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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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Just dropping by to wish all the wonderful people here Merry Christmas and loads of joy and happiness.


@frozentundra, SBS Drama Awards will be on December 31. Last year it started around 6 or 7 PM KST if I remember well. I hope the streaming link will be available on their website again.


Most probably LJS will take home some awards for wyws. I have just finished it especially for this reason, but I have to say the story disappointed me quite a bit (since it is not the place to talk about other drama, I will stop here. but I must add that W seems even more powerful after watching wyws). The awards show will most certainly be available for watching soon after, with english subs (it seems it will be on Viki too).


MBC Drama Awards will be on December 30 (dunno about streaming, though). It would be just too awesome to have both LJS and HHJ there in one frame. Christmas is the time of miracles, so why not hope for that?


Again, warm wishes for everyone here!

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This may be mixing genres too much, but did any of you see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? EVERY time I see PMH, I can't help but remember this character: http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121226140412/narnia/images/f/fe/Lioness.jpg  (I hope that doesn't offend anyone; I really loved that movie and found him a sympathetic character. With really awesome glasses!)


I like HJ's natural look in that picture.


Hope JS also had a nice Christmas (and that sometime, somewhere, our favorite people got to spend some time together??)


Hope everyone here has happy holidays. Someone in my family got the Puuung book for Christmas. Really, all those pictures you saw on screen are in it!

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(Using Kembie's up close version, but it's from JS's IG):


I'm sure it's a photoshoot for something. Or it's from a shoot for the poetry book. Or it's advertising writing pens, or red shoes. Or something totally normal, etc. But seeing as the only caption is a snowflake, we can imagine, right?


1. Dear HJ, I am making yet ANOTHER attempt at getting that portrait right. Cause eventually you will not collapse in helpless laughter. I learned to sing and dance. I can learn to draw, too! Jinjja!


2. Dear fans, there is this girl I like, and I hope you will like her, too...


Well, we can dream, right?

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@frozentundra  Where is yours with her looking at him?    if it's a portrait, he will need to have her to mentor.   Perhaps another heart-stringing poem that simmers from the heart within.   But lately he's been on "snowflake" - meaning?  delicate? just googled - it has many, many meanings LOL  - one of them is Today, snowflake is used to describe a person perceived as overly sensitive and fragile, often in a mocking way


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So a few more poems from this book have shown up in various people's screen shots. Here's one:


1 같은 하루,
하루 같은 .
그처럼 사진 그리고 당신
1 같은 하구, 하루
같은 1.


(This one is written vertically, so I hope I copied it correctly.) The best meaning I can come up with is this:


One day, like a year.
A year-like day.
Like that, pictures of me and you.
One day, like a year.
A year-like day.     (It looks like the ending is inverted, so possibly it means, One  year like a day, a day-like year.)


Then there is this one, which I can't really figure out a good translation for. I ran it through like five different online translation machines, and none of them knew what to do with it. The different translations have nothing in common, either, so it's hard to get even the main idea. I mean, I know some words in it, but I am not sure what it's trying to say.


에 삐 서가 아니다
잘 나서가 아니다
많은 것을 가서 서도 아니다
다만 너이기 때문에
네가 너이가 때문에
보고 싶은 깃이고
안쓰러은 것이고


We've already seen this one:


하늘 아래 내가 받은
가장 커다란 선물은


오늘 받은 선물 가운데서
가장 아름다운 선물은 
당신 나지마한 목소리와
웃는얼굴 콧노내 구절이면 
한아름 바다를 안은 듯한 기쁨이겠습니


The gist is, Out of all the gifts under heaven which I've received, the best one is today. Among the gifts I received today, the best one is you. And then...translation gets wonky. :) It's something about enjoying the person's smile and something about embracing the ocean.


And since we're being thorough, here is the properly translated one that was in the original teaser:


It was fate

That you came to me

That I went to you

The wind enters every end of the road

Just like how I met a flower and that was fate

That's not it

It was a necessity 

A promise that we will meet each other one day

A mystery where you become me, I become you

A mystery that must be a necessity 


Actually, let's just include all of the poems in one spot from the past year, whether they are by Na Tae Joo (the preceding ones), or uncredited/and/or by JS:


On the cafe wall:


Flowers wither.

With the exception of my heart

With each falling petal

This growing heart of mine

In the noon it blossomed.

(translation by choeuda/shared by JShine)


On the tumbler (credited to JS):


Why are you so white? (referring to pale/bright skin)

Why your face always turns red, even though you're so white?

I like it when your face turns red

I always tease you

Gradually my affection has fostered.

(translation by own own primrose 210)


From his IG (I presume by JS):


Romanticist no no hunter (T/N romanticist and hunter is just one syllable different from each other)

It is so difficult to see you

Even when I see you, it is so difficult to catch your little hand

That is you, Dragonite.

I thought if I put out my hand, I would catch you.

You just turn away and close your eyes.

That is you, Snorlax.

Even if it is sad,

I can only look at you who are like that.

My name is, Pokemon Hunter.


Posted on his IG, but written by Na Tae Joo:


How much I like you,

You don't need to know.

My love for you

Is only known to myself.

How I miss you,

Is also known only to myself.

Now, even without you,

I still like you.

(translation by JShine)


The more recent ones are the more hopeful ones (like the cafe wall and tumbler).

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@ibru no they're her friends --- soyoun lee( cream colour sweater) who worked with her in spring waltz and dongyi--- she's the owner of the cat hj keeps posting pictures of , choo ja hyun( also from bh) and her husband( Santa Claus costume)  and I think the person wearing the black shirt is also a friend but I've never seen him before . Hope this helped :) 

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5 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

Choo Ja Hyun's husband is a Chinese actor? If so, it looks like they met on set in a drama? What an excellent example...

Yess, its chinesse actor. Both side get excellent example -_-. HJ from this couple and JS from jisung and lee bo young! 

I think its in cho ja hyun house cz i dont think cho jahyun husband will wore that costume if they went to other house.

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14 hours ago, frozentundra said:

I'm sure it's a photoshoot for something. Or it's from a shoot for the poetry book. Or it's advertising writing pens, or red shoes. Or something totally normal, etc. But seeing as the only caption is a snowflake, we can imagine, right?


1. Dear HJ, I am making yet ANOTHER attempt at getting that portrait right. Cause eventually you will not collapse in helpless laughter. I learned to sing and dance. I can learn to draw, too! Jinjja!


2. Dear fans, there is this girl I like, and I hope you will like her, too...


Well, we can dream, right?


@frozentundra I was so hoping he would give an interview upon the publication of the book, and that someone would ask him, 'So, Jong-suk ssi, have you ever been in love?" and that he'd reply, "Well, there's this girl in my heart . . ."


Indeed, we can dream 8-)

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@Riman Rakshit MBC Drama Awards is on 31 and not on 30 as it was initially announced? Are you sure? Because SBS Drama Awards is also on 31 and most certainly he is among the nominees for more than one categories so I guess he needs to attend that as well. 


Would be really awesome to present the best couple award along with HHJ. I think the best couple award from MBC has a different, stronger value, since it's awarded to only one couple. Whereas SBS awards this to more couples (last year three couples received the award). But I am still looking forward to see the show, especially since Lee Bo Young will be there (and I hope he will receive an award from her hands, since they remained such good friends after I Hear Your Voice).


Does anyone have any info about a streaming site for MBC Drama Awards?

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