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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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1 hour ago, Nerise said:



I like this drama, but I just wanted to say that this drama does have it flaws.

Anyways,  one of the main criticisms towards Yoona/Anna is the lack of social phobia portrayal. I have seen some valid comments like this in other forums and websites:





See, this is where I get fighting mad.  All that was complained about Yoona is not her fault.  Far as I can see, she's done an outstanding job based on what was given to her.  

If there is something to pick on, pick on the writer.  Most of the above post talks about is purely about the plot. How is it that it's Yoona's fault that suddenly she's on friendly terms with JH? Did she write the story line? Nope. Stop picking on Yoona.  And exactly where did you get this post from and who posted it if it was from Soompi?  

We shall have to agree to disagree on knetz since I've never understood them and their opinions.  Shows I've found extremely messed up are praised and doted on by knetz. I don't really take them into account anymore frankly.

I'm no fan of Yoona, in fact I've thought that she was just an okay actress but not in K2.  Shes doing fine given how little screen time she has had compared to the witch YJ and heroic JH.  I have to say after this Im going to wind up being her champion.

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I am not Yoona fan .. If you watch her in Love Rain you will know the improvement we are talking about.

I don't mind reading negative post or any post that differ with my interpretation... However I hate post such as 'I read from somewhere' posted here.. Whatmore if it's negative and very bias post. 

The original poster is not around (in soompi) ... Please do not share such comment esp negative post

(positve/constructive comments are always welcome).




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46 minutes ago, klgirl said:


See, this is where I get fighting mad.  All that was complained about Yoona is not her fault.  Far as I can see, she's done an outstanding job based on what was given to her.  

If there is something to pick on, pick on the writer.  Most of the above post talks about is purely about the plot. How is it that it's Yoona's fault that suddenly she's on friendly terms with JH? Did she write the story line? Nope. Stop picking on Yoona.  And exactly where did you get this post from and who posted it if it was from Soompi?  

We shall have to agree to disagree on knetz since I've never understood them and their opinions.  Shows I've found extremely messed up are praised and doted on by knetz. I don't really take them into account anymore frankly.

I'm no fan of Yoona, in fact I've thought that she was just an okay actress but not in K2.  Shes doing fine given how little screen time she has had compared to the witch YJ and heroic JH.  I have to say after this Im going to wind up being her champion.


100% agree with you.. that's K-netz behave that give me a big Q mark..

and I wonder that's why the writer describe the k-netz action with just that kind of sns from the top celebrity at other country,

and some k-netz make a move and would be proud if they are found something to make a big news and trend on sns to expose Anna exciting.. 


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9 hours ago, cherkell said:

There's an old saying in the theatre world:  "When you introduce a character in the First Act, they will suddenly and magically reappear in the Third Act.”  I totally agree that these secondary and tertiary characters do play a major part in developing the storyline and may be a significant part of tying up the loose ends at the finale.  It also helps that they provide some much-needed levity in what seems to be an extremely jumpy script so far.  I couldn't give a rat's hinder whether or not the OTP looks cute and there should be more scenes of them instead of all the political bullcrap, yadda yadda yadda.  First and foremost, this is not a rom-com and you're gonna get mystery/intrigue/heroes/villains whether you like it or not.  But we're 8 episodes in - half the show is over now! - and we still have plotlines flying at us left and right from all corners.  IMHO, I am waiting impatiently for the story to develop into something more than hot-blooded namjas beating the crap out of one another in every episode.  As Monty Python's Flying Circus used to say when that show would drag uncontrollably: "GET ON WITH IT."

And if I may say so, please don't disrespect someone else's opinions in this thread by responding with snarky comments.  Granted, opinions are not the law, but are subjective and worth reading and thinking about.  Just because someone isn't liking how the show is progressing, they have every right to say so.  Unless there's a clear-cut case of abuse in this thread that needs to be reported, demeaning their opinions should not be a part of the discourse in here.  Thanks.


Thanks for quoting my comment and calling it snarky. I'd not meant it to sound like that and I still don't see how it was so. Was it the emoticon? Would a smiley have come across better? Every comment is subjective open to personal interpretation. I interprete your comment as condescending but did you mean it that way? 

But I'm thankful that your comment answered a question I've been asking especially after reading a lot of negative comments regarding this drama here and elsewhere. You see, I've been watching each episode (raw and with subs) trying to find major plotholes and disjoints but all I get is: I'm liking each episode more and looking forward to the next. I thought I must be so shallow because I can't seem to see anything majorly wrong. Am I blinded by all the bulging muscles, the sexy badassness, the raw emotional outpouring, and the sometimes inane humor? Now I realized it's because I'm watching this as a layperson who don't know a thing about proper drama structure or the right formula for a drama plot. And that clears up a lot of confusion and I'm happy. Happy that I'm not dense but I'm able to enjoy this drama without over analyzing to death because I'm just a layperson. 

