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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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December Movie Actor Brand Reputation Rankings Revealed


The results came after analyzing 178,438,876 sources of data from November 21 to December 22 and measuring the participation, media coverage, communication level, and community awareness of each actor. 


Ha Jung Woo took the first place in December’s brand reputation rankings with a total score of 8,686,565. Hyun Bin came in second with a total score of 7,532,811 followed by Jung Woo Sung with a score of 7,498,557.

The top 25 rankings are as follows:

  1. Ha Jung Woo
  2. Hyun Bin
  3. Jung Woo Sung
  4. Song Joong Ki
  5. Gong Yoo
  6. Cha Tae Hyun
  7. Kwak Do Won
  8. Yoon Kye Sang
  9. Lee Byung Hun
  10. Yoo Ah In
  11. Kang Dong Won
  12. Kim Moo Yeol
  13. Lee Jong Suk
  14. Kim Hyang Gi
  15. Kim Dong Wook
  16. Lee Jung Jae
  17. Ma Dong Seok
  18. Yoo Ji Tae
  19. Han Ji Min
  20. Hwang Jung Min
  21. Sol Kyung Gu
  22. Han Hyo Joo
  23. Jun Ji Hyun
  24. Kang Ha Neul
  25. Na Moon Hee

Several months of this hear she always in top 25, eventhough she doesnt have any project on screen. Ahhh not to forget they are on the list! :blush:


P.s : sorry for messy editing. Dunno how to edit using my phone! 



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Nope, they're both old. The first is from Jan 11, 2017 (credit to Naver) and the second is March 3, 2016.


I think people are just missing her cause it's been a while since she posted anything.


Speaking of her posting, so when she went to Jeju and posted all of those lovely nature photos--was that just a trip for fun, then? Or was she doing a photo shoot? (It was kinda back to back with Japan/Instyle--but she had her whole team with her, so it looked like something official.)


Also, JS looked quite happy at his book signing. I'm glad it went well. (And lol. Probably the bookstore people are glad they got happy Jong Suk, not crisis-ridden Kang Chul for the visit, right?)

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@DustyPixie There was another video up with another poem. I didn't see any translation readily available online, but someone did at least print out the words:


하늘 아래 내가 받은
가장 커다란 선물은


오늘 받은 선물 가운데서
가장 아름다운 선물은
당신 나지마한 목소리와
웃는얼굴 콧노내 한 구절이면
한아름 바다를 안은 듯한 기쁨이겠습니다


Naver translate is sooooo entertaining, lol:


I received under the sky
The biggest gift is


Of all the gifts received today,
The most beautiful gift is
It's you.
I want you to talk to me in a voice
Laughing face. One snorty nose smell.
It must be a pleasure to lift the whole ocean.


I'm good with the first part; I mean, I understand the basic gist of it. But the last three lines...  I'm pretty sure that the real translation does not include snorty nose smells. I do see the word "voice" in there, plus I thinking laughing. But surely it reads a bit more smoothly if you really speak the language... :D 

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JS oppa look so handsome yesterday in his poetry book fan signing. Yeah his hair color still same as in his Japan FM. So his hair color in his last posted really just pic editing or lighting effect. And maybe he use highlight for his  hair color, so when he under the light  his hair looks brighter. Wonder what brand he wore for his suit yesterday, searching trough IG n still not found yet. Well doesn't matter what it is, as long as he looks perfect :)


JS is a star who love and care about his fans. We can see it from his FMs or everytime he has fan signings. How he treat them, smile to them, hold their hands, or hugged them, all he do it with his heart. Even how he look at them was so warm. It's like they are so special. I guess everyone who ever meet him, men or women, and get a warm look from him, would feel doki doki. Me myself maybe I'm going to die lol. Well I guess it just because it's him, it's Lee Jong Suk, the man with the killer eyes. It just the way he is. He always look at his opponents with care and attention. Maybe because of it, so many people got misunderstanding or misinterpretation. They think he has feeling with actress A, B, or C. Just because how he look at them, how he stare them and throw a gaze to them. I saw it too. But I don't believe it just like that. How I can, if he always do that to his opponents, even with the same gender too. Yes he care to them, as a best friends, as a brother, or good sunbae. But when he look at someone who most special, I found it that he more deep from usual. He tend to make a gaze longer than usual, can't take his eyes from her even for a minute, break for moment but back to look at her again and again, it's like he make sure she there and will disappear if he doesn't look at her. His eyes looks glowing n sparkling, and what you find in it not just 'care' but love. It's like she is the only one he see in this world. It's like she is his universe. And who is the lucky lady who got that all his love and attention?? All of you must be know who it is. That's the main reason I join in here anyway. Because yeah, I know the difference. How he treats A, B, or C almost same, for a certain lady he treats her different. So many people said he just flirty. Maybe it's true, for a first he look like a flirty boy who wants got attention from his crush, but finally in the end he act 180°, like a mature man who treats his woman so gentle and full of love. The way he look at her up to next level, his gaze too deep, even me who just saw it feel heart fluttered. How woman can survive from his gaze and not have a butterfly in her stomach? And how about his famous 'GPS' stare? I really want ask uri unnie how she can survive from all of that lol.

