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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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1 hour ago, chocolatepie said:

Yes, DNA.. they could have done that long time ago when he suspect SJ is his bro.. DNA is such a common practice in k-dramas, writer makes HW & his assistant looked stupid(sorry for using this word but i can't find a better word for it). If he has never suspected SJ is his brother, i could understand his method of going thru the police. 

@chocolatepie and @stroppyse....  Chingu I am so glad you agree that's HW should have done the DNA between him and SJ. I believe that HW is SJ older brother that he forgotten all these years. I hate how this drama keeps making HW and his assistant looks so stupid. It is infuriating busy as I write this post , I start to think maybe he didn't do the DNA test because he didn't want to disrupt his brother life. He loved his brother so much that he was going to give to his revenge. It is so sad but now I also think that maybe the universe or fate feels that Hyun Seop deserves to be punished. In Kdrama land secrets never stay hidden and there is always someone in the click of secrets can't keep their their moth shut.  What do you guys think???

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jang-hee-young-father-ill-take-care-of-y Dear Writer I sure could use some moments like this:rolleyes:....

In this latest episode I keep wondering and wanting DH to just stop pushing SJ back and for just a moment take a good look at this loving, caring and so handsome man in front of her.  Dang I mean REALLY whats not to love about this CHARACTER SJ he is every girls dream it feels as if he is fighting for her work more than she is.  He knows she has talent and that she is worth loving it's why he continues to try EVERYTHING to wake her up to the fact that he just wants to be there for her.  Although I did love them going at each other almost like husband & wife arguing back and forth at each other.  Words coming out but covering up whats really being said mainly SJ saying I believe in your work but more than that I believe in you!!!  

I think the fact that DH may not be as poor as we thought in fact talk about a transfer of life and situation my first thought was of SJ so called Mom and her not thinking DH was good enough for SJ.  Why is it I was thinking oh how I hope DH is the heiress I can't wait to see some peoples faces after that news is revealed...

I haven't always understood HW but like so many others I too was moved by his change of heart and even character.  Seeing the loving way he hugged SJ and that pat on his back how hard would it be waiting and searching a lifetime for your brother only to have him happy in his new life and HW faced with having him so near yet not being allowed to reveal the truth or his feelings.  Telling him a story as if it's about someone else when in truth he just wanted SJ to know that he loved him enough to not give up and search for him.  Even if HW didn't share what he knew at that moment he placed SJ's happiness before his own and I loved that best about him.  So when I saw him hug him I thought how hard and how sad for HW and that I had misjudged him no matter what the future holds I think this spoke loudly about his heart...

I hope when SJ does find out the truth I hope DH is the one who not only is his safe harbor from the world and his heart break but I hope she by that point opens her arms and heart to him and loves and protects him like he has done for her so many times. He will need her then and I hope she is strong enough for both of them...

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2 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

@stroppyse, the plot twist about SJ is not SW, either the young SW switched jacket with 1 of the orphan at the orphanage and met with an accident(some of you might have watched the sub already, did they say how SW 'die'?) or it could be the work of HS(SJ father). I can't think of other possibility when there is a suspicious woman appearing outside the house. Secondly, HW and SJ himself knew that he was adopted and not from HS extra-marital affair. 

The reason i'm watching this drama is largely due to SJ love for DH. He knows what he wants, he fight for it though DH keep on pushing him away(its not her fault, she did not push him away before his mom gave her the warning). I like characters like SJ type who are not the undecisive lead and i hope he continue to be like that till end of drama. Whenever he looked at DH, you can feel he is sending love message to her thru his eyes.. he does not need to say anything at all, his eyes are doing the talking. DH too, you can see that there are times she keep on glancing at SJ, of course when he looked back, she turned away. At the office, she is always looking at him thru her workstation lol. 

I do feel pain for HW who has waited for 23 years to hear that his bro SW is dead? That is too cruel.. 

Yes, DNA.. they could have done that long time ago when he suspect SJ is his bro.. DNA is such a common practice in k-dramas, writer makes HW & his assistant looked stupid(sorry for using this word but i can't find a better word for it). If he has never suspected SJ is his brother, i could understand his method of going thru the police. 



So, apparently there were two boys brought in to the police station at the same time who didn't know their names, they both stayed at the police station for awhile, then both were sent to the same orphanage. However, one of them ran away and died in a traffic accident. The policeman was showing HW pictures of the dead boy's effects (clothes, etc.) that he had on him when he died. 

