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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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27 minutes ago, gimely said:


I didn't want to write down directly, but this topic... well I jump so much post because of the quarells. I love analysing too, why would I be a soompi member, if I am not :Dbut this kind of "analysing" is depressing me. So I just wanted to tell "fron outside" that some people here are too serious analysing till uncimfortable feelings to read the posts. I think this drama is only lack in one big area: 16 episodes are not enough. Just not. This kind of story deserves at least 24 eps or more. So the big problem is here. I  sometimes feel like we watch a 50 eps drama's 16 eps cutting version. :D

So this is why I wrote TOO DEEP :D


For me... there is no such thing as too deep! lol As long as I'm enjoying the drama, I'll keep analyzing it! If I don't like the drama I would not talk about it at all or I would drop it!

I am critical of this drama, particularly the writing, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it! For me, being critical doesn't equal me not liking the drama. 

Also, this drama references many uncomfortable subjects like child abuse, war profiteering, mental disabilities, political corruption, infidelity, misogyny... that is why my analysis elaborates on those subjects. I don't do it to make others uncomfortable, I just want to talk about those topics because they are being presented in the drama.

I also think the story should have more episodes, but I don't think it would make the drama necessarily better. The writer hasn't developed a good pace, some events go too fast while some scenes drag, and he hasn't provided enough concrete detail for us to fully understand why certain things are happening. So even if this drama had more episodes, the writer would have to step up his game, because those extra episodes could easily be wasted.

On another note, I'm referring mostly to people on DramaBeans, but why are they so hung up on the plot holes and unbelievable aspects of the drama? I've seen a lot of dramas and I would say 90% have plot holes and events that happen that are not believable or realistic. Can anyone tell me a drama where most things were as realistic as possible? I can't even name one....

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58 minutes ago, gimely said:

Reading, backreading, reading... so much "different opinion" I don't dare to join. But...

Do I understand well? J4, K1 etc. are deserve to die ir something like that... Every soldiers are killer? Than YJs, Clintons, Bush, IS, KJU, Hitler, Stalin, dictators and opporunity seekers are what they deserve? Come on. What kind of topic is this? 

Too serious here, why so serious? (Pardon, I love Dark Knight and Shinee too :D

I think sometimes there is too hot air here nowadays. Am I the only one who just like to enjoy a good drama without TOO DEEP analysing? :)


No...you'r not :)...quilty as well...but there r enough space for everyone and thats good

About that slap Anna's dad gives to YJ...not that she didn't deserve it...but he's next candidate...and there r more

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 thanks dear for sharing the Gif , the second one with rooftop back hug is what i was talking about  , back to my good i can just look at it endlessly all the night :wub:

@riiko1988 i said i am guilty , i am doing that to make everyone join me with that mood ( feeling guilty but i dont care ):thumbsup:

but what do you mean i am starting it - i think soompi friends need doctor , just how can you all not talking about that after seeing this ( thanks @mooster for the gif again) 


 really  ????? i wake up feeling down since i was sure i missed the fun i come here thinking i am going to see pages about this scene only - what happen to my wild Friends here ???  call for doctor !!!!

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I'm going to miss Secretary Kim when she goes T_T, so much fun to watch!

lol "I don't particularly like you, unlike someone else".... "someone else"... you mean your Madame! hehehe

She stole YooJin's phone so Jeha wouldn't be able to talk with YJ, Yj would've have stopped the attack otherwise. Jeha had enough faith in YooJin, she was the first person he called.

Also, some pointed out Jeha knew YooJin's private number by heart!!... he was able to call her using a landline.

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@nona88  I am here for talking about this scene (gif by @mooster thank you!) 


Jeha's face... khm... what are you thinking about man? :phew::P and Anna, where do you sense his hands, your look...:w00t:

Jeha's left leg... what is he doing, really :lol::P but seriously What is that movement? :D

So cute this 2. If they move to Spain they have to buy a house with "some proper" safe  rooftop since they absolutly ignore balcons :lol:

They are sooo comfortable with each other as if they had been together for ages.

