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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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There were 2 scenes that intrigued me from episode 14

1. When Anna called YJ mom, YJ was surprised and when she knelt, YJ's face had this i don't believe it look

2. When Anna said yes to leaving, again YJ has this i don't believe it look.

I wonder why that expression, was she surprised that Anna would give up her pride and revenge for the people she loves? Something YJ could not and has never done ? I mean YJ obviously loves jeha and has done things for him that is not her usual but all cases she was still in control. She didn't have to give up anything or lose her pride to do so. So i think when Anna surprises her, it hits her that people can be like that, something she would never have done.

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42 minutes ago, liltash85 said:
46 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:


Ah ML is Moon Lovers, the drama with Lee Jun ki that just ended it was areally sad and opening ending. Me don't wait. 

Exactly when I watched Anna kneel down and really beg on her knees. Oh my goodness, my heart broke. It isn't easy to throw away that pride,hatred that Anna has accumulated over so long just to see the one she loved. 

and JH began to break down when Anna was crying over him. I think he hated the fact that he was the cause of her tears. 



i think aside from that JH knew AN must have to sacrificed something to see him. He must know YJ well. YJ must have made a deal with AN to let her into cloud9. 


 OMG no not that (moon lover ending ) i watched the chines version and read the original book so i couldn't have broken heart for the 3 times watching the Korean version live too ( i know how it ended worse then the chines version so i am going to watch it when i have time to watch it all in one week i cant  take more pain for the 3 times about the same story )

no not that no open ending , no sad ending, no sending ANNA away and meeting JH just in the last scene nooooooooooo:scream:

it should be romance and action drama and we get three kiss 

  • first CPR and that wasnt kiss as J4 said 
  • the first and only kiss so good but so short
  • ANNA kissing JH while he fighting death ( okay i like that one it touching one but not enough )


so what they going to do what spending ep 15 and 16 about the evil people killing each other :unamused:

@liltash85 JH smart to ask to see what happen so fast i like that from the writer making all this small characters so helpful and so meaningful for the story ( the doctor , mr song .....) and JH know YJ better , she hate ANNA and will never simply let her come without anything - JH was in pain seeing her crying like this cause he make her feel the same way  he felt when he lose raiyna before and cause he know that it was sort of goodbye from her 

37 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:


Indeed, I think the doctor told him that Anna came to cloud 9 to see him. Now I am glad that YJ gave permission to JH to use the mirror.  He immediately went to look for the video of Anna in the room with him. 

I think the moment he knew that he immediately knew Anna must have done something in order to get there. 


yes as you said he know she already made her do something in return i hope that there was more they didnt show like ANNA saying to him that she has to go but she will be waiting or making to him hint like " do you remember where and how we first meet ?" 

i  hope that Plane didn't board after all 

i hate seeing SJ being the president of Korea but we need someone powerful to make JH has  a clean new ID to leave free from all his past even if he make the true of PARK out he cant easy clear his name or have freedom so i think maybe will be really time jump while Jh get new or clear his old ID 

i hate that but there was photo while they filming on Spain about ANNA gave sign to fan at first i thought it maybe fans of YOONA and not a really shoot for the drama since i didn't have any idea  that ANNA can be someone who has fans but know i have my worry about what going to happen ( i trust this drama but i have weak heart to keep waiting like that :bawling:)


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I had to give Song Yoona praise for a really fleshing out a really intriguing character in the form of Choi Yoo Jin. She had me moving from really disliking her when I realised that she intended to still kill the old people who had suffered so much.and had done nothing to her to being really surprised by the intensity of her scenes and chemistry with Ji Chang Wok.

I knew that Je Ha and Anna were always going to be end game when I saw Je Ha studiously going out of his way to ignore, look bored by or look irritated by YJ's pitiful shows of affection for him.

Old Baldy, who seemed to be in the know, said that YJ was seduced by SJ. 

For me, it not about how good or bad the character is, it is about the actor's portrayal.  YJ dominates in everyone of her scenes and that one with her in the hospital talking with Je Ha was one of the most powerful.

I know Korean shows have a great capacity for redemption but I don't want to see YJ and the SJ end up together.  I don't see him as a victim in this. I never thought of her and Je Ha together. Probably will be a death scene or a jail scene.

That subway ad when Je Ha was supposedly close to death was disgusting as hell. I get the realities of a drama production but it was poorly done and out of place.

