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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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It's too early for DH/SJ to confess their feelings....with this being a 50 episode...it will be mid 20s before that. Right now they are just trying to come to terms with what they are feelings...these writers tend to drag out the good stuff way too long.

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3 hours ago, sava2sava said:

Is it just me but SJ didn't seem surprised about that kiss


It seems that when SJ received the kiss he prepared his mouth but I don't think it was conscious. Maybe poor Lee Tae Hwan didn't want to hurt his mouth when Mi Joo attacked him :-) It could lead to serious pain :-)

SJ really resigned from his posititon! Well done boy!!! And previously he asked DH if she would be all right... DH won the writer contest so I hope she's going to get a chance to escape from MJ. I'm a bit upset because there is less and less scene with my couple recently. I just started to (kind of) like the second lead girl in ep 16 but she turned back to be like always... not cute but idiotic :-( What a shame!

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Another great episode chingu's.... I seriously dislike Sung Shik a lot and he so disgust me. Like @ck1Oz... I truly hated the way Hyun Woo was adopted by foreigners. The way they showed it was soooo cold , there was no warmth or happiness. I wonder how was his life with his new family was he happy. 

Another thing that truly pissed me offf is that Sung Shik . He is very selfish and greedy. I think I understand his parents why they didn't pay much attention to him. It's because the Sung Hoon was indecisive in what he wanted in life meanwhile She sunshik was determined and knew what he wanted. Sung Shik is always loud,rude and selfish. He even. Arrived a woman just like hint very childish and selfish. Sung Shik has the never to yell at his dad for being unaccomplished and blames him for losing his job. The irony in what Sung Shik says is that the Han family is being targeted because of what their parents did for loving heir children way to much. 

As the progresses I notice that Chang Soon and Ji Hoon are very much like their fake parents. Chang Soon is selfish, greedy and very strong minded. Ji Hoon is smart but he needs more confidence to stand up for himself. Sung Shik and Hee Sook are go getters but Sung Hoon and Hye Joo lacks the confidence to stand up for themselves at home. Sung Hoon has no back bone, he doesn't yell and he is to kind. Hye Joo is confident at work but at home she lacks so much confidence. Sung Hoon lack confidence at home and at the outside world. He is to nice that is why people take advantage of him. 

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11 hours ago, anyeze said:


It seems that when SJ received the kiss he prepared his mouth but I don't think it was conscious. Maybe poor Lee Tae Hwan didn't want to hurt his mouth when Mi Joo attacked him :-) It could lead to serious pain :-)

SJ really resigned from his posititon! Well done boy!!! And previously he asked DH if she would be all right... DH won the writer contest so I hope she's going to get a chance to escape from MJ. I'm a bit upset because there is less and less scene with my couple recently. I just started to (kind of) like the second lead girl in ep 16 but she turned back to be like always... not cute but idiotic :-( What a shame!

@anyeze  I expected this to happen SJ would leave this job before he lets MJ tie him down.. MJ has been doing everything possible to not to hear the words I don't love you or I don't like you which SJ has told her in so many words trying to spare her feelings.. The twit just refuse to accept the truth as is.. So what will she do since she wouldn't take SJ serious and now to prove how serious he is he turned in his resignation letter.. DH will get the backlash of it some how.. MJ womanly intuition isn't leading her wrong but thats no fault of DH it's her own she should have grab a hold of SJ heart when he liked her thats if he ever liked her.. As the saying goes out of sight out of mind the separation between countries burn out that flame for him but it grew stronger for her.. I just don't get her telling him, All he has to do is like her again once those feelings are gone they gone for good you can't get that back.. Mj is going to learn the hard way you can't force love it comes natural which SJ never had any love for her.. So I expect her to go crying to halmoni and ommania to help her make SJ come back and make him love her.. I knew showing up at the house was going to be her fatal mistake.. SJ is going to have to enlist her father to help him.. The man isn't going to like it but it's coming.. If he retaliate against SJ for not wanting MJ I expect brother is going to step in and teach MJ all that dad a lesson about his brother.. 