Oh, our Blanket Couple :D (yes, I vote for this couple name. after this scene? Definietly!) :D


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I'm gonna call it now:  Jae-ha MUST BE the son of the reporter lady that Yoo-jin is frenemies with.  There's been enough hints dropped about her son not being in her present life due to him "running all over Europe like that... "  Uh-huh.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Nyaaaah.

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Hi there, just a few things to get of my chest :)

First off, I am one of those ppl that stayed with this drama primarily for JH and YJ scenes, so...sorry... but for me, they are written, acted and directed superbly...so there is that. But I do not think they have, or will ever have, romantic/sexual kind of relationship, for me those two connect on more "human kind" of level than anything else.  From the start they recognize one another as very similar, they have seen the worst there is in humans, have been betrayed by their fate in humanity and justice, and had no choice to get so much blood on their hands in order to live in the "battlefield" every day just to - get by.

JH is nowhere near YJ victim body count and "reason" for doing so, but he does have allot of blood on his hand to, and for that reason he is the only person that underneath all that, seas and acknowledges her - as human. This is something she never had, even doe he does not egress with her, even if he thinks she is wrong in what she is doing, he will still at the very least understand and treat her as human. For me the thing she sees in him is her past self, before she crossed over "to the dark side" completely. A person she could be if she did not need to make that final step and becoming "the monster" she is today, and part of her is hoping JH could stay this way till the end, stay this "pure" and never become like her.


She has been "acting" the part of the evil witch for so long. Most ppl see her as manipulative bi*** that stands above all and has more power than anyone and kills ppl with a snap of her fingers, but if you look closely you will see how her "power" is just illusion. In ep 10 when they "decide" to sacrifice JH in order to save their as*, it is obvious that she does not want him to be killed, but she goes along with that "plan". For me that meeting is real display of her "power". All those ppl got together, made the plan and gave her THE "choice" to - ok the plan. Nothing more nothing less. She may wield the sword over the heads of every day "irrelevant" ppl but when it comes to big guns and big ppl? Her "power" lies in going with the stream, accepting something that would by any other name be called "blackmail" as her "choice". Her power lies in her "image". She finds out what ppl are planning to do, chose a side to "help" and then does it - 10 time worse than the original instigator would do, just to make them remember how rootless she can be. If something will be done - anyway, it is better I do it - myself, and do it in a way that would make not just my enemy but even my allay shiver in fear of how rotles I can really be. Her actions are always planned to serve as a warning - to both sides, this is the image she has made for self. But it can only get her so far.

If she has no romantic/sexual interest in JH what is with all that "walk" and "Jae Haa" talk after that meeting? An act! Like I said she does likes him (as a human, as a friend) but she will be dead before she acknowledges that she is human, so acting like some noona that is after young piece of meat fits better with her "image". If she acts like she is just after him for his body it will justify why she is trying to "protect" him. She needs "a plausible reason" because there are so many eyes watching her...all the time. Having a person she "likes" will only be a weakness to her and will put him in danger ultimately she understands this much, so that's way... the "fame fatale" act. Even directing in most of JH and YJ scenes has been done in this way from the get go, it is not "just" the script, everything was done as a deception from the start - to make everyone wander...are they? Aren't they? ...will they? Won't they? ...

And this is why JH rolls his eyes and is completely indifferent to her "seduction"- he can tell it is all an act and calls her on it, why is she acting like this? This is so not like her/them. Her answer/question is very meaningful in my opinion: what IS like me? She has been acting like an evil witch for so long now that even she herself no longer remembers - the part of her that is HER, so can he tell? What is her real self like? The fact that he picked "a person that will keep her promise" is also meaningful in my opinion. For this is a line that defines her as a person, underneath it all...

I like the fact that this conversation is done in that sound proof isolation room, and yet she is still acting the part? Even her only "safe" room is made of see true glass, why? As a reminder to never forget: wherever she hides there will ALWAYS be someone watching and waiting for their chance, be it enemy or "friend" she will always be - target in the plain site. For her... there is no place she could ever hide completely, there is no place she could ever take her "mask" of and even THAT room serves to remained her of this, time and time again.  