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I am not a fan of YooNa.. I am talking about Anna's character here..

its obviously from the beginning.. she's not mute girl but she was being shut in down..

she can shout out loud.. "help me so may time to Jeha" at the barcelona

she can shout out loud.. "shoot her.. kill her" at scene Jeha point of the gun to YooJin..

the writer actually describe Anna as a bright and cheerful girl.. she can expressive her feel so well... the writer describe her as a girl who just happy with a little thing that she have.. for example the ramen scene.. its just a small thing and she already happy with that.. she is not asking more.. and that is she.. 

so it's not Yoona but Its Anna's character here..

so it's make sense if she has someone that she can talk to she can bluntly talk even she can ask a stranger to help her in barcelona.. ,

but she is not a gossip girl here.. who just freely would talking to J4 which is she know already guard her and shut her in from the beginning.. and with the ahjumma who serve her need which nothing necessarily talking to her either..

so once again she is not mute and she is not suddenly being talkative..she is a frankly girl and she can shout her mind soundly..

that is what I understand Anna's character here..  and I am not Yoona fans.. And I am not into k-pop either. I am just a kdrama fans here..

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@julie721 - Hmmm, I tried to find The K2 on VIU but it didn't show up. :(

@anyeze - Wait, how do we know it was YJ who gave that info to Congressman Park? Did I miss something? Because I thought it was the corrupt police chief who gave it to him. 

@klgirl - Me too, hon. I'm so over all the negative and nasty crap being said about this drama (and Yoona) that I'm no longer interested in recapping it or even reading about it. I'm just watching and enjoying it all on my own with a few Twitter people who feel the same. I've tried explaining a zillion times about the social phobia thing but because it's apparently stated in the synopsis, people take that as gospel. Pfffffttt, I can't tell you how many times a drama synopsis is total BS. :lol: Or the writer changes his/her mind and heads in a different direction - even killing off main characters! (Aurora Princess). I'm just done with people snapping at each other. 


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Totally agree with you @cherkell

We are already half way through and nothing has really been answered. I'm pretty sure this show will keep dragging only to have very rushed and messy last two episodes that only tie up the bare minimum of loose ends.

Yeah, some background characters are not as useless, but K4 and ajjumma and Master Song are the least meaty background characters, they are practically accessories available whenever the heroes need help to get something done. The background character with most potential to be in-depth is the Vice president of JSS and he remains a complete mystery.

Why has he allied himself with YooJin? What revenge does he seek and against who? Why is he so loyal to JSS and YJ that he is willing to die? What is his end goal? These basic questions are going unanswered.

As for the one MAJOR QUESTION, who killed Anna's mom? The writer is going to stretch that until the end and the answer will be whichever character would be the most convenient choice. It could be YJ, SJ, Secretary Kim, VP of JSS, heck it could be K4. The the writer has included as little "evidence" as possible and kept it vague enough. It won't really matter in the end.

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Reading all the great analysis on this thread is really nice. Still, I am convinced your discussions will be much more complex and compelling than the actual drama.

Yes, I am a YooJin Jeha shipped, and I'm a bit chucked that they had so little interactions in the recent episodes (and the general lack of YooJin in general), but that isn't why I'm criticizing the drama. I have always known Jeha and Anna would be the main OTP so it isn't like I was surprised and disappointed.

What really bugged me about these two episodes were the "SJ is a victim of Dragon lady and has lost all his morals just because he married a she-devil" / "all along he actually REALLY cared for Anna and did everything just to protect her" scenes. Not only did it bother me when SJ said this bull, but than Jeha repeated the "your only alive because your father cared for you" line to Anna. Does the writer actually want us to believe that!?!?

As some have mentioned, SJ already used Anna as a threat against YJ. He has always had the upper hand in that regard. What would YJ have done if SJ had gone to Spain to see Anna or even had brought the child back to Korea? She couldn't kill Anna or then she looses SJ and therefore the presidency. She couldn't leave SJ or then she looses SJ and the presidency yet again. SJ could have done so much more for Anna but he didn't, he didn't even visit her after her mother died.

Also, the line Anna said to YJ "My father doesn't love you", YJ's reaction shows how little self worth she has. Most women would say hallelujah! What woman would want love from that man, that slimey, cheating man who lies so easily, never delivers his promises, and is a walking sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. 

