention supportive people of this pairing. Haha.

It's a happy day to be a shipper! :wub:

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1 hour ago, budzy90 said:

@be99lle @superfangermany_stv @lovelybluehoneyz.. @cloud92 @4nnlov3pink @enzekand everybody else, Thank you so much for the wishes!!!

Yes, this birthday was extra special cos of our OTP news, but especially because I got to spazz with you guys on the thread!!I am filled with "Raon"!!:blush:

Love you all!!:heart:

Love u too my dear..  *big big hugz* :)

Oklah.. A very gd night to all my frens here.. *huggies*

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10 minutes ago, tares1975 said:

Wooohooo are we blessed or what! Finally one where they sit next to each other hahaha ...RIP girls. Haha

See how there is no personal space again when they sit next to each other. Although KYJ's upper part of the body was leaning towards PD the rest are still glued towards PBG lol. Ahh....i'm so happy now. I think we can all sleep deeply after 4 days of no sleep lol. At least for now...until we crave for summore lol

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41 minutes ago, lightforyou22 said:

amazing @tares1975 such a rare picture they look so cute next to each other much love and thanks to youuuu :heart: aaannnd there is no space btw them :phew::wub:

@tares1975 @lightforyou22 thanks 4 this pic


From Now on I'm SO THANKFUL 2 their 'close oppa dongsaeng' alike....

Do everyone know about them so they arrange them 2 sit close 2 each other on this pic? well the save answer 4 public are 'they are the leads so it's so reasonable 2 sit side by side in one frame', or 'c,mon they're close oppa dongsaeng, so it's so reasonable if they sit like this'.


and about these 5 MDBC casts that invites in happy together, are BoYoo agencies make some brief meeting (what they can/can't talk) b4 they're recording anything on Happy Together? Bec as I know YJS is one of the clever MC in SK, that he can even dig more about SUSPICIOUS thing. And I feel there will be more talks about uri BoYoo as they' don't come there. There are some guests on happy together who have worked with BG b4 got a question about BG. well ... all become so complicated after that KCSC case :crazy:





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1 hour ago, 4nnlov3pink said:

@tares1975 @lightforyou22 thanks 4 t



his pic





From Now on I'm SO THANKFUL 2 their 'close oppa dongsaeng' alike....

Do everyone know about them so they arrange them 2 sit close 2 each other on this pic? well the save answer 4 public are 'they are the leads so it's so reasonable 2 sit side by side in one frame', or 'c,mon they're close oppa dongsaeng, so it's so reasonable if they sit like this'.








about these 5 MDBC casts that invites in happy together, are BoYoo agencies make some brief meeting (what they can/can't talk) b4 they're recording anything on Happy Together? Bec as I know YJS is one of the clever MC in SK, that he can even dig more about SUSPICIOUS thing. And I feel there will be more talks about uri BoYoo as they' don't come there. There are some guests on happy together who have worked with BG b4 got a question about BG. well ... all become so complicated after that KCSC case :crazy:

  Reveal hidden contents





I won't worry about YJS, he's very clever but also very wise. I'm sure he'll take YJ's age issue in full consideration, thus not trying to fish juicy info from the other cast. It'll be a different matter if YJ is already an adult and YJS personally aware of 'something' between her and BG, then he would probably grill her and her cast mates (like he did KJK for years).

PS. Happy belated birthday@budzy90 Many happy returns!

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2 minutes ago, Earth2KatyD said:






Bogummy's struggle is real, chingus! ^_^ :lol:


Ack! Your caption totally made me choke on my coffee :D 

Btw, tbh, I was kinda hoping to see a big smile on BG's face in this particular photo. If I were him in that very moment, I won't be able to stop my mouth from grinning happily. Boy got serious skills in self restraint lol


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21 hours ago, PrincessMe2515 said:

Sigh so silent that I came home ealier, and I was like wooooooah. Uri Pink couple!:wub:Those are so couple tshirts and couple caps. Damn its like an unconscious tease....sigh, They are killing us silently....And I agree that whenever they are within the vicinity of one another, they are shining so brightly:)

Sigh, gosh....I wish I could stop loving MDBC.....but I cannot....sigh....

Guys do you know this is the first drama that I even bothered to watch BTS and even opened a shipper thread...the power of their chemistry :wub:

Has anyone noticed? He was also wearing blue shorts during the group video. :)

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2 hours ago, happysloth said:


Ack! Your caption totally made me choke on my coffee :D 

Btw, tbh, I was kinda hoping to see a big smile on BG's face in this particular photo. If I were him in that very moment, I won't be able to stop my mouth from grinning happily. Boy got serious skills in self restraint lol


Oops, sorry about that! I'm just glad you didn't burn your tongue. :P

I know what you mean.. Perhaps, PBG is channeling his MDBC character, Lee Yeong here.. Remember when the evil queen wanted to strip Ra On off of her clothes to reveal her true identity? LY stayed calm and collected the whole time (even though we know he's anything but on the inside) to protect Ra On and himself.. I think that's what PBG is doing here -- somehow the drama has paralleled real life as well. :)

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16 hours ago, happysloth said:


Ack! Your caption totally made me choke on my coffee :D 

Btw, tbh, I was kinda hoping to see a big smile on BG's face in this particular photo. If I were him in that very moment, I won't be able to stop my mouth from grinning happily. Boy got serious skills in self restraint lol


Yes, that was the first time I saw him cross his hands/arms like that. I know he wanted to touch or put his arms around KYJ but he restrained himself. She looks cute and sexy at the same time, who can't resist her?  Remember during the script reading even when they weren't close yet he already put his arms on the back of the KYJ chair. The struggle is real, indeed. BTW, Belated Happy Birthday @budzy90 !

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Group photo -before this photo was taken I am sure  BG and YJ are sitting very close to each other and  his hand must be around YJ shoulder if we look at the photo properly both bodies are touching each other and YJ bottom was very close to BG when they posing for the photo her upper body sway to MDBC PD -nim and but her bottom remain same position, BG lower his hand rested across his body is quite a weird position correct ? or my delulu mind.( look at the gap between YJ with PD nim)

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Good morning chingus! Voodoo dancer is here to shake shake shake to a brand new day and hopefully, with new pics and new videos!!


I am still suffering from post MDBC blues so I decided to read from the first page of MDBC main thread. 

I cringed to think that the female leading role were offered to some other actress initially. Even the roles of KY and YS roles were turned down by others or replaced later on. Looking at MDBC now, I cannot imagine who else could channel the essence of these roles as well as PBG, KJY, DY and JY!

This tells us one thing: that no matter what happens, our OTP were meant to be together!


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