I look forward to next week and how Yoo Jin ends up.


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Though I've been indifferent about Yoojin from the beginning I had hopes that she would somehow redeem herself somewhat like in OUAT. But it seems she'll remain a static villain. It's really disappointing to see the most developed character remain unchanged. At this point, death might be letting her off too easy. I would much rather have her put in a position where she is powerless, moneyless and everything is out of her control. Her lack of empathy makes me think even in that situation she will only blame others and not consider this as her karma. Jeha was right on point about her being quick to point out her pains while slow to others. 

After this episode, I'm beginning to think one of the reasons why the writer wrote Yoojin feel for Jeha is because she can provide the resources. If she wasn't lovey dovey all over him why would she save him after the gunshot. Though I would have much rather preferred a story that resembled the original synopsis. Maybe Anna escaped Yoojin clutches long ago and is now back for revenge by stealing her step mother's new boytoy... If only. I just want a passionate kiss for JehAnna. It's pretty obvious this drama isn't going down as epic for its story line so might as well go for the most passionate kiss.  

Sadly, the big subway ad really dampened the Jehanna feels. Because who dreams of eating subway as a romantic picnic date. Wouldn't you rather try Anna's ramen?

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8 minutes ago, blindfury said:

There were 2 scenes that intrigued me from episode 14

1. When Anna called YJ mom, YJ was surprised and when she knelt, YJ's face had this i don't believe it look

2. When Anna said yes to leaving, again YJ has this i don't believe it look.

I wonder why that expression, was she surprised that Anna would give up her pride and revenge for the people she loves? Something YJ could not and has never done ? I mean YJ obviously loves jeha and has done things for him that is not her usual but all cases she was still in control. She didn't have to give up anything or lose her pride to do so. So i think when Anna surprises her, it hits her that people can be like that, something she would never have done.


agree with you about the two scene 

but about calling her "mom" more , YJ was always use that way to control people so it wasn't that surprised to her that ANNA take the deal to leave but to the point to call her "mom" she didnt see that coming at all , she said to make her suffer as impossible thing she will never do but she did for JH ( the mom word) was the most painful part of all this drama for me after seeing ANNA as child suffering all this years for her love and guilty tower her mom and now OMG that was the most abusing scene for a child and the most touching love can women has to a man 

p.s. after seeing this week ep we should know better to trust the PD just in his amazing work in the drama ( he a great PD ) but and never trust his talking about the characters outside the drama ( okay the man who said that there shouldn't being any romance feeling from YJ to JH i think he get his answer from the writer reading and filming  the scrip of ep 13-14 )

i respect the writer who never was fooling with us from the start to the end he keep his characters building while ( okay without the part of ANNA using love for revenge )    and all that empty talking from the PD and other stuff about deny or explain the scene wrong was the problem not the writer 

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3 hours ago, auroredawn said:

@Alejandro Miguel I empathize with Anna for the same reason you do to YJ. Just like YJ, Anna has had a very tragic life. The difference is that Anna’s transformation is happening before our eyes, while YJ happened off-screen before the story began.  YJ has had years of learning to deal with her challenges/adversities. She’s fought against her father, brother, stepmother, and whoever else stood in her way. Anna was imprisoned up until recently. We can even argue that she is still in prison. She’s not free. She has no power, no money, no connection… YJ has an army at her disposal and is able to exact revenge whenever someone hurts her.

Anna cries more out of frustration than sadness or weakness. She has no way of defending herself,  no one beside JH at her corner. She doesn’t have money to buy anyone either. Anna is learning to be strong. She spent years in isolation and hadn’t learned to open up to anyone until recently. Her uncle, who seemed to be another person in her corner, betrayed her.  She is learning that nothing in this worldis free. You have to lose to gain. She is a little girl in a woman’s body who is making mistakes, just like any person would. No one is born all knowing. You learn through experiences, good and bad. You most definitely learn from your mistakes. Anna is learning. She is not perfect. She is human. I empathize with her.


@auroredawn Thank you. Time and time again this has been discussed. Yet even up until today's episode when it is more clear than crystal, some are still adamant about preaching about YJ. 

1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:


That scene with Anna and JH really broke my heart. I kept watching it over and over again. Gosh! It was heart wrenching. I think it emphasis again just how deep their love for each other is. 

