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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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@Leticia Cieza, Basically, the story is that HW's dad was the bus driver for a school who was accused of driving under the influence, which caused an accident. Parents of students/community members ostracized him to the point where he committed suicide by hanging himself. HW was an observer to the cruelty his father endured which drove him to his demise, so he is now trying to avenge his fathers death. HS was a key player in the ostracism, that's why HW is going after he and his family.

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5 minutes ago, Leticia Cieza said:

I'm confused who kill who, or it was like Pinocchio that they blame the wrong person and the son of the wrongfully accused is looking for vengeance. Please help me understand it.


@Leticia Cieza..... Chingu let me explain it to you chingu as best as i can 

HW and SJ are brothers and both kids were happy living with their dad they both adored. One day there was an acccident with a bus that was transporting childeren. The driver ( SJ & WH) dad was accused of driving drunk. Hyun Seob was so pissed that his daughter almost died in the accident decided to press charges  but the witnesses who supposedly saw HW's dad before the accident lied to the police and fabricated the alcohol test because the Director of the school was afraid of losing her income/School  for not having the school bus repaired to transport those children. All the parents of the children who was on the bus  bullied, attacked and had HW's dad labled as a drunk. All these parent lived in the neighborhood HS still lives in. HW saw all the abuse his dad endured and the mistreatment of this father. All the abuse and accusastion pushed him to COMMIT SUICIDE. HW and SJ found him hanging frmt he ceiling. But SW did not see him because his brother protected him from it.  THen both brothers were sent to the orphanage. THen SW diappeared because HW did not come to the orphonage on time. BUt after all the searching HW did he just found out his brother is DEAD.. SO NOW HW WANTS EVERYONE TO PAY FOR THE DEATH OF HIS BROTHER BECAUSE OF ALL THE LIES AND FALSE EVIDENCE TO RUIN A GOOD MAN. 

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Guest AlexMao

I'll ask a pertinent question here ... in the preview for episode 30 was that the same library scene with Dong Hee & Sung Joon from a few episodes back or can we expect a new scene? Something that doesn't really need to be said but we really do need more Dong Hee & Sung Joon scenes. Feels like we only got 2-3 scenes over two episodes. 

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I think for me today's episode was one of refection and maybe even a better understanding of HW's feeling and also the pain he continues to endure and live with.  Revenge may sound shallow that is unless it's all you have left and I think for him that's exactly how it feels.  Him believing his brother is also dead put him into a type of shock and I really believe he is just so full of pain not only from the news of his brother which isn't true.  But it may have been the straw that broke the camels back the one thing that kept going allowed him the courage of hope in wanting and needing something to hold onto.  Helping him to face life and maybe a part of him felt guilty for being late and his brother being gone in the first place.  I honestly have to say just thinking about how young he was and everything he had been through and seen and dealt with it's just to much to even comprehend. I think my view of HW changed today and the silver lining is knowing that SJ is his brother and  the fact that he is alive will be the medicine and cure to heal HW's heart...

SJ must be so confused and getting answers from everyone except the one person he needed to hear the truth from today and it just didn't happen.  Because the truth is going to hurt SJ's adopted Dad in SJ's eyes more than he could ever imagine.  It would seem that SJ's Dad knows personally the price of his own revenge and crushing someones innocent life and having to live with that.  His revenge didn't just cost SJ's real Dads death it destroyed a family and time which they will never get back.  I still have some questions that need answering but I know we will find out soon enough...

I loved when SJ grabbed DH's hand and rescued her like he has so many other times and knew just what she needed some rest.  He continues to watch over her and protect her every way he can.  I loved the scene in the car and him having that pink blanket for her and leaning her chair back.  He is always a Mans Man even when he is crying you just know he is really a good person.  I couldn't help but smile when I saw them looking at each other and both of them had dimples and were smiling it was priceless.  He is getting use to her falling a sleep and him watching her it's as if his eyes are soaking up every part of her while she is laying there...