Okay maybe I sound too much. I sound so much delusional too maybe. Well call me like that, because yes I am. I am in that level. I miss them so much much much. I'm dying to see them together in one frame. Whatever their name of their relationship now, friend, best friend, noona dongsaeng, or still in their stage as we last saw them in MBC Drama Awards last year, or maybe more? We will know it after they appear together again, right? I know everything can be happen past this year, but since JS well-known as a 'loyal person', it's not wrong if we still have a hope for them, right? :wub:


As @DustyPixie said, I'm still waiting too all translation from JS's poetry book. I already saw his pictures from his book from IG, from some people who owned his book. But his poems collection, I'm really wait for it :)


89 Mansion Cafe was a really Cafe of Love. We already saw so much prove. And yesterday I saw in IG, someone upload an unique thing from the cafe. A red drinking straw with heart shape. Awww so cuteeee !! Love love love :wub:

I'm really curious who's that inspired JS makes all that lovely things as a theme for his cafe. If he do that for his fans, he just can make an ordinary theme like a common cafe, add one or two cute things. Not with so much love things, which is one and two things like his personal feeling that he gave to his cafe so other people can feel it too, that he is a romantic person, that he was a person who in love, deeply :)


D-1 Christmas day, I want to wish you all who celebrate it : Merry Christmas everybody!! May the warm, peace and joy of Christmas be with us, together with our family, friends, and someone we love :wub:

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@missyouso That was such a detailed and beautiful presentation of JS - am gently absorbing it word by word - thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and saying how we or I feel of him.    Which explained why I put up so many of his photos / vids of his yesterday fan-signing on my wall - there were just too many of his gracious and heart-warming sights of him with the fans.   How I wish I was there .. I know one or two of our chingus were there - they were so lucky to be able to be close to him on such occasions.  My heartfelt thanks to them for sharing with us. :wub:

I too wonder how HJ-nie felt or took it all in during the BTS , not only just the gaze but the kissing ... to the point some people commented that JS was really so into it .. like real.  @missyouso if you have the chance, please do ask - I am dying to know how she survives till now LOL 

I'd like to wish all chingus here a Joyful Christmas!   May you feel the love and warmth throughout this season of sharing and giving and the cheers all the year round to make way for a Happy New Year ! 

Love you guys!   Happy Hols !

JJS Fighting :heart:

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Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope whether you celebrate it or not, that this time of year finds you with peace in your heart and people you love close by. And if things aren't great where you are (cause this is life, and sometimes things are that way), know that your jongjoo family cares about you. :wub:


@missyouso One of the things I've always noticed about JS is his loyalty to people he cares about. And also kindness to fans and coworkers and people he meets. So I like your assessment very much. :)


(I just like kind people. That is what stands out about HJ, too. And it is why I like hanging around you people as well.)


So, what day(s) are these awards ceremonies, anyhow? SBS and MBC. Is it confirmed that JS is going to MBC's one to award the next daesang? I assume he is going to the SBS one, right? I watched the MBC  one live last year, but now I can't remember where or how, just that I saw it online.

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2 hours ago, frozentundra said:

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope whether you celebrate it or not, that this time of year finds you with peace in your heart and people you love close by. And if things aren't great where you are (cause this is life, and sometimes things are that way), know that your jongjoo family cares about you. :wub:


@missyouso One of the things I've always noticed about JS is his loyalty to people he cares about. And also kindness to fans and coworkers and people he meets. So I like your assessment very much. :)


(I just like kind people. That is what stands out about HJ, too. And it is why I like hanging around you people as well.)


So, what day(s) are these awards ceremonies, anyhow? SBS and MBC. Is it confirmed that JS is going to MBC's one to award the next daesang? I assume he is going to the SBS one, right? I watched the MBC  one live last year, but now I can't remember where or how, just that I saw it online.


Merry Christmas to you and yours @frozentundra :)  It's good to know that JS will be at the forthcoming MBC event.  Wonder if HJ would be there too to present the award for the best actress; and hopefully both to present the best couple award.:heart:





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