The 'I love you' words really got to JH. That was what broke his defence. It shows what kind of effect Anna has on JH. Brilliant scene and both actors did such a fantastic job acting out that raw emotions of the scene/setting. 


I totally agree with you. Indeed JH putting her in her place. YJ has always from the beginning only thought about her position. When she gets angry, when she cries: it is because it is towards her. Not to anyone else. She has absolutely no compassionate or love for anything but affairs regarding herself. 

 Yes like you said she was once the victim of an affair. She deserves in that aspect to be the 'victim' 

just to point out that the scene where Anna went down on her knees and really just threw away her pride in order to see JH, to make sure he gets saved. I mean she threw away not only her pride but her freedom as well. Just to save JH. That is an act that YJ would never be able to do. 


Yes I don't want an ending like ML. I would cry. 

I think we should get one. Let's all start praying. I think it would be tragic if Anna does not get her happy ending. She of all people deserves it. 


@kaoriharang  Jehanna cloud 9 iS really a beautiful scene, I kept replaying and kept tearing up each time. These two are just really good at expressing the emotions. Yoona hardly gets any credit for a good acting compared to JCW and SYA since the drama started and I get it because she is still inexperienced against more experienced good actors. However, she has became one with Anna and carried the character so well. Without her crying sobbing scene, I dont think Jeha breaking down at the saranghae part would be as effective. In the end their team work and chemistry have made jehanna successful. Similarly with YJ and Anna scenes too, I was able to hate and take Anna side because I felt Anna's anger, hatred and sadness towards YJ. 


I dont know what I'll do once K2 ends. As much as I am relieved because everything will be back to routine, but I will definitely miss them especially my biases now, Yoona and JCW.  

Production team owes us sooo many BTS - rooftop, welcome back, attic scenes from previous episodes and now park and subway date and cloud 9 scenes. Sooo stingy with BTS. 


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20 minutes ago, michiusa said:
t least we know Anna and Jeha will meet one last time.

sadly dear it was scene from last week ep on the fashion show 

they filmed the scene with him open the door to her and the hold her hand helping her out but the edit it out after that ( me was screaming why ?????????????????) 


24 minutes ago, michiusa said:

Sadly, the big subway ad really dampened the Jehanna feels. Because who dreams of eating subway as a romantic picnic date. Wouldn't you rather try Anna's ramen?


24 minutes ago, latigreblue said:

That subway ad when Je Ha was supposedly close to death was disgusting as hell. I get the realities of a drama production but it was poorly done and out of place.

 i hated the obvious Advertising  from the second i saw that 

but as i said before i am not angry this drama did it best to not be all about AD like other dramas , they was doing their  best till now so making one mistake in the end while being in rushing and have the power of money push them to shoot one isn't crime ( i am happy i didnt have to watch in every ep scene for Ad like most of the dramas do now ) but they did ruin the touching and happy scene we should  get from our OTP so  they have to face angry voices over that to learn from their mistake 


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omg just finish watching last night episode. Poker face Chairman choi is super evil. No wonder CYJ turn into a monster to face a Godzilla chairman choi when they were young. And why do i got the feeling that something bad is going to happen once the usb got into assemblyman jang hand. I don't trust assemblyman jang, chairman choi and park kwan soo. And i wonder why was jaeha sunbae join JSS what is his agenda or revenge cos he seems loyal to CYJ. Seems like he know something. Omg 7 days left. I know jaeha will end up with Anna cos that's the way kdrama always is, if they met on the first episode usually they will end up together(except for scarlet heart ryeo), no surprise there for me who has been watching kdrama for more than 10 years now.

And the bad cops who fight with jae ha initially is soo hot!!!!!!!!!


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Guest julie721

@nona88 dongsaeng I miss you too.. My connection is okay now.. I buy new service connection that works here. Not the best, but at least I can be online through my mobile phone.. Limited option, but better than nothing :)

whoooaaaa.. The thread has become not only minefield, but "war zone" these past days while I'm gone... Tsk tsk tsk.. Calm down people.. It's only fictional character. Don't be too emotional. Okay.. Calm down and enjoy our nearly ending moment. 

Watching drama, although you can help rooting for ceritain character, don't make it clouded your opinion and make you bias about the plot/story.. 

1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:

The 'I love you' words really got to JH. That was what broke his defence. It shows what kind of effect Anna has on JH. Brilliant scene and both actors did such a fantastic job acting out that raw emotions of the scene/setting. 