Anna should really stop putting her dad on a pedestal, and Jena should stop encouraging her. What did your dad's "love" do for your mother Anna????

Some people theorize that SJ is just lying to himself and others. I'm hoping this is the case, this is another instance of SJ the great politician who can fake tears at the snap of a finger. All those who pitied him will be left feeling betrayed and tricked in the end.

Also, for such a central character we also know so little about him. How he entered politics? What was he like as a politician in the beginning of his career? Simple basic questions, that answered would give so much insight into his character.

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I thought Yoona did some scenes just fine. I like how she spoke really softly when she was telling the kitten that she's also hungry and when she asked JH about the promise. I see a sullen child who wants to know more but at the same time still feeling resentful. 

Sometimes reading the synposis and taking it literally doesn't help. Just watch the drama as it unfolds. The initial episodes already gave clues about her stubborn persistence and somewhat defiant character. All the close up of her shows how she was observing and studying---and I imagine she must have played many possible scenarios in her head over and over again. So how she escaped and how she interacted with the outside world made sense for me.

Just to qualify, I'm not a Yoona fan. I was not excited about her casting. But I decided to give her the benefit of doubt. In fact, I don't like some of her earlier crying scenes though strangely, they still moved me. I just hope she won't become too vindictive later. 

Really those who watch till ep 8 and still quibble over her character development should try dropping your prejudices. You'll enjoy the drama more. No point watching and agonizing.  Better to drop the drama altogether if it's so painful to watch her because she's clearly not gonna disappear.

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4 hours ago, Nerise said:



I like this drama, but I just wanted to say that this drama does have it flaws.

Anyways,  one of the main criticisms towards Yoona/Anna is the lack of social phobia portrayal. I have seen some valid comments like this in other forums and websites:





I can't at you quoted a comment from Onehallyu's BASHING THREAD, the most toxic thread on OH. LMAO

They don't even discuss drama there, they go there to bash anyone/anything they hate.... 

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16 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Warning: less than positive review 

Okay, just finished the last two episodes. The next two episodes better be way better plot-wise, because boy did the plot drag.
Anyways, for a while I have had this suspicion and i think these episodes have solidified my belief.

The K2 has disguised itself as a complex drama to make it appear the writer has put more thought into the script than he actually has.

The K2 is going to be a very straightforward drama complete with black & white morality, flat/shallow characters, an uninspired us against the universe love story, sprinkled with evil cackles, blatant Catholic righteousness, harmful stereotypes against marginalized people, and just enough vagueness for audiences to keep watching, hoping the many questions the drama inspires will be answered.

But no, this by-the-books drama will not answer most of the questions nor give insight into most of the mysteries, but in the end it won't matter because the bad guys will be "rightfully" dead and OTP will be together.

As of now, I'm only hanging on for my love of the actors, particularly Song Yoona (who has won me over despite the fact that I'm pretty sure her talent will be wasted in this drama) and Ji Chang Wook, who really needs to be shirtless more often so that I can be distracted by this drama's flaws and basicness.

@perfectsmilebias  Just ask for skinship and more skinship LOL

16 hours ago, nona88 said:

okay i will write a long and over written toughs latter but for now two important point :

  • YJ - that the reason you never get someone to love you truly and you get betray from them , you have a big problem to understand the different between love and owning someone , when she saw JH interesting in ANNA she did play the card that we going to start your revenge now- so stay with me:mask: , and she has that winner face when he get interesting in her talk , i think she did the same with SJ and everybody since she has a deep problem trusting and believing  in people love and loyalty  from her father complex  , she just gave the person she interesting in the things he want so much and keep making him grow his greed and  his need to her , that her way to keep them around -so that why YJ cant never understand why people betray her first even when she gave them all that and never betray them cause she dont really get that what she gave isn't love but a prison life and a rope around the person life and he cant keep  living like this for ever so he has to betray you in some point while searching for really love or a little normal feeling :unamused:
  • okay for now let me  forget the over analysis since i am going to do that a lot latter from today and i will have to reply to everyone great posts also :wink:, but something really  bother me and i want answer , my friends did we hear ANNA call JH by any name till now? ( beside ahjussi in the first ep ?) wow she had some enough scenes with him now and they getting closer but we didn't really hear her calling him by his name or anything also right ??????????:worried:

so the hardest things that i am thinking about now isn't what a complex characters we get this week or what going to happen next week , it just simply what ANNA going to call JH from now on !!!!:blush: me like  ahjussi since JH isnt his really name ( are we going to even know his really name in the end  ??)

