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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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1 hour ago, latigreblue said:


I had to give Song Yoona praise for a really fleshing out a really intriguing character in the form of Choi Yoo Jin. She had me moving from really disliking her when I realised that she intended to still kill the old people who had suffered so much.and had done nothing to her to being really surprised by the intensity of her scenes and chemistry with Ji Chang Wok.


yes dear she really win our love and respect no one here no matter of what side he/she is in dont  respect and admire SY acting (i hate YJ the most here and understand her more then hate too ) 

 we all love her and respect her powerful and amazing acting that make us go in so many wars for her great acting to the evil YJ 

they have to gave her award for that acting it was acting that Deserve Oscar award ( at least for me)  i hope she get more amazing chance to show her amazing acting in the future - really SY you rock that role  i dont care what Korean say ( i just care cause you care ) but for me you more then  Deserve Oscar award





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14 minutes ago, meh2222 said:


Both. She wants both. And she was delighted believing about getting both. She treats people like toys.:( 

She's sick. I do believe she's really sick. :( 


i think that too 

 as she said herself she think ANNA like her so she offer the same life to her to have everything later after YJ death but to live in the role YJ choice now

she sick and she really thoughts that she can make ANNA forget her mother and be her daughter ( for someone who never forget her really mother or hate for her father and step mom she surly sick to think she can have that from ANNA and as JH said she cant see that people have the same feeling she had or having now , she just unable to do that ) 

yes everyone is a tool for her , just a tool for her illusion that why she lose control when someone act  out of the way she decide they should act 

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8 minutes ago, nona88 said:


i think that too 

 as she said herself she think ANNA like her so she offer the same life to her to have everything later after YJ death but to live in the role YJ choice now

she sick and she really thoughts that she can make ANNA forget her mother and be her daughter ( for someone who never forget her really mother or hate for her father and step mom she surly sick to think she can have that from ANNA and as JH said she cant see that people have the same feeling she had or having now , she just unable to do that ) 

yes everyone is a tool for her , just a tool for her illusion that why she lose control when someone act  out of the way she decide they should act 


Sometimes people are so caught up looking for wealth, they fail to realize their families/loved ones are sick. Arghh! 


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16 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

Why the hell are these rich oldies always having a meeting in the dark? is the light bill too high? :lol:

I nearly choke on my drink while reading this. THANK YOU!!!

I guess they remain rich by saving on the light bill:D

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I see Anna as a very strong character. It might appear as a weak character on the outside, but just think about all the pain that she goes through and has to hold in since young age. Even at this stage of the drama, she is still being manipulated by Choi Yoo Jin. Knowing that she cannot win against the evil, she sacrifices herself for the man she loves and also for her other loved ones. It takes a very strong personality psychologically for her to live and continue on the way that she does. She might appear to be powerless and helpless, but at the end of the road, she has the strong-will and courage to overcome her pain and difficulties. She might appear to be vulnerable at times, due to the fact of her still learning about the world, but with time, Anna has the ability to grow into a respected, mature woman.

In contrast, YooJin appears to be strong on the outside, but in fact, she is a very insecure, selfish woman. She lacks affection and is hungry for it, as most evident, when Anna calls her "mom" for the first time and when Anna gives Jeha that goodbye kiss. However, I feel that I can't really pity her for her needing affection, because as Jeha puts it, I doubt YooJin has ever truly loved before (whether romantic or any other types of love) she only loves herself and cares nothing but her own pain. She appears to have all the power in the world, but at the end of the road, she is the most helpless person. She thinks that getting power will give her the happiness that she yearns for, but she will soon realize that she has been fighting for nothing at all.

I was hoping that Anna would turn "stronger" later on in the drama, but perhaps, this was the intention, to give a contrast between the two female leads. They are complex and pitiful in their own ways. They are both weak and strong.

Finally, as I have mentioned before, we might have different opinions about the plots, but the acting and the chemistry among each character in this drama has been flawless.  