I wonder if one of them is from HS' extramarital affair and one of them was SW. However, the boys could have switched clothing at the orphanage for some reason. HS could have adopted the one boy, not realizing that he's actually Sang Woo, not Sung Joon, then just raised him as Sung Joon. If the boy's mother had raised him for the first 8 years, then dropped the boy off at the police station with his memory gone, then disappeared, she might not realize that this SJ is not her son, at least, not without seeing pictures of SJ from when he was younger. She could have told HS who had not realized till then that he had a son, but then gone and adopted him from the orphanage.

I think a DNA test is necessary to establish who SJ really is. Not sure why HW hasn't done one already when he first started suspecting SJ was his little brother. Stupidity or the writer was trying to create the plot twist of SJ and SW. Still, it feels like sloppy writing without a credible reason why it wasn't done. 

I also like characters like SJ who know what and who they want, then go after it. Respectfully, of course and with some assurance that their affection is not completely unwelcome. I think if DH was really opposed to it, than SJ may be overstepping bounds, but she clearly likes him. And, I think he's felt that as well, that she likes him that is. They are clearly comfortable with each other in a way that neither are with anyone else. Plus, there was that kiss. Even though, DH eventually pushed him away, she was returning it for a few heartbeats. So, I'm glad that SJ is smart enough to not let it go on the weak non-reasons that DH gives him for keeping him at a distance. DH and SJ are so cute together with loads of chemistry. I hope they don't write any stupid nobility into their relationship which forces one or the other to partner up even temporarily with someone else. 

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Just a note of correction.  When speaking of Tsundere, it is commonly (basically always) associated with the female character---not male (you can cout the number of males on 3 fingers) .  She's basically a b**** and the guy she was at odds with ends up her love interest.

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On 2/4/2017 at 1:05 PM, auntyem said:

I've been just lurking around this thread because I haven't been FULLY invested in this drama......probably because a lot of the characters I just can't handle.  So, can anyone explain to me about HW/JE's relationship? I find her character to be really silly, tbh. Quite immature even though she's traveled around the world. How did she get the money to open her coffee shop? And is he (HW) into her, or not? In the beginning it seemed he couldn't stand her, then he was enduring her, then it SEEMED like he had fallen for her, and then, NOT. I'm so confused!!!! EVERYTIME I watch her go after him, I'm like, WHY?????? These two OTP's.......HW/JE and SJ/DH......their relationships are soooooo slow in developing, and then it's confusing.....too much angst, probably why I'm having difficulty getting into it.

@auntyem  Thanks for the laugh, :lol: To me it makes more sense to have SJ and DH the OTP. I don't invest my time in warching there scenes because she's to immature for my taste.. I didn't think they relationship was that serious for her to take to the bed like that..

On 2/4/2017 at 11:13 PM, UnniSarah said:

Geeat Moments between DH and SJ . I was so proud of her today when DH told MJ that her treatment of he is what makes her a victim. Yet MJ couldn't understand it at all. I was so mad at the way MJ just threw the script at DH and SJ. Today , is prof that MJ doesn't respect SJ at all if she did she would have never accused him of using his workplace to get him to second base. MJ has such a dirty mind and only thinks of herself. She disgust me and makes me want to grabbb her shake her so hard . 

The preview has confused me completely because we all saw Hw leave the house and then he appears in front of HW again. What is he up to? A woman  shows up asking for SJ. What the hell is going on?? :angry::angry: HS looked so  so scared with this woman's appearance.

@UnniSarah  I also enjoyed DH and SJ lovers spat today.. But is SJ really a product of and affair..  No it wasn't so much as MJ accusing SJ of a office relationship this is what she's mad about if it was she could step in and stop it but it was more about he could spend time with DH when he has never done that with her.. I think after she learned it was DH script she pictured DH and SJ was the OTP in that book.. Which she's right because of SJ talking to DH about man and woman things she's got a hit scenario..  

Now I'm more certain that MJ dad has done some very bad deeds, I've been wondering since his mother is supposed to be missing did he have her lock up in some nut house some where out of the country..? He seems more then capable and one thing for sure DH is from a rich family..   

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10 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

Yes, DNA.. they could have done that long time ago when he suspect SJ is his bro.. DNA is such a common practice in k-dramas, writer makes HW & his assistant looked stupid(sorry for using this word but i can't find a better word for it). If he has never suspected SJ is his brother, i could understand his method of going thru the police. 

i agree...they could have done that long time ago!