@noona88  THat caught my attention also how YJ tried to play up on JH revenge to get him on her side which is something she has always done YJ knows that she will never own JH or he will be her loyal dog that was establish a few episodes ago but she will use his revemge to do her bidding.. YJ knows JH put that knife in Annas hands and he and Anna has that upperhand on her and JSJ right now she's fishing to see what it would takes to make JH move according to her will she still hasn't figured out it's Anna he's going to protect her at all cost because he feels her let her down in Spain.. But once she do figure it our going after Anna again or trying to hold her hostages once again will be her biggest downfall because that asst of hers will move on her oen and mess things up for good..

And simply what Anna will call jH from now on ? well I hope it's Yepbo but thats to soon but hopefully something cute that they both comfortable with.. I want to see them making up there on games like in yesterday's episode to keep them alive.

14 hours ago, nona88 said:

sorry for cutting your post ,  you right about  that ANNA has to find away to keep people around he and make them more intersting in her , that what JH was telling her that the only way to stay  a live ,

Also I think our Designer will be the one ticket to keep her alive,, It would give Anna the publicity and keep people interested in her that no one dare to touch especially if she becomes a model.. Granted she will be the only model with a full-time bodyguard and around the clocck bodyguard maybe JH can jump in some of those photos and bare it all again for us..


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one thing for  sure.. I never watch over and over villain scene.. but Song YoonAh really nail it as YooJin..

you know this is a first time in my kdrama experience.. that I watch villain scenes over and over.. Song YoonAh JJang!!!!..

no wonder I always love her.. since hotelier.. I know her.. and her villain act so awesome..

so K2 is the drama that I rewatch over and over which I never skip any scenes..

K2 is not perfect drama maybe.. but its perfect for me to watch as kdrama lover.

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10 minutes ago, Sesame Chew said:

I thought Yoona did some scenes just fine. I like how she spoke really softly when she was telling the kitten that she's also hungry and when she asked JH about the promise. I see a sullen child who wants to know more but at the same time still feeling resentful. 

Sometimes reading the synposis and taking it literally doesn't help. Just watch the drama as it unfolds. The initial episodes already gave clues about her stubborn persistence and somewhat defiant character. All the close up of her shows how she was observing and studying---and I imagine she must have played many possible scenarios in her head over and over again. So how she escaped and how she interacted with the outside world made sense for me.

Just to qualify, I'm not a Yoona fan. I was not excited about her casting. But I decided to give her the benefit of doubt. In fact, I don't like some of her earlier crying scenes though strangely, they still moved me. I just hope she won't become too vindictive later. 

Really those who watch till ep 8 and still quibble over her character development should try dropping your prejudices. You'll enjoy the drama more. No point watching and agonizing.  Better to drop the drama altogether if it's so painful to watch her because she's clearly not gonna disappear.



I think it is expected that Anna's character acts like a child. After al,l she has never really had much exposure to anyone. She very much has been completely isolated and left to in some sense wallow in her grief, pain, and insecurities. 

Thats why i think the fact that JH told her that in order to fight a foe like YJ she has to grow up and really act like an adult. 

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12 minutes ago, tessieroo said:


@klgirl - Me too, hon. I'm so over all the negative and nasty crap being said about this drama (and Yoona) that I'm no longer interested in recapping it or even reading about it. I'm just watching and enjoying it all on my own with a few Twitter people who feel the same. I've tried explaining a zillion times about the social phobia thing but because it's apparently stated in the synopsis, people take that as gospel. Pfffffttt, I can't tell you how many times a drama synopsis is total BS. :lol: Or the writer changes his/her mind and heads in a different direction - even killing off main characters! (Aurora Princess). I'm just done with people snapping at each other. 



Before K2, if you'd said I'd be defending Yoona to people, I'd have said you were talking out of your left ear.  I've read that she had people who were completely biased against her but never encountered it personally until the one poster came by and said utterly cruel things about her personal life. In all my time here on Soompi I've never come across such virulent words about a person.  It was a nasty shock and I couldn't let it go because it sounded an awful lot like cyber-bullying to me.  Yoona will never read this thread and wouldn't be hurt by it but letting people carry on saying things like that one poster is all kinds of wrong.  I've always taught my children to stand up to bullies no matter what and most especially, for others who can't or won't stand up for themselves. 

As for her acting, I watched her in Love Rain and my opinion of her was that she needed improvement but I watched K2 with an open mind hoping that she would do better (and she did). I was one of the ones who thought Uee had no talent only to be flabbergasted by her performance in Marriage Contract.  After that humbling experience, I've decided to watch idols act first in their current projects before I judge their acting ability is good or bad.  

Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to give Yoona a fair chance or to watch K2 without bias.  I'm still not her fan but it seems that I can't abide biased viewpoints so I'm probably going to be unable to ignore comments about her "foot acting" ala Fantastic.