The thing I wanted to address in this post was something else all together, and that is JY connection to Ana. Why would she spend so many years keeping that time bomb name Anna alive? She found out about her 14years ago, why bother? She could kill her and her adulterer husband in some freak accident and than in 2-3 years find a new "husband - president material" that does not have a hidden love child. Monster that she is she could join hands with that Park-what's-his-name and "rule the world" together with him, "all" she wants is control over her company he can have "the world"... Her "need" to keep her husband bound to her made no sense to me, then or now. Unless the person she wanted and needed was not the husband itself, but Anna? As we all know this drama is about appearances and deception, so my money is on one simple fact that got overlooked because everyone is throwing stones on the hubby for being adulterer of massive proportion, and wify for being revengeful bi*** that will torture him and his daughter with no end?

For me her "hate" is so excessive that it makes me wonder? Is that to ...all an act? To deceive everyone from the real thing they are trying to hide? I think this show needs at a very least two big turnaround /secrets that will be exposed over time. For the first part,

I say the "truth" about Anna origin that YJ is trying to bury is not that she is her husband's illegitimate child, but HER /THEIR biological child.

Yes, I am this crazy, to say YJ is Anna's mother. Why? Like most ppl said their characters in this show are all over the place and have no reason or rhyme, but if I look at it from this point of view it starts to make some sense...

But if she is her child why o why would she ever treat her like that? Why? By her own words YJ was betrayed by her father and lived every day of her life in constant battle with the rest of the "family". However innocent, normal and human she made have been in the beginning, it was living in this kind of environment that made her what she is today - a witch that trusts no one and has no one on her side unless she pays or threaten them so. If she ever had a child, and a daughter at that... would she ever let her live this kind of life? Knowing that in the end she to would turn out... just like her parent? Like YJ becomes her father she hated so much, her daughter would also become "another YJ" over time. Be it nature or nurture... kids will become their parents



There was a line YJ said a while back: people do not die because you kill them, ppl die when their dream dies, as long they have hope/dream no matter how rotten and bad their life may be...it will be livable. Most ppl think her dream is to be president's wife? I think this is just a decoy. She could care less about the presidency itself and all that mambo jumbo, BUT there are ppl that would sell their soul to get their hands on that kind of power, and in my opinion THIS is what she was aiming from the get go. Under the pretext of making her hubby the president she has a "reason" to protect "his" daughter and an "army of ppl" that will help her in order to get their piece of the cookie. The women is master mind this was shown time and time again, cold calculated robot that has no feeling and only see her end goal. And yet her blood boils every time when it comes to something regarding Anna? Why? If she was just her husband child there would be no need to be this emotional time and time again.

There was a scene when Anna is first dragged back to Korea and into YJ house and we see YJ with table full of food for her waiting to have dinner together? Like? WTF? The women that never cooked a meal even for her husband from that day on, is now making a meal - for his illegitimate child? And what made even less sense was the fact that YJ was "hurt" by Anna's rejection? It was like, underneath all that condescending talk all she wanted was to pet her head and have a meal with her for the first time. I found that scene odd, unless I look at it from the point of YJ seeing and welcoming her child in her house for the first time. Something she never thought she will live to see. Even if she spits venom in Anna face, her body language is different. It is this gap that always made me wonder about the two. Or when JH comes back to "kill her" and Anna is on the stairs screaming her lungs out "shoot her, shoot her" ...One can see YJ is really taken by her action. Why? It would be normal reaction to expect...unless Anna is her child so this has anther dept to it.

Even when it comes to YJ and her husband, those two "hate" each other to the extent of wanting to kill one another, there is no way anyone would ever come to Idea of blackmailing one of them with the "safety" of the other party now would they? It is reoccurring theme to blackmail family member to get what you want in this show, but YJ made sure she has NO family to blackmail her with...ever. Even when YJ is in danger the hubby will "sit this one out" and wait to see how it plays out, this is the extent of their hate and dislike for one another...and yet they stay together? Bc all other things aside one thing those two have done over the years and ARE doing is "protecting" Anna, one as her parent, other because she has "no other choice" but to do so... but they are both - protecting Anna as the end goal.

YJ main goal was always making sure no one ever "find out" about Anna's existence. Why? What happen the minute she was exposed to public eye? "Uncle" came and started using her for his agenda and Anna even doe she know this, went along in order to get what she wants -revenge over YJ. It is the first step that will lead to the second and third and will make her - another YJ over time. I think this scenario is very similar to young YJ and her path of becoming a "monster" I think she was manipulated similar to this in the beginning until she reached to point of no return, this is the world she was forced to live in and would never want her child to live in.