Yeah.. These love birds love is beyond amazing. Things they do for the sake of each other is admirable. And if this still can shoot straight to your heart, I don't know what else can. Their acting.. Gosh, you won't feel this kind of pain if their actings are mediocre. It's just heartbreakingly beautiful love story. The theme is a bit cliche, but their performances are outstanding, thus making it different and special.

all this time Jeha always thought he's the one protecting Anna, keeping him sound and save.. But watching that recorded clip of Anna visiting him on Cloud9 made him realize that Anna was in her own ways protecting him and people around her. It finally got him deep, and all his strong demeanor fell apart. And his heart broke into million pieces watching his love one suffered but did that all for his own sake. 

43 minutes ago, blindfury said:

There were 2 scenes that intrigued me from episode 14

1. When Anna called YJ mom, YJ was surprised and when she knelt, YJ's face had this i don't believe it look

2. When Anna said yes to leaving, again YJ has this i don't believe it look.

I wonder why that expression, was she surprised that Anna would give up her pride and revenge for the people she loves? Something YJ could not and has never done ? I mean YJ obviously loves jeha and has done things for him that is not her usual but all cases she was still in control. She didn't have to give up anything or lose her pride to do so. So i think when Anna surprises her, it hits her that people can be like that, something she would never have done.

@blindfury I don't know.. At this rate, I personally think YJ incapable enough to feel the essence of compassion/love. She just might be only surprise Anna would do that, considering how she fought her all this time. But the feeling wash away so easily and her old selfish person came back. She's so manipulative and calculated that she quickly thought what to do to preserve her image to her agents and Jeha. Very cunning. YJ never see love as powerful act, she thinks owning and controlling are what makes person powerful.

1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:

Exactly when I watched Anna kneel down and really beg on her knees. Oh my goodness, my heart broke. It isn't easy to throw away that pride,hatred that Anna has accumulated over so long just to see the one she loved. 

Anna-yaa.. The things she'd do for love.. The same things between Anna and YJ is both women do everything wholeheartedly. For Anna is LOVE, for YJ is OBSESSION. Anna loves in a way that she put her love ones as top priority to the point she become naively believing tricks other play on her in the name of her loved ones (mother, father, j4, ahjumma, k1, and most definitely Jeha). While YJ her obsession is always about her her her... But both women do it wholeheartedly, no pause, no hesitations.

I'm curious though, what's gonna be Park last trick from written preview? Will he kidnap Anna before she's able to leave Korea? We'll see people.. We'll see


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@nona88 Thanks for letting me know. The last picture got me all confused. T.T Apparently they needed more minutes for the previously on K2. Seriously though those previous scenes take up literally more than 5 min. How about distributing those minutes to Jeha or Anna or both? Heck I'll even take Miran with K1

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15 minutes ago, julie721 said:

@nona88 dongsaeng I miss you too.. My connection is okay now.. I buy new service connection that works here. Not the best, but at least I can be online through my mobile phone.. Limited option, but better than nothing :)

 welcome back dear :heart:

15 minutes ago, julie721 said:

whoooaaaa.. The thread has become not only minefield, but "war zone" these past days while I'm gone... Tsk tsk tsk.. Calm down people.. It's only fictional character. Don't be too emotional. Okay.. Calm down and enjoy our nearly ending moment. 

Watching drama, although you can help rooting for ceritain character, don't make it clouded your opinion and make you bias about the plot/story.. 

yeh sorry about that - we did use the chance  and go away with our talking but dont worry we were a good children and ended it well with respect to each other  and never really hate each other 

15 minutes ago, julie721 said:

Yeah.. These love birds love is beyond amazing. Things they do for the sake of each other is admirable. And if this still can shoot straight to your heart, I don't know what else can. Their acting.. Gosh, you won't feel this kind of pain if their actings are mediocre. It's just heartbreakingly beautiful love story. The theme is a bit cliche, but their performances are outstanding, thus making it different and special.

all this time Jeha always thought he's the one protecting Anna, keeping him sound and save.. But watching that recorded clip of Anna visiting him on Cloud9 made him realize that Anna was in her own ways protecting him and people around her. It finally got him deep, and all his strong demeanor fell apart. And his heart broke into million pieces watching his love one suffered but did that all for his own sake.


yeh that was just :blush: how amazing this two right eonni :heart:

15 minutes ago, julie721 said:

I'm curious though, what's gonna be Park last trick from written preview? Will he kidnap Anna before she's able to leave Korea? We'll see people.. We'll see


that the problem eooni that " we will see" we have to wait for 7 days and suffer to see :bawling:


my friends do you even know what i am afraid about now ??

 that TVN change her schedule !!!!! she gave us the text preview so fast on Saturday is that a good news??? or is that mean no preview video and no still's before Friday ?? or maybe never going to gave us one :unamused: i am sorry i have my own pain understanding TVN acting in the past :dissapointed_relieved:  

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16 minutes ago, blindfury said:



crazy how bad subs makes such a huge difference to the story lol


 you right there was two sub first "love cant be share"  the second is   " I'm sorry but Love is a luxury that neither of us can afford"

i get what you meaning that bad sub make different  for the meaning 

but for me the two sub show the same meaning the first one show how YJ selfish and thinking she can take and decide what she want beside on her feeling and the second show the same selfish when she also think she can decide what JH can have or afford and what he should choice beside on her own feeling and choices again 

so from my limited Korean i think the second sub was more right , but i wasn't bother about that since it make it worst for me from the first one since she really though she can decide how ANNA and SJ should live and how JH should choice in his life ( that controlling-  he not you and he definitely not yours to decide in his place  not someone you understand well-  he can afford love since he can throw other things to get that - he not you and not the new SJ ) 

 edit : i think the right sub is " love isn't something we both can share " just like she said to UHM that love isnt something both two people can share and that why all the confuse come from the two sub ( they thoughts she talking to JH in the second sub when she said both of us but she was talking about ANNA) sorry i go and hear that again to be more sure but you know my Korean is really limited 

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1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:


Indeed, I think the doctor told him that Anna came to cloud 9 to see him. Now I am glad that YJ gave permission to JH to use the mirror.  He immediately went to look for the video of Anna in the room with him. 

I think the moment he knew that he immediately knew Anna must have done something in order to get there. 


@kaoriharang Just like I stated in an earlier post, Anna is learning that you have to lose in order to gain. She put her pride aside in order to see JH. I also think that the question about crying out of pity for other was alluding to that fact: being able to forgo your own pain for that of another. Anna gave up her pain and hatred for JH's pain. He understood that. YJ didn't and still doesn't.

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1 hour ago, blindfury said:

There were 2 scenes that intrigued me from episode 14

1. When Anna called YJ mom, YJ was surprised and when she knelt, YJ's face had this i don't believe it look

2. When Anna said yes to leaving, again YJ has this i don't believe it look.

I wonder why that expression, was she surprised that Anna would give up her pride and revenge for the people she loves? Something YJ could not and has never done ? I mean YJ obviously loves jeha and has done things for him that is not her usual but all cases she was still in control. She didn't have to give up anything or lose her pride to do so. So i think when Anna surprises her, it hits her that people can be like that, something she would never have done.


I love that you pointed these out. Agree to the max that YJ was surprised by Anna. And I love that look of disbelief on her face. Yes, dear. There is still someone who can sacrifice that much (e.g. revenge) for the sake of just seeing the person you love. It was not just the "comma," it was the kneeling that crushed my heart. She was begging to see him. Just to see him. My heart... I just can't... 

As I previously mentioned in my posts, YJ is the type of person to get everything she fancies. She does not want to sacrifice any of her goals. She wants to get all. JSS, Cloud 9, JB Group, Presidency, and JH. So to see Anna sacrificing her revenge struck a chord, I believe. But, here came another obsession, she felt delighted being called "Mom." Look at how delighted she is talking about giving everything to Anna, like being her daughter and all. Another obsession is about to occur. Anna. 

That is why I do not think YJ is really in love with JH. She wants to own him. She wants to own his character. She wants to own a wolf. And now she wants Anna too. Anna as a daughter... It's a pity really. How she thinks that it is so easy for everyone to get into her clutches?

It seems that she is living in fantasy where the world revolves around her. Remember when she thought she had already in her hands the USB. Both presidency and JB Group is finally in her hands. JH is with her. Now, Anna will be her daughter. And she was so happy about everything without considering their feelings.

Will she realize how she has been after JH pointed so many things to her? I'm not so sure. But maybe? Well, we will see in the future episodes.

Notably, JH pointed these out the following: (1) YJ wants to be worshipped; or (2) YJ finds something/someone to worship. I think this says something.