Btw, K2 has all sorts of plot problems but I honestly don't care.  I never watched K2 with the idea that it was going to be some kind of brilliant show.  How could it with Yong Pal's writer?  In fact, I have low expectations and I watch it with only the entertainment factor and frankly - Ji Chang Wook is my main draw to K2.  Him I am a fan of and K2 can end with a stinking to high heaven finale but I'd still think it was fine because it had JCW.  See what I mean? Rabid JCW fan....come on, I watched Whirlwind Girl 2. ALL OF IT.

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20 minutes ago, valsava said:

@perfectsmilebias  Just ask for skinship and more skinship LOL

@noona88  THat caught my attention also how YJ tried to play up on JH revenge to get him on her side which is something she has always done YJ knows that she will never own JH or he will be her loyal dog that was establish a few episodes ago but she will use his revemge to do her bidding.. YJ knows JH put that knife in Annas hands and he and Anna has that upperhand on her and JSJ right now she's fishing to see what it would takes to make JH move according to her will she still hasn't figured out it's Anna he's going to protect her at all cost because he feels her let her down in Spain.. But once she do figure it our going after Anna again or trying to hold her hostages once again will be her biggest downfall because that asst of hers will move on her oen and mess things up for good..

And simply what Anna will call jH from now on ? well I hope it's Yepbo but thats to soon but hopefully something cute that they both comfortable with.. I want to see them making up there on games like in yesterday's episode to keep them alive.

Also I think our Designer will be the one ticket to keep her alive,, It would give Anna the publicity and keep people interested in her that no one dare to touch especially if she becomes a model.. Granted she will be the only model with a full-time bodyguard and around the clocck bodyguard maybe JH can jump in some of those photos and bare it all again for us..




to talk about the point made by @noona88 i want Anna to call JH oppa~  :blush: and we all know yoona's ageyo is :thumbsup: so i am looking forward to see more of such moments! PLEASE ADD THEM IN DIRECTOR!! 

But i have a feeling she will simply call him you~ rather than his name. 

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@bebebisous33  Loved reading your post 

At this point I say JSJ has to deal with the wrath of thew devil in Yj and the wrath of and angel in Anna, Somehow these roles could be reversed because the wrath of and angel could be a lot more scary then the devil.. He knows and can pretty predict what YJ is capable but on the other hand Anna the likely angel showing her wrath of a halo will be hard to predict never know when that bomb will explode.. I can't fathom even after he becomes president she will be ok with daddy letting his wife treat her like some common criminal for the insane and locking her up and yet not one time visit her he even could have send someone mailed a letter anything I don't see her letting either of them get away with this and no one can really blame her for this.. If they didn't want her around there was always orphanange plus adoptions all kins of sourses out there but they both used her as a tool.. If I was Anna I will blow they lives wide open once they reached there goals.. I think if YJ becomes first lady her very first act is to kill Anna..

It's just awesome how the writer used the characters of Anna and YJ as the wrath of heaven and hell.. ..   

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Honestly, Yoona is doing fine as Anna. She doesn't quite match up to JCW and she is stronger in some scenes. And since this isn't a live-shooting drama, I can't say that her character might have been written better if a better actress had been cast.

The main issue I have with Anna is that she has so much potential, but halfway through the drama (and honestly she has had enough screen time, she just hasn't been doing much) and she has practically done the same thing since episode 1. She has been running away to try to connect with her dad and she has been saved by Jeha again and again and AGAIN. 

And when it comes to other significant choices and actions, it has been Jeha that has taken the initiative. 

He was the one that was able to accomplish the father-daughter reunion. This thing that Anna has been fighting for almost all her life, and in the end she isn't the one who accomplishes her own goal.

Jeha is also the one that makes the first move against YJ not Anna. Where is the Yoona vs. Yoona??? After Anna leaves the hospital she seems to have no plans, she doesn't seem exceptionally depressed, so why does she have so little initiative as a character? Jeha is the one who comes up with the press conference idea, he is the one who sets it all up.

I blame this all on bad writing. Anna's character has a lot of potential. But becausse, I suspect, the writer wants Anna to remain as "innocent" and child-like (infantalized) as much as possible and wants Jeha to be the ultimate hero all the time, he has cut down Anna's agency as a character. 

In the end she is a reactionary character, not a proactive one. She reacts to the cruelness of some and depends on the kindness of others (mainly Jeha). 

Maybe Anna's characterization will improve, but I'm still not invested in her character as of yet ane it's been 8 episodes. Sure, I pity her, but that's it.

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