For me YJ is kind of person that would, in order to make sure her child has a better life then her, WOULD - gave up the child. Place her in "normal" home with a normal parents and make sure she lives "a normal" life. She will erase all trace of herself in that child's life and even never contact the child in order to keep her safe, to keep her out of the dirty world she herself has no choice to live in. For me her dream is, to have her child live a normal happy life away from her money power hungry family, something she never had. So yes I say that actress was not Annas real mother no matter what the "paperwork" said, it was a perfect cover. So where did it all go wrong? The husband

The betrayal YJ talks about when she refers to her husband is in my opinion not the "affair" itself but the fact that he made contact with the child and in doing so endangers Anna, it was his - "playing house" with her thinking no one will ever find out? THIS is what gets her to cut him off from that day on. This is also a reason for his adulteress role his is playing from this point on. IMO it was YJ who gave him this "role" from that point on...it was his "punishment" his "purpose" in life from that point on, another diversion from Anna, it was him having an affair and having a illegitimate child, so she needs to hide and protect this "secret" then and every time after that, not him getting close to his child. His affairs are just to excessive over the time, it's like he is doing it "on purpose", for everyone to see and keep calling him BS and making sure no one doubts hate he and YJ are feeling for one another and never bother digging deeper around Anna.


Ok this is it from me...

Like I said I stayed with this drama primarily for JH and YJ scenes so there is allot of scenes that I just fast-forward over, and I have a rule to watch each episode only once if I am watching the show while it is still on air, and do not watch preview (for this drama) so there could be things I did miss or was explained before in this forum, bc I just popped in here today for the first time and read last 10-20pages so maybe I am wrong about some things but we will have to wait and see... there was allot of scenarios thrown into the arena about all kind of things here so... this was my two cents... and not popular two cents I bet :phew:

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2 hours ago, gimely said:

@nona88  I am here for talking about this scene (gif by @mooster thank you!) 

welcome to the party 

Jeha's face... khm... what are you thinking about man? :phew::P and Anna, where do you sense his hands, your look...:w00t:

i am not going to answer that , but trust me  i am going to talk about it in Friday ( a lot after having the full Evidence against JH ) :wub::wub:

Jeha's left leg... what is he doing, really :lol::P but seriously What is that movement? :D

dont make me blushing here:flushed: , i think ANNA trying to ask him to stop doing this ( being so close ) and our JH hug her more asking " doing what ?) okay that the simple plot i can talk about here without  making myself looking prev so let my other wild plot in hidden from here

So cute this 2. If they move to Spain they have to buy a house with "some proper" safe  rooftop since they absolutly ignore balcons :lol:

hhhhhhh- dear writer we just want rooftop for this two , maybe a small house beside beach and in isolated place when they can be relaxing doing what they need to do  ( no one going to tell them we watching them even in our dreams right ?) 

They are sooo comfortable with each other as if they had been together for ages.

i don't agree with that dear , it look for me that ANNA isn't comfortable at all , my pure girl she has to deal with the grown up man trying to eat her with his love ,  and JH he look really naughty in that scene did you see how playfully and hot he looking ( it lucky for ANNA that they in house full of CTV so he holding himself ( okay i am more then prev here:dizzy: ))

Oh, our Blanket Couple :D (yes, I vote for this couple name. after this scene? Definietly!) :D

i dont mind any name they so cut together that you cant stop or choice what the best name or scene they should have or had already 




okay you can see i am not holding my self today , why i should DO THAT??? i had the worse week ever with dealing with so much work , problems , seeing people i like in pain and what even worst dealing with TVN abusing  us  ,so i am going to enjoy what i get for now since this drama and life keep gave us hard times every week :wink:

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22 minutes ago, miriamdream2 said:

Hi there, just a few things to get of my chest :)


First off, I am one of those ppl that stayed with this drama primarily for JH and YJ scenes, so...sorry... but for me, they are written, acted and directed superbly...so there is that. But I do not think they have, or will ever have, romantic/sexual kind of relationship, for me those two connect on more "human kind" of level than anything else.  From the start they recognize one another as very similar, they have seen the worst there is in humans, have been betrayed by their fate in humanity and justice, and had no choice to get so much blood on their hands in order to live in the "battlefield" every day just to - get by.