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@UnniSarah, @sava2sava, Looks like DH is MJ's cousin. I'm suspecting that MJ's father might not be the chairman's son. Maybe the chairman's family is rich but not the husband. The chairman gave birth to only Kwang Woo( who has passed away) and is DH's father. MJ's father may be from the chairman husband's extra-marital affair? MJ father also mentioned to DH grandma that when he came back from studies, she left the house. I'm suspecting that MJ father confined the chairman somewhere and DH grandma is trying to find her.

@stroppyse, likely the boy who died wanted to leave the orphanage but weather was cold, so may have taken SW's jacket instead. 

Now i'm worried.. Since police said SW has died, would HW start his revenge plan against SJ family now? 

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Hi all! Finished watching eps 24-25.. just like everyone here I doubt that SW was the one who died..most likely they exchange clothing..and the who really die wasthe other boyHW could have donecthe DNA then..its the easiest way.im wondering  what will happen now with HW's investment at SJ's company..hopefully he wont get it back just bc of his new discovery.

Again about DH secret birth..my mind is twirling and confused!

Can we assumed she is really not  a granddauaghter of mrs oh  she is not the granddaughter left behind by mrs oh brother. The 2 grandkids that she is talking about idms HJ and the brotther in TW.DH is  rather related to MJ 's family..Mr Bang mentioning a person name hyung jeong and DH is indeed one person and maybe the daughter of GwangHo and since she is the daughter the will left behind is under her name.DH  is indded an heiress!.  .and the Chairwoman is maybe somwhere being detained or being kept away.chairwoman have asked Mrs Oh to protect DH in every  possible way.

Mrs Oh and the Chairwoman must be bffs! Mrs oh knows a lot of  things! Gwang Ho is the favored one bc he was the good one and MJ's dad is not so kind one.

I just love  SJ and DH ..despite of thier bickeing and the petty quarrels you can feel the love they have for one another! Specially SJ! He gives his 100% love and support to DH when it comes to he works and  dreams..I feel DH too feels the same! It s just some things need priorities and of course she knows where she stands for now  with MJ around. 


Who is the woman Mr Han confronted?? Its unikely that she is SJ's mom... I hardly doubt it ..or she was the one who put SJ into adoption?? Geez! I  need answers!

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SJ and DH petty arguments are cute, particularly in the recent episodes (24 & 25). The size of her raising her voice to him makes me laugh. At least DH is not the typical 'poor girl' type who only bows her head saying she is sorry when she hasn't done anything wrong and takes all the maltreatment, glad she talked back to that MJ...that's bullying in the workplace and won't be tolerated in western countries. Also love how she basically told SJ one of the reasons she wanted to resign is because of that MJ.DH didn't have to say it in so many words and he quickly caught on that. Fate has found it's way for DH, thanks to PD Kim (or Kang?), despite not having the confidence in her work and SJ's help. Btw, love the bow holding her fringe too,DH really looked cute.

I like HW. I always understood where he was coming from. There is nothing better that going back to the people who caused all his misery and causing his family torn apart. HS undeniably has done wrong and probably when he learned that HW's dad killed himself, he realised the grave sin he has done towards him, adopting SJ/SW was his way of atonement by raising and loving him like his own flesh and blood. Unfortunately though,I could never warm to JE. I find her character annoying, with that tone of voice. I can't stand it,  even if she isn't 'yelling'. For someone who has travelled the world for three years (or is it two?)... she is rather 'silly'. I watch when it's HW and uncle scene, but if it's with JE, I skip it big time. I know they will end up together but I'm really after HW's search for his brother.

Love the two halmonis, Elizabeth and Grace. The contrast in personality complements each other - one is full of wisdom, serious type while the other is easy going and 'loud' but rather cute. 

Poor Jihoon,being in the top 10 isn't bad considering he doesn't study as hard as he used too. Poor Chansoo too, just taking everything in from HS. HJ should have just shut her up when she went on and on about Jihoon not ranked number one in his class..what a bully!

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@annamchoi, i realised these 2 weeks i burnt out alot of brain cells due to SJ & DH's birth secrets..  Oh gosh, hope no increase of white hair.  I think i need to tell my boss i'm stress (from guessing their birth secrets but makes him think i'm stress from work, haahha) and need a break.. i could only think that MJ's father & DH's father might be half-brother.  When MJ's grandfather passed away, his company's shares were given equally to both. DH's grandmother(former chairman) make a will to give all to her granddaughter and MJ's father saw the will.  He hide the will and confined DH's grandmother at another place.  Otherwise how could a son do that to his own mother?  He definitely knows the contents of the will and the whereabout of the chairman.  look at how he act pitiful during the shareholders meeting.  