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10 minutes ago, meh2222 said:
18 minutes ago, nona88 said:


i think that too 

 as she said herself she think ANNA like her so she offer the same life to her to have everything later after YJ death but to live in the role YJ choice now

she sick and she really thoughts that she can make ANNA forget her mother and be her daughter ( for someone who never forget her really mother or hate for her father and step mom she surly sick to think she can have that from ANNA and as JH said she cant see that people have the same feeling she had or having now , she just unable to do that ) 

yes everyone is a tool for her , just a tool for her illusion that why she lose control when someone act  out of the way she decide they should act 


Sometimes people are so caught up looking for wealth, they fail to realize their families/loved ones are sick. Arghh!


 yeh blame YJ daddy for that :expressionless: he was late to get her true problem and he was raising her to be the CEO of his company so he was like her smart and great ability and didn't see her problems ( okay he was part of her problems too he guilty on making her like this and about not be aware of that ) they just was teaching her about work since she show her ability to be her daddy heir 

by the way i think he get that in the end that what the step mom mean when she told YJ ( your dad saw your true , he know what you going to do when you sit on that chair that why he take that from you, your dad has realize your horrible true face )

 again i hate YJ dad so i am not saying he was right-  i am saying it all his fault but i am just saying that now i get the meaning of all that crazy thing we saw in the first half of the drama and what the meaning was 

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5 minutes ago, MindfulL said:


Finally, as I have mentioned before, we might have different opinions about the plots, but the acting and the chemistry among each character in this drama has been flawless.  


Yes, the actors and actresses of the drama did WELL. That, I believe we can all agree on. :)

5 minutes ago, nona88 said:


 yeh blame YJ daddy for that he was late to get her true problem and he was raising her to be the CEO of his company so he was like her smart and great ability and didn't see her problems ( okay he was part of her problems too he guilty on making her like this and about not be aware of that ) they just was teaching her about work since she show her ability to be her daddy heir 

by the way i think he get that in the end that what the step mom mean when she told YJ ( your dad saw your true , he know what you going to do when you sit on that chair that why he take that from you, your dad has realize your horrible true face )

 again i hate YJ dad so i am not seeing he was right i am saying it all his fault but i am just saying that now i get the meaning of all that crazy thing we saw in the first half of the drama and what the meaning was 


Now that you said this. You are maybe right. That explains some of the things confusing us with YJ's real character. 

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54 minutes ago, auroredawn said:

@kaoriharang Just like I stated in an earlier post, Anna is learning that you have to lose in order to gain. She put her pride aside in order to see JH. I also think that the question about crying out of pity for other was alluding to that fact: being able to forgo your own pain for that of another. Anna gave up her pain and hatred for JH's pain. He understood that. YJ didn't and still doesn't.

Yeah but what is the uncle up to and he must be crazy to think je ha and yj will be downstairs waiting for him with that tear gas hoping they get that usb disk. Yj is whey too wicked for that.Anna needs to get up and get bold now cause your uncle is foul and could care less about Anna.

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17 hours ago, LoveBunny said:

I just want to get a few things off my chest when it comes to this drama, I don't usually write long comments but this drama, siggghhhh. So promising, yet such a failure and a success at the same time. So many things just make no sense

I'm probably one of the blacksheeps of this tread but as I'm watching the beginning of ep 13 I can't help but laugh my a.. off. I think its hilarious how they all thought they had Choi Yoo-Jin ( Im officially naming her Villain Bae ) cornered but she showed them who's boss again. When she came out the police station, instant tears and apologizing, all I could do was laugh shake my head and just watch in admiration this woman is just mind blowing. Lets not forget the two ajummas side comments just hilarious. I absolutely love her, I want her to win by the end of this drama and be left alone with her closet full of skeletons and just as miserable ( sounded better in my head ). This women is such a great actress, take in that she playing a character that's acting as well, if she doesn't receive award for this drama, somethings wrong. I was right there with Park Gwan-Soo just laugh during the first 20 minutes of this episode. Ohhh and lets not forget the scene at the grave yard Villain Bae just knows how to get under peoples skins, I love it. Usually Drama villain are so unlikable and annoying but her, she's the first one I'm rooting for. Fitting Villain Bae !!!!

I could careless about Anna to be honest ( but I loved Yoona in "Priminister and I" ), I think instead of anxiety pills her uncle's been giving her stupid pills. This women had you put away for how many years and you thought with a couple of interviews here and there it would be able to bring her down ? Were's the logic ? I initially liked Anna, her perseverance to run away gave me hope in her character but here we are ep 13 and she's back at scare 1 its like she never left. Everything they tell her she just believes it right away, for someone who went through so much I thought she would be smarter and more calculating in her ways. Yes she suffered trauma and ya-di-ya-da but like all she's doing is making her mother come back to life and die again but worst. She as someone like K2 by her side but all they are doing is sitting on a roof top together each night, falling in love with the way they eat ramen, and kissing under blankets. I really don't understand their character development and the way they fell in love, they are super cute together don't get me wrong but i feel no chemistry.