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4 hours ago, sava2sava said:

@anyeze  I expected this to happen SJ would leave this job before he lets MJ tie him down.. MJ has been doing everything possible to not to hear the words I don't love you or I don't like you which SJ has told her in so many words trying to spare her feelings.. The twit just refuse to accept the truth as is.. So what will she do since she wouldn't take SJ serious and now to prove how serious he is he turned in his resignation letter.. DH will get the backlash of it some how.. MJ womanly intuition isn't leading her wrong but thats no fault of DH it's her own she should have grab a hold of SJ heart when he liked her thats if he ever liked her.. As the saying goes out of sight out of mind the separation between countries burn out that flame for him but it grew stronger for her.. I just don't get her telling him, All he has to do is like her again once those feelings are gone they gone for good you can't get that back.. Mj is going to learn the hard way you can't force love it comes natural which SJ never had any love for her.. So I expect her to go crying to halmoni and ommania to help her make SJ come back and make him love her.. I knew showing up at the house was going to be her fatal mistake.. SJ is going to have to enlist her father to help him.. The man isn't going to like it but it's coming.. If he retaliate against SJ for not wanting MJ I expect brother is going to step in and teach MJ all that dad a lesson about his brother.. 


Yes, you are right @sava2sava :-) I thought too that quitting his job would be the best but I'm not too familiar with the Korean drama industry and I thought he can't leave the company which is the main sponsor of this drama. They have to show how great this firm is and they have to increase the number of fans... maybe this going to be on the long run!? I'm just a bit suprised that the company seems unprofessional which is not - although I know that it has not too much to do with the popularity of the products after all. Aside from drama scenes about the company they show a lot of products so it's definitely increasing purchase. Maybe I should just flow with the story, not thinking too much about drama industry :grin:

Fom the preview it seems that MJ tries to convince DH to persuade SJ to come back... I'm curious if MJ's going to keep on being mean to DH after all of this; or when will she realize that she shouldn't hurt DH because it not helps her situation with SJ at all.

I have to tell that I didn't understand what confused SJ about his feelings for MJ (ep 16)... my English is not so good and I just can't match his words with his previous statements... Could somebody explain me this 2nd sentence: "I always felt a burden on my heart" (okay I get it but:) "It felt uncomfortable like you aren't really mine." He wanted MJ to be his!? Or there is something lost in translation?

@SNSDToXiC- I think they have one more child... at least I remember to see it on the family chart earlier...

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3 hours ago, SNSDToXiC- said:

who is Jeong Ae's fourth child? I always see them saying they have 4 kids but I think they only have 3 sons yeah? Unless they are including Jeong Eun who is in their family register too.

@SNSDToXiC-  It has to be the sister child , Techincally they only have 2 sons but SJ and the cousins they both on the family registry.. I have never heard them mention they have a daughter or another son..

37 minutes ago, anyeze said:

Yes, you are right @sava2sava :-) I thought too that quitting his job would be the best but I'm not too familiar with the Korean drama industry and I thought he can't leave the company which is the main sponsor of this drama. They have to show how great this firm is and they have to increase the number of fans... maybe this going to be on the long run!? I'm just a bit suprised that the company seems unprofessional which is not - although I know that it has not too much to do with the popularity of the products after all. Aside from drama scenes about the company they show a lot of products so it's definitely increasing purchase. Maybe I should just flow with the story, not thinking too much about drama industry :grin:

Fom the preview it seems that MJ tries to convince DH to persuade SJ to come back... I'm curious if MJ's going to keep on being mean to DH after all of this; or when will she realize that she shouldn't hurt DH because it not helps her situation with SJ at all.

I have to tell that I didn't understand what confused SJ about his feelings for MJ (ep 16)... my English is not so good and I just can't match his words with his previous statements... Could somebody explain me this 2nd sentence: "I always felt a burden on my heart" (okay I get it but:) "It felt uncomfortable like you aren't really mine." He wanted MJ to be his!? Or there is something lost in translation?

@SNSDToXiC- I think they have one more child... at least I remember to see it on the family chart earlier...

@anyeze  Sj feels smothered by MJ he's been feeling this way for a while.. I think he always had in his mind that he was going to leave his job but stayed for the sake of DH,, But now the suffication from Mj is to much for him to handle when he knows his feelings are with someone else and being the person that DH is he knows Mj will take it out on DH and it will be hard for him to stop her.. He and DH would know that she's mixing personal feelings in business and the work profession.. In regards to the second sentence Sj is pretty much telling Mj even though they was together he felt that they wasn't together it was something missing in the relationship that made him feel they wasn't a couple..