This will really prove I am a romantic fool, but watching someone sleep brings to mind a few things.  One that the person who has fallen a sleep trusts you in  such a special way.  That they are able to be at peace in comfort and rest even knowing  your next to them.  The other is that there is nothing like watching someone you love so vulnerable so peaceful hearing them breath in and out and being able to watch them in silence so close.  The only thing that is more moving is when your head is laying on their chest and your able to hear and listen to their heart beat.  Snuggled up next to the person you love, even with a space in between and in a car doesn't take away from the romance and beauty that is felt and is there...

All credit and thanks to original owners of photos...

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Preview of episode 30 with a translation of it underneath.


MJ: You didn’t ask Director Han for his help, did you?

DH: Director Bang!

JE: Umm, sister, on your face, that scar, I had heard that it was because of a car accident. 

DH grandmother: Dong Hui. Dong Hui disappeared.

SJ: Sang Woo. Have you found him?

HW: My little brother is dead.

SJ: The words you said then, do you regret them?

DH: Yes. And, very much at that. 


So, I know subs are out, so a translation for this preview isn't really necessary, however, I think I got overexcited by the last bit of the preview. What is it that SJ is asking whether DH regrets? Is it telling him that she won't date him? Or will it be about something about work instead? Especially since DH is saying that she regrets it a lot. Also, are they just trolling the viewers to make us think that there might be another kiss or at least a romantic moment of closeness for DH and SJ? If it is a troll, could they just kiss us another cute romantic scene?  I won't even dream of another actual kiss. 

SJ and DH are cute today as always. So glad that they have each other. Whatever their respective intents are, they clearly seek each other out and rely on each other for support and comfort. It's not just companionship, but certain peace and closeness that is there, regardless of why they are together. And, how cute was it that SJ was feeding DH, and it doesn't even occur to her until after the second bite. And, it was touching when DH was trying to comfort SJ by patting his head, even though SJ broke the moment of tension by asking if DH thought of him as Moongchi when she was patting him. LOL.


I thought it was great that HJ finally stood up to HS regarding her children. I feel badly for both of them in different ways, but I expect them to protect and raise their young the way they think best, even if it's by going at it against each other rather than letting all one or the other have total domination. I'm glad that her children's unhappiness got through to HJ, and she stepped up as a mother. Even better is that JH also learns to speak up for himself rather than just passively accepting everything. 

Not sure about HW. I have sympathies for him, but I can't watch the train wreck of his emotions when he finally realizes that SJ is his brother after all, and he went after him with a vengeance. I think HW may be gunning harder for SJ, because in an irrational way, he probably blames SJ for not being his brother when HW had started thinking of him as being his brother and having to make sacrifices for him. As it is, I can't bear to watch HW deliberately set out to hurt SJ as he is doing. It's different than what he did with SS, for instance. HW created an environment conducive to misbehavior and bad judgement. With SJ, HW is deliberately and aggressively sabotaging his drama. I do wonder how HW intends to bring the other Han's down. I guess it's as easy as canceling their building leases in order to see them completely fall apart? Except for JE who has already tossed in her cafe, so HW no longer has any money hold over her. Not sure where they're going with HW, but I hope for his sake, that he and SJ resolve more quickly rather than after HW has been completely detestable and horrible in his need for vengeance. As so many others have said, couldn't it have crossed HW's mind at least once to do a DNA test with SJ instead of relying on old circumstantial evidence only? It's out of keeping with the Wall Street shark that HW is supposed to be. And, I suppose there is something to be said for being in shock, both at thinking that SJ was his brother, then thinking that his brother was dead, but it still feels like too flaky a point for the supersmart HW since shock isn't holding him back from other things. So for him not to think of verification seems odd to me. 


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1 hour ago, AlexMao said:

I'll ask a pertinent question here ... in the preview for episode 30 was that the same library scene with Dong Hee & Sung Joon from a few episodes back or can we expect a new scene? Something that doesn't really need to be said but we really do need more Dong Hee & Sung Joon scenes. Feels like we only got 2-3 scenes over two episodes. 

i believe that this is a different scene because from what i remember the part where they almost kissed  in a previuos episode they were standing up  and in the preview they are sitting when a kiss could happen

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Isn't the new female the dad's only daughter? Therefore JE's older cousin or what-not. And HW's classmate in school. I presume that was what the yearbook was about.