JH is nowhere near YJ victim body count and "reason" for doing so, but he does have allot of blood on his hand to, and for that reason he is the only person that underneath all that, seas and acknowledges her - as human. This is something she never had, even doe he does not egress with her, even if he thinks she is wrong in what she is doing, he will still at the very least understand and treat her as human. For me the thing she sees in him is her past self, before she crossed over "to the dark side" completely. 


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She has been "acting" the part of the evil witch for so long. Most ppl see her as manipulative bi*** that stands above all and has more power than anyone and kills ppl with a snap of her fingers, but if you look closely you will see how her "power" is just illusion. In ep 10 when they "decide" to sacrifice JH in order to save their as*, it is obvious that she does not want him to be killed, but she goes along with that "plan"


If she has no romantic/sexual interest in JH what is with all that "walk" and "Jae Haa" talk after that meeting? An act! Like I said she does likes him (as a human, as a friend) but she will be dead before she acknowledges that she is human, so acting like some noona that is after young piece of meat fits better with her "image".



I like the fact that this conversation is done in that sound proof isolation room, and yet she is still acting the part? Even her only "safe" room is made of see true glass, why? As a reminder to never forget: wherever she hides there will ALWAYS be someone watching and waiting for their chance, be it enemy or "friend" she will always be - target in the plain site. For her... there is no place she could ever hide completely, there is no place she could ever take her "mask" of and even THAT room serves to remained her of this, time and time again.  






For me her "hate" is so excessive that it makes me wonder? Is that to ...all an act? To deceive everyone from the real thing they are trying to hide? I think this show needs at a very least two big turnaround /secrets that will be exposed over time. For the first part,

I say the "truth" about Anna origin that YJ is trying to bury is not that she is her husband's illegitimate child, but HER /THEIR biological child.

Yes, I am this crazy, to say YJ is Anna's mother. Why? Like most ppl said their characters in this show are all over the place and have no reason or rhyme, but if I look at it from this point of view it starts to make some sense...


But if she is her child why o why would she ever treat her like that? Why? By her own words YJ was betrayed by her father and lived every day of her life in constant battle with the rest of the "family". However innocent, normal and human she made have been in the beginning, it was living in this kind of environment that made her what she is today 






. She will erase all trace of herself in that child's life and even never contact the child in order to keep her safe, to keep her out of the dirty world she herself has no choice to live in. For me her dream is, to have her child live a normal happy life away from her money power hungry family, something she never had. So yes I say that actress was not Annas real mother no matter what the "paperwork" said, it was a perfect cover. So where did it all go wrong? The husband


The betrayal YJ talks about when she refers to her husband is in my opinion not the "affair" itself but the fact that he made contact with the child and in doing so endangers Anna, i

IMO it was YJ who gave him this "role" from that point on...it was his "punishment" his "purpose" in life from that point on, another diversion from Anna, it was him having an affair and having a illegitimate child, .



Ok this is it from me...


Like I said I stayed with this drama primarily for JH and YJ scenes so there is allot of scenes that I just fast-forward over, and I have a rule to watch each episode only once if I am watching the show while it is still on air, and do not watch preview (for this drama) so there could be things I did miss or was explained before in this forum, bc I just popped in here today for the first time and read last 10-20pages so maybe I am wrong about some things but we will have to wait and see... there was allot of scenarios thrown into the arena about all kind of things here so... this was my two cents... and not popular two cents I bet :phew:


sorry for cutting your post wow it long and while written post , first keep reading we had no less long posts here talking about everything from so many different sides and view so don't worry , second  my advice watch all the drama without  skipping scene even the boring Politics one , since everything connecting 

interesting to see that ANNA is YJ daughter that a really twist but i hope not since i am one of the angry voice about child abusing - i even hated the father more then YJ since he the father and let his daughter suffer all that and to think that YJ is the really mother and she did all what she did that make me going to killer mood 

about YJ suffering and her past and what her reason to stand here now so evil , i talked about that so much and you will enjoy everyone posts here we had  a really long war ( cute war) while talking about it so welcome to the Discussion 

i like your point since i see that too , YJ biggest problem is her pride , she really need love and affection but her past pain and trust issues and even here  big pride made here losing any chance to have a really love, it the same with SJ and JH and everyone around her, she trying to control them to have them but she never cry and show her pain and ask for understand and love , 

it the same how she react to her husband affair  , normal women break down first and cry their pain not caring for their pain and after that show hate and act strong ,YJ show hate and punishment first and act as she dont care as you didn't hurt me you just made me angry so pay for that 