@standingtallyy, regarding SJ/DH's petty argument - sometimes they said that thru arguments, 2 person knows each other better.  Rather than keeping quiet and to themselves, they are not afraid to voice out their displeasure, especially SJ, hahaha.  And to some, it is a way of showing their love for each other.  It's because i love you that's why i'm telling you this and that... haha... this is what SJ is doing.  I can imagine when DH really accept him one day, SJ is going to stick to DH like a koala bear... :wub:

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5 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

@UnniSarah, @sava2sava, Looks like DH is MJ's cousin. I'm suspecting that MJ's father might not be the chairman's son. Maybe the chairman's family is rich but not the husband. The chairman gave birth to only Kwang Woo( who has passed away) and is DH's father. MJ's father may be from the chairman husband's extra-marital affair? MJ father also mentioned to DH grandma that when he came back from studies, she left the house. I'm suspecting that MJ father confined the chairman somewhere and DH grandma is trying to find her.

@stroppyse, likely the boy who died wanted to leave the orphanage but weather was cold, so may have taken SW's jacket instead. 

Now i'm worried.. Since police said SW has died, would HW start his revenge plan against SJ family now? 

My thoughts exactly @chocolatepie  Will Hw start his revenge plan again.. I think somthing will happen that will prove SJ to be his long lost brother or maybe the real SJ died and dad got Hw brother from the orphanage thinking he was the child he was supposed to get nut it's obivious he had something going on with this woman how else could she have blackmailed him into taken her son in..


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@standingtallyy, I had to comment because I'm totally in agreement with you about JE's character. She is very childish and unlike a person who supposedly traveled all over the world. She seems independent, yet very clingy and insecure. I also questioned where she got her funds to open her little cafe because it seems so unlikely that she would have accumulated much money during her travels, right? She is kind and caring towards HW, but when I watch her interactions with him, I just feel irritated with her. She comes off as a nag!! So if I can't stand her, how can he? 

I am enjoying SJ/DH's interactions, but am wondering WHEN they will get together. It is midpoint through this drama so it SHOULD be happening soon! That's usually the norm! 

I usually fast forward through the whole HJ/HS/CS/JH part. HS Is another irritating character, she and her annoying husband! He's too into himself, and she's too overbearing. HS is living vicariously through the boy's, pushing them to achieve what she couldn't. I find her quite pathetic. To me, her job as a mother is to help them find their niche in life......but to also give them a normal childhood! She is just TOO MUCH!!! I really feel sorry for Jihoon.  He's on the verge of a mental breakdown right now, because although they made the switch, HS is NOT letting go of him! Like a pesky tick!!!!

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I saw the latest eps yesterday and cried for the brothers. I'm happy that SJ did not treat HW coldly when he went to sot for the drink. He is such a nice brother and very kind. I feel HW pain and i hope he did try to commit suicide from the preview. The pain of loosing the only thing that has kept him alive, his own brother is unbearable. He needs to have to find another source of hope to keep him alive. And i hope it's from JE. I know most of you guys dont like her but if she can be the strenght that he needs to suvive than i'm all 4 it. I hope with the reunion of JE's parent will build up her character.


I also feel that the writer dont want to disclosed SW/SJ identity so early in the drama. Maybe the writer wants HW to forgive the neighbourhood first and let go of the revenge and he will be bless with a more fulfilling reunion later with SW/SJ.

JH & CS education dillema is really frustrating. I understand both HJ &HS perspective in raising their children. They need to combine them and be balance for both their sons to achive success. And the preview showing JH on the phone. I think he knows something about the switch.

The grandma is such a fun side character. I really love their small quarels especially SJ grandma.


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omg! can i say something about tomorrow's preview first??!!  hehehe...

The PD/scriptwriter better don't make me so excited today and give me something else tomorrow.  The preview shows SJ/DH in the library (if you have seen the V-apps interview they did just a few days ago), and SJ lean forward to kiss (almost) DH. Please PD, don't send me in cloud nine today and drop me to the ground tomorrow.  Make sure DH let SJ kissed her, ok?? Please! And the preview also show DH in a messy hairstyle, SJ in her room!!! Wearing the same clothes as in the library scene.... OMG!!!! :wub:

As for today's episode, i will list down by the characters, so some of the scenes i mentioned does not happened at the same time.