I don't really bother about the details for this drama. The DH-SJ non-dating relationship amuses me a lot. For a couple who can't date or won't date and has opposition- they are spending a lot of evenings together. Hahaha. It is really amusing and cute to watch. I am just waiting for the lighbulb moment from DH that she has been " dating" him.

All done for another week. That went by a bit fast.

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SJ & DH what a delight to watch them. Our non-dating couple always seem to be spending a lot of time together. I love that DH is initiating the skinship now. That scene in SJ's car was sweet and romantic, can their faces be anymore closer that that? Our SJ is always looking out to DH. Love the bickering while he is feeding her and that fringe of hers, is so cute with that flower clip.

HW, bless him. I'm not so looking forward of seeing him going through another heart break when he finds out that his brother is not dead but the very person he is causing grief...and fighting him back! I like how this actor can portray the role so well with all those varied emotions. I thought that look he gave DH when they met outside SJ's office was both dark and 'lustful' -purely intended to make DH uncomfortable...like 'I've got my eyes on you too' sort of thing. Can you imagine if SJ saw that stare? All hell will break loose! 

I love Jin Hoo better. He is really speaking up to HS. I'm glad that HJ supports him and telling HS to back off from her children. What a load of rubbish saying they live in the same house so she can't ignore them. In my recollection, she was never asked to live there but tricked her parents-in-law because of her greed and got the upper hand by occupying the ground floor leaving HJ and family living in the basement.And trading off HJ priced possession from her dead parents?!?! Good on both HJ & JH for telling her to just raise his own son and focus her attention to her overly ambitious, cheating husband. You get what you deserve, woman! Poor Chan Soo, he just wants to make his new mum happy so he is taking it all in. Love it when JH told CS how he dislikes him nowadays.

Writer- nim, we need more SJ and DH scenes please. We are close to episode 30 for sure it's about time this two become an official couple,right?

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Hi All! Done watching eps 28-29..

My thoughts..

First SJ,  I think he has the right to know his past even if it involves hurt and pain.his Dad should be honest enough to confessed it all.I think Dad all the while has been haunted by the fact the somehow he was responsible for the death of SJ's real dad.thats why he decided to adopt SJ. True and true Dad had loved SJ as a real son and bc of his naturing,  love and care SJ  grew up to be a one fine young man. As the saying goes: TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.I hope Dad will have the courage to be truthful and honest to tell everything to SJ..for me its better to confess all by himself than SJ learning it from other people..just like what the lady did.SJ will surely be hurt more.if he will know about from others.I think when the incident happened years back of Dad blaming the Dad driver was a fatherly instinct of concern and protecting his children bc they got hurt in the accident.I like to assumed Dad regrets everyrhing.

SJ-DH! Just love my pair! the giddiness I feel during the nap time on the car! And the feeding scene !Geez I melted.  HE truly love and cares for her! And he will be her knight in shining armor at all times! And she be his angel. They are both eachother's pillar  of strenght  when things go tough and source  of happiness of one another! Truly SJ  's  source of joy is DH and vice versa!  Both can survive  any storm bc they have one another Hopefully, we will see them more on screen and thier love will bloom in full in the next eps! Can anyone tell me what SJ meant in ep 30 preview? When   he asked DH and she replied.:

SJ: The words you said then, do you regret them?

DH: Yes. And, very much at that

Thanls advance for the explaination!

As for SS..bc of him being too ambitious even if it is HW's doing, I think it high time that he learned his  lesson..of that being greedy and hving an affair will put you into no good!

As for HW..I hope he will do a DNA test to confirm his blood relation to SJ! before his revenge towards the Han Fam will hurt him more later.I think its instinct to do the DNA in priority bc 100% the results he  wants is fact based.I understand where his hurt is coming from he lost a dad bc of falsely and unfair accusation he think he lost a brother bc of his being irresponsible.I hope his wounds will heal once he learned the true past of SJ.only then and there healing and forgiving will start. JE will  b3 a big help in the healing process too.I feel that she will be the one to know that SJ-HW are blood brothers!

HS, HJ must act like real mothers to thier kids!

SH should be also become one responsible Hyung  to his young siblings specially mow that their family is in chaos.