K2 is so smart and yet so stupid at the same time, I'm really disappointed with what the writers are doing with his characther. Judging by the very revealing episode 14 preview hopefully he will be like a phoenix and rise from the aches stronger, smart and less stupid than before.

Key phrases to remember for this episode "Love isn't meant to be a group activity" lol

I like an underdog; I guess that’s why I like Anna. 

I think that the interviews were Anna’s way of claiming and owning who she was. Since her mother’s death, she has been hidden to the world because she was a blemish on her father’s reputation. YJ kept her away, and the interviews were her telling YJ that she was no longer that scared little girl. 

The drama is not by any stretch perfect, but it would have been nonsensical for Anna to be presented as calculating as YJ. What draws me to her character is her vulnerability. She is still a child. She’s a fully grown woman, but her life stopped the day that her mother died. She is still yearning for the father she had (until recently) and she misses her mom. She’s never grieved her mother properly or received the appropriate psychological help.

One’s personality is shaped by one’s environment/circumstances and experiences. YJ was raised in a rough environment. She had to learn at a very young age to fight for what she wanted; be it her father’s affection or fortune. Anna grew up with love but lost everything the day that her mother died. She was exiled and raised in a nunnery. YJ’s environment shaped her to be calculating, cunning, and ruthless. Her upbringing makes her sympathetic but not her actions.

I can understand why Anna is trusting to those who are “nice” to her. She spent most of her life in a nunnery.  A place where they teach you to see the good in people and to love your neighbor. Her only enemy is YJ, the only person who has actively tried to make her life a living hell. 

We have to bear in mind that we possess information that she does not. We knew that her uncle was manipulating her. We also knew that YJ is a formidable opponent, one stronger than she can ever imagine. Anna knew that YJ was scary and had money, and she thought that her uncle’s money and power would have been enough to help her fight YJ. Was it naive? Yes. We knew better. YJ is far more crafty and powerful than the uncle. Anna became aware of that at the press conference and subsequently at her mother’s grave. 


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45 minutes ago, tanio12 said:

Yeah but what is the uncle up to and he must be crazy to think je ha and yj will be downstairs waiting for him with that tear gas hoping they get that usb disk. Yj is whey too wicked for that.Anna needs to get up and get bold now cause your uncle is foul and could care less about Anna.

Uncle never cared for Anna. She fell for his pseudo kindness. Anna was a means to an end. She was a weapon that he was using against YJ. The audience could see through his intentions.

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1 hour ago, gyu2003 said:

@meh2222 thank you! i wonder how sick she is, she really disgust me the last 2 ep. still pitied AN she's like everybody's victim here. 


I think there's something going on in Korea right now that people prefer to watch news more? There was even a protest for a public official to resign last night that's why the ratings are affected too. I'm not so sure though.

Anyone will be disgusted of the actions done by someone who has no empathy. More so if that person is really incapable of feeling empathy towards others (is there a mental disorder for this?). If this is the case, it just sucks for YJ that really noone cared enough for her to get proper treatment. But I am not sure. I'm just saying this on the theory that she was suffering from mental illness/disorder. Or maybe she is just the same w/ her step-brother or PGS, who are just maybe innately manipulative, ambitious and greedy and evil? 

Of course, I definitely pity Anna. That poor soul. :bawling::bawling::bawling: Being isolated, locked up, and her life being controlled, her father choosing his political ambition over her, who had noone to rely on, becoming everyone's pawn, held as hostage... she has been such a victim of all of these things BUT she managed to try to fight with her limited means and to nobly surrender for the sake of love and the people around her. It's just sad but the same time amazing. Oh no... I'm remembering the "omma" and kneeling again and the kiss and the crying scene and the i love you scene... oh no.... *paused for a few minutes to sob* :bawling::bawling::bawling: Arghh! the begging dude/gal ... oh no... :bawling::bawling::bawling:  *sobbing again* and when JH saw the recording.. oh no... *sob hysterically* :bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling: 

What I'm saying is hopefully, whether YJ is suffering from mental disorder or not, what is important is she gets what she deserves: if she's sick --- gets treated and face the consequences of her actions; if not, face the consequences, of course (e.g. jail or death maybe?  if she will go toooooo far).

Anyway, I want more Jehanna scenes in the last two episodes or for at least 1 hr in the last episode (I know, it's not too much to ask, really hohohohohoho) but pleaseeeeeeee PD-NIM, WRITER-NIM, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, MORE JEHANNA SCENES PLEASE... and a HAPPY ENDING PLEASE. REAL LIFE IS ALREADY TOO HARD, WHY MAKE THE DRAMA AS TRAGIC AS REAL LIFE? HAPPY ENDING PLEASE!  :bawling:



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16 hours ago, Alejandro Miguel said:

Not everybody has to become a murderer and lonely,but that was her way for sorting out things

So basically you like Anna cuz she is "good".



Personally, I can't feel empathy for someone who resulted to murder as her way of "sorting out things".

It boils down to choices. YJ and Anna had to decide who they wanted to become. YJ chose to let her past define her, while Anna didn't. Just like @SunnySun26 said, Anna (despite her sad childhood) was able to love and have friendships while YJ decided to use her pain to inflict more pain.

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oh i spend the day without being able to get over this scenes i cant even stop feeling pain seeing them again and again


1bCr8tl.gifSaPSn5f.gif gjwkeMJ.gif



p.s. i don't own the gif's (i didnt have time to make my own )  i used the one that @jeonghyang used on the live recap ( i hope you dont mind i am using yours here again dear - if you mind just tell me ) 


what a great actors . writer and directer we got here ( they keep broke my heart and i cant stop loving them more ) 

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4 hours ago, meh2222 said:


It was the most touching moment. I am crying as I am clearly remembering Anna kneeling. Like going all out giving up everything just to see JH. It was so heartbreaking. I believe YJ should be treated or rehabilitated or something because I do believe she's suffering from a mental illness or something because she is not capable of empathy. And thereafter, face the consequences of her actions.

Yeah she is definitely suffering from something. She is clearly some sense of psychotic. 

5 hours ago, auroredawn said:

@kaoriharang Just like I stated in an earlier post, Anna is learning that you have to lose in order to gain. She put her pride aside in order to see JH. I also think that the question about crying out of pity for other was alluding to that fact: being able to forgo your own pain for that of another. Anna gave up her pain and hatred for JH's pain. He understood that. YJ didn't and still doesn't.

Exactly. Indeed I agree with you. I fee that scene really shows Anna character development. I love that scene. 


4 hours ago, MindfulL said:

I see Anna as a very strong character. It might appear as a weak character on the outside, but just think about all the pain that she goes through and has to hold in since young age. Even at this stage of the drama, she is still being manipulated by Choi Yoo Jin. Knowing that she cannot win against the evil, she sacrifices herself for the man she loves and also for her other loved ones. It takes a very strong personality psychologically for her to live and continue on the way that she does. She might appear to be powerless and helpless, but at the end of the road, she has the strong-will and courage to overcome her pain and difficulties. She might appear to be vulnerable at times, due to the fact of her still learning about the world, but with time, Anna has the ability to grow into a respected, mature woman.

In contrast, YooJin appears to be strong on the outside, but in fact, she is a very insecure, selfish woman. She lacks affection and is hungry for it, as most evident, when Anna calls her "mom" for the first time and when Anna gives Jeha that goodbye kiss. However, I feel that I can't really pity her for her needing affection, because as Jeha puts it, I doubt YooJin has ever truly loved before (whether romantic or any other types of love) she only loves herself and cares nothing but her own pain. She appears to have all the power in the world, but at the end of the road, she is the most helpless person. She thinks that getting power will give her the happiness that she yearns for, but she will soon realize that she has been fighting for nothing at all.

I was hoping that Anna would turn "stronger" later on in the drama, but perhaps, this was the intention, to give a contrast between the two female leads. They are complex and pitiful in their own ways. They are both weak and strong.

Finally, as I have mentioned before, we might have different opinions about the plots, but the acting and the chemistry among each character in this drama has been flawless.  

 I love what you have just said. And I agree with everything you said. This is why I love Anna. She definitely has shown the greatest growth. 

6 hours ago, blindfury said:

There were 2 scenes that intrigued me from episode 14

1. When Anna called YJ mom, YJ was surprised and when she knelt, YJ's face had this i don't believe it look

2. When Anna said yes to leaving, again YJ has this i don't believe it look.

I wonder why that expression, was she surprised that Anna would give up her pride and revenge for the people she loves? Something YJ could not and has never done ? I mean YJ obviously loves jeha and has done things for him that is not her usual but all cases she was still in control. She didn't have to give up anything or lose her pride to do so. So i think when Anna surprises her, it hits her that people can be like that, something she would never have done.

WOW! I am impress. I actually didn't see the scene that way: thanks for such an insightful anaylsis. Anna and YJ are practically polar opposites. What Anna has sacrifice for love and the people around her is something that YJ is practically incapable of. 

3 hours ago, julie721 said:


6 hours ago, sakura22 said:


@auroredawn Thank you. Time and time again this has been discussed. Yet even up until today's episode when it is more clear than crystal, some are still adamant about preaching about YJ. 


@kaoriharang  Jehanna cloud 9 iS really a beautiful scene, I kept replaying and kept tearing up each time. These two are just really good at expressing the emotions. Yoona hardly gets any credit for a good acting compared to JCW and SYA since the drama started and I get it because she is still inexperienced against more experienced good actors. However, she has became one with Anna and carried the character so well. Without her crying sobbing scene, I dont think Jeha breaking down at the saranghae part would be as effective. In the end their team work and chemistry have made jehanna successful. Similarly with YJ and Anna scenes too, I was able to hate and take Anna side because I felt Anna's anger, hatred and sadness towards YJ. 


I dont know what I'll do once K2 ends. As much as I am relieved because everything will be back to routine, but I will definitely miss them especially my biases now, Yoona and JCW.  

Production team owes us sooo many BTS - rooftop, welcome back, attic scenes from previous episodes and now park and subway date and cloud 9 scenes. Sooo stingy with BTS. 


Right it is a beautiful scene.  It is both loving and heartbreaking at the same time. Brilliantly done by both actors! 

Same! All right now I want is a happy ending. 

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14 minutes ago, meh2222 said:


I think there's something going on in Korea right now that people prefer to watch news more? There was even a protest for a public official to resign last night that's why the ratings are affected too. I'm not so sure though.

Anyone will be disgusted of the actions done by someone who has no empathy. More so if that person is really incapable of feeling empathy towards others (is there a mental disorder for this?). If this is the case, it just sucks for YJ that really noone cared enough for her to get proper treatment. But I am not sure. I'm just saying this on the theory that she was suffering from mental illness/disorder. Or maybe she is just the same w/ her step-brother or PGS, who are just maybe innately manipulative, ambitious and greedy and evil? 

Of course, I definitely pity Anna. That poor soul. :bawling::bawling::bawling: Being isolated, locked up, and her life being controlled, her father choosing his political ambition over her, who had noone to rely on, becoming everyone's pawn, held as hostage... she has been such a victim of all of these things BUT she managed to try to fight with her limited means and to nobly surrender for the sake of love and the people around her. It's just sad but the same time amazing. Oh no... I'm remembering the "omma" and kneeling again and the kiss and the crying scene and the i love you scene... oh no.... *paused for a few minutes to sob* :bawling::bawling::bawling: Arghh! the begging dude/gal ... oh no... :bawling::bawling::bawling:  *sobbing again* and when JH saw the recording.. oh no... *sob hysterically* :bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling: 

What I'm saying is hopefully, whether YJ is suffering from mental disorder or not, what is important is she gets what she deserves: if she's sick --- gets treated and face the consequences of her actions; if not, face the consequences, of course (e.g. jail or death maybe?  if she will go toooooo far).

Anyway, I want more Jehanna scenes in the last two episodes or for at least 1 hr in the last episode (I know, it's not too much to ask, really hohohohohoho) but pleaseeeeeeee PD-NIM, WRITER-NIM, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, MORE JEHANNA SCENES PLEASE... and a HAPPY ENDING PLEASE. REAL LIFE IS ALREADY TOO HARD, WHY MAKE THE DRAMA AS TRAGIC AS REAL LIFE? HAPPY ENDING PLEASE!  :bawling:



@meh2222 YJ seems to be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

People with this type of personality are self-centered, concerned with receiving attention, prone to self-importance and entitlement. Narcissistic personalities are unwilling or are unable to take the perspective of others (Butcher, Hooley, & Mineka, 2014). They crave attention and recognition and fail to acknowledge the accomplishment of others, and lack empathy for the feelings of others.
There are two presentations of narcissism; grandiose and vulnerable. The former is associated with an exaggerated belief in one’s talents and achievements due to parental overvaluation of one’s capabilities, while the latter is fraught with insecurities rooted in childhood abuse. People with vulnerable narcissistic personalities tend to be emotional, anxious, and tense while those with grandiose narcissistic personalities tend to more assertive, arrogant, and demanding.
Causal factors are often rooted in childhood. Child abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), poor parenting, and neglect can cause this disorder.  Some people who have this disorder may fluctuate between the two types. I think YJ is one them. I believe she presents both vulnerable and grandiose narcissistic personalities.


Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. (2014). Abnormal psychology (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.



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36 minutes ago, auroredawn said:

@meh2222 YJ seems to be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

People with this type of personality are self-centered, concerned with receiving attention, prone to self-importance and entitlement. Narcissistic personalities are unwilling or are unable to take the perspective of others (Butcher, Hooley, & Mineka, 2014). They crave attention and recognition and fail to acknowledge the accomplishment of others, and lack empathy for the feelings of others.
There are two presentations of narcissism; grandiose and vulnerable. The former is associated with an exaggerated belief in one’s talents and achievements due to parental overvaluation of one’s capabilities, while the latter is fraught with insecurities rooted in childhood abuse. People with vulnerable narcissistic personalities tend to be emotional, anxious, and tense while those with grandiose narcissistic personalities tend to more assertive, arrogant, and demanding.
Causal factors are often rooted in childhood. Child abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), poor parenting, and neglect can cause this disorder.  Some people who have this disorder may fluctuate between the two types. I think YJ is one them. I believe she presents both vulnerable and grandiose narcissistic personalities.


Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. (2014). Abnormal psychology (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.


Thank you so much for this! It's really nice to learn something just from watching this drama! 

So this may possibly the type of disorder YJ has considering all the circumstances surrounding her as shown by K2.

I hope that we all get a satisfying ending for K2. Same goes to all the characters in the drama. :(



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9 hours ago, valsava said:

Jh over came that fear when he held Congressman Parks captive in his office it's just YJ don't know that him giving Sjs the reason to pull that trigger for him.. Letting him pull the trigger is for him and Anna's safety but if Sjs do become president will he take JH to thw bluehouse with him as cheif of security..

Jh has never trusted Yj from day one he knows she's the lady that tried to kill him actually he's been playing her all the while playing the role of knight in shinning armour because he did tell YJ there no loyalty between master and serbant and JH? knows all to well as he's been burnt once before so they both are using each other but him using her more so then allowing her to get the upperhand on him..I have to agree with some of the others I think Anna will be kidnap..

I think Anna mother got married and left for the sake of her vhild being born alive she knew if Yj had got whiff of her being pregnant it's no way that baby would have survived.. Yj would have killed them both.. I had said that she knew he was in a relationship with Anna's mom and wanted Sjs for herself.. I like for her to be exposed in public to who she really is..

If Anna's plane take off and she makes it to Spain the one place she'll hang around is the train station were her and JH first encountered each other.. So this will be there meeting place again.. This is the one thing YJ don't know about Jh and Anna.. 


No, he didn't get over his fear. He even had a voice over during that scene stating that PKS has not figured out that he cannot kill.

5 hours ago, blindfury said:

There were 2 scenes that intrigued me from episode 14

1. When Anna called YJ mom, YJ was surprised and when she knelt, YJ's face had this i don't believe it look

2. When Anna said yes to leaving, again YJ has this i don't believe it look.

I wonder why that expression, was she surprised that Anna would give up her pride and revenge for the people she loves? Something YJ could not and has never done ? I mean YJ obviously loves jeha and has done things for him that is not her usual but all cases she was still in control. She didn't have to give up anything or lose her pride to do so. So i think when Anna surprises her, it hits her that people can be like that, something she would never have done.

Yeah she looked really surprised. YJ would have never let go of her pride for anyone. So Anna giving up hers for JH was a surprise to her. To see Anna's love so deep and pure and unselfish. YJ's so called love in front of hers is a watered down pathetic excuse of a slight affection or maybe just lust, because even when she so called "loved" him she still sent him in a situation where his death was certain for her greed. Love, my foot.

BTW who noticed the look of utter shocked disgust on Chief Joo's face when the JSS President was talking about YJ loving JH?:lol:


Also you guys, I wouldn't worry too much about Anna's appearance in episode 15 and 16. She will be there. That is certain. And will have a HUGE role to play because she is the female lead of the show:D:P. Episode 15 and 16 will be the ones where finally the truth of UHR's death and the culprit will come forth. If Anna is absent then the scenes won't have an impact. So be very sure that she will be there. Jehanna will go to Spain but TOGETHER. So chill and wait for the last week's episode. Like I said it's the day of reckoning. :D

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