HW -  He went to the police station and learnt that his brother is dead, he fainted and was brought to the hospital, but he didn't stay long and went to the orphanage to check.  During 1 of the days, the assistant went to his room but saw a necktie hanging at the top of the room.  He went to the rooms and checked and drew the curtain, saw HW drinking wine and looking listless.  Next day, they went back to the house(near SJ's place).  Looks like he is starting his revenge plan again. He broke the wine glass and went to the doctor.  The female doctor of the 2 ladies whom he has taken revenge on.  She was trembling when attending to HW's injury.  HW seems to have asked her about her friends(?) and it looks like the doctor asked if he is the driver's son.  

JE - SJ went to the cafe to look for her and asked her about HW.  JE's dad came to see her as well and they talked about AR.  

HS - went to supermarket with SJ's mom, guess what?  She pretend she did not bring her wallet and made her MIL pay for the things she buy.  She promised to pay her back when reached home.  MIL was waiting for her to pay(but didn't say it out.  i wonder why can't she just be bold and tell her DIL off?).  So grandma and MIL invited her to play the card game.  But grandma and MIL are no match for HS lol... instead HS won their money over. 

HS(SJ's father) - He dragged that woman to a cafe.  SJ & SH saw them when they came out.  SJ went over and asked his father what happened.  The woman heard HS called him SJ and started talking to him instead.  SJ's father dragged the woman away again.  When SJ went home, he asked his father who is that woman, but he brushes it off and said that she was his ex-colleague?  And that the woman has seen him before when he went to the office at a young age.  OMG! he seems to have secrets as well?  

MJ - she went to DH's room and passed her an envelope. I'm not sure if it is some kind of contract for the scriptwriter job. initially i thought it might be $$ but i doubt DH would have just leave it there if it was $$.  

SJ/DH - After MJ visited her, she was seen drinking beer alone in the room. SJ went into the room with 2 cans of beer too.  I think DH do not have confident of being the scriptwriter and also maybe due to MJ as well.  I do not understand the dialogue between SJ & her but SJ was seen smiling in her room as well as when he is outside her room.  She did not go to work the  next day again and was pondering over the script.  She started to recall the times SJ discussed with her about her script and what are her flaws in the script.  MJ on the other hand, went to SJ's room and mentioned about meeting DH the day before.  It looks like SJ wasn't pleased with MJ for doing that.  Finally, DH gave a call to SJ and said she will wait for him.  He looked puzzled and went up to DH's room.  DH told him that she will do it (i guess it is about the script) and SJ was so happy so happy he hugged her back. She tried to push away again, but SJ didn't allow it (yes!!!) and keep on thanking her.  DH said something about work and SJ assured her that he is there for her, so ask her not to worry(something to that meaning).  He is really happy!!! Congratulation SJ!!  

Preview: looks like SH think that the woman is SJ's biological mother.  Did their father told them a lie? Or it real? No matter how i see it, it just doesn't seems right and  HS is definitely hiding something.  SJ asked his brother (SH) if that woman is his biological mother and we see him meeting the woman in a cafe.  

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1 minute ago, andy78 said:


i feels that the scriptwriter is just distracting us with the appearance of this woman. Could it be that the child who died was this woman's biological son?  The son might wants to be with the mother, so ran out of the orphanage.   In order not to allow others (especially those who knew about HW father's suicide) thinks that SJ is HW's brother, he might have planned with this woman to hide the truth.  If it is true, he might have given her some money then.  If anyone investigate, it is true that this woman did give birth to a son before, and would not have doubt about SJ's birth secret.  

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4 hours ago, hyall said:

They need a kiss soon so I can start watching this drama.

Yes - another SJ/DH kiss soon! It's also good to see them get to know each other and their common interests. It's more realistic than HW/JE's coupling - I don't know.. I think their characters are more interesting without the relationship arc. HW and JE don't really know each other well - he's hiding so many things from her. She's starting to be suspicious. Just don't see this ending well. And it's sad because JE seems so sincere, free-spirited.. 

Elizabeth and Grace Kelly -- haha Elizabeth is hiding her boyfriend from Grace Kelly -- their banter makes me laugh out loud! I liked what Grace Kelly said about getting older and the importance of having someone by your side because sometimes children are "useless (?)" I think that meant they have their own lives (family, work etc). It makes sense.

Is the HS's middle son having an affair with his co-worker? It looks like someone took a cell phone photo of them at the gym. Hee Sook will be devastated.

Cannot wait for 26 & 27! A library kiss please.

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