Grandma Oh..She may continue to protect DH from both MJ and her Dad..and put DH to to her rightful place! She deserves it! I wonder how will daughter and father will react once the truth comes out..

DH must prove to MJ her talent and capability as a promising writer!

Is Jeong Hwa the only sister that we are talking  about in the prev posts? If she is..what will be her signifance?

Sorry for my long post! Thanks for reading! Appreciate it!

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1 hour ago, anna_22 said:

Hi All! Done watching eps 28-29..

My thoughts..

First SJ,  I think he has the right to know his past even if it involves hurt and pain.his Dad should be honest enough to confessed it all.I think Dad all the while has been haunted by the fact the somehow he was responsible for the death of SJ's real dad.thats why he decided to adopt SJ. True and true Dad had loved SJ as a real son and bc of his naturing,  love and care SJ  grew up to be a one fine young man. As the saying goes: TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.I hope Dad will have the courage to be truthful and honest to tell everything to SJ..for me its better to confess all by himself than SJ learning it from other people..just like what the lady did.SJ will surely be hurt more.if he will know about from others.I think when the incident happened years back of Dad blaming the Dad driver was a fatherly instinct of concern and protecting his children bc they got hurt in the accident.I like to assumed Dad regrets everyrhing.

SJ-DH! Just love my pair! the giddiness I feel during the nap time on the car! And the feeding scene !Geez I melted.  HE truly love and cares for her! And he will be her knight in shining armor at all times! And she be his angel. They are both eachother's pillar  of strenght  when things go tough and source  of happiness of one another! Truly SJ  's  source of joy is DH and vice versa!  Both can survive  any storm bc they have one another Hopefully, we will see them more on screen and thier love will bloom in full in the next eps! Can anyone tell me what SJ meant in ep 30 preview? When   he asked DH and she replied.:

SJ: The words you said then, do you regret them?

DH: Yes. And, very much at that

Thanls advance for the explaination!

As for SS..bc of him being too ambitious even if it is HW's doing, I think it high time that he learned his  lesson..of that being greedy and hving an affair will put you into no good!

As for HW..I hope he will do a DNA test to confirm his blood relation to SJ! before his revenge towards the Han Fam will hurt him more later.I think its instinct to do the DNA in priority bc 100% the results he  wants is fact based.I understand where his hurt is coming from he lost a dad bc of falsely and unfair accusation he think he lost a brother bc of his being irresponsible.I hope his wounds will heal once he learned the true past of SJ.only then and there healing and forgiving will start. JE will  b3 a big help in the healing process too.I feel that she will be the one to know that SJ-HW are blood brothers!

HS, HJ must act like real mothers to thier kids!

SH should be also become one responsible Hyung  to his young siblings specially mow that their family is in chaos.

Grandma Oh..She may continue to protect DH from both MJ and her Dad..and put DH to to her rightful place! She deserves it! I wonder how will daughter and father will react once the truth comes out..

DH must prove to MJ her talent and capability as a promising writer!

Is Jeong Hwa the only sister that we are talking  about in the prev posts? If she is..what will be her signifance?

Sorry for my long post! Thanks for reading! Appreciate it!

For HW, he will not even do DNA now since he was told by police that his brother is dead.  But if SJ believes that there is a connection between him and HW, then i hope he tries to take something from him and do the DNA instead.  We also have to wait for SJ to remember his own name is Sang Woo and he will definitely do the DNA test.  I don't think it will take long since within 2 episodes, he remembered the day he went out to look for his brother and also remembered that HS is not his biological father.  

I'm so happy that DH has started to show her displeasure for SJ when he talked to her angrily or reprimand her. She do not want SJ to talk to her in that way, it affects her, she do mind how SJ talked to her.  Hehehe.. Just love the way SJ looked at DH, full of love..  When i saw the last scene, omg! i get goosebumps (serious.. it's not easy to get it when watching such scenes and when i do, it means i can feel the chemistry between them)... but then reality set me back and tells me, what we think might happen may not happen, so don't be too happy. Didn't the scriptwriter fool us 2-3episodes ago? Don't be too happy or have high expectation, in this way, if it really happened, we will be much happier.  