Now MJ trying to enlist DH to do her bidding wow thats being really desperate and pathetic.. Last week she was throwing money at DH to move out now she wants her to help her DH should charge her triple if she gets SJ to stay.. DH should ask the twit since she thinks she could throw money at people how much is it worth to her ..   

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And From This Crazy Girl. Related image

Looking forward to the subs but it's worth celebrating that SJ is FREE at least for now and the only bad thing is now she will be on the attack and ready to pounce on DH.  The sad part is SJ knows how MJ is and it was his greatest worry in leaving his job even when walking out his only thought was of DH and what harm could come to her...

credit to original owners...

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12 hours ago, SNSDToXiC- said:

who is Jeong Ae's fourth child? I always see them saying they have 4 kids but I think they only have 3 sons yeah? Unless they are including Jeong Eun who is in their family register too.


Jeong Ae actually do have a fourth child. Well technically a third child - Han Jung Hwa which she did mention a couple episode ago when they were talking about Hyunwoo dad and the bus accident with the children. Also from the dramawiki character description, they have 4 kids:

1) Han Sung Hoon

2) Han Sung Shik

3) Han Jung Hwa (the daughter)

4) Han Sung Joon

I think the actress playing the daughter currently has committed with the shooting of Legend of the Blue Sea which is why I don't think she will appear yet, not until the other drama ends.

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Guest AlexMao

@USAFarmgirl I'm having a hard time seeing what other alternative Sung Joon had other than to quit. It doesn't seem likely that Mi Joo was ever going to realize on her own that it wasn't going to work out. No matter how much she tries to force herself/her love on him he wasn't going to reciprocate it. I do feel that you're right in that Mi Joo isn't going to do whatever she has to get Sung Joon back either at work or through some less than scrupulous manner. I'll be the bad guy here and say it may be good for Dong Hee even through she's very meek and prone to "go along with things" it could prove that all the harassment she has to put up makes her "grow a spine" and look after herself like Sung Joon would want. 

@ck1Oz I don't you missed anything regarding Sung Joon and Dong Hee's comfort level, they seemingly went from 0% comfort to 100% almost overnight. I'm looking really at the scene where they're on the rooftop bickering and then the follow-up scene where Dong Hee starts to lightly hit him, I don't if saying they're completely comfortable is right or not but it's certainly better than it was in even the previous weeks episodes. 

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@AlexMao Thanks for sharing!!  No one is ever a bad guy by sharing their honest thoughts about what they believe and it's your right to do so.  In fact it's that very thing that makes a thread so interesting and I think your right about DH she isn't full of confidence and I guess we know why, her life hasn't been easy.  You made me think about the times people are faced with hardships and having to stand alone on their own two feet.  How much they grow and become stronger. I am all for her giving MJ a run for her money and a few slaps wouldn't hurt either! LOL:w00t: I am hoping her drama does indeed get picked up or even the pictures taken of her.  She just needs a break a flash of hope and I believe her talent will take her the rest of the way... 

MJ really gets on my last nerve I can hardly stand to watch her to be honest.  I want to give her a good slug myself which means the actress is doing a great job as MJ.  I mean honestly how many times does the girl need to be told I don't like you, I don't want you and I have never thought of you in that way etc................................................. And still she lays a big fat unwanted kiss on his lips I mean really??

And it's true he didn't have a choice it was either leave his job or have his lips attacked at any moment!!  I know she is only going to get worse whether he is working with her or not this girl is crazy and with so many episodes still to come I have a feeling she won't let go without someone getting hurt, framed etc...  I really want to fast forward when I see MJ come on :wacko:


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Guest AlexMao

@USAFarmgirl What is the chance that Mi Joo's father will go through with cutting off funding for the production company now that his precious daughter has been dumped? I would like to see Dong Hee succeed with her series but I still feel she's a bit green. Depending on what happens next I would prefer her to work alongside someone who's experienced and it more open to expressing concerns over her writing/revisions. Everyone basically ripped into her when she the last time she tried to help but only Sung Joon gave any constructive criticism over what she was doing/trying to do. 