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ohhh yes that haircut is MY STYLE !!!! 

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3 hours ago, tessieroo said:


Bwwahahahaha, Dragon Lady's face cracked me up! Some one is jeeelus and truly sees herself as the victim (which is astonishing to me). Can't wait for tomorrow! 


:D I believe she has 'Victim Syndrome'. Hehehe Got.this.from DB...  

@perfectsmilebias  No worries :D

@gimely I am sorry I am one of a few people always engaged in battle of the opinion...anyway In order to survive in open forum like this we have to do selective reading

The theme itself is heavy... The discussion will be heavy what more with passionate.viewer like me in the thread wakakaka.. I know some are here to de stressed.

One of the reason for the discussion is we have newbie coming in (which is good) soooo we will go back to square 1 ..

Soompi still a lot cooler (very mild discussion)  compare to db or koala pg (which is not for the faint heart)




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i  cant stop looking at them as JH and ANNA and as JCW and YOONA so perfect scene and fun and great people here okay the full kiss BTS cut here 

  p.s looking at all the BTS but specially the beach scene i get to know one fact that if JCW want to stop acting and singing he can go and be 1- comedian since he so good at making people laughs and have fun  2-thief since he had a quiet and fast hand putting all the rock in YOONA  cloth 

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Guest julie721

Aigooooo.. The last time I posted here the mood was PINK and happy tralala.. But now I open it I'm like "WAIT WHAAAATT?!?"


Even our thread had been given name as "minefield" in Twitter.. Hahahahaha so it'd be better to have civil discussion and not personal attack, okay yeorubun?

But meanwhile, let's spread good vibes and cheer up the thread... 

@eva23 A2 I'm forever THAT!!! Hahaha by the way are you ready for today blanket scene? wink.gif let's do more analysis later. BUUT... Let's limit to: are they using the same blanket? What pattern? How many blanket the team has provided for shooting this drama? Is the one that had been used washed already? Fun enough? No? (Hey, I'm still in probation time here... Lololol)

@gyu2003 whaaaat? My reputation's tainted already? Haha sure, call me anything, Eonnie/ahjumma/goddess/troll/whatever hahaha

10 hours ago, valsava said:

Yj wanted to keep Jh with her so the only way she thought she could win him over to her side was to have him enter cloud 9 but Jh being around cloud 9 and Yj is to protect Anna.. Jh would never put himself in a position to were he can't protect the both of them because he already knows if anyone gets a whif of him having feelings for Anna it would be used against him.. from the preview Yj is finding this out now Yj has to think of a plan to try and separate the two if she can't separte the two she will kill.. Yj is the type if I can't have you no one can..

Niceeee point.. One of the roots of her evilness is possessive traits. She started plotting with SeJoon because her possessiveness to JB group, she lashed her wrath to Anna and UHR because her possessiveness to JSJ, I'd see her would go down the repetitive path regarding JehAnna. Her attraction to Jeha is clear, but still debatable whether her interest for him purely love/lust/respect/appreciation only, but I think it's the mix of this feelings and added possession into it. YJ has unawarely thought Jeha is her person (because she added him to cloud 9) despite her initial knowledge that Jeha would never be controlled by her. 

10 hours ago, grapefruit7 said:

May i ask u again, are  u one of the people who despise AN's dad for being a jerk? Then what kind of a parent u think is YJ's dad? He betrayed/forsake her own daughter just because he found out how greedy she was (that is what the stepmom claim btw)... I believe any parent would/should save their own child, even if it is in hell.  So does it not occur to u how badly YJ was hurt by her own father & the people around her?