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14 hours ago, sava2sava said:

Wow 3 episodes amd pages behind I'm off to cath up so I could converse with you guy's.. Still wondering is SJ really the brother and where this lady fits into all of this..

yes, he is.. just that HW has assumed that SW is dead from the police, so he is not going to find him anymore. So i think we need SJ to do the finding instead, or if possible, he remembered his brother's name and do the DNA instead.

The mysterious lady's mother was the owner of a shop and whenever HW/SW's father goes there for drinks or for their meals, they always put on credits. She & her mother were not so happy then, but she commented that she didn't expect the children to be able to help her 23years later (i.e. to be able to ask for $$ when she needs it)

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HW is going to suffer until the end i think , since he'll take revenge but will end up regretting it because he'll realize that finally he just hurt the people he loves , i think that the thiing behind this drama is that revenge is nkt always good

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9 hours ago, soultree said:

HW is going to suffer until the end i think , since he'll take revenge but will end up regretting it because he'll realize that finally he just hurt the people he loves , i think that the thiing behind this drama is that revenge is nkt always good

I agree. HW is a perfect example of how seeking revenge can take over one's entire life. It's also very sad to watch him be tormented about his past. If and when it is revealed that SJ is his brother, HW will not be able bring back the past and expect SJ to turn his back on the family that loved and raised him. I don't think it will be that simple- even if SJ finds out that his dad now is responsible for his bio dad's death. I'm curious as to how the writer will resolve the conflicts and bring healing to all, most especially HW. 

On a brighter note on the non-dating pair SJ and DH.. the recent episodes make me want to change the drama title to: Dong Hee, I'll Take Care of You. :blush:

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Now I've been wrong in the past and this is no exception...in the case of the "mysterious" woman being the sister-in-law.  Sorry, chick looked like JE and had mannerisms of JE. I was wrong.  However, the sister-in-law (if that is her title for HS).  She could be their fourth chid.  I remember them saying "sister-in-law" though.   

On 22/02/2017 at 10:09 AM, lc85 said:

I agree. HW is a perfect example of how seeking revenge can take over one's entire life. It's also very sad to watch him be tormented about his past. If and when it is revealed that SJ is his brother, HW will not be able bring back the past and expect SJ to turn his back on the family that loved and raised him. I don't think it will be that simple- even if SJ finds out that his dad now is responsible for his bio dad's death. I'm curious as to how the writer will resolve the conflicts and bring healing to all, most especially HW. 

On a brighter note on the non-dating pair SJ and DH.. the recent episodes make me want to change the drama title to: Dong Hee, I'll Take Care of You. :blush:

I agree with a lot of what you said...but I don't see him taking revenge.  If I did, not any more.  As a note, I did say in the past that he is suffering from SEVERE PTSD and has never been treated for it. I do believe had he stayed in the orphanage, rather than be adopted, he would have been treated or at least given support. I will never forget his tantrum and breaking things and screaming.   His subordinate had to hold him back and freakin' JE was freaking out.  Sitting in the dark watching his father's tie hanging there while he drinks brandy [apple juice]. He's not mentally or emotionally all there---JE ... then maybe SJ's return MIGHT help.  But remember he still has to live with the memories he kept hidden from SJ.  Therefore, for myself at least, JE would be only a minor salvation...as DH for SJ.  There is no cure for this. 

As a chingu said in the past; and this is why I don't see it as revenge.  ALL of those people were still doing bad things, despite having the chance to repent.  If you notice...HW is not going after HS himself, because there's no dirt.  However, he can go after his children---some more corrupt than others---this is why he was aiming at SJ.   I don't see him as being vindictive when it comes to all those people who hurt him and lead to his father's death.  Those people were criminals---to the day he arrived. 

I don't think HW's expectations would be about him turning against his "family," but he would turn against HS; as we see that developing little by little. SJ's "mother" has a snide part to her when she interacts with him.  JE even said SJ's interaction with the family is a thankful outsider.  That says a lot and this is why I knew, I knew that JE would play one of the biggest roles in the show.  You're not the leads mate without a reason.  But let's pause on this for a moment.