Now my other concern is that with Sung Joon unemployed he's not going to have as much interaction with Dong Hee, so how are we going to get to see them grow to rely on each other and well you know love each other? Hmm ... well I suppose she'll come to rely on him for his criticism of her previous work so there could be a number of close encounters in her little rooftop room. How do we get rid of Gwi Boom and NOT make it look like she's being kick of the "love shack"? 

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The kiss scene of SJ and MJ was really funny, when you can see his lips were already "waiting" for the kiss. LOL how unexperience the actor is in kiss scenes.

Well, guesshe just need to practice more kinship scenes like this.... ^_^ 

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I'm back here. Inbetween weeks have passed. I was waiting for 2017 and its already the 2nd week. Many of the points i have forgotten and it will take re-watch of episodes to remember them. so whatever i remember, i will post here.

1st of all Predictions - I will wrap everything in one long comment. Most of the predictions are points that i assume most of the audience also thought about or it for seconds came into their mind. Also if people have read available Character descriptions then a lot of future spoilers and outcomes were provided there.

For Example - Jung Eun's character description that i shared here several weeks ago Clearly talked about Opening Cafe and knowing the objective of Hyun Woo. Who is buying all the buildings in the neighborhood? Hyun Woo. Who has loveline with Jun Eun? Hyun Woo. So it was right there available to all of us Who gonna help Jung Eun start a Coffee Cafe. Yeah, Characters need to interact and spend time to fall for each other. It was OBVIOUS and too Predictable. Based on these few available facts i was able to make few predictions which i have listed here -

1. Hyun Woo from start was planning to Financially ruin the people and Han Family. Take Roof afrom their head, Make them homeless, full of debt and bang you can not only wreck havoc in their life but can also break apart their family and relations. This is why as soon as Hyeong Sub mentioned withdrawing all pension at once - I knew Writer had raised the red flag and financially ruining the Han Family plan was initiated and activated.

2. Hyun Woo wants to give Hyeong Sub greatest pain possible so trying to caught his kids by neck. Seong Sik has fallen bad. Politics+ corruption can send Seong Sik behind bars as well as humiliating the Han Family. It takes time to build respect and goodwill and all can be lost by 1 wrong move and society is pretty cruel in such instances.

In my previous comment in mentioned how 3 brothers were in the same kind of career and how Hyun Woo purchased the a Media Company so common sense wise Brothers had to lose the job and their financial security. And by now all 3 brothers are actually Jobless. We all suspect that Dong Hui might work for Hyun Woo but i think it will be Song Joon that will work in Hyun Woo's company. Song Joon has spiked good interest in Hyun Woo and would like to keep an eye on him for long.

3. Jeong Ae is always lying in her room or showing stress and headache signs. Title is Father I'll Take Care of You. There is a good possibility that Jeong Ae will die in future and Hyung Sub will break down+ feel lonely. Title also shows the confusion of being a parent. Parents and Family has more screentime and valuable content compare to Individual or couple engagement. I think Father We will take care of You feels better and if this prediction become true will be much more appropriate.

4. Hyun Woo will lose Jong Eun and Song Joon bother and will cry tears of heartache and them redemption arc will start. It is also quite possible that Hyun Woo will lose all of his wealth. Fraud or forged sign by Uncle? 50-50 matter. In many Soap Operas these kinds of things happen and i think this writer has good possibility to do that.

5. We all know Dong Hui will become A hit Writer and Mi Joo will try to do some nasty things in future.Now the point is whether Dong Hui and Song Joon gona work together in a new company or not. Then we have brother of Dong Hui + Sister of Song Joon coming back into their life as well as some Birth secret lying around Dong Hui maybe.

1st of all i want to talk about the Director and Writer. I think both of them likes to fool the audience and think audience lack commonsense and can't understand things and events in coherent manner. 17 episodes of 1 hour have aired and still not much has happened. Director's glaring mistakes are easily visible in editing and the transition of 1 scene from another. Writer is unable to writer a proper timeline. Time is completely messed up in this show. Other part is characters disappear for episodes like they were doing some cameos earlier. Romance part is also questionable. rare meaningful interactions between Dong Hui and Song Joon and writer setup and moved ahead with loveline in a blink of just 1 episode. wow. Both Director and Writer are incapable to deliver the story properly. It is quite apparent from the screentime of main couples itself.

Writer tried hard to confirm the couple relationships as early as possible but in part did wrong to characters themselves. @ck1Oz noted that sudden change in behaviour of characters in earlier comments. I think writer has too much to play around and finds it hard to control the story and characters. If writer had kept things simple and straight we would have gotten much better story and character profiles.

As for fellow Viewers - I think Dong Hui and Song Jun story has stalled and offerning not much yet we have most of the discussion wrapped around their present feelings and situation. I have actually started to like Hyun Woo and Jung Eun couple dynamics more and more interested in their future up and downs.

I'm quite enjoying the battle of resources between 2 brothers Seong Hoon and Seong Sik. Sister-In-Laws battle has no shifted to Mother-Son battlefield and although it is a serious matter writer is able to portray it humorously.

I also felt all mothers are kind of extreme and harsh on their children and can't be called ideal or model or proper mothers. Jeong Ae, Hae Sook and Hye Joo + Hwang Mi Ok to a certain extent, not properly fulfilled their duty of a mother. You just can't crticise Hae Sook alone because Hye Joo also neglected her own son. If Hae Sook is overprotective and control freak, Hye Joo is almost absent from childrens life.

Hae Sook is confident Housewife then Hye Joo is confident Employee. If Hae Sook lack capabilities+ confidence in Career then Hye Joo lacks the same at home. So writer has done good job in making these 2 families which are meant to face off each other all the time.

HYUN WOO - The foolish Revenge of Hyun Woo

Such a rich guy can find a lot but still far away from the truth. wow. His revenge makes him far worse person that those people he is trying to take revenge on.Seriously. He knows all members of Han Family and yet Intentionally physically harmed Seong Hoon. Yeah, the kind nature guy with a wife and 2 kids. When Hyun Woo caught Seong Hoon drinking, Immediate thought came into my mind that Seong Hoon will idiotically harm himself, but Hyun Woo went ahead and manufactured that accident. I literally wanted to punch him. Seong Hub hits back and infront of Hyun Woo's eyes takes care of Seong Hoon. Hyun Woo was burned deeply and couldn't breath. This totally serves you guy.

Attacking someone's children makes him pathetic and deplorable. Audience understands where he is coming from but no normal human being will agree with his actions. Now he even wants to use Jong Eun. This guy seriously deserves heartache and he will get it a lot in future.

>>someone said in a comment that, that lady whose shop was vandalized deserved such punishment.

I completely disagree with it.That Shop was her Livelihood. Yes She did wrong in her past.Yes she isn't a noble or kind human being. Still she didn't deserved her right to profession taken away from here. Hyun Woo is acting he is Justice and all but ended up being worse than these people.

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4 hours ago, soultree said:

Yis hyun woo starting to like jeong eun for real? Isnt it too early ´? Or is it just a part of his plan ?


He wants it to be his plan, but I'm sure he's attracted by her for real.

I don't think it's too early, it's already 17/50 eps, and nothing much has happened. Every ep has little progress. They should get attracted by each other by now, it'll take a few more eps for the feelings to be mature (let's say - until ep 20+?), and only after that it'll be more excited with the revenge of HW. He'll start his revenge and realize that he's already swayed and really like her, which will make his revenge painful and hurtful.

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I think the reason why I have issues with the ? main couple OTP is that she keeps pitching her voice so high. I mean- she was almost singing in falsetto during the singing scenes. Hard to convince myself that she has a viable role when the writer makes her sound so childish and behave childishly. Then suddenly sprouts mature sounding lines. This is a girl who has backpacked around the world right? And the writer still wants her to be naive.

All I could think of was 3 tablespoon of full fat mayonnaise daily? With white bread and cucumber? 2 serves even. All I could see was the cholesterol level. And that I would puke if I had to eat that daily. It did not sound like a romantic and thoughtful gesture from her.

Something has to change for me to invest emotionally in that couple. Currently too many distracting mannerisms from them to believe in their romance.


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