Just because she send AN in nunnery..she already meant harm to her? does it mean the nuns made her suffer? While from the very beginning we know that YJ did not command JSS to kill AN..it was only when she became a very big threat at a later episode that she finally order to kill AN..(mind u, i personally do not like that decision as well). In fact, YJ would rather use anyone for greater purpose rather than kill them.. it is bad? Of course, it is still bad..but tell me, who is good then? almost all the main characters are using one another for their own selfish interest.

I personally despise YJ father too, perhaps, img the character was ever shown on drama, I would loathe him as much as I despise JSJ here. 

The bold part, it's not that I apply double standard to lessen YJ bad childhood upbringing. She was a victim too at certain time. Objectively, we are shown and provided with two comparatively same examples, victims of child abuse, YJ and Anna. And while we're kept guessing how bad YJ past history is, we got more clear story how bad Anna was treated. Then, how come the outcomes are so opposite, so different? We have 2 victims of child abused, one chose the darker path and turned evil, the other chose more lighter path and still keeps her humanity intact. Some said Anna become more and more vicious since she team up with Samchon... But she has to do what she has to do, and her revenge is initially to stay alive and be free. And one of her reasons to ally with Samchon is to keep the people around her, ahjumma, k1, j4 to keep alive. (ahjumma convo with Samchon in ep 9, she thanked him to keep them save---Proof of reasons the deal for Anna-Samchon alliance was including these people safety). Very different with how YJ react, right? If YJ, she will surely punish the people who did her wrong.. (Ahjumma, J4 didn't treat Anna right before, but she still care about their life regardless). 
Then why are they so different? In my opinion, it only lead to one thing: different level of mental strengths. The same treatment if applied to two different people with different level of mental strength will result in different outcome. Bad experiences will not always created Monster, hence the reason for justifying YJ bad deed because of her traumatic childhood experiences become MOOT.

The second paragraph: sending her to nunnery is part of series of actions YJ abusing Anna as a child. If you want to be fair, we have to include all her action and not only pinpoint/highlighting one part only. But, focus on what so wrong in sending her to nunnery, since this is what you're most curious about. 1. YJ, as her guardian (in episode 8, from TV report/news that YJ step mom watched in car)  failed to take decisions base on what's best for Anna benefit/well being. Pretend that we omit her personal hatred towards Anna, the best solution for Anna was sending her abroad to study, also provided her nanny/adult that tended her needs as a minor. Nunnery was not best alternative to educate Anna. 2. It's against Anna decision. Anna wasn't willing to go there in the first place, it's a trick Sec Kim told her that her father waiting for her that made her go. She was under Doctor supervision when Sec Kim took her away. She was in better alternative treatments, professional assistance.

the underlined part: that's what makes the drama become interesting and open to so many interpretations darling---> resulting: the heated discussion hahahahaha.. They are so many aspects that can be used to validated and questioned each character. And all is relatively right and all is relatively wrong. Depend on who, how, and what your POV. For me, although I'm Anna team and JehAnna lover, I don't put Anna as purely white and innocent and always right. I always try to see them objectively. Try using my reasons base on the facts that are clearly presented in drama. 

@nona88 the sisters of K2 are back!!! I know I can always count on you to highlight that blanket scene from preview.. You are definitely my most precious dongsaeng hahahaha  you know me so well... Thanks dongsaeng for BTS tooemoticon-026.gif 

1 hour ago, Bambiina said:

I am sorry I am one of a few people always engaged in battle of the opinion...

Remember @Bambiina when things got too strained, we'll always have BODYGUARD with heart that full of FLOWERS (flower garden or garden of flower? Ah I'm so bad at remembering) and at the moment the flowers are blossoming in tender care of Anna hahahahaha (gosh this sounds so cheesy, does it?) greatness.gif

33 minutes ago, cherkell said:

"The K2" OST Part.5 will be released on 28 October at 12:00 midnight.  Park Kwang Sun (from the group Ulala Session) has the honours this time around.

At first I read this as Park Kwang Soo, I was so gonna protest the team, YAA!! Why not let JCW sing OST instead, why let that shady politician sing? But then I read again, this time correctly, it's Park Kwang Sun... And our Park in drama real name is Kim Kap Soo.. Hahahaha silly me


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