I think we're looking at SJ in a very superficial light.  SJ is already feeling the resentment towards HS.   He's struggling with what he's remembering and the man who's raised him.  If you notice whenever SJ asks about the past, HS blackmails with, "I love you"s.  No, that's not how this works.  Let's even go back when HW had that girl in his car...SJ was grudging like crazy and still resented him.  So, I wouldn't assume that SJ wouldn't turn his back.  It won't be for a long time, but he will have problems.  When the truth comes out with him and HS and definitely shock and maybe even horror (good or bad) that she raised a drunk/murderer's son.  

Yeah, sorry. He'll have some issues and the family will as well.  Remember, in their mind; his father was a drunk & murderer.  From my understanding that hasn't changed.   If he stays in that house, I'd be surprised. 

As far as HW, when he finds out...well his revenge will be complete.  Mainly because, SJ will have turned his back on his "family,"...there really will be only one merging character---JE.  JE is connected by blood.  She is HS's niece by blood.  She remembers things that happened when they were kids.  She'll probably start remember things about HW's father, herself.  JE is front and center and she's the glue.  SJ can't run away if his cousin is dating his brother.  

DH is something different.  She's only an in-law---keep in mind; an unwanted in-law who's been warned about being around DH.  She can only  help him heal.  They'd be able to fall in love without much "turbulence".  She's gonna have some her own challenges of her own---so they'll work together to heal.  But I don't see her as the one to bring him back to the family.  I think JE might be the one to do it.  

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:wub:Yippee!!!!! Yes yes!! Kissed...Really Kissed!!! I like the way SJ pulled DH towards him... and then took her hand and wrap it behind his waist and then lean forward to kiss her!! Good that DH accepted him and that PEB responded to the kiss.  At least LTH was not kissing a wall (if you know what it means)...haha....


and they didn't go home till the next day..  That was when DH's grandma was worried the night before and the next day after coming back from MJ's house and she saw DH, she was very angry with her and slap her when they were in her room.  

And the sister of SH/SS/SJ, she doesn't look like a nice person.  The moment she saw SJ, i think she was asking why is he staying there.  The parents and grandma was so mad at  her.  She seems to criticize SH's family for staying at the parents' house as well.  

Preview: Looks like HW is targeting at SH's sister now..  If JE tells her that he is taking revenge on their family, i doubt the cousin(SH's sister) will believe her.  HW will tell her that he did dated JE before and the cousin will think that JE is jealous that her ex-bf is interested in her now. 

SJ saw SW's photo.!! He asked HW who was it in that photo!  And he said it's his brother!   Now, SJ should have his own childhood photo isn't it??   I hope he recognized how he looked like in elementary school..  even if the photo HW has is before elementary school, you won't change much in 1-2 years.  I hope he finds out he is Sang Woo..  

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1 hour ago, chocolatepie said:

:wub:Yippee!!!!! Yes yes!! Kissed...Really Kissed!!! I like the way SJ pulled DH towards him... and then took her hand and wrap it behind his waist and then lean forward to kiss her!! Good that DH accepted him and that PEB responded to the kiss.  At least LTH was not kissing a wall (if you know what it means)...haha....


and they didn't go home till the next day..  That was when DH's grandma was worried the night before and the next day after coming back from MJ's house and she saw DH, she was very angry with her and slap her when they were in her room.  

And the sister of SH/SS/SJ, she doesn't look like a nice person.  The moment she saw SJ, i think she was asking why is he staying there.  The parents and grandma was so mad at  her.  She seems to criticize SH's family for staying at the parents' house as well.  

Preview: Looks like HW is targeting at SH's sister now..  If JE tells her that he is taking revenge on their family, i doubt the cousin(SH's sister) will believe her.  HW will tell her that he did dated JE before and the cousin will think that JE is jealous that her ex-bf is interested in her now. 

SJ saw SW's photo.!! He asked HW who was it in that photo!  And he said it's his brother!   Now, SJ should have his own childhood photo isn't it??   I hope he recognized how he looked like in elementary school..  even if the photo HW has is before elementary school, you won't change much in 1-2 years.  I hope he finds out he is Sang Woo..  

so  happy for the kiss!is horrible what HW will do next...poor JE!!!

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