But my question is: does YJ have the capacity to empathised though? So, there is still a possibility that she is indeed suffering from a mental illness. 



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1 hour ago, latigreblue said:

I had to give Song Yoona praise for a really fleshing out a really intriguing character in the form of Choi Yoo Jin. She had me moving from really disliking her when I realised that she intended to still kill the old people who had suffered so much.and had done nothing to her to being really surprised by the intensity of her scenes and chemistry with Ji Chang Wok.

I knew that Je Ha and Anna were always going to be end game when I saw Je Ha studiously going out of his way to ignore, look bored by or look irritated by YJ's pitiful shows of affection for him.

Old Baldy, who seemed to be in the know, said that YJ was seduced by SJ. 

For me, it not about how good or bad the character is, it is about the actor's portrayal.  YJ dominates in everyone of her scenes and that one with her in the hospital talking with Je Ha was one of the most powerful.

I know Korean shows have a great capacity for redemption but I don't want to see YJ and the SJ end up together.  I don't see him as a victim in this. I never thought of her and Je Ha together. Probably will be a death scene or a jail scene.

That subway ad when Je Ha was supposedly close to death was disgusting as hell. I get the realities of a drama production but it was poorly done and out of place.

I look forward to next week and how Yoo Jin ends up.



I laughed so hard watching that scene. It felt like a Subway ad. "Subway, it tastes better when in love!"

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1 hour ago, blindfury said:

There were 2 scenes that intrigued me from episode 14

1. When Anna called YJ mom, YJ was surprised and when she knelt, YJ's face had this i don't believe it look

2. When Anna said yes to leaving, again YJ has this i don't believe it look.

I wonder why that expression, was she surprised that Anna would give up her pride and revenge for the people she loves? Something YJ could not and has never done ? I mean YJ obviously loves jeha and has done things for him that is not her usual but all cases she was still in control. She didn't have to give up anything or lose her pride to do so. So i think when Anna surprises her, it hits her that people can be like that, something she would never have done.

i was thinking about that too. but really, why is she insisted AN to call her omma? and her conversation with JSJ before with her scary laughter creeps me out

i kinda understand why CYJ hid JH in cloud 9 since he 'brought' the USB with him and everyone seems to chase him to get the USB while he's dying, i thought it was a 'motherly love' but now the subs out and she was saying 'love can't be shared' or something like that (she said it to dying UHR before, right?), it's just disgust me. ummm, not that i hate 'noona love' term, but this is the case with 'married ahjumma' sooooo well i do not approve! (ah, you can keep agree to disagree)

And in ep 13, the grave scene, CYJ gave AN option - Being Jang An Na (as her daughter, and publicly JSJ legal daughter) so she can finally has it all including JSS, JB group, and cloud 9 one day - or leave quietly to be a model or whatever she wants. 

i don't understand this part - is CYJ really wants AN to be her daughter or she tried to bribe AN so AN will never exposed the UHR case? 

btw the subway ad tho :lol: idk how i feel about it, seems like subway ad always appeared in the hit k drama 

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15 minutes ago, auroredawn said:

@kaoriharang Just like I stated in an earlier post, Anna is learning that you have to lose in order to gain. She put her pride aside in order to see JH. I also think that the question about crying out of pity for other was alluding to that fact: being able to forgo your own pain for that of another. Anna gave up her pain and hatred for JH's pain. He understood that. YJ didn't and still doesn't.


It was the most touching moment. I am crying as I am clearly remembering Anna kneeling. Like going all out giving up everything just to see JH. It was so heartbreaking. I believe YJ should be treated or rehabilitated or something because I do believe she's suffering from a mental illness or something because she is not capable of empathy. And thereafter, face the consequences of her actions.

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8 minutes ago, gyu2003 said:

i was thinking about that too. but really, why is she insisted AN to call her omma? and her conversation with JSJ before with her scary laughter creeps me out

And in ep 13, the grave scene, CYJ gave AN option - Being Jang An Na (as her daughter, and publicly JSJ legal daughter) so she can finally has it all including JSS, JB group, and cloud 9 one day - or leave quietly to be a model or whatever she wants. 

i don't understand this part - is CYJ really wants AN to be her daughter or she tried to bribe AN so AN will never exposed the UHR case? 


Both. She wants both. And she was delighted believing about getting both. She treats people like toys.:( 

She's sick. I do believe she's really